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Short Note:

A) Breach of contract: Failure by one party to a contract to uphold their part of the deal. A breach of contract will make the whole contract void and can lead to damages being awarded against the party which is in breach. Types of Contract as per below: 1. Express Contract 2. Implied contract 3. Executed Contract 4. UNIX lateral and by lateral contract 5. Alienator Contract 6. Void Contract 7. Void able Contract. B) Coercion: The synonym of coercion can be violence, pressure etc. In other words, violent force is also used to mean coercion. In general coercion is an act. By a human or humans against the will or with out the permission of another human being with respect to that which is his or her own. The absence of free consent or volunteer relationship provides scope to invite coercive behavior. It is know that free consent, is one of the essential elements of the law of contract. It some one dose some things to the body or property of some one else without there percussion or against their will that is what we mean by coercion, coercive force of violence in this context. So to make any contractual agreement it is necessary ensure this free of coercion. C) Acceptance: The unconditional agreement to an offer this creates the contract. Before acceptance, any offer can be withdrawn, but once accepted the contract is binding on both sides. Any conditions have the effect of a counter offer that must be accepted by the other party. D) Business Law: Business law encompasses the law governing contracts, sales, commercial paper, agency and employment law, business organizations, property, and bailments. Business law may include issues such as starting, selling, or buying a small business, managing a business, dealing with employees, or dealing with contracts, among others. Business law is the general field of law relating to business organization, business structures, and business transactions. E) Offer: There must be an offer and an acceptance to the offer, resulting into is agreement. Both offer and acceptance should be lawful.
Offer and acceptance analysis is a traditional approach in contract law used to determine whether an agreement exists between two parties. Agreement consists of an offer by an indication of one person (the "offeror") to another (the "offeree") of the offeror's willingness to enter into a contract on certain terms without further negotiations. A contract is said to come into existence when acceptance of an offer (agreement to the terms in it) has been communicated to the offeror by the offeree and there has been consideration bargained-for induced by promises or a promise and performance. The offer and acceptance formula, developed in the 19th century, identifies a moment of formation when the parties are of one mind. This classical approach to contract formation has been weakened by developments in the law of estoppel, misleading conduct, misrepresentation and unjust enrichme.

4. What is the Legal Responsibility of a Corporate Manager? Ans: Complainer with the pace of corporate ideation of business ant ion it is common requirement to maintain legal responselibitity faced in the corporate informant. As corporate managers comprising deafer sectors life general administration procumbent, belling, budgeting, cash management, internal control, internal and external Audit, SHR, Production, promos ion , advantaging, logistics R&D. So to make the organization fulfill end its it profit maximization goal. Covering in the legal requested the manager should have same regal responsibilities to bear. To ducted and analyses possible likely responsibilities of corporate manager the fooling futures should be taken care: - i) Ethical Standards ii) professional Standard iii) Rules and regulation available. iv) Frame works and Transparence v) Frame works and Accountability. I) Coronate social responsibility vii) others. 1. if you go back to the history through reaches and the am development once civilization advocated a concept named indujecial which various that a) Ever person ought to benefit him self or herself. b) And objective human neater provides standers of guidelines to benefit every one c) the above thinking proves and ethical level of self development, self perfection with a great her role. So ethical standers needs to be maintains in the manage real frame works. Based on which the corporate manager will be guided to keep them self legal responsibilities. 2. Professional standard some how people by corporate managers to insure it legal responsibilities. for example: job description, job specification, chartered of duties, some requisite like, competence, integrity, due care, etc. can be applied to guide and make the corporate managers legal response bole. 3. Rules and regulation may cover both internal and external combination these are managers responsibility to about by the actable rules and regulations. 4. Transparency can be projected by there and fail view of any activity. If it is ensure in a three sixty Method 360 insuring total manager meant then this is that frame works which is a legal obligation to the corporate manager. 5. Any goods Govt. require mainly two thumps transparence & accountability followed and established by corporate manager. 6. As over all goodness was draughts from classic individual observing the free market, economic? Now a days one ideally proposition is be advocated and exercise. Corporate entity this proposition needs to be handled as legal obligated. The proposition is regarding social responsibility of the manager. if was question that whether business people need ethics of morality as a free requisit.but now a days it is evident that as less ethical as elasticity is the higher is the leach in profit maximization goal. The above discussion directions us to the set of franc works, pre requisites based or which the legal responsibility of corporate managers are ensures.

Define low? What are the basic concepts of rule of law? Descried in brief. Ans: low is something which man ought to obey for many reasons and chiefly because every law is both a discovery and a gift of god, and teaching of wise men and setting right or wrong intended and not intended, but also common agreement of the state according which every one in the state ought to live. Law is the command of the political superior, i.e sovereign, to the political inferior. Law is the rule of external human action enforced by the sovereign political authority.

1) It is essential and sufficing for any society or stage. 2) Enjoy the environment containing rule of law. 3) This rules of law mains the govt. of law lot of male. The idea of rule of law has been around for a long time. Many societies, inducing our own, have development institutions and producers to try to make the rule of law a reality. These institutions and procedures have contributed to the definition of what makes up the rule of law and what is necessary to achieve it . According to magna carta (1215) No free men shall b taken or imperious or exude or in any way distal way, nor will we go upon him or shale upon him, except, by the law just judgerment of his person by the land. In others words the following pre-requisites can be prioritized to make up the set of rule of law. a) Judicial independent. b) Right to council c) Openness of authority organize d) Transparence e) Accountability in fact our agreement as city zens to obey the law to mention our social or deer is some time describe as an sestina part of the social contract. This means that in return for the benefit of social order us arguer to live according to certain laws of rules. The over all Inver mental frame work ensuring this is turnover as rule of law.

5. Write the Chronology and History of Commercial law n Bangladesh.

An essential condition for adequate knowledge of an ancient people Is the possession of a continuous historical tradition in the form of oral? Or written records. This, however, in spite of the mass of contemporaneous Documents of almost every sort, which the spade of the excavator has Unearthed and the skill of the scholar deciphered, is not available for Scientific study of Babylonian or Assyrian antiquity. From the far-off Morning of the beginnings of the two peoples to their fall, no historians Appeared to gather up the memorials of their past, to narrate and preserve The annals of these empires, to hand down their achievements to later days. Consequently, where contemporaneous records fail, huge gaps occur in the Course of historical development, to be bridged over only partially by the Combination of a few facts with more or less ingenious inferences or Conjectures. Sometimes what has been preserved from a particular age? Reveals clearly enough the artistic or religious elements of its life, but Offers only vague hints of its political activity and progress. The true Perspective of the several periods is sometimes lost, as when really Critical epochs in the history of these peoples are dwarfed and distorted by A lack of sources of knowledge, while others, less significant, but Plentifully stocked with a variety of available material, bulk large and Assume an altogether unwarranted prominence. For the chronology of Babylonian history before that time, the Sources are exceedingly meagre, and all results, depending as they do upon Calculation and inference from uncertain data, must be regarded as Precarious. Numerous royal inscriptions exist, but connections between the Kings mentioned are not easy to establish, and paleographic evidence, which Must be invoked to determine the relative age of the documents, yields often Ambiguous responses. A fixed point, indeed, in this chaos seems to be Offered in a statement made by Nabuna'id, a king of the New Babylonian Empire. In searching for the foundations of the sun temple at Sippar, he Came, to use his own words, upon "the foundation-stone of Naram Sin, which No king before me had found for 3200 years." As the date of the discovery is Fixed at about 550 B.C., Naram Sin, king of Agade, whose name and Inscriptions are known, may be placed at about 3750 B.C., and his father, Sargon, at about 3800 B.C. While much questioning has naturally been raised Concerning the accuracy and trustworthiness of this date thus obtained, no Valid reasons for discarding it have been presented. It affords a Convenient and useful point from which to reckon backward and forward in the Uncertain periods from the third to the fifth millennium B.C. By all these Aids, to which are added some genealogical statements in the inscriptions, A series of dynasties has been worked out for this early age, and their Chronological relations to one another tentatively determined. 03. What are the major Types of Contracts? Descried any three of those.

Ans: There are major types of contracts is 1) Contracts under Seal 2) Express Contracts 3) Implied Contracts 4) Executed and Executors Contracts 5) Bilateral and Unilateral Contracts 6) Unconscionable Contracts 7) Adhesion Contracts 8) Aleatory Contracts 9) A voidable contract

Contracts under Seal Traditionally, a contract was an enforceable legal document only if it was stamped with a seal. The seal represented that the parties intended the agreement to entail legal consequences. No legal benefit or detriment to any party was required, as the seal was a symbol of the solemn acceptance of the legal effect and consequences of the agreement. In the past, all contracts were required to be under seal in order to be valid, but the seal has lost some or all of its effect by statute in many jurisdictions. Recognition by the courts of informal contracts, such as implied contracts, has also diminished the importance and employment of formal contracts under seal. Express Contracts In an express contract, the parties state the terms, either orally or in writing, at the time of its formation. There is a definite written or oral offer that is accepted by the offered (i.e., the person to whom the offer is made) in a manner that explicitly demonstrates consent to its terms. Executed and Executor Contracts An executed contract is one in which nothing remains to be done by either party. The phrase is, to a certain extent, a misnomer because the completion of performances by the parties signifies that a contract no longer exists. An executor contract is one in which some future act or obligation remains to be performed according to its terms.

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