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lrlerral|ora| rar|el|rg ard

Facu|ly ol 6us|ress ard LaW
lrlroduclory ooo|
Seresler 1 2012
Pub||shed by
un|vers|ty of $outhern 0ueens|and
TooWoomba 0ueens|and 4350
ur|vers|ly ol Soul|err 0ueers|ard, 2012.1.
Copyr|g|led raler|a|s reproduced |ere|r are used urder l|e prov|s|ors ol l|e Ccpyright Act 1908 as arerded, or
as a resu|l ol app||cal|or lo l|e copyr|g|l oWrer.
|o parl ol l||s puo||cal|or ray oe reproduced, slored |r a relr|eva| sysler or lrarsr|lled |r ary lorr or oy ary
rears e|eclror|c, rec|ar|ca|, p|olocopy|rg, record|rg or ol|erW|se W|l|oul pr|or perr|ss|or.
Produced oy l|e Learr|rg Resources 0eve|oprerl ard Supporl Cerlre us|rg l|e lCE Puo||s||rg Sysler.
Tao|e ol corlerls
Essent|a| |nformat|on 1
|ntroduct|on 2
we|core 2
Course persorre| 2
Course overv|eW 4
Course resources 4
Facu|ty of us|ness and LaW gu|de||nes 9
$tudy schedu|e 11
Assessment 13
Assessrerl dela||s 13
0r||re acl|v|ly 13
Reporls 13
Suor|ss|or dela||s 14
Exar|ral|or 14
Assessrerl gu|de||res 14
Reporl 1 10
Reporl 2 21

MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 1
Esserl|a| |rlorral|or
The topics in the Iollowing list provide important information that will assist you with
your study. You can access a handout containing the inIormation on your StudyDesk through
the Essential inIormation (study materials)` link
~. You will need your UConnect username and password to access the Iile. Please make sure
you read this inIormation careIully beIore commencing your study.
Getting started
Course speciIication
Assignment submission
Grading levels
Course evaluation
Residential schools
ReIerencing APA
ReIerencing Harvard AGPS
Optional purchase oI study materials
USQ policies and procedures
University of Southern Queensland
2 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Welcome to the course MKT8002 International marketing. This course is designed to
provide you with Iurther understanding oI marketing Irom an international perspective.
The introductory material explains the objectives and the content oI the course.
Description oI each report is incorporated so that you know what should be done and when is
the deadline Ior each report.
You have to remember that the study modules are not a textbook. First, they are intended to
help students better identiIy and understand key concepts and ideas about international
marketing. To achieve this, a conceptual Iramework and its key elements are presented Ior
each module. Second, study modules attempt to complement the textbook, not to expound it.
To use the study modules in an eIIective way, you are requested:
to Iollow the instructions given in the materials
to put yourselI in the position oI an international marketer.
Please listen to the introductory presentation Ior this course.
Course persorre|
Course lear |eader - Er|c |g
Welcome to the School oI Management and Marketing. I have had
experience at teaching marketing and management courses at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Prior to joining academia, I
have worked in a variety oI Iields in many roles that include
business consultant, marketing manager, business planner with
companies in Asia and in Australia.
I have a Bachelor oI Business Degree majoring in Marketing and a
MBA with concentration in e-Commerce and International
Business. My doctorate degree was in the area oI marketing. My
key research interests are in the areas oI B2B marketing,
international business and marketing, agribusiness, and tourism
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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 3
I hope you will Iind this course both interesting and rewarding.
Good luck with your studies.
Course roderalor - Ve||ssa Jo|rsor Vorgar
Welcome to University and to the Faculty oI Business. I have
taught marketing to undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA and
PhD students in Australia, Malaysia, South America, North
America, China and Taipei. I began my teaching career in Australia
and then moved to the USA where I lived and worked Ior six and a
halI years. I have worked as a consultant Ior on-line curriculum
development at several major universities both in Australia and the
USA, and my predominant teaching interests have been Global
Marketing, eCommerce, Marketing Strategy and Consumer
Behaviour. I completed my PhD in the area oI sports marketing and
consumer behaviour and have a continued interest in both these
areas, though I also enjoy working in the areas oI experiential
consumption, eMarketing and eCommerce.
Marketing is a Iascinating subject both Irom a business and a social perspective. I would
encourage you to take a marketing class or consider a marketing major as the skills you will
develop will make you a valuable asset to the global business community. I wish you the very
best oI luck with your studies at USQ and please do not hesitate to contact me iI I can be oI
assistance to you.
University of Southern Queensland
4 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Course overv|eW
Course resources
Sludy raler|a|s
This introductory material provides a general overview oI the course, administrative
inIormation and details oI the course assessment. The study modules are the major learning
resource and provide a guide to the text and other associated resources.
II you wish to order an optional print copy oI the study modules (study book) please contact
the or phone: 07 4631 2742. Please note that these materials
will be printed on demand and that may cause short delays in providing the package.
University of Southern Queensland
MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 5
Kotabe, M & Helsen, K 2010, Global marketing management, 5th edn, John Wiley &
Sons, New Jersey.
Summers, J & Smith, B 2010, Communication skills handbook, 3rd edn, John Wiley &
Sons, Milton, Queensland.
0l|er recorrerded relererce raler|a|s
Cateora, PR, Gilly, MC & Graham, JL 2011, International marketing, 15th edn, McGraw-Hill
Irwin, New York.
Gillespie, K & Hennessey, HD 2011, Global marketing, 3rd edn, Cengage Learning, Mason,
Hollensen, S 2011, Global marketing: a decision-oriented approach, 2nd edn, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, England.
Keegan, WJ & Green, MC 2011, Global marketing, 11th edn, Pearson, Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey.
Lee, K & Carter, S 2009, Global marketing management, 2nd edn, OxIord University Press,
New York.
Re|aled lrlerrel resources
Please view the USQ Library Searching the Internet eIIectively presentation Ior
this course.
In relation to Internet resources, students should have access to the Iollowing library
1. Databases such as:
EBSCOhost MegaFILE Premier in particular, Academic Search Premier, Business
Source Premier
FACTIVA Ior media publications.
2. Internet resources selected by Faculty librarians. (NB Access to these resources is via
UConnect but is provided to you without aIIecting your download quota.)
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6 MKT8002 nternational marketing
lrlerrel s|les
This website contains vital country inIormation statistics, and market inIormation, it is also
linked to the AUSTRADE site. Very highly recommended.
The Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE); Australia`s oIIicial export instrumentality
provides inIormation speciIically Ior students on this site which is highly recommended. It
oI course provides inIormation Ior all exporters, but prior to the development oI this site,
students sometimes had diIIiculty in obtaining inIormation Irom AUSTRADE.
The Export Finance and Insurance Corporation site provides up to date inIormation on
country risk and trade insurance and Iinancing Ior Australian exporters. Again, highly
Tradeport is described as the place to go iI you are interested in international trade, and it
surely is. Go to market research` within Tradeport and you will Iind lots oI things about
international business and travel. II you then click on the County Library` picture, you will
Iind a vast amount oI inIormation about any country. It has everything the US Government
has about the country at your Iinger tips, including the Iabulous Background Notes` and
Economic Trends and Outlook`. In brieI, this is an incredible but true and free resource
for international marketers.
This is the best country risk site you could possibly imagine. Go to Expected Returns and
Volatility Ior 135 Markets: Background` and then ask Ior the Iirst graph to get a graph oI
political risk and other Iorms oI risk, Ior each country. However, it is a little hard to
understand and may not be up-to-date. It has a long paper explaining country risk which is a
good tutorial about how it is calculated, iI you ask Ior Text`. A little beauty in some
respects but hard to get on top of for a busy visitor.
HoIstede 2009,
University of Southern Queensland
MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 7
This is the site oI the United States` Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)! It has some thing
like a Iairly good encyclopaedia entry Ior each country with statistics about the population,
the economy, transport, etc. For example, it gives the number oI phones and television sets,
and the number oI miles oI railway. It is reasonably good Ior a detailed glimpse oI a country,
but other sites will have to be used to give the context oI the statistics, that is, to flesh out
the bald facts which the CIA provides. So do not make this your Iirst port oI call.
This site is a must Ior anyone in business who can aIIord the $US40 per quarter it costs.
STAT-USA/Internet, a service oI the US Department oI Commerce, is the site Ior the US
business, economic and trade community, providing authoritative inIormation Irom the
Federal government. You can get all the statistics and inIormation you could need Ior
virtually any country in the world. For example, it gives international trade statistics Ior any
industry. At the site, click on Globus & NTDB` (aIter you have registered and sent in your
credit card number, oI course). The NTDB (National Trade Data Bank) provides access to
Country Commercial Guides, Market Research reports, Best Market reports. The NTDB also
provides US import and export statistics, as well as over 75 other various reports and
programs. It`s International Trade library is a gold mine comprehensive collection oI over
40 000 documents related to international trade, including country analysis brieIs. All are Iull
text searchable, as well as key word searchable by country or product. A must for
businesses, especially those trading with the United States.
This has a good, succinct introduction Ior each country in its Countries and regions` section
that links together the statistics into a coherent whole.
Business Review Weeklv
European Journal of Marketing
Harvard Business Review
Industrial Marketing Management
International Marketing Review
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Strategic Marketing
University of Southern Queensland
8 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Please view the USQ Library catalogue and database presentations Ior this
Supplementary material to assist in your study oI this course is available through the USQ
Library. The Library contact details are:
OII-Campus Library Service
Phone: 1800 063632 (Iree call to students in Australia outside the 07 Toowoomba zone)
07 4631 2589 (students in the Toowoomba zone or overseas)
Fax: 07 4631 2920
Email: or at the web site:
Course slruclure
The course and its assessment have been designed to:
examine and strategically apply the key concepts and principles oI international
marketing to real-world practices
critically evaluate the global marketing environments and their impact on businesses, to
develop clearly justiIied global marketing strategies
critically analyse, evaluate and strategically apply gathered inIormation to persuasively
support a strategic international marketing plan
enhance student skills in report preparation.
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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 9
Course |cors
Below is a list oI icons used in this course and a description oI what they mean:
There is a presentation Ior you to see that introduces you to the content
covered in the Iollowing module or section. This will usually be
accompanied by the heading Presentation`. Click on the adjacent
hyperlinked text to go directly to this presentation.
There is a reading activity that is essential Ior your understanding oI the
course material. II this involves a selected reading click on the adjacent
hyperlinked text.
There is an audio explanation to help you understand the concept you have
just read about or explain a diagram. Click on the play button Ior this audio
There is an interactive exercise that relates to the adjacent or activity that
will help you understand the inIormation. Click on the play button to view
this interactive exercise or Iollow the adjacent instructions.
This means stop and review the material you have been studying.
Facu|ly ol 6us|ress ard LaW gu|de||res
Students should read USQ Regulations pertaining to Assessment and Academic Misconduct
Ior Iurther inIormation and to avoid actions which might contravene University Regulations.
These regulations can be Iound at Students should
also read the Faculty oI Business and Law Guide to Policies and Procedures which can be
Iound at

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10 MKT8002 nternational marketing

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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 11
Sludy sc|edu|e
Week Module Activity/Reading Assessment
27 Feb - 2 Mar
Module 1 Introduction to
globalisation and global
Text: chapter 1
5-9 March
Module 2 Global economic
and Iinancial environment
SR 2.1
12-16 March
Module 3 Global cultural
environment and buying
Text: chapter 4
19-23 March
Module 4 Global political
and legal environment
Text: chapter 5 Online activity
Due: 23 March 2012
Reminder: End of week 4 is the last date to drop S1 courses without academic or financial penalty.
26-30 March
Module 5 Global marketing
Text: chapter 6
2-6 April
9-13 April
16-20 April
Module 6 Global
segmentation and positioning
Text: chapter 7
Reminder: End of week 8 is the last date to drop S1 courses without academic penalty.
23-27 April
Module 7 Global marketing
Text: chapter 8 Report 1
Due: 23 April 2012
30 Apr - 4 May
Module 8 Global market
entry strategies
Text: chapter 9
7-11 May
Module 9 Global product
and branding decisions
Text: chapters 10 &
14-18 May
Module 10 Global pricing
SR 10.1
21-25 May
Module 11 Global
communication decisions
Text: chapter 13
28 May - 1 1une
Module 12 Global logistics
and distribution decisions
Text: chapter 15
4-8 1une
Module 13 Sales, export
and import management
Text: chapters 14 &
Report 2
Due: 12 June 2012
11-25 1une

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12 MKT8002 nternational marketing

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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 13
Assessrerl dela||s
Description Marks out of Wtg() Due date
ONLINE ACTIVITY 5 5.00 23 March 2012 (See note 1)
REPORT 1 100 35.00 23/04/12
REPORT 2 100 60.00 12/06/12
1. Students are required to complete the Online Activity by the due date. The Online
Activity will be available Irom the UConnect Study Desk. Students will not be permitted
to attempt the Online Activity aIter the due date.
0r||re acl|v|ly
There will be one Online Activity, which is worth 5 oI the overall assessment. The Online
Activity will be available to students during the Iollowing period.
27 February 2012, 8:00am (AEST) to the 23 March 2012, 23:59pm (AEST).
Students may wish to complete the Online Activity at a time (during the time period
available) that is suitable to them. However, students are reminded that they WILL NOT be
permitted to attempt the Online Activity aIter the due date (i.e. 23 March 2012, 23.59pm
The Online Activity requires students to complete a selI-diagnostic test on teamwork. The
Online Activity provides students with some basic understanding oI teamwork and the
diIIerent roles that one can take on.
There are two reports: report 1 is worth 35 and report 2 is worth 60 oI the overall
assessment respectively. These two reports are inter-related and when completed will Iorm
the strategic international marketing plan. The reports are to be completed in a group which
will be assigned to students. Detailed inIormation on the reports will be provided at the
subsequent section.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is essential that students read through and understand the
requirements for reports 1 and 2 prior to working on them.
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14 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Suor|ss|or dela||s
Electronic assignment submission
For this course you are required to submit your reports electronically via EASE.
Reports can be electronically submitted via links provided on the Study Desk Ior your
course. Be sure to label your report Iiles careIully and please note that you can submit each
report once only.
You will receive a conIirmation message when your report has been submitted.
II you are unable to submit your reports electronically please contact your
course team leader to make alternative arrangements.
There is no end-oI-semester examination Ior this course.
Assessrerl gu|de||res
Slraleg|es lo avo|d ur|rlerl|ora| p|ag|ar|sr
All Australian universities take a strong stance in relation to academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism`, allowing the reader oI your assignment to assume that other people's work is
your own, is arguably the most common instance oI academic dishonesty. This impression
can be unintentional, so it is advisable to careIully review your work prior to submission.
CareIully read the plagiarism inIormation Ior students which can be accessed at to identiIy strategies that you can use to
ensure that you do not unintentionally leave the impression in your readers` mind that
material you have incorporated Irom elsewhere is your own work.
Relererc|rg ol|er Wor|s |r your reporl
Please view the USQ Library Harvard AGPS reIerencing presentation Ior this
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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 15
ReIerencing other works in your written work, citations or in-text reIerences are used to
inIorm the reader oI the source oI your inIormation. The Faculty oI Business and Law preIers
the Harvard AGPS reIerencing style Ior acknowledging the publications that you have used
in your written work.
lrleracl|ve relererc|rg exerc|ses
Good quality writing requires you to give details oI the sources you have used in Iormulating
your ideas and displays these in a clear and consistent Iormat.
We provide Ior you on this CD a series oI interactive exercises designed to help you in
completing your assignment work more successIully. We do this by providing you an
opportunity to practice the new Harvard AGPS reIerencing style.
There are 13 diIIerent exercises covering the Iollowing publication types:
Book 1 author, 2 authors
chapter in an edited book
journal 2 authors, 4 authors
conIerence paper
government publication
web site
electronic online discussion
electronic journal article.
Each exercise uses the drag and drop` principle, where you can move text boxes across the
screen to complete the reIerence. This will give you practice recognising the correct Iormat
and laying out, accurate punctuation and reIerence structure.
Harvard reIerencing exercises
II you need Iurther inIormation about reIerencing please reIer to the USQ Library web site
Ior reIerencing guides in the Harvard AGPS style ~.
University of Southern Queensland
16 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Reporl 1
Description Marks out
Wtg() Due date Objectives
REPORT 1 100.00 35.00 23/04/12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 G1, G2,
G4, G5,
G10, G11
Level 3 -
IMPORTANT NOTE: All students are to complete this report in a group assigned to them.
Top|c - Slraleg|c |rlerral|ora| rar|el|rg p|ar (Parl A)
There are two tasks to be completed in Report 1. It is important that students Iollow the
Iormat and guidelines as outlined below.
Task 1 - Strategic international marketing plan
Length: No more than 3000 words (appendices extra).
This is the Iirst oI a two part strategic international marketing plan Ior a product or service to
be launched in a Ioreign country market. Students are required to choose a product or
service, and the new Ioreign country market it will be launched in. Students are required to
complete the work in an assigned group.
The objective is to provide students with the opportunity to apply the key concepts oI
international marketing to a real world marketing challenge. This Iirst part oI the strategic
international marketing plan emphasizes the need to understand the global environments as
an essential Iirst step in preparing a strategic international marketing plan.
Task 2 - Teamwork process
Length: No more than 1000 words
The purpose oI this task is to provide students with the opportunity to Iurther develop their
teamwork skills. This task requires students to clearly outline a plan Ior their team to
successIully complete the strategic international marketing plan (i.e. reports 1 and 2).
Forral ard gu|de||res
The report should be structured according to the Iollowing Iormat and also in accordance
with the presentation guidelines (pp. 1113) as outlined in the Communication skills
handbook (2010).
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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 17
Slraleg|c |rlerral|ora| rar|el|rg p|ar
Letter of transmittal
Title page
Table of contents
Introduction this section should clearly state the purpose, limitations and scope oI the
Background this section should introduce the product or service to be marketed in the
Ioreign country market you have selected and provide relevant inIormation about its
background. The Iollowing issues should be addressed.
Introduce the company that will launch the product or service.
Description oI the product or service including its Ieatures and beneIits.
Rationale Ior selecting this product or service.
Background on the selected Ioreign country market.
Rationales/reasons Ior introducing the product or service into the selected Ioreign
country market (e.g. growing trend in the selected Ioreign market).
Environmental analysis this section is to analyse the external environment (i.e.
economic and Iinancial, cultural, political and legal) oI the selected Ioreign country
market and should address the Iollowing:
Analyse the relevant Iactors in the economic and Iinancial environment and discuss
the outcomes and their potential marketing implications Ior your company or
Analyse the relevant Iactors in the cultural environment and discuss the outcomes
and their potential marketing implications Ior your company or product/service.
Analyse the relevant Iactors in the political and legal environment and discuss the
outcomes and their potential marketing implications Ior your company or
Conclusions this section should essentially summarise the main points and Iindings oI
the report.
List of references this section should include all reIerence materials used in the report.
Harvard AGPS reIerencing style should be used in the report.
TearWor| process
This task DOES NOT have to be presented in a report Iormat, but instead using tables (a
template will be available via the course homepage) to present the required inIormation.
Role and task this section should clearly deIine the agreed role oI each team member
and the tasks to be perIormed. The Iollowing issues should be addressed.
DeIine all the tasks to be perIormed.
Allocate the tasks to each team member.
DeIine the role oI each team member.
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18 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Communication this section should clearly outline the communication protocol and
the meeting strategies Ior the team. The Iollowing issues should be addressed.
Establish a clear communication protocol between team members. For example how
and what communication channels are used.
Outline team meeting strategies, including the Irequency oI meetings, the Iocus oI
each meeting and so on.
Planning this section should provide a detailed plan Ior accomplishing the strategic
international marketing plan. The Iollowing issues should be addressed.
Provide a detailed plan, including the time schedule Ior completing the reports.
Discuss the key issues/risks that may interIere with the completion oI the reports, and
provide strategies to address them, including appropriate justiIications.
wor|group a||ocal|or lor l|e slraleg|c |rlerral|ora| rar|el|rg p|ar
(reporls 1 ard 2)
The allocation oI the workgroup Ior the strategic international marketing plan is expected to
be completed by the 12 March 2012 (8:00am, AEST). Students are required to login to the
course homepage to view their assigned workgroup and group members as Iollow.
Login to the course homepage. Then click on 'Report - Workgroup Allocation under
the 'Assessment section.
Contact your group members immediately to begin your report.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is very important that students who have added/dropped this
course aIter the workgroups have been Iinalised (i.e. 12 March 2012), to contact the course
examiner immediately to notiIy their circumstance so that appropriate actions can be taken to
make changes to the workgroups (iI necessary). It remains the responsibility oI the students
to inIorm the course examiner oI their enrolment status. Also, iI you are aware oI any oI your
group members dropping out oI the course, please contact the course examiner immediately.
Link to the Harvard reIerencing exercises to help you review this reIerencing
Review the presentations relating to the using the Library resources: Searching
the Library catalogue, using the Library databases and searching the Internet.
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Var||rg cr|ler|a lor reporl 1
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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 21
Reporl 2
Description Marks out
Wtg() Due date Objectives
REPORT 2 100.00 60.00 12/06/12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 G1, G2,
G4, G5,
G10, G11
Level 3 -
Top|c - Slraleg|c |rlerral|ora| rar|el|rg p|ar (Parl 6)
There are two tasks to be completed in Report 2. It is important that students Iollow the
Iormat and guidelines as outlined below.
Task 1 - Strategic international marketing plan (Part B)
Length: No more than 4000 words excluding the content in Report 1 which is to be
integrated into Report 2. Please reIer to the Format and guidelines` section below Ior more
detailed inIormation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All students are to complete this task in the same group as assigned
in their Report 1.
This is the second part oI the strategic international marketing plan to be developed by
students which extends Report 1 Task 1. With the background inIormation and the
understanding oI the environment in Report 1, the emphasis oI this second part oI the
strategic international marketing plan is on the target market and competitive analyses, and
the development oI appropriate market entry strategy as well as the international marketing
mix strategies Ior the product or service that will be launched in the selected Ioreign country
market (identiIied in Report 1).
Task 2 - Self and team reflection
Length: No more than 600 words
IMPORTANT NOTE: All students are to complete and submit this task individually.
The purpose oI this task is to provide students with the opportunity to selI reIlect on the
teamwork activities that they have been involved in during the process oI preparing the
strategic international marketing plan (i.e. reports 1 and 2). This task requires students to
reIlect on the teamwork activities/processes Irom both their individual and team
perspectives. In addition, students are also required to complete a peer assessment Ior each oI
their team members. It should be noted that the Iinalised marks may be adjusted as a result oI
the peer assessment outcome and will be strictly at the discretion oI the course examiner.
Forral ard gu|de||res
The report should be structured according to the Iollowing Iormat and also in accordance
with the presentation guidelines (pp. 1113) as outlined in the Communication skills
handbook (2010).
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22 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Slraleg|c |rlerral|ora| rar|el|rg p|ar
Letter of transmittal
Title page
Executive summary this section should state the major purpose, the method oI
analysis, the Iindings and recommendations oI the entire report (including those
presented in Report 1). It should not be more than 1 page in length.
Table of contents
Introduction this section should clearly state the purpose, limitations and scope oI the
Background include this section from vour Report 1 with minimal changes. This
particular section WILL NOT be assessed but rather to provide the reader with the
necessarv background information.
Environmental analysis include this section from vour Report 1 with minimal changes.
This particular section WILL NOT be assessed but rather to provide the reader with the
necessarv information.
Target market and competitive analysis this section should identiIy ONE target
market segment (within the selected foreign countrv market in vour Report 1) and
provide adequate justiIications Ior its selection, and analyse the competitive situation
Iacing the company in the selected target market segment. The Iollowing issues should be
IdentiIy the target market segment and provide appropriate justiIications to its
selection. Your selected target market segment can be based on a combination of.
demographic (e.g. gender, income, education), geographic (e.g. region, citv si:e,
climate), psvchographic (e.g. lifestvles, personalitv attributes) or behavioural (e.g.
price sensitivitv, end use, occasion, benefit expectations) variables.
Analyse the target market segment conditions (e.g. demand and potential,
consumer/business buying habits).
Describe and analyse the key competitors (preIerably 2 most signiIicant ones).
Compare and contrast the product or service with the key competitors` product or
service (e.g. Ieatures, packaging, pricing, promotion and advertising methods).
Target market entry strategy this section is to identiIy the appropriate market entry
strategy Ior the target market. Adequate justiIications to the market entry strategy are
Recommendations this section should provide recommendations on appropriate
international marketing mix strategies (i.e. the 4Ps strategies) Ior the selected target
market. JustiIications on the recommendations are required. The Iollowing issues should
be addressed.
Discuss the international product strategy (e.g. product standardisation, product
adaptation, product branding) and provide appropriate justiIications Ior your
Discuss the international pricing strategy (e.g. market skimming, market pricing,
penetration pricing) and provide appropriate justiIications Ior your recommendation.
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MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 23
Discuss the international promotional/communication strategy (e.g. advertising, sales
promotions, direct marketing) and provide appropriate justiIications Ior your
Discuss the international logistics and distribution strategy (e.g. distribution system,
channel and relationships, integrated, independent logistics, transportation,
warehousing) and provide appropriate justiIications Ior your recommendation.
Conclusions this section should essentially summarise the main points and Iindings in
the entire report, including the recommendations.
List of references this section should include all reIerence materials used in the report.
Harvard AGPS reIerencing style should be used in the report.
Se|l ard lear rel|ecl|or
This task DOES NOT have to be presented in a report Iormat, but instead using tables (a
template will be available via the course homepage) to present the required inIormation.
Self reflection this section should clearly provide a selI reIlection on the teamwork
activities/processes that the student has been involved in during the process oI preparing
the strategic international marketing plan. The Iollowing issues should be addressed.
A thorough selI reIlection on your own perIormance based on the key dimensions
(i.e. cooperation, leadership, motivation, coaching, inIluencing and delegating).
Analyse your own perIormance and explain how the experience has aIIected your
selI-understanding and on others.
Explain how you might improve your perIormance.
Reflection on team this section should provide your reIlection on the team
perIormance during the process oI preparing the strategic international marketing plan.
The Iollowing issues should be addressed.
A thorough reIlection on the team's perIormance as a whole on the basis oI the key
dimensions (i.e. communication protocols, meeting schedules, time management, role
deIinition, task allocation and sharing).
Analyse the team's perIormance and explain how the experience has aIIected your
understanding oI teamwork.
Explain how the team might improve its perIormance.
Peer assessrerl
Students must complete a peer assessment Ior EACH oI the team members, and this can be
done via the course homepage as Iollow.
Login to the course homepage. Then click on 'Report 2 - Peer Assessment under the
'Assessment section.
University of Southern Queensland
24 MKT8002 nternational marketing
Var||rg cr|ler|a lor reporl 2
University of Southern Queensland
MKT8002 nternational marketing and management 25
University of Southern Queensland
26 MKT8002 nternational marketing
University of Southern Queensland

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