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1.(Points: 4.

0) Explaining the reasons for a request, providing evidence that a proposal will be successfull, and avoiding making rash, careless statements are all guidelines for a leader when exercising what? 1. Consideration 2. Discretion 3. Expert power 4. Organizational power
2. Which of the following is a complex form of organizational design that attempts to take advantage of two types of structure at the same time? 1. Bureaucratic structures 2. Matrix structures 3. Multi-divisional structures 4. Binary structures 3. Which of the following statements about span of control is true? 1. The optimum span of control is 6-10 direct reports, regardless of the situation. 2. Span of control reflecs where decisions are formally made in organizations. 3. A very narrow span of control typically equates to high performance. 4. A very wide span of control typically equates to low performance. 4. Which of the following traits or characteristics is not linked to either leader emergence or leader effectiveness? 1. Neurotocism 2. Agreeableness 3. Cognitive ability 4. Stress tolerance

5. In an election, a candidate introduces a religous or moral debate as a campaign issue. His/her hope is that this tactic will appeal to voters values and ideals, and they will have a positive attitude toward the candidate, and thereby vote for him/her. This is an example of what? 1. Coalition building 2. Inspirational appeal 3. Apprising 4. None of the above

6. . You are the senior executive for a social service charity that serves the homeless in downtown Atlanta. Because of a recession, you are faced with a sharp drop in funding and have to decide whether to cut the numbers of homeless people served, or cut employees and try to continue to serve the same number. Here is what you know: a) Whichever course you choose, it is going to be critically important for your employees to buy in. b) You have never faced this situation before. c) You are new to your job so your employees are uncertain about you and may not support your decision. d) You and your employees do notshare a common set of objectives or a common agenda Which decision making style will you use? 1. Autocratic 2. Delegative 3. Facilitative 4. Consultative 7. This style of conflict resolution is typically used when a negotiator has high concern for their own outcome, and low concern for the other party's outcome. 1. Competing 2. Collaborating 3. Avoiding 4. Compromise Note: this same scenario is repeated for the next three questions. 8. You are considering opening a high-end furniture store in Midtown Atlanta. Here's what you know: a. The market is highly competitive. You will be one store of many. b. The customer base is trendy. You and your staff are going to have to be very informed about home fashion trends. c. The labor market is tight. You are going to have to compete to get employees, and work hard to keep them. d. Cash is tight; you can't afford a lot of employees. Which of the following statements is most accurate? 1. a. Because of all these factors, you need more empowered employees, so you will tend towards a more organic organizational structure. 2. Because you are dealing with high-end products, you need to be more concerned about theft and therefore need to have many assistant managers with a small span of control. 3. Cash is tight so you need to make all the decisions. Therefore, you will have a highly decentralized organization. 4. You are going to by having a high level of specialization in your workforce. Each employee will know all there is to know about one type of furniture or accessory. (e.g., you wil have "couch specialists" and "lamp experts.")

Note: this same scenario is repeated from the last question and will be repeated for the next question. 9.. You are considering opening a high-end furniture store in Midtown Atlanta. Here's what you know: a. The market is highly competitive. You will be one store of many. b. The customer base is trendy. You and your staff are going to have to be very informed about home fashion trends. c. The labor market is tight. You are going to have to compete to get employees, and work hard to keep them. d. Cash is tight; you can't afford a lot of employees. Which of the following statements is most accurate? 1. You will probably adopt a client-based organizational structure for your store. 2. You will probably adopt a matrix organizational structure for your store. 3. You will probably adopt a functional-based organizational structure for your store. 4. You will probably adopt a simple organizational structure for your store. Note: this same scenario is repeated from the previous two questions. 10.. You are considering opening a high-end furniture store in Midtown Atlanta. Here's what you know: a. The market is highly competitive. You will be one store of many. b. The customer base is trendy. You and your staff are going to have to be very informed about home fashion trends. c. The labor market is tight. You are going to have to compete to get employees, and work hard to keep them. d. Cash is tight; you can't afford a lot of employees. Which of the following statements is most accurate? 1. Because of the need to control turnover, your store will have an elaborate chain of command. 2. Because of the need to keep turnover down, you will have a wide span of control, and give employees a lot more authority. 3. Because the customer base is trend conscious, you will use formalization to ensure you are on top of the latest styles. 4. None of the above is correct. 11. A leader who gives an individual employee or groups of employees the responsibility for making the decisions within some sets of specified boundary conditions is using which decision making style? 1. Autocratic 2. Consultative 3. Facilitative 4. Delegative 12. In the Time-Driven Model of leadership, a situation with low decision significance, and low importance of commitment would use which leadership style? 1. Autocratic 2. Facilitative 3. Delegative 4. Consultative


Which of the following statements about power and politics is true?

1. Engagement occurs when targets of influence are willing to perform your request, but do so with indifference. 2. If a target is opposed to the request and attempts to avoid doing it, they are termed "compliant." 3. Organizational politics is always bad because it involves individuals furthering their own self interest. 4. Power and force are inversely related. If you have to resort to force, you don't have power.
14. When a leader arranges to monitor an employee's mistrakes and errors, and actively takes corrective action when required, s/he is said to be practicing __________. 1. Organizational politics 2. Laissez-Fair 3. Active management by exception 4. Transformational leadership

15. An organization, in an attempt to reduce headcount, replaces some managers with a time-and-attendance system to track employee schedules, sick time and reliability. The time-and-attendance system is an example of what? 1. Substitutability 2. Discretion 3. Centrality 4. Visability


Fran is an employee who is positive, upbeat and enthusiastic about any task you give her. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand her job very well, and requires additional training and skills. The Ohio State study suggests that you use which leadership style when managing Fran? 1. The delegating style 2. The participating style 3. The selling style 4. The telling style

17. Which of the following factors that influence an organization's design refers to the method by which the company transforms inputs into outputs? 1. Environment 2. Strategy 3. Technology 4. Size

18. The Boeing corporation has the following divisions: - The commercial airliner division - The satelite division - The military aircraft division Boeing can be said to have what type of structure? 1. A simple structure 2. A functional structure 3. A geographic structure 4. A client-based structure
19. The extent to which a leader creates work relationships that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas and contemplates employees' feelings and emotions is called

1. Initiating structure 2. Consideration 3. Transformational leadership 4. Rational Persuation

20. Which of the following statements is most accurate? 1. Collaboration is a more effective influence tactic than apprising. 2. When an employe is able but unwilling, a leader would need to be high in initiating structure and low in consideration. 3. transformational leadership is highly correlated to job performance. 4. Coercive power is a form of personal power.

21. When issues are more important to others than they are to you, and when you need to staisfy others,
maintain cooperation and build "social credits" that you can call in on later issues, you would use which of the following conflict resolution styles? 1. Avoiding 2. Accomodating 3. Collaborating 4. Compromising


Below are four statements about leader-member exchange. Pick the most accurate one.

1. Leader-member exchange theory describes the initial formation of leader-follower relationships. 2. The dyad that the theory describes refers to relationships between peer employees. 3. In the role making phase, the theory states that a manager describes role expectations to an employee, and the employee attempts to fill them. 4. Dave! None of these are accurate! 23. ____________ has limits. It doesn't generally give you the right to ask employees to do something outside the scope of their role within the organization. 1. Legitimate power 2. Reward power 3. Coercive power 4. Referent power

24. ?

25. Which of the following would reduce the importance of a leader without having any beneficial impact on
performance? 1. task feedback 2. spatial distance 3. group cohesion 4. training and experience

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