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The Godhead

Who make up the Godhead?

See Bible Dictionary: God The Godhead consists of three separate, distinct personages who are one in purpose. Joseph B. Worthlin

Purpose of the Godhead:

(Moses 1:39)

Heavenly Father
(Our Father & Ruler) Genesis 1:26-27 John 14:6 Moses 4:2 Ether 3:14 D&C 45:3 1 Timothy 2:5

Separate Beings

Read Christs Baptism Account (Notice Matt: 3:13-17)

Read Joseph Smiths First Vision (Notice JS History 1:17)

Closer look at each member of the Godhead

Jesus Christ
(Our Savior) (Revealer & Testifier of Truth) Moroni 10:5 Luke 12:12 John 14:26 D&C 8:2 D&C 121:46

The Holy Ghost

D&C 20:17

Alma 5:40 Acts 7:56

Alma 7:20

Alma 7:12

D&C 42:17

D&C 130:22 Bible Dictionary: God

D&C 130:22 Bible Dictionary: Jehovah & Jesus

D&C 130:22 Bible Dictionary: Holy Ghost A sustained knowledge of and love for the three members of the Godhead are indispensable. Mindfully pray to the Father, in the name of the Son, and seek direction from the Holy Ghost. - Donald L. Hollstrom
April 2012 General Conference

For further study:

Scriptures = Topical Guide - Godhead Lesson = Knowing and Honoring the Godhead: Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young Talks = Gaining a Testimony of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost by Elder Robert D. Hales

Additional Thoughts:

Things to Ponder:
How does having knowledge of the Godhead benefit me? What does it tell me about who I am? How can it strengthen my faith?

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