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Comprising tools / external and internal organs, mostly located in the pelvic cavity.

External (to the vagina): the function of copulation Internal: the function of ovulation, fertilization of ovum, blastocyst transportation, implantation, fetal growth, birth. External genitalia Vulva It appears from the outside (from mons pubis to the edge of the perineum), consisting of the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, Hymen, vestibule, orificium urethrae externum, the glands on the vaginal wall. Mons pubis / mons veneris The layer of fat in the anterior part symphisis os pubis. At puberty this area began overgrown pubic hair. Labia majora Fat layer continued mons pubis downward and back, many containing venous plexus. Embriologik homologous to the scrotum in men. Uteri ligamentum rotundum ends on the upper limit of the labia majora. At the bottom of the perineum, labia majora together (on commisura posterior). Labia minora Folds of thin tissue behind the labia majora, has no hair follicles.There are many blood vessels, smooth muscle and nerve fibers end. Clitoris Consisting of caput / glans clitoridis located on the superior vulva, and corpus clitoridis embedded within the anterior vaginal wall. Embriologik homologous with the penis in men. There is also the androgen receptor on the clitoris. Many blood vessels and nerve fibers end, very sensitive. Vestibule Areas with the upper limit of the clitoris, the lower limit fourchet, limit lateral labia minora. Derived from the urogenital sinus. There are 6 holes / orificium, namely orificium urethrae externum, introitus vaginae, ductus glandulae Bartholinii right-left and left-right Skene duct. Between fourchet and vagina there navicularis fossa. Introitus / vagina orificium Located at the bottom of the vestibule. On the girl (virgo) covered with a layer of thin bermukosa hymen / Hymen, intact with no tears. Normal Hymen there is a small hole for menstrual blood flow, to a crescent-shaped, round, oval, cribiformis, septum or fimbriae.As a result of coitus or other trauma, Hymen can tear and become irregular shape holes with rags (for example in the form of fimbriae). The form is called postpartum hymen parous. Corrunculae myrtiformis is sisa2 a torn hymen is looked at women have given birth / para. Hymen is abnormal, such as primary is not perforated (imperforate Hymen) closed a total of vaginal opening, can cause menstrual blood collected in the cavity of internal genitalia. Vagina Tube-shaped cavity muskulomembranosa starting from the edge of the cervix uteri in the cranial dorsal to the vulva in the caudal ventral. The area surrounding the cervix called the fornix, were divided into 4 quadrants: anterior fornix, posterior fornix, and the right and left lateral fornix. The vagina has a wall of the ventral and dorsal walls are elastic. Coated stratified squamous epithelium, changed following the menstrual cycle. Vaginal function: to remove the uterus excretion in menstruation, to the birth canal and to copulation (copulation). The top of the vagina is formed from the duct Mulleri, down from sinus urogenitalis. Boundaries in clinical namely fornices anterior, posterior and lateral in the vicinity of the cervix uteri. Grayenbergh Point (G-spot), is the point of sensory areas in the vicinity of 1 / 3 anterior vaginal wall, are very sensitive to stimulation vaginal orgasmus.


The area between the bottom edge of the vulva with the front edge of the anus. Limit the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm (m.levator ani, m.coccygeus) and diaphragm urogenitalis (deep transverse m.perinealis, m.constrictor urethra). Median raphe perineal body is m.levator ani, between the anus and vagina. Stretching the perineum in labor, sometimes need to be cut (episiotomy) to enlarge the birth canal and prevent rupture. Internal genitalia

Internal genitalia Uterus A muscular organ shaped like a pear, coated peritoneum (serosa). During pregnancy serves as a place implatansi, retention and nutrition conceptus. At the time of delivery by the contraction of the uterine wall and the opening of the uterine cervix, the contents of conception expelled. Consisting of the corpus, fundus, horn, isthmus and cervix uteri. Cervix uteri The lowest part of the uterus, consisting of pars vaginalis (border / penetrated the walls of the vagina) and pars supravaginalis.Consists of 3 main components: smooth muscle, connective tissue interwoven (and glikosamin collagen) and elastin. The outside of the vaginal cavity of portio cervicis uteri (wall) with ostium uteri externum hole (outside the vagina) coated squamocolumnar mucosal epithelium of the cervix, and the ostium uteri internum (in the direction of cavum). Before birth (nullipara / primigravida) ostium externum small round hole, after once / history of giving birth (primiparous / multigravida) shaped transverse. The position of the cervix leads to a caudal-posterior, as high as spina ischiadica. Cervical mucous glands produce mucus cervical mucus-containing carbohydraterich glycoprotein (mucin) and the solution of various salts, peptides and water. Mucosal thickness and viscosity of cervical mucus affected the menstrual cycle. Corpus uteri Consisting of: the outer layer of serous / peritoneum attached to the ligamentum latum uteri in intra-abdominal, the middle muscular layer / myometrial smooth muscle in the form of three layers (from outside to inside direction of the longitudinal muscle fibers, woven and circular), and the endometrial lining that coats the walls cavum uteri, thickened and collapsed according to the menstrual cycle due to the influence of ovarian hormones. Intra-abdominal corpus horizontal position with flexion of the anterior uterine fundus is above the gallbladder urinaria. The proportion of the size of the corpus of the isthmus and the uterine cervix varies during growth and development of women (figure). Ligaments supporting the uterus Ligamentum latum uteri, uteri ligamentum rotundum, Cardinale ligament, ligamentum ovarii, sacrouterina propium ligament, ligamentum infundibulopelvicum, vesicouterina ligament, ligament rectouterina. Uterine vascularization Mainly from the uterine artery branch arteries hypogastrica / illiaca internal, as well as the abdominal aorta artery branch ovarica. Salping / fallopian tubes Embriologik uterus and fallopian derived from ductus Mulleri.Left-right pair of tubes, 8-14 cm long, serves as a road transport ova from the ovary to the cavum uteri. The walls of the tube consists of three layers: serous, muscular (longitudinal and circular) and mucosa with ciliated epithelium. Consisting of interstitialis pars, pars isthmica, ampularis pars, and pars infundibulum with fimbria, with characteristic cilia and a wall thickness varying in every part (picture). Pars isthmica (proximal / isthmus) It is the narrowest part of the lumen, there is a sphincter uterotuba controlling gamete transfer. a. Pars ampularis (medial / ampulla) The place is often the case fertilization is the ampulla region / infundibulum, and the

ectopic pregnancy (pathological) also occur frequently tubal implantation in the wall of this section. b. Pars infundibulum (distal) Equipped with fimbriae and the ostium abdominale tubae on the edges, attached to the surface of the ovary. Fimbriae serves to "catch" that came out when ovulation ovum from the ovarian surface, and took him to the tuba. c. Mesosalping Connective tissue supporting the tubes (as well as the mesentery of the intestine). Ovary Oval endocrine organ, located inside the peritoneal cavity, a pair of left-right. Coated mesovarium, as connective tissue and blood vessels and nerves road. Consisting of the cortex and medulla. Ovarian function in the formation and maturation of follicles into the ovum (from primordial germ epithelial cells in the outermost layer of the ovary epital in the cortex), ovulation (expenditure ovum), the synthesis and secretion of steroid hormones (estrogen by the follicles of the internal theca, progesterone by the corpus luteum pascaovulasi) . Associated with pars infundibulum fallopian tubes via attachment fimbriae. Fimbriae "catch" the ovum is released during ovulation. Ovaries fixed by the ligamentum ovarii proprium, ligament and connective tissue infundibulopelvicum mesovarium.Vascularization of the abdominal aorta inferior branch of the renal artery.

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