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It is time to decide which C word you are going to pursue? Capitalism or Communism?

My Pledge to be a Good American

1. I will not resist any authority. 2. I will not question or avoid payment of any taxes. 3. I will continue to believe everything my government and my representatives tell me. 4. I will abide by every government law, rule, and regulation while knowing that my elected and appointed representatives are not bound by those same restrictions. 5. I will turn a blind eye toward government waste, greed, and corruption. 6. I will obey every order and instruction issued by any representative of my government. 7. I will not issue any protest or commit any act of belligerence regardless how mindless, destructive, or counter-productive I believe my governments orders and demands may be. 8. I will continue to watch, read, and listen to only those sources of information (NY Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR, etc.) that faithfully report only my governments views. 9. I will continue to believe that one person; one vote cannot make a difference. 10. I will continue to believe the U.S. Constitution is an outdated, irrelevant, and flawed document that has no place in our modern society. 11. I believe that only my government can best determine what is fair, and that my government will provide for all, to each according to his needs; from each according to how much property he has. 12. I will not accept the ridiculous assertion that our forefathers had any objective in writing the founding documents other than enforcing slavery and enriching themselves. 13. I accept that virtue, morals, and ethics are outmoded concepts forced upon us by institutions based on superstition and fables and will rebel against them at all costs. 14. I will not stand up or speak out for what I believe to be right, because only my government can determine what is truly right. 15. I will continue to accept as fact and reality, whatever lies and half-truths my government offers. 16. I will continue to do what I am told. 17. I will accept whatever my government determines is rightly, fairly, and justly apportioned for me without protest, and will neither want nor ask for more.

18. I fully reject the assertion that this country was founded on Christian Principles, that without a firm belief in God it cannot endure, and accept only that my Government is the sole determinant of fairness. 19. I will accept the belief that the Peoples purpose is to serve our government and that our wants and needs are to be met only after our governments demands are met. 20. I will faithfully avoid any use of natural or nutritional resources produced by or from the Earth, and commit to avoid disruption of the lives of all natural life forms even at the sacrifice of my own life. 21. I will do all this in the belief that my government is the only source of my rights and is all-knowing, unfailing, and has only my best interests in mind.

So help me Barrack.

You will sign; you will obey:

__________________________________________ If you refuse to sign, YOU ARE A GREAT AMERICAN! To be an even greater American, please accept our invitation to join the Americans who understand that our country is under attack by an ideology that will lead us to COMMUNSIM!!! Thanks to Terry Trussell of the Cross City, FL Tea Party!!!

Via Victoria

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