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Mid term examination 2011 Paper: Computer Class:10th Total Marks: 50

___________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I Choose the correct option: 1) Which one is a multiple branching statement a) IF.. ELSE b) ONGOTO c) GOTO d) On Error GOTO statement

2) FOR..NEXT is used to implement a) Iteration b) Sequence c) Selection d) All of the above

3) In two dimension array, when dimension is not mentioned, the array should not have more than_______________elements. a) 110 b) 10 c) 121 d) 100

4) The doubly scripted variable p(3,2) specifies the data element present in a) Column 3 and Row 2 b) Column 2 and Row 3 c) Column 3 and Column 2 d) Row 3 and Row 2

5) Screen 2 is ______________resolution graphic mode a) Low b) Text c) High d) Medium

6) The palettes are numbered _______and ________each with four colors a) 2,0 b) 0,0 c) 2,2 d) 0,1

7) The number background colors available in BASIC is a)4 b) 16 c) 12 d) 8

8) The prefix B in DRAW statement is used for a) Move with black mark b) both a and c c) draw a block d) None of the above

9) With text mode we cannot draw a good a) Picture b) text c) command d) Drawing

10) _____________ statement is used to draw lines and other shapes a) SCREEN b) CIRCLE c) LINE d) DRAW

11) Rearranging the list of an array is called _______________ a) subscripted b) Sorting c)Table d) Array

12) Dimension statements uses the keyword a) DMS b) DIM c) DS d) DM

13) GOTO statement provides___________ transfer points a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

14) Which of the following is not a logical operator a)AND b) OR c) NEITHER d) NOT

15) A special variable named ___________ is assigned an error code on occurrence of an error in BASIC. a) ERR b) EPR c) ESR d) EPR


Attempt any twelve questions : 1) What are the coordinates of medium resolution graphic mode? 2) Write a program to print digits from 1 to 10? 3) Define SCREEN statement? 4) Describe the use of subscript variable? 5) What are Pixels? 6) Define PSET Statement? 7) What are major categories of arrays? 8) Describe FOR...NEXT loop? 9) Define DRAW statement? 10) Explain unconditional transfer of control? 11) Write a program to find the larger of two numbers. The program get the number from the user? 12) Define Nested Loop? 13) What is meant by manipulation of array? 14) Draw any three commands of DRAW statement with moves? 15) Draw the flow chart of IFTHENELSE structure?

SECTION III Attempt any two questions: Q1: a) Differentiate WHILE.WEND.. and FOR..NEXT loop? b) Write a program to calculate the area of triangle. The program should get the values of base and altitude of the triangle from the users, and display the result. [1/2 X base X altitude]? Q2: a) Define Graphic and describe graphic modes? b) Compare and differentiate LINE and CIRCLE statements? Q3: What is an array? Explain its general formal syntax and types?

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