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Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.

C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Job Description
Poziia: Learning Environment Team Member Team Leader: Gutu Ion Perioada: aprilie 2011 octombrie 2011 Nr. de ore necesar de acordat: in dependenta de necesitate (cca 5 ore pe saptamina) Structura:
LC LE Resp. TM dpt.


Alte detalii de lucru: Implementarea celor 6 elemente ale LE in activitatile @ Chisinau. Rolul funciei: Sa asigure un mediu de invatare propice in local prin intermediul celor 6 elemente. Responsabiliti: - Sa analizeze situatia actuala a Mediului de invatare in AIESEC Chisinau - Sa asigure ca oamenii inteleg termenul si sensul de Learning Environment - Sa dezvolte programe,pasi concreti de dezvoltare a fiecarui element in parte LE; - Sa asigure implimentarea calitativa a fiecarui element - Sa gaseasca parteneri consultati pe issue (Alumni, companii de consultanta, profesori etc.) pentru organizarea Learning Circle-urilor - Sa tina legatura cu mentorii si mentees - Sa lucreze cu diferite instrumente (application forms, guides, data base etc.) pentru o activitate mai eficienta si asigurare a implimentarii elementelor LE - Sa stabileasca o retea de contacte in cadrul organizatiei la nivel local si international (virtual spaces) - Sa elaboreze un plan de tranzitie pentru viitorul LE Reponsible

Roluri anterioare Induction: jobulet TR: membru al TM Department Cunotine specifice Learning Environement: componentele, caracteristicile fiecarui element Valorile, principiile, specificul, cultura, istoria, filosofia AIESEC Conferine LTS I Cunotine tehnice MS Office (Word,Excel,PPT..) (search criteria cel putin) Photoshop (de dorit)

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Obiective SMART: SMART: Minimul de sarcini necesare de indeplinit pe pozitia data Specific Achievable Measurable Realistic


Specific scopul tre sa fie legat de o anumita arie, ca ex. sales, cmm, pd Measurable scopul tre sa fie indicat in numar, procente, cifre, ore Achievable scopul trebuie sa poata fi atins determinam care sunt criteriile necesare de indeplinit pt a ne atinge scopul Realistic scopul trebuie sa fie realizabil, ne setam obiective care intr-adevar pot fi atinse, stabilim niste pasi concreti. Time scopul trebuie sa fie precis stabilim o data si o ora concreta la care scopul dat ar trebui sa se indeplineasca.

O echipa LE unita, informata si motivata sa actioneze; Cca o ora pe zi pentru cercetarea materialelor, instrumentelor, modalitatilor de implimentare, inovatii in domeniu (pe, prin network of contacts etc.) Cel putin 5 learning circles cu implicarea partenerilor pe inkind, care sa impartaseasca experienta (Alumni, companii partenere, AIESEC-eri din tarile vecine etc.) O data in luna- metacognition letter Ghid pentru mentors si mentees, baza de date cu mentori si mentees, tracking system Lansarea unui nou topic pe forum o data-n luna Blog and wiki update O activitate legata de team experience (in afara activitatii pe departament)- cel putin o data la 2 luni in colaborare cu R&R&M

Competene obtinute:
Competencies Basic
Average Good Excellent

Global Mindset Entrepreneural Outook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Self Discovery & Reflection

Every day, we experience so much when being active in AIESEC. From time to time, each of us needs to take some time to think about what happened. Personal reflection either on your own, guided or in a group can lead you to unexpected key learning.

Role function: To create in the LC a favorable environment for reflection and personal discovery.

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Team Experience
One of the major experiences one can make in AIESEC is the team experience. It is easy to work on your own. But achieving a goal with a highly bonded group of people is a challenge. Each one in a team is different and special. Each team
leader has to take some steps in providing members with a good team experience. First of all, it is important to make a selection of the members that should be in your team. Not all personalities fit together. Team building is the next step, then vision building, creating team rules and principles. Then it is up to you: performing!

" What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing." Role function: To assure the qualitative experience within teams in the LC.

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Conferences & Seminars

When people think of their AIESEC experience and the good time that they had in AIESEC, many of them think of conferences and seminars that they attend within AIESEC. At conferences and seminars, members gain functional and soft skill knowledge, network and live the AIESEC culture.

Role function: To provide learning in LC through conferences and seminars.

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Personal discovery and reflection can be guided by a mentor. When a mentor asks the right questions, a mentee can gain new insights and different perspectives on her/his life.It is important that the mentor and the mentee have a personal connection to each other.

Role function: To implement and maintain an effective mentoring program in the LC.

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Learning Circles
Gaining and deepening knowledge in a specific topic in order to increasing the holistic world view is one of the goals in AIESEC. When member discuss or work on a certain topic for several times in a row, you can call this a learning cycle. The topic for it should be selected according to the interests of the members in the LC and the needs of the environment (partners etc.). As responsible, you should encourage members to start a learning circle and provide them with the resources needed for that.

Role function: To ensure a learning environment in LC through discussion groups.

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

Virtual Spaces
AIESEC is the international platform. With our members all over the world can connect and exchange knowledge easily and 24/7. TM and all team leaders have the responsibility to make their members active members on this international platform.

Role function: To keep effective communication in LC and in the international environment .

Local Committee AIESEC Chisinau, AIESEC Moldova | Str. Capriana nr.50 | Academia de Studii Economice | bl.C, 502 A | Chisinau | Moldova

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