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Grade Recovery: Statistics: Ch.

1.) Z TEST FOR MEAN One Sample HO: M= HA: M<> CLT, n 30, approx norm. Since population > 10n use x =/ n SRS and individuals are independent Population > 10n and has a normal model z = (x - M ) / / n Two Sample HO: M= HA: M<> SRS and Groups are independent Data in each group are independent Both populations are normal

2.) T TEST FOR MEAN One Sample Modeling Agency says average height of model is 67. A sample of 20 models has an average height of 65.8. The standard deviation is 1.7, at alpha = .05 is the average height of the models really less than 67? HO: M=67 HA: M<67 The data is an SRS of female models and observations are independent. Standard Deviation is known, and populations is >10 (n) Population is normal (fairly large) by CLT or stated T= x -M/s/ n = 65.8-67/1.7/ 20 = -3.157 P-value: .002596 Df: 19 (n-1) P<alpha @ .05, reject HO There is significant evidence at alpha = .05 to reject HO, and therefore we can conclude that the average height of models is less than 67.

Two Sample


Sx x Pets 26 193 68 Clinic 23 174 44 Is there strong evidence that pets have higher mean cholesterol level than clinic dogs? HO: Ma=Ma Ma=average cholesterol level of dogs owned as pets HA: Mb>Mb Mb=average average cholesterol level of dogs owned by clinics Observations are random and independent. Since n is fairly large (n>30), for both samples, I see no reason for any non normality.

T=( x a- x b)-(Ma-Mb)/ Sa^2/Na+Sb^2/Nb =(193-174)-0/ 68^2/26+44^2/23 = 1.174 P-value: .2469 P = NOT <alpha @ .01 .10. and .05, DO NOT reject HO There is not significant evidence at alpha = .01 .10. or .05 to reject HO, therefore I cannot conclude that pets have a higher mean cholesterol level then clinic dogs. Matched Pairs Md=description HO: Md=0 HA: Md<>0 Paired t test Obs are random and independent Population differences are normal According to graph below there are no obvious departures from normality, a matched pairs test is appropriate. T= x d-0/Sd/ Nd Df: n-1 P(Tdf ><_____) = pvalue P< alpha, reject HO 3.) Z TEST FOR PROPORTION One Sample An educator estimates that the dropout rate for seniors at high schools in Ohio is 15%. Last year, 38 seniors from a random sample of 200 Ohio seniors withdrew. Is there enough evidence to reject the educators claim? HO: p = 15% p= proportion of HS seniors in Ohio who dropped out HA: P 15% SRS and individuals are independent Population is > 10 Np Nq 10; 200(.15) 10; 200(.85) 10 =30 10 = 170 10 10

Thus, I can use normal approximation Z=p-p/ pq/n=.19-.15/(.15)(.85)/200 = 1.58 P-value: .1131 P = NOT < alpha @ .10 .01 .05, DO NOT reject HO There is no significant evidence at alpha level .10 .01 .05 so therefore we can conclude the proportion of p (HS seniors in Ohio who dropped out) is different from 15%. Two Sample 1300 volunteers with HIV, n=435 take AZT, 435 take placebo. 38 of placebo had AIDS, 17 of AZT had AIDS. Test the claim that taking AZT lowers the proportion of infected people who will develop AIDS given time. Pa: prop of AZT patients infected with AIDS HO: Pa=Pb Pb: prop of placebo patients infected with AIDS HA: Pa<Pb Two independent SRSs and OBSs. Are independent Population > 10n for each group N1 p1 10, n1q^1 10 and N2 p2 10, n2q^2 10, I can use norm. approx. Z=( p1- p2)-(p1-p2)/ p1=.03908, p2= p q ^(1/n1+1/n2) here p= 1 2/n1=n2 and =1-p^

(.039-.0865)-0/ .063(.937)(1/435)=-2.93 2.prop z test = p-value: .0017 P-value < alpha @ .01 .10 .05, reject HO There is significant evidence to reject HO and can conclude that AZT lowers the proportion of HIV patients who develop AIDS over time. 4.) CHI SQUARE-GOODNESS OF FIT (L1-L2)^2/L2=L3 Obs=L1 Exp=L2 Habitat Type Prop. Of Total Acreage # Moose Observed 1 .340 25 2 .101 22 3 .104 30 4 .455 40 Total 1000 117 HO: distribution is the same of # of moose expected in a habitat type. HA: distribution of # of moose observed in a habitat type is not the same Observations are from SRS of distribution of moose in the habitats and are independent. Expected counts are all > 5 (see table) X^2=E(obs-exp)^2/exp = (25-39.78) 2/39.78 (40-53.275)^2/53.275 = 43.6892 Expected= prop of total acreage x total Df: # groups 1 = 4-1 = 3 P-value: .0005 2nd.stat.math.5. for sum( ???????????

P< alpha* at .10 .01 .05, therefore we can reject HO. The distribution of # of moose observed is NOT the same as the distribution of # of moose expected in the habitat types. 5.) CHI SQUARE-HOMOGENITY N=200 1990 # lab classes 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total _ x = 1.83 s = 1.29

# students 28 62 58 28 16 8 200

N=200 2000 # lab classes # students 0 20 1 72 2 60 3 10 4 26 5 12 Total 200 _ x = 1.93 s = 1.37 Do the data provide evidence that the mean number of lab classes taken by biology majors in September 2000 was different from the mean number of lab classes taken in 1990? Perform an appropriate statistical test using = 0.10 to answer this question. HO: proportion or groups of students in 1990 and 2000 has NOT changed HA: proportion or groups of students in 1990 and 2000 has changed Observations are from SRS of distribution of moose in the habitats and are independent. Expected counts are all > 5 (see table) X^2=E(obs-exp)^2/exp = (20-28)^2/28 (12-8)^2/8 = 13.82 Df: (r-1)(c-1) = 4 P-value: .0168 2nd.stat.math.5. for sum( ??????????? P = NOT < alpha at .10, do NOT reject Ho. There is significant evidence to conclude that the proportion or groups of students in 1990 and 2000 have NOT changed.

6.) CHI SQUARE- INDEPENDENCE Using alpha = .05, conduct appropriate test to determine if, for adult residence of this county, there is an association between gender and whether or not they were satisfied with services offered by the hospital. Male Female Total Satisfied 384 416 800 Not satisfied 80 120 200 Total 464 536 1000 HO: gender/ satisfaction with hospital are NOT associated HA: gender/ satisfaction with hospital are associated Observations are from SRS of distribution of moose in the habitats and are independent. Expected counts are all > 5 (see table) X^2=E(obs-exp)^2/exp = (384-371.2)^2/371.3 (120-107.2)^2/107.2 = 4.117 Df: (r-1)(c-1) = 1 P-value: .0424 2nd.stat.math.5. for sum( ??????????? P < .05, reject HO, therefore I can conclude there is association between the samples and gender/satisfaction are not independent of each other.

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