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The Dr. Rath Health Foundation | Responsibility for a healthy world

Dr. Rath Health Foundation

The Documentation About "Codex

What are the aims of the Codex Alimentarius
Constructed by the pharmaceutical industry, the Codex
Alimentarius Commission is a self-proclaimed expert
organization that has allied with the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the World Food Organization
(FAO). From the beginning, this was done with the
intention of passing regulations and laws to protect the
global pharmaceutical market.
Of the 30 committees using the title "Codex Alimentarius," those involved with food
supplements and vitamins are of particular interest to the pharmaceutical industry. The
central committee is the "Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary
Uses." A puppet of the pharmaceutical industry, this committee has only been concerned
with one topic since the middle of the 1990's: how to prevent vitamins and other food
supplements from causing the collapse of the markets for beta-blockers, calcium
antagonists, cholesterol lowering products and other widely superfluous pharmaceutical
By far, Germany is the biggest exporter of these dubious pharmaceutical products and
nowhere else in the world exists such a bond between the pharmaceutical industry and
politics. Therefore it is no surprise that the Government of the German Federal Republic is
in charge of this committee, benefiting the pharmaceutical cartel.
The aims of Codex Alimentarius are clearly defined: Statements on the curative effects of
vitamins and other natural remedies will be banned and made a punishable offense. In the
future, the distinction between a foodstuff and a medicine will be made by the
pharmaceutical industry itself and not by governments.
Using this new legislative edict, the pharmaceutical industry will extend its own markets as
it sees fit. At present, the pharmaceutical industry has succeeded in classifying 500
milligrams of vitamin C in pill form as a medication requiring a prescription in Germany. If
the pharmaceutical industry had its way, 100 mg or even 50 mg of vitamin C would be
classified as medication.
The pharmaceutical industry knows that most people have no understanding of these
restrictions and has disguised them with legal jargon.

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The Dr. Rath Health Foundation | Responsibility for a healthy world

The strategic aims of "Codex Alimentarius"

1. The distribution of health information concerning vitamins, amino acids, minerals

and other natural products for the prevention and treatment of diseases will be
banned globally.
2. The sale of vitamins and other natural products which exceed the guidelines of this
Codex commission (which are arbitrary and far too low) will be prohibited globally.
3. Countries that fail to apply these laws will be punished by international economic

To mask its actual intention of protecting the world market of superfluous pharmaceutical
preparations, those responsible for Codex have invented exculpatory statements: Thus the
next Codex Alimentarius conference will occur at the "Federal Office for Health-related
Consumer Protection" in Berlin in November of 2002. In addition to the "consumer
protection" from alleged "harmful side effects" of vitamins, a need for united international
administration of the pharmaceutical industry was indicated.
The fact that the pharmaceutical industry believes that this disguised justification will be
unacceptable is clearly evident since Codex plans to punish all those who oppose its plans
with economic sanctions by the UN.
Our response: Talk to as many people as possible about these irresponsible plans and let
the members of the Codex commission and their delegates know what you think.

© 2008 by Dr. Rath Health Foundation |

2z2 2008-12-03 13:14

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