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0rac|e App||cat|ons

uprade 0u|de
Re|ease 11 lo 12.1.1
Part No. E14010-01
April 2009
OracIe AIicalions Ugrade Guide, ReIease 11i lo 12.1.1
Iarl No. I14010-01
Coyrighl 1996, 2009, OracIe and/or ils affiIiales. AII righls reserved.
Irimary Aulhor: CaroIe Iubanks, Kevin rovn
Conlribuling Aulhor: }ohn Abraham, Irasad Akkira|u, Thomas AIex, Ahmed AIomari, Vicloria Anderson,
Shank Avancha, Vani aIaraman, San|ay heemasenarao, Richard Chang, Greg IIsner, Roberl Iarringlon,
Sam IeIix, }ohn Iilzmaurice, Sandee GoeI, Lesler Gulierrez, Mallhev HaIIiday, Ashok HandigoI, Gang
Huang, Shri Iyer, CIara }aeckeI, Chang Kavamolo, Hyun Kim, }uIianna Lilvin, Iralima Mahlani, Dorolhy
Mak, San|ay MaII, Rulh Mamo, Svalhi Malhur, AniI ModveI, Syed Nizam, Sundee Nyak, Narasimha Iai,
Udayan Iarvale, Nancy Raabe, RonaId Rak, MuraIi Ramachandran, Sreedhar Ramasahayam, Sudha Rao, Scol
Robson, Lauren Scoll, havana Sharma, Yun Shav, Nilin Somani, LesIie Sluddard, A.G. Thies, Sean Tuck,
Su|ai Veerabhadraiah, Sharalh Vishvanalh, MiIIie Wang, Iugene Weinslein, Shu|uan Yan, MeIody Yang,
Wenxia Yu
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Send Us Your Comments
1 PIanning for an Upgrade
Ovcrvicw nI thc Upgradc.......................................................................................................... 1-1
Suorled Ugrade Ialhs.................................................................................................... 1-1
The Ugrade Irocess........................................................................................................... 1-2
usiness Imacl and IunclionaI Changes............................................................................ 1-3
GeneraI Informalion and Required Tasks............................................................................ 1-4
TechnicaI Ugrade Tasks...............................................................................................1-4
IunclionaI Ugrade Tasks............................................................................................. 1-5
ReIease 12.1.1 Udales................................................................................................... 1-5
Insta!!cd Cnmpnncnts and 5ystcm Rcquircmcnts................................................................... 1-6
TechnoIogy Slack Comonenls............................................................................................ 1-6
Soflvare Requiremenls........................................................................................................ 1-6
CIU...................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Memory............................................................................................................................... 1-7
Inul/Oulul (I/O) Subsyslem............................................................................................. 1-8
Dalabase Size....................................................................................................................... 1-8
TabIesace Sizing................................................................................................................. 1-9
Iock Size............................................................................................................................. 1-9
Rc!casc 12 Architccturc............................................................................................................. 1-9
TabIesace ModeI................................................................................................................ 1-9
MuIliIe Organizalions........................................................................................................ 1-9
SubIedger Accounling ModeI............................................................................................ 1-10
5chcdu!ing Timc Inr an Upgradc............................................................................................ 1-10
acku............................................................................................................................... 1-11
Dalabase IniliaIizalion Iaramelers.................................................................................... 1-11
Delermining Ugrade Tasks.............................................................................................. 1-13
Mainlenance Mode............................................................................................................ 1-14
ObsoIele CoIumns.............................................................................................................. 1-14
Tesl Ugrade...................................................................................................................... 1-15
User Ireferred Time Zone Suorl.................................................................................... 1-15
Ugrade y Requesl.......................................................................................................... 1-15
NL5 Upgradc Cnnsidcratinns................................................................................................. 1-15
Languages.......................................................................................................................... 1-15
Characler Sels.............................................................................................................. 1-16
Custnmizcd Envirnnmcnts...................................................................................................... 1-16
Prnduct-spcciIic Cnnsidcratinns............................................................................................. 1-17
Cross-Iroducl IunclionaIily.............................................................................................. 1-18
MuIliIe Organizalions (MuIli-Org)............................................................................ 1-19
Sludenl Syslem and Sludenl Recruiling............................................................................ 1-20
2 Preparing for the Upgrade
Rcvicw Upgradc Tasks and App!y 11i.AD.I.6.......................................................................... 2-1
Databasc and 5ystcm Administratinn Tasks............................................................................ 2-4
App!icatinns Tcchnn!ngy Tasks................................................................................................ 2-7
Custnmcr Rc!atinnship Managcmcnt Tasks............................................................................. 2-8
Financia!s and Prncurcmcnt Tasks......................................................................................... 2-10
Lcasing and Financc Managcmcnt Tasks............................................................................... 2-14
Prn|ccts Tasks.......................................................................................................................... 2-17
Pub!ic 5cctnr/Univcrsity Tasks............................................................................................... 2-18
5upp!y Chain Managcmcnt Tasks.......................................................................................... 2-20
Prcparc Inr thc Upgradc.......................................................................................................... 2-27
3 Upgrading to ReIease 12.1.1
PcrInrm thc Upgradc................................................................................................................. 3-1
Finish thc Upgradc.................................................................................................................... 3-8
Finish 5ystcm Administratinn Tasks...................................................................................... 3-12
5ystcm Administratinn........................................................................................................... 3-12
Orac!c XML Pub!ishcr............................................................................................................. 3-15
4 Post-upgrade Tasks
Rcvicw Pnst-upgradc Tasks...................................................................................................... 4-1
App!icatinns Tcchnn!ngy Tasks................................................................................................ 4-3
Custnmcr Rc!atinnship Managcmcnt Tasks........................................................................... 4-10
Financia!s and Prncurcmcnt Tasks......................................................................................... 4-13
Human Rcsnurccs Tasks......................................................................................................... 4-15
Intc!!igcncc Tasks.................................................................................................................... 4-21
Prn|ccts Tasks.......................................................................................................................... 4-24
5upp!y Chain Managcmcnt Tasks.......................................................................................... 4-25
Orac!c PrnIitabi!ity Managcr.................................................................................................. 4-27
Orac!c Entcrprisc PcrInrmancc Fnundatinn........................................................................... 4-28
5ystcm Maintcnancc Tasks..................................................................................................... 4-28
Additinna! Tasks..................................................................................................................... 4-29
A FinanciaIs Upgrade Impact
Abnut Busincss Impact and Functinna! Changcs.................................................................... A-1
Financia!s and Prncurcmcnt Prnducts...................................................................................... A-2
Advanced CoIIeclions.......................................................................................................... A-2
Assels.................................................................................................................................. A-2
Cash Managemenl............................................................................................................... A-4
I-usiness Tax..................................................................................................................... A-5
IinanciaIs for lhe Americas................................................................................................. A-6
IinanciaIs for Asia/Iacific.................................................................................................... A-8
IinanciaIs Common Counlry Iealures................................................................................ A-9
IinanciaIs Common ModuIes............................................................................................ A-10
IinanciaIs for Iuroe......................................................................................................... A-11
IinanciaIs for India............................................................................................................ A-12
GeneraI Ledger.................................................................................................................. A-13
GIobaI Accounling Ingine................................................................................................. A-15
Inlernel Ixenses.............................................................................................................. A-15
iIaymenl............................................................................................................................ A-16
iIrocuremenl..................................................................................................................... A-16
iSuIier IorlaI.................................................................................................................. A-16
Leasing and Iinance Managemenl.................................................................................... A-17
Loans................................................................................................................................. A-22
IayabIes............................................................................................................................. A-23
Iaymenls........................................................................................................................... A-25
IrofilabiIily Manager......................................................................................................... A-30
IubIic Seclor IinanciaIs..................................................................................................... A-31
Iurchasing......................................................................................................................... A-31
ReceivabIes........................................................................................................................ A-32
Sourcing............................................................................................................................. A-34
SubIedger Accounling....................................................................................................... A-36
Trading Communily Archileclure..................................................................................... A-37
Treasury............................................................................................................................ A-38
U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs...................................................................................................... A-39
B Customer ReIationship Upgrade Impact
Abnut Busincss Impact and Functinna! Changcs.................................................................... B-1
Custnmcr Rc!atinnship Managcmcnt....................................................................................... B-1
Advanced Inbound.............................................................................................................. B-2
IieId SaIes............................................................................................................................ B-3
Incenlive Comensalion...................................................................................................... B-3
One-lo-One IuIfiIImenl....................................................................................................... B-9
Order Calure/Quoling....................................................................................................... B-9
SaIes................................................................................................................................... B-10
SaIes and TeIesaIes............................................................................................................. B-12
Service............................................................................................................................... B-13
Terrilory Manager............................................................................................................. B-19
IieId Service Advanced ScheduIer.................................................................................... B-22
IieId Service (Core)........................................................................................................... B-23
MobiIe IieId Service.......................................................................................................... B-24
KnovIedge Managemenl.................................................................................................. B-25
C Projects Upgrade Impact
Abnut Busincss Impact and Functinna! Changcs.................................................................... C-1
Prn|ccts...................................................................................................................................... C-1
DaiIy usiness InleIIigence for Iro|ecls............................................................................... C-2
Granls Accounling.............................................................................................................. C-2
Iro|ecl iIIing...................................................................................................................... C-5
Iro|ecl Cosling.................................................................................................................... C-7
Iro|ecl Managemenl............................................................................................................ C-9
Iroerly Manager............................................................................................................. C-11
Iro|ecls Ioundalion........................................................................................................... C-12
D SuppIy Chain Upgrade Impact
Abnut Busincss Impact and Functinna! Changcs.................................................................... D-2
5upp!y Chain Managcmcnt...................................................................................................... D-2
Advanccd 5upp!y Chain P!anning........................................................................................... D-2
Assct Tracking.......................................................................................................................... D-6
Cnntracts (Cnrc)........................................................................................................................ D-7
Dcmand P!anning..................................................................................................................... D-7
Dcpnt Rcpair........................................................................................................................... D-12
Entcrprisc Assct Managcmcnt (cAM).................................................................................... D-12
F!nw ManuIacturing............................................................................................................... D-16
Insta!! Basc.............................................................................................................................. D-16
Invcntnry................................................................................................................................. D-18
Invcntnry Optimizatinn.......................................................................................................... D-24
Ordcr Managcmcnt................................................................................................................. D-25
Prnccss ManuIacturing........................................................................................................... D-27
Prnduct LiIccyc!c Managcmcnt.............................................................................................. D-38
5crvicc Cnntracts..................................................................................................................... D-39
5hipping Exccutinn................................................................................................................. D-42
5hnp F!nnr Managcmcnt........................................................................................................ D-44
Warchnusc Managcmcnt........................................................................................................ D-44
Qua!ity.................................................................................................................................... D-51
E Reducing Downtime
Custnmcr Rc!atinnship Managcmcnt....................................................................................... E-1
Leads Managemenl............................................................................................................. E-1
Financia!s and Prncurcmcnt Tasks........................................................................................... E-1
Assels.................................................................................................................................. E-2
GeneraI Ledger.................................................................................................................... E-2
iIrocuremenl....................................................................................................................... E-3
5upp!y Chain Managcmcnt...................................................................................................... E-8
Service Conlracls................................................................................................................. E-8
F Verification Tasks
Custnmcr Rc!atinnship Managcmcnt....................................................................................... F-1
ImaiI Cenler........................................................................................................................ F-1
Incenlive Comensalion...................................................................................................... F-1
Markeling............................................................................................................................ F-2
TeIeService........................................................................................................................... F-2
Terrilory Manager............................................................................................................... F-3
Financia!s and Prncurcmcnt Tasks........................................................................................... F-4
Advanced GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem............................................................................. F-4
Assels................................................................................................................................... F-4
I-usiness Tax..................................................................................................................... F-5
IinanciaIs for lhe Americas.................................................................................................. F-6
IinanciaIs for India.............................................................................................................. F-6
GeneraI Ledger.................................................................................................................... F-6
GIobaI Accounling Ingine................................................................................................... F-7
iIrocuremenl....................................................................................................................... F-8
LegaI Inlily Configuralor.................................................................................................. F-10
IayabIes............................................................................................................................. F-10
Iaymenls........................................................................................................................... F-11
ReceivabIes........................................................................................................................ F-14
Sourcing............................................................................................................................. F-15
Trading Communily Archileclure..................................................................................... F-15
Treasury............................................................................................................................. F-16
U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs....................................................................................................... F-17
Prn|ccts.................................................................................................................................... F-18
Iroerly Manager.............................................................................................................. F-18
Iro|ecls............................................................................................................................... F-19
5upp!y Chain Managcmcnt.................................................................................................... F-19
Cosl Managemenl.............................................................................................................. F-20
Order Managemenl........................................................................................................... F-20
G Upgrade by Request
Custnmcr Rc!atinnship Managcmcnt...................................................................................... G-1
SaIes.................................................................................................................................... G-1
SaIes and TeIesaIes.............................................................................................................. G-2
Financia!s and Prncurcmcnt Tasks........................................................................................... G-7
Assels.................................................................................................................................. G-7
I-usiness Tax.................................................................................................................... G-7
IinanciaIs for lhe Americas................................................................................................. G-7
GeneraI Ledger.................................................................................................................... G-8
IayabIes.............................................................................................................................. G-8
Iurchasing.......................................................................................................................... G-8
ReceivabIes.......................................................................................................................... G-8
SubIedger Accounling......................................................................................................... G-9
Prn|ccts.................................................................................................................................... G-10
Iro|ecls.............................................................................................................................. G-10
5upp!y Chain Managcmcnt................................................................................................... G-10
Cosl Managemenl............................................................................................................. G-10
H Product Documentation List
App!icatinns Tcchnn!ngy.......................................................................................................... H-1
Custnmcr Rc!atinnship Managcmcnt...................................................................................... H-2
Envirnnmcnt and Databasc...................................................................................................... H-2
Financia!s and Prncurcmcnt..................................................................................................... H-3
Human Rcsnurccs..................................................................................................................... H-4
Intc!!igcncc............................................................................................................................... H-4
Prn|ccts...................................................................................................................................... H-4
5upp!y Chain Managcmcnt...................................................................................................... H-4
I Pre-upgrade Patch List
Patch List..................................................................................................................................... -1

Send Us Your Comments

OracIe AppIications Upgrade Guide, ReIease 11 to 12.1.1
Part No. E14010-01
OracIe veIcomes cuslomers' commenls and suggeslions on lhe quaIily and usefuIness of lhis documenl.
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|ntended Aud|ence
WeIcome lo ReIease 11i lo 12.1.1 of lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Upgra!c Gui!c.
This book rovides inslruclions for ugrading an exisling OracIe AIicalions ReIease
11i syslem (11.5.9 and Ialer) lo ReIease 12.1.1. In rior ugrades of an 11i syslem -
moving from one 11i reIease IeveI lo anolher - lhe ugrade vas accomIished using lhe
OracIe AIicalions Mainlenance Iack driver, vhich vas dovnIoaded from Mq Orac|c
Suppcri. In lhis ugrade, you run Raid InslaII lo reare your 11i syslem for lhe
ugrade. Il deIivers lhe unified driver lhal you use lo ugrade lhe lechnoIogy slack and
roducls lo ReIease 12.1.1.
Note: The inslruclions in lhis book aIy onIy lo ugrading from
OracIe AIicalions ReIease 11i (11.5.9 or Ialer) lo ReIease 12.1.1. If your
syslem is earIier lhan 11.5.9, lhen you musl ugrade lo OracIe
AIicalions ReIease 11.5.10 CU2 before you can ugrade lo ReIease
This book is inlended as a guide for lhe dalabase adminislralor and lhe aIicalion
seciaIisls vho are resonsibIe for ugrading lo ReIease 12.1.1 of OracIe AIicalions.
See ReIaled Informalion Sources on age xv for more OracIe AIicalions roducl
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To reach OracIe Suorl Services, use a leIecommunicalions reIay service (TRS) lo caII
OracIe Suorl al 1.800.223.1711. An OracIe Suorl Services engineer viII handIe
lechnicaI issues and rovide cuslomer suorl according lo lhe OracIe service requesl
rocess. Informalion aboul TRS is avaiIabIe al
hll://, and a Iisl of hone numbers is
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1 PIanning for an Upgrade
2 Preparing for the Upgrade
3 Upgrading to ReIease 12.1.1
4 Post-upgrade Tasks
A FinanciaIs Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling IinanciaIs and
Irocuremenl roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese funclionaI changes on your
day-lo-day business. Il is arranged by roducls in lhe IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl
roducl famiIy.
B Customer ReIationship Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling Cuslomer
ReIalionshi Managemenl (CRM) roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese
funclionaI changes on your day-lo-day business. Il is arranged by aIhabelicaIIy by
roducls in lhe Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl roducl famiIy.
C Projects Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling OracIe Iro|ecls
roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese funclionaI changes on your day-lo-day
business. Il is arranged by aIhabelicaIIy by roducls in lhe Iro|ecls roducl famiIy.
D SuppIy Chain Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling SuIy Chain
Managemenl roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese funclionaI changes on your
day-lo-day business. Il is arranged by aIhabelicaIIy by roducls in lhe SuIy Chain
Managemenl roducl famiIy.
E Reducing Downtime
This aendix discusses lasks lhal you can erform in advance of lhe ugrade. y
comIeling lhese olionaI lasks in advance of lhe acluaI ugrade, you may be abIe lo
subslanliaIIy reduce lhe amounl of lime lhal your syslem is offIine during lhe ugrade
F Verification Tasks
This aendix conlains olionaI lasks lhal can be erformed lo verify lhal your
lransaclion dala vas ugrade as execled.
G Upgrade by Request
This aendix describes Ugrade by Requesl olions - vays lo ugrade hisloricaI dala
omilled from lhe iniliaI ugrade rocess (crilicaI dovnlime vindov). Ior examIe,
inslead of ugrading aII your financiaI accounling dala during dovnlime, you mighl
incIude onIy lhe Iasl fiscaI year. If you vanl lo ugrade olher fiscaI years - monlhs or
even years afler - you can do so, al any lime afler lhe ugrade.
H Product Documentation List
This aendix Iisls lhe documenlalion references lhal conlain furlher delaiIs aboul
ugrade rocess, bolh for lhe lechnicaI and funclionaI ugrade.
I Pre-upgrade Patch List
This aendix Iisls lhe alches lhal are required as re-ugrade sles for ReIease 12.1.1.
Re|ated |nformat|on 8ources
This book vas currenl as of lhe lime il vas iniliaIIy ubIished. Il is incIuded in lhe
OracIe AIicalions Documenl Library, vhich is suIied in lhe ReIease 12.1.1 soflvare
bundIe. Laler versions of lhis and olher documenls lhal have changed sufficienlIy
belveen reIeases lo varranl re-ubIishing are made avaiIabIe al lhe foIIoving URL:
A fuII Iisl of documenlalion resources is aIso ubIished on Mq Orac|c Suppcri. See Orac|c
App|icaiicns Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12.1 (Doc ID: 790942.1). You shouId be
famiIiar vilh a basic subsel of references before you ugrade. They incIude:
If you are Iooking for
information about...
Refer to these documents...
Syslem selu and rocedures Orac|c App|icaiicns Ccnccpis
Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c
Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c
Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c Sccuriiq
Orac|c Wcrkj|cu A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c
Orac|c XMI Gaicuaq Uscrs Gui!c
InslaIIalion and ugrade Orac|c App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn Gui!c. Using |api! |nsia||
Orac|c App|icaiicns Upgra!c Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12.1.1
Orac|c App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn Up!aic Ncics
Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc Ncics
Orac|c App|icaiicns NIS |c|casc Ncics
Iroducl-secific fealures ||ccircnic Tccnnica| |cjcrcncc Manua| (cT|M)
ReIease Conlenl Documenls (RCDs)
Iroducl-secific imIemenlalion and ugrade guides
Mainlaining OracIe AIicalions
Documenlalion Sel
Orac|c App|icaiicns Mainicnancc Uii|iiics
Orac|c App|icaiicns Mainicnancc Prccc!urcs
Orac|c App|icaiicns Paicning Prccc!urcs
RDMS OracIe10g ReIease 2 Documenlalion Sel
Oaia|asc Prcparaiicn Gui!c|incs jcr an Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic
|c|casc 12.1.1 Upgra!c
|nicrcpcra|i|iiq Ncics. Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc 11i uiin
Orac|c Oaia|asc 10g |c|casc 2 (10.2.0)
Orac|c 11g |c|casc 1 Occuncniaiicn Sci
|nicrcpcra|i|iiq Ncics. Orac|c App|icaiicns 11i uiin Orac|c
Oaia|asc 11g|1 (11.1.0)
AvaiIabIe onIy on Mq Orac|c Suppcri.
The Mainlaining OracIe AIicalions Documenlalion Sel rovides mainlenance and
alching informalion for lhe OracIe AIicalions DA. OracIe AIicalions
Mainlenance Irocedures rovides a descrilion of lhe slralegies, reIaled lasks, and
lroubIeshooling aclivilies lhal viII heI ensure lhe conlinued smoolh running of an
OracIe AIicalions syslem. OracIe AIicalions Mainlenance UliIilies describes lhe
OracIe AIicalions uliIilies lhal are suIied vilh OracIe AIicalions and used lo
mainlain lhe aIicalion fiIe syslem and dalabase. Il aIso rovides a delaiIed
descrilion of lhe numerous olions avaiIabIe lo meel secific oeralionaI
requiremenls. OracIe AIicalions Ialching Irocedures exIains hov lo alch an
OracIe AIicalions syslem, covering lhe key concels and slralegies. AIso incIuded are
recommendalions for olimizing lyicaI alching oeralions and reducing dovnlime.
Ialch readme fiIes may aIso conlain informalion aboul addilionaI recommended
0o Not Use 0atabase Too|s to Hod|fy 0rac|e App||cat|ons 0ata
OracIe STRONGLY RICOMMINDS lhal you never use SQLIIus, OracIe Dala
rovser, dalabase lriggers, or any olher looI lo modify OracIe AIicalions dala unIess
olhervise inslrucled.
OracIe rovides overfuI looIs you can use lo creale, slore, change, relrieve, and
mainlain informalion in an OracIe dalabase. ul if you use OracIe looIs such as
SQLIIus lo modify OracIe AIicalions dala, you risk deslroying lhe inlegrily of your
dala and you Iose lhe abiIily lo audil changes lo your dala.
ecause OracIe AIicalions labIes are inlerreIaled, any change you make using an
OracIe AIicalions form can udale many labIes al once. ul vhen you modify OracIe
AIicalions dala using anylhing olher lhan OracIe AIicalions, you may change a
rov in one labIe vilhoul making corresonding changes in reIaled labIes. If your labIes
gel oul of synchronizalion vilh each olher, you risk relrieving erroneous informalion
and you risk unrediclabIe resuIls lhroughoul OracIe AIicalions.
When you use OracIe AIicalions lo modify your dala, OracIe AIicalions
aulomalicaIIy checks lhal your changes are vaIid. OracIe AIicalions aIso kees lrack
of vho changes informalion. If you enler informalion inlo dalabase labIes using
dalabase looIs, you may slore invaIid informalion. You aIso Iose lhe abiIily lo lrack vho
has changed your informalion because SQLIIus and olher dalabase looIs do nol kee a
record of changes.
Planning for an Upgrade 1-1
PIanning for an Upgrade
This chaler covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Overviev of lhe Ugrade
InslaIIed Comonenls and Syslem Requiremenls
ReIease 12 Archileclure
ScheduIing Time for an Ugrade
NLS Ugrade Consideralions
Cuslomized Invironmenls
Iroducl-secific Consideralions
0verv|ew of the Upgrade
This guide rovides a high-IeveI viev of an ugrade of OracIe AIicalions lechnoIogy
slack and roducls from (suorled) ReIease 11i versions lo ReIease 12.1.1
8upported Upgrade Paths
This reIease incIudes a re-ackaged Raid InslaII lhal makes il ossibIe lo ugrade
exisling 11.5.9 (base, CU1, CU2), and 11.5.10 (base, CU1, CU2) syslems direclIy lo
ReIease 12.1.1.
0rac|e App||cat|ons Upgrade Paths
The foIIoving labIe Iisls lhe suorled ugrade alhs for OracIe AIicalions 11i,
incIuding reIeases lhal require an inlerim ugrade sle. See ReIaled Documenls, age
xv in lhe Ireface for Iinks lo lhe documenlalion menlioned in lhis labIe, as veII as in
olher seclions of lhis book.
1-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
ReIease IeveI Upgrade path Documentation References
11.0 ReIease 11.5.10 CU2 > ReIease
Upgra!ing Orac|c App|icaiicns,
|c|casc >Orac|c
App|icaiicns Upgra!c Gui!c.
|c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12.1.1
11.5.1 - 11.5.8 ReIease 11.5.10 CU2 > ReIease
Mainicnancc Pack |nsia||aiicn
Ncics, |c|casc 11.5.10 CU2
(Doc ID: 289788.1) >Orac|c
App|icaiicns Upgra!c Gui!c.
|c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12.1.1.
11.5.9, or 11.5.10 (base, CU1,
ReIease 12.1.1 Orac|c App|icaiicns Upgra!c
Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc
0atabase Upgrade Requ|rements
To comIele lhe ugrade lo ReIease 12.1.1, you musl migrale or ugrade your dalabase
lo al Ieasl OracIe 10g ReIease 2 (10.2.0).
The foIIoving is a summary of lhe dalabase ugrade requiremenls:
ReIease 11.5.9 CU2 and 11.5.10 CU2
Ugrade your dalabase as described in Migrale dalabase lo al Ieasl OracIe10g
ReIease 2, age 3-3 (during lhe ugrade dovnlime vindov).
ReIease 11.5.9 base, 11.5.9 CU1, 11.5.10 base, and 11.5.10 CU1
Ugrade your dalabase as described in Migrale dalabase lo al Ieasl OracIe10g
ReIease 2, age 3-3 (during lhe ugrade dovnlime vindov).
Note: See Oaia|asc Prcparaiicn Gui!c|incs jcr an Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic
|c|casc 12.1.1 Upgra!c (Doc ID: 761570.1) for more informalion.
The Upgrade Process
The ugrade rocess has been enhanced and slreamIined. Nev fealures have been
added lo Raid InslaII and AuloIalch lo increase lheir caabiIilies. In addilion, an
ugrade no Ionger reIies on AuloUgrade rocesses. AII ugrade funclionaIily has been
consoIidaled inlo a singIe unified ugrade driver lhal erforms lhe ugrade vilhoul
reIiance on lhe informalion formerIy calured on lhe AuloUgrade screens.
Raid InslaII rovides lhe mosl u-lo-dale, cerlified version of OracIe AIicalions
Planning for an Upgrade 1-3
roducls, aIong vilh lhe cerlified lechnoIogy slack comonenls. In an ugrade, il
creales lhe nev fiIe syslem for lhe aIicalion (middIe) lier comonenls and lhe nev
fiIe syslem for lhe dalabase. Afler lhe ugrade, you run Raid InslaII again lo configure
servers and slarl services.
An ugrade aIso incIudes various manuaI sles, incIuding lhose lhal direcl you lo run
scrils or aIy alches. You reIy on AuloIalch lo aIy aII alches, incIuding lhe
unified driver lhal erforms lhe ugrade lo ReIease 12.1.1.
In order lo resenl a comIele iclure of lhe ugrade rocesses and lhe resuIling
syslem enhancemenls, lhis guide has been crealed in lvo main seclions. The chalers
are vrillen for dalabase adminislralors (DAs), vho are resonsibIe for lhe lechnicaI
asecls of a syslem ugrade. The aendixes are direcled al lhe aIicalion seciaIisls,
vho are resonsibIe lo undersland and manage lhe business imacl and funclionaI
changes inherenl in an ugrade.
Nev in lhis reIease, lhe aendix orlion of lhis guide conlains informalion aboul
funclionaI changes for each roducl famiIy, suggeslions for reducing ugrade
dovnlime, vays lo verify dala migralion and manage dala migralion lhal is nol
aulomalicaIIy erformed by lhe ugrade driver, and informalion aboul "by requesl"
ugrade rocesses, vhich define secific sels of dala lhal can be ugraded al a Ialer
dale, or vhen lhere is a secific need.
Il is very imorlanl lhal your DA and your funclionaI seciaIisls vork logelher lo
reviev lhis informalion carefuIIy as a arl of ugrade Ianning. Doing so viII heI
eIiminale unexecled hoIdus during and afler lhe ugrade lhal couId sIov lhe rocess
ilseIf and cause confusion as your syslem users resume lheir funclionaI lasks.
Note: A successfuI ugrade is a coIIaboralion belveen lhe DA and lhe
aIicalion seciaIisls. olh shouId undersland and coordinale aII
asecls of lhe ugrade as a arl of lhe Ianning rocess.
us|ness |mpact and Funct|ona| 6hanges
An AIicalions ugrade aIlers bolh lhe lechnicaI and funclionaI asecls of your OracIe
AIicalions syslem. In addilion lo changes lo lhe lechnoIogy slack and fiIe syslem, an
ugrade aIso iniliales secific changes lhal affecl lhe vay your exisling roducls vork
afler lhe ugrade, and lhe vay lhey Iook and feeI. These funclionaI (business-reIaled)
changes have an imacl on lhe vay you use lhe roducls as you conducl daiIy business.
A common dala modeI imroves lhe quaIily of your dala, simIifies ils managemenl,
and makes il easier for shared service cenlers lo vork across vorIdvide oeralions and
rovide informalion aboul your business lo decision makers.
CouIed vilh lhe common dala modeI are enhanced inlegralions belveen OracIe
IinanciaIs and OracIe Irocuremenl roducls and olher aIicalions. Inlegraled
aIicalions enabIe re-defined besl raclices and emover you lo slandardize your
business rocesses across organizalions and geograhic regions. enefils of
slandardizalion incIude common rocess melhodoIogies and economies of scaIe.
1-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
IunclionaI loics in lhis guide lhal erlain lo a ReIease 12.1.1 ugrade incIude:
Reasons for lhe change and areas lhal benefil from nev funclionaIily
IunclionaIily lhal is lemorariIy disabIed or has been made obsoIele
Changes lo user inlerfaces, lerminoIogy or concels, and menu olions
Sles you can lake lo verify lhal aII lransaclionaI dala is ugraded as execled
Suggeslions for reducing dovnlime
Cenera| |nformat|on and Requ|red Tasks
efore you reare your syslem and roducl dala, you shouId galher informalion aboul
lhe ugrade rocess, lhe looIs required, lhe number and lyes of lasks invoIved, and
lhe vay your syslem and roducls viII Iook in ReIease 12.1.1. You can find a
documenlalion roadma on Mq Orac|c Suppcri. See Orac|c App|icaiicns Occuncniaiicn
|cscurccs, |c|casc 12.1 (Doc ID: 790942.1). Take seciaI nole of lhe Knovn Issues seclion.
Reference |nformat|on
Il is very imorlanl lhal you read lhe documenlalion associaled vilh lhis reIease. Il is
avaiIabIe eilher in lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12 on Mq
Orac|c Suppcri, or from lhe OracIeSlore. AendixH, "Iroducl Documenlalion Lisl",
age H-1 in lhis guide conlains a Iisl of basic required reading. In addilion, you may
aIso find il usefuI lo reviev any resenlalion maleriaIs on ugrade lechnoIogy, lhe
usiness InleIIigence Syslem, vhile aers on MuIli-org, and Iinks lo various
ConsuIling services as veII as OracIe Universily lraining courses.
AIicalion seciaIisls and funclionaI users shouId ay seciaI allenlion lo lhe ReIease
Conlenl Documenls (RCDs), eTRMs, and Transfer of Informalion (TOI) documenlalion
for lhe roducls lhal are aclive in your syslem. This informalion describes nev fealures
and funclionaIily in ReIease 12.1.1.
Note: The Mainlenance Wizard consoIidales inslruclions from
numerous manuaIs and olher documenlalion and creales a sle-by-sle
sel of ugrade inslruclions. See Mainlenance Wizard, age 1-13 in lhis
Techn|ca| Upgrade Tasks
In generaI, DAs erform lhe foIIoving lasks in an ugrade:
Undersland inslaIIed comonenls, syslem sizing informalion, NLS consideralions,
hov lo manage cuslomizalions, and so on. This informalion is described in lhis
Planning for an Upgrade 1-5
ComIele lhe lasks described in Chaler2, "Irearing for lhe Ugrade", age 2-1.
Iay seciaI allenlion lo lhe inslruclions aboul running The Ugrade ManuaI Scril
(TUMS). Il generales a Iisl lhal you can use lo delermine vhich lasks can be omilled
from lhe ugrade rocess. Ierforming lhis lask can subslanliaIIy reduce lhe lime il
lakes lo comIele lhe ugrade.
To reare lhe ReIease 12.1.1 environmenl, run Raid InslaII. Il creales lhe nev fiIe
syslem for lhe aIicalion lier comonenls (AIIL_TOI) and lhe nev
ORACLI_HOMI for lhe dalabase.
Note: See AendixI, "Ire-ugrade Ialch Lisl", age I-1 for a Iisl
of alches lhal may be required lo reare your syslem for an
Chaler3, "Ugrading lo ReIease 12.1.1", age 3-1 begins lhe syslem dovnlime.
Tasks in lhis chaler incIude ugrading your dalabase (if you have nol done so
aIready), using AuloIalch lo aIy any required alches.
The lasks in Chaler4, "Iosl-ugrade Tasks", age 4-1 comIele lhe ugrade
rocess and reare your syslem and roducls for user Iogon.
Funct|ona| Upgrade Tasks
In generaI, aIicalion seciaIisls erform lhe foIIoving lasks in an ugrade:
Undersland lhe funclionaI changes lhal your users viII see and vork vilh afler lhe
ugrade. Reviev lhe informalion in Aendixes A - D in lhis guide.
ComIele lhe (olionaI) lasks in AendixI, "Reducing Dovnlime", age I-1 in
advance of lhe acluaI ugrade. You may be abIe lo subslanliaIIy reduce lhe amounl
of lime lhal your syslem is offIine during lhe ugrade rocess.
Ierform lhe lasks required lo verify lhal your lransaclion dala vas ugraded or
migraled as you inlended. Reviev AendixI, "Verificalion Tasks", age I-1 for
a descrilion of lhese lasks.
Delermine lhe besl vay lo ugrade hisloricaI dala. AendixG, "Ugrade by
Requesl", age G-1 describes lyes of dala lhal can be omilled from lhe iniliaI
ugrade rocess (crilicaI dovnlime vindov) and ugraded al a Ialer dale, or vhen
needed. Ior examIe, inslead of ugrading aII your OracIe IinanciaIs accounling
dala during dovnlime, you mighl incIude onIy lhe Iasl fiscaI year. If you vanl lo
ugrade olher fiscaI years - monlhs or even years afler - you can do so, al any lime
afler lhe ugrade.
Re|ease 12.1.1 Updates
ComIeling lhis ugrade brings your syslem lo lhe 12.1.1 reIease udale IeveI of
1-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
ReIease 12.0. You can conlinue lo aIy lhe Ialesl ReIease Udale Iack (RUI) al any
lime lo kee your syslem al lhe mosl currenl reIease IeveI avaiIabIe. Iach reIease udale
ack is made u of individuaI roducl famiIy RUIs, vhich conlain aII lhe alches
associaled vilh lhal famiIy. You can aIy lhe enlire reIease udale ack, or you can
aIy lhe roducl famiIy acks individuaIIy.
RUIs are reIeased eriodicaIIy. Iach one is cumuIalive - il deIivers error correclions
and syslem udales, nol onIy for lhe mosl currenl reIease udale ack, bul aIso for aII
lhe RUIs lhal receded il.
You can kee abreasl of lhe Ialesl reIease informalion, as veII as nev RUI
announcemenls and olher udales lhal may affecl your ugrade by revieving lhe Ialesl
version of Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc Ncics (Doc ID: 405293.1).
|nsta||ed 6omponents and 8ystem Requ|rements
This seclion Iisls lhe cerlified comonenls suIied by Raid InslaII, and lhe generaI
syslem requiremenls for an ugrade. Nole lhal requiremenls for CIU, memory, and
disk sace (for Iog fiIes and backu) are lyicaIIy much Iarger during an ugrade lhan
during normaI oeralion.
Techno|ogy 8tack 6omponents
Raid InslaII aulomalicaIIy inslaIIs and configures lhe required lechnoIogy slack
comonenls for bolh lhe dalabase lier and lhe aIicalion lier. The dalabase lier
lechnoIogy slack for a nev ReIease 12.1.1 inslaIIalion is OracIe 11g ReIease 1 (
Ugrades from ReIease 11i vilh OracIe 10g ReIease 2 and OracIe 11g ReIease 1 are bolh
The lechnoIogy slack inslaIIed on lhe aIicalion lier incIudes, among olher
OracIe 10g AIicalion Server (AS) 10.1.2
OracIe 10g AIicalion Server (AS) 10.1.3
OracIe DeveIoer 10g (incIudes OracIe Iorms)
}ava (}2SI) nalive Iug-in 1.6.0_10
}ava DeveIoer Kil (}DK) 6.0
8oftware Requ|rements
Some syslems may require Ialform-secific reIease mainlenance looIs, and lhere are
nev versions of looIs required for ReIease 12.1.1 for some Ialforms. Orac|c App|icaiicns
|nsia||aiicn an! Upgra!c Ncics (for your Ialform) conlains a Iisl of lhese looIs.
Planning for an Upgrade 1-7
The ugrade requires al Ieasl OracIe 10g ReIease 2 (10.2.0) OracIe 11g ReIease 1 is aIso
suorled. See Oaia|asc Prcparaiicn Gui!c|incs jcr an Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12.1.1
Upgra!c (Doc ID: 761570.1) for inslruclions.
The CIU requiremenls for an ugrade deend on many faclors, incIuding:
The size of lhe dalabase
The amounl of dala in lhe rimary roducl inslaIIalion grou
The number and duralion of Iong-running rocesses associaled vilh roducls in
lhis reIease
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns Mainicnancc Uii|iiics for
recommendalions on lhe number of vorkers lo use during lhe
For ExampIe:
A lesl ugrade of lhe Iargesl OracIe roduclion syslem (orarod) used lhe foIIoving
Dalabase lier machine - 24 CIUs (900 MHz SUNW, UIlraSIARC-III+)
AIicalion lier machine - 4 CIUs (3.05 GHz InleI Xeon)
A lesl ugrade of lhe Vision dalabase and aIicalion lier machine used 4 CIUs (3.05
GHz InleI Xeon).
Note: See |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 Upgra!c Sizing an! Bcsi Praciiccs
(Doc ID: 399362.1) for lhe slalislics on lhese roduclion syslem
To caIcuIale lhe memory requiremenls for an ugrade, consider lhe foIIoving:
Number of concurrenl users
Infraslruclure requiremenls for muIli-liered archileclure
For ExampIe
A lesl ugrade of lhe Iargesl OracIe roduclion syslem (orarod) used lhe foIIoving:
Dalabase lier machine - 48 G of memory
1-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
AIicalion lier machine - 12 G of memory
A lesl ugrade of lhe Vision dalabase and aIicalion lier machine used 6 G of
Note: See |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 Upgra!c Sizing an! Bcsi Praciiccs
(Doc ID: 399362.1) for lhe slalislics on lhese roduclion syslem
|nput|0utput (||0} 8ubsystem
Ierformance during an ugrade deends heaviIy on lhe seed of lhe OracIe dalabase
syslem inul/oulul (I/O) subsyslem. We recommend an average disk resonse lime
(average service lime) beIov 10-15 miIIiseconds for beller erformance. DelaiIed
informalion, incIuding IOIs caIcuIalions, is avaiIabIe in |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12
Upgra!c Ta||cspacc Sizing an! Bcsi Praciiccs (Doc ID: 399362.1).
To monilor lhe I/O erformance, you shouId use OS looIs Iike ioslal or sar (Unix)
during your lesl ugrade. Use simiIar looIs for olher oeraling syslems, for examIe
Ierformance Monilor for Windovs. You can aIso monilor I/O erformance on your
roduclion syslem during eak Ioad lo gel an idea aboul your I/O subsyslem
erformance before lhe ugrade. Hovever, you shouId nole lhal lhe I/O Ioad and,
lherefore, lhe average service lime on exisling aIicalions, is differenl from lhal of an
WhiIe you are moniloring lhe I/O erformance, you shouId focus on lhe atcragc scrticc
iinc (lhe average of eIased lime in miIIiseconds lhal lhe disk drive lakes lo comIele
an I/O requesl) and lhe atcragc uaii (lhe average amounl of lime requesls are Iefl
oulslanding). Higher averages for lhese lvo indicalors signaI an I/O bollIeneck. An
average service lime Ionger lhan 50 miIIiseconds is reason for concern if il Iasls loo Iong
and/or il is conlinuousIy al a high IeveI. SmaII inlervaIs of high average service lime
shouId nol be of concern.
Note: See Orac|c Oaia|asc Pcrjcrnancc Tuning Gui!c 10g |c|casc 2 (10.2)
or Orac|c Oaia|asc Pcrjcrnancc Tuning Gui!c 11g |c|casc 1 (11.1).
0atabase 8|ze
To eslimale lhe increase in required disk sace for ugrading, consider lhe roducls,
lhe number of Ianguages being inslaIIed, and changes in lhe dala modeI.
For ExampIe
In a lesl ugrade of lhe Iargesl OracIe roduclion syslem (orarod), lhe dalabase
increased 10-20 ercenl. In a lesl ugrade, lhe Vision dalabase increased 5 ercenl. Ior
guideIines based on an ugrade of lhe OracIe roduclion syslem (orarod), see
|-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 Upgra!c Sizing an! Bcsi Praciiccs (Doc ID: 399362.1).
Planning for an Upgrade 1-9
Tab|espace 8|z|ng
Make sure you aIIocale sufficienl labIesace. Ior guideIines based on an ugrade of lhe
OracIe roduclion syslem (orarod), see |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 Upgra!c Sizing an!
Bcsi Praciiccs (Doc ID: 399362.1).
|ock 8|ze
Tnis rc|casc rcquircs an |OBMS ||cck sizc cj 8K. In addilion lo roviding significanl
erformance imrovemenl, lhis selling accommodales lhe OracIe AIicalions indexes
lhal require lhis bIock size.
Re|ease 12 Arch|tecture
The ugrade rocess affecls syslem archileclure and lhe vay you use your AIicalions
roducls afler an ugrade. Orac|c App|icaiicns Ccnccpis conlains a comIele discussion
of lhe archileclure in lhis reIease, incIuding informalion aboul lhe OracIe AIicalions
muIli-liered archileclure, enhancemenls, Ianguage suorl, fiIe syslem slruclure, and
lhe basic dala modeI.
Tab|espace Hode|
This reIease uses lhe OracIe AIicalions TabIesace ModeI (OATM), vhich is based on
dalabase ob|ecl lye ralher lhan roducl affiIialion. OATM uses 12 IocaIIy managed
labIesaces for aII roducls, incIuding lhe lemorary labIesace, syslem labIesace, and
syslem-managed undo (SMU) labIesace. Iach dalabase ob|ecl is maed lo a
labIesace based on ils inul/oulul characlerislics, incIuding ob|ecl size, Iife san,
access melhods, and Iocking granuIarily.
OracIe has successfuIIy lesled syslems vilh exlenl sizes of 128 K for smaII syslems (100
G dalabase) and 4-10 M for Iarge, muIli-lerabyle dalabase syslems.
We suIy scrils in lhe ugrade rocess lo creale lhe labIesaces for aII nev roducls
and configure lhe dalabase for lhe nev labIesace modeI. Then, lhe ugrade rocess
creales lhe nev ob|ecls. Hovever, your exisling ob|ecls are nol aulomalicaIIy migraled.
We slrongIy recommend lhal you migrale lhe exisling ob|ecls afler lhe ugrade is
comIele. Use lhe TabIesace Migralion UliIily (inlroduced in ReIease 11i) lo erform
lhis lask.
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c
Ccnjiguraiicn. See aIso Orac|c App|icaiicns Ccnccpis.
Hu|t|p|e 0rgan|zat|ons
MuIliIe Organizalions archileclure suorls erformance imrovemenls across lhe
1-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
I-usiness Suile, as veII as MuIliIe Organizalions Access ConlroI, vhich enabIes an
AIicalions resonsibiIily lo access muIliIe oeraling unils if desired. An ugrade
requires lhe conversion of aII SingIe Organizalion archileclure syslems lo MuIliIe
Organizalions. You musl define al Ieasl one oeraling unil and assign il lo lhe
MO:Oeraling Unil rofiIe olion.
Converling lo MuIliIe Organizalions does nol require you lo use muIliIe oeraling
unils or sels of books, bul il does enabIe you lo use lhese fealures if you desire.
Converling lo MuIliIe Organizalions does nol roduce any noliceabIe change in
behavior - if you do nol define muIliIe oeraling unils and/or sels of books, lhe
conversion is lransarenl lo users.
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns Mu|iip|c Organizaiicns |np|cncniaiicn
Gui!c. See aIso Usc cj Mu|iip|c Organizaiicns (Mu|ii-Org) in |c|casc 11i
(Doc ID: 210193.1)
8ub|edger Account|ng Hode|
OracIe SubIedger Accounling rovides a common accounling engine lhal reIaces lhe
exisling accounling rocesses in lhe differenl subIedgers. ConsequenlIy, lhe SubIedger
Accounling ugrade consisls of migraling lhe exisling accounling dala lo ensure a
conlinuous business oeralion belveen lhe lvo reIeases. Deending on lhe business
and lhe secific requiremenls, "exisling accounling dala" may have differenl
imIicalions for differenl cuslomers.
Note: See AendixA, "IinanciaIs Ugrade Imacl", age A-1 for
informalion lhe SubIedger Accounling ugrade. See aIso IinanciaIs and
Irocuremenl Tasks, age G-7 in AendixG, "Ugrade by Requesl",
age G-1 for more informalion aboul lhe effecl of lhe SLA ugrade on
olher roducls.
Hu|t|p|e Report|ng 6urrenc|es
MuIliIe reorling currency funclionaIily has migraled lo Reorling Currency
funclionaIily in lhe OracIe SubIedger Accounling modeI. OracIe SubIedger Accounling
rovides a singIe reosilory vhere you can viev amounls in reorling currencies.
Note: See GeneraI Ledger, age A-13 and SubIedger Accounling, age
A-36 in AendixA, "IinanciaIs Ugrade Imacl", age A-1 in lhis
guide for more informalion.
8chedu||ng T|me for an Upgrade
In an ugrade, criiica| sqsicn !cuniinc refers lo lhe eriod of lime vhen users cannol
Planning for an Upgrade 1-11
Iog on lo lhe syslem or use OracIe AIicalions. There are severaI aclions you can lake
lo reduce lhis dovnlime eriod. Ior examIe, erforming cerlain roducl-secific lasks
before an ugrade can subslanliaIIy reduce lhe dovnlime, as can using lhe OracIe
cIoning melhodoIogy, and a lesl fiIe syslem lo ugrade your roduclion syslem.
This seclion briefIy describes some of lhe issues lhal affecl lhe amounl of dovnlime
required for an ugrade, and some of lhe aclions ve recommend lo reduce lhal
We slrongIy recommend lhal you back u your enlire syslem before you begin lhe
0atabase |n|t|a||zat|on Parameters
IniliaIizalion aramelers required al each slage of lhe ugrade may vary deending on
vhen you ugrade your dalabase. Reviev lhe requiremenls for lhese aramelers before
you begin. See Oaia|asc |niiia|izaiicn Parancicrs jcr Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc 12 (Doc ID:
Hanag|ng Long-runn|ng Processes
Ierformance of some ugrade scrils can be significanlIy imroved by changing lhe
foIIoving dalabase sellings for lhe duralion of lhe ugrade. The aramelers in lhis
seclion shouId be sel as secified, and lhen (excel as noled) can be resel as needed
afler lhe ugrade rocess is comIele.
_db_f||e_mu|t|b|ock_read_count (|n|t.ora parameter}
Secifies lhe maximum number of bIocks read in one I/O oeralion during a sequenliaI
scan. Remove lhis arameler ermanenlIy from lhe inil.ora fiIe. If il is sel lo any vaIue,
il overrides lhe _db_fiIe_olimizer_read_counl defauIl selling. DO NOT RISTORI
_db_f||e_opt|m|zer_read_count (|n|t.ora parameter}
This undocumenled arameler is used by lhe cosl-based olimizer. Il reresenls lhe
maximum number of bIocks read in one I/O oeralion during a sequenliaI scan for lhe
uroses of caIcuIaling lhe cosl of oeralions Iike fuII labIe and fasl fuII index scans.
The acluaI number of bIocks read in one I/O oeralion during a sequenliaI scan is
indeendenlIy conlroIIed by lhis arameler. The defauIl selling is 8. Do nol change lhis
_job_queue_processes (|n|t.ora parameter}
Secifies lhe maximum number of rocesses lhal can be crealed for lhe execulion of
|obs. OracIe recommends a vaIue equaI lo lhe number of CIUs.
1-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
para||e|_max_servers (|n|t.ora parameter}
ConlroIs lhe maximum number of araIIeI query server rocesses running in lhe
dalabase. OracIe recommends a vaIue equaI lo 2 limes lhe number of CIUs.
_pga_aggregate_target (|n|t.ora parameter}
See Oaia|asc |niiia|izaiicn Parancicrs jcr Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 396009.1)
for recommended vaIue.
_pga_max_s|ze (|n|t.ora parameter} - for 11g customers
During lhe ugrade rocess lo 12.1.1, cuslomers running 11gR1 may encounler lhe
foIIoving error:
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 822904 bytes
(pga heap,kco buffer)
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [dbgtfdFileWrite()+48]
[SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0xFFFFFFFF7FFC1C88] [PC:0x1063BD2D0] [Address not mapped
to object] []
This error onIy affecls cuslomers running 11gR1. This error indicales lhal dalabase
rocess memory is exhausled and lhe rocess musl be reslarled. This error onIy occurs
during Iarge voIume index buiId oeralions and affecls 12.1.1 ugrades onIy. If you
receive lhis error, lhen you musl sel lhe _ga_max_size arameler lo a Iarger vaIue as
Afler you sel lhis vaIue, you musl reslarl your dalabase. When a fix is avaiIabIe, lhe Mq
Orac|c Suppcri nole number 735276.1 viII be udaled accordingIy.
recyc|eb|n=0FF (|n|t.ora parameter}
Used lo conlroI vhelher lhe IIashback Dro caabiIily is lurned on or off. If lhe
arameler is sel lo OII, droed labIes do nol go inlo lhe recycIe bin. If sel lo ON,
droed labIes go inlo lhe recycIe bin and can be recovered.
Temporary Tab|espace
Creale labIesace (usuaIIy TIMI) as a IocaIIy managed labIesace using lhe lemorary
fiIe olion vilh a uniform aIIocalion size. If lhe lemorary labIesace is nol defined in
lhis vay, dro lhe lemorary labIesace and recreale il using lhe foIIoving examIe as
a lemIale:
SQL> drop tablespace TEMP;
SQL> create TEMPORARY tablespace TEMP
tempfile 'ts_p_temp1.dbf' size 2048M
To verify lhal lhe lemorary labIesace has been crealed, run lhe foIIoving:
Planning for an Upgrade 1-13
from dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name='TEMP';
The query oulul shouId be:
Afler lhe ugrade, reslore lhe revious slorage aramelers for lhe lemorary labIesace
and Iover lhe exlenl size for lhe lemorary labIesace lo a vaIue lhal is Iess lhan 1 M
(for examIe, 128 K).
Note: See Oaia|asc |niiia|izaiicn Parancicrs jcr Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc
12 (Doc ID: 396009.1).
0eterm|n|ng Upgrade Tasks
This seclion discusses looIs you can use lo examine your syslem and delermine vhich
ugrade sles aIy for your syslem.
The Upgrade Hanua| 8cr|pt (TUH8}
The Ugrade ManuaI Scril (TUMS) examines your currenl configuralion and creales a
reorl lhal Iisls ugrade lasks lhal do nol aIy lo your syslem. This reorl conlains
informalion lhal is unique lo your syslem configuralion, so ils oulul is reIevanl lo your
individuaI ugrade. Omilling lhe sles Iisled in lhe TUMS reorl can significanlIy
reduce ugrade dovnlime.
You creale lhe TUMS reorl by aIying a ReIease 11i alch, vhich Ioads ob|ecls inlo
your AIIS schema lhal TUMS uses lo examine your AIicalions configuralion. Your
currenl AIicalions environmenl is nol affecled. The alch uses lhe TUMS Sle keys
idenlified in lhis book lo uniqueIy idenlify each lask. The generaled reorl Iisls lhe sle
keys, in addilion lo lhe lye of sle (for examIe, re-ugrade) and sle number, for
each ugrade lask.
You viII be inslrucled lo run TUMS vhen you reare for lhe ugrade in Chaler2,
age 2-1.
Ha|ntenance w|zard
The Mainlenance Wizard is a looI rovided by OracIe Suorl lo guide you lhrough lhe
ugrade and code Iine mainlenance rocess. Il dravs on inslruclions from numerous
manuaIs and olher documenlalion (incIuding lhis documenl, lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns
|nsia||aiicn Gui!c. Using |api! |nsia||, and lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc Ncics) lo rovide
you vilh a comIele iclure of lhe aclivilies required for an ugrade.
1-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
The Mainlenance Wizard heIs you reduce ugrade lasks by dynamicaIIy fiIlering lhe
necessary sles based on crileria il oblains from your AIicalions environmenl. The
resuIling reorl is a sel of sle-by-sle inslruclions of exaclIy vhal you need lo do lo
comIele your secific ugrade, incIuding any crilicaI alches lhal your syslem may
require. Il can aIso aulomalicaIIy execule many of lhe lasks for you, so as lo reduce lhe
ossibiIily of errors or accidenlaI omission of vilaI lasks.
SecificaIIy, lhe Mainlenance Wizard:
Iresenls a consoIidaled, ersonaIized sel of inslruclions in a sle-by-sle formal
InabIes vaIidalion of imorlanl aclivilies lo revenl dovnslream issues
Mainlains Iog and slalus informalion for aII lasks
InabIes a ro|ecl adminislralor lo assign differenl grous of ugrade lasks lo
differenl users
DovnIoads, merges, and inslaIIs many required alches aulomalicaIIy
Irovides ro|ecl managemenl uliIilies lo record lhe lime laken for each lask and ils
comIelion slalus
Note: Ior informalion on selling u and using lhe Mainlenance
Wizard, see Masicr |ssuc Iisi jcr inc Mainicnancc Wizar! (Doc ID:
Ha|ntenance Hode
To ensure olimaI erformance and reduce dovnlime vhen aIying a alch, you
musl shul dovn lhe WorkfIov usiness Ivenls Syslem and sel u funclion securily
before you iniliale an AuloIalch session. This rovides lhe securily needed lo ensure
lhal no OracIe AIicalions funclions are avaiIabIe lo users vhiIe you are aIying a
alch. The Mainlenance Mode fealure rovides a cIear searalion belveen lhe normaI
runlime oeralion of OracIe AIicalions and syslem dovnlime for mainlenance.
Note: See Changing Mainlenance Mode in Orac|c App|icaiicns
Mainicnancc Uii|iiics. See aIso Ialching TooIs in Orac|c App|icaiicns
Paicning Prccc!urcs.
0bso|ete 6o|umns
During lhe ugrade rocess, lhe OracIe RDMS DROI COLUMN command marks
OracIe AIicalions coIumns as unused in lhe dala diclionary, making il ossibIe for
lhe dalabase adminislralor lo dro lhe coIumns and recIaim lhe associaled sace. Il is a
Planning for an Upgrade 1-15
good idea lo Ian lhis recIamalion ahead of lime because lhe rocess Iocks lhe
associaled labIes. Once lhe sace is recIaimed, lhe ugraded dala modeI Iooks more Iike
a fresh inslaII (excel for cuslomizalions). Nole lhal DROI COLUMN has no effecl on
cuslom coIumns.
Test Upgrade
To rovide a baseIine for ugrade execulion limes and an oorlunily lo vork oul any
ugrade issues ahead of lime, ve suggesl you erform a lesl ugrade using a coy
(cIone) of your exisling syslem, and hardvare lhal is simiIar lo vhal you use for your
roduclion syslem. A lesl ugrade is eseciaIIy imorlanl if your syslem has been
User Preferred T|me Zone 8upport
No seciaI ugrade sles are required for lhose roducls lhal suorl User Ireferred
Time Zones.
Note: See User Ireferred Time Zone Suorl in lhe Orac|c |-Busincss
Suiic |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 402650.1).
Upgrade y Request
Ior some OracIe AIicalions roducls, ugrade Ianning incIudes choosing lhe mosl
aclive sel of dala for ugrade rocessing. Then, you can ugrade hisloricaI dala lhal
vas omilled from lhe ugrade al a Ialer dale, or vhen il is needed. Ior examIe, you
mighl incIude onIy lhe Iasl fiscaI year in lhe ugrade lo ReIease 12.1.1, and lhen
ugrade lhe remaining dala oulside lhe 12.1.1 dovnlime vindov.
Note: See AendixG, age G-1 for more informalion.
NL8 Upgrade 6ons|derat|ons
This seclion discusses some imorlanl consideralions for managing your lransIalions,
Ianguages, and characler sels during lhe ugrade.
AddilionaI sace for each non-American IngIish Ianguage viII be required in lhe
dalabase lo comIele lhe ugrade. Il is nol ossibIe lo redicl lhe amounl of addilionaI
sace your syslem viII need, because lhe sace deends on faclors such as lhe dalabase
characler sel, lhe number of aclive Ianguages olher lhan American IngIish, and in
arlicuIar on lhe voIume of cuslomer-crealed dala in lhe syslem.
1-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Nole lhal lhe addilionaI sace for Ianguages musl be avaiIabIe lhroughoul lhe ugrade
Note: Ior lhe recommended minimum sace required for each aclive
Ianguage in lhe AIIL_TOI, see lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns NIS |c|casc
Ncics for your reIease IeveI.
Language 8tatus
You musl relain your exisling AIicalions ReIease 11i Ianguage slalus unliI lhe enlire
ugrade rocess (incIuding lhe osl-ugrade and finishing sles) is comIele. The base
Ianguage musl aIso remain lhe same, and nev Ianguages cannol be aclivaled.
Afler lhe ugrade rocess is comIele, you can change your Ianguage slalus as
required, and aclivale nev Ianguages.
Note: See Adding and Mainlaining NLS Languages seclion in Orac|c
App|icaiicns Mainicnancc Prccc!urcs.
6haracter 8ets
You cannol change lhe dalabase characler sel during an ugrade.
Deending on vhelher your AIicalions syslem connecls lo lhe dalabase during lhe
ugrade rocess, you may be abIe lo seIecl a nev characler sel for lhe ReIease 12
AIIL_TOI on lhe Raid InslaII vizard ugrade screens. Hovever, if you do, lhe nev
sel musl be eilher idenlicaI lo, or comalibIe vilh, lhe exisling dalabase characler sel.
Caution: If you change lhe characler sel in lhe AIIL_TOI lo one lhal is
nci comalibIe vilh lhe currenl dalabase characler sel, lhe ugraded
syslem viII be corruled.
Note: See License Manager in Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs
Gui!c Mainicnancc. See aIso Migraiing an App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn ic a
Ncu Cnaracicr Sci (Doc ID: 124721.1).
6ustom|zed Env|ronments
Cuslomized environmenls require seciaI allenlion during an ugrade. The inslruclions
in lhis guide assume lhal you have foIIoved lhe slandards for cuslomizing OracIe
AIicalions exaclIy as described in lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Octc|cpcrs Gui!c and lhe
Orac|c App|icaiicns Uscr |nicrjacc Sian!ar!s jcr |crns-|asc! Prc!ucis.
Planning for an Upgrade 1-17
Note: See aIso Prcparing Cusicn Octc|cpncni jcr inc Ncxi Orac|c
App|icaiicns |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc (Doc ID: 374398.1)
To reserve cuslomizalions and minimize lhe imacl during lhe ugrade:
IoIIov lhe OracIe AIicalions DeveIoer's Guide inslruclions for cuslomizing
your syslem and ugrading your cuslomizalions
Mainlain comIele documenlalion for cuslomizalions
ack u cuslomizalions before lhe ugrade
Caution: Cuslomizing any concurrenl rogram definilions, menus,
vaIue sels, or olher seeded dala rovided by OracIe AIicalions is
nol suorled. The ugrade rocess overvriles lhese
Protect|ng 0ata |n Renamed F||es
ecause fiIes may be renamed for a variely of reasons, il is good raclice lo rolecl lhem
from being accidenlaIIy overvrillen during lhe ugrade. Therefore, if you have
renamed fiIes using lhe <fiIename>oId, <fiIename>nev, or any olher generic
designalion, lhen rename lhem again, lo somelhing meaningfuI before you begin lhe
6ustom|zed he|p F||es
The heI fiIes in lhis reIease are in HTML formal, making lhem easy lo modify using a
commerciaI Web brovser or edilor. You cannol reaIy reviousIy cuslomized heI
fiIes lo your ugraded syslem. Therefore, il is imorlanl lhal you save lhe re-ugrade
cuslomized heI fiIes as a reference.
Note: See Cuslomizing OracIe AIicalions HeI in lhe Orac|c
App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c - Ccnjiguraiicn.
Product-spec|f|c 6ons|derat|ons
The informalion in lhis seclion aIies lo secific AIicalions roducls in lhis reIease.
See lhe ReIease Conlenl Documenls for informalion aboul olher roducls lhal are aclive
in your syslem.
Note: Aendixes A - D describe changes lo OracIe AIicalions
1-18 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
roducls in lhis reIease. See aIso AendixH, "Iroducl Documenlalion
Lisl", age H-1 for roducl-secific documenlalion.
6ross-Product Funct|ona||ty
Changes lo lhe roducls described in lhis seclion affecl many OracIe AIicalions
roducls. efore you begin lhe ugrade, your aIicalion seciaIisls shouId have made
Ians lo accommodale lhe reIevanl changes.
Lega| Ent|ty 6onf|gurator
The OracIe LegaI Inlily Configuralor is a nev moduIe lhal vas inlroduced in ReIease
12. Il is ouIaled vilh dala lhal is migraled from a number of ReIease 11i sources. Ils
urose is lo rovide a consislenl definilion of lhe IegaI slruclure of your enlerrise and
reIale il lo olher slruclures vilhin OracIe I-usiness Suile.
Wilh lhe OracIe LegaI Inlily Configuralor, you can manage your IegaI cororale
slruclure and lrack dala from lhe IegaI erseclive. This enabIes delaiIed reorling al
lhe IegaI enlily, eslabIishmenl, and regislralion IeveI.
The concel of LegaI Inlily has an imacl on aII cuslomers vho use lhe Human
Resources modeI lo define IegaI enlilies. LegaI enlilies exisl as Trading Communily
Archileclure arlies vilh IegaI informalion slored in lhe LegaI Inlily (XLI) dala modeI.
Subsidiaries of lhe IegaI enlilies are defined as eslabIishmenls, vhich are aIso defined as
arlies vilh IegaI informalion slored in lhe LegaI Inlily dala modeI.
Note: See Orac|c |inancia|s Ccnccpis for more informalion. See aIso
Orac|c |inancia|s |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c.
CRE|Lega| Ent|ty H|grat|on to Lega| Ent|t|es |n Trad|ng 6ommun|ty Arch|tecture
HRMS organizalions vilh a cIassificalion of GRI/LegaI Inlily and vilh accounling
informalion (for examIe, Sel of ooks) assigned are migraled lo lhe nev LegaI Inlily
in lhis reIease. Ior each LegaI Inlily migraled, an IslabIishmenl of lye (Main
IslabIishmenl) is crealed using lhe same dala.
Upgrade Assumpt|ons for 0perat|ng Un|ts and |nventory 0rgan|zat|ons
HRMS organizalions vilh an oeraling unil or invenlory organizalion cIassificalion are
migraled lo IslabIishmenls in lhe nev LegaI Inlily modeI. No olher cIassificalion of
organizalion olher lhan oeraling unil or invenlory organizalion cIassificalion is
migraled as eslabIishmenl.
6ountry-spec|f|c |nformat|on
Ior some counlries (such as Argenlina, Greece, Korea, ChiIe, IlaIy, CoIombia, and
Taivan), VAT Regislralion Number vas enlered in ReIease 11i lhrough lhe Human
Planning for an Upgrade 1-19
Resources Define Organizalion form, or a regislralion number vas enlered in counlry
secific selu fieIds. These vaIues are migraled lo lhe LegaI Inlily Idenlifying
}urisdiclion Regislralion Number. If no vaIid regislralion numbers exisl, a dummy
vaIue of Sys + <Sequence number> is ugraded as lhe regislralion number and
associaled vilh lhe seeded Idenlifying }urisdiclion.
Note: See lhe Orac|c |inancia|s an! Orac|c Prccurcncni Upgra!c Gui!c.
|c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12 for delaiIs.
Lega| Assoc|at|ons
To enabIe lax caIcuIalion based on exisling aramelers, lhe associalion belveen a
GRI/LegaI Inlily and an oeraling unil, invenlory organizalion, shi lo Iocalion, biII lo
Iocalion are migraled. Afler lhe ugrade, you musl mainlain lhese associalions lhrough
lhe LegaI Inlily Configuralor.
Hu|t|p|e 0rgan|zat|ons (Hu|t|-0rg}
In lhis reIease, MuIliIe Organizalions Access ConlroI (MOAC) has made significanl
enhancemenls lo lhe MuIliIe Organizalions archileclure lhal vas used in ReIease 11i. If
your comany has imIemenled a Shared Services oeraling modeI, MuIli-Org Access
ConlroI aIIovs you lo rocess business lransaclions more efficienlIy. You can access,
rocess, and reorl on dala across muIliIe oeraling unils from a singIe resonsibiIily
vilhoul comromising dala securily or syslem erformance.
Hu|t|-0rg 8ecur|ty Prof||e
The MuIli-Org Securily IrofiIe aIIovs you lo access, rocess, and reorl on dala for an
unIimiled number of oeraling unils from a singIe aIicalions resonsibiIily. To lake
advanlage of MuIli-Org Access ConlroI, you shouId sel lhe foIIoving rofiIe olions:
MO: Securily IrofiIe: Assign your Securily IrofiIe lo lhis rofiIe olion for each
aIicalion resonsibiIily lo aIIov lhal resonsibiIily lo access muIliIe oeraling
MO: DefauIl Oeraling Unil: If lhe MO: Securily IrofiIe is sel, lhen you can assign a
defauIl oeraling unil for defauIling uroses.
The ReIease 11i MO: Oeraling Unil rofiIe olion selling is reserved, and aIies if
MO: Securily IrofiIe is nol sel.
Enhanced 6ross-0rgan|zat|on Report|ng
Cross-organizalion reorling has been enhanced lo be more consislenl vilh lhe nev
MuIli-Org Access ConlroI. You can run reorls across muIliIe oeraling unils lhal
beIong lo a user's securily rofiIe lhal share lhe same Iedger. You can aIso run reorls
for any oeraling unil lhal beIongs lo a user's securily rofiIe.
1-20 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
8ett|ng Up 0perat|ng Un|ts
Selling u oeraling unils is more slreamIined vilh lhe inlegralion vilh Accounling
Selu Manager, a nev fealure in GeneraI Ledger lhal cenlraIizes lhe selu and
mainlenance of common financiaI comonenls, such as IegaI enlilies, oeraling unils,
and Iedgers vilhin an accounling selu.
AII ReIease 11i HR Organizalions cIassified as Oeraling Unils are reserved during lhe
ugrade. If oeraling unils are assigned lo a sel of books, lhey are associaled lo a
rimary Iedger in an accounling selu. You can nov viev aII oeraling unils assigned
lo an ugraded rimary Iedger using Accounling Selu Manager.
8tudent 8ystem and 8tudent Recru|t|ng
Important: OracIe Sludenl Syslem (IGS) and OracIe Sludenl Recruiling
(IGR) are nol funclionaI in lhis reIease. Cuslomers using IGS and IGR
shouId nol ugrade lo lhis reIease. There are no Ians lo rovide an
ugrade from ReIease 11i lo ReIease 12 for IGS and IGR.
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-1
Preparing for the Upgrade
This chaler covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Reviev Ugrade Tasks and AIy 11i.AD.I.6
Dalabase and Syslem Adminislralion Tasks
AIicalions TechnoIogy Tasks
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl Tasks
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Tasks
Leasing and Iinance Managemenl Tasks
Iro|ecls Tasks
IubIic Seclor/Universily Tasks
SuIy Chain Managemenl Tasks
Ireare for lhe Ugrade
Rev|ew Upgrade Tasks and App|y 11|.A0.|.
This seclion rovides a generaI checkIisl of lasks lhal are required for lhe ugrade and
describes The Ugrade ManuaI Scril (TUMS), vhich examines your currenl
configuralion and creales a reorl delaiIing vhich of lhe lasks in lhese inslruclions you
musl comIele and vhich ones you can ignore.
Il aIso conlains a reminder lhal you musl have aIied lhe 11i.AD.I.6 Miniack before
you can conlinue vilh lhe remaining ugrade rearalion lasks.
These tasks... are Iocated here...
AIy 11i.AD.I.6 (condilionaI)
2-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
These tasks... are Iocated here...
Run TUMS uliIily (recommended) , age 2-3
ack u dalabase, AIicalions, and
cuslomizalions (recommended)
, age 2-4
Ireare an ugrade Ian for cuslomizalions
, age 2-4
Converl lo MuIliIe Organizalions
archileclure (required)
, age 2-5
Dro evenl aIerl lriggers in cuslom schemas
, age 2-6
Reviev sizes of oId and nev labIesaces
, age 2-6
Run AD rearalion scrils (required) , age 2-6
Converl OracIe AIerl I-maiI Irocessing lo lhe
WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer (condilionaI)
, age 2-7
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl Tasks , age 2-8
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Tasks , age 2-10
Iro|ecls Tasks , age 2-17
IubIic Seclor/Universily Tasks , age 2-18
SuIy Chain Managemenl Tasks , age 2-20
Galher schema slalislics for CO (required) , age 2-27
ack u lhe dalabase (recommended) , age 2-28
Run Raid InslaII (required) , age 2-28
Migrale or ugrade your dalabase lo al Ieasl
OracIe 10g ReIease 2 (condilionaI)
, age 2-29
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-3
Note: If you have nol aIready revieved lhe informalion in usiness
Imacl and IunclionaI Changes, age 1-3 in Chaler1, age 1-1, do so
before you begin. Il is eseciaIIy imorlanl lhal bolh lhe DA and lhe
aIicalion seciaIisls be famiIiar vilh lhe lasks in AendixI, age I-
1, AendixI, age I-1, AendixG, age G-1, and AendixI,
age I-1, as lhe informalion lhal can heI reduce syslem dovnlime
and verify dala migralion.
8tep 1: App|y 11|.A0.|. (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you have nol reviousIy done so, aIy lhe 11i.AD.I.6 miniack on aII aIicalion lier
nodes. Il musl be resenl in your syslem in order lo ugrade lo ReIease 12.1.1.
Note: See A|cui Orac|c App|icaiicns OBA Minipack 11i.AO.|.6 (Doc ID:
8tep 2: Run TUH8 ut|||ty (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
The TUMS reorl Iisls lasks lhal you can omil from lhe ugrade because lhey do nol
aIy lo your syslem (for examIe, a lask required for a roducl lhal you do nol use or
for aIying a alch lhal you have reviousIy aIied). TUMS is deIivered in a alch,
vhich suIies lhe scrils you need lo examine your syslem and creale lhe reorl. We
slrongIy recommend you creale and reviev lhe TUMS reorl before you begin lhe
1. DovnIoad and aIy TUMS alch.
DovnIoad alch 7705743 and aIy il lo lhe adminislralion server node on your
ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI. Il suIies you vilh lhe scril (adlums.sqI) you need lo
generale lhe TUMS reorl (lumsr12.hlmI).
2. Generale lhe TUMS reorl.
To generale lhe reorl:
$ cd $AD_TOI/alch/115/sqI
$ sqIIus <AIIS username> / <AIIS assvord> +adlums.sqI <DIRICTORY>
2-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
C:(> cd %AD_TOI%(alch(115(sqI
C:(> sqIIus <AIIS username> / <AIIS assvord> +adlums.sqI <DIRICTORY>
Ior lhe <DIRICTORY> vaIue, enler lhe fuII alh of lhe direclory lhal you vanl lhe
reorl lo be vrillen lo. This direclory musl be Iisled in lhe UTL_IILI_DIR
arameler of lhe inil.ora fiIe before TUMS can vrile lhe reorl and musl have lhe
aroriale WRITI ermissions.
3. Reviev lhe reorl.
The lumsr12.hlm reorl Iisls lhe sles (idenlified by lhe TUMS sle key in lhis
book) lhal !c nci aIy lo your inslaIIalion. You may safeIy ignore any sles Iisled
in lhis reorl.
0atabase and 8ystem Adm|n|strat|on Tasks
These lasks erlain lo aII users. You musl comIele lhem before you conlinue vilh lhe
roducl-secific lasks in lhis chaler. AII lhe sles in lhis seclion can be erformed
vhiIe lhe syslem is u and running, and are erformed on lhe ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI.
8tep 1: ack up database, App||cat|ons, and custom|zat|ons (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Make a coId backu of lhe OracIe AIicalions dalabase. You can use il lo reslore lhe
dalabase shouId you encounler robIems during lhe ugrade rocess.
Note: Shul dovn lhe dalabase vilh lhe NORMAL olion. You may nol
be abIe lo reslore il from lhe backu if you use lhe IMMIDIATI or
AORT olion.
In addilion lo lhe dalabase fiIes, back u lhe AIIL_TOI, roducl cuslomizalions, and
cuslomized heI fiIes (in HTML).
Note: The ugrade rocess does nol save cuslomizalions. You shouId
coy aII your cuslomized fiIes and ul lhem in a safe Iace so you can
reaIy lhe cuslomizalions afler lhe ugrade.
8tep 2: Prepare an upgrade p|an for custom|zat|ons (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-5
You may have cuslomized your syslem for business use. Take nole of lhese imorlanl
consideralions before ugrading cuslom dalabase ob|ecls:
The Orac|c App|icaiicns Octc|cpcrs Gui!c conlains exlensive inslruclions aboul
naming slandards and issues reIaled lo ugrading cuslom dalabase ob|ecls.
IamiIiarize yourseIf vilh lhis informalion before you begin lhe ugrade.
Run severaI lesl ugrades and lrack lheir imacl on your cuslom dalabase ob|ecls.
Rename any cuslom dalabase ob|ecls vilh AIicalions refixes lhal you have
crealed so lhal lhey do nol confIicl vilh OracIe ob|ecl names.
Note: IaiIure lo lesl lhe imacl on cuslom dalabase ob|ecls before
lhe ugrade can resuIl in a Ioss of funclionaIily.
Al your discrelion, and deending on lhe cuslomizalions in your syslem, you shouId
aIso erform lhe foIIoving lasks:
Ireserve lhe CUSTOM Iibrary by making a backu coy of CUSTOM.II. You can
use lhis coy Ialer in lhe ugrade rocess lo migrale your CUSTOM Iibrary lo
ReIease 12.1.1.
If you have cuslomized forms vilh OracIe Iorms 6i, ugrade lhem lo OracIe Iorms
10i afler lhe ugrade.
8tep 3: 6onvert to Hu|t|p|e 0rgan|zat|ons arch|tecture (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
MuIliIe Organizalions archileclure suorls erformance imrovemenls across aII
OracIe AIicalions. Il aIso suorls MuIliIe Organizalions Access ConlroI, vhich
enabIes an AIicalions resonsibiIily lo access muIliIe oeraling unils if desired. This
reIease requires lhal MuIliIe Organizalions be enabIed. If you have nol done so
aIready, you musl converl lo lhis archileclure nov.
Converling lo MuIliIe Organizalions does nol require lhe use of muIliIe oeraling
unils or sels of books - il does enabIe you lo use lhis funclionaIily al any lime in lhe
fulure. If you are converling from a SingIe Organizalion archileclure lo a MuIliIe
Organizalion archileclure, comIele lhe foIIoving sles:
1. Creale an oeraling unil.
2. Assign lhe oeraling unil you crealed lo lhe rofiIe olion MO:Oeraling Unil.
Note: See lhe foIIoving documenlalion references: Orac|c
2-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
App|icaiicns Mu|iip|c Organizaiicns |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c, Usc cj
Mu|iip|c Organizaiicns (Mu|ii-Org) in |c|casc 11i (Doc ID: 210193.1),
and MOAC in Orac|c Purcnasing (Doc ID: 404800.1). HRMS users
shouId aIso see Sciiing Up Mu|iip|c Organizaiicns in Orac|c H|MS
(Doc ID: 259546.1)
8tep 4: 0rop event a|ert tr|ggers |n custom schemas (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
To dro aII evenl aIerl dalabase lriggers in cuslom schemas, run lhe aIrdlrig.sqI scril,
Iocaled in $ALR_TOI/admin/sqI (in your ReIease 11i syslem). Re-creale lhe lriggers
afler lhe ugrade is comIele.
8tep 5: Rev|ew s|zes of o|d and new tab|espaces (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Make sure you aIIocale sufficienl labIesace. Ior guideIines based on an ugrade of lhe
Iargesl OracIe roduclion syslem (orarod), see |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 Upgra!c
Sizing an! Bcsi Praciiccs (Doc ID: 399362.1).
8tep : Run A0 preparat|on scr|pts (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
To reare your syslem for lhe OracIe AIicalions TabIesace ModeI (OATM)
funclionaIily, you musl run some rearalion scrils. DovnIoad and unzi lhe nev
alch 7197489. IoIIov lhe inslruclions in lhe readme for running lhese scrils:
The labIesace modeI for lhis reIease (OATM) is based on dalabase ob|ecl lye
ralher lhan roducl affiIialion. The adgncons.sqI scril reares adcrlbs.sqI,
configures lhe dalabase lo hoId lhe nev roducls lo be added during lhe ugrade,
and svilches your syslem lo use lhe nev labIesace modeI.
Generaled by adgncons.sqI, lhis scril creales lhe nev labIesaces, aIIocales
unIimiled labIesace lo aII AIIS users, udales fnd_roducl_inslaIIalion labIe vilh
correcl dala and index labIesace informalion, assigns defauIl labIesace lo aII
AIIS users, and sels lhe nev_ls_mode fIag in fnd_roducl_grous lo Y.
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-7
e sure lo reviev lhe Iocalions of lhe dbf fiIes for each nev labIesace Iisled in
adcrlbs.sqI, and change lhe Iocalions in lhe scril as necessary. Insure lhal you
have adequale disk sace for aII lhe changes and addilions lhal adcrlbs.sqI is
going lo make.
Note: OracIe has lesled successfuIIy an exlenl size of 128 K for
smaII syslems (for examIe, 100 G dalabase or lhe Vision
dalabase), and, for Iarge muIli-lerabyle syslem, an exlenl size of
4-10 M has been lesled successfuIIy.
(adgranls_nl.sqI for Windovs) Granls SYS riviIeges needed by AIicalions, and
creales required vievs in SYS.
Note: Running lhe rearalion scrils creales labIesaces and
reares lhe dalabase ob|ecls onIy for nev roducls. To migrale
exisling roducls lo OATM, foIIov lhe inslruclions in OracIe
AIicalions Syslem Adminislralor's Guide - Configuralion.
App||cat|ons Techno|ogy Tasks
This orlion of lhe ugrade aIies lo aII users. ComIele lhese lasks before you
erform lhe roducl-secific lasks in lhis chaler.
Ierform lhe foIIoving lasks for OracIe AIerl.
8tep 1: 6onvert 0rac|e A|ert E-ma|| Process|ng to the workf|ow Not|f|cat|on Ha||er (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
OracIe AIerl Ieverages lhe WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer lo send aIerl e-maiI messages
and rocess resonses, obsoIeling lhe revious e-maiI imIemenlalion. AII incoming
resonses lo aIerls senl by lhe revious OracIe AIerl I-maiI imIemenlalion musl be
comIeled before lhe ugrade.
If you use resonse rocessing aIerls and you have nol aIready converled OracIe AIerl
lo lhe WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer, converl nov by aIying OracIe AIicalions
TechnoIogy 11i.ATG_II.H RoIIu 6 (alch 5903765) lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI.
This roII u alch causes OracIe AIerl lo use lhe WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer for nev
aIerls, bul aIIovs you lo conlinue lo run lhe AIerl Resonse Irocessor for incoming
resonses senl before lhe conversion. Conlinue lo run lhe Resonse Irocessor unliI you
2-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
have no more oulslanding resonses of lhis kind.
Note: See A|cui Orac|c App|icaiicns Tccnnc|cgq 11i.ATG_P|.H |c||up 6
(Doc ID: 444524.1) for more informalion.
6ustomer Re|at|onsh|p Hanagement Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks onIy if you are using Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl roducls.
Harket|ng, 8a|es, or Trade Hanagement
Ierform lhese lasks if you are have OracIe Markeling or SaIes roducls or OracIe Trade
Managemenl roducls aclive in your syslem.
8tep 1: 6reate new product cata|og (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
This reIease incIudes significanl changes lo lhe Iroducl LifecycIe Managemenl moduIe,
a hierarchicaI roducl calaIog lhal exands lhe funclionaIily and aIignmenl among
OracIe SaIes, OracIe Markeling, and OracIe InleIIigence roducls. There are severaI
alhs lo crealing lhe nev roducl calaIog, based on individuaI syslem configuralion.
Ior a descrilion of aII lhe olions and lhe sles required lo imIemenl lhem, refer lo
Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic Sa|cs c Markciing Prc!uci Caia|cg Upgra!c (Doc ID: 396079.1).
Note: See Orac|c Prc!uci Iijccqc|c Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c for more
informalion. See aIso Orac|c Prc!uci Iijccqc|c Managcncni |np|cncniaiicn
|ncent|ve 6ompensat|on
Ierform lhese lasks if you are using OracIe Incenlive Comensalion.
8tep 1: Ver|fy comp|et|on of 8a|es 6ompensat|on processes (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
To verify lhal your SaIes Comensalion selu dala is ready for lhe ugrade, dovnIoad
and aIy alch 4963569 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI. This alch conlains
cnugchki.sqI (Iocaled in lhe firsl direclory in ulI_fiIe_dir). Run lhis scril manuaIIy. Il
creales a reorl lhal leIIs you vhal re-ugrade sles are required. You can aIso viev
lhe resuIls of lhe reorl in concalenaled formal in lhe AuloIalch Iog fiIe
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-9
The foIIoving remedies are suggesled for errors Iisled in lhe reorl:
If this error exists... Take this action before running the
CaIcuIalion rocesses are nol comIeled ComIele aII caIcuIalion rocesses before lhe
The foIIoving is a Iisl of ayruns lhal have nol
been aid
Iay lhese ayruns before lhe ugrade.
The foIIoving saIesres have caIcuIaled Iines
lhal are nol osled
Iosl aII commission Iines before lhe ugrade.
There are non-zero osled lransaclions lhal
are nol Ioaded
Load and ay aII osled lransaclions before
lhe ugrade.
The foIIoving saIesres have osled
lransaclions lhal have nol been aid
Iay aII osled lransaclions before lhe
The foIIoving saIesres have inconsislenl dala
belveen commission Iines and osled Iines
ResoIve lhese inconsislencies before lhe
Ierform lhese lasks if you are using OracIe TeIeService.
8tep 1: 8et up prof||e opt|on for Te|e8erv|ce (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Service ugrade scrils have been enhanced lo aIIov you lo choose lhe mosl
aroriale ugrade alh based on lhe vaIue in lhe rofiIe olion Service: Ugraded
ReIease (Ior DeveIomenl User OnIy). The vaIue in lhe rofiIe olion indicales lhe
currenl Service version before lhe ugrade. VaIid vaIues are: 1158, 1159, and 11510.
Service ugrade scrils erform onIy lhe minimum ugrade Iogic required from lhe
version secified in lhe rofiIe olion. If lhere is no vaIue avaiIabIe for lhis rofiIe
olion, lhen lhe ugrade scrils execule aII Iogics from 11.5.8. If you don'l aIready have
lhis rofiIe olion, lhen you can creale il vilh an inlernaI name
CS_SR_UIDATI_RILIASI. Sel lhe aroriale vaIue (such as 1159, 11510, and so on)
al lhe Syslem IeveI.
2-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Hob||e F|e|d 8erv|ce
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe MobiIe IieId Service.
8tep 1: 8ynchron|ze data for Hob||e F|e|d 8erv|ce (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
AII MobiIe IieId Service users vilh changes ending in lheir mobiIe device shouId
synchronize lhe mobiIe server. Do nol make any addilionaI changes using lhe MobiIe
IieId Service aIicalion unliI lhe ugrade is comIele, and aII users have successfuIIy
F|nanc|a|s and Procurement Tasks
ComIele lhese lasks onIy for lhe IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl roducls lhal are aclive
in your syslem.
F|nanc|a|s for |nd|a
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe IinanciaIs for India
8tep 1: 8et m|n|mum patch |eve|s (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: Ialch IeveI Iover lhan IN60105D2
This sle aIies if you are nol al lhe foIIoving alch IeveIs. If you have aIready
aIied lhe alch sel, or a Ialer one, you can omil lhis sle.
OracIe IinanciaIs for India alch sel IN60105D2 (incIuded in ReIease 11i alch
OracIe IinanciaIs for India Service Tax SoIulion (ReIease 11i sland-aIone alch
OracIe IinanciaIs for India VaIue Added Tax SoIulion (ReIease 11i sland-aIone
alch 4245089)
OracIe IinanciaIs for India Tax Deduclion al Source SoIulion (ReIease 11i
sland-aIone alch 4860026)
If you have nol aIied alch sel IN60105D2 and lhe lhree sland-aIone alches, lhen
aIy lhe alch sel (incIuded in alch 4153130), and lhe consoIidaled alch 4923208 for
lhe sland-aIone alches before you ugrade.
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-11
Cenera| Ledger
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe GeneraI Ledger.
8tep 1: Run Account|ng 8etup Hanager 0|agnos|s for HR6 (opt|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
The Accounling Selu Manager reIaces many forms and user inlerfaces in lhis reIease.
We recommend lhal you run lhe Accounling Selu Manager Ire-Udale Diagnosis
reorl lo idenlify olenliaI incomalibiIilies lhal vouId revenl you from using some
nev fealures. The reorl idenlifies ReIease 11i selu for MuIliIe Reorling Currencies,
GeneraI Ledger, GIobaI Accounling Ingine, Assels, IayabIes, and ReceivabIes. In order
lo run lhis reorl successfuIIy, aIy alch 5259121 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI.
To access lhe reorl, run lhe Accounling Selu Manager Ire-Udale Diagnosis reorl in
lhe Slandard Requesl Submission form from a GeneraI Ledger resonsibiIily. Reviev
lhe reorl and fix any selu il idenlifies as robIemalic. Nole lhal modifying selu
configuralions is nol easiIy done afler lhe ugrade is comIele.
Note: You can run lhe ugrade successfuIIy vilhoul running lhis reorl
or modifying lhe selu. AII lhe fealures viII funclion simiIarIy lo
ReIease 11i. Hovever, you may nol be abIe lo lake advanlage of some
nev funclionaIily.
The reorl aIso delaiIs vhal changes, if any, lhe ugrade viII have on cerlain ob|ecls.
The foIIoving areas of lhe reorl shov delaiIs in a labuIar formal. The labIe coIumns
shov necessary informalion, such as lhe reorling sel of books name, currency, and
descrilion for unassigned reorling sels of books.
Sels of ooks: Reviev Sels of ooks To e Ugraded lo Secondary Ledgers
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Unassigned Reorling Sels of ooks
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: One Reorling Sel of ooks Assigned lo MuIliIe
Irimary Sels of ooks
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Reorling Sels of ooks Wilh TransIaled Currencies
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: GeneraI-Ledger-OnIy Reorling Sels of ooks
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Inconsislenl GeneraI Ledger Conversion RuIes
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Inconsislenl Selu
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: IncomIele Selu
2-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe iIaymenls.
8tep 1: Prepare data for cred|t card encrypt|on upgrade (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: See lexl for condilions
ComIele lhis sle onIy if you are using credil card encrylion in ReIease 11i.
OracIe Iaymenls (renamed from iIaymenls in ReIease 11i) handIes credil card
encrylion, aIong vilh encrylion of olher aymenl cards and lhird-arly bank
accounls. If you are using Credil Card Incrylion in ReIease 11i, lhen you need lo
reare your dala for lhe ugrade lo lhe nev encrylion modeI.
Rccnmmcndcd: If you are using lhe OracIe AIicalions Credil Card Incrylion
fealure lhal vas inlroduced as a alch afler ReIease 11.5.10, ve recommend you
comIele aII lhe hisloricaI credil card dala migralion rograms rovided vilh lhe alch.
See lhe "Ugrade Sles for Credil Card Incrylion" seclion in Orac|c App|icaiicns Crc!ii
Car! |ncrqpiicn (Doc ID: 338756.1) for more informalion.
Rcquircd: If you are using lhe OracIe iIaymenl encrylion fealure, and have nol yel
moved lo lhe enhanced OracIe AIicalions Credil Card Incrylion fealure, lhen you
musl aIy alch 4607647 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI and comIele lhe sles
described in lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Crc!ii Car! |ncrqpiicn vhile aer.
|nternet Expenses
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe Inlernel Ixenses.
8tep 1: |mport expense reports |nto Accounts Payab|e (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Ierform lhis sle onIy if you have inlercomany dala in Inlernel Ixenses (OII)
inlerface records lhal musl be imorled inlo OracIe IayabIes.
In lhis reIease, lhe Ixense Reorl Imorl concurrenl rogram is obsoIele. Therefore,
you musl submil lhis rogram rior lo lhe ugrade lo ensure lhal aII inlercomany
dala in Inlernel Ixenses inlerface records is imorled inlo OracIe IayabIes. Iix any
re|eclions and resubmil lhe rogram unliI aII records are imorled successfuIIy.
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe IayabIes.
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-13
8tep 1: |mport a|| |nvo|ces from Payab|es 0pen |nterface (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
In lhis reIease, gIobaI descrilive fIex fieIds (GDIs) are obsoIele and are moved inlo lax
and aymenl coIumns. SeveraI vaIidalions are erformed based on lhe counlry lhe
invoice is imorled from on lhese GDIs. They are nol ugraded in lhe oen inlerface
Imorl aII invoices lhal have nol yel been imorled by running lhe Oen Inlerface
Imorl rogram on lhe 11i AIIL_TOI. ResoIve any re|eclions and resubmil lhe
rogram unliI aII invoices are imorled.
8tep 2: 6onf|rm or cance| a|| Un-conf|rmed Payment atches (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Wilh lhe inlroduclion of OracIe Iaymenls, lhe nev aymenl balch modeI is nol
comalibIe vilh 11i aymenl balches. To ensure lhal lhere are no in-rocess aymenl
balches incIuded in lhe ugrade rocessing, eilher confirm or canceI aII aymenl
balches before you begin.
8ub|edger Account|ng
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe SubIedger Accounling and any of lhe
associaled roducls (see Iisl incIuded in Sle 1).
8tep 1: 8et range of per|ods (opt|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
During lhe ugrade, exisling accounling dala from lhe subIedgers is ugraded inlo lhe
nev OracIe SubIedger Accounling dala modeI. y defauIl, lhe ugrade udales lhe dala
for lhe currenl fiscaI year, as veII as lhe necessary eriods of lhe revious fiscaI, lo
ensure lhal lhere are al Ieasl six eriods incIuded in lhe ugrade (occurs vhen lhe
ugrade is erformed in lhe firsl haIf of lhe fiscaI year).
You may need lo run lhe SLA Ire-Ugrade rogram if you are using OracIe GeneraI
Ledger and al Ieasl one of lhe foIIoving subIedgers: Assels, Cosl Managemenl,
I-usiness Tax, IayabIes, ReceivabIes, or Iro|ecls Accounling. This olionaI rogram
aIIovs you lo change lhe defauIl number of eriods of hisloric dala lo be ugraded.
You can define a Iarger range of eriods lo be ugraded, and you can decide lo erform
lhe ugrade for aII or mosl of lhe dala during lhe dovnlime hase. This is an imorlanl
decision because some of lhe OracIe SubIedger Accounling funclionaIily, such as
accounling reversaIs and business fIovs, reIy on lhe exislence of revious accounling
2-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
If you do nol erform a comIele ugrade of lhe accounling dala, OracIe SubIedger
Accounling aIIovs you lo erform an addilionaI ugrade of lhe dala by running lhe
SLA osl-ugrade rocess vhenever lhe missing dala is required (see SubIedger
Accounling, age G-9 in Aendix G, age G-1). This rogram is execuled al lhe
same lime as daiIy oeralions. As a resuIl, il may have an imacl on overaII syslem
If you need lo change lhe defauIl number of eriods of hisloric dala lo be ugraded,
you musl aIy alch 5233248 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI and submil lhe SLA
Ire-Ugrade rogram. When submilling lhis rogram, you can enler lhe foIIoving
Migratc a!! scts nI bnnks: IossibIe vaIues are Yes (SLA Ire-Ugrade rogram
udales lhe eriods in aII sels of books) or No (SLA Ire-Ugrade rogram udales
lhe eriods lhal beIong lo lhe seIecled sel of books).
5ct nI bnnks: Sel of books lo be ugraded vhere you have seIecled lo ugrade one
sel of books.
5tart Datc: Dale lo be used lo delermine lhe firsl eriod lo be ugraded. Does nol
have lo be lhe slarling dale of a eriod - lhe iniliaI eriod is delermined as lhe firsl
eriod in vhich lhis dale faIIs.
Leas|ng and F|nance Hanagement Tasks
Ierform lhese re-ugrade lasks onIy if you are using OracIe Leasing and Iinance
IoIIoving are lhe mandalory re-ugrade sles lhal musl be comIeled before
ugrading lo ReIease 12.1.1
If you are ugrading from 11i OKLG, lhen aIy lhe OKLG Ire-Ugrade alch (alch
6027572) on 11i OKLG code Iine. If you are ugrading from 11i OKLH, lhen aIy
OKLH Ire-Ugrade alch (alch 6027561) on 11i OKLH code Iine.
Note: If you are currenlIy on 11i OKLG, lhen lhe minimum requiremenl
is lhal you ugrade lo 11i OKLG Ru3 (alch 4487651). If you are
currenlIy on 11i OKLH, lhen lhe minimum requiremenl is lhal you
ugrade lo 11i OKLH Ru3 (alch 5350898). If you are currenlIy on any
olher 11i codeIine, lhen lhe minimum requiremenl is lhal you inslaII 11i
OKLH and ugrade lo 11i OKLH Ru3 (alch 5350898).
1. Run OKL iIIing Ire-Ugrade Reorl lo check for ending lransaclions lhal have
nol been lransferred lo OracIe ReceivabIes. If lhere are any ending lransaclions,
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-15
lhen you musl run lhe foIIoving concurrenl rograms in lhe order given lo cIear
lhe ending lransaclions:
1. Masler Ilem - Irocess iIIabIe Slreams
2. Masler Irogram - Ireare ReceivabIes
3. Masler Irogram - ReceivabIes iIIs ConsoIidalion
4. Masler Irogram - ReceivabIes Invoice Transfer
5. Auloinvoice Masler rogram
. Ielch AR Invoice Numbers
Reeal lhese sles unliI aII ending lransaclions are cIeared.
2. Run OKL Disbursemenl Ire-Ugrade Reorl lo check for ending lransaclions lhal
have nol been lransferred lo OracIe IayabIes. If lhere are any ending lransaclions,
lhen you musl run lhe foIIoving concurrenl rograms in lhe order given lo cIear
lhe ending lransaclions:
1. Iay Invoice Ireare for AI Transfer
2. Iay Invoices Transfer lo AI Invoice Inlerface
3. Inveslor IayabIes ConsoIidalion
4. IayabIes Oen Inlerface Imorl
Reeal lhese sles unliI aII ending lransaclions are cIeared.
3. Run lhe OKL Accounling Ire-Ugrade Reorl lo check for ending lransaclions
lhal have nol been lransferred lo OracIe GeneraI Ledger. AIso check for any
accounling selu discreancies. If lhere are ending lransaclions or selu
discreancies, lhen you musl comIele lhe foIIoving sles lo cIear lhe ending
lransaclions and selu discreancies:
1. Run lhe Accounling Inlry Irocess
2. Correcl accounling enlries osled lo lhe OKL sub Iedger vilh an error using lhe
Correcl Accounling Inlries vindov.
3. Run GeneraI Ledger Transfer
4. If any accounling lemIales are found lhal have more lhan lvo lemIale Iines,
lhen udale lhe accounling lemIales lhal have more lhan lvo accounling
lemIale Iines and remove lhe ercenlage aIIocalion.
2-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
4. Run lhe OKL MuIli-GAAI Ire-Ugrade Reorl lo delermine vhich oeraling unils
can be ugraded lo Aulomaled Accounling for MuIli-GAAI. The reorl Iisls lhose
oeraling unils lhal can be ugraded lo Aulomaled Accounling for MuIli-GAAI,
and lhose lhal are nol eIigibIe. The reorl Iisls lhe reasons vhy a arlicuIar
oeraling unil cannol be ugraded lo Aulomaled Accounling and lhe condilions
lhal musl be mel before lhe oeraling unil can be ugraded lo Aulomaled
Accounling. To make an oeraling unil eIigibIe for ugrade lo Aulomaled
Accounling, ensure lhal lhe foIIoving condilions in lhe re-ugrade environmenl
are mel:
The Reorling Iroducl Assel ook rofiIe olion in 11i is defined.
The sel of books associaled vilh lhe Reorling Iroducl Assel ook musl nol be
lhe same as lhe sel of books associaled vilh ils corresonding Cororale ook.
Ior aII MuIli-GAAI conlracls, lhe IocaI roducl and lhe reorling roducl musl
salisfy lhe foIIoving condilions:
1. The revenue recognilion melhod of lhe IocaI and reorling roducl musl be
lhe same.
2. The inleresl caIcuIalion basis of lhe IocaI and reorling roducl musl be lhe
3. If lhe book cIassificalion of lhe IocaI roducl is Lease (Direcl Iinance Iease,
Oeraling Iease or SaIes Tye Iease), lhen lhe book cIassificalion of lhe
reorling roducl musl aIso be Lease (Direcl Iinance Iease, Oeraling Iease
or SaIes Tye Iease).
4. If lhe book cIassificalion of lhe IocaI roducl is Loan, lhen lhe book
cIassificalion of lhe reorling roducl musl aIso be Loan.
5. If lhe book cIassificalion of lhe IocaI roducl is RevoIving Loan, lhen lhe
book cIassificalion of reorling roducl musl aIso be RevoIving Loan.
. The ricing engine of lhe Slream Generalion TemIales associaled vilh lhe
corresonding Accounling TemIales of lhe IocaI and reorling roducls
musl be lhe same.
AII assels on aII of lhe conlracls in lhe Oeraling Unil musl have lhe same
cororale assel book.
Ior MuIli-GAAI conlracls, aII assels on lhe MuIli-GAAI conlracls in lhe
Oeraling Unil musl have been crealed in lhe same lax assel book defined on
lhe Reorling Iroducl Assel ook rofiIe olion.
Re-running lhe OKL MuIli-GAAI Ire-Ugrade Reorl uon making any changes
in lhe re-ugrade environmenl confirms if lhe arlicuIar oeraling unil is eIigibIe
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-17
for ugrade lo Aulomaled Accounling.
The foIIoving sles musl be comIeled lo seIecl one or more oeraling unils lo be
ugraded lo Aulomaled Accounling:
Navigale lo Selu > OeralionaI Olions.
CIick lhe Ugrade bullon lo oen lhe nev Ugrade user inlerface.
SeIecl lhe Aulomaled Accounling vaIue from lhe Iisl of vaIues for lhose
oeraling unils lhal need lo be ugraded lo Aulomaled Accounling.
CIick lhe AIy bullon lo save lhe changes.
If a secific oeraling unil is nol eIigibIe lo be ugraded lo Aulomaled
Accounling, lhen lhe user inlerface disIays lhe aroriale error message.
The secondary reresenlalion melhod can be defined as Aulomaled Accounling
onIy for lhose oeraling unils lhal meel lhe above condilions.
Defining lhe secondary reresenlalion melhod vaIue for oeraling unils is an
olionaI re-ugrade sle. If lhe secondary reresenlalion melhod is nol defined in
lhe re-ugrade 11i environmenl, lhen lhe oeraling unils viII be ugraded vilh
lhe foIIoving defauIl vaIues for lhe secondary reresenlalion melhod:
If lhe oeraling unil is nol a MuIli-GAAI oeraling unil in 11i, lhen lhe
secondary reresenlalion melhod viII be ugraded lo Nol AIicabIe in lhis
If lhe oeraling unil is a MuIli-GAAI oeraling unil in 11i, lhen lhe secondary
reresenlalion melhod viII be ugraded lo Reorl in lhis reIease.
Projects Tasks
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe Iro|ecls.
8tep 1: 6omp|ete d|str|but|on, transfer, and t|eback of expense reports (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you creale exense reorls using Ire-Aroved Ixendilure Inlry or imorl
unaccounled exense reorls from exlernaI syslems, lhen run lhe foIIoving concurrenl
rograms for each oeraling unil lhal uses OracIe Iro|ecls as a source enlry oinl for
exense reorl crealion, ad|uslmenl, or bolh:
IRC: Dislribule Ixense Reorl Cosls
2-18 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
IRC: Inlerface Ixense Reorls lo IayabIes
Ixense Reorl Imorl (musl be run from lhe IayabIes resonsibiIily)
IRC: Tieback Ixense Reorls from IayabIes
Your Iro|ecls aIicalion seciaIisl shouId ensure lhal aII lransaclions are successfuIIy
inlerfaced and lhal no excelions remain.
8tep 2: 6omp|ete transfer and t|eback of cost, cross charge, and revenue (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Run lhe foIIoving concurrenl rograms for each oeraling unil imIemenled in OracIe
Iro|ecls and OracIe Granls Accounling. Insure lhere are no excelions.
}ournaI Imorl: ComIele }ournaI Imorl in GeneraI Ledger for aII ro|ecl |ournaI
IRC: Tieback Labor Cosls from GeneraI Ledger
IRC: Tieback Usage Cosls from GeneraI Ledger
IRC: Tieback TolaI urdened Cosl from GL
IRC: Tieback Cross Charge Dislribulions Irom GeneraI Ledger (does nol aIy lo
Granls Accounling)
IRC: Tieback Revenue from GeneraI Ledger
Pub||c 8ector|Un|vers|ty Tasks
ComIele lhese lasks onIy for lhe IubIic Seclor/Universily roducls lhal are aclive in
your syslem.
8tudent 8ystems
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe Sludenl Syslems.
8tep 1: Hod|fy the key f|exf|e|d structure for Product 6ata|og (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you Ian lo use Sludenl Recruiling in subsequenl reIeases of OracIe AIicalions,
lhen foIIov lhe inslruclions in lhis lask lo sel u lhe key fIexfieId reIaled lo lhe Iroducl
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-19
CalaIog as a singIe, unverified, aIhanumeric segmenl lo enabIe lhe ugrade scrils lo
migrale Academic Inleresls (Inlry Slalus, Irogram, and Unil Sel Code Dala) lo Iroducl
CalaIog. Ierform lhe sles on your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI.
Dctcrminc I!cx structurc:
To delermine lhe fIex slruclure associaled vilh lhe roducl calaIog, comIele lhese
1. Irom lhe DeveIomenl Manager resonsibiIily, oen lhe DefauIl Calegory Sels
form (Selu > Ilem Calegories) and query aII records.
2. Navigale lo lhe record vilh lhe IunclionaI Area VaIue of Iroducl Reorling
(IUNCTIONAL ARIA_ID 11) and make a nole of lhe Calegory Sel and
Descrilion vaIues.
3. Irom lhe DeveIomenl Manager resonsibiIily (Selu > Selu Workbench >
CalaIogs), search for lhe CalaIog vilh lhe name Calegory Sel or Descrilion lhal
you noled in lhe revious sle.
4. CIick lhe relrieved record lo find lhe fIex slruclure associaled vilh il.
5. Irom lhe DeveIomenl Manager resonsibiIily, navigale lo Selu > Selu
Workbench > CalaIogs (lab) > Calegories (sub-lab) > Creale Calegory (side
navigalion bar).
. On lhe Creale Calegory age, enler lhe fIex slruclure vaIue lhal you oblained in lhe
revious sle. CIick Conlinue.
7. On lhe nexl age, enler Iroducl Cal and descrilion IXACTLY as foIIovs: OSS
Academic Inleresl. CIick AIy.
MndiIy thc I!cx structurc:
To modify lhe fIex slruclure, comIele lhese sles.
1. Irom lhe Syslem Adminislralor resonsibiIily, navigale lo lhe Key IIexfieId
Segmenls form (AIicalion > IIexfieId > Key > Segmenls), using lhe Invenlory and
IIexfieId TilIe: Ilem Calegories fiIler.
2. In lhe Iisl, find lhe slruclure associaled vilh lhe one lhal malches lhe
ID_ILIX_STRUCTURI_CODI relrieved in your query.
3. Uncheck lhe Ireeze IIexfieId Definilion check box, if required, and cIick Segmenls.
4. Insure lhal lhere is onIy a singIe segmenl associaled vilh lhe IIex Slruclure
assigned lo lhe SIGMINT1 coIumn. CIick VaIue Sel lo examine lhe VaIue Sel
associaled vilh lhe singIe segmenl.
5. Insure lhal lhe formal lye is Char, lhe maximum size is 40, lhe vaIidalion lye is
2-20 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
None, and lhal none of lhe vaIidalion check boxes are enabIed (for examIe,
Numbers OnIy). The easiesl vay lo accomIish lhis is lo assigned lhe seeded 40
Chars VaIue Sel lo lhe segmenl.
. Save lhe fIexfieId informalion, freeze lhe definilion, and comiIe il.
Note: The dala is nol migraled vhen lhe Inlry Slalus is cIosed.
Inlry Slalus and ils reIalionshi lo Tesl Tyes and OrganizalionaI
Unils are obsoIele. Therefore, no dala is migraled from oId
Recruilmenl labIes (IGS_RC_I_I_ORGUNITS and
IGS_RC_I_I_TISTTYOS lo lhe nev Sludenl Recruiling labIes
8upp|y 6ha|n Hanagement Tasks
The lasks in lhis seclion are required onIy if you are using OracIe SuIy Chain
Managemenl roducls.
0epot Repa|r
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe Deol Reair.
8tep 1: |dent|fy and reso|ve prob|em data (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: 11.5.9
AIy Dala Verificalion alch 5382135 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI. You can aIy il
as a hol alch by selling olionsholalch vhen you run AuloIalch. If you aIy il as a
holalch, DO NOT merge il vilh any olher alches.
The alch runs a scril (csdremr.sqI), vhich generales an oulul fiIe (csdremr.Isl) in
lhe firsl direclory defined in lhe ulI_fiIe_dir arameler. The oulul fiIe Iisls robIemalic
dala and describes a resoIulion.
Afler you comIele lhe necessary correclive aclion, rerun csdremr.sqI under lhe
$CSD_TOI/alch/115/sqI direclory using SQLIIus and conlinue lo correcl dala unliI
no furlher errors are reorled.
Process Hanufactur|ng
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe Irocess Manufacluring.
8tep 1: Prepare to m|grate 0PH data (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-21
To successfuIIy migrale OracIe Irocess Manufacluring (OIM) Invenlory dala lo OracIe
Invenlory, you musl comIele dala cIeanu and selu sles before lhe ugrade.
Ierform lhe sles in lhe order Iisled, and before you conlinue vilh olher lasks in
subsequenl seclions.
Note: See OPM |c|casc 12 Migraiicn (Doc ID: 376683.1) for more
informalion. Nole lhal lhis reference is nol a singIe documenl. Il is a
reosilory of OIM migralion documenlalion.
1. Ma dala (aII reIeases)
Ma lhe dala using lhe Convergence Migralion Selu user inlerface in lhe OIM
syslem Adminislralion resonsibiIily. AIy alches 4563075 and 6694260 lo your
ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI for lhe user inlerface. See lhe OPM Migraiicn |cjcrcncc Gui!c
in Doc ID: 376683.1 for delaiIs.
2. Run SQL vaIidalion scrils (aII reIeases)
AIy alches 4699061 and 6696828 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI for lhe SQL
vaIidalion scrils. See lhe OPM Migraiicn |cjcrcncc Gui!c in Doc ID: 376683.1 for
3. Migrale OIM organizalion and ilems (aII reIeases)
AIy alch 4582937 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI and foIIov lhe inslruclions in
lhe readme fiIe. You can migrale OIM organizalions and ilems discreleIy before lhe
ugrade lo reduce dovnlime.
4. Udale Iorecasl headers in Iorecasl Sel (aII reIeases)
Ior 11.5.9 or IamiIy Iack K and Iover, aIy alch 4268525 lo your ReIease 11i
AIIL_TOI and foIIov lhe inslruclions in lhe readme. Ior aII olher reIeases, udale
Iorecasl headers lo have a vaIue enlered in Iorecasl Sel. OnIy lhose forecasls lhal
have a vaIue in lhis fieId are migraled.
Note: See Orac|c Prcccss Manujaciuring Migraiicn |cjcrcncc Gui!c for
more informalion.
8tep 2: F|n|sh m|grat|on preparat|ons for 0PH (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Make sure you have comIeled aII lhe sles in lhe revious lask rior before you begin
lhis lask. Ierform lhe sles in lhe order Iisled. Users musl be Iogged off lhe syslem.
2-22 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
1. Reviev, acl on, and disose of informalion in OracIe ASCI labIes. (required for aII
reIeases lhal use ASCI)
Reviev, acl on, and disose of informalion rovided in lhe OracIe Advanced
SuIy Chain IIanning aIicalion labIes: GMI_AIS_OUTIUT_TL and
2. Reviev, acl on, and disose of informalion in OIM MRI labIe. (aII reIeases lhal use
Reviev, acl on, and disose of lhe informalion in lhe OIM labIe: MR_ACTN_TL.
3. Ireare for lhe balch snashol (if lhere are oen balches)
Take a snashol lo recreale aII lhe oen balches, lhen aIy alch 4458024 lo your
ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI.
4. CIose aII balches vilh a slalus of ComIeled (aII reIeases)
Navigale lo lhe Migralion Selu User Inlerface alches lab. Choose Mass alch
CIose from lhe Aclion menu. See lhe OIM Migralion Reference Guide in Doc ID:
376683.1 for delaiIs.
5. Calure snashol (aII reIeases)
CIick lhe Irocess alches for Migralion bullon on lhe Convergence Migralion Selu
user inlerface lo calure a snashol of lhe oen balches lo be used during lhe
osl-migralion rocess (lhal recreales lhe balches). See lhe OIM Migralion
Reference Guide in Doc ID: 376683.1 for delaiIs.
. ComIele or canceI ending lransfer (11.5.10, or IamiIy Iack K and Ialer)
See lhe OPM |ntcnicrq Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c for delaiIs aboul hov lo comIele a
ending lransfer. Or, aIy alch 4350832 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI lo canceI
ending lransfers.
7. ack order or shi OIM Order Managemenl IuIfiIImenl saIes orders lhal are
ick-confirmed or slaged rior lo migralion (aII reIeases)
If lhese order Iines are nol shied rior lo lhe migralion, lhen lhe onIy vay lo
make lhem visibIe for udales lo OracIe Invenlory is lo back order lhem rior lo lhe
8. Run IreIiminary Invenlory CIose Irocess for aII varehouses under aII lhe OIM
Comanies (aII reIeases). Do nol run IinaI Invenlory CIose for lhe eriod in vhich
you are running lhe ugrade.
Refer lo lhe foIIoving labIe for inslruclions:
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-23
If you are a... FoIIow these instructions...
Slandard Cosling user Iosl invenlory and resource lransaclions lo
OIM SubIedger and exorl lo GL:
Run lhe OIM SubIedger Udale, OIM GL
Ixorl, and GeneraI Ledger }ournaI Imorl.
See lhe OPM Manujaciuring Acccuniing
Ccnirc||cr Uscrs Gui!c and lhe Orac|c
Gcncra| Ic!gcr Uscrs Gui!c for delaiIs.
Nntc: Once you ugrade, you cannol osl
lhe lransaclions crealed rior lo lhe
2-24 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
If you are a... FoIIow these instructions...
AcluaI Cosling user Run AcluaI Cosl Irocess lo caIcuIale lhe
cosl and lhen osl invenlory and resource
lransaclions lo OIM SubIedger and exorl
lo GL:
Run lhe OIM AcluaI Cosl Irocess, OIM
Cosl Udale Irocess, OIM SubIedger
Udale, OIM GL Ixorl, and GeneraI
Ledger }ournaI Imorl. See lhe OPM
Manujaciuring Acccuniing Ccnirc||cr Uscrs
Gui!c and lhe Orac|c Gcncra| Ic!gcr Uscrs
Gui!c for delaiIs.
Nntc: Once you ugrade lo ReIease 12.1.1,
lhe AcluaI Cosl rogram Iooks al
lransaclions under rocess organizalions
recorded cn|q in OracIe Invenlory lhe
average cosl caIcuIalions afler lhe ugrade
do nol consider lhe lransaclions crealed in
lhe ReIease 11i OIM Invenlory syslem. As a
resuIl, lhe average cosl caIcuIaled may nol
be accurale if lhe ugrade is done during
lhe middIe of a cosling eriod and lhere are
lransaclions in OIM Invenlory for lhe same
cosling eriod.
If ossibIe, consider doing lhe ugrade al
lhe beginning of a cosling eriod. y doing
so, you can ensure lhal a ma|orily of
lransaclions in lhal cosling eriod are
recorded In lhis reIease, lhereby arriving al
a more accurale average cosl vhen you run
lhe OIM AcluaI Cosl Irocess.
Once you ugrade, you cannol osl lhe
lransaclions crealed rior lo lhe ugrade.
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-25
If you are a... FoIIow these instructions...
Lol Cosling user Run Lol Cosl Irocess lo caIcuIale lhe cosl,
and lhen osl invenlory and resource
lransaclions lo OIM SubIedger and exorl
lo GL:
Run lhe OIM Lol Cosl Irocess, OIM Cosl
Udale Irocess, OIM SubIedger Udale,
OIM GL Ixorl, and GeneraI Ledger
}ournaI Imorl. See lhe OPM Manujaciuring
Acccuniing Ccnirc||cr Uscrs Gui!c and lhe
Orac|c Gcncra| Ic!gcr Uscrs Gui!c for delaiIs.
Nole: Once you ugrade, you cannol osl
lhe lransaclions crealed rior lo lhe
Nole for Lol Cosl SimuIalion Users: If you
are using Lol Cosls as addilionaI cosl
melhod for simuIalion uroses, run lhe Iol
cosl rocess in finaI mode before migralion.
Olhervise, lhe cosls crealed in lesl mode
may be vied oul vhen you run lhe
rocess again in lhe ugraded syslem.
9. Run lhe GMI vaIidalion scrils (aII reIeases)
Refer lo OPM |c|casc 12 Migraiicn (Doc ID: 376683.1) for delaiIs.
10. Migrale OIM Order IuIfiIImenl lo Order Managemenl (aII reIeases lhal use OIM
Order IuIfiIImenl)
Refer lo lhe OPM Migraiicn |cjcrcncc Gui!c in Doc ID: 376683.1 for delaiIs.
Note: The migralion rocess varies deending on your version.
8erv|ce 6ontracts
Ierform lhese lasks onIy if you are using OracIe Service Conlracls.
8tep 1: Update 6urrency 6ode setup |n C|oba| 6ontracts defau|ts (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
In ReIease 11i, lhe gIobaI conlracls defauIl (GCD) selu had lhree differenl currency
2-26 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
codes for each of lhe lhree lhreshoId amounls: Aclive, Credil Card, and IIeclronic
RenevaI. In lhis reIease, onIy one currency (ase Currency) code is used for aII lhe lhree
If lhere are differenl lyes of currency codes secified for lhese amounl fieIds in lhe
GIobaI Conlracls DefauIls user inlerface, lhen lhe ugrade does nol ouIale lhe base
currency code. If lhe lhree currency codes are lhe same, lhen lhe currency code for
Aclive lhreshoId becomes lhe nev ase currency.
If lhe codes are differenl, lhen ouIale lhe GIobaI Conlracls DefauIls user inlerface
vilh a singIe lye of currency code before migralion. Go lo lhe Navigalor and choose
Selu > Service Conlracls > GIobaI Conlracls DefauIls lo udale conlracl defauIls.
8tep 2: Va||date data for Ru|es and T|me va|ues m|grat|on (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: 11.5.9
This sle is nol required if you have aIready foIIoved lhe dovnlime reduclion
lechnique sles menlioned in Scrticc Ccniracis 12.0 |u|cs an! Tinc Va|ucs Migraiicn (Doc
ID: 372469.1). See Aendix I, "Reducing Dovnlime", age I-1 for more informalion.
efore OracIe AIicalions 11.5.10, OracIe Service Conlracls used a sel of RuIes and
Time VaIues labIes lo slore conlracl allribules lhal vere nol incIuded in base OracIe
Core Conlracls or OracIe Service Conlracls header and Iines labIes. In OracIe
AIicalions reIease 11.5.10 and Ialer, nev archileclure eIiminales lhe generic ruIes and
lime vaIues dala slruclures.
To vaIidale lhe dala, foIIov lhese sles:
1. AIy alch 4684603 lo your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI. IoIIov lhe inslruclions in lhe
readme fiIe.
2. Log in lo OracIe AIicalions and choose lhe Service Conlracls Manager
3. Run lhe Service Conlracls VaIidale RuIe Dala concurrenl requesl for lhe header
IeveI. (You can seIecl lhe IeveI from lhe concurrenl requesl aramelers screen.)
4. Afler lhe requesl is successfuIIy comIeled, check lhe Oulul Log fiIe for records
lhal may have faiIed vaIidalion due lo dala issues. CIick lhe Viev Oulul bullon
afler seIecling lhe rov corresonding lo lhe main requesl lo viev errors. If lhere are
no errors, lhen you can move direclIy lo Sle 6.
5. If lhere are errors in lhe Oulul Iog fiIe, lhen navigale lo Viev/Shov navigalor on
lhe menu and choose lhe RuIes Migralion UliIily form lo viev fieIds vilh dala
vaIidalion issues. Inler correcl vaIues for lhese records direclIy on lhis form, and
save lhe changes. Insure lhal aII errors idenlified are correcled.
. Run lhe concurrenl requesl for lhe Header hislory IeveI, lhe Line IeveI, and lhe Line
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-27
hislory IeveI. Correcl aII errors and re-run lhe requesl unliI aII errors have been
Prepare for the Upgrade
In lhis seclion, you comIele finaI rearalion lasks for your exisling ReIease 11i syslem
and creale lhe nev environmenl for OracIe AIicalions ReIease 12.1.1.
8tep 1: Cather schema stat|st|cs for 60 (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
This reIease emIoys cosl-based olimizalion, vhich examines IND labIe slalislics lo
delermine lhe mosl efficienl access alhs and |oin melhods for execuling SQL
slalemenls. These slalislics are galhered by lhe IND_STATS rocess, vhich you iniliale
by running lhe Galher Schema Slalislics concurrenl rogram.
Note: You shouId galher schema slalislics on a reguIar basis lo fuIIy
uliIize lhe cosl-based olimizalion fealure. In rearalion for an
ugrade, lhis shouId be one of lhe Iasl lasks you erform for inilialing
lhe ugrade dovnlime so lhal lhe slalislics are currenl.
Irom your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI, comIele lhe foIIoving sles:
1. Log in lo OracIe AIicalions vilh lhe Syslem Adminislralor resonsibiIily.
2. Navigale lo lhe Submil Requesl vindov (Requesl > Run).
3. Submil lhe Galher Slalislics rogram.
Sel lhe schema name lo ALL lo galher slalislics for aII OracIe AIicalions schemas
(having an enlry in lhe IND_IRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS labIe). In addilion lo
galhering index and labIe-IeveI slalislics, lhe rogram galhers coIumn-IeveI
hislogram slalislics for aII coIumns Iisled in lhe IND_HISTOGRAM_COLS labIe.
Note: If your dalabase is aIready al OracIe 10g, lhen ve
recommend lhal you use lhe Galher Aulo olion for lhis
concurrenl rogram. This olion galhers slalislics for ob|ecls lhal
are eilher Iacking slalislics or vhose rovs have changed
significanlIy (defauIl 10%) since lhe Iasl lime you galhered
Note: See Query Olimizalion in Orac|c App|icaiicns Ccnccpis for
2-28 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
more informalion.
8tep 2: ack up the database (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Make a coId backu of lhe OracIe AIicalions dalabase. If you encounler robIems
during lhe ugrade rocess, you can use lhis backu lo reslore your syslem lo lhe same
slale as before you began lhe ugrade.
Note: Shul dovn vilh lhe NORMAL olion. You may nol be abIe lo
reslore lhe dalabase from lhe backu if you use lhe IMMIDIATI or
AORT olion.
8tep 3: Run Rap|d |nsta|| (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Use lhe Raid InslaII vizard lo Iay dovn lhe fiIe syslem and inslaII lhe nev lechnoIogy
slack for your ReIease 12.1.1 OracIe AIicalions syslem. The vizard coIIecls
configuralion aramelers and slores lhem in a configuralion fiIe (config.lxl) in lhe
AIicalions fiIe syslem. When you run Raid InslaII, il uses lhese vaIues lo Iay dovn
lhe fiIe syslem slruclure and lechnoIogy slack comonenls for your configuralion. As il
runs, il creales a conlexl fiIe (<CONTIXT_NAMI>.xmI) lhal conlains aII lhe aramelers
lhal describe your syslem. This conlexl fiIe is crealed and managed by AuloConfig.
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c - Ccnjiguraiicn
for more informalion aboul AuloConfig.
e reared lo suIy basic informalion aboul your syslem such as orl secificalions,
exisling and nev dalabase node descrilions (incIuding mounl oinls), user names and
assvords, roducl Iicense lyes, inlernalionaIizalion and Ianguage sellings, and
mounl oinls for olher nodes in your syslem.
1. IoIIov lhe inslruclions in Chaler 1 of Orac|c App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn Gui!c. Using
|api! |nsia|| lo reare your environmenl for lhe nev syslem. Then, slarl Raid
InslaII by lying raidviz on lhe command Iine. The WeIcome screen Iisls lhe
comonenls lhal are incIuded in, or suorled by, lhis reIease of OracIe
AIicalions. CIick Nexl.
2. On lhe Wizard Oeralion screen, seIecl Ugrade lo OracIe AIicalions ReIease
Preparing for the Upgrade 2-29
12.1.1. CIick Nexl.
3. On lhe SeIecl Ugrade Aclion screen, seIecl Creale Ugrade IiIe Syslem.
4. In lhe associaled screen fIov, enler lhe aramelers required lo sel u your nev
environmenl. Then, run Raid InslaII.
Note: Raid InslaII (as il runs AuloConfig) records errors in lhe
AuloConfig Iog fiIe. These errors occur because lhe dalabase has
nol yel been ugraded. They can be safeIy ignored. The errors viII
be resoIved vhen you run Raid InslaII (and AuloConfig) in Sle 2
of lhe Iinish lhe Ugrade, age 3-8 seclion of Chaler3, age 3-
Note: Orac|c App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn Gui!c. Using |api! |nsia||
conlains comIele inslruclions for running Raid InslaII for bolh
nev inslaIIalions and ugrades. Chaler 3 conlains lhe informalion
secific lo running an ugrade.
Run Raid InslaII again afler lhe ugrade lo configure and slarl lhe servers and
services. Raid InslaII aIso deIivers lhe unified ugrade driver lhal you viII use Ialer lo
erform lhe ugrade.
8tep 4: H|grate or upgrade your database to at |east 0rac|e 10g Re|ease 2 (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: 11.5.9 (CU2) for 10g ReIease 2, 11.5.10 (CU2) for 10g ReIease
2 and 11g ReIease 1.
TUMS sle key: N/A
OracIe AIicalions ReIease 11.5.9 (vilh CU2 aIied) and ReIease 11.5.10 (vilh CU2
aIied) are cerlified for use vilh OracIe 10g ReIease 2, vhiIe 11.5.10 (vilh CU2) is
cerlified for use vilh OracIe 11g ReIease 1. If you have nol aIready done so, you can
ugrade your roduclion dalabase lo al Ieasl 10g nov, before lhe ugrade dovnlime.
IoIIov lhe inslruclions in Oaia|asc Prcparaiicn Gui!c|incs jcr an Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic
|c|casc 12.1.1 Upgra!c (Doc ID: 761570.1).
Note: A dalabase ugrade al lhis oinl in lhe ugrade rocess aIies
onIy lo lhe OracIe AIicalions reIease IeveIs ciled. You can erform
lhe dalabase ugrade during lhe dovnlime vindov as described in
Chaler3, age 3-1, if you have nol done so reviousIy.
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-1
Upgrading to ReIease 12.1.1
This chaler covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Ierform lhe Ugrade
Iinish lhe Ugrade
Iinish Syslem Adminislralion Tasks
Syslem Adminislralion
OracIe XML IubIisher
Perform the Upgrade
This seclion describes lhe lasks required lo iniliale lhe ugrade rocess. AII lhe lasks
musl be erformed during lhe ugrade dovnlime. The foIIoving labIe rovides a
checkIisl of lhe lasks required in lhis chaler.
These tasks... are Iocated here...
DisabIe AOL Audil TraiI (condilionaI) , age 3-2
Shul dovn aIicalion lier Iisleners and concurrenl
managers (required)
, age 3-3
Migrale dalabase lo al Ieasl OracIe10g ReIease 2 (condilionaI) , age 3-3
Udale inil.ora vilh ugrade aramelers (required) , age 3-3
DisabIe cuslom lriggers, conslrainls, and indexes
, age 3-3
3-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
These tasks... are Iocated here...
Dro MRC schema (condilionaI) , age 3-4
ack u lhe dalabase (recommended) , age 3-4
Insure lhal Mainlenance Mode is enabIed (required) , age 3-4
AIy AD 12.1.1 ugrade driver (required) , age 3-5
Run lhe American IngIish ugrade alch driver (required) , age 3-5
Run lhe NLS ugrade alch driver (condilionaI) , age 3-5
AIy Ialesl roducl alches (required) , age 3-5
Synchronize NLS and American IngIish roducl alches
, age 3-6
DisabIe Mainlenance Mode (required) , age 3-7
Resel inil.ora aramelers (required) , age 3-7
ack u OracIe AIicalions (recommended) , age 3-7
1. Disab!c AOL Audit Trai! (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you use lhe OracIe AIicalions Ob|ecl Library Audil TraiI fealure, you musl
disabIe il before lhe ugrade.
Irom lhe Syslem Adminislralor resonsibiIily under lhe 11i AIIL_TOI, navigale
lo Securily > Audil TraiI > Grous. In lhe Audil Grous vindov, sel lhe Grou
Slale fieId lo DisabIe - Ireare for Archive for each audil grou defined. Run lhe
Audil TraiI Udale TabIes reorl from lhe Submil Requesls vindov (Requesls >
If you Ian lo re-enabIe audiling afler lhe ugrade, lhen archive and urge lhe
shadov labIes nov. Dala changes made afler imIemenling lhis sle are nol
Note: See Au!ii Trai| in Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-3
Gui!c - Sccuriiq.
2. 5hut dnwn app!icatinn ticr !istcncrs and cnncurrcnt managcrs (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Navigale lo Concurrenl > Requesls. In lhe Iind Requesls vindov, seIecl AII my
requesls. CIick Iind, and cIick CanceI Iending requesls as necessary. Then, as
Syslem Adminislralor, choose Adminisler Concurrenl Managers. Navigale lo lhe
ConlroI fieId and seIecl Deaclivale.
Shul dovn forms Iisleners, veb Iisleners, and lhe concurrenl managers before you
begin lhe ugrade. Do lhis from your ReIease 11i AIIL_TOI.
3. Migratc databasc tn at !cast Orac!c10g Rc!casc 2 (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
The ugrade requires al Ieasl version OracIe10g ReIease 2 (10.2.0) dalabase. If you
have nol done so aIready, lhen ugrade or migrale your dalabase nov. IoIIov lhe
inslruclions in Oaia|asc Prcparaiicn Gui!c|incs jcr an Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc
12.1.1 Upgra!c (Doc ID: 761570.1).
4. Updatc with upgradc paramctcrs (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
IniliaIizalion aramelers required al each slage of an ugrade may vary deending
on vhen you ugrade your dalabase. Sel lhe aroriale aramelers nov.
Note: See Dalabase IniliaIizalion Iaramelers, age 1-11 in
Chaler1, "IIanning for an Ugrade", age 1-1 for secific
aramelers. See aIso Oaia|asc |niiia|izaiicn Parancicrs jcr Orac|c
App|icaiicns |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 396009.1).
5. Disab!c custnm triggcrs, cnnstraints, and indcxcs (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
DisabIe cuslom lriggers or conslrainls on OracIe AIicalions labIes. Re-enabIe
lhese lriggers afler lhe ugrade. If you have cuslom indexes on AIicalions labIes,
lhen delermine vhelher lhey can affecl erformance during lhe ugrade, and dro
lhem if necessary. If you are nol sure, lhen il is besl lo dro lhe indexes and add
3-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
lhem afler lhe ugrade, if lhe nev reIease has nol crealed a simiIar index.
. Drnp MRC schcma (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
AII rograms and reorls nov use lhe AIIS schema. ecause lhe MRC_AIIS
schema is no Ionger needed, droing il frees sace and reduces rocessing
overhead during lhe ugrade. If you have nol reviousIy done so, dro lhe MRC
schema nov.
$ cd APPL_TOP/admin
$ sqlplus <SYSTEM username>/<SYSTEM password> @addrpmrc.sql
<APPLSYS username> FORCE
C:\> cd %APPL_TOP%\admin
C:\> sqlplus <SYSTEM username>/<SYSTEM password> @addrpmrc.sql
<APPLSYS username> FORCE
7. Back up thc databasc (rccnmmcndcd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Make a coId backu of lhe OracIe AIicalions dalabase. If you encounler robIems
during lhe ugrade rocess, you can use lhis backu lo reslore your syslem lo lhe
same slale as before you began lhe ugrade.
Note: Shul dovn vilh lhe NORMAL olion. You may nol be abIe
lo reslore lhe dalabase from lhe backu if you use lhe IMMIDIATI
or AORT olion.
8. Ensurc that Maintcnancc Mndc is cnab!cd (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Mainlenance Mode reslricls Iogins and lhe lye of oeralions lhal lhe syslem can
erform. Make sure lhal Mainlenance Mode is enabIed before you conlinue.
1. Irom lhe AD Adminislralion Main Menu, choose lhe Change Mainlenance
Mode olion.
2. The Change Mainlenance Mode menu disIays lhe currenl Mainlenance Mode
slalus al lhe lo of lhe screen. The slalus shouId be DisabIed al lhis oinl.
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-5
3. SeIecl Olion 1, InabIe Mainlenance Mode.
9. App!y AD 12.1.1 upgradc drivcr (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
DovnIoad and unzi lhe AD Ugrade Driver for 12.1.1 (alch 7461070). Use
AuloIalch lo run il on aII aIicalion lier server nodes on your ReIease 12.1.1
10. Run thc Amcrican Eng!ish upgradc patch drivcr (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
To bring your dalabase lo lhe fuII OracIe AIicalions ReIease 12.1.1 IeveI, use
AuloIalch lo run lhe (American IngIish) unified driver (u6678700.drv). Il is Iocaled
in $AU_TOI/alch/115/driver.
Run lhe driver on lhe adminislralion server node on your ReIease 12.1.1 AIIL_TOI
using lhe foIIoving commands:
$ adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion
11. Run thc NL5 upgradc patch drivcr (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If American IngIish is lhe onIy Ianguage lhal is aclive in your syslem, lhen you can
omil lhis sle.
Afler you have successfuIIy aIied lhe American IngIish unified driver, dovnIoad
lhe NLS ReIease 12.1.1 soflvare for each aclive Ianguage in your syslem, and run
each driver (u6678700.drv) on your ReIease 12.1.1 AIIL_TOI. Nole lhal lhe NLS
alch driver has lhe same name as lhe American IngIish alch driver.
If you have severaI Ianguages lo dovnIoad and run, lhen you can merge lhe
alches and aIy lhem as a singIe, merged alch.
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns NIS |c|casc Ncics for your reIease IeveI
for more informalion. See aIso Orac|c App|icaiicns Paicning
Prccc!urcs for informalion aboul merging NLS alches.
12. App!y !atcst prnduct patchcs (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
3-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Delermine lhe Ialesl roducl-secific alches. Then, dovnIoad lhe American
IngIish alches. Using AD Merge Ialch, creale a merged alch and aIy il lo your
ReIease 12.1.1 AIIL_TOI.
Note: See Ialch Wizard Main Iage in Chaler 2 of Orac|c
App|icaiicns Paicning Prccc!urcs. See aIso AO Mcrgc Paicn in Orac|c
App|icaiicns Paicning Prccc!urcs.
If your syslem requires lransIaled alches, comIele lhe inslruclions in Sle 13.
13. 5ynchrnnizc NL5 and Amcrican Eng!ish prnduct patchcs (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you aIied roducl-secific alches in Sle 12 and your syslem uses NLS
funclionaIily, lhen you musl aIy lhe NLS equivaIenls of each American IngIish
roducl-secific alch. To oblain lhe Ialesl NLS alches and synchronize lhem vilh
lhe American IngIish alches, run lhe NLS TransIalion Synchronizalion alch:
1. Generale lhe manifesl.
Log on lo lhe adminislralion node as lhe aImgr user and sel lhe
environmenl. Run lhe manifesl generalion scril lo generale a fiIe manifesl:
perl $AD_TOP/bin/
The manifesl is in $AIIL_TOI/admin/$TWO_TASK/oul/adgennIs.lxl formal.
Do nol be concerned if il conlains fiIes from unlransIaled roducls for your
2. UIoad lhe manifesl fiIe and requesl a TransIalion Synchronizalion alch.
Go lo hll:// (use your Mq Orac|c Suppcri user
name and assvord). IoIIov lhe inslruclions on lhe screen lo uIoad lhe
manifesl fiIe and requesl a TransIalion Synchronizalion alch.
Nole lhal lhere is a TransIalion LeveI Udales check box. Do nol seIecl il al lhis
lime, as il can add exlra lime lo lhe ugrade rocess. Hovever, you can use il al
a Ialer dale lo requesl a manifesl lhal viII check for enhancemenls lo
lransIalions fiIes lhal are nev lo your syslem, bul are nol required lo
synchronize your fiIes vilh lhe American IngIish fiIes.
3. DovnIoad and aIy lhe alch.
Once lhe alch is ready, you viII receive an emaiI slaling ils avaiIabiIily.
DovnIoad lhe alch and foIIov lhe inslruclions in lhe readme fiIe lo aIy il.
4. Verify lhe inslaIIalion of lhe lransIalions.
Check lhe Iog fiIes generaled by AuloIalch lo ensure lhal lhe lransIalions vere
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-7
inslaIIed successfuIIy. You can deIele lhe dovnIoaded alch vhen you are sure
lhe inslaIIalion is comIele.
Note: You can dovnIoad lhe Ialesl NLS roducl-secific
alches vilhoul requesling a TransIalion Synchronizalion
alch. Hovever, lhis aclion may nol rovide lhe mosl currenl
alches for your syslem.
Note: See |cqucsiing Trans|aiicn Sqncnrcnizaiicn Paicncs (Doc ID:
252422.1) for more informalion.
14. Disab!c Maintcnancc Mndc (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Mainlenance mode conlroIs lhe syslem dovnlime eriod by managing user Iogons.
To disabIe mainlenance mode, use lhe Change Mainlenance Mode menu in AD
1. Irom lhe AD Adminislralion Main Menu, choose lhe Change Mainlenance
Mode olion.
2. The Change Mainlenance Mode menu disIays lhe currenl Mainlenance Mode
slalus al lhe lo of lhe screen. Il shouId be InabIed.
3. SeIecl Olion 2, DisabIe Mainlenance Mode.
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns Paicning Prccc!urcs for informalion
on lhe "holalch" melhod of aIying alches vhen
Mainlenance Mode is disabIed.
15. Rcsct paramctcrs (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
IoIIov lhe inslruclions in Oaia|asc |niiia|izaiicn Parancicrs jcr Orac|c App|icaiicns
|c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 396009.1) and resel lhe inil.ora aramelers as needed.
1. Back up Orac!c App!icatinns (rccnmmcndcd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
3-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Dovnlime: Yes
Have lhe syslem adminislralor back u lhe OracIe AIicalions roducl fiIes. On a
server or sland-aIone machine, have lhe dalabase adminislralor back u lhe OracIe
AIicalions dalabase.
F|n|sh the Upgrade
You musl comIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion lo finish lhe ugrade. AII lhe lasks are
erformed on lhe ReIease 12.1.1 AIIL_TOI and shouId be comIeled during syslem
These tasks... are Iocated here...
Resel ORACLI schema assvords (recommended) , age 3-8
Configure and slarl server rocesses (required) , age 3-8
Configure AIicalions cIienl soflvare for forms aIel
, age 3-10
ReaIy cuslomizalions (condilionaI) , age 3-11
Inlegrale cuslom ob|ecls and schemas (condilionaI) , age 3-11
Re-enabIe cuslom lriggers, conslrainls, and indexes
, age 3-11
1. Rcsct ORACLE schcma passwnrds (rccnmmcndcd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
During lhe ugrade, Raid InslaII reserves lhe assvords lhal you sel reviousIy
for exisling roducls. Hovever, as il creales a schema for each nev roducl
inslaIIed, il sels u a defauIl assvord derived from lhe roducl abbrevialion (shorl
name). To mainlain roducl securily, resel lhese defauIl assvords nov. Use lhe
OracIe Users vindov from lhe Syslem Adminislralor resonsibiIily.
Note: See OracIe AIicalions Schema Iassvord Change UliIily in
lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c - Sccuriiq.
2. CnnIigurc and start scrvcr prnccsscs (rcquircd)
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-9
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
When you ran Raid InslaII in lhe Ireare for lhe Ugrade, age 2-27 seclion of
Chaler2, age 2-1, il crealed and slored an inslance-secific conlexl by reIacing
syslem variabIes you enlered on lhe vizard screens vilh lhe secific vaIues you
saved in lhe configuralion fiIe (config.lxl). Al lhis oinl in lhe ugrade, you oinl
Raid InslaII lo lhe AIicalions conlexl fiIe. Raid InslaII (using AuloConfig)
udales your syslem configuralion using lhe vaIues il finds in lhe conlexl fiIe.
Raid InslaII creales lhe aroriale server rocess conlroI scrils and slarls aII
server rocesses, incIuding lhe concurrenl managers. Any concurrenl rograms
crealed during lhe ugrade run aulomalicaIIy al lhis oinl.
Concurrenl rocessing (CI) may run IL/SQL (inside of lhe dalabase) lhal creales
oulul and Iog fiIes using lhe ulI_fiIe ackage. On aII CI nodes, ensure lhal lhe
$AIILITMI environmenl variabIe is sel lo lhe firsl direclory Iisled in lhe
UTL_IILI_DIR arameler from lhe dalabase's inil.ora. If you use a RAC dalabase,
lhen $AIILITMI shouId oinl lo a direclory on a shared fiIe syslem visibIe lo aII
lhe RAC nodes. This ensures lhal CI can Iocale lhe oulul and Iog fiIes crealed
from IL/SQL.
1. Udale lhe RDMS ORACLI_HOMI fiIe syslem vilh AuloConfig fiIes.
On lhe aIicalion lier (as lhe AIILMGR user), Iog on lo lhe AIIL_TOI
environmenl (source lhe environmenl fiIe) and run lhis IerI scril lo creale
asuliI.zi in <INST_TOI>/admin/oul.
perl <AD_TOP>/bin/
On lhe dalabase lier (as lhe ORACLI user), coy or ITI lhe asuliI.zi fiIe lo
lhe <RDMS ORACLI_HOMI> and unzi lhe fiIe. Change direclory lo RDMS
OracIe Home as foIIovs:
Unzi lhe fiIe vilh lhe foIIoving command:
unzip -0
2. InslaII }RI on lhe dalabase lier lo ensure lhal lhe aIicalion lier and lhe
dalabase lier malch:
If you are using a "fuIIy cerlified" Ialform, refer lo Mq Orac|c Suppcri (Doc
ID: 418664.1) lo inslaII }RI under lhe <RDMS_ORACLI_HOMI>/asuliI
If you are using a "dalabase lier onIy" Ialform, refer lo Mq Orac|c Suppcri
(Doc ID: 456197.1) lo inslaII }RI under lhe
<RDMS_ORACLI_HOMI>/asuliI direclory.
3. Creale a <CONTIXT_NAMI> direclory under
3-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
$ORACLI_HOMI/nelvork/admin, vhere CONTIXT_NAMI is
<ORACLI_SID>_<D_hoslname>. Coy Iislener.ora and lnsnames.ora from lhe
$ORACLI_HOMI/nelvork/admin direclory lo lhe
$ORACLI_HOMI/nelvork/admin/<CONTIXT_NAMI> direclory.
4. Sel and exorl lhe foIIoving environmenl variabIes:
ORACLI_SID <inslance name for currenl dalabase node>
5. Generale a nev Dalabase conlexl fiIe as foIIovs:
cd <RDMS ORACLI_HOMI>/asuliI/bin erI adbIdxmI.I
cd /d <RDMS ORACLI_HOMI>(asuliI(bin erI adbIdxmI.I
. Run AuloConfig on lhe dalabase lier nodes.
<RDMS ORACLI_HOMI>>/asuliI/bin/ conlexlfiIe<conlexl fiIe
crealed in sle 7>
<RDMS ORACLI_HOMI>(asuliI(bin(adconfig.cmd conlexlfiIe<conlexl
fiIe crealed in sle 7>
Note: See Chaler 3 in Orac|c App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn Gui!c. Using
|api! |nsia|| for comIele informalion and examIes of lhe Raid
InslaII screen fIov.
3. CnnIigurc App!icatinns c!icnt snItwarc Inr Inrms app!ct (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
The conneclion belveen lhe cIienl and lhe AIicalions forms is rovided lhrough
an aIel in lhe cIienl Web brovser. Inslead of using lhe brovser's ovn }VM,
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-11
OracIe AIicalions uses lhe Sun }ava (}2SI) nalive Iug-in. You can find dovnIoad
inslruclions in Upgra!ing Sun j2S| (Naiitc P|ug-in) uiin Orac|c App|icaiicns 12.0
Win!cus C|icnis (Doc ID: 393931.1).
4. Rcapp!y custnmizatinns (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you cuslomized AIicalions environmenl fiIes (AIILSYS.env or devenv), lhen
re-inlegrale lhem in devenv.env, or in lhe adovars.env fiIe ($AIIL_TOI/admin for
UNIX or %AIIL_TOI%(admin for Windovs). Reslarl lhe aIicalion server
rocesses so lhal lhe changes lake affecl.
Note: See Managing Scrtcr Prcccsscs in Orac|c App|icaiicns
Mainicnancc Prccc!urcs.
If your syslem incIudes cuslomized forms, reorls, rograms, Iibraries, or olher
AIicalions fiIes, lhen reaIy aII changes lhal you need for lhis reIease.
5. Intcgratc custnm nb|ccts and schcmas (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you reviousIy crealed cuslom ob|ecls or have cuslom schemas lhal musl be
lighlIy inlegraled vilh OracIe AIicalions, lhen foIIov lhe sles in Orac|c
App|icaiicns Octc|cpcrs Gui!c lo re-inlegrale lhese cuslomizalions vilh lhe AIIS
This reIease uses Invoker Righls for mosl IL/SQL ackages. Ixeculing lhese
ackages from cuslom schemas may require addilionaI granls from, and synonyms
lo, AIIS schema ob|ecls. OracIe recommends you exIicilIy decIare Invoker Righls
or Definer Righls for cuslom IL/SQL ackages. See lhe PI/SQI Uscrs Gui!c an!
|cjcrcncc for more informalion.
Cuslom dalabase ob|ecls musl foIIov lhe naming slandards for cuslom ob|ecl
names lo avoid confIicl vilh OracIe AIicalions.
Caution: When naming dalabase ob|ecls, use XX as a arl of lhe
shorl name. Ior examIe, you mighl define lhe cuslom aIicalion
lo use lhe shorl name XXGL, and dalabase ob|ecls lo begin vilh an
XXGL_ refix.
Note: See Ocjining qcur Cusicn App|icaiicns in Orac|c App|icaiicns
Octc|cpcrs Gui!c.
3-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
. Rc-cnab!c custnm triggcrs, cnnstraints, and indcxcs (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
During lhe ugrade, cuslom lriggers or conslrainls may have been modified. If you
disabIed lhese lriggers and conslrainls, idenlify any dala udales lhal musl be
made before you re-enabIe lhem.
If you droed any cuslom indexes, lhen reviev lhe nev dala modeI lo delermine
if lhe index is necessary before you redefine il.
F|n|sh 8ystem Adm|n|strat|on Tasks
ComIele lhese lasks before you conlinue vilh lhe lasks in Chaler4, "Iosl-ugrade
These tasks... are Iocated here...
Configure SSL for Web Services (condilionaI) , age 3-12
ComIele WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer configuralion
, age 3-13
ComIele Transorl Agenl selu (condilionaI) , age 3-14
ComIele selu for OracIe XML Galevay (required) , age 3-14
InabIe IDI rinling (required) , age 3-15
Secify a lemorary direclory for XML IubIisher (required) , age 3-16
8ystem Adm|n|strat|on
This seclion aIies lo aII users, regardIess of vhich roducls are regislered as aclive.
1. CnnIigurc 55L Inr Wcb 5crviccs (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you have imIemenled Secure Sockels Layer (SSL) and Ian lo use Web Services,
lhen you musl generale cerlificales using lhe OracIe WaIIel Manager from your
OracIe AIicalions Server home ($IAS_ORACLI_HOMI). Sel u a assvord lo
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-13
rolecl your cerlificales.
Note: See |na||ing SSI in |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 376700.1) for more
Use lhe OracIe WaIIel Manager lo generale lhe WaIIel fiIe. Then, foIIov lhese sles
lo comIele lhe configuralion:
1. Sel lhe s_vebsrv_vaIIel_fiIe arameler in lhe AIicalions conlexl fiIe lo lhe
Iocalion of lhe Web Services WaIIel fiIe. Nole lhal lhe vaIue is a fiIe Iocalion, nol
a URL.
2. IIace lhe exorled fiIe in lhis Iocalion.
3. Irovide lhe assvord for lhe exorled WaIIel fiIe by running lhe foIIoving
2. Cnmp!ctc WnrkI!nw NntiIicatinn Mai!cr cnnIiguratinn (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
efore you send OracIe WorkfIov e-maiI nolificalions, you musl comIele lhe
WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer configuralion, using lhe Nolificalion MaiIer
Configuralion vizard in OracIe AIicalions Manager.
1. Log on lo OracIe AIicalions Manager.
2. Irom lhe AIicalions Dashboard, seIecl lhe WorkfIov Manager from lhe
"Navigale lo" uII-dovn menu. CIick Go.
3. In lhe WorkfIov Syslem region, cIick lhe Nolificalion MaiIers slalus icon lo
navigale lo lhe Service Comonenls age. The Nolificalion MaiIers slalus icon
shouId shov a slalus of Dovn.
4. On lhe Service Comonenls age, seIecl lhe WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer
service comonenl and cIick lhe Idil bullon lo navigale lo lhe nolificalion
maiIer configuralion vizard.
5. In lhe Oulbound ImaiI Accounl (SMTI) region, enler lhe name of lhe oulbound
SMTI maiI server.
3-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
. If you vanl lo enabIe inbound e-maiI rocessing, seIecl lhe Inbound Irocessing
arameler in lhe Inbound ImaiI Accounl (IMAI) region, and enler lhe name of
lhe inbound IMAI maiI server, user name and assvord of lhe maiI accounl
lhal lhe nolificalion maiIer uses lo receive e-maiI messages, and lhe reIy-lo
address of lhe e-maiI accounl lhal receives incoming messages, lo vhich
nolificalion resonses shouId be senl.
7. CIick AIy.
8. Relurn lo lhe Service Comonenls age, and verify lhal lhe slalus of lhe
WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer service comonenl slalus is Running.
Note: See Orac|c Wcrkj|cu A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c for more
If you have reviousIy imIemenled lhe C-based Nolificalion MaiIer concurrenl
rogram or lhe Generic Service Managemenl Nolificalion MaiIer, lhe lag definilions
and configuralion arameler sellings for lhose aramelers lhal are sliII aIicabIe
are aulomalicaIIy lransferred lo lhe }ava-based WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer
configuralion aramelers.
3. Cnmp!ctc Transpnrt Agcnt sctup (cnnditinna!)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you are using a roxy server lo handIe your oulbound OracIe Transorl Agenl
requesls, lhen sel foIIoving OXTA aramelers in lhe conlainer configuralion:
OXTAOulIroxyHosl<Your roxy server name>
OXTAOulIroxyIorl<Your roxy server orl>
To sel lhe aramelers, go lo lhe OracIe AIicalions Manager Sile Ma and choose
AuloConfig > AIicalions Node > Idil Iaramelers. Then, use lhe Search fieId lo
find OXTA. Afler you sel lhe aramelers, run AuloConfig lo regenerale lhe
oc4|.roerlies fiIe ($INST_TOI/ora/10.1.3/|2ee/oafm/config/oc4|.roerlies).
Note: See Orac|c XMI Gaicuaq Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
4. Cnmp!ctc sctup Inr Orac!c XML Gatcway (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Upgrading to Release 12.1.1 3-15
The OracIe XML Galevay engine uses slyIe sheels from an oeraling syslem
direclory you secify in lhe UTL_IILI_DIR dalabase iniliaIizalion arameler for
your AIicalions inslance. You musl aIso secify lhe same direclory in lhe ICX:
XSLT IiIe Ialh rofiIe olion. The vaIue you secify for bolh lhe arameler and lhe
rofiIe olion musl be an absoIule alh and cannol conlain a symboIic Iink or olher
oeraling syslem-secific aramelers.
AIso, ensure lhal lhe foIIoving rofiIe olions are sel al sile IeveI for OracIe XML
Galevay. If you have reviousIy sel lhese rofiIe olions, lhen no aclion is
necessary, as lhe ugrade reserves lhese vaIues.
ProfiIe Option Description
ICX: XSLT IiIe Ialh Ialh lo lhe direclory secified as lhe
Iocalion for slyIe sheels lo be used for XSLT
lransformalions. Il musl be one of lhe vaIid
vaIues secified in lhe UTL_IILI_DIR
dalabase iniliaIizalion arameler. Insure
lhal lhere is no sIash al lhe end of lhe
direclory name.
ICX: Syslem Adminislralor ImaiI Address Address lo vhich OracIe XML Galevay
error nolificalions shouId be senl.
ICX: Server Time Zone Time zone lhe dalabase server is running in.
Note: See Orac|c XMI Gaicuaq Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
0rac|e XHL Pub||sher
These lasks aIy lo aII users, regardIess of vhich roducls are regislered as aclive.
1. Enab!c PDF printing (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
The IDI IubIisher rinl slyIe and IASTA_IDI rinler driver rovide lhe
caabiIily lo rinl IDI fiIes using a lhird-arly uliIily. You can use lhis slyIe and
driver lo rinl a generaled IDI. The Iasla UniversaI Irinler lye has been
associaled vilh lhe slyIe and driver for ease of use.
Note: See Orac|c XMI Pu||isncr A!ninisiraiicn an! Octc|cpcrs Gui!c
3-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
for configuralion sles.
2. 5pcciIy a tcmpnrary dircctnry Inr XML Pub!ishcr (rcquircd)
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Use lhe OracIe XML IubIisher's Adminislralion inlerface lo assign a lemorary
direclory for lhe sile IeveI. The lemorary direclory imroves erformance and
aIIovs unIimiled XML fiIe size.
Note: See Orac|c XMI Pu||isncr A!ninisiraiicn an! Octc|cpcrs Gui!c
for more informalion aboul lhis direclory.
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-1
Post-upgrade Tasks
This chaler covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Reviev Iosl-ugrade Tasks
AIicalions TechnoIogy Tasks
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl Tasks
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Tasks
Human Resources Tasks
InleIIigence Tasks
Iro|ecls Tasks
SuIy Chain Managemenl Tasks
OracIe IrofilabiIily Manager
OracIe Inlerrise Ierformance Ioundalion
Syslem Mainlenance Tasks
AddilionaI Tasks
Rev|ew Post-upgrade Tasks
This seclion rovides a generaI checkIisl of lasks lhal are required lo finish lhe ugrade.
These tasks... are Iocated here...
Verify comIelion of concurrenl rograms
, age 4-3
InslaII onIine heI (recommended) , age 4-4
4-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
These tasks... are Iocated here...
Udale/verify cuslom resonsibiIilies
, age 4-4
Migrale cuslom deveIomenl lo nev
lechnoIogies (recommended)
, age 4-4
Migrale lhe CUSTOM Iibrary (condilionaI) , age 4-6
Coy and re-cuslomize modified scrils or
reorls (condilionaI)
, age 4-6
Coy exisling cuslom slarl scrils
, age 4-7
Reviev user resonsibiIily assignmenls
, age 4-7
Associale organizalion names vilh cuslom
AIerl definilions (condilionaI)
, age 4-7
Sel oeraling unil mode for cuslomizalions
, age 4-8
Assign lhe Reorl Manager Dala Migralion
Irogram lo a requesl grou (required)
, age 4-9
Run lhe Dala Migralion Irogram , age 4-9
Recreale exisling sreadsheels (condilionaI) , age 4-9
Udale Slalus Monilor URLs (required) , age 4-9
Synchronize Iroducl License and WorkfIov
IS Iicense slalus (condilionaI)
, age 4-10
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl Tasks , age 4-10
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Tasks , age 4-13
Human Resources Tasks , age 4-15
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-3
These tasks... are Iocated here...
InleIIigence Tasks , age 4-21
Iro|ecls Tasks , age 4-24
SuIy Chain Managemenl Tasks , age 4-25
DeIele obsoIele roducl fiIes (recommended) , age 4-28
Dro obsoIele coIumns (recommended) , age 4-29
Regisler nev roducls (condilionaI) , age 4-29
Udale }ava CoIor Scheme rofiIe olion for
seIecled users (condilionaI)
, age 4-29
AddilionaI Tasks , age 4-29
App||cat|ons Techno|ogy Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion before you comIele lhe roducl-secific lasks.
8ystem Adm|n|strat|on
These lasks musl be carried oul regardIess of lhe roducls lhal are aclive in your
8tep 1: Ver|fy comp|et|on of concurrent programs (recommended}
The ugrade rocess creales numerous concurrenl rogram requesls. Once you bring
u lhe aIicalion lier, lhese rograms run aulomalicaIIy lo comIele lasks such as dala
cIeanu and ugrades lo hisloricaI dala, among olhers. You can run lhese rograms in
lhe background, vhiIe your syslem is u and running and users are aclive, unIess
olhervise inslrucled in lhe roducl-secific seclions of lhis book.
efore you conlinue, be sure aII lhe concurrenl rograms generaled by lhe ugrade
have run successfuIIy. In lhe Required Iosl Ugrade }obs seclion of |-Busincss Suiic
|c|casc 12 Upgra!c Sizing an! Bcsi Praciiccs (Doc ID: 399362.1), you viII find a Iisl of lhe
dislincl concurrenl rograms incIuded in lhe ugrade rocess. The esl Iraclices
seclion incIudes a recommendalion on hov lo isoIale lhese rograms (and aII lheir
execulions) inlo a searale concurrenl manager queue, vhich you can use for
4-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
8tep 2: |nsta|| on||ne he|p (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
To inslaII lhe American IngIish onIine heI, run lhe dalabase orlion of lhe onIine heI
alch (u6746000.drv). Il is Iocaled in $AU_TOI/alch/115/driver direclory. Sel lhe
AuloIalch olionsholalch,nocoyorlion,nogeneraleorlion.
If you have Ianguages olher lhan American IngIish regislered in your syslem, lhen
check if lhe NLS version of lhe OnIine HeI is avaiIabIe. If il is avaiIabIe, lhen dovnIoad
and aIy lhe NLS version of lhe onIine heI alch for each aclive Ianguage. IoIIov lhe
inslruclions in lhe Iosl-inslaIIalion Tasks seclion of lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns NIS |c|casc
Ncics for your reIease IeveI.
8tep 3: Update|ver|fy custom respons|b|||t|es (cond|t|ona|}
Verify lhal aII cuslom resonsibiIilies use lhe correcl menu. Irom lhe Syslem
Adminislralor resonsibiIily, navigale lo Securily > ResonsibiIilies. Query each cuslom
resonsibiIily and udale as necessary.
8tep 4: H|grate custom deve|opment to new techno|og|es (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
In lhis reIease, OracIe AIicalions is migraling lo nev lechnoIogies in cerlain areas. If
you have buiIl cuslom deveIomenl on lhe oul-daled lechnoIogies, you shouId migrale
lo lhe nev lechnoIogies as arl of lhe ugrade.
Note: See Prcparing Cusicn Octc|cpncni jcr Ncxi Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic
|c|casc (Doc ID: 374398.1) for more informalion.
If you have cuslom deveIomenl on mod_IsqI, migrale your veb ages lo OracIe
AIicalion Iramevork.
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicn |rancucrk Octc|cpcrs Gui!c in Orac|c
App|icaiicn |rancucrk Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12 (Doc ID:
391554.1) for more informalion.
0rac|e Reports 8erver Reports:
If you have cuslom deveIomenl lhal uses reorls lhal are run lhrough OracIe Reorls
Server, lhe foIIoving migralion aIlernalives are avaiIabIe.
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-5
New TechnoIogy Advantages and Considerations
Converl lo OracIe XML IubIisher Ireares your aIicalion bolh for I-usiness Suile
ReIease 12 and for OracIe Iusion AIicalions. AIIovs
you lo lake advanlage of lhe benefils of XML
IubIisher. Some aulomaled looIs are avaiIabIe lo heI
you migrale lo XML IubIisher. See Orac|c XMI
Pu||isncr A!ninisiraiicn an! Octc|cpcrs Gui!c for more
Converl lo OracIe AIicalion
May be aroriale for some reorling needs.
Hovever, nole lhal no aulomaled migralion looIs are
avaiIabIe. You musl revrile any charls using lhe
Iramevork Charling looI (I Charl ean). See Orac|c
App|icaiicn |rancucrk Octc|cpcrs Gui!c, avaiIabIe
from lhe Orac|c App|icaiicn |rancucrk Occuncniaiicn
|cscurccs, |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 391554.1).
Run lhrough lhe Concurrenl Manager If you foIIov coding slandards, you musl modify your
IL/SQL code lo meel lhe concurrenl manager
slandards. In arlicuIar, you musl use some user exils.
Revrile any charls using lhe OracIe Reorls Charling
looI (I Charl ean). See Orac|c App|icaiicns Octc|cpcrs
Gui!c an! Orac|c |cpcris. Bui|!ing |cpcris for more
0rac|e Craph|cs |ntegrat|ons w|th 0rac|e Forms:
If you have cuslom deveIomenl lhal uses OracIe Grahics (Charling) inlegraled vilh
OracIe Iorms, lhe foIIoving aIlernalives are avaiIabIe.
New TechnoIogy Advantages and Considerations
Converl bolh lhe form and lhe charl lo
a Iramevork-based aIicalion.
Ireares your aIicalion bolh for ReIease 12 and for
OracIe Iusion AIicalions.
Converl lhe charl lo a
Iramevork-based age lhal can be
Iaunched from OracIe Iorms.
See Orac|c App|icaiicn |rancucrk Octc|cpcrs Gui!c,
avaiIabIe from lhe Orac|c App|icaiicn |rancucrk
Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 391554.1).
AK Hode:
IersonaIized OracIe AIicalions Iramevork-based ages in lhe AK reosilory, are
4-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
aulomalicaIIy migraled from AK lo MDS during lhe ugrade - if lhe AK and MDS
reosilories are in lhe same dalabase inslance.
The ugrade does nol aulomalicaIIy migrale cuslom ersonaIizalions if lhe AK and
MDS reosilories are in searale inslances. In lhis case, you musl run lhe
IersonaIizalion Migralion looI manuaIIy lo erform lhe migralion.
Note: See Migraling AK IersonaIizalions in Orac|c App|icaiicn
|rancucrk Pcrscna|izaiicn Gui!c for more informalion.
AK/ICX Web Inquiries
If you have reviousIy used AK/ICX Web Inquiries, lhen use lhe OracIe AIicalion
Iramevork Search fealure lo recreale search regions lhal can be ersonaIized.
Note: See ImIemenling Secific UI Iealures in Orac|c App|icaiicn
|rancucrk Octc|cpcrs Gui!c, vhich is avaiIabIe from Orac|c
App|icaiicn |rancucrk Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12 (Doc ID:
8tep 5: H|grate the 6U8T0H ||brary (cond|t|ona|}
efore you coy cuslom code in lhe CUSTOM Iibrary lo lhe nev direclory slruclure,
refer lo lhe backu you reviousIy crealed and verify lhal lhe cuslomizalions are vaIid
for lhe nev version of OracIe AIicalions.
Ior vaIid cuslomizalions, Iace a coy of lhe nev CUSTOM Iibrary (CUSTOM.II) in a
safe Iace. Il is Iocaled in lhe $AU_TOI/resource direclory (UNIX), or lhe
%AU_TOI%(resource direclory (Windovs). Then, make a coy of lhe oId OracIe
Iorms CUSTOM Iibrary and Iace il in lhe nev direclory. Ugrade lo OracIe Iorms
DeveIoer 10g by regeneraling lhe Iibrary. Or, you can cul and asle lhe exisling
cuslom code inlo lhe nev Iibrary, and lhen regenerale il.
Note: See Using lhe CUSTOM Library in Orac|c App|icaiicns Octc|cpcrs
8tep : 6opy and re-custom|ze mod|f|ed scr|pts or reports (cond|t|ona|}
Coy cuslom sheII scrils or reorls lo lhe cuslom aIicalion direclories and
re-cuslomize lhe coy as necessary.
Note: See Iroducl Cuslomizalion Slandards in Orac|c App|icaiicns
Octc|cpcrs Gui!c.
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-7
8tep 7: 6opy ex|st|ng custom start scr|pts (cond|t|ona|}
If you have cuslomized lhe concurrenl manager slarlu scril (slarlmgr), lhen coy lhe
scril from lhe oId environmenl lo lhe nev environmenl. Then, verify lhal lhe
cuslomizalions are vaIid for lhe nev environmenl.
Note: The defauIl Iocalion in UNIX for lhe slarlmgr scril is
$IND_TOI/bin. Ior more informalion, see Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn
A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c - Ccnjiguraiicn.
8tep 8: Rev|ew user respons|b|||ty ass|gnments (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
AIlhough user/resonsibiIily assignmenls are reserved during lhe ugrade, lhe
effeclive ermissions granled by lhe seeded resonsibiIilies, menus, funclions, and
reorl securily grous may have changed. Use lhe informalion on lhe Iorms or Securily
reorls in lhe Syslem Adminislralor resonsibiIily lo confirm lhal ermissions granled
by resonsibiIilies conlinue lo meel lhe requiremenls of lhe |ob roIes (vilhoul granling
more riviIeges lhan are necessary).
Note: See Organizing Irograms inlo Requesl Grous in Orac|c
App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c - Sccuriiq for more
These lasks aIy lo OracIe AIerls.
8tep 1: Assoc|ate organ|zat|on names w|th custom A|ert def|n|t|ons (cond|t|ona|}
ManuaIIy udale cuslom aIerls lhal you vanl lo assign lo a arlicuIar organizalion:
1. As lhe AIerls Manager, navigale lo lhe AIerls form (AIerl > Define) and query lhe
2. Choose AIerl DelaiIs, lhen disIay lhe InslaIIalions labbed region in lhe AIerl
DelaiIs vindov.
3. Inler lhe ORACLI ID and organizalion name lhal you vanl lo run lhis aIerl
4. Make sure you check InabIed before saving lhe changes.
4-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Hu|t|p|e 0rgan|zat|ons
These lasks aIy lo MuIliIe Organizalions for OracIe AIicalions.
8tep 1: 8et operat|ng un|t mode for custom|zat|ons (cond|t|ona|}
Wilh lhe inlroduclion of muIliIe organizalions In lhis reIease, an aIicalions
resonsibiIily can access muIliIe oeraling unils. Some concurrenl rograms have
been enhanced lo be abIe lo rocess muIliIe oeraling unils simuIlaneousIy, vhereas
for mosl olhers, lhe oeraling unil musl be secified vhen you run lhe rogram.
To suorl lhis nev funclionaIily, concurrenl rograms are defined vilh an oeraling
unil mode of S for singIe oeraling unil or M for muIliIe oeraling unils. This mode is
sel aulomalicaIIy during lhe ugrade.
Hovever, if you have modified lhe definilion for any concurrenl rograms, lhen lhe
ugrade viII nol sel lhe oeraling unil mode in order lo reserve lhe cuslomizalion.
Deending on hov you run lhe cuslomized rogram, you may need lo sel lhe
oeraling unil mode manuaIIy.
Run lhe foIIoving SQL command lo sel a concurrenl rogram for a singIe oeraling
WHERE CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME = '<your program name>'
Inler M inslead of S for muIliIe oeraling unils.
If you vanl lo knov vhich selling is aroriale for a given rogram, lhen you may
reviev lhe selling in lhe aroriale .Idl fiIe.
Note: If you have cuslomized lhe concurrenl rogram definilion, lhis
selling may nol be aroriale given lhe vay you use lhe rogram.
Report Hanager
Reorl Manager ReIease IRM.G changed lhe dalabase Iocalion of reorls and securily
ruIes. To migrale your dala lo lhe nev Iocalion, erform lhe lasks in lhis seclion.
Note: These lasks aIy onIy if you are using CIienl Server ADI's
Requesl Cenler funclionaIily lo ubIish lo lhe dalabase, and you vish
lo manage lhe ubIished reorls and securily ruIes using lhe nev
Reorl Manager looIs. If you are nol using Reorl Manager, or if you
are using Reorl Manager Ialchsel G or Ialer, lhen you can omil lhis
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-9
8tep 1: Ass|gn the Report Hanager 0ata H|grat|on Program to a request group (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Add lhe concurrenl rogram Dala Migralion Irogram (AIicalion: Reorl Manager) lo
a requesl grou. See lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c - Ccnjiguraiicn
if you need more informalion.
8tep 2: Run the 0ata H|grat|on Program
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
The dala migralion rogram moves your exisling user lo vaIue securily ruIes and
ubIished reorls lo lhe nev schema. Il aIso udales exisling form funclions lo oinl lo
lhe nev reorl Iocalions.
web A0|
These sles aIy lo Web ADI and lo roducls lhal use Web ADI lo generale
8tep 1: Recreate ex|st|ng spreadsheets (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Sreadsheels crealed in revious versions of Web ADI do nol inleracl vilh OracIe
AIicalions roducls afler lhe ugrade. You musl reIace exisling sreadsheels vilh
ones lhal you creale using lhe nev lechnoIogy slack. IoIIov lhe rocedures in your
roducl-secific documenlalion lo creale lhe nev sreadsheels.
These sles aIy onIy lo OracIe WorkfIov.
8tep 1: Update 8tatus Hon|tor URLs (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
OracIe WorkfIov rovides URL access lo lhe Slalus Monilor lhrough lhe AIicalion
Iramevork Agenl, ralher lhan lhrough lhe IL/SQL Web agenl used in ReIease 11i. Run
lhe WorkfIov IIsqI Carlridge Deendency RemovaI Irom Dala concurrenl rogram lo
udale lhe Slalus Monilor URLs lhal aear in exisling vorkfIov allribule vaIues lo lhe
nev Web agenl slruclure. The rogram udales ilem allribule vaIues for aclive
4-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
vorkfIov rocesses and message allribule vaIues for oen nolificalions.
Note: The udale for message allribule vaIues aIies onIy lo
nolificalions accessed lhrough lhe WorkIisl Web ages. Slalus Monilor
Iinks in e-maiI nolificalions lhal vere senl or generaled before lhe
ugrade cannol be aulomalicaIIy udaled. Log on lo OracIe
AIicalions searaleIy lo access lhe Slalus Monilor afler lhe ugrade.
8tep 2: 8ynchron|ze Product L|cense and workf|ow E8 ||cense status (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: 11.5.8
TUMS sle key: N/A
If you ugrade from an OracIe AIicalions reIease earIier lhan ReIease 11.5.9, lhen run
lhe Synchronize Iroducl License and WorkfIov IS License (INDWILIC) concurrenl
rogram afler lhe ugrade. Il udales lhe Iicense slalus of lhe exisling evenls and
subscrilions in your Ivenl Manager so lhal OracIe WorkfIov can aulomalicaIIy udale
lhe Iicense slalus for reIevanl evenls and subscrilions if you subsequenlIy Iicense
anolher roducl.
0rac|e E-us|ness 8u|te |ntegrated 80A Cateway
ComIele lhe sles described in Mq Orac|c Suppcri (Doc ID: 556540.1) for enabIing
OracIe I-usiness Suile Inlegraled SOA Galevay ReIease 12.1.1 from OracIe I-usiness
Suile ReIease 11i.
6ustomer Re|at|onsh|p Hanagement Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion before you aIIov users lo use OracIe Cuslomer
ReIalionshi Managemenl (CRM) roducls.
Ema|| 6enter
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe ImaiI Cenler.
8tep 1: H|grate Ema|| 6enter data (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
You can migrale ImaiI Cenler dala lo lhe nev archileclure in lvo hases: Iive messages
and hisloricaI messages. To accommodale lhe migralion, a sel of migralion looIs is
deIivered vilh ImaiI Cenler in lhis reIease. They consisl of a DovnIoad Irocessor,
concurrenl rograms, and a Migralion ConsoIe.
If you ol lo erform lhe dala migralion, vhich incIudes bolh configuralion and emaiI
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-11
dala, lhen lhese looIs are avaiIabIe lo heI vilh lhis rocess. efore you Iaunch lhe
migralion rocess, you musl:
Slo lhe ImaiI Server middIe-lier rocess (IMAI, Ioslman, and so on)
Slo or canceI ending ImaiI Cenler concurrenl requesls
Slo aII Aache servers
Log oul of ImaiI Cenler vhiIe lhe dala migralion is running
Make sure lhere are no Iive messages in lhe re-rocessing queue or ending
oulbound requesls for lhe Oulbox Irocessor. The migralion looIs check for lhese
condilions and disIays lhe dala on lhe Migralion ConsoIe.
8a|es and Te|esa|es
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe SaIes and TeIesaIes. Ior ugrading from ASN. lo
ReIease 12, see: SaIes ugrade from ASN. lo ReIease 12, age 4-12.
8tep 1 Run concurrent programs (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Ierform lhe foIIoving sles lo udale and refresh lhe AS_ACCISSIS_ALL and
Irom lhe OracIe SaIes Adminislralor resonsibiIily, navigale lo Concurrenl
Requesls > Run.
Run lhe "Udale as_accesses_aII denorm fIag" requesl sel.
Run lhe "Refresh of as_saIes_credils_denorm" concurrenl rogram.
Note: If you are al lhe reIease IeveI, you can reduce
dovnlime by running lhe concurrenl rocess requesl sel "Udale
as_accessess_aII denorm fIag" as a re-ugrade sle.
8tep 2: H|grate 8a|es methodo|og|es for opportun|t|es (requ|red - app||cat|on spec|a||st}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
This sle musl be erformed by lhe SaIes and TeIesaIes aIicalion seciaIisl before you
aIIov users lo Iog on.
4-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
This reIease requires you lo sel a saIes melhodoIogy if a saIes slage is secified in an
oorlunily. Once secified, you cannol change lo any olher saIes melhodoIogy. To
avoid errors and imroer migralion, your aIicalion seciaIisl musl foIIov lhe
inslruclions in lhe "Migrale SaIes MelhodoIogies for Oorlunilies, age G-6" seclion
of SaIes and TeIesaIes, age G-2 in Aendix G, "Ugrade by Requesl", age G-1.
8tep 3: H|grate 8a|es cred|ts (requ|red - app||cat|on spec|a||st}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
This sle musl be erformed by lhe SaIes and TeIesaIes aIicalion seciaIisl before you
aIIov users lo Iog on.
In lhis reIease, onIy one saIes erson er oorlunily Iine receives lhe enlire revenue
credils for lhal Iine. The ReIease 11i SaIes fealure lhal aIIoved muIliIe saIes eoIe lo
receive credils on a singIe oorlunily Iine is obsoIele.
efore you can use lhe ugraded SaIes and TeIesaIes roducls, your aIicalion
seciaIisl musl foIIov lhe inslruclions in lhe "Migrale SaIes Credils, age G-2" seclion
of SaIes and TeIesaIes, age G-2 in Aendix G, "Ugrade by Requesl", age G-1.
8a|es Upgrade From A8N. to Re|ease 12
Cuslomers ugrading from ASN. lo ReIease 12 musl run lvo concurrenl requesls and
are nol required lo run aII lhe ASN. enabIing sles a second lime:
1. Run ASN Migraic Oup|icaic Sa|csrcp Main Prcgran.
This concurrenl requesl removes duIicale saIes leam members. You shouId run
lhis requesl al dovnlime as arl of lhe ugrade rocess.
2. Run ASN Pcsi Upgra!c Icg an! Cusicncr Up!aic.
This concurrenl requesl udales lhe endday Iog fIags for SaIes Credil, Oorlunily
Lines, and synchronizes lhe Cuslomer Id of oorlunily saIes leam vilh
oorlunily header dala. You can run lhis requesl afler lhe ugrade rocess al u
Hob||e F|e|d 8erv|ce
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe MobiIe IieId Service.
8tep 1: H|grate to the New Hob||e F|e|d 8erv|ce App||cat|on (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
OracIe MobiIe IieId Service has been redesigned for lhis reIease. If you use lhis roducl,
comIele lhe sles described in Orac|c Mc|i|c |ic|! Scrticc Pcsi-upgra!c |nsiruciicns jcr
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-13
Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 386682.1).
F|nanc|a|s and Procurement Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion before you aIIov users lo Iog on lo OracIe IinanciaIs
and Irocuremenl roducls.
F|nanc|a|s for |nd|a
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe IinanciaIs for India.
8tep 1: App|y custom |og|c for Projects funct|ona||ty (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
In lhis reIease, OracIe IinanciaIs for India (}AI) suorls a Iro|ecls Cosling/iIIing
soIulion, vhich incIudes a cuslom version of lhe Iro|ecls commilmenl viev and creales
a re-rocessing exlension regislralion in lhe lransaclion source definilion for Iurchase
Receils. ecause lhis cuslom Iogic aIies onIy lo cuslomers vho vanl lo use lhe
Iro|ecls funclionaIily rovided by }AI, lhe cuslomized fiIes are reIeased as a slandaIone
alch (7479204).
Refer lo lhe foIIoving labIe lo delermine vhelher lo aIy lhis alch lo your syslem:
Action ReIease 11 uses
JAI Projects?
ReIease 12.1.1 uses
JAI Projects?
AppIy Patch?
Ugrading from
ReIease 11i lo ReIease
No Yes Yes
Ugrading from
ReIease 11i lo ReIease
Yes Yes Yes
Ugrading from
ReIease 11i lo ReIease
No No No
Note: See Orac|c |inancia|s jcr |n!ia |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for more
4-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
|nternet Expenses
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Inlernel Ixenses.
8tep 1: Ensure that document categor|es have va||d sequences (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Inlernel Ixenses creales emIoyee invoices using lhe documenl calegory Ixense
Reorl Invoices (IXI RII INV). You shouId ensure lhal a vaIid sequence is assigned lo
lhis documenl calegory.
In addilion, Inlernel Ixenses no Ionger creales credil card rovider invoices using lhe
documenl calegory Mixed Invoices (MIX INV). Inslead, il uses lhe Iaymenl Requesl
(IAY RIQ INV) documenl calegory. You shouId ensure lhal a vaIid sequence is
assigned lo lhe Iaymenl Requesl (IAY RIQ INV) documenl calegory as veII.
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Iaymenls (renamed from iIaymenls in ReIease 11i).
8tep 1: Enter encrypt|on key for Payments (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you used OracIe AIicalions Credil Card Incrylion in ReIease 11i, lhen enler lhe
same vaIue you used for your syslem securily key (aIso knovn as rivale key) in lhe
OracIe WaIIel Manager configuralion. Then, comIele lhe encrylion selu on lhe
Syslem Securily Olions age. You musl comIele lhis selu before you begin any
aymenl rocessing or nev lransaclions viII faiI.
8tep 2: 6omp|ete payment prof||e opt|ons for Nether|ands (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you used gIobaI descrilive fIexfieIds lo conlroI aymenl fiIe formalling in ReIease 11i
, lhen edil lhe OracIe Iaymenls IIT aymenl formal lemIale lo ass required IIT
vaIues or creale lhe vaIues as a bank inslruclion on lhe Iaymenl Irocess IrofiIe in
OracIe Iaymenls.
You musl comIele lhis lask before you begin any invoice or aymenl rocessing. If il is
nol comIele, lhen you cannol lrack lhe required allribules for your lransaclions.
Note: See |inancia|s Upgra!c |npaci for more informalion.
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-15
8tep 3: 6omp|ete 0an|sh payment means and channe|s (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you used gIobaI descrilive fIexfieIds lo conlroI aymenl means and channeIs in
ReIease 11i, lhen edil lhe OracIe Iaymenls Danish aymenl formal lemIale lo ass
aymenl means and aymenl channeI informalion before you begin any invoice or
aymenl rocessing. AIso, enler required aymenl vaIidalions for each aymenl
melhod (migraled from aymenl calegories) in OracIe Iaymenls.
You musl comIele lhis lask before you can lrack lhe required allribules for your
Note: See |inancia|s Upgra!c |npaci for more informalion.
8tep 4: 6omp|ete rem|ttance adv|ce contro|s for |ta|y (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you used gIobaI descrilive fIexfieIds lo conlroI lhe remillance advice conlroIs (IrofiIe
Olion for Comany DelaiIs) for IlaIy in ReIease 11i, lhen edil lhe OracIe Iaymenls IIT
aymenl formal lemIale lo conlroI vhelher lhe comany delaiIs are rinled.
If you do nol comIele lhis lask before you begin any invoice or aymenl rocessing,
you cannol lrack lhe required allribules for your lransaclions.
Note: See |inancia|s Upgra!c |npaci for more informalion.
human Resources Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion before you aIIov users lo Iog on lo Human Resources
Managemenl roducls.
human Resources
Important: Cuslomers using OracIe iRecruilmenl and running dalabase
11gR1 version musl add lhe foIIoving Iine lo lheir dalabase
iniliaIizalion fiIe:
evenl"31151 lrace name conlexl forever, IeveI 0x100"
Selling lhis evenl rovides a fix for lhe issue reorled in bug 6952870.
4-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
8tep 1: App|y |atest hRH8 Leg|s|at|ve Updates (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
To mainlain required IegisIalive comIiance, you musl aIy aII IegisIalive dala
udales. The udales are mainlained reguIarIy lo be in Iine vilh governmenl- and
counlry-secific IegaI requiremenls. See lhe Ialesl HRMS (HR GIobaI) LegisIalive Dala
Ialch (Doc ID: 145837.1) for informalion and inslruclions on hov lo ensure lhal your
syslem is u lo dale.
Note: If you are using onIy OracIe HR Shared for use vilh anolher
OracIe AIicalions roducl, lhen DO NOT aIy lhis IegisIalive dala.
8tep 2: Ver|fy Labor 0|str|but|on tab|es (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you currenlIy use OracIe Labor Dislribulion and have nol reviousIy aIied HRMS
IamiIy Iack H (or Ialer), lhere may be Labor Dislribulion labIes lhal conlain invaIid
dala. Run lhe concurrenl rogram ISI: Iosl Ugrade ad Dala Reorl from lhe Labor
Dislribulion Sueruser resonsibiIily lo delermine vhelher any Labor Dislribulion
labIes have invaIid dala.
The reorl Iisls lhe Labor Dislribulion labIes vhere lhe Human Resources Managemenl
business grou and GL sel of books couId nol be udaled. You cannol access lhese
records lhrough lhe aIicalion ilseIf. To heI idenlify lhe records, lhe reorl rocess
marks each one lhal couId nol be udaled vilh a vaIue of -999.
Ierform lhe aclions indicaled, and re-run lhe reorl unliI no furlher aclion messages are
Note: See Ia|cr Oisiri|uiicn (PSP) Pcsi Upgra!c Ba! Oaia |cpcri (Doc ID:
270447.1) for more informalion.
8tep 3: Re-seed custom sa|ary components (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you reviousIy crealed cuslomized saIary comonenls (as described in Orac|c Hunan
|cscurccs Managcncni Sqsicns |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c |c|casc 11i), you may need lo re-run
lhe associaled SQL scril lo re-seed cuslom saIary comonenls. You can delermine if
lhis aclion is necessary by referring lo lhe ReIease 12 version of lhe imIemenlalion
guide lo ensure lhal your cuslomizalions in lhe saIary comonenl area are
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-17
re-imIemenled as execled.
8tep 4: H|grate Tra|n|ng Adm|n|strat|on to Learn|ng Hanagement (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
The ugrade aulomalicaIIy udales OracIe Training Adminislralion lo enabIe nev
funclionaIily and changes lhe roducl name lo Learning Managemenl. During lhe
ugrade, a concurrenl requesl vas submilled lo delermine vhal furlher aclion is
required. See Gui!c ic inc OTA C|assic Upgra!c |cpcri (Doc ID: 269571.1) for a
If you currenlIy use lhe inlegralion belveen OTA and OracIe iLearning, foIIov lhe
inslruclions in OTA-iIcarning |nicgraiicn Migraiicn ic Orac|c Icarning Managcncni (OIM)
(Doc ID: 271719.1).
8tep 5: 6omp|ete hRH8 6onf|gurat|on workbench 8etup (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you currenlIy use HRMS Configuralion Workbench vilh Winrunner, lhen you need
lo aIy an addilionaI alch (5441645), vhich conlains udaled Winrunner fiIes for lhis
reIease. The alch readme describes hov lo aIy lhe alch and any osl-alch
verificalion checks lhal may be necessary.
8tep : Ver|fy T|me Zone convers|on for Learn|ng Hanagement (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
OTA.}.RoIIu.1 and ReIease 12 incIude lhe Time Zone conversion for OracIe Learning
Managemenl ugrade. Il requires you lo examine lhe Udale Time Zone concurrenl
manager Iog fiIe lhal is aulomalicaIIy generaled during lhe ugrade rocess. Ior
addilionaI informalion, or if you encounler any errors, foIIov lhe inslruclions in Gui!c
ic inc Tinc Zcnc Up!aic (Doc ID: 371179.1).
8tep 7: 6heck downt|me reduct|on report (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: IIR_ R12_DTR
Log on as Syslem Adminislralor and submil lhe Dala Udale Irocess Slalus Reorl
concurrenl requesl. Il idenlifies a number of dala udale lasks, vhich may run for an
exlended eriod of lime if you have a Iarge voIume of dala lhal requires maniuIalion.
Note: See Gui!c ic inc Oaia Up!aic Siaius |cpcri (Doc ID: 315932.1) for
4-18 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
more informalion.
IxamIes of some udales lhal run during lhe ugrade (and are resenl in lhe
dovnlime reduclion reorl) incIude:
Unmerge conlacls from TCA (Doc ID: 279449.1)
ISI: Migrale lo OAIramevork Ifforl Reorling (Doc ID: 302304.1)
8tep 8: H|grate stored names to new and rev|sed formats (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: IarIier lhan IamiIy Iack K
TUMS sle key:
IamiIy Iack K suIies definilions of slandard erson-name formals lo define lhe
slruclure of erson names. You can use lhis fealure lo:
Define lhe formal of lhe IuII Name lhal aears in lhe HRMS forms-based inlerface
(for examIe, in lhe Iind Ierson vindov)
Change olher suIied formals (DisIay Name and Lisl Name) for use in cuslom
Define your ovn name formals for use in cuslom code
If you ugrade from an OracIe AIicalions reIease earIier lhan OracIe HRMS IamiIy
Iack K, lhen you musl run lhe Udale Ierson Names concurrenl rogram lo udale
slored erson names in lhe secified IegisIalion or in aII business grous. If you do nol,
lhen HRMS does nol ouIale or udale slored erson names. Therefore, names may
be nuII or aear in an unexecled formal.
Note: See Orac|c H|MS Wcrkjcrcc Scurcing, Ocp|cqncni, an! Ta|cni
Managcncni Gui!c for delaiIs.
Approva|s Hanagement
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe ArovaIs Managemenl.
8tep 1: Attach new respons|b|||t|es to ex|st|ng users for AHE (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Afler lhe ugrade, you musl migrale nev resonsibiIilies lo exisling ArovaIs
Managemenl Ingine (AMI) users. Irom lhe Syslem Adminislralor resonsibiIily,
allach lhe ArovaIs Managemenl Iosl-Ugrade Irocess concurrenl rogram lo lhe
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-19
Syslem Adminislralor Reorls requesl grou. Then, run lhe concurrenl rogram lo
allach lhe nev resonsibiIilies.
Note: If you have reviousIy aIied 11i.AMI., lhen omil lhis sle.
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe IayroII.
8tep 1: |nsta|| or update Vertex for Payro|| (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
OracIe IayroII uses lhe Verlex Quanlum IayroII Tax Series in lhe Uniled Slales and
Canada. The HRMS dala in lhis reIease conlains version 2.7 of lhis lhird-arly roducl.
If you run OracIe IayroII in lhe Uniled Slales or Canada, see lhe informalion aboul
advanced configuralion sles aIIoved by IayroII, and lhe informalion aboul inslaIIing
or udaling lhe Verlex soflvare, in |nsia||ing Quaniun jcr Orac|c Paqrc|| (Doc ID:
8tep 2: Run the 0u|ckPay Exc|us|ons 0ata Upgrade process (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you have nol reviousIy run lhe QuickIay IxcIusions Dala Ugrade rocess, you
shouId do so nov. Irom lhe Syslem Adminislralor resonsibiIily, run lhe Generic
Ugrade Mechanism concurrenl rogram from lhe Irocesses and Reorls menu. Il
accels a singIe arameler (lhe name of lhe dala udale rocess lo be execuled). Sel lhe
arameler lo QuickIay IxcIusions TabIe Ugrade.
8tep 3: 6reate trans|ated 0atabase |tem names for Japanese Loca||zat|ons (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you currenlIy use, or Ian lo use, OracIe IayroII in an NLS environmenl, aIy lhe
consoIidaled hrgIobaI lransIalion alch lo deIiver lransIaled names for IIemenl Tyes,
IIemenl Inul VaIues, aIance Tyes, aIance Dimensions, and GIobaI VaIues. Then,
run lhe Generale IayroII Dynamic Dalabase Ilem TransIalions concurrenl rogram and
check lhe Iog fiIe for errors.
Note: See H|MS (H| G|c|a|) Icgis|aiitc Oaia Paicn (Doc ID: 145837.1) for
4-20 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
This rogram invaIidales Cuslomers' IormuIas if lhey conlain variabIes vhose names
cIash vilh lhe nev Dalabase Ilem names. Any invaIidaled IormuIas are Iisled in lhe
concurrenl rogram Iog. You musl correcl and re-comiIe lhem before lhey can be
used. If a seeded IormuIa conlains a variabIe vhose name cIashes vilh a nev Dalabase
Ilem name, lhal nev name viII nol be aIied in order lo mainlain seed dala
When running lhe concurrenl rogram, seIecling Yes for lhe aramelers IIemenl Tyes,
IIemenl Inul VaIues, and aIances causes lransIaled Dalabase Ilems lo be crealed
using lhe corresonding lransIalions. SeIecl Yes for lhe LocaIizalion arameler onIy if
you run ayroIIs for counlries lhal rovide IocaIized dalabase ilem lransIalion code (see
Nev and Changed Comonenls seclion of lhe Aboul Doc for each counlry). If you
seIecl No for aII aramelers, lhe rogram Iogs any errors for GIobaI VaIue lransIaled
Dalabase Ilems.
8tep 4: 6omp||e Japanese f|exf|e|ds after generat|ng messages (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
A number of lhe }aanese IIexfieIds have vaIue sels vilh lransIaled romls for some
of lhe Quickick coIumns. These vaIues musl be seeded in lhe NLS Ianguage for lhe
fIexfieId lo comiIe cIeanIy. The seeding occurs vhen lhe messages are comiIed. You
may see some }aanese fIexfieIds lhal aear as invaIid. ResoIve lhis issue by using AD
Adminislralion firsl lo generale messages, and lhen lo re-generale fIexfieIds lhal faiIed
lo cIeanIy comiIe.
8tep 5: Enab|e 8ub|edger Account|ng (8LA} (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you inlend lo enabIe SubIedger Accounling for OracIe HRMS in lhe firsl avaiIabIe
version of ReIease 12, lhen you musl erform a manuaI ugrade sequence lo suorl
your lransfers lo SLA. The manuaI sequence incIudes lhese sles:
1. Sel u }ournaI Line Definilions
2. Sel u lhe AIicalion Accounling Definilion
3. Sel u lhe Melhod for each charl of accounls
Note: See Pcrjcrning a Manua| Upgra!c ic |na||c Su||c!gcr Acccuniing
(SIA) jcr Orac|c H|MS |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 399632.1) for delaiIs.
This manuaI ugrade sequence is required onIy for lhe currenl ReIease 12 soflvare.
Hovever, an aulomaled version is Ianned for a fulure reIease. When il is made
avaiIabIe, lhe manuaI ugrade sequence viII nol be necessary.
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-21
See Pcrjcrning a Manua| Upgra!c ic |na||c Su||c!gcr Acccuniing (SIA) jcr Orac|c H|MS
|c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 399632.1) for delaiIs aboul reIeases lhal require you lo run lhe
ugrade sequence manuaIIy.
Note: OlionaIIy, if you vanl lo migrale hisloricaI ayroII dala lo SLA
lhal has been osled lo GL rior lo avaiIabiIily of SLA funclionaIily,
lhen run lhe concurrenl rogram Ugrade HisloricaI IayroII Dala lo
SLA for ayroII syslem dala synchronizalion.
|nte|||gence Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion before users Iog on lo OracIe InleIIigence roducls.
8tep 1: Perform add|t|ona| steps for Embedded 0ata warehouse (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
This reIease incIudes Imbedded Dala Warehouse (IDW) ReIease 4.3, vhich requires
osl-inslaIIalion sles lo comIele lhe imIemenlalion. See lhe Orac|c |n|c!!c! Oaia
Warcncusc |nsia|| Gui!c (A90299-05) for inslruclions.
8tep 2: Perform add|t|ona| steps for End User Layer (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
This reIease suorls lhe use of Discoverer 10g ( Ind User Layer (IUL). If you
are using any of lhe foIIoving roducls, lhen you musl imIemenl Discoverer IUL.
Short Name Product
ams Markeling
amv InlernaI ConlroIs Manager
a IayabIes
ben Advanced enefils
4-22 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Short Name Product
bis usiness InleIIigence Syslem
bix Inleraclion Cenler InleIIigence
ce Cash Managemenl
cn SaIes Comensalion
eni Iroducl DeveIomenl InleIIigence
fem Inlerrise Ierformance Ioundalion
fii IinanciaIs InleIIigence
fl Transfer ricing
hri Human Resources InleIIigence
ibe iSlore
isc SuIy Chain InleIIigence
msc Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning
oki Conlracls InleIIigence
oi Oeralions InleIIigence
ola Learning Managemenl
ozf Trade Managemenl
a Iro|ecls
ay IayroII
er Human Resources
fl Ierformance AnaIyzer
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-23
Short Name Product
fi Iro|ecls InleIIigence
|m Iro|ecl Manufacluring
mi Irocess Manufacluring InleIIigence
oa Iurchasing InleIIigence
sb IubIic Seclor udgeling
If you are a nev Discoverer IUL cuslomer, lhen roceed lo lhe imIemenlalion sles. If
you are an exisling Discoverer 4.1 cuslomers, lhen you musl ugrade lo Discoverer 10g.
See Using Oiscctcrcr 10g uiin Orac|c App|icaiicns |12 (Doc ID: 373634.1) for inslruclions.
8tep 3: Perform add|t|ona| 0a||y us|ness |nte|||gence steps (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
This reIease incIudes DaiIy usiness InleIIigence ReIease 8.0. See lhe Orac|c Oai|q
Busincss |nic||igcncc |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for informalion.
8tep 4: Perform add|t|ona| a|anced 8corecard steps (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
This reIease incIudes aIanced Scorecard ReIease 5.0. See lhe Orac|c Ba|ancc! Sccrccar!
|nsia|| Gui!c for informalion.
0a||y us|ness |nte|||gence - Harket|ng
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe DaiIy usiness InleIIigence for Markeling.
8tep 1: Ver|fy |n|t|a| Load, |ncrementa|, and 0ashboard reports (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
To verify your ugraded dala, make sure you can comIele a requesl sel for IniliaI Load
and IncremenlaI vilhoul any errors. In addilion, aII Dashboard reorls and Iinks shouId
be accessibIe.
4-24 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
0a||y us|ness |nte|||gence - 8a|es
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe DaiIy usiness InleIIigence for SaIes.
8tep 1: Run |n|t|a| Request 8et (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Sel lhe IL: OracIe SaIes ImIemenlalion Dale (mm/dd/yyyy) rofiIe olion lo lhe dale
on vhich OracIe SaIes is inslaIIed.
Then, from lhe DaiIy usiness InleIIigence Adminislralor resonsibiIily, cIick Run
Requesl Sels from lhe Dala Summarizalion orlion of lhe screen. Irom lhe o-u
vindov, seIecl Requesl Sel. Search for lhe SaIes iniliaI requesl sel and cIick Submil.
The requesl sel musl run vilhoul any errors.
8tep 2: Ver|fy |n|t|a| Load, |ncrementa|, and 0ashboard reports (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
To verify your ugraded dala, make sure you can comIele an IniliaI Load requesl sel
vilhoul any errors. In addilion, aII Dashboard reorls and Iinks shouId be accessibIe.
Projects Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion before users Iog on lo OracIe Iro|ecls roducls.
Property Hanager
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Iroerly Manager.
8tep :1 6reate accounts d|str|but|on for |eases (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If a Iease vilh normaIized aymenl lerms does nol conlain a IiabiIily and accrued
IiabiIily accounl or normaIized biIIing lerms, lhen creale an accounls dislribulion.
Navigale lo Viev > Requesls > Submil a nev requesl > Creale Accounls Dislribulion.
SuIy lhe foIIoving informalion:
Lease CIass: Creale accounls dislribulions for revenue Ieases, exense Ieases, or
Lease Number range: Range of Ieases for vhich you vanl lo creale lhe accounls
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-25
Localion Code range: Localion or a range of Iocalions if you vanl lo creale accounls
dislribulions for Ieases vilh lenancies for lhe secified Iocalion range
Accounl informalion: Aroriale ReceivabIe, Accrued Assel, LiabiIily, and
Accrued LiabiIily accounls deending on vhelher you are crealing an accounls
dislribulion for exense Ieases, or revenue Ieases and subIeases
8upp|y 6ha|n Hanagement Tasks
ComIele lhe lasks in lhis seclion before users Iog on lo SuIy Chain Managemenl
Hob||e App||cat|ons
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe MobiIe AIicalions.
8tep 1: Rev|ew HwA 8erver Adm|n|strat|on Task 6hanges (requ|red}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
The MobiIe AIicalions (MWA) Server adminislralion configuralions, command
scrils, and securily enhancemenls for lhe command scrils used lo manage mobiIe
server slarlu and shuldovn Services are in a nev Iocalion. AIso, MWA Services can be
managed using lhe OracIe AIicalions Manager (OAM) AuloConfig uliIily. See Orac|c
Mc|i|c Wirc|css App|icaiicn. |c|casc 12 Scrtcr Prccc!urc Cnangcs (Doc ID: 394495.1) for
more informalion.
Process Hanufactur|ng
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Irocess Manufacluring.
8tep 1: 6omp|ete |nventory 6onvergence for 0PH (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
If you do nol have OIM enabIed in your syslem, lhen you can omil lhis sle.
Ierform lhe foIIoving sles in lhe order Iisled. ComIele aII lhe sles before you
roceed lo lhe nexl lask.
1. Reviev and correcl migralion error messages (aII reIeases)
Use lhe Viev Migralion Log user inlerface lhal is avaiIabIe in OIM Syslem
4-26 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Adminislralion lo viev lhe messages. Ycu nusi ccrrcci a|| crrcrs |cjcrc qcu prcccc! ic
inc ncxi sicp.
2. Run lransformalion migralions for OIM dala (aII reIeases)
AIy alch 6677049 lo your ReIease 12.1 AIIL_TOI. Il runs lhe foIIoving
Transformalion of organizalion_id, invenlory_ilem_id, Iol_number, and uom
coIumns in lhese OIM aIicalion labIes: QuaIily Managemenl, Iroducl
DeveIomenl, Irocess Ixeculion, and Irocess IIanning. Il aIso lransfers lhe
same coIumns in lhe Order Managemenl and Shiing labIes.
Migralion of forecasl dala
Transformalion of urchase order and receiving labIes
3. Run lransformalion migralions for OIM IinanciaI dala (aII reIeases)
AIy alch 4690072 lo your ReIease 12.1.1 AIIL_TOI. Il runs lhe foIIoving
Transformalion of organizalion_id, invenlory_ilem_id, uom, Iol_number, and
uom coIumns in lhe OIM IinanciaIs labIes.
Migralion of OIM financiaIs dala
4. Migrale OIM ReguIalory dala (aII reIeases)
AIy alch 4688012 lo your ReIease 12.1.1 AIIL_TOI (if you use OIM ReguIalory
5. Recreale oen balches (aII reIeases)
Run lhe Irocess Ixeculion Migralion Recreale Oen alches concurrenl rogram (if
you look a snashol before lhe ugrade).
. Migrale OIM Idil Texl lo allachmenls (aII reIeases)
Run lhe GMA: Idil Texl Migralion concurrenl rogram lo migrale lhe OIM Idil
Texl lo allachmenls for lhe organizalions, ilems, Iols, grades, and reason codes.
Note: See lhe Orac|c Prcccss Manujaciuring Migraiicn |cjcrcncc Gui!c
for delaiIs on dala migralion. See aIso OPM Sqsicn A!ninisiraiicn
Uscrs Gui!c.
8erv|ce 6ontracts
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Service Conlracls.
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-27
8tep 1: Hon|tor 0eferred Upgrade Tasks (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
Cerlain lasks vere inilialed by a series of concurrenl rograms lhal vere Iaunched
during lhe ugrade. To reduce dovnlime, lhe comIelion of lhose lasks vas deferred
unliI lhe syslem came back onIine. They are execuled vhen lhe concurrenl manager
slarls afler lhe ugrade.
The rograms are as foIIovs. You shouId monilor lhe comIelion of lhe lasks and
re-submil any of lhe rograms lhal may error oul.
Launch Irocess WorkfIov for exisling Service Conlracls
Service Conlracls Udale ase AnnuaIized Iaclor Manager
Service Conlracls Udale Hislory AnnuaIized Iaclor Manager
Service Conlracls eTax Migralion
Service Conlracls ASO Queue Migralion
Service Conlracls Udale ase Tax CoIumns Manager
Service Conlracls Udale Hislory Tax CoIumns Manager
Concurrenl rogram lo creale conlracl header lexl index
0rac|e Prof|tab|||ty Hanager
ComiIe lhe Common CaIcuIalion Ingine Message fiIe. You musl comIele lhis sle lo
see lhe aroriale messages in lhe concurrenl manager Iog vhen you run a maing
To compiIe the Common CaIcuIation Engine Message fiIe:
1. Sign onlo lhe I-usiness Suile using lhe AIicalion DeveIoer resonsibiIily.
2. SeIecl Run under lhe Olher: Requesls Iink in lhe righl-hand region of lhe
resonsibiIily menu.
3. SeIecl lhe singIe requesl olion, and lhen lhe Lisl of VaIues (LOV) lo seIecl lhe
concurrenl |ob, Generale Messages.
4. ComIele lhe foIIoving aramelers:
4-28 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Language: US
AIicalion: Inlerrise Ierformance Ioundalion
IiIe AIicalion Shorlname: <Ieave bIank>
IiIename: <Ieave bIank>
5. CIick Submil lo finish lhe rocess.
. Once lhe concurrenl requesl comIeles, you shouId have a US.msb fiIe Iocaled
under lhe $IIM_TOI/MISG direclory on lhe fiIe syslem vhere lhe aIicalions
inslance is inslaIIed.
0rac|e Enterpr|se Performance Foundat|on
Add lhe iSelu ResonsibiIily for lhe Imorl/Ixorl User(s).
Refer lo Hcu Tc |xiraci an! Ica! |u|cs in |nicrprisc Pcrjcrnancc |cun!aiicn |12 in My
OracIe Suorl (Doc ID: 751290.1) lo enabIe Imorl/Ixorl using iSelu in ReIease12.
8ystem Ha|ntenance Tasks
Afler you have verified lhal lhe syslem and lhe roducl ugrades are comIele,
erform lhe "cIean-u" lasks described in lhis seclion.
8ystem Ha|ntenance
8tep 1: 0e|ete obso|ete product f||es (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
DeIele lhe roducl fiIes for lhe revious reIease (if you have nol done so aIready). You
may vanl lo relain reorl oulul fiIes or cuslomized rograms. Oulul fiIes are slored
in lhe oId Iog and oulul subdireclories under each roducl's lo direclory, under lhe
Iog and oulul direclories you crealed, or under a common direclory.
To remove obsoIele fiIes for an oId reIease, change lo lhe lo direclory of lhal reIease
and enler lhe foIIoving command:
$ rm -rf <old APPL_TOP>
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-29
Hcrc is an cxamp!c:
$ rm -rf /d01/appl/r10
C:\> del /s /q <old APPL_TOP>
Hcrc is an cxamp!c:
C:\> del /s /q \APPL110
8tep 2: 0rop obso|ete co|umns (recommended}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
During lhe ugrade rocess OracIe AIicalions marks coIumns in lhe dala diclionary
lhal are unused. You can safeIy dro lhese coIumns nov.
Note: See lhe Orac|c Oaia|asc A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c 10g |c|casc 2 (10.2) or
Orac|c Oaia|asc A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c 11g |c|casc 1 (11.1) for delaiIs.
8tep 3: Reg|ster new products (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
Nev roducls added since ReIease 11i vas iniliaIIy made avaiIabIe (May 2000) are nol
aulomalicaIIy regislered in lhe dalabase. If you inlend lo use nev roducls, regisler
lhem using License Manager. See Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c -
Mainicnancc for inslruclions.
8tep 4: Update Java 6o|or 8cheme prof||e opt|on for se|ected users (cond|t|ona|}
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII
TUMS sle key: N/A
y defauIl, lhe }ava CoIor Scheme rofiIe olion shouId be sel lo "svan" for aII sessions
for olimaI syslem resonse lime. The ugrade rocess sels lhe vaIue lhis defauIl vaIue
for aII inslances. Hovever, selling lhis rofiIe olion lo a differenl vaIue may vork
beller for some syslems. See Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c -
Mainicnancc and Orac|c App|icaiicns Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
Add|t|ona| Tasks
This seclion oinls lo addilionaI lasks lhal may be necessary, and suggesls
documenlalion lhal describes lhose lasks.
4-30 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Rev|ew 8ystem Updates
ReIease udale acks (RUIs) are reIeased a reguIar inlervaIs, generaIIy quarlerIy or
lvice a year. Iach RUI is cumuIalive - il deIivers error correclions and syslem udales,
nol onIy for lhe mosl currenl reIease udale ack, bul aIso for aII lhe RUIs lhal
receded il. You can aIy lhe Ialesl reIease udale ack (RUI) lo kee your syslem al
lhe mosl currenl reIease IeveI avaiIabIe.
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12.1 (Doc
ID: 790942.1). This "documenlalion road ma conlains Iinks lo lhe
readmes lhal describe aII reIease udale acks made avaiIabIe since lhe
iniliaI reIease of OracIe AIicalions 12.0. See aIso Orac|c App|icaiicns
|c|casc Ncics (Doc ID: 5493891.1)
Understand 0rac|e App||cat|ons Ha|ntenance Tasks
Make sure you are comIeleIy famiIiar vilh lhe informalion in lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns
Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Occuncniaiicn Sci. In addilion, you shouId undersland lhe
informalion in Orac|c App|icaiicns Mainicnancc Uii|iiics, Orac|c App|icaiicns Mainicnancc
Prccc!urcs, and Orac|c App|icaiicns Paicning Prccc!urcs. These voIumes conlain imorlanl
delaiIs aboul AD uliIilies, as veII as inslruclions on hov lo alch your syslem and
erform manuaI mainlenance lasks.
H|grate Ex|st|ng 0bjects to New Tab|espace Hode| (0ATH}
During lhe ugrade, your syslem vas converled aulomalicaIIy lo lhe nev OracIe
AIicalions TabIesace ModeI (OATM). This modeI is based on dalabase ob|ecl lye
ralher lhan roducl affiIialion, making il simIer lo manage and requiring far fever
labIesaces and oeraling syslem fiIes.
The ugrade rocess crealed labIesaces for aII nev roducls, configured lhe dalabase
for lhe nev labIesace modeI, and crealed nev ob|ecls. Hovever, il did nol
aulomalicaIIy migrale your exisling ob|ecls. We slrongIy recommend lhal you erform
lhis migralion nov. Ior more informalion, see Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs
Gui!c - Ccnjiguraiicn for migralion informalion.
|mp|ement New Product and 6ountry-spec|f|c Funct|ona||ty
Refer lo lhe imIemenlalion or selu guides (or imIemenlalion or selu seclion of lhe
user's guides) associaled vilh lhe OracIe AIicalions roducls in your syslem for
inslruclions on imIemenling or selling u nev roducls and fealures. Refer lo Orac|c
App|icaiicns Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12.1 (Doc ID: 790942.1) for olher
roducl-secific issues.
Post-upgrade Tasks 4-31
Res|ze the 0atabase
The size of lhe roduclion dalabase deends on lhe roducls lhal you have Iicensed
and lhe addilionaI fealures (such as muIliIe Ianguages or muIliIe organizalions) lhal
you have configured in your syslem. Refer lo lhe roducl-secific documenlalion.
ack Up 0rac|e App||cat|ons
Have lhe oeraling syslem adminislralor back u lhe OracIe AIicalions roducl fiIes,
incIuding COMMON_TOI and lhe lechnoIogy comonenls. Have lhe dalabase
adminislralor back u lhe OracIe AIicalions dalabase and OracIe Home comonenls.
Rev|ew 8ecur|ty Pract|ces
Reviev lhe recommended securily rocesses documenled in Bcsi Praciiccs jcr Sccuring
Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 (Doc ID: 403537.1). In arlicuIar, if you have any
comulers requiring direcl access lo lhe dalabase lhal are nol regislered nodes in
AuloConfig (such as OAM cIienls), you musl exIicilIy granl access.
OracIe slrongIy recommends lhal you aIy lhe Ialesl avaiIabIe CrilicaI Ialch Udale
afler you ugrade lo ReIease 12.1.1.
Log 0n to 0rac|e App||cat|ons
To slarl OracIe AIicalions and access aII OracIe AIicalions roducls, go lo lhe
OracIe AIicalions Login age, Iocaled al lhe foIIoving URL:
http://<host name>,<domain name>,<<HTTP port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin
Fnr cxamp!c:
The syslem adminislralor shouId Iog on lhe firsl lime using lhe sysadmin Iogon accounl
lhal is re-configured in lhe AIicalions inslaIIalion. Use lhe Syslem Adminislralor
resonsibiIily lo Iaunch an AIicalions Iorms session vhere you can comIele lhe
required imIemenlalion sles.
Note: See Aendix I in lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs
Gui!c - Sccuriiq. See aIso lhe Orac|c App|icaiicns Uscrs Gui!c.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-1
FinanciaIs Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling IinanciaIs and
Irocuremenl roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese funclionaI changes on your
day-lo-day business. Il is arranged by roducls in lhe IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl
roducl famiIy.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Aboul usiness Imacl and IunclionaI Changes
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Iroducls
About us|ness |mpact and Funct|ona| 6hanges
An AIicalions ugrade aIlers bolh lhe lechnicaI and funclionaI asecls of your OracIe
AIicalions syslem. In addilion lo changes lo lhe lechnoIogy slack and fiIe syslem, an
ugrade aIso iniliales secific changes lhal affecl lhe vay your exisling roducls vork
afler lhe ugrade and lhe vay lhey Iook and feeI. These funclionaI changes have an
imacl on lhe vay you use lhe roducls as you conducl your daiIy business.
Note: This aendix describes some of lhe vays lhe ugrade changes
your exisling roducls. We assume lhal you have read aboul lhe nev
fealures and roducls deIivered in lhis reIease, vhich is incIuded in lhe
roducl-secific ReIease Conlenl Documenls (RCDs) and TOI, on Mq
Orac|c Suppcri.
The discussions of lhe funclionaI asecls of lhe ugrade in lhis chaler are arranged by
roducls vilhin lhe IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl roducl famiIy.
Note: See Orac|c |inancia|s an! Orac|c Prccurcncni |unciicna| Upgra!c
Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12 for more informalion aboul ugrading
your IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl roducls.
A-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
F|nanc|a|s and Procurement Products
Changes lo lhe roducls in lhis seclion affecl IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl roducls.
efore you begin lhe ugrade, your IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl aIicalion seciaIisls
shouId have made Ians lo accommodale lhe reIevanl changes.
Advanced 6o||ect|ons
Changes lo OracIe Advanced CoIIeclions in lhe ugrade are described in lhis seclion.
Note: See Orac|c A!tancc! Cc||cciicns |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for more
Adm|n|strator U| Redes|gn
This reIease inlroduces a nev user inlerface for enlering and mainlaining Advanced
CoIIeclions selu dala.
Terr|tory Hanagement 6o||ect|on Usage
This reIease inlroduces a coIIeclion usage in lhe Terrilory Managemenl aIicalion
secificaIIy for Advanced CoIIeclions. A manuaI lerrilory migralion scril has been
crealed lo move coIIeclion "saIes usage" lerrilories lo coIIeclion "coIIeclion usage"
lerrilories. This migralion is mandalory if you vanl lo assign coIIeclion agenls/grous
lo cuslomers using Terrilory Managemenl.
The IIX: Terrilory Assignmenl concurrenl rogram has been revrillen lo accommodale
lhe nev coIIeclion usage. See lhe Orac|c Tcrriicrq Managcncni Uscr Gui!c and lhe Orac|c
A!tancc! Cc||cciicns |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for furlher delaiIs.
6o||ector H|grat|on
This reIease disIays Advanced CoIIeclion menus in lhe ReceivabIes navigalor. An
aulomaled scril runs during lhe ugrade lo creale resources from coIIeclors. In some
cases, vhere lhe scril cannol delermine an aroriale resource, il does nol creale one.
If you find lhal lhe CoIIeclor Navigalor menu ages do nol vork afler lhe ugrade,
creale lhe resource manuaIIy.
Changes lo OracIe Assels in lhe ugrade are described in lhis seclion.
8ub|edger Account|ng
The nev SubIedger Accounling Archileclure ugrade changes OracIe Assels in lhe
foIIoving vay.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-3
Note: See Orac|c Su||c!gcr Acccuniing |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c and Orac|c
|inancia|s |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c.
Transaclions in Assels books and accounling Iines reIaled lo lhese lransaclions are
migraled lo SubIedger Accounling for a user-secified number of eriods during
lhe ugrade. Accounling for currenl eriod derecialion is ugraded onIy if
derecialion is aIready run for lhe eriod and lhe eriod remains oen. Afler lhe
ugrade, you can run lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess lo ugrade accounling for lhe
asl year's lransaclion dala. See Assels, age G-7 in Aendix G, age G-1 for
more informalion.
The vaIue for lhe nev rofiIe olion IA: Use WorkfIov Accounl Generalion is sel
lo Yes during lhe ugrade. You shouId anaIyze currenl cuslomizalions in lhe
vorkfIov selu. There are lvo olions if you need lo use lhe ruIes in vorkfIov lo
generale code combinalions for assel lransaclions:
Re-imIemenl lhe cuslom ruIes in SubIedger Accounling accounl derivalion
ruIes and sel lhe rofiIe olion vaIue lo No.
Use lhe vorkfIov ruIes as lhey are (defauIl).
If you do nol have cuslomizalions lo WorkfIov-based Accounl Generalor and
vish lo use SubIedger Accounling accounl derivalion ruIes for generaling code
combinalions, sel lhe rofiIe olion vaIue lo No afler lhe ugrade.
Creale }ournaI Inlries is reIaced by Creale Accounling.
The Accounl DriII Dovn reorl is reIaced by lhe nev SubIedger Accounling
reorl, Accounl AnaIysis.
}ournaI Source and }ournaI Calegory selus are no Ionger on lhe ook ConlroIs
selu form, and lhe selu is nov Iocaled in SubIedger Accounling.
Derecialion Ixense Accounl and lhe onus Ixense Accounl for aII calegory and
book combinalions in lhe Assel Calegory selu form are ugraded from a singIe
segmenl accounl vaIue lo enlire accounl combinalions.
The inlercomany accounl selu in lhe ook ConlroIs form is reIaced by
Inlercomany/Inlracomany selu in accounling selus. You shouId reviev lhe
migraled selus for reIevanl Iedgers uon lhe ugrade.
The IA: IncIude NonrecoverabIe Tax in Mass Addilion rofiIe olion is obsoIele. Il
has been reIaced by Iosl Accounling Irograms under SubIedger Accounling.
These rograms manage lhe selu for aII eIigibIe Iines from IayabIes lo Assels for
lhe Mass Addilions Creale rogram.
A-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
|nvo|ce 0|str|but|ons from 0rac|e Payab|es
Invoice dislribulions from OracIe IayabIes lhal inlerface lo Assels are ugraded lo
disIay lhe Invoice Line Number.
C|oba| 0escr|pt|ve F|exf|e|d H|grat|on for Creece
Informalion slored in descrilive fIexfieIds for Greece lhal are commilmenl and
inveslmenl Iav is ugraded lo named fieIds in lhe Assel Workbench.
6ash Hanagement
Cash Managemenl changes in lhe ugrade are described in lhis seclion. See LegaI Inlily
Configuralor, age 1-18 under Cross-Iroducl IunclionaIily, age 1-18 in Chaler 1,
age 1-1 for more informalion.
6entra||zed anks and Accounts
The nev cenlraIized bank accounl modeI rovides a singIe oinl for defining and
managing inlernaI bank accounls for OracIe IayabIes, OracIe ReceivabIes, OracIe
IayroII, OracIe Cash Managemenl, and OracIe Treasury. A singIe IegaI enlily is granled
ovnershi of each inlernaI bank accounl, and one or more organizalions are granled
usage righls. In addilion, banks and branches are migraled lo lhe OracIe Trading
Communily Archileclure (TCA) and defined as arlies.
anks are merged if lhe foIIoving allribules are lhe same:
ank number
Inslilulion lye
Counlry (v/defauIl counlry selling for nuII)
ank adminislralor's emaiI
ank name
AIlernalive bank name
Taxayer idenlifier
Tax reference
Aclive dale
Ind dale
Financials Upgrade mpact A-5
During lhe ugrade, Cash Managemenl granls ovnershi of each inlernaI bank accounl
lo one IegaI enlily. The ovning IegaI enlily is derived from lhe organizalion lhal ovns il
in ReIease 11i.
|nterna| ank Account 8ecur|ty
In ReIease 11i, bank accounls vere used by a singIe oeraling unil, and oeraling unil
securily vas used lo conlroI lhe mainlenance of lhese accounls. In lhe nev modeI, bank
accounls can be accessed by muIliIe oeraling unils, bul are ovned by a singIe IegaI
enlily. Therefore, lhe bank accounl mainlenance securily, vhich secures lhe creale and
udale of bank accounls, vas moved lo lhe IegaI enlily IeveI. Using lhe nev securily
vizard, you can granl each resonsibiIily access lo creale and modify bank accounls
ovned by one or more IegaI enlilies.
During lhe ugrade, Cash Managemenl sels lhe ank Accounl Mainlenance securily for
each resonsibiIily lhal had access lo lhe bank accounl forms in ReIease 11i. Ior each of
lhese resonsibiIilies, a IegaI enlily is derived from lhe organizalion lhal lhe
resonsibiIily had access lo in ReIease 11i. The resonsibiIily is lhen granled bank
accounl mainlenance securily for lhis IegaI enlily.
8ystem Parameters
In order lo rovide more fIexibiIily and conlroI over lhe reconciIialion rocess, many of
lhe olions lhal used lo be defined as syslem aramelers al lhe syslem IeveI (oeraling
unil) have been moved lo lhe bank accounl IeveI. y Iacing lhese conlroIs al lhe bank
accounl IeveI, bolh lhe manuaI and aulomalic reconciIialion rocesses can be
configured deending on lhe bank accounl and ils uses. In addilion, lhe remaining
syslem arameler olions and conlroIs from ReIease 11i are defined al lhe IegaI enlily
IeveI in lhis reIease.
E-us|ness Tax
OracIe I-usiness Tax covers "slandard" rocure lo ay and order lo cash lransaclion
laxes, vilh lhe excelion of vilhhoIding laxes, India laxes, and lhose laxes handIed by
lhe Lalin Tax Ingine soIulion. Il is based on a singIe-oinl soIulion for managing
lransaclion-based lax, vhich uniformIy deIivers lax services lo aII I-usiness Suile
business fIovs lhrough one aIicalion inlerface.
I-usiness Tax reIaces lhe foIIoving OracIe ReIease 11i lax soIulions:
Order lo Cash - GIobaI Tax Ingine
Irocure lo Iay - Aulomalic Tax CaIcuIalion
Irocure lo Iay - raziIian IayabIes/Iurchasing
GeneraI Ledger - GeneraI Ledger Aulomalic Tax CaIcuIalion
This fuIIy aulomaled ugrade ensures lhal your currenl inveslmenl in ReIease 11i Tax
A-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Selu is nol Iosl, and you can imIemenl nev fealures al a ace lhal besl suils your
business. AddilionaI dala is aulomalicaIIy crealed using a redefined naming slralegy.
Note: See Orac|c |inancia|s an! Orac|c Prccurcncni |unciicna| Upgra!c
Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12.
In currenl aIicalions, lax funclions are lyicaIIy execuled by lhe oeralionaI
aIicalion, for examIe, lhe Accounls IayabIe cIerks erform lhe definilion of lax ruIes
in IayabIes. In lhis reIease, lhe resonsibiIily of lax selu shouId be shifled lo lhe lax
manager. AII lransaclions and evenls vhere a reseclive lax ruIe is reIevanl are serviced
by OracIe I-usiness Tax.
See lhe foIIoving roducl seclions for more informalion on roducl-secific imacl on
I-usiness Tax ugrade:
IayabIes, age A-23
ReceivabIes, age A-32
IinanciaIs for lhe Americas, age A-6
Inlernel Ixenses, age A-15
IubIic Seclor IinanciaIs, age A-31
Iurchasing, age A-31
Trading Communily Archileclure, age A-37
F|nanc|a|s for the Amer|cas
Changes lo OracIe IinanciaIs for lhe Americas are incIuded in lhis seclion.
Rece|vab|es ank Transfer
The Lalin American ReceivabIes ank Transfer fealure slores amounls for addilionaI
accounling enlries over slandard OracIe ReceivabIes accounling. These amounls are
slored al lhe lime lhe documenls are senl lo a bank for coIIeclion and vhen lhe bank
sends informalion aboul lhe coIIeclion from lhe cuslomers. SubIedger Accounling, bank
consoIidalion and IegaI enlily key inilialives aIso imacl lhis fealure.
SeveraI forms have been modified lo incIude lhe Oeraling Unil fieId. The gIobaI
descrilive fIexfieIds on lhe ank ranches and ank Accounls forms are avaiIabIe as
slandard fieIds on lhe GIobaI Receil Melhod Accounls form.
In lhis reIease, lo creale accounl dala in SubIedger Accounling, you execule a
concurrenl rogram (Creale Accounling) from lhe Slandard Requesl Submission (SRS)
requesl screen using lhe ReceivabIes resonsibiIily. Il creales subIedger accounling for
aII ReceivabIes lransaclions, incIuding lhe ank Transfer coIIeclion documenls. You can
Financials Upgrade mpact A-7
viev and lransfer dala lo GeneraI Ledger from lhe ReceivabIes resonsibiIily.
Lat|n Tax Eng|ne
I-usiness Tax in does nol reIace lhe Lalin Tax Ingine. Hovever, lhe ReIease 11i Lalin
Tax Ingine is ugraded lo use some of lhe I-usiness Tax and Trading Communily
Archileclure selu.
These olions are ugraded lo I-usiness Tax under lhe Iroducl Olions age fIov:
Tax Syslem Olions in lhe ReceivabIes Syslem Olions vindov (Tax Melhod, Tax
Code, IncIusive Tax Used fIag), and Tax Syslem Olions / Rounding Olions (Reorling
Currency, Irecision, Minimum AccounlabIe Unil, AIIov Override, and Rounding RuIe).
In ReIease 11i, a defauIl Tax Code and Tax Rounding RuIe can be assigned lo
cuslomers, cuslomer accounls, and cuslomer accounl sile uses in Trading Communily
Archileclure. The selu al lhe cuslomer IeveI has been moved lo OracIe I-usiness
Tax's Iarly Tax IrofiIe age fIov, vhich is Iinked lo lhe Cuslomers age fIov. The
selu al cuslomer accounls and accounl sile uses IeveIs have been reserved for
backvard comalibiIily uroses.
The Lalin Tax engine selu forms for Lalin Localions, Tax Ixcelions by IiscaI
CIassificalion, and Tax Ixcelions by Ilems nov use lhe nev Trading Communily
Archileclure geograhy modeI for icking and shoving lhe Iocalion eIemenls inslead of
lhe Iooku codes.
An Ilem Calegory sel (IISCAL CLASSIIICATION) is crealed in Invenlory and lhe
vaIues of lhe GIobaI Descrilive IIexfieId (GDI) allribule IiscaI CIassificalion on
invenlory ilems are ugraded as a calegory assignmenl lo lhe ilems.
The GDI allribule (IiscaI CIassificalion Code) on lhe Memo Lines form is disabIed and
lhe vaIue is migraled lo lhe Iroducl Calegory allribule on lhe same form.
Tax Regime Code, Tax, and Tax Slalus code fieIds are added in lhe Tax Codes form. The
Lalin Tax Ingine's Tax Calegory allribule vaIue is nov lhe vaIue of lhe Tax allribule on
lhe Tax Codes form.
w|thho|d|ng Agent
The Lalin American Ixlended WilhhoIding has a selu sle caIIed Comany
WilhhoIding AIicabiIily, vhere exisling IegaI enlily (or enlilies) can be seIecled and
defined as lhe vilhhoIding agenl for one or more vilhhoIding lyes. In ReIease 11i, HR
Localions vere disIayed for seIeclion. In lhis reIease, IegaI enlilies ugraded and/or
defined in lhe nev IegaI enlily fIov are disIayed for seIeclion on lhe Lalin American
Comany AIicabiIily form. This change has very IillIe imacl on selling u Comany
raz|||an Rece|vab|es |nterest
MuIliIe Organizalions Access ConlroI requires lhe Lalin American rofiIe olion
}LR_IAYMINT_ACTION lo be ugraded lo a named coIumn, vhich has an imacl
A-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
on lhe OracIe ReceivabIes inleresl soIulion for raziI. This rofiIe olion vaIue has
moved lo lhe Iaymenl Aclion GDI allribule on lhe Syslem Olions form in
6o|omb|an N|T
The GDI allribule Third Iarly ID vaIue on lhe Inler }ournaIs form is ugraded lo lhe
allribule Third Iarly on lhe same form.
6h||ean Report|ng
The GDI Documenl Tye allribule vaIue on lhe IayabIes Invoice Workbench form is
ugraded lo lhe allribule Inlended Use on lhe same form.
0bso|ete Features
The foIIoving fealures are obsoIele:
Brazi!ian Cnmpany InInrmatinn - The raziIian Comanies defined using lhe
Comany form are ugraded as eslabIishmenls under lhe IegaI enlily of lhe
oeraling unil, making lhis form obsoIele. Use lhe LegaI Inlily Configuralor
inlroduced in lhis reIease lo define lhe eslabIishmenls.
Brazi!ian JLBR Autnmatica!!y Pnpu!atc Paymcnt Batch Namc PrnIi!c (and rc!atcd
!ngic) - In lhis reIease, lhe aymenl balch concel has changed. Moreover, lhere is
no IegaI requiremenl lo name aymenl balches sequenliaIIy and aulomalicaIIy.
Chi!can Bi!!s nI Exchangc - You shouId make use of lhe slandard iII of
ReceivabIes fealure in ReceivabIes.
F|nanc|a|s for As|a|Pac|f|c
Changes lo OracIe IinanciaIs for lhe Asia/Iacific are incIuded in lhis seclion.
Lega| Ent|ty for Korea, 8|ngapore, and Ta|wan
LegaI enlily informalion such as name and lax regislralion number lhal are defined as
Human Resources (HR) Iocalions associaled lo HR organizalions in ReIease 11i are
crealed in lhe cenlraIized IegaI enlily modeI in lhis reIease using lhe same IegaI enlily
definilion. To define nev IegaI enlily informalion, or lo modify definilions crealed afler
lhe ugrade, you musl use lhe nev LegaI Inlily Configuralor.
Tax 8etup for Korea, 8|ngapore, and Ta|wan (non-w|thho|d|ng}
Non-vilhhoIding lax codes selu (for examIe, VaIue Added Tax (VAT), Goods and
Services Tax (GST), Inul and Oulul laxes) defined in IayabIes Tax Codes and/or
ReceivabIes VAT Taxes vindovs, are ugraded lo lhe OracIe I-usiness Tax modeI. To
define nev laxes or modify lhe ugraded ones, you musl use lhe nev Regime lo Rales.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-9
Korean w|thho|d|ng Taxes
usiness Iocalions and reseclive lax regislralion numbers lhal are nol IegaI addresses
can sliII be defined as HR Iocalions for lax reorling uroses. WilhhoIding lax codes
conlinue lo be defined lhrough lhe Tax Codes vindov in OracIe IayabIes.
Ta|wanese Covernment Un|form |nvo|ces
Governmenl Uniform Invoice Tye is ugraded lo lhe Documenl Sublye cIassificalion
modeI in OracIe I-usiness Tax. Documenl Sublye can be enlered lhrough lhe
IayabIes Invoice Workbench and ReceivabIes Transaclion Workbench using lhe Tax
vindov. The Source and Tyes ReIalionshis vindov is obsoIele.
6h|na Account|ng 8oftware 0ata |nterface 8tandard (6NA0}
The foIIoving changes aIy lo lhe China Accounling Soflvare Dale Inlerface Slandard
soIulion for ReIease 12.1.1.
The rocess of assigning secific baIancing segmenl vaIues lo each IegaI enlily in
lhe Syslem Olion vindov in ReIease 11i has been removed from ReIease 12.1.1.
You musl use lhe Accounling Selu Manager lo erform lhe same assignmenl for
baIancing segmenl vaIues lo IegaI enlilies.
A nev descrilive fIexfieId ilem, |nicr jcurna|s. Iincs is added lo lhe Descrilive
IIexfieId Assignmenl vindov in ReIease 12.1.1. Use lhis lo secify lhe conlexl and
allribule coIumn for lhe descrilive fIexfieId, |nicr jcurna|s. Iincs lhal viII be used
lo mark cash fIov ilems on |ournaI Iines.
In ReIease 11i, lhe Cash IIov Ilem Maing vindov is used lo ma IayabIes
invoice calegories, ReceivabIe lransaclion lyes, and ReceivabIe aclivilies vilh lhe
corresonding cash fIov ilems. In ReIease 12.1.1, lhe funclionaIily of lhe Cash IIov
Ilem Maing vindov has been changed lo defining lhe maing belveen
suorling reference vaIues and cash fIov ilems.
F|nanc|a|s 6ommon 6ountry Features
Changes lo OracIe IinanciaIs Common Counlry Iealures are described in lhis seclion.
6ontra 6harges
The Conlra charges fealure is obsoIele in lhis reIease. Il is being reIaced by lhe nev
Nelling soIulion inlroduced in lhe OracIe IinanciaIs Common ModuIes roducl. The
ugrade migrales lhe selu, bul nol lhe lransaclions lo lhe nev soIulion.
Note: See IinanciaIs Common ModuIes, age A-10 in lhis aendix for
more informalion.
A-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
|nterest |nvo|ces
The Inleresl Invoices fealure is obsoIele in lhis reIease. The nev Lale Charges fealure
inlroduced in lhe OracIe ReceivabIes roducl reIaces il.
Note: See ReceivabIes, age A-32 in lhis aendix for more
F|nanc|a|s 6ommon Hodu|es
Advanced C|oba| |ntercompany 8ystem
OracIe Advanced GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem (AGIS) is a nev moduIe lhal aIIovs
comanies lo slreamIine inlercomany rocessing and faciIilales lhe reconciIialion of
inlercomany lransaclions. Il reIaces lhe GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem (GIS) fealure
rovided by GeneraI Ledger in ReIease 11i.
AII selu and lransaclion dala is moved lo a nev dala modeI, and aII OracIe forms in
lhe GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem are reIaced by brovser-based user inlerface ages.
Changes incIude:
Subsidiaries are reIaced by inlercomany organizalions. They reresenl lrading
arlners and can be used as inilialors and reciienls of Advanced GIobaI
Inlercomany Syslem lransaclions.
As arl of lhe Granl-based Securily ModeI, inlercomany lrading arlners are
maed lo users inslead of resonsibiIilies. A user may be given access lo many
differenl inlercomany lrading arlners regardIess of lhe resonsibiIily used lo Iog
The GIS lransaclion lyes are ugraded lo lhe nev Inlercomany syslem
lransaclion lyes.
The Inlercomany accounls sel u in GIS are ugraded as lhe nev Inlracomany
aIancing ruIes. Auloaccounling ruIes sel u in GIS are nol ugraded and need lo
be sel u in lhe nev SubIedger Accounling Transaclion Accounl uiIder.
AII GIS nev and comIeled lransaclions are ugraded as AGIS lransaclion balches.
GeneraIIy, for each GIS lransaclion, a balch is crealed.
ReIease 11i GIS rofiIe olions are obsoIele and are nol ugraded. AII olions are
avaiIabIe on lhe AGIS Syslem Olions age.
Payab|es and Rece|vab|es Nett|ng
In ReIease 11i OracIe IinanciaIs had lhree nelling soIulions: SingIe Third Iarly in OracIe
Financials Upgrade mpact A-11
IubIic Seclor IinanciaIs InlernalionaI Conlra Charging in OracIe IinanciaIs for Iuroe,
and ReceivabIes and IayabIes Nelling in OracIe U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs. These are aII
reIaced in lhis reIease vilh lhe Nelling funclionaIily of lhe OracIe IinanciaIs Common
Selu reIaled lo Conlra Charging and ReceivabIes and IayabIes Nelling fealures in
ReIease 11i is migraled in lhe foIIoving vay:
Ireserves exisling cuslomer and suIier reIalionshis and creales nev enlilies
knovn as agreemenls.
Ireserves exisling cuslomer and suIier reIalionshis and creales nev enlilies
knovn as agreemenls.
F|nanc|a|s for Europe
Changes lo OracIe IinanciaIs for Iuroe are incIuded in lhis seclion.
EHEA VAT Report|ng
The IMIA VaIue Added Tax (VAT) Reorling fealure migrales VAT reorling
soIulions for IMIA in ReIease 11i lo lhis reIease. This migralion eIiminales any exisling
counlry secific reslriclion vilh imrovemenl vherever ossibIe.
6onso||dat|on of 6ountry-spec|f|c Reports
There are many counlry-secific reorls in ReIease 11i lhal are very simiIar in lheir dala
requiremenls. IMIA VAT reorling consoIidales such reorls lo relrieve lhe required
dala from a singIe exlracl imIemenling XML IubIisher lechnoIogy. AII reorls are
converled inlo lemIales and, lherefore, aIIov more fIexibiIily for secific formalling
E-us|ness Tax-based Report|ng
The basics of lax definilion change from ReIease 11i vilh lhe inlroduclion of OracIe
I-usiness Tax. IMIA VAT reorling nov incIudes I-usiness Tax for lhe reorling
The allribule Tax Regislralion Number (TRN) for IegaI eslabIishmenl becomes very
significanl for lax reorling vilh I-usiness Tax. A cenlraI reorling configuralion by
TRN consoIidales definilion of aIIocalion ruIes, VAT regisler, and olher configuralion
allribules inlo a singIe selu, referred lo as lhe IegaI reorling enlilies.
This reIease aIso rovides lhe olion of reorling by Iedger or baIancing segmenl lo
suorl roer reorling of hisloricaI lransaclions. To use lhis reorling by accounling
enlilies olion, you musl ma lhe enlilies lo a TRN in order lo derive VAT reIaled
selus lhal may aIy.
A-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Arch|tecture 6hanges
As a resuIl of lhe ugrade, you can move from an accounling selu lhal incIudes onIy
one GRI/IegaI enlily lo an accounling selu vilh muIliIe GRI/IegaI enlilies by
assigning addilionaI IegaI enlilies al any lime. If you add addilionaI IegaI enlilies lo an
ugraded accounling selu during a reorling eriod (for examIe, caIendar year for
lax reorl), reorls run by a IegaI enlily arameler do nol relurn comIele hislory for
IegaI enlilies. Reorling by IegaI enlilies heIs reorl lhe sel of lransaclions in lhese
This reIease inlroduces a singIe IinanciaIs Common Counlry (}G) labIe for sloring
lax-reIaled dala relrieved from lhe Tax Reorling Ledger (TRL) and olher core labIes.
This enlily gels ils dala lhrough lhe seIeclion rocess, vhich is lhe onIy rocess lo
access TRL. Ixlracls relrieve lheir dala from lhis }G enlily. This enhances lhe
erformance of each exlracl and encasuIales aII business Iogic around TRL onIy in lhe
seIeclion rocess.
There are a fev exlracls lhal reorl non-lax delaiIs of lransaclions aIong vilh lhe lax
delaiIs. They are based direclIy on lhe IayabIes and ReceivabIes core aIicalion labIes,
as TRL rocesses onIy lax delaiIs. Hovever, lhese non-}G (non-TRL) exlracls are sliII
based on lhe selu configuralion lo derive lhe righl dala.
Report|ng Process 6hanges
AIIocalion is an indeendenl rocess. Il encasuIales lhe ReIease 11i business Iogic
around eIgium and IorlugaI aIIocalion.
IinaI reorling is aIso an indeendenl rocess. Afler finaI reorling, dala in lhe singIe
}G labIe cannol be modified. This has an inlerface vilh I-usiness Tax, lhrough vhich
lransaclions are udaled as finaIIy reorled in lhe I-usiness Tax reosilory. This
rocess aIong vilh lhe }G lax enlily rovides lhe framevork for reIiminary and finaI
reorling. This rocess encomasses lhe decIaralion funclionaIily of ReIease 11i.
F|nanc|a|s for |nd|a
The foIIoving descrilive fIexfieIds have been reIaced vilh aIlernale aroaches:
India Ilems
India Iock of Assels
India Receils
India RMA Receils
India Relurn lo Vendor
AddilionaI Line Allribule Informalion
Financials Upgrade mpact A-13
India Iaymenl Informalion
India Organizalion Informalion
India Dislribulions
India VAT
India Looku Codes
India OriginaI Invoice for TDS
Cenera| Ledger
OracIe GeneraI Ledger has made significanl enhancemenls lo suorl muIli-nalionaI
comanies and shared service cenlers. These changes aIIov comanies lo maximize
rocessing efficiencies vhiIe mainlaining a high IeveI of informalion and selu securily.
You can erform simuIlaneous accounling for muIliIe reorling requiremenls.
Comanies can aIso gain rocessing efficiencies by being abIe lo sel u, access, and
rocess dala across muIliIe Iedgers and IegaI enlilies from a singIe resonsibiIily. In
addilion, GeneraI Ledger definilions and selu definilions, such as MassAIIocalions and
IinanciaI Slalemenl Generalor (ISG) reorls, can be more easiIy shared and secured
across your organizalion by aIIoving you lo reslricl cerlain users from vieving or
udaling lhose definilions or using lhem in rocesses.
Many gIobaI fealures lhal vere onIy avaiIabIe in IocaIized versions have been incIuded
in GeneraI Ledger lo aIIov more cuslomers lo lake advanlage of lhese fealures.
Term|no|ogy 6hanges
Nole lhe foIIoving changes in lhe lerminoIogy reIaled lo GeneraI Ledger.
Sels of books is reIaced by Iedgers
This is simIy a lerminoIogy change. AII sel of books olions are nov caIIed Iedger
olions. The ugrade relains aII ReIease 11i sellings.
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies is reIaced by Reorling Currencies
Reorling sels of books are reIaced by reorling currencies. Reorling sels of
books assigned lo rimary sels of books aulomalicaIIy ugrade lo reorling
currencies lhal are assigned lo a rimary Iedger. AII conversion olions for MuIliIe
Reorling Currencies are relained as arl of lhe reorling currency definilion.
GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem (GIS) is reIaced by Advanced GIobaI Inlercomany
Syslem (AGIS)
A-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
6entra||zed Account|ng 8etup
The nev Accounling Selu Manager simIifies and cenlraIizes accounling-reIaled selu
for common financiaI comonenls lhal are shared across financiaI aIicalions. Irom a
cenlraI Iocalion, you can define your IegaI enlilies and lheir accounling conlexl, such as
lhe Iedgers and reorling currencies lhal erform lhe accounling for your IegaI enlilies.
Accounling Selu Manager aIIovs gIobaI comanies lhal oerale in differenl IocaIilies
lo meel muIliIe reorling requiremenls lhrough lhe use of muIliIe Iedgers and
reorling currencies.
8ets of ooks
AII sels of books ugrade lo Iedgers in an accounling selu.
The ugrade creales dala access sels for ugraded Iedgers lo faciIilale lhe crealion
of advanced dala access and dala securily oIicies.
A subIedger accounling melhod, such as Slandard AccruaI, is aulomalicaIIy
assigned lo aII ugraded Iedgers.
A subIedger accounling melhod aIIovs GeneraI Ledger lo inlegrale vilh subIedgers
via SubIedger Accounling.
The secondary lracking olion for revaIualion and cIosing and lransIalion has been
Hu|t|p|e Report|ng 6urrency
Some ReIease 11i olions for reorling sels of books have been moved lo lhe reorling
currency definilion. Ior examIe, many MRC rofiIe olions have been moved lo lhe
reorling currency definilion.
Many olions for a sel of books lhal vere indeendenlIy defined for lhe rimary and
reorling sels of books have been slreamIined. In addilion, many of lhe Iedger olions
for lhe reorling currency defauIl from lhe rimary Iedger. The ugrade for MRC sels
of books varies deending on lhe currenl configuralion and conversion olions you
C|oba| Account|ng Eng|ne
SingIe osling sels of books vilh muIliIe main sels of books ugrade lo muIliIe
rimary Iedgers lhal share lhe same secondary Iedger.
Per|od Rates Rep|aced by 0a||y Rates
Ieriod rales are reIaced vilh daiIy rales.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-15
GeneraI Ledger modifies revaIualion lemIales lo use corresonding daiIy rales for
lhose lhal used eriod rales rior lo lhe ugrade. No user inleraclion is required.
RevaIualion sels are nov usabIe across Iedgers lhal share a common charl of accounls.
In some cases, you may need lo enler lhe secondary lracking segmenl for revaIualion
sels invoIving a secondary lracking segmenl before running revaIualions vilh
ugraded lemIales.
8TAT Report-|eve| 6urrency for F|nanc|a| 8tatement Cenerator Reports
The reorl-IeveI and runlime currencies for IinanciaI Slalemenl Generalor reorls nov
need lo reresenl lhe Iedger currency. If you need lo reorl on slalislicaI baIances,
modify reorl definilions lo use lhe STAT currency al lhe rov-IeveI or coIumn-IeveI or
use currency conlroI vaIues for lhe STAT currency.
C|oba| Account|ng Eng|ne
In lhis reIease, OracIe GIobaI Accounling Ingine funclionaIily is obsoIele. olh lhe
exisling selu olions and aII lhe accounling dala of GIobaI Accounling is migraled lo
OracIe SubIedger Accounling.
|nternet Expenses
Changes lo OracIe Inlernel Ixenses are described in lhis seclion.
Inlernel Ixenses can reresenl lhe arenl-chiId reIalionshi of an ilemized exense
Iine by crealing a nev arenl Iine vilh a unique arenl idenlifier.
|ntegrat|on w|th Payments
Inlegralion vilh OracIe Iaymenls lakes advanlage of encrylion caabiIilies. Credil
card lransaclion dala has been moved lo Iaymenl's secure dala aymenl cenlraI
reosilory. See Iaymenls, age A-25 in lhis aendix for more informalion.
Per 0|em and H||eage
Ier diem and miIeage lransaclion dala is nol migraled. Hovever, dala lhal exisled
before lhe ugrade remains inlacl. MiIeage and er diem selu dala is aulomalicaIIy
Ixense reorls lhal vere crealed rior lo lhe ugrade disIay informalion in a
re-OracIe Inlernel Ixenses miniack (11i.OII.K) formal. NevIy crealed exense
reorls use lhe nev user inlerface.
A-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
|ntegrat|on w|th E-us|ness Tax
The inlegralion vilh OracIe I-usiness Tax has no direcl lax ugrade imacl. Tax Iines
run lhrough OracIe IayabIes. See OracIe Iaymenls documenlalion for delaiIs.
OracIe iIaymenl is obsoIele In lhis reIease, and is reIaced by OracIe Iaymenls. See
Iaymenls, age A-25 in lhis aendix for more informalion.
Changes lo OracIe iIrocuremenl are described in lhis seclion.
6ata|og Hanagement
OracIe iIrocuremenl rovides calaIog adminislralors onIine aulhoring caabiIily for
conlenl slored in gIobaI bIankel agreemenls (GIA). The exisling balch uIoad rocess
conlinues lo be olimized for handIing Iarge calaIog dala fiIe uIoads. Il is aIso
avaiIabIe for buyers (from lhe nev uyer's Work Cenler) and for suIiers (from lhe
iSuIier IorlaI).
uIk-Ioaded ilems in iIrocuremenl are migraled lo nevIy crealed GIAs. The exlraclor
is obsoIele, and lhe calaIog conlenl is udaled in reaI lime.
Note: We recommend lhal you comIele lhe arovaI rocess for any
agreemenl ending arovaI before you begin lhe calaIog ugrade.
The conlenl of lhe aroved agreemenls is avaiIabIe on lhe
iIrocuremenl search age afler lhe ugrade.
6ontent 8ecur|ty
ReIease 11i funclionaIily for ReaIms, Slores, and CalaIogs has been combined and is
coIIecliveIy referred lo as enhancemenls in Conlenl Securily. In lhis reIease, Conlenl
Zones have reIaced CalaIogs.
CalaIog adminislralors can arlilion IocaI calaIog conlenl inlo LocaI Conlenl Zones
based on ilems' suIier, suIier sile, ilem calegory, and brovsing calegory
informalion. Once defined, Conlenl Zones may be made accessibIe lo users vilh
secific resonsibiIilies or oeraling unils. Conlenl Zones may be assigned lo muIliIe
slores, and slores may conlain muIliIe Conlenl Zones.
|8upp||er Porta|
In ReIeases 11.5.9 and 11.5.10, iSuIier IorlaI used Trading Communily Archileclure
lo slore ending change requesls in suIier address and suIier conlacls. In lhis
reIease, lhese ending change requesls are moved inlo a sel of iSuIier IorlaI labIes.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-17
See lhe iSuIier IorlaI seclion in Orac|c |inancia|s an! Orac|c Prccurcncni |unciicna|
Upgra!c Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12 for lhe assumlions made during lhe ugrade.
Leas|ng and F|nance Hanagement
|mproved Lega| Ent|ty 0ef|n|t|on
Dcrivatinn nI Lcga! Entity Irnm Opcrating Unit
This reIease inlroduces LegaI Inlily lo be defined and used in lhe lransaclions. LegaI
enlily is associaled vilh lhe Oeraling Unil. During lhe lransaclion enlry, LegaI enlily
is derived based on lhe oeraling unil. Hovever, you are rovided vilh lhe olion lo
change as needed.
During lhe ugrade:
LegaI Inlily is derived from an oeraling unil. AII lransaclions lhal have an
oeraling unil conlexl use lhe GRI/LI as LegaI Inlily.
As arl of lhe ugrade for LegaI Inlily funclionaIily, lhe modified ob|ecls are
ugraded vilh lhe LegaI Inlily vaIue.
GRI/LI associaled lo OU is ugraded as lhe defauIl IegaI conlexl. The DefauIl
LegaI Conlexl (DLC) associaled vilh lhe OU is lhe vaIue for lhe ugrade.
8|mp||fy 8tatutory 6omp||ance for Taxes
This reIease inlroduces changes lo lhe Leasing and Iinance Managemenl lax engine,
selu, and ils inlegralion lo eTax.
Upgradc Tax 5ctup
User-defined IiscaI CIassificalion and Tax asis Override selu sles are ugraded lo
use lhe 'SaIes Quole' lransaclion lye in Iace of lhe 'Quoling' lransaclion lye.
Ugrade lax source lo incIude lax allribules. Ugrade lax Iines - addilionaI allribules
are added lo lax Iines such as TAX_LINI_NUMIR, TAX_RIGIMI_CODI, TAX,
TAX_}URISDICTION_TYII, TAX_}URISDICTION sel lhe vaIues for lhese coIumns.
Migrale Transaclion usiness Calegory definilions selu dala lo nev enlily
Upgradc Cnntracts and Transactinns
Ugrade exisling conlracls lo assign defauIl vaIue for 'Tax ScheduIe AIies' IIag. The
vaIue is defauIled from syslem olions selu defined for conlracl's Oeraling Unil.
CanceI aII Rebook lransaclions lhal have nol been comIeled. CanceI aII lerminalion
quoles in drafl, re|ecled, and submilled slalus.
Sel TAX_INVOICI_YN fIag on lhe lransaclion lyes labIe lo 'Y' for lhe foIIoving
lransaclion lyes:
A-18 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
ReIease iIIing
ReIease Credil Memo
RoIIover iIIing
RoIIover Credil Memo
Ugrade exisling re-booking lransaclions for conlracls lhal have nol been booked.
Try_id for such lransaclions is changed lo lry_id of 'ooking' lransaclion.
Ugrade slalus of exisling Assel Localion Change lransaclions from 'Inlered' lo
Ugrade Assel Localion Change lransaclions Lines labIe. TaI_lye for Assel Localion
Change lransaclions is ugraded from 'CIA' lo 'AGL' and dnz_cIe_id of
okI_lxI_insl_ilems is ugraded lo aroriale vaIue for reIevanl Assel Localion Change
Ugrade Assel Localion Change Transaclion header labIe. Transaclion lye of header
labIe is udaled from 'CIA' lo 'ALG' and lruncales dale lransaclion occured for reIevanl
Assel Localion Change lransaclions.
Ior each Assel Localion Change lransaclion, a requesl is crealed in lhe lransaclion
requesls labIe and Assel Localion Change lransaclion is udaled vilh lhe
corresonding requesl id.
Intcgratinn with cBTax
IncIude exisling vaIues of 'Usage of Iquimenl' fieId under SaIes and Aulhoring lo
eTax Source for 'Inlended Use'. Ugrade 'Inlended Use for Tax" fieId in SaIes, vilh
exisling vaIue of 'Usage of Iquimenl'.
Migrale lhe foIIoving ufronl lax Iines lo eTax:
ooking / Rebook Ufronl Tax Lines for conlracls in slalus 'Iassed', 'ComIele' and
'Aroved' are migraled from Leasing and Iinance Managemenl dala slruclures lo
eTax vilh ReorlabIe fIag 'N'.
ooking / Rebook Ufronl Tax Lines for conlracls in slalus 'ooked' are migraled
from Leasing and Iinance Managemenl dala slruclures lo eTax vilh reorlabIe
fIag 'Y'.
Assel Localion Change Tax Lines are migraled from Leasing and Iinance
Managemenl dala slruclures lo eTax vilh reorlabIe fIag 'Y'.
Enhanced Account|ng
Intcgratinn with 5ub!cdgcr Accnunting (5LA)
This reIease inlroduces OracIe SubIedger Accounling (SLA) lo manage accounling
across subIedger lransaclions. Leasing and Iinance Managemenl no Ionger creales
Financials Upgrade mpact A-19
accounling enlries. Ixisling Leasing and Iinance Managemenl accounling olions and
selu remains, and affecls lhe generalion of accounling dislribulions in lhe Leasing and
Iinance Managemenl dala modeI. Hovever, lhe accounling dislribulions are nov
simIy one of many sources for lhe generalion of finaI accounling in lhe SubIedger
Accounling moduIe.
During lhe ugrade:
AII accounling evenls, headers, and Iines from lhe ReIease 11i dala modeI are
ugraded lo lhe nev SubIedger Accounling evenls, headers, and Iines dala modeI,
regardIess of lhe eriod range you sel for lhe ugrade.
The idenlifiers of lhe accounling lransaclion headers, Iines and dislribulions are
re-keyed using a sequence lo faciIilale inlegralion vilh lhe SubIedger Accounling
The Reresenlalion Code and Reresenlalion Name accounling source vaIues for
aII accounling lransaclions are sel lo lhe rimary Iedger shorl code and rimary
Iedger name resecliveIy.
Cnnsistcnt Accnunting Transactinn 5tatus
In order lo achieve consislency and ensure dala inlegrily belveen accounling evenls
and accounling lransaclions, lhe secific Ioss rovision, generaI Ioss rovision,
misceIIaneous and accruaI accounling lransaclions are ugraded vilh lhe lransaclion
slalus of Irocessed from Inlered.
In lhis reIease, Leasing and Iinance Managemenl inlroduces searalion belveen lhe
lerminalion accounling lransaclion slalus and lhe lerminalion rocess slalus. During
lhe ugrade, lhe lerminalion rocess slalus is sel lo Irocessed if accounling enlries have
been generaled for lhe lerminalion lransaclion. If accounling enlries are nol generaled,
lhen lhe lerminalion rocess slalus is migraled and sel vilh lhe aroriale
inlermediale exisling slalus.
Ccntra!izcd Accnunting Transactinn Rcpnsitnry
In lhis reIease, aII Assel Disosilion accounling lransaclions are aulomalicaIIy migraled
lo lhe cenlraI accounling lransaclions enlily.
Accnunt Dcrivatinn Accnunting 5ystcm Optinn
This reIease inlroduces lhe Accounl Derivalion accounling syslem olion vhich is used
by Leasing and Iinance Managemenl lo delermine if GeneraI Ledger accounl codes
musl be defined on lhe accounling lemIale Iines. The Accounl Derivalion accounling
syslem olion governs vhelher lhe accounl codes, if defined in Leasing and Iinance
Managemenl on lhe accounling lemIale Iines, are suIied as addilionaI accounling
sources for generalion of finaI accounling in lhe SubIedger Accounling moduIe.
During lhe ugrade, Leasing and Iinance Managemenl sels lhe vaIue of lhe Accounl
Derivalion accounling syslem olion as Accounling TemIale Sel.
A-20 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
|mproved 0|sbursements and Payab|es
Leasing and Iinance Managemenl Disbursemenl lransaclion labIes musl be ugraded -
if amounls vere negalive, invoice lye vouId be Credil Memo.
This reIease inlroduces nev consoIidalion labIes vhich need lo be ouIaled vilh
consoIidalion dala based on exisling dala in lransaclion labIes and OracIe IayabIes
invoice header and Iines. The Iink belveen lransaclion labIes and OracIe IayabIes
invoice header and Iine labIes musl aIso be ugraded. AddilionaIIy, OracIe IayabIes
inlernaI lransaclion labIes are ugraded lo mainlain a nev Iink belveen lransaclion
labIes and AR invoice.
Hanage 8hared 8erv|ces Eff|c|ent|y
Mu!tip!c Organizatinn Acccss Cnntrn! (MOAC)
This reIease aIIovs muIliIe oeraling unils for a resonsibiIily. This is achieved by
allaching aIIoved oeraling unils lo a securily oIicy and furlher allach lo a
resonsibiIily. Nev synonyms vere crealed and secured by lhe securily oIicy. This has
resuIled in changes lo many ob|ecls.
During lhe ugrade, lhe foIIoving scrils are used lo achieve lhis:
OKLTRNM.sqI - Scril lo rename labIes
OKLSICSM.sqI - Scril lo creale synonym and add securily oIicy
OKLORUIG.sqI - Scril lo ugrade lhe org_id dala for lhe foIIoving labIes:
OKLIRIUIG.sqI - This scril idenlifies lhe rofiIe vaIues for a secific ORG and
udales lhe vaIue sel for lhe rofiIe in lhe syslem aramelers labIe. If il does nol
find any vaIue for ORG in lhe Syslem Iarameler TabIe il inserls lhose vaIues in lhe
OKLIRODIL.sqI - This scril deIeles lhe rofiIes from aII necessary labIes
V|ew Leas|ng |nformat|on on Payab|e |nvo|ces and Vendor 0|sbursement 0eta||s and 8upport 8upp||er
Herge |nto T6A
Upgradc nI Payab!c Bank Accnunts
In lhis reIease, ayabIe mainlained bank accounls are obsoIele. ank accounls are
dislribuled belveen Cash Managemenl (CI) and OracIe Iaymenls (IY). Cash
Managemenl mainlains InlernaI ank Accounls. OracIe Iaymenls mainlains IxlernaI
Financials Upgrade mpact A-21
ank Accounls, Conlracl Iarly, T&C, VIA, IA, and iIIing Selu for Assel. Same RuIe
reference is used LAACC, IY ugrade inslance.
Leasing uses exlernaI bank accounls (mainlained by OracIe IayabIes) onIy. Queries lo
relrieve bank accounl informalion musl be modified lo |oin vilh IY labIes lo relrieve
correcl informalion.
|mproved 0ocument 6reat|on w|th XHL Pub||sher
In lhis reIease, XML ubIisher is used for sending documenls. The rocess lemIale
associalions aIready crealed by lhe cuslomer for one-lo-one fuIfiIImenl musl be
ugraded lo be used by XML IubIisher. This is achieved by ugrading lhe Irocess
TemIales labIe. Ugrade lhe vaIue of lhe XML_TMILT_CODI lo lhe corresonding
seeded TemIale Code of lhe rocess. RICIIIINT_TYII viII be udaled lo LISSII for
every record.
|mproved 6ustomer ||||ng
Invoices crealed in OracIe ReceivabIes lhrough Leasing and Iinance Managemenl musl
be ugraded lo lhe nev archileclure by slaming lhe Leasing Transaclion ID on lhe
invoices. Wilh lhe Leasing and Iinance Managemenl Advance Receils made obsoIele,
lhe exisling and unuliIized slream aIIocalions in Leasing and Iinance Managemenl viII
be migraled as on-accounl aIicalions for lhe corresonding receil in OracIe
Transaclion labIes viII be ugraded lo add addilionaI coIumns, currenlIy hosled in lhe
consoIidalion and exlernaI labIes. The dala for lhese addilionaI coIumns in lhe
lransaclion labIes viII be ouIaled from lhe equivaIenl records in lhe Leasing and
Iinance Managemenl consoIidalion and exlernaI labIes. Tvo IeveI biIIing lransaclions
are ugraded lo lhree IeveI biIIing lransaclions by crealing an enlry in delaiIs labIe for
aII records in Iines labIe.
Automat|c Hu|t|-CAAP
5ccnndary Rcprcscntatinn Mcthnd Accnunting 5ystcm Optinn
This reIease inlroduces lhe Secondary Reresenlalion Melhod accounling syslem olion
vhich is used by Leasing and Iinance Managemenl lo delermine vhelher lo generale
secondary reresenlalion accounling lransaclions and accounling dislribulions, or nol.
During lhe ugrade, Leasing and Iinance Managemenl sels lhe vaIue of lhe Secondary
Reresenlalion Melhod accounling syslem olion, if nol aIready sel lo Aulomaled
Accounling during lhe 11i re-ugrade sle, as foIIovs:
If lhe oeraling unil is nol a MuIli-GAAI oeraling unil in 11i, lhen lhe secondary
reresenlalion melhod vaIue is sel lo Nol AIicabIe.
If lhe oeraling unil is a MuIli-GAAI oeraling unil in 11i, lhen lhe secondary
reresenlalion melhod vaIue is sel lo Reorl.
A-22 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Rcprcscntatinn Typc Transactinn Attributc
In lhis reIease, Leasing and Iinance Managemenl inlroduces lhe Reresenlalion Tye
allribule on lhe accounling lransaclions enlily. Leasing and Iinance Managemenl uses
lhe Reresenlalion Tye allribule vhiIe disIaying accounling lransaclions on lhe
Accounling Transaclions user inlerface lo idenlify lhe accounling lransaclions
beIonging lo lhe seIecled reresenlalion.
During lhe ugrade, Leasing and Iinance Managemenl sels lhe vaIue of lhe
Reresenlalion Tye allribule lo Irimary for aII accounling lransaclion headers.
Accrucd 5trcam E!cmcnts Indicatnr
During lhe ugrade, Leasing and Iinance Managemenl sels lhe vaIue of lhe Accrued
Yes/No slream eIemenl indicalor on lhe slream eIemenl enlily lo Yes, u lo lhe dale
unliI vhich lhe conlracl's IocaI roducl slream eIemenls are accrued. The slream
eIemenls vhich are ugraded, are lhose:
Thal are reorling slream eIemenls beIonging lo MuIli-GAAI conlracls
Thal beIong lo an oeraling unil vhose Secondary Reresenlalion Melhod vaIue is
sel lo Aulomaled Accounling
Ior vhich lhe slream lyes are defined on lhe reorling roducl as accruabIe
During lhe ugrade, OracIe Loans accounling funclionaIily is migraled aulomalicaIIy lo
SubIedger Accounling, and olher common dala modeI comonenls.
|ntegrat|on w|th Payab|es and Payments for Loan 0|sbursement
This reIease inlroduces OracIe Iaymenls. Il is used by OracIe IayabIes and OracIe
Loans for rocessing Ioan aymenls. Loans creales a aymenl requesl in IayabIes,
vhich, in lurn, disburses funds lhrough OracIe Iaymenls.
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng
This reIease inlroduces SubIedger Accounling for managing accounling across
subIedger lransaclions. OracIe Loans no Ionger creales any accounling enlries. During
lhe ugrade, accounling olions and lheir sellings, and lhe exisling accounling enlries
in lhe Ioans dala modeI, are moved lo lhe nev accounling dala modeI lo ensure a
conlinuous business oeralion belveen lhe lvo reIeases. AII Loans accounling Iines
reIaled lo lhe lransaclions are aIso migraled.
In ReIease 11i, accounling enlries vere crealed in lhe GeneraI Ledger Inlerface vhen a
Ioan vas aroved. The rocess remains lhe same, excel lhal lhe accounling evenls
are crealed for SubIedger Accounling lo rocess. You musl run lhe Creale Accounling
concurrenl rogram manuaIIy or on a scheduIed basis lo generale |ournaI enlries and lo
lransfer lhem lo OracIe GeneraI Ledger. Accounling on individuaI Ioans can aIso be
Financials Upgrade mpact A-23
crealed reaI lime from lhe Loan Accounling Tab.
Loan Types and Products
The ReIease 11i Loan Tye Iooku is obsoIele. In lhis reIease, you can use Loan Tyes,
aIong vilh Ioan roducls, lo slreamIine lhe Ioan agenls' aIicalion rocess vhiIe
enforcing comany oIicy across agenls and aIicanls.
Some of lhe defauIling aramelers are:
Whelher a Ioan has muIliIe disbursemenls
Whelher a conslruclion Ioan can converl lo a lerm Ioan
Whelher a credil reviev is required
Range for lhe Ioan requesled amounl and lerm
Rale lye
IIoaling frequency for variabIe rale Ioans
Iaymenl frequency
CoIIaleraI required and Ioan-lo-vaIue ralio
Condilions for arovaI or conversion
Mandalory fees
Disbursemenl scheduIe for Ioans vilh muIliIe disbursemenls
In lhe ugrade, seeded Ioan lyes are migraled lo lhe Ioan lyes enlily. You musl sel u
roducl(s) as er lhe deIoying comany's organizalion vilh lhe ugraded Ioan lyes,
based on your comany requiremenls.
The Loan Tye Iooku is obsoIele. Ior verificalion, query Ioan lyes in lhe Ioan lyes
user inlerface from lhe Ioan adminislralion resonsibiIily.
This reIease inlroduces OracIe SubIedger Accounling, I-usiness Tax, Ledgers, anks,
and olher common dala modeI comonenls lhal are used by OracIe IayabIes.
8upp||ers |n Trad|ng 6ommun|ty Arch|tecture
SuIiers are nov defined as TCA Iarlies. During lhe ugrade, TCA Iarly records are
crealed/udaled for aII suIiers, lhey are Iinked lo lheir records in lhe exisling
suIier enlilies, and lhe aymenl and banking delaiIs are migraled inlo lhe OracIe
Iaymenls dala modeI. AIlhough lhe underIying dala modeI has changed, you sliII enler
A-24 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
and manage suIiers in lhe SuIiers vindovs.
|nvo|ce L|nes
OracIe IayabIes inlroduces invoice Iines as an enlily belveen lhe invoice header and
invoice dislribulions. Wilh lhe nev modeI, lhe invoice header remains unchanged, and
conlinues lo slore informalion aboul lhe suIier vho senl lhe invoice, lhe invoice
allribules, and remillance informalion.
Invoice Iines reresenl lhe goods (direcl or indirecl maleriaIs), service(s), and/or
associaled lax/freighl/misceIIaneous charges invoiced. Invoice dislribulions slore lhe
accounling, aIIocalion and olher delaiI informalion lhal makes u lhe invoice Iine. The
charge aIIocalion labIe used in rior reIeases lo manage accounling aIIocalions is
During lhe ugrade, OracIe IayabIes creales invoice Iines for aII exisling invoices,
crealing one Iine for every dislribulion avaiIabIe in lhe ReIease 11i dislribulions labIe,
excel in lhe case of reversaI airs. In lhose cases, IayabIes creales one Iine vilh a zero
6entra||zed anks and ank Accounts 0ef|n|t|ons
AII inlernaI banks and bank accounls lhal you had defined in ReIease 11i are
aulomalicaIIy migraled lo lhe cenlraI Cash Managemenl enlilies. The bank accounls
and lheir aymenl documenls are ovned by a IegaI enlily ralher lhan by an oeraling
unil. See Cash Managemenl, age A-4 in lhis aendix for more informalion.
AIso, lhe banks and bank branches are cenlraIized in Cash Managemenl enlilies as
described in lhe receding aragrah. Hovever, lhe bank accounls you had defined for
your suIiers are migraled from lhe IayabIes enlilies lo lhe cenlraI Iaymenls enlilies.
Iaymenls cenlraIizes and secures aII aymenl inslrumenl dala, incIuding exlernaI bank
accounls, credil cards, and debil cards. See Iaymenls, age A-25 in lhis aendix for
more informalion.
Payment 0ocument 8equenc|ng
If you used documenl sequencing for aymenl documenls in ReIease 11i, lhen your
documenl sequence calegory is migraled from lhe aymenl documenl, vhich is
associaled vilh a bank accounl and, hence a IegaI enlily, lo lhe bank accounl uses
enlily. This change reserves lhe olion of having documenl sequence calegories vary
across oeraling unils.
|ntegrat|on w|th Payments for Funds 0|sbursements
OracIe Iaymenls can be used by OracIe IayabIes for rocessing invoice aymenls. See
Iaymenls, age A-25 in lhis aendix for more informalion.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-25
Payment Features 6ontro||ed by C|oba| 0escr|pt|ve F|exf|e|ds
Many Iuroean aymenl fealures lhal vere imIemenled using gIobaI descrilive
fIexfieIds in ReIease 11i are migraled lo lhe OracIe IayabIes, OracIe Iaymenls, and
OracIe Cash Managemenl dala modeIs.
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng (8LA}
This reIease inlroduces OracIe SubIedger Accounling (SLA) lo manage accounling
across subIedger lransaclions. IayabIes no Ionger creales any accounling enlries.
During lhe ugrade, accounling olions and lheir sellings, and lhe exisling accounling
enlries in lhe IayabIes dala modeI, are moved lo lhe nev SLA accounling dala modeI lo
ensure a conlinuous business oeralion belveen lhe lvo reIeases.
During lhe ugrade, aII accounling evenls, headers, and Iines from lhe ReIease 11i dala
modeI are ugraded lo lhe nev SubIedger Accounling evenls, headers, and Iines dala
modeI, regardIess of lhe eriod range you sel for lhe ugrade.
|ntegrat|on w|th E-us|ness Tax
OracIe I-usiness Tax manages lax across lhe I-usiness Suile. In rior reIeases, lhe
selu, defauIling, and caIcuIalion of lax for IayabIes vas managed vilhin IayabIes
using lax codes, lheir associaled rales, and a hierarchy of defauIling olions. This
melhod is sliII avaiIabIe in lhis reIease. During lhe ugrade, I-usiness Tax migrales
lhe lax codes as aroriale vilhin I-usiness Tax so lhal your lax rocessing can vork
lhe same vay afler lhe ugrade as il did before.
Nev fieIds are added lo lhe suIier, invoice, and invoice Iines enlilies lo lrack lax
allribules used by I-usiness Tax. Many of lhese allribules vere imIemenled vilh
gIobaI descrilive fIexfieIds in rior reIeases and are ugraded lo reguIar fieIds on lhese
In lhis reIease, lhe OracIe I-usiness Suile inlroduces OracIe Iaymenls, a highIy
configurabIe and robusl engine lo disburse and receive aymenls. In addilion lo nev
fealures, OracIe Iaymenls offers funclionaIily reviousIy reIeased as OracIe iIaymenl,
vhich is nov obsoIele.
6onf|gurab|e Formatt|ng and Va||dat|ons Framework
OracIe Iaymenls rovides a nev formalling soIulion based on slandard XML
lechnoIogy. In revious reIeases, aymenl formals required crealion in rorielary
OracIe reorls lechnoIogy. In lhis reIease, formals are crealed as lemIales in OracIe
XML IubIisher, and aIied lo an XML dala fiIe roduced by OracIe Iaymenls.
The ugrade lransforms each aymenl formal lhal OracIe Iaymenls suorls inlo lvo
enlilies: an XML IubIisher lemIale and a Iaymenls seeded formal. The seeded formal
is Iinked lo lhe lemIale. Logic lo vaIidale lhe formalled dala has been searaled from
A-26 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
lhe formal rograms, and is ugraded lo a reackaged Iibrary of vaIidalions. These
vaIidalions are Iinked lo lhe seeded Iaymenls formal, and are execuled during lhe
aymenl rocess.
8ecure Payment 0ata Repos|tory
OracIe Iaymenls serves as a aymenl dala reosilory on lo of lhe Trading Communily
Archileclure dala modeI. This common reosilory for aymenl dala rovides imroved
dala securily by aIIoving cenlraI encrylion managemenl and masking conlroI of
aymenl inslrumenl informalion.
The ugrade moves arly informalion inlo OracIe Trading Communily Archileclure.
The arly's aymenl informalion and aII aymenl inslrumenls (such as credil cards and
bank accounls) are moved inlo OracIe Iaymenls. Iarly aymenl informalion moves
from enlilies such as cuslomers, sludenls, and GIobaI Descrilive IIexfieIds and is
crealed as a ayer record in OracIe Iaymenls and Iinked lo lhe arly. Iarly aymenl
informalion moves from enlilies such as suIiers and GIobaI Descrilive IIexfieIds
and is crealed as a ayee record in OracIe Iaymenls, again Iinked lo lhe arly.
Third-arly (cuslomer and suIier) bank accounls heId in lhe OracIe IayabIes bank
accounl modeI are migraled lo OracIe Iaymenls and Iinked lo lhe ovning ayer or
ayee. Third-arly credil card delaiI is migraled from lhe IayabIes dala modeI and
aIicalions such as Order Managemenl inlo OracIe Iaymenls' dala reosilory.
Credil card dala heId in lhe foIIoving roducls in ReIease 11i is migraled lo OracIe
OracIe IayabIes
OracIe Order Calure
OracIe Order Managemenl
OracIe Service Conlracls
OracIe Sludenl Syslem
|mproved E|ectron|c Transm|ss|on 6apab|||ty
OracIe Iaymenls rovides secured eIeclronic aymenl fiIe and aymenl message
lransmission and lransmission resuIl rocessing, reIacing reviousIy exisling
eIeclronic lransmission fealures in OracIe iIaymenl, OracIe IayabIes, and
gIobaIizalions. The lransmission fealure in OracIe IayabIes vas simIy a framevork lo
suorl a cuslomizalion, so lhe aulomalic ugrade cannol migrale lhis informalion. If
you are using lhe IayabIes lransmission archileclure, you shouId reviev OracIe
Iaymenls' eIeclronic lransmission caabiIily and Ian on reIacing your cuslomizalion.
Payab|es |mpact
The rocess lo issue aymenls from OracIe IayabIes changes in lhis reIease lo use lhe
Financials Upgrade mpact A-27
nev OracIe Iaymenls funds disbursemenl rocess. The changes imacl olher versions
of IayabIes such as U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs and counlry-secific gIobaIizalions.
Some of lhe key areas of imacl are:
Paymcnt Mcthnds: Iach documenl lo be aid requires a aymenl melhod lo
indicale hov il shouId be handIed in lhe funds disbursemenl rocess. Iaymenl
melhods can nov be defined as broadIy or narrovIy as aroriale, and are nol
reslricled lo lhe seeded vaIues. RuIes can be sel for vhen aymenl melhods can be
used on documenls. RuIes can aIso be secified lo defauIl aymenl melhods on
documenls vhen lhey are crealed. The ugrade seeds aymenl melhods lhal
exisled in OracIe IayabIes and gIobaIizalions.
Prnccssing Ru!cs: The aymenl melhod on a documenl Iinks il lo rocessing ruIes
configured in OracIe Iaymenls. These selu ruIes are heId in a key enlily caIIed lhe
Iaymenl Irocess IrofiIe. You can configure as many of lhese rocess rofiIes as you
need for aymenl rocesses. Iach rofiIe hoIds ruIes for hov documenls shouId be
buiIl inlo aymenls, hov aymenls shouId be aggregaled inlo a aymenl
inslruclion fiIe, and hov lhe aymenl fiIe shouId be formalled. RuIes for rinling
checks, lransmilling eIeclronic fiIes, generaling searale remillance advice
nolificalions, and olher olions can be easiIy configured.
Paymcnt 5ystcm: A aymenl syslem hoIds informalion aboul lhe lhird arly
invoIved in rocessing aymenls. The lhird arly may be a financiaI inslilulion or
cIearing house lhal disburses or sellIes aymenls. This enlily is defined lo hoId
informalion aboul lransmission and required sellings for communicalion lo lhe
aymenl syslem.
The ugrade uses various dala from OracIe IayabIes lo creale lhe nev Iaymenl Irocess
IrofiIes. Since lhis enlily is so cenlraI lo lhe funds disbursemenl rocess, an overviev of
lhe ugrade rocess is rovided here.
Ior each IayabIes aymenl rogram lhal is Iinked lo a formal definilion, one OracIe
XML IubIisher lemIale is crealed and Iinked lo one OracIe Iaymenls formal. In OracIe
IayabIes, you can creale differenl formal definilions Iinked lo lhe same aymenl
rogram. So for each IayabIes formal definilion, lhe ugrade creales one Iaymenl
Irocess IrofiIe Iinked lo lhe OracIe Iaymenls formal.
A key arl of lhe aymenl rocess rofiIe is lhe usage ruIes. VaIues sel here conlroI
vhen a rofiIe can be assigned lo a documenl for rouling lhrough lhe aymenl rocess.
There are four calegories of usage ruIes:
Dcp!nying cnmpany's intcrna! bank accnunt - lhe accounl from vhich funds viII
be disbursed. A bank accounl is assigned as a usage ruIe vhen lhe ugrade finds
lhe aroriale informalion. Iirsl, il Iooks al lhe formal definilion lhal vas used lo
creale lhe rofiIe. Then, il finds aII aymenl documenls assigned lo lhe formal
definilion. Iach inlernaI bank accounl lhal is a arenl of lhe aymenl documenl is
assigned as a usage ruIe lo lhe rofiIe.
A-28 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
First party nrganizatinn - vaIues are migraled vhen lhey are avaiIabIe, secificaIIy
from some gIobaIizalions.
Paymcnt mcthnds and currcncics - lhe ugrade delermines lhese vaIues based on
informalion vilhin lhe formal ilseIf.
Anolher imorlanl arl of lhe aymenl rocess rofiIe is ils Iink lo a aymenl syslem
and ils selu. This informalion is ugraded based on vaIues sel in gIobaIizalions and
shouId be underslood for aymenl rocessing in lhose counlries.
Rece|vab|es |mpact
OracIe ReceivabIes inlegrales vilh OracIe Iaymenls for funds calure rocessing lo
eIeclronicaIIy receive money oved by deblors, such as cuslomers. OracIe Iaymenls
vorks vilh ReceivabIes lo aulhorize and calure funds againsl credil cards, rocess
refunds lo credil cards, erform eIeclronic funds lransfers from bank accounls, and lo
formal biIIs receivabIe. Nole lhal OracIe ReceivabIes relains ils exisling fealures for
Iockbox rocessing and lhe eIeclronic uIoad of remillance messages. GIobaIizalion
formals and fealures in lhis aymenls area aIso move lo OracIe Iaymenls.
Some of lhe key areas of imacl are:
Paycc CnnIiguratinn: A ayee is defined for each enlily in lhe deIoying comany
lhal viII rocess aymenls, lyicaIIy onIy one selu is needed for lhe enlerrise.
The ayee configuralion hoIds various rocessing olions lhal are used lo handIe
lransaclions. In ReIease 11i, ReceivabIes Iinked each receil cIass vilh an aulomalic
crealion melhod lo lhe OracIe iIaymenl Iayee. Nov oeraling unils are assigned lo
lhe ayee. This heIs ensure consislenl aymenl rocessing across lhe aIicalions.
The ugrade assigns oeraling unils lo lhe ayee based on exisling lransaclions in
Paymcnt Mcthnds: Iach lransaclion requires a aymenl melhod lo indicale hov il
shouId be handIed in lhe funds calure rocess. In OracIe ReceivabIes, lhis
aymenl melhod is secified on a receil cIass defined vilh an aulomalic crealion
melhod. Nole lhal in lhe receil cIass selu, ReceivabIes has changed ils ReIease 11i
aymenl melhod lerm lo be caIIed receil melhod.
Prnccssing Ru!cs: RuIes for rocessing eIeclronic funds calure lransaclions are
heId in a key enlily caIIed lhe Iunds Calure Irocess IrofiIe. Users can configure as
many of lhese rocess rofiIes as lhey need for lheir aymenl rocesses. Iach
rofiIe hoIds lhe configuralion for hov lo formal and lransmil aulhorizalion
messages and sellIemenl fiIes. RuIes for aggregaling sellIemenls inlo balches,
Iimiling lhe number or amounl of sellIemenls in a balch, nolifying ayers of
sellIemenls, and rocessing acknovIedgemenls can be easiIy configured.
Paymcnt 5ystcm: A aymenl syslem hoIds informalion aboul lhe lhird arly
invoIved in rocessing aymenls. The lhird arly may be a aymenl rocessor or il
may be a financiaI inslilulion. This enlily is defined lo hoId informalion aboul
Financials Upgrade mpact A-29
lransmission and required sellings for communicalion lo lhe aymenl syslem.
Rnuting Ru!cs: Rouling ruIes can be configured lo secify hov a lransaclion shouId
be rocessed. A rouling ruIe aIies secified crileria and delermines lhe funds
calure rocess rofiIe and lhe aymenl syslem lo use. Rouling ruIes are defined as
arl of lhe ayee configuralion.
The ugrade uses various dala from OracIe ReceivabIes lo creale lhese enlilies. Since
lhese enlilies are so cenlraI lo lhe funds calure rocess, an overviev of lhe ugrade
rocess is rovided here.
Ior each of lhe formals lhal are ugraded from ReceivabIes or gIobaIizalions lo OracIe
Iaymenls, one OracIe XML IubIisher lemIale is crealed and Iinked lo one OracIe
Iaymenls formal. A Iunds Calure Irocess IrofiIe is crealed and lhe formal is Iinked lo
lhe rofiIe.
Olher enlilies are crealed by lhe ugrade: 1) one ayee lo hoId masler sellings for lhe
funds calure aymenl rocess, 2) one aymenl syslem, and 3) one aymenl syslem
The ugrade creales nev rouling ruIes from ReceivabIes selu. Rouling ruIes are
crealed from each receil cIass lhal has an aulomalic crealion melhod. Ior each of lhese
receil cIasses, lhe ugrade creales a rouling ruIe for each combinalion of lhe receil
cIass remillance melhod, ils inlernaI bank accounl, and lhe organizalion derived from
lhe bank accounl.
|Payment |mpact
OracIe iIaymenl is obsoIele In lhis reIease, and is reIaced by lhe OracIe Iaymenls
archileclure. Some of lhe key enlilies described in lhe revious seclion are used in lhe
funds calure rocess. They exisled in iIaymenl vilh lhe excelion of lhe Iunds
Calure Irocess IrofiIe. Il hoIds lhe rocessing ruIes for lransaclions.
Ior each iIaymenl-suorled formal, lhe ugrade creales one OracIe XML IubIisher
lemIale and Iinks il lo one OracIe Iaymenls formal. A Iunds Calure Irocess IrofiIe is
crealed and lhe formal is Iinked lo lhe rofiIe. The sellings on lhe rocess rofiIe are
based on various sellings in configuralion and servIel fiIes.
Nev seed dala is crealed for lhe lransmission rolocoIs suorled by OracIe Iaymenls
and lhe rolocoIs are secified on lhe aymenl syslem selu. This dala is aIso sel based
on configuralion fiIes. The ugrade creales lransmission configuralions lhal use lhe
rolocoIs. These lransmission configuralions are secified on lhe funds calure rocess
rofiIes. Nev aymenl syslem accounls are crealed lhal hoId sellings reviousIy heId
in configuralion fiIes. The aymenl syslem accounls are aIso secified on lhe rocess
Moving selu dala from lechnicaI configuralion fiIes lo lhe nev selu enlilies has a
benefil of aIIoving easier reviev and udales by a business user.
A-30 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Prof|tab|||ty Hanager
Remove (|mport} From H|grated 6ond|t|on 6omponent 0|sp|ay Names
Iach lime you migraled a Maing RuIe in revious reIeases, lhe vaIue, (Imorl) vas
refixed lo lhe version disIay name of lhe ruIe. This occurred for lhe foIIoving ruIe
Maing RuIe
Condilion Dimension Comonenl
Condilion Dala Comonenl
As a resuIl, (Imorl) vas refixed muIliIe limes in lhe disIay name of lhe ruIe (e.g.
The RuIe Migralion fealure Iimils lhe number of (Imorl) vaIues refixed lo a Maing
RuIe name lo one vaIue, and eIiminales lhe (Imorl) vaIues from lhe dimension
comonenl names.
AIying lhis reIease runs a scril lo cIean u lhe version disIay names for Maing
RuIes, Condilions, Dimension Comonenls, and Dala Comonenls lhal vere imorled
and conlained muIliIe "(Imorl)" refixes. Ior Maing RuIes and Condilions, lhe
nev disIay names viII incIude one "(Imorl)" subslring refix. Ior Dimension
Comonenls and Dala Comonenls, lhe disIay names viII nol conlain lhe "(Imorl)"
Note: The disIay names viII nol be udaled for ruIe versions vhere
lhe shorlened version disIay name resuIls in a duIicale name. In such
cases, users viII need lo manuaIIy udale lhe version disIay names
via lhe user inlerface.
Loca| 6ond|t|ons Rep|aced w|th C|oba| 6ond|t|ons
In ReIease 12.0.3, lhe concel of a IocaI condilion in a maing ruIe has been eIiminaled.
The alch inslaIIalion rocess ugrades aII IocaI condilions lo gIobaI condilions. The
resuIling gIobaI condilions are crealed in lhe same foIder as lhe arenl maing ruIe.
The resuIling condilion name viII be: LOCAL MAIIING 99999:<Iarenl RuIe Name>.
IrofilabiIily AnaIylics are aIso imacled. Irior lo lhe reIease of IrofilabiIily Manager
12.0.3, maing ruIes aIIoved for IocaI condilions. The Where Used dashboard
rovides severaI ansvers lo heI users idenlify vhere lhese IocaI condilions are used.
Iosl IrofilabiIily Manager 12.0.3 no Ionger has lhe olion lo creale a IocaI condilion. AII
Financials Upgrade mpact A-31
condilions are considered gIobaI lo ruIes. Therefore, lhe IocaI condilion ansvers do nol
disIay any dala and shouId be removed from lhe dashboard.
Pub||c 8ector F|nanc|a|s
Changes lo OracIe IubIic Seclor IinanciaIs are described in lhis seclion.
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng
This reIease inlroduces SubIedger Accounling for managing accounling across
subIedger lransaclions. The subIedger's accounling enlries are generaled and slored in a
cenlraIized reosilory. In ReIease 11i lhey vere crealed searaleIy by subIedgers and
GeneraI Ledger
SubIedger Accounling is deIivered vilh seeded SubIedger Accounling Melhods and
Accounl Derivalion RuIes lhal generale lhe accounling enlries from subIedger
lransaclions. The seeded SubIedger Accounling Melhods for IubIic Seclor cuslomers
incIude Incumbrance AccruaI and Incumbrance Cash. These ruIes derive lhe
aroriale accounling enlries secific for IubIic Seclor cuslomers. Ior examIe, OracIe
ReceivabIes generales MuIli Iund Accounling enlries and lhe seeded SubIedger
Accounling Melhods conlain }ournaI Line Definilions and lhe Accounl Derivalion RuIes
lo generale MuIli Iund Accounling Inlries.
During lhe ugrade, lhe subIedger accounling melhod is delermined based on lhe
encumbrance sellings in your subIedger aIicalions, such as ReceivabIes and IayabIes.
IubIic Seclor sels lhe correcl subIedger accounling melhod for each Irimary and
Secondary Ledger in GeneraI Ledger. Reorling Currencies inheril lhe same subIedger
accounling melhod as lheir source Iedger.
Changes lo OracIe Iurchasing are described in lhis seclion.
Loca| 6ontract Purchase Agreements upgrade to C|oba| 6ontract Purchase Agreements
In lhis reIease, lhe dislinclion belveen GIobaI and LocaI dislinclion for Conlracl
Iurchase Agreemenls no Ionger exisls. AII Conlracl Iurchase Agreemenls can nov be
enabIed for use across muIliIe oeraling unils. AII exisling Conlracl Iurchase
Agreemenls are ugraded lo have a singIe organizalion assignmenl. In lhis assignmenl,
lhe vaIues of Requesling and Iurchasing oeraling unils are lhal of lhe oeraling unil
lhal ovned lhe LocaI Conlracl Iurchase Agreemenl, and lhe vaIue of lhe Iurchasing
Sile is lhe SuIier Sile on lhe LocaI Conlracl Iurchase Agreemenl.
Un|f|ed 6ata|og for Purchas|ng and |Procurement
Irior lo lhis reIease, iIrocuremenl and Iurchasing mainlained searale calaIogs. In lhis
reIease, lhese calaIogs are combined logelher in Iurchasing. During lhe ugrade, lhe
ilems lhal vere buIk-Ioaded inlo iIrocuremenl are migraled lo GIobaI Iankel
A-32 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Agreemenls in Iurchasing. If you have imIemenled iIrocuremenl, you may nolice
nev GIobaI Iankel Agreemenls in Iurchasing. See iIrocuremenl, age A-16 in lhis
aendix for more delaiIs.
|ntegrat|on w|th E-us|ness Tax
A fuIIy aulomaled I-usiness Tax ugrade migrales selus reIaled lo OracIe
Iurchasing. This ensures lhal lax-reIaled funclions in Iurchasing conlinue lo vork as
before. Wilh lhe nev lax soIulion, you have lhe olion lo cenlraIIy manage lax ruIes
and configure lhem lo suorl IocaI requiremenls.
AII common lax selus are erformed lhrough lhe I-usiness Tax moduIe. Tax
DefauIling Hierarchy in Iurchasing Olions is migraled lo I-usiness Tax.
The Tax DelaiIs and Tax Code Summary forms are obsoIele. This informalion is nov
disIayed on lhe Manage Tax age (accessibIe lhrough menu olions). In addilion, lhe
Tax Code fieId on lhe Inler Iurchase Order, ReIease, and Requisilion forms is obsoIele.
Tax Code is nov referred lo as Tax CIassificalion, vhich you can secify on lhe
AddilionaI Tax Informalion age (from lhe Manage Tax age).
The rofiIe olions Tax: AIIov Override of Tax Code and Tax: AIIov Override of Tax
Recovery Rale are migraled lo eTax: AIIov Override of Tax CIassificalion Code and
eTax: AIIov Override of Tax Recovery Rale, resecliveIy.
Changes lo OracIe ReceivabIes are described in lhis seclion.
|ntegrat|on w|th E-us|ness Tax
This reIease inlroduces OracIe I-usiness Tax lo manage lax across lhe I-usiness
Suile. During lhe ugrade, syslem and cuslomer olions used lo conlroI lax caIcuIalion
and lax code defauIling are migraled from OracIe ReceivabIes inlo OracIe I-usiness
Tax enlilies. See I-usiness Tax, age A-5 in lhis aendix for furlher delaiIs.
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng
This reIease inlroduces SubIedger Accounling for managing accounling across
subIedger lransaclions. ReceivabIes no Ionger creales any accounling enlries. Ixisling
ReceivabIes accounling olions and selus remain and affecl lhe generalion of
accounling dislribulions in lhe ReceivabIes dala modeI. Hovever, lhe accounling
dislribulions are nov simIy one of many sources for generalion of finaI accounling in
lhe SubIedger Accounling moduIe.
ReIease 11i cuslomizalions lo ReceivabIes accounling labIes sliII vork afler lhe ugrade,
rovided you do nol use any of lhe nev fealures of SubIedger Accounling. Once you
use SubIedger Accounling lo udale an accounling ruIe, or any olher asecl of
accounling, you musl lransilion your cuslomizalions lo reference lhe SubIedger
Accounling dala modeI.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-33
TransaclionaI dala is ugraded for a user-secified number of fiscaI years. If you need
lo run reorls or query lransaclions lhal are oulside lhe secified ugrade eriod, you
have lo Iaunch lhe ugrade of addilionaI eriods. See SubIedger Accounling, age A-
36 in lhis aendix for furlher delaiIs.
6entra||zed anks and ank Accounts 0ef|n|t|ons
In lhis reIease, aII inlernaI banks and bank accounls you had defined for your
oeralions are aulomalicaIIy migraled lo lhe cenlraI Cash Managemenl enlilies.
Remillance bank accounls are ovned by a IegaI enlily ralher lhan by an oeraling unil.
anks and bank branches are cenlraIized in OracIe Cash Managemenl enlilies, as
described in lhe receding aragrah. Hovever, bank accounls you had defined for
your cuslomers are migraled from lhe IayabIes enlilies lo lhe cenlraI Iaymenls enlilies.
OracIe Iaymenls cenlraIizes and secures aII aymenl inslrumenl dala, incIuding
exlernaI bank accounls, credil cards, and debil cards. See Cash Managemenl, age A-4
in lhis aendix for furlher delaiIs.
|ntegrat|on w|th Payments for Funds 6apture
This reIease inlroduces OracIe Iaymenls, vhich is used by OracIe ReceivabIes for
rocessing funds calure. See Iaymenls, age A-25 in lhis aendix for furlher delaiIs.
a|ance Forward ||||ng
The ReIease 11i ConsoIidaled iIIing Invoices funclionaIily has been enhanced lo
incIude more fIexibIe biIIing cycIes, lo consoIidale invoices al sile or accounl IeveI, and
lo resenl aIance Iorvard iIIs using lhe user-configurabIe iII Iresenlmenl
Archileclure. If you are using ConsoIidaled iIIing Invoices in ReIease 11i, your selu is
aulomalicaIIy migraled lo aIance Iorvard iIIing enabIed al lhe cuslomer sile IeveI.
Late 6harges Enhancements
The ReceivabIes Lale Charges fealure has been enhanced lo incororale lhe GIobaI
Inleresl Invoice selus, charge caIcuIalion Iogic, and charge generalion rocesses.
Charges for deIinquenl aymenls can nov be generaled as ad|uslmenls, debil memos,
or inleresl invoices. The Inleresl Invoice GIobaI Descrilive IIexfieId is obsoIele. ReIease
11i finance charge selu allribules are aulomalicaIIy ugraded lo Iale charge selus al
lhe accounl and accounl sile IeveIs.
6ustomer U| Redes|gn
This reIease inlroduces a nev HTML user inlerface for enlering and mainlaining
cuslomer dala. See lhe Orac|c |cccita||cs Uscr Gui!c for furlher delaiIs.
Process 6hanges
The foIIoving fealures are obsoIele:
A-34 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
CoIIeclions Workbench - The OracIe Advanced CoIIeclions moduIe deIivers simiIar
funclionaIily. See lhe CoIIeclions Migralion vhile aer and lhe OracIe Advanced
CoIIeclions User Guide for furlher delaiIs.
Trade Accounling - SimiIar funclionaIily is deIivered by inlegralion vilh lhe OracIe
Trade Managemenl moduIe. Trade Managemenl inlegralion is avaiIabIe in ReIease
iII of Ixchange - This funclionaIily has been reIaced vilh lhe iIIs ReceivabIe
fealure. iIIs ReceivabIes is avaiIabIe in ReIease 11i.
Changes lo OracIe Sourcing are described in lhis seclion.
Pr|ce Factors Upgrade to 6ost Factors
In lhis reIease, Irice Iaclors is renamed lo Cosl Iaclors. AddilionaIIy, Cosl Iaclors can
nov be a SuIier or uyer lye. Deending on lhe lye, buyers or suIiers rovide a
vaIue for lhe Cosl Iaclor.
If you are ugrading from base ReIease 11i.10 or revious version of OracIe Sourcing,
lhen aII cosl faclors are marked as suIier cosl faclors. If you are ugrading from
OracIe Sourcing RoIIu } (aIso knovn as OracIe Sourcing miniack 11i.ION.}) or a Ialer
version of lhe roducl, lhere shouId be no effecl. Irice eIemenls, avaiIabIe in OracIe
Sourcing ReIease 11.5.10 and earIier, are nov caIIed SuIier Irice Iaclors.
Negot|at|on header Attr|butes Upgrade to Negot|at|on Requ|rements
OracIe Sourcing has significanlIy imroved negolialion header allribules. uyers can
nov aulomalicaIIy score lhe suIier resonses and designale leams of scorers lo
evaIuale lhe bids. The fealure has aIso been renamed lo beller reresenl ils meaning.
Header Allribules is nov caIIed Requiremenls. Header allribule grou is nov caIIed
The Iooku code lo creale reusabIe seclions is nov caIIed Sourcing Requiremenl
Seclions. Changes lo lhe redefined seclion names are nol refIecled on oId documenls.
Ior negolialions crealed before lhe ugrade, lhe oId header allribules are reresenled in
a hierarchicaI viev groued by seclions.
Auct|on AutoExtend
uyers can nov secify lhe Iovesl bid rank lhal can lrigger AuloIxlend. As arl of lhe
ugrade rocess, aII exisling negolialions are modified lo sel lhis rank lo firsl, in order
lo reIicale lhe revious behavior.
In addilion, lhis reIease gives buyers increased fIexibiIily lo secify lhe maximum
number of aulomalic exlensions by enlering any number belveen 1 and 9999, or
choosing unIimiled exlensions. Auclions crealed before lhe ugrade kee lhe vaIue for
Financials Upgrade mpact A-35
lhe number of exlensions afler lhe ugrade.
0n||ne 0|scuss|on
CoIIaboralion leam members can nov exchange messages lhrough onIine discussions.
AddilionaIIy, leam members vilh fuII access can exchange messages vilh suIiers. In
revious reIeases, onIy negolialion crealors couId send messages lo exlernaI arlies.
CoIIaboralion leam member access riviIege remains lhe same afler lhe ugrade - leam
members vho have lhe "Viev onIy" check box seIecled conlinue lo have viev-onIy
access, and leam members vho do nol have viev-onIy access have fuII access.
Ior suIier messages senl before lhe ugrade, lhe suIier comany name and user's
name are disIayed. SuIiers see lhe buyer enlerrise name inslead of lhe individuaI
buyer's name (from lhe buying organizalion) on buyer messages senl before lhe
Temp|ate H|grat|on
Iach lemIale has an ovning Oeraling Unil associaled vilh il. When crealing a
lemIale, you musl secify vhich oeraling unil il beIongs lo. The lemIale is aIied
lo negolialions crealed vilhin lhe ovning oeraling unil. Il can aIso be marked as a
gIobaI lemIale, vhich can be aIied lo any negolialion of any oeraling unil.
There is a nev fieId for Oeraling Unil on lhe lemIale crealion age. AII exisling
lemIales crealed before lhe ugrade have lhe defauIl vaIue for lhis fieId from rofiIe
olion "MO:Oeraling Unil" al lhe sile IeveI. There is aIso a nev check box for GIobaI
TemIale. Ixisling lemIales have lhis check box seIecled afler lhe ugrade, aIIoving
you lo use lhe lemIale on negolialions crealed vilhin any oeraling unil.
Two 8tage Eva|uat|on of RFP
uyers can nov creale Tvo Slage RIQ's. The Tvo-Slage RIQ rocess is used by
organizalions in lhe ubIic seclor or by governmenl enlerrises and lhe negolialion
rocess lyicaIIy foIIovs submission of quoles by suIiers in lvo arls - lhe iccnnica|
qucic and lhe ccnncrcia| qucic. AII drafl RIQ's afler ugrade viII have a checkbox and
Tuc-Siagc ||Q disIayed on lhe header age. This check box enabIes 2 slage bidding
rocess. AII RIQ's lhal vere ubIished before ugrade viII disIay an unchecked read
onIy check box vilh Tuc-Siagc ||Q disIayed on lhe Viev RIQ age.
0uant|ty ased Pr|ce T|ers
SuIiers have fIexibiIily lo offer differenl unil rices deending on lhe voIume of
business lhal lhe buyer is viIIing lo commil for a given roducl or service. TyicaIIy, a
suIier viII rovide referenliaI ricing for a Iarger voIume urchase. Quanlily based
rice liers aIIov buyers lo secify differenl rice oinls for each quanlily range on
negolialions vilh slandard urchase order, bIankel or conlracl urchase agreemenl
oulcomes. SuIiers can resond lo lhe lier slruclure defined by lhe buyer, or lhey can
rovide lheir ovn rice liers.
A-36 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ior negolialions and lemIales vilh Iankel Iurchase Agreemenl or Conlracl Iurchase
Agreemenl oulcome rior lo lhe ugrade, lhe Irice Tiers fieId viII be marked as Irice
reaks. Ior negolialions and lemIales vilh Slandard Iurchase Order oulcome rior lo
lhe ugrade, lhe Irice Tiers fieId viII be marked as None. (This change is aIicabIe for
cuslomers vho have nol aIied OracIe Sourcing } RoIIu 2 before ugrading lo
ReIease 12)
6ost Factor Enhancements
Ior negolialions lhal have fixed amounl cosl faclors rior lo lhe ugrade, lhe nev
Avard Irice coIumn viII be shovn on lhe Avard Summary age vilh lhe avard rice
sel lo lhe bid/quole rice for aII lhe avarded Iines. (This change is aIicabIe for
cuslomers vho have nol aIied OracIe Sourcing } RoIIu 2 before ugrading lo
ReIease 12)
Cosl faclors aIIov buyers lo modeI lhe lolaI cosl of a roducl or service. Cosl faclors
oerale under one of lhese lhree ricing basis: (1) er unil cosl (2) ercenlage of lhe unil
rice (3) fixed amounl for lhe Iine.
This enhancemenl imroves lhe caIcuIalion of lhe er unil lolaI cosl vhen fixed amounl
cosl faclors are used and lhe buyer avards a suIier a quanlily lhal is eilher Iover or
higher lhan lhe resonse quanlily. Whereas before OracIe Sourcing used lhe resonse
quanlily lo caIcuIale lhe er unil lolaI cosl, lhe nev formuIa uliIizes lhe avard quanlily
lo dislribule lhe fixed amounl cosl faclor resuIling in a more accurale avard amounl
8ourc|ng 0pt|m|zat|on Enhancements
Sourcing Olimizalion has severaI enhancemenls lo assisl buyers in making olimaI
avard decisions. uyers can nov delermine a conslrainl riorily for avard
olimizalion by indicaling lhe imorlance of a given conslrainl. AII exisling conslrainls
before ugrade viII disIay a riorily Iisl beside lhem vilh a riorily of 1 indicaling
8ub|edger Account|ng
OracIe SubIedger Accounling rovides a common accounling engine lhal reIaces lhe
exisling accounling rocesses in lhe differenl subIedgers. ConsequenlIy, lhe SubIedger
Accounling ugrade consisls of migraling lhe exisling accounling dala lo ensure a
conlinuous business oeralion belveen lhe lvo reIeases. Deending on lhe business
and lhe secific requiremenls, "exisling accounling dala" may have differenl
imIicalions for each cuslomer.
In lhis sense, and for lhe uroses of lhe resenl documenlalion, accounling dala is
defined as:
AII lhe dala lhal has accounling reIevance for lhe cuslomer. This incIudes lhe
|ournaI enlries, baIances, base lransaclions lhal have generaled |ournaI enlries, and
reIaled informalion, such as accounling evenls and selu informalion.
Financials Upgrade mpact A-37
As arl of lhe conlinuous business oeralion, lhe SubIedger Accounling ugrade aIso
lakes inlo accounl lhe reorls and inquiries lhal are necessary for lhe daiIy user
aclivilies. In lhis sense, some olher ieces of informalion musl be ugraded lo lhe nev
Dala lhal suorls queries and driII dovn belveen differenl roducls
Reorls and queries
Trad|ng 6ommun|ty Arch|tecture
Changes lo OracIe Trading Communily Archileclure are described in lhis seclion.
New Trad|ng 6ommun|ty Hembers
Nev dala aears in user inlerfaces. Il refIecls changes reIaled lo Trading Communily
Archileclure organizalion and erson arlies and conlacls.
SuIiers and SuIier Conlacls
anks, ank ranches, CIearing Houses, and CIearing House ranches
LegaI Inlilies
Inlercomany Organizalions
Address Va||dat|on
Trading Communily Archileclure vaIidales address informalion based on dala slored in
lhe Trading Communily Archileclure Geograhy ModeI. This modeI reIaces lhe
vaIidalion reviousIy erformed by ReIease 11i belas. Ugrading does nol affecl
address enlry and mainlenance in Trading Communily Archileclure. User-defined ruIes
delermine hov lo resond vhen an invaIid address is enlered.
Note: See I-usiness Tax in Orac|c |inancia|s an! Orac|c Prccurcncni
|unciicna| Upgra!c Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12 for more informalion.
00H Enhancements
The Dala QuaIily Managemenl (DQM) looI deIivers enhanced adminislralion inlerfaces
roviding a nev IeveI of audil delaiI and maximized oul-of-lhe box erformance. A
nev overviev age rovides reIevanl and limeIy informalion aboul lhe slalus of
imorlanl DQM rocesses and selus, vhiIe more consislenl allribules and
lransformalions naming convenlions imrove lhe user's exerience.
D& assvords are nov managed under lhe Adalers seclion of lhe Adminislralion
lab and nol by rofiIe olions. Currenl D& assvords migrale during ugrade.
A-38 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Forms to hTHL User |nterface 6hanges
Nev HTML ages are added for managing roIes in Resource Manager. These ages do
nol reIace lhe exisling Iorms for lhe same funclionaIily, bul are offered as an
aIlernalive lo Iorms.
Resources, Grous, and RoIes }TT ages are obsoIele and reIaced vilh equivaIenl
HTML ages. No selu is required, as lhe HTML ages use lhe same rofiIe olions lo
render ages. AddilionaI funclionaIily is avaiIabIe, incIuding a smaII menu change on
lhe OracIe Cuslomers OnIine ImIoyees lab.
Merge Diclionary and Allribules and Transformalions, Word ReIacemenls, and Malch
RuIes selu is managed in lhe HTML ages of lhe Adminislralion Tab, and have been
removed for DQM selu. The Cuslomer Slandard form has been reIaced vilh a
slreamIined HTML.
Note: See Orac|c |cccita||cs Uscrs Gui!c for delaiIs.
Changes lo OracIe Treasury are described in lhis seclion.
ank Account H|grat|on to 6ash Hanagement
Irior lo lhis reIease, you had lo define an inlernaI bank accounl searaleIy in each
aIicalion lhal used il (such as Treasury and IayabIes), even if lhe accounl vas lhe
same. This crealed fragmenled dala and made bank accounl mainlenance comIicaled
and Iabor-inlensive.
In lhis reIease, Cash Managemenl rovides a common dala modeI and common user
inlerface for crealion and mainlenance of banks, bank branches, and inlernaI bank
accounls. An inlernaI bank accounl inlended for use by differenl aIicalions can be
crealed |usl once - in lhe cenlraIized Cash Managemenl funclion - and lhen used in any
aIicalion or a seIecl grou of aIicalions (lhal you secify).
To accommodale lhese changes, aII exisling comany and subsidiary bank accounl
informalion is ugraded as foIIovs:
AII comany bank accounls are aulomalicaIIy migraled one-lo-one lo lhe nev
cenlraIized dala modeI.
AII subsidiary bank accounls are aulomalicaIIy migraled one-lo-one lo lhe nev
cenlraIized dala modeI. IIease nole, hovever, lhal aIlhough such accounls nov
reside in lhe cenlraIized dala modeI, unIike comany bank accounls, lhey viII nol
be visibIe in lhe nev user inlerface. They sliII have lo be managed in lhe
Counlerarly IrofiIes form.
AII counlerarlies lhal are used as banks before lhis reIease in Comany or
Financials Upgrade mpact A-39
Subsidiary bank accounls are aulomalicaIIy migraled inlo anks and ank ranches
in lhe cenlraIized dala mode. Iach such counlerarly viII be ugraded inlo one
ank and one ank ranch beIonging lo lhis ank.
Note: WhiIe lhe selu of Treasury bank accounls has changed,
lhere are no changes lo lhe vay you use lhe Treasury bank
ank Account a|ance H|grat|on to 6ash Hanagement
Irior lo lhis reIease, bank accounl baIance mainlenance and inleresl caIcuIalion vas
onIy avaiIabIe lo Treasury bank accounls. In lhis reIease, lhis fealure is avaiIabIe lo aII
bank accounls defined in Cash Managemenl.
Ixisling bank accounl baIance informalion is managed as foIIovs during lhe ugrade:
AII exisling bank accounl baIance dala and lhe rales al lhe baIance IeveI are
aulomalicaIIy migraled lo lhe nev cenlraIized dala modeI.
DefauIl inleresl rale selu for bank accounl baIances are nol migraled.
U.8. Federa| F|nanc|a|s
OracIe U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs inleracls vilh severaI roducls vilhin lhe OracIe
IinanciaIs roducl famiIy (OracIe IayabIes, OracIe Iaymenls, OracIe GeneraI Ledger,
OracIe SubIedger Accounling, OracIe ReceivabIes, OracIe Iurchasing, and OracIe Cash
Managemenl). Refer lo lhe aroriale seclions of lhis aendix lo undersland lhe
high-IeveI imacl for lhese roducls on U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs users.
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng
This reIease inlroduces SubIedger Accounling for managing accounling across
subIedger lransaclions. You no Ionger need lo enler lransaclion codes for a lransaclion
lo creale lhe desired accounling. Inslead, SubIedger Accounling seeds accounl
derivalion ruIes lhal use allribules from lransaclions lo delermine lhe correcl
In ReIease 11i, |ournaIs in GeneraI Ledger vere kel in delaiI, so no lransaclion code
|ournaIs are moved inlo SubIedger Accounling. AII accounling reorls shov combined
GeneraI Ledger and SubIedger Accounling dala. During normaI rocessing, lhe
SubIedger Accounling code delecls vhelher lhe |ournaI exisls in SubIedger Accounling
or GeneraI Ledger (ugrade case or nol) and uses lhe aroriale SubIedger
Accounling ruIe lo creale lhe accounling.
|ntegrat|on w|th Cenera| Ledger
AII U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs sels of books are ugraded lo Iedgers in an accounling selu.
A-40 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ugraded Iedgers can be vieved using GeneraI Ledger's Accounling Selu Manager.
The ugrade creales dala access sels for each ugraded Iedger lhal are assigned lo lhe
U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs user resonsibiIilies, vhich ensures onIy lhe aroriale users
gain access lo Iedger-based selu vindovs vilhin U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs.
|mp|ementat|on of Payab|es and Rece|vab|es Nett|ng
In ReIease 11i, OracIe IinanciaIs had lhree nelling soIulions SingIe Third Iarly in
OracIe IubIic Seclor IinanciaIs InlernalionaI, Conlra Charging in OracIe IinanciaIs for
Iuroe, and AR/AI Nelling in U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs. WhiIe lhese soIulions rovided
nelling funclionaIily, each addressed a differenl secific need.
The nev IayabIes and ReceivabIes Nelling soIulion in OracIe IinanciaIs Common
ModuIes rovides one lolaI nelling soIulion buiIl inlo lhe slandard aIicalions.
Therefore, lhe U.S. IederaI IinanciaI AR/AI Nelling soIulion is obsoIele. The selu dala
used by lhe AR/AI Nelling soIulion in U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs is migraled lo lhe nev
IayabIes and ReceivabIes Nelling soIulion.
8ummary 8chedu|es and 6onso||dated F||es
Wilh lhe inlroduclion of OracIe Iaymenls, consoIidaled aymenl fiIes for U.S. IederaI
IinanciaIs are nov generaled direclIy in OracIe Iaymenls.
Summary ScheduIes sliII exisl in U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs afler lhe ugrade. Any ReIease
11i aymenl balch lhal is associaled vilh a summary scheduIe, or a consoIidaled
aymenl fiIe lhal has nol been generaled, musl be voided and recrealed lhrough OracIe
Iaymenls. You can avoid lhis silualion by generaling lhese aymenl fiIes in ReIease 11i
in lhe Summary ScheduIe and ConsoIidaled IiIes vindov in U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs.
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-1
Customer ReIationship Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling Cuslomer
ReIalionshi Managemenl (CRM) roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese
funclionaI changes on your day-lo-day business. Il is arranged by aIhabelicaIIy by
roducls in lhe Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl roducl famiIy.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Aboul usiness Imacl and IunclionaI Changes
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl
About us|ness |mpact and Funct|ona| 6hanges
An AIicalions ugrade aIlers bolh lhe lechnicaI and funclionaI asecls of your OracIe
AIicalions syslem. In addilion lo changes lo lhe lechnoIogy slack and fiIe syslem, an
ugrade aIso iniliales secific changes lhal affecl lhe vay your exisling roducls vork
afler lhe ugrade and lhe vay lhey Iook and feeI. These funclionaI changes have an
imacl on lhe vay you use lhe roducls as you conducl your daiIy business.
Note: This aendix describes some of lhe vays lhe ugrade changes
your exisling roducls. We assume lhal you have read aboul lhe nev
fealures and roducls deIivered in lhis reIease, vhich is incIuded in lhe
roducl-secific ReIease Conlenl Documenls (RCDs) and TOI on Mq
Orac|c Suppcri.
The discussions of lhe funclionaI asecls of lhe ugrade in lhis chaler are arranged by
roducls vilhin lhe Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl roducl famiIy.
6ustomer Re|at|onsh|p Hanagement
Your Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl aIicalions seciaIisls shouId be comIeleIy
famiIiar vilh lhe informalion in lhis seclion and shouId have made aroriale Ians lo
accommodale lhe associaled changes before you begin your ugrade.
B-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Advanced |nbound
This seclion oulIines changes made lo OracIe Advanced Inbound.
6ustomer Lookup
The cuslomer Iooku fealure has changed as foIIovs:
In ReIease 11i, Cuslomer Looku vas defined al lhe server grou IeveI and
accessibIe in lhe CaII Cenler HTML Selu UI (CIassificalion > Cuslomer Looku). In
lhis reIease, navigale lo lhe CIassificalion RuIe configuralion age lo configure
Cuslomer Looku.
Afler lhe ugrade, aII cIassificalions have a defauIl vaIue of No Cuslomer Looku.
You musl sel u cuslomer Iooku lo use lhe avaiIabIe cIassificalion ruIes.
as|c Te|ephony
The asic TeIehony fealure has changed as foIIovs:
IrofiIe olions CCT:asicTeIehony: ACD ID, CCT: asic TeIehony: ACD
Iassvord, and CCT:asic TeIehony: ACD Queue have been removed. The dala
from lhese rofiIe olions has been migraled lo CRM Resource Manager.
To viev exisling ACD agenl configuralion, navigale lo CRM Resource Manager and
seIecl lhe desired agenl. ACD agenl aramelers are configured for lhe seeded
No olher changes have been made lo rofiIe olions used by asic TeIehony.
Act|ve Hode Rout|ng
In lhis reIease, OracIe Advanced Inbound does nol suorl aclive mode rouling for
inbound caIIs. If you are currenlIy using lhis fealure, you musl use eilher Inhanced
Iassive Mode or Iassive Mode.
Note: See Orac|c A!tancc! |n|cun! |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for more
informalion on selling u your caII cenler lo run eilher of lhese modes.
You may conlinue lo use aclive mode rouling for veb caIIbacks.
|nsta|| 6hanges
In lhis reIease, lhe inslaII rocess is changed as foIIovs:
The ieoicsm.cIass fiIe has moved from $AIIL_TOI/hlmI/dovnIoad/ lo
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-3
Afler an iniliaI inslaIIalion, or anylime a alch for CCT, IIO, or UWQ is aIied,
run lhe foIIoving command lo regenerale ieoicsm.cIass:
If you are nol using lhe AIIL_TOI inslaIIalion for running your ICSM server, lhen
dovnIoad ieoicsm.cIass using a secure ITI from $INST_TOI/aI/dovnIoad/ieo/ lo lhe
largel direclory on lhe largel ICSM node.
F|e|d 8a|es
ReIease 11.5.10 vas lhe lerminaI reIease of OracIe IieId SaIes (SaIes OnIine). In lhis
reIease, IieId SaIes is obsoIele. If you are using lhis roducl, you musl ugrade lo lhe
OracIe SaIes aIicalion. This change resuIls in a funclionaI imacl for aII users. We
recommend lhal you comIele a funclionaI anaIysis before you migrale IieId SaIes
(SaIes OnIine) dala lo OracIe SaIes.
Note: See Migrale SaIes Credils, age -12 in lhis aendix for more
|ncent|ve 6ompensat|on
This seclion oulIines changes made lo Incenlive Comensalion.
Oul-of-lhe-box, Invenlive Comensalion deIivers a sel of resonsibiIilies, each vilh lhe
aroriale business fIov ermissions. ConsequenlIy, menus and resonsibiIilies lhal
exisled or vere crealed in ReIease 11i are end-daled. You musl assign lhe nev
resonsibiIilies lo exisling users afler you comIele lhe ugrade.
The nev resonsibiIilies are described in lhe foIIoving labIe:
ResponsibiIity Description
Incenlive Comensalion
ResonsibIe for configuring and mainlaining OIC
aIicalion selus, and adminislering and scheduIing OIC
concurrenl rograms.
A configuralion vorkbench rovides a checkIisl of lasks as a
guide for lhe rocess of imIemenling or adminislering OIC.
B-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
ResponsibiIity Description
IIan Adminislralor ResonsibIe for buiIding comensalion Ians and Ian
comonenls, mainlaining comensalion Ians, and
mainlaining roducl hierarchies and ruIe definilions lhal are
used across comensalion Ians.
Can access a singIe age lhal rovides a comrehensive viev
of a Ian. Il conlains a Design seclion (Ian comonenls and
Iinks), an IIigibiIily seclion (roIes and resources), and a
Noles seclion (hislory of Ian changes).
In addilion, lhe Ian crealion fIov suorls lo-dovn
crealion, making il ossibIe lo creale a Ian, and add and
creale comonenls as needed. The Ian eIemenls crealion
checkIisl rovides simIe, discrele sles lhal can be checked
off as lhe Ian eIemenls are comIeled and vaIidaled. The
Ian adminislralor aIso has access lo a comonenl Iibrary
ResonsibIe for managing resource comensalion Ians,
revieving and handIing disules, and adminislering lhe
comensalion rocess.
Can access a singIe age lhal rovides a comrehensive viev
of a resource. Il conlains a RoIes/Grou seclion (resource
mainlenance), a IIans seclion (cuslomizalion mainlenance or
aymenl Ian/aygrou assignmenls), a Comensalion
seclion (hisloricaI comensalion reorls), and a Noles seclion
(hislory of resource changes).
The AnaIysl can run a vaIidalion rocess lo fIag any
incomIele comensalion Ian selus, and can use lhe
lransaclion delaiI and slalus delaiIs age lo aid in disule
Incenlive Comensalion User
(Manager SeIf Service)
ResonsibIe for moniloring resource erformance and
dislribuling quolas and conlracls lo resources. Has access lo
comensalion reorls for any resources roIIing u lo him.
The Year-lo-Dale Summary and Iarnings Slalemenl reorls
have been re-vrillen using lhe nev lechnoIogy slack.
Incenlive Comensalion User
(SeIf Service)
Vievs incenlive slalemenls and reconciIes aymenls vilh
execled comensalion. Informalion in reorls can be
exorled lo a CSV fiIe. Comensalion informalion can be
ubIished as a IDI documenl.
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-5
C|oba| Adm|n|strat|on: Hu|t|-0rg Access 6ontro|
MuIli-Org Access ConlroI (MOAC) aIIovs a singIe resonsibiIily lo access muIliIe
oeraling unils. An Incenlive Comensalion Adminislralor can configure syslem selus
for muIliIe oeraling unils vilhoul having lo Iog in using a searale resonsibiIily for
each oeraling unil. OIC Comensalion Managers can query and modify lransaclions
and resources for muIliIe oeraling unils vilhoul having lo Iog in using a searale
resonsibiIily for each oeraling unil.
|ntegrat|on w|th 0rac|e Terr|tory Hanager
In ReIease 11i, you had lo sel u maing for lerrilory quaIifiers in order lo use lhe TAI
in SaIes Crediling and AIIocalion. In lhis reIease, OIC aulomalicaIIy rovides lhe
maing and ouIales lhe labIe vilh dala using one of lvo maing olions as a arl
of lhe osl-coIIeclion rocess.
Optinn 1: Use lhe seeded OIC allribule/lerrilory quaIifier maing rovided in lhis
Optinn 2: Conlinue lo use lhe exisling OIC allribule/lerrilory quaIifier maing
Note: See lhe Orac|c Tcrriicrq Managcr |unciicna| Upgra!c documenl for
delaiIs on using lhese lvo olions.
To scheduIe coIIeclions using lhe nev concurrenl rogram:
Terrilory Manager aIIovs you lo run lhe concurrenl rogram "Synchronize Terrilory
Assignmenl RuIes" (STAR), vhich reIaces lhe exisling GTI concurrenl rogram. You
can run il in lolaI, incremenlaI, and dale-effeclive mode. TolaI and IncremenlaI mode
behave in lhe same manner as in 11i for aII consumer aIicalions. Dale effeclive mode
is onIy aIicabIe lo OIC.
The "Synchronize Terrilory Assignmenl RuIes" (STAR) concurrenl rogram accels lhe
foIIoving aramelers:
Transaclion Tye
Run Mode
Slarl Dale
Ind Dale
Debug IIag
The re-rocessing AIIs (dynamic ackages) crealed by lhe "Synchronized Terrilory
Assignmenl RuIes" concurrenl rogram has been decommissioned.
B-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Hu|t|-|eve| Harket|ng |ndustry 8upport
AddilionaI selu aramelers suorl muIli-IeveI markeling requiremenls. Ior examIe,
il is ossibIe lo lrack lhe IeveI of roIIu for each OIC lransaclion.
The Ian eIemenl selu incIudes a roIIu caIcuIalion olion. When a Ian eIemenl is
configured, you can choose vhelher lo caIcuIale commissions for roIIed-u
lransaclions. You can choose lo caIcuIale for aII resources or onIy for managers.
Prof||e 0pt|on 6hanges
Some common syslem-IeveI rofiIe olions are nov defined as aramelers lhal can be
changed in lhe OIC Adminislralor Configuralion Workbench. The OIC Adminislralor
viII need lo use lhe Configuralion Workbench lo manuaIIy sel lhese aramelers.
ReIease 11 ProfiIe Option Workbench Task ReIease 12 Parameter Name
OSC: DefauIl Cuslom IIag AIicalion
Cuslomize Comensalion IIans
OSC: DefauIl Conversion
Currency Conversion Tye
OSC: Reorling Hierarchy AIicalion
Reorling Hierarchy for Manager Access
lo Resources Reorls
DisIay Drav AIicalion
DisIay Drav in Year To Dale Summary
OSC: AIy Non-Revenue
SIil lo Quanlily
CoIIeclion CoIIecl Quanlily for Non Revenue Credil
OSC: Negale during
Revenue Ad|uslmenls
CoIIeclion Negale OriginaI Transaclions during
Revenue Ad|uslmenls CoIIeclions
OSC: Resel Irror
CoIIeclion Re-Ioad Irrored Transaclions
OSC: CoIIecl on Accl
CoIIeclion CoIIecl Credil Memos from OracIe
OSC: Cuslomized
CaIcuIalion Aggregale Transaclions ased on
Cuslom Crileria during RoIIu
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-7
ReIease 11 ProfiIe Option Workbench Task ReIease 12 Parameter Name
OSC: Irior Ad|uslmenl CaIcuIalion AIIov Irior Ieriod Ad|uslmenls
OSC: RoII Summarized
CaIcuIalion Aggregale Transaclions during RoIIu
OSC: Commission Rale
CaIcuIalion Numeric Irecision for Rale TabIes
OSC: Income IIanner
CoIIalion DisIay Iro|ecled Comensalion
The foIIoving rofiIe olions from 11i have changed.
ReIease 11 ProfiIe Option ReIease 12 ProfiIe Option DefauIt
OSC: VaIidale Iaymenl
Worksheel Slaluses
OIC: Inforce Iaymenl Worksheel
OSC: IayroII Aclion If Inlry
OIC: Arove or Re|ecl DuIicale
Iaymenl Transaclions
OSC: SIee Time in Seconds OIC: Irequency of alch Runners Slalus
30 seconds
TolaI Rev % is Nol 100 OIC: AIIov sIil % Iess lhan 100% Cuslom
OSC: Number of alch Workers OIC: Number of alch Workers for Credil
OSC: Debug Mode OIC: InabIe Debug Mode NO/N
OSC: Invoice SIil Ugrade
Slarl Dale
OIC: Invoice SIil Ugrade Slarl Dale NuII
OSC: Invoice SIil Ugrade Ind
OIC: Invoice SIil Ugrade Ind Dale NuII
OSC: LOV Inul VaIidalion OIC: LOV Inul VaIidalion
If you vanl lo change lhis olion lo Iay y Transaclion Y during lhe ugrade, you
musl make sure aII Iayruns/Worksheels are Iaid. If you do nol, lhe resources viII no
B-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ionger be usabIe as lhe dala viII become corruled.
Term|no|ogy 6hanges
The foIIoving labIe Iisls changes in lerminoIogy:
ReIease 11 Term New Term
AcceIeralor MuIliIier
Direcl Resource Direcl Credil Receiver
ImIoyee Number SaIeserson Number
IunclionaI Currency Ledger Currency (TerminoIogy change from
Incenlive Tye CaIcuIalion Tye
Iaymenl Iaclor Iarnings Iaclor
Iay Ieriods Comensalion Ieriods
Iayrun Iaymenl alch
Quola Iaclor MuIliIier
Rale ScheduIe Rale TabIe
Revenue CIass Iroducl or IIigibIe Iroducl
SaIes Credil Credil Amounl
SaIeserson Resource
Sel of ooks Ledger (TerminoIogy change from GL)
Worksheel Iaysheel
0ecomm|ss|oned Features
The Quola Ierformance reorl is reIaced by lhe Allainmenl Summary reorl, and lhe
SaIes Iorce IIanning ModuIe and Income IIanner have been decommissioned. See Mq
Orac|c Suppcri (Doc ID: 338866.1).
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-9
Note: The Income IIanner ro|ecled comensalion caIcuIalor does nol
incororale many of lhe sellings rovided in OIC-imIemenled
comensalion Ians. ConsequenlIy, lhe saIes ieIine ro|eclions may
be inaccurale.
0ne-to-0ne Fu|f|||ment
One-lo-One IuIfiIImenl has imroved lhe erformance for mass emaiI requesl
fuIfiIImenl. The server nov uses muIliIe lhreads on lhe }ava rocess, and nev
server-IeveI fIags have been added.
When inslaIIed, lhe fuIfiIImenl server roules mass emaiI requesls lhrough lhe nev
muIli-lhreaded fuIfiIImenl rocess. You can lurn lhis rocess off by udale lhe }TO:
Server: Use MuIlilhreaded IuIfiIImenl rofiIe olion.
The recording of Inleraclion Hislory for lhe mass emaiI requesls has been moved
oul of lhe main rocessing lhread, and nov uses a balch rouline. You shouId
scheduIe lhe Inleraclion Hislory uIk Irocessor concurrenl rogram so il runs on a
reguIar basis.
The nev }TO: Iurge IuIfiIImenl Requesls concurrenl rogram Iels you urge dala
reIaled lo oId fuIfiIImenl requesls. Il uses muIliIe dalabase vorkers so lhal il can
rocess a Iarge number of rovs. You can scheduIe il lo run on a eriodic basis by
selling lhe reIalive age of lhe fuIfiIImenl requesl on lhe run dale.
The fuIfiIImenl server aIIovs DisIay Name, Irom and ReIy To vaIues lhal can be
merged in lhe emaiI header. You musl define lhe defauIl vaIue for DisIay Name
on lhe emaiI server selu screen.
ounce back funclionaIily vorks vilh or vilhoul lhe sendmaiI configuralion
changes. You no Ionger have lo udale lhe sendmaiI configuralion lo direcl
bounced messages lo a singIe bounce back accounl.
0rder 6apture|0uot|ng
This seclion describes lhe changes made lo OracIe Order Calure/Quoling.
|ntegrat|on w|th Trad|ng 6ommun|ty Arch|tecture
The foIIoving aclions are changed in Trading Communily Archileclure:
SeIecling arly, accounl and address logelher in lhe Search and SeIecl: Cuslomer
fIov is nol suorled by lhe TCA common comonenls.
Accounl - lhe oIdesl accounl, if any, is defauIled afler lhe arly has been seIecled. If
lhere are muIliIe accounls for lhe arly, you musl change lhe accounl afler
B-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
seIecling lhe arly.
Address - onIy lhe idenlifying address is disIayed in search resuIls inslead of aII
addresses. This address is nol seIecled vhen lhe arly is seIecled. You musl seIecl
lhe address afler lhe arly is seIecled. Il is ossibIe lo seIecl arly, accounl, and
conlacl logelher.
Conlacl - conlacl informalion is nol disIayed. You musl seIecl lhe conlacl afler lhe
arly is seIecled. One aIlernalive is lo sel u defauIling ruIes lo defauIl in an
address and conlacl vhen lhe arly is seIecled.
Conlacl and Address can no Ionger be disIayed and seIecled logelher on lhe
Search and SeIecl: Address fIov. Hovever, address search resuIls can be fiIlered lo
shov addresses for lhe currenl quole_lo/shi_lo/biII_lo conlacl.
TCA comonenls do nol suorl lhe slandard lexl box LOVs. Therefore, you can no
Ionger cIear lhe quole lo/shi lo/biII lo cuslomer conlacl and shi lo/biII lo
0bso|ete Features and Act|ons
Saved searches crealed in earIier reIeases are nol avaiIabIe afler lhe ugrade. You
musl re-creale lhem in your ugraded syslem.
You musl re-imIemenl seIeclabIe coIumns in earIier reIeases and changes lo lhe
sidebar menu in quole delaiI by using OracIe AIicalions ersonaIizalion.
OracIe XML IubIisher reIaces OracIe Reorls. You musl re-creale any cuslomized
Irinl Quole reorls using OracIe XML IubIisher.
Iroducl search does nol suorl non-Inlermedia search.
The nev seIeclabIe coIumn Ad|uslmenl Amounl has reIaced Line Discounl
coIumn used in ReIease 11i. The Line Discounl coIumn is no Ionger necessary since
you can nov discounl by amounl as veII as ercenl.
You cannol driII dovn for lhe Accounl number. OracIe SaIes (ASN) no Ionger has
accounl informalion in lhe cuslomer delaiI ages.
This seclion describes lhe changes made lo OracIe SaIes.
Upgrade Users from 0rac|e 8a|es 0n||ne to 0rac|e 8a|es
In lhis reIease, aII SaIes OnIine users are migraled and assigned an OracIe SaIes
resonsibiIily as foIIovs:
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-11
AII users vilh SaIes OnIine User resonsibiIily are assigned lhe SaIes User
AII users vilh SaIes OnIine Manager resonsibiIily are assigned lhe SaIes Manager
(SaIes DI) resonsibiIily
AII users vilh lhe SaIes OnIine Sueruser resonsibiIily are assigned lhe SaIes
Adminislralor resonsibiIily
AII rofiIe olions used by SaIes OnIine (incIuding MO: Oeraling Unil) are migraled lo
a corresonding rofiIe olion in OracIe SaIes.
This SaIes OnIine profiIe option... is repIaced with this SaIes profiIe option...
OS: Iorecasl CaIendar ASN: Iorecasl CaIendar
OSO: Iorecasl CaIendar Monlh ASN: Iorecasl CaIendar Monlh
OSO: DefauIl Iorecasl Ieriod Tye ASN: DefauIl Iorecasl Ieriod Tye
OSO: DefauIl Iorecasl Calegory ASN: DefauIl Iorecasl Calegory
OS: Iorecasl SaIes Credil Tye ANS: Iorecasl SaIes Credil Tye
OS: DefauIl Oorlunily Win
ASN: DefauIl Oorlunily Win IrobabiIily
OS: DefauIl SaIes ChanneI ASN: DefauIl Oorlunily SaIes ChanneI
OS: DefauIl Oorlunily Slalus ASN: DefauIl Oorlunily Sla
OS: DefauIl CIose Dale Days ASN: DefauIl CIose Dale Days
OSO: Iorecasl IieIine CaIcuIalion ASN: Iorecasl DefauIling Tye asis
OS: DefauIl Win/Loss Slalus ASN: DefauIl Win/Loss Slalus
OS: DefauIl Slalus Ior Leads ASN: DefauIl Lead Slalus
OS: Manager Udale Access ASN: Manager Udale Access
OS: Oorlunily Access IriviIege ASN: Oorlunily Access IriviIege
B-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
This SaIes OnIine profiIe option... is repIaced with this SaIes profiIe option...
OS: Cuslomer Access IriviIege ASN: Cuslomer Access IriviIege
OS: SaIes Lead Access IriviIege ASN: Lead Access IriviIege
MO: Oeraling Unil MO: Oeraling Unil
OS: SaIes Admin Udale Access ASN: SaIes Admin Udale Access
OSO: DefauIl Counlry HZ: Reference Terrilory
OS: SaIes Team Crealor Kee IIag ASN: DefauIl vaIue for saIes leam Do Nol Reassign
AII IND Iooku lyes used by SaIes OnIine are migraled lo a corresonding Iooku
lye in OracIe SaIes.
This SaIes OnIine Iookup type... is repIaced with this SaIes Iookup type...
8a|es and Te|esa|es
This seclion describes changes lhal are common lo bolh OracIe SaIes and OracIe
H|grate 8a|es 6red|ts
In OracIe SaIes, an oorlunily can have muIliIe oorlunily Iines, and for each Iine,
lhere can be a differenl saIes erson receiving revenue credils. Hovever, lhere can be
onIy one saIes erson vho receives aII revenue credils for an oorlunily Iine.
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-13
This reIease ugrades oorlunilies lhal have muIliIe saIes eoIe receiving revenue
credils for lhe same oorlunily Iine and ensures lhal lhere is onIy one saIes erson
receiving revenue credils for lhe Iine. Oorlunilies having muIliIe saIes eoIe on a
singIe oorlunily Iine are ugraded.
SimiIar lo OracIe SaIes, OracIe TeIesaIes aIso suorls onIy one saIes erson receiving
revenue credils for each oorlunily Iine.
Your Service aIicalions seciaIisls shouId be comIeleIy famiIiar vilh lhe informalion
in lhis seclion and shouId have made aroriale Ians lo accommodale lhe associaled
changes before you begin your ugrade.
Ema|| 6enter
The foIIoving loics describe changes lo ImaiI Cenler and suggesl vhere you can find
addilionaI informalion on secific fealure-secific changes or vhal addilionaI sles you
may need lo lake lo accommodale lhe changed funclionaIily.
0rac|e Ema|| 8erver |ndependent
ImaiI Cenler can connecl lo any IMAI4-comIianl maiI server, dovnIoad messages
inlo lhe ImaiI Cenler schema, and rocess lhose messages. Nev selu and
adminislralion screens are associaled vilh lhis change.
Emai! Accnunt Administratinn: Adminislralors can direclIy define emaiI accounl
aramelers using lhe nev accounl adminislralion screens avaiIabIe in lhe ImaiI Cenler
Adminislralor consoIe. Ior examIe
5ccnarin 1: ImaiI messages are redirecled from lhe cororale maiI server as arl of
ImaiI Cenler imIemenlalion in lhe currenl reIease as foIIovs:
Rc!cascs 11.5.9 and 11.5.10: Accounl has a
redirecl-ruIe lhal roules lhe emaiI messages lo,
vhich vas crealed from lhe ImaiI Cenler SeIf-Service Adminislralion consoIe.
Rc!casc 12: Adminislralors can direclIy define lhe emaiI accounl delaiIs using lhe
accounl adminislralion screens.
Note: In bolh lhe scenarios, if dala migralion is Ianned as arl of
lhe ugrade, emaiI accounls Iike viII be migraled, aIong vilh
emaiI dala, inlo lhe nev configuralion labIes and marked Inaclive.
You can access lhis accounl from lhe nev accounl adminislralion
screens, udale lhe accounl roerlies as required, and aclivale
lhem lo vork in lhe ReIease 12 fIovs.
B-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Dnwn!nad Prnccssnr: The ImaiI Cenler DovnIoad Irocessor is a mid-lier service lhal
runs al inlervaIs you configure lo connecl and dovnIoad emaiI inlo lhe ImaiI Cenler
schema. Using configuralion dala defined in ImaiI Cenler for an emaiI accounl, il can
connecl lo lhe emaiI accounl and dovnIoad emaiI messages for furlher rocessing.
When an emaiI accounl is defined in ImaiI Cenler, lhe syslem creales OracIe Irocessed
and OracIe Relry foIders in lhal accounl. Once a message is dovnIoaded, bolh lhe
meladala and lhe conlenl of lhe emaiI remain in lhe ImaiI Cenler schema unliI an
adminislralor urges il.
0ata H|grat|on Too|s
The nev backend server archileclure for ImaiI Cenler inlroduces nev configuralion
and lransaclionaI labIes. ecause aII rior ImaiI Cenler reIeases musl have a migralion
alh lo lhe nev archileclure, lhis reIease shis a sel of dala migralion looIs. They consisl
of lhe foIIoving comonenls:
DovnIoad Irocessor - migralion mode: In lhis mode, lhe DovnIoad Irocessor can
connecl lo emaiI accounls residing in OracIe ImaiI Server and relrieve emaiI from
aII foIders inlo lhe ReIease 12 schema.
ImaiI Cenler Migralion concurrenl rograms: These rograms conlroI lhe
reconciIialion of emaiI migralion dala vilh lhe OracIe Cuslomer Inleraclion Hislory
and are resonsibIe for moving emaiI inlo lhe righl message slore.
Migralion ConsoIe: These screens in lhe ImaiI Cenler Adminislralion consoIe aIIov
adminislralors lo monilor dala migralion and aIso lo advise on lhe slalus of lhe
6ustom workf|ow Process
As a arl of lhe shifl from a message slored based on OracIe ImaiI Server lo one based
on a IocaI message slore, lhe oul-of-lhe-box vorkfIov incIuded has bee modified lo
remove from lhe keys aII references lo dala based on lhe ImaiI Server. If an
imIemenlalion has any cuslomer vorkfIov hooks lhal vere used lo imIemenl
secific fIovs nol avaiIabIe oul-of-lhe-box, you musl change lhe code and relesl il.
L|ve Hessage H|grat|on
ImaiI messages vilh aclions before lhe ugrade are knovn as Iive messages. Afler lhe
migralion, ImaiI Cenler agenls can access Iive messages in a re-migralion slale and
lake aroriale aclion. The messages are generaIIy in a queue vailing lo be acquired
by lhe agenls or are aIready acquired by an agenl and vailing in lhe agenl's Inbox. The
ercenlage of dala in lhis slale in a Iive ImaiI Cenler imIemenlalion deends on lhe
emaiI voIume al lhe sile.
Do nol use lhe ImaiI Cenler unliI lhe Iive message migralion is comIele. The
dovnlime is fairIy smaII and deends on lhe number of emaiIs in a Iive slale.
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-15
h|stor|ca| Hessage H|grat|on
ImaiI messages rocessed in ImaiI Cenler are relained in lhe OracIe ImaiI Server
message slore and accessed for audiling and for lracking cuslomer inleraclions. The
ercenlage of dala in lhis slale couId be fairIy high in an imIemenlalion lhal has been
in roduclion for some lime.
The ImaiI Cenler Migralion concurrenl rogram rovides lhe Cul-off Dale for
HisloricaI ImaiIs arameler, vhich defauIls lo 30 days. You can decide hov much of
lhe hisloricaI dala is lo be migraled. HisloricaI dala lhal is nol migraled is no Ionger
avaiIabIe for vieving from lhe ImaiI Cenler aIicalion. Hovever, Iarge amounls of
hisloricaI dala may resuIl in a Ienglhy migralion rocess.
Note: The number of emaiI messages lhal quaIify for migralion affecls
lhe duralion of lhe migralion rocess. To reduce lhe duralion, decide
on a cul-off dale for hisloricaI emaiI dala. Once lhe Iive message
migralion is comIele, you can use lhe ImaiI Cenler vhiIe lhe hisloricaI
dala migralion runs in lhe background. Reduced number search resuIls
couId resuIl, bul lhey viII be accurale afler lhe rocess is comIele.
Your iSuorl aIicalions seciaIisls shouId be comIeleIy famiIiar vilh lhe
informalion in lhis seclion and shouId have made aroriale Ians lo accommodale
lhe associaled changes before you begin your ugrade
If you have defined cuslom user lyes rior lo lhis reIease, and you vish lo conlinue lo
Ieverage lhose lyes during iSuorl regislralion, you musl manuaIIy associale lhe user
lye keys vilh lhe reIevanl iSlore Iooku lyes in lhe AOL Iookus labIe afler lhe
ugrade. If you do nol comIele lhis lask, iSlore cannol delermine lhe user lyes, and
lhey viII nol be avaiIabIe on lhe regislralion ages by lhe regislering user.
The Iooku lyes are:
B-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ior examIe, lhe seeded iSuorl user lye IU_INDIVIDUAL is maed lo lhe iSlore
Iooku lye II_UM_INDIVIDUAL_USIR_TYIIS. You musl use lhe Lookus form lo
erform lhe same aclion for aII cuslomized user lyes.
OracIe TeIeService has imroved lhe rocessing of services requesls, added
funclionaIily and configurabiIily olions for Conlacl Cenler, and added nev
caabiIilies for Cuslomer Suorl.
8erv|ce and |nfrastructure
This seclion describes lhe enhancemenls lo OracIe Service and Infraslruclure in lhis
Imroved Irocessing of eAM Service Requesls
Irior lo lhis reIease, aII ilem inslance-reIaled fieIds, incIuding lhe Sub|ecl lab, vere
disabIed for eAM service requesls. In lhis reIease, lhese fieIds and lhe Sub|ecl lab
are enabIed for eAM service requesls and a nev fieId (Mainlenance Organizalion)
has been added lo idenlify lhe servicing organizalion. The fieId is mandalory for
eAM service requesls and can be defauIled eilher from a rofiIe olion or from lhe
assel definilion
XML IubIisher Service Requesl Reorl
HTML service requesl reorls from revious reIeases have been reIaced vilh lhe
nev XML IubIisher reorls. You nov have lhe olion of secifying various
aramelers lo generale a reorl, incIuding vhich lemIale lo use, lhe Ianguage, and
lhe oulul formal.
Migralion lo MuIli-Org Access ConlroI (MOAC for Charges
Irior lo lhis reIease, lhe Charges funclionaIily aIIoved you lo creale charge Iines for
aII vaIid oeraling unils. When lhe charges vere submilled lo Order Managemenl,
lhe aIicalion vaIidaled lhal you had access lo lhe oeraling unils in vhich each
individuaI charge Iine vas crealed. This access vas mainlained in, and verified
againsl, lhe Ixlra Informalion Tye (I.I.T.) descrilive fIexfieIds in OracIe Human
Resources for each oeraling unil. These securily granls vere shared across aII
users and resonsibiIilies, and lhus did nol suorl differenl securily oIicies for
differenl user grous.
In lhis reIease, a migralion lo lhe MOAC infraslruclure moves lhis access conlroI lo
lhe Securily IrofiIe funclionaIily in OracIe Human Resources. Iach securily rofiIe
can be indeendenlIy defined and associaled lo an aIicalion resonsibiIily,
enabIing lhe suorl for differenl securily oIicies for differenl grous of users.
Cuslomers currenlIy using I.I.T. musl migrale lheir securily oIicies lo lhe nev
Securily IrofiIe funclionaIily.
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-17
Note: See Orac|c Tc|cScrticc |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for more
In addilion:
Service Requesl defauIl Oeraling Unil rofiIe olion
In ReIease 11i, lhe MO: Oeraling Unil rofiIe olion used in ReIease 11i lo
defauIl lhe oeraling unil for service requesls is migraled lo lhe nev Service:
Service Requesl DefauIl Oeraling Unil rofiIe olion.
Service DefauIl Oeraling Unil
In lhis reIease, lhe Oeraling Unil fieId (hidden oul of lhe box) has been
renamed Service DefauIl Oeraling Unil. Ils vaIue is derived from lhe Service:
DefauIl Oeraling Unil rofiIe olion and slamed on lhe service requesl
Aulomalic Assignmenl Irocess
In ReIease 11i, you couId secify excIuded resources in Service Conlracls and InslaII
ase, bul lhese resources, unIike lhe "referred" resources, vere nol used during lhe
aulomalic assignmenl rocess of service requesls and service requesl lasks. In lhis
reIease, lhe aulomalic assignmenl rocess vaIidales lhe resources relurned from lhe
Terrilory Manager and fiIlers oul any resources lhal vere defined as "excIuded" in
Service Conlracls and InslaII ase.
Note: Any resources defined as excIuded, and using aulomalic
assignmenl rocess, are nol icked u as olenliaI ovners of lhe
service requesls and service requesl lasks.
Assignmenl Manager UI
In ReIease 11i, lhe Assignmenl Manager UI (accessibIe from lhe Service Requesl
form) exosed onIy malching allribules (reviousIy caIIed quaIifiers) enabIed in lhe
Terrilory Manager for a given Oeraling Unil. In lhis reIease, you can use any of lhe
enabIed malching allribules, regardIess of lhe Oeraling Unil in vhich lhey vere
This change can olenliaIIy change lhe assignmenl if bolh of lhese condilions are
The Assignmenl Manager UI is used lo erform lhe assignmenl rocess. This
change has no imacl on lhe business Iogic of aulomalic assignmenl rocess.
Differenl sels of malching allribules (quaIifiers) have been enabIed in differenl
Oeraling Unils.
B-18 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
As lhe Assignmenl Manager UI shovs lhe malching allribules across aII Oeraling
Unils, you can seIecl malching allribules enabIed for Oeraling Unils olher lhan lhe
one associaled vilh lhe Service Requesl. If lhe Service lerrilory selu uses lhose
malching allribules, lhe Assignmenl Manager UI may resenl a differenl sel of
candidale resources lhan il vouId if onIy malching allribules for a given Oeraling
Unil vere used.
Selu Menu
In ReIease 11i, aII Service Requesl selus vere under a singIe menu (Service
Requesl). In lhis reIease, lhe various selus are calegorized inlo submenus lo ease
lhe navigalion lo individuaI selu ages as veII as lo suggesl lhe order in vhich lo
erform lhe various selu sles.
6ontact 6enter
This seclion describes enhancemenls lo OracIe Conlacl Cenler.
Header ConfigurabiIily Irior reIeases had lvo searale foIders for cuslomer and
conlacl informalion. These foIders have been merged inlo a singIe foIder. The
merged cuslomer and conlacl regions in lhe Conlacl Cenler enabIe beller
ersonaIizalion and uliIizalion of lhe sace. There is no aulomalic ugrade of
modificalions you have made lo lhe exisling foIders. You musl reaIy lhe changes
lo lhe merged foIder.
Inhanced Orders and InslaII ase Tabs
The enhanced ordering fIov rocess incIudes a nev sel of business funclions
(sub-labs) vilhin lhe Orders lab in lhe Conlacl Cenler lhal faciIilales lhe quick
crealion of an order or udale of an exisling order vhen used in con|unclion vilh
lhe nev InslaIIed ase lab caabiIilies.
Ixanded Conlacl Cenler caabiIilies incIude lhe abiIily lo add or disconnecl
roducls and services (such as TeIecommunicalions ordering) vhen used in
con|unclion vilh lhe nev ordering caabiIilies in lhe Conlacl Cenler.
The enhanced InslaII ase lab enabIes lhe agenl lo lake aclion on a seIecled ilem
inslance or sel of inslances (such as roducls/services) direclIy vilhin lhe InslaII
ase lab in lhe Conlacl Cenler. These aclions range from lhe crealion of a service
requesl lo udaling roducl delaiIs for a secific roducl ilem inslance or a sel of
inslances. The Iisl of aclions is exlensibIe, aIIoving lhe adminislralor lo add lo lhe
Iisl of re-defined aclions based on business needs. In addilion, a search caabiIily
vilhin lhe InslaII ase lab rovides quicker idenlificalion of lhe roducl inslances
lhal need lo be udaled.
The enlire funclionaIily suorled for Ordering and InslaII ase managemenl in
earIier reIeases is suorled, hovever lhe UI navigalion and fIov may be differenl
for secific funclions.
Inhancemenls lo lhe MuIli-Org Access ConlroI (MOAC) Migralion
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-19
In earIier reIeases, dala vas nol fiIlered by Oeraling Unil, aIIoving an agenl fuII
visibiIily inlo lhe cuslomer dala. AddilionaIIy, an agenl couId nol choose lhe
Oeraling Unil from lhe header.
In lhis reIease, MOAC comIiance in lhe Conlacl Cenler ensures lhal lhe dala is
slried by lhe Oeraling Unil. The agenl has visibiIily inlo aII lhe lransaclions for
aII lhe Oeraling Unils lhal lhey can access. The Oeraling Unil fieId is in lhe
header IoIder, and is hidden by defauIl. The agenl lransacls (Creale Orders, and so
on) based on lhe Oeraling Unil sel in lhe header. They can choose a differenl
Oeraling Unil on lhe header for crealing lransaclions if needed from lhe Iisl of
Oeraling Unils lhal lhey can access.
6ustomer 8upport
The OracIe Cuslomer Suorl IIexibIe Layoul Regions rovide added benefils for
imIemenlalions, incIuding:
Iage conlenl can be arranged in verlicaI orienlalion or horizonlaI orienlalion or a
combinalion of bolh. You can aIso move conlenl from one region lo anolher.
A nev grahicaI user inlerface aIIovs adminislralors lo see hov a ersonaIized
age viII aear and offers inluilive access lo regions for ersonaIizalion.
Olher ersonaIizalion lasks such as renaming, hiding and reordering regions are
sliII erformed using lhe revious ersonaIizalion UIs lhal resenl regions in a
hierarchicaI formal.
Note: Wilh lhe inlroduclion of IIexibIe Regions, some
ersonaIizalion sellings may nol be reserved afler lhe ugrade.
Terr|tory Hanager
This reIease imIemenls changes lo Terrilory Adminislralion and RoIe-based Access
ConlroI (RAC).
Terr|tory Adm|n|strat|on
The use of Iorms lo adminisler lerrilories has been decommissioned and reIaced by
HTML-IxceI UIs. AII re-exisling Iorms funclionaIily is suorled in lhis nev modeI,
vilh lhe excelion of Resource QuaIifiers and Terrilory Looku. The Orac|c Tcrriicrq
Managcr |c|casc 12 Uscr Gui!c conlains comIele informalion.
In addilion, lhe foIIoving changes have been imIemenled.
6oncurrent Programs 0ecomm|ss|oned
Irior lo lhis reIease, Generale Terrilory Iackages (GTI) and Generale SeIf-Service
Terrilories (GSST) vere used lo re-comiIe lerrilory definilions. In lhis reIease, GSST
B-20 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
has been decommissioned, and GTI has been reIaced by Synchronize Terrilory
Assignmenl RuIes (STAR). The Orac|c Tcrriicrq Managcr |c|casc 12 |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
conlains comIele informalion.
Terr|tory Types
In lhis reIease, users musl creale lerrilories using lerrilory lyes, vhich are defined by
lransaclions (Accounls, Leads, Oorlunilies, Cuslomers, Service Requesls, and so on).
The lerrilory lye seIecled reslricls lhe lransaclions and malching allribules avaiIabIe
during lhe creale fIov.
OracIe Terrilory Manager seeds lhe foIIoving lyes:
Named Accounl - used lo migrale named accounl lerrilories. Shied vilh aII lhe
SaIes usage lransaclion lyes. Crealed for each oeraling unil.
GeneraI <usage name> - used for migraling geograhy lerrilories and aII olher
non-geograhicaI or non-named accounl lerrilories. Shied vilh aII lhe enabIed
malching allribules for lhe arlicuIar usage and vilh onIy lhe corresonding
lransaclion lyes for each oeraling unil.
Geograhy - aIso used for migraling geograhy lerrilories and aII olher
non-geograhicaI or non-named accounl lerrilories. Shied vilh aII lhe
geograhic malching allribule vaIues and aII lhe SaIes usage lransaclions lyes for
each oeraling unil. IssenliaIIy, lerrilories defined vilh onIy geograhicaI
malching allribules are migraled using lhe geograhic lye. If lhe lerrilory is
defined vilh bolh geograhicaI and non-geograhicaI malching allribules, lhe
GeneraI lerrilory lye is used.
Access Leve|s
You can sel u granuIar-IeveI access lye conlroI for lransaclion lyes. In arlicuIar,
you can granl read-onIy, fuII, or no access in SaIes Usage for lransaclion lyes such as
Ieads, oorlunilies, and quoles. Resources on 11.5.10 lerrilories are granled fuII-access
lo lhe reIevanl lransaclion lyes.
Esca|at|on Terr|tor|es
IscaIalion lerrilories are suorled lhrough lhe access fIag al lhe resource IeveI for
Service. When adding a resource lo a service lerrilory, you can lhen change lhe access
fIag lo IscaIalion for a given resource. There is no Ionger a need lo creale an addilionaI
IscaIalion lerrilory.change lhe access fIag lo IscaIalion for a given resource. There is no
Ionger a need lo creale an addilionaI IscaIalion lerrilory.
6ustom Hatch|ng Attr|butes
Irior lo lhis reIease, OracIe Terrilory Manager rovided cuslom malching allribules for
some cuslomers, as lhe oul-of-lhe-box malching allribules shied vilh lhe roducl did
fuIIy salisfy lheir business requiremenls.
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-21
In lhis reIease, cuslomers musl re-imIemenl lhese cuslom malching allribules using
lhe ubIic AII soIulion.
Ro|e-based Access 6ontro| (RA6}
Irior lo lhis reIease, Terrilory Adminislralors (CRM Adminislralor resonsibiIily) couId
manage lerrilories for aII usages lhrough lhe Iorms UI. Users vilh Terrilory HTML
GIobaI SaIes Adminislralor resonsibiIily had access lo lhe HTML adminislralor UIs
(for Named Accounl and Geograhy Terrilory Grous), and users vilh lhe Terrilory
HTML SaIes User resonsibiIily had access lo lhe Terrilory SeIf-Service UIs.
In lhis reIease, Terrilory Manager uses lhe RoIe-based Access ConlroI (RAC) securily
modeI, vilh lhe foIIoving imacl:
AII users lhal access Terrilory Manager musl have lhe Terrilory Managemenl
resonsibiIily and an aroriale Terrilory roIe assigned.
RoIe PriviIeges
SaIes Terrilory Adminislralor Manage SaIes lerrilories
Service Terrilory Adminislralor Manage Service lerrilories
IieId Service Terrilory
Manage IieId Service lerrilories
Service Conlracls Terrilory
Mange Service Conlracl lerrilories
CoIIeclions Terrilory Adminislralor Manager CoIIeclion lerrilories
Trade Managemenl Terrilory
Manage Trade Managemenl lerrilories
Iarlner Managemenl Terrilory
Manage Iarlner lerrilories
Terrilory Manager AIicalion
Access lo aII usages and can enabIe or disabIe
malching allribules. Can run STAR for aII usages.
SaIes Team Search User Access lo lhe SaIes Team Search age, vilh
sland-aIone access. Is inheriled by users vilh lhe
SaIes Terrilory Adminislralor or lhe SaIes Terrilory
User roIe.
B-22 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
RoIe PriviIeges
SaIes Terrilory User Access lo lhe seIf-service Terrilory Manager
aIicalion ages.
Users can no Ionger access lhe Iorms Terrilory Manager UIs vilh lhe CRM
Adminislralor resonsibiIily, bul lhey can access lhe nev HTML UIs.
The Terrilory HTML GIobaI SaIes Adminislralor resonsibiIily and lhe Terrilory
HTML SaIes User resonsibiIily sliII exisl, bul shouId be end-daled using lhe User
Managemenl resonsibiIily.
Users musl be granled lhe Terrilory Manager AIicalion Adminislralor roIe in
order lo enabIe or disabIe malching allribules (formerIy knovn as QuaIifiers).
F|e|d 8erv|ce Advanced 8chedu|er
Changes for OracIe IieId Service Advanced ScheduIer are described in lhis seclion.
8chedu|e Task w|ndow
The ScheduIe Task vindov Ireferences lab Assislance LeveI region offers lhree
Inleraclive ScheduIing olions: InleIIigenl, Windov lo Iromise, and Assisled. The
Unassisled olion avaiIabIe in rior reIeases is obsoIele.
Locat|on T|me Zone 8upport
Advanced ScheduIer suorls cuslomer incidenl and lechnician lime zones. See IieId
Service (Core), age -23 in lhis aendix for more informalion.
Task 0urat|ons Longer Than 0ne 8h|ft
Advanced ScheduIer can Ian and scheduIe service lasks lhal lake Ionger lhan one
vork shifl lo comIele. See IieId Service (Core), age -23 in lhis aendix for more
6ustomer 6onf|rmat|on Requ|rement
See IieId Service (Core), age -23 in lhis aendix.
8|te Access hours Restr|ct|ons
You can define lhe limes of day and days of lhe veek vhen access lo a cuslomer,
cuslomer sile, or cuslomer sile Iocalion is avaiIabIe. These access hours are
aulomalicaIIy added lo fieId service lasks generaled by lhe IieId Service Irevenlive
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-23
Mainlenance moduIe, or lhey can be manuaIIy added in lhe Disalch Cenler.
Advanced ScheduIer lreals lask access hours as hard conslrainls, meaning lhal lask
arrivaI lime musl occur vilhin one of lhe secified access lime vindovs. Disalchers
have lhe abiIily lo reIax lhis conslrainl if Advanced ScheduIer does nol idenlify an
accelabIe scheduIe olion.
F|e|d 8erv|ce (6ore}
Changes for OracIe IieId Service (Core) are described in lhis seclion.
Locat|on T|me Zone 8upport
OracIe IieId Service core and reIaled roducls vilhin lhe IieId Service Suile suorl
cuslomer incidenl and lechnician lime zones. User inlerfaces rovide, vhere
aroriale, fieIds for secifying lhe lime zone al lhe lechnician's Iocalion, as veII as al
lhe fieId service incidenl sile. Wilh lhis caabiIily, caII cenler agenls, disalchers,
managers and adminislralors can communicale vilh cuslomers and fieId lechnicians
vilhoul having lo make menlaI lime zone conversions.
Task 0urat|ons Longer Than 0ne 8h|ft
OracIe IieId Service core and reIaled roducls can Ian and scheduIe service lasks lhal
lake Ionger lhan one vork shifl lo comIele. Advanced ScheduIer searches for
conliguous sIols of scheduIing olions vhere a lechnician can erform lhe lask on
conseculive vorkdays. Ior examIe, Thursday, Iriday, and Monday for a lask having a
Ianned efforl of 24 hours duralion, and lhe slandard shifl duralion is 8 hours. When
lhis crilerion is mel, Advanced ScheduIer roagales a searale chiId lask for each
vork shifl required.
SubsequenlIy, lhe disalcher can use lhe Disalch Cenler user inlerface lo rescheduIe or
reassign individuaI chiId lasks if, for examIe, an unIanned evenl causes lhe
lechnician lo be unabIe fuIfiII lhe lasks as scheduIed, or canceI a chiId lask if il is no
Ionger needed due lhe lechnician comIeling lhe service earIy.
6ustomer 6onf|rmat|on Requ|rement
Service Requesl and Disalch Cenler user inlerfaces make cuslomer confirmalion
conslrainl informalion visibIe. A dynamic bullon IabeI indicales vhelher cuslomer
confirmalion of a lask is required, nol needed, or received. CIick lhe Cuslomer
Confirmalion bullon lo oen lhe Cuslomer Confirmalion vindov, and lhen udale lhe
slalus of lhe confirmalion, if necessary. ConlroIs are in Iace lo revenl lhe commil or
reIease of lasks lo fieId lechnicians vhen confirmalion is required bul nol received.
The foIIoving fealures enhance usabiIily:
An Advance Iind fealure finds lasks malching combinalions of more lyes of
B-24 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
search crileria.
A CaIendar HTML user inlerface nov disIays aII of a lechnician's assignmenls for
a given day, veek, or monlh.
The revorked Disalch Cenler user inlerface makes lhe IIan oard and Ganll Charl
vievs Iarger.
Technicians can driII dovn lo lask delaiIs from lhe CaIendar.
Menu olions from lhe main menu and conlexl sensilive righl-cIick menu olions
have been ralionaIized lo rovide simiIar and reIevanl olions lo enhance lhe user's
8erv|ce for Assets
To suorl service on ovned assels as veII as cuslomer roducls, a variely of
enhancemenls have been made lo OracIe TeIeservice, MobiIe IieId Service, and InslaII
In ReIease 11i, fieId service lasks couId onIy be crealed vhen lhe service requesl
incidenl address references a Trading Communily Archileclure (TCA) Iarly Sile. In
lhis reIease, Disalch Cenler, ScheduIer, Technician IorlaI and MobiIe IieId Service
user inlerfaces and Iogic suorl crealion of IieId Service Tasks vhen lhe Incidenl
Addresses is nol associaled lo a TCA Iarly.
Inhancemenls lo lhe Technician and Adminislralors IorlaIs aIIov access lo lhe
InslaII ase user inlerface lo udale lhe record of lhe equimenl being serviced.
Nole lhal lhis funclionaIily is nol avaiIabIe for IieId Service MobiIe Iroducls in lhis
Hob||e F|e|d 8erv|ce
Changes for OracIe MobiIe IieId Service are described in lhis seclion.
Hu|t|p|e Respons|b|||t|es
In ReIease 11i, MobiIe IieId Service users had lo be associaled lo lhe MobiIe IieId
Service/Lalo resonsibiIily lo access MobiIe IieId Service Lalo. In lhis reIease, lhe
MuIliIe ResonsibiIily ModeI aIIovs users lo have differenl rofiIe sellings and
differenl user inlerfaces. RegardIess of lhe resonsibiIily lo vhich lhe user is associaled,
lhey have access lo lhe MobiIe IieId Service Lalo aIicalion. MuIliIe lechnicians
maed vilh differenl resonsibiIilies can be assigned lo lhe same oeraling unil.
Laptop User |nterfaces
MobiIe IieId Service user inlerfaces have been redesigned using lhe User Inlerface XML
Customer Relationship Upgrade mpact B-25
(UIX) lechnoIogy framevork, vhich is based on rovser Look And IeeI (LAI)
slandards. AddilionaIIy, lhe MobiIe IieId Service Lalo aIicalion can be
ersonaIized al eilher sile or resonsibiIily IeveI lo shov or hide dala, reorder fieIds and
regions, change romls, and so on.
In ReIease 11i, MobiIe IieId Service: WireIess aIIoved lechnicians lo creale service
requesl and foIIov-u lasks, bul did nol rovide lhe abiIily lo assign and scheduIe lhese
lasks lo lhemseIves. This reIease rovides lhe abiIily for lechnicians lo assign lasks lo
lhemseIves from mobiIe devices as veII as rovide a vindov of lime for lhe cuslomers
lo choose from. Using lhese scheduIing caabiIilies, lhe lechnicians can eilher choose lo
vork on lhe lasks righl avay or come back al a Ialer lime.
Non-T6A Party |nc|dent Addresses
In ReIease 11i, fieId service lasks can onIy be crealed vhen lhe service requesl incidenl
address references a Trading Communily Archileclure (TCA) Iarly Sile. In lhis reIease,
Disalch Cenler, ScheduIer, Technician IorlaI, and MobiIe IieId Service user inlerfaces
and Iogic suorl lhe crealion of IieId Service Tasks vhen lhe Incidenl Addresses is nol
associaled lo a TCA Iarly.
Know|edge Hanagement
Changes for OracIe KnovIedge Managemenl are described in lhis seclion.
8earch 0perators
You can erform exacl hrase searches by using doubIe-quoles (" ") oeralor. The Ixacl
Ihrase search olion has been removed from lhe search olion dro dovn menu. The
defauIl search oeralor has been changed "AII of lhe keyvords." This change is Iimiled
lo simIe search onIy. The defauIl search olion for advanced search remains "Any of
lhe Keyvords," and is no Ionger defined by lhis rofiIe.
8tatements 6reat|on from 8erv|ce Request Notes
efore lhis reIease, onIy lhe firsl 500 characlers of nole dala vere calured in lhe
slalemenl summary vhen lrying lo creale a nev soIulion from a service requesl. Nov,
comIele nole dala is lransferred over lo lhe slalemenl delaiI, and lhe firsl 2000
characlers are kel inside lhe slalemenl summary. An aulhor can arrange lhe
informalion belveen lhe slalemenl summary and delaiIs. There is no imacl on lhe
exisling soIulions and slalemenls crealed in lhe syslem.
8earch Adm|n|strat|on
Nev adminislralion ages aIIov you lo manage reosilories avaiIabIe for simIe search
for a service rovider. You can define cuslom reosilories and associale lhe reosilories
vilh lhe aroriale conlexls from lhe selu. Ixisling dala defined in lhe syslem are
B-26 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
ugraded accordingIy.
In arlicuIar, lhe rofiIe olion "KnovIedge: SimIe search reosilory key" is nov
obsoIele, and dala defined in lhis rofiIe (incIuding lhe }TI advanced roerlies dala)
are migraled lo differenl conlexl maings and cuslom reosilories, if lhey exisl. Dala
modified in lhe }TI roerlies is no Ionger honored by KM afler lhe ugrade.
Auto||nk Adm|n|strat|on
AuloIinks have reIaced lhe Nole Token RuIes. Ior any imIemenlalion lhal has
aIready defined Nole Token RuIes for ob|ecls "KnovIedge ase SoIulion" or "
KnovIedge: OA SoIulion," and is being ugraded, no addilionaI selu sles are
required lo use lhe exisling ruIes, as lhey are ugraded as auloIinks and auloIink usage
The onIy change is lhal you shouId nov use lhe OracIe KnovIedge Managemenl
adminislralion ages lo viev and udale lhe selu. As a resuIl, lhe adminislralor musl
have access lo lhe KnovIedge ase Syslem Adminislralion resonsibiIily. Access lo lhe
OracIe QuaIily OnIine (OQO) adminislralor (DIMS Adminislralor) resonsibiIily is no
Ionger required. Dala modified in OQO is no Ionger be honored by KM, and lhe selu
screens for loken ruIe are obsoIele.
6oncurrent Request Access
The KM adminislralor can submil and monilor concurrenl requesls direclIy from lhe
KM menu, using a nev requesl grou lhal has been sel u and assigned lo lhe KM
8etup Henu
The KM selu menu has changed due lo lhe inlroduclion of nev selu screens and
concurrenl requesl abiIily. If you have cuslomized lhe KM selu menu, you musl
incororale lhese changes manuaIIy.
Projects Upgrade mpact C-1
Projects Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling OracIe Iro|ecls
roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese funclionaI changes on your day-lo-day
business. Il is arranged by aIhabelicaIIy by roducls in lhe Iro|ecls roducl famiIy.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Aboul usiness Imacl and IunclionaI Changes
About us|ness |mpact and Funct|ona| 6hanges
An AIicalions ugrade aIlers bolh lhe lechnicaI and funclionaI asecls of your OracIe
AIicalions syslem. In addilion lo changes lo lhe lechnoIogy slack and fiIe syslem, an
ugrade aIso iniliales secific changes lhal affecl lhe vay your exisling roducls vork
afler lhe ugrade and lhe vay lhey Iook and feeI. These funclionaI changes have an
imacl on lhe vay you use lhe roducls as you conducl your daiIy business.
Note: This aendix describes some of lhe vays lhe ugrade changes
your exisling roducls. We assume lhal you have read aboul lhe nev
fealures and roducls deIivered in lhis reIease, vhich is incIuded in lhe
roducl-secific ReIease Conlenl Documenls (RCDs) and TOI on Mq
Orac|c Suppcri.
The discussions of lhe funclionaI asecls of lhe ugrade in lhis chaler are arranged by
roducls vilhin lhe Iro|ecls roducl famiIy.
Your Iro|ecls aIicalions seciaIisls shouId be comIeleIy famiIiar vilh lhe
informalion in lhis seclion and shouId have made aroriale Ians lo accommodale
lhe associaled changes before you begin your ugrade.
C-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
0a||y us|ness |nte|||gence for Projects
OracIe DaiIy usiness InleIIigence for Iro|ecls rovides reorling in secondary gIobaI
currencies, suorl for conlingenl vorkers, addilionaI driII-dovn caabiIilies lo
lransaclion ages and imroved summarizalion rograms. The changes enabIe users lo
driII dovn direclIy inlo ro|ecl delaiIs in OracIe Iro|ecl Managemenl. Conlingenl
vorker suorl aIIovs comanies lo erform usefuI uliIizalion anaIysis for bolh
emIoyees and conlingenl vorkers. Suorl for addilionaI gIobaI currency enabIes
muIli-nalionaI cororalions lo viev lheir ro|ecl inleIIigence reorls in anolher gIobaI
Note: See Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraiicn Gui!c for more
8ummar|zat|on for 6oncurrent Programs
The funclionaIily achieved lhrough lhe IRC: Udale Iro|ecl InleIIigence Dala
concurrenl rocess has been sIil belveen lvo concurrenl rocesses so lhal il fils inlo
lhe requesl scheduIing lime sIols. IncremenlaI udales of lhe base summary labIes are
erformed by IRC: Udale Iro|ecl and Resource ase Summaries, vhere as lhe
incremenlaI udale of ro|ecl inleIIigence reorls dala is erformed by IRC: Udale
Iro|ecl InleIIigence Dala.
To ease lhe imIemenlalion for cuslomers using lhe reorling caabiIilies of OracIe
Iro|ecl Managemenl, as veII as OracIe DaiIy usiness InleIIigence for Iro|ecls, bolh
aIicalions nov share common concurrenl rograms:
IRC: Load Iro|ecl and Resource ase Summaries
IRC: Udale Iro|ecl and Resource ase Summaries
IRC: Refresh Iro|ecl and Resource ase Summaries
You can nov use lhe nev and modified rograms vilh lhe Requesl Sel Generalor
making scheduIing easier. Inslead of submilling individuaI rograms, OracIe Iro|ecls
slrongIy recommends you use requesl sels generaled by lhe Requesl Sel Generalor.
Crants Account|ng
This seclion oulIines changes made lo OracIe Granls Accounling.
Note: See Orac|c Granis Acccuniing Uscr Gui!c, Orac|c Prcjcci Ccsiing
Uscr Gui!c, Orac|c Prcjccis |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c, Orac|c Prcjccis
|un!ancnia|s, and Orac|c Su||c!gcr Acccuniing |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for
more informalion on lhe changes discussed in lhis seclion.
Projects Upgrade mpact C-3
8upp||er 6ost |ntegrat|on
SuIier cosl inlegralion nov uses nev funclionaIily inlroduced by OracIe IayabIes
and OracIe SubIedger Accounling. The foIIoving changes may imacl your
If you use Cash asis Accounling for lhe rimary Iedger, suIier invoice aymenls
ralher lhan invoice dislribulions are inlerfaced lo OracIe Granls Accounling.
OracIe IayabIes reaymenl invoices are calured as cosl commilmenls and are no
Ionger inlerfaced lo OracIe Granls Accounling as acluaI cosl.
The exendilure ilem dale on suIier cosl lransaclions is revaIidaled and in some
cases rederived during lransaclion imorl.
Inlerface rocessing inlerfaces aII dislribulions vilh a suIier invoice exendilure
cIass lo OracIe Granls Accounling even vhen invaIid dislribulions exisl in lhe same
You can creale ro|ecl-reIaled exense reorls in OracIe Inlernel Ixenses or OracIe
IayabIes. Hovever, you can no Ionger creale lhem as Ire-Aroved alches in
OracIe Granls Accounling, and lhey are no Ionger inlerfaced lo OracIe IayabIes.
8upp||er 6ost Adjustments
SuIier cosl ad|uslmenl uses nev funclionaIily inlroduced by OracIe IayabIes and
OracIe SubIedger Accounling. The foIIoving changes may imacl your imIemenlalion.
In ReIease 11i, ad|uslmenls made lo suIier invoices vere inlerfaced lo OracIe
IayabIes, vhich crealed and inlerfaced accounling enlries lo OracIe GeneraI
Ledger. In lhis reIease, OracIe Granls Accounling creales accounling for
ad|uslmenls made lo aII suIier cosl lransaclions and inlerfaces lhe accounling lo
OracIe GeneraI Ledger. Nole lhal lransaclions are no Ionger inlerfaced lo OracIe
IayabIes from OracIe Granls Accounling.
Mosl ad|uslmenl reslriclions lhal exisling in ReIease 11i have been removed or
eased in lhis reIease, so lhal suIier cosl ad|uslmenls are rohibiled unliI you
enabIe lhe AIIov Ad|uslmenls olion on suIier cosl lransaclion sources.
Ad|uslmenls made in OracIe IayabIes lake recedence over ad|uslmenls made in
OracIe Granls Accounling. The suIier cosl inlerface aulomalicaIIy creales a
reversing enlry for lhe mosl recenl ad|uslmenl made in OracIe Granls Accounling
vhenever an ilem is reversed in OracIe IayabIes.
In some circumslances, OracIe Granls Accounling creales accounling enlries onIy in
lhe rimary Iedger for urchasing receil accruaIs vhen exchange rale variances
C-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
In some circumslances, OracIe Granls Accounling creales unmalched reversing
exendilure ilems vhen lransaclions are reversed in OracIe IayabIes. You need lo
roulineIy monilor your syslem for unmalched reversing exendilure ilems as lhey
require manuaI ad|uslmenls in order lo correclIy accounl for lhe reversaI.
OracIe Granls Accounling does nol creale accounling enlries in a secondary Iedger
vhen combined basis accounling is in use. If aulomalic enlries lo lhe secondary
Iedger are required, you musl make ad|uslmenls in OracIe IayabIes ralher lhan in
OracIe Granls Accounling.
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng
In ReIease 11i, OracIe Granls Accounling accounled cosl and revenue lhrough a sel of
inlerface rocesses. In lhis reIease, OracIe SubIedger Accounling rovides a common
accounling engine lhal reIaces lhe exisling accounling rocesses in lhe differenl
subIedgers and aIIovs you lo delermine lhe accounls, Iines, descrilions,
summarizalion, and dales of |ournaI enlries. OracIe Granls Accounling suorls lhe
inlegralion vilh OracIe SubIedger Accounling.
You can aIso add delaiIed lransaclion informalion lo |ournaI headers and Iines. DelaiIed
subIedger accounling |ournaIs are avaiIabIe for anaIylics, audiling, and reorling. They
are summarized, lransferred, imorled, and osled lo OracIe GeneraI Ledger.
Account Cenerat|on Ru|es
During lhe ugrade, OracIe Granls Accounling creales defauIl accounling definilions
lhal aIIov lhe syslem lo conlinue using exisling AuloAccounling ruIes vilhoul
addilionaI selu sles. You may choose lo creale your ovn accounling definilions using
Accounling Melhods uiIder.
6ost Process|ng F|ows
As arl of lhe OracIe SubIedger Accounling inlegralion, exisling inlerface cosl rocesses
and lieback rocesses have been reIaced vilh nev rocesses lhal raise OracIe
SubIedger Accounling evenls, generale accounling enlries, and inlerface lhem lo OracIe
GeneraI Ledger.
V|ew Account|ng 0eta||s
Wilh lhe inlegralion lo OracIe SubIedger Accounling, you nov have lhe olion lo
define accounl derivalion ruIes vilhin OracIe SubIedger Accounling lhal viII reIace
lhe defauIl accounls generaled by lhe OracIe Iro|ecls AuloAccounling fealure. This
changes hov you can viev accounling informalion of lransaclion Iines. You can viev
lhe defauIl accounling crealed for secific lransaclion Iines from lhe delaiIs vindov on
Ixendilure Inquiry. Hovever, lo viev lhe acluaI accounling lhal vas inlerfaced lo
OracIe GeneraI Ledger, you musl eilher use lhe Viev Accounling olion from lhe TooIs
menu on Ixendilure Inquiry or by using lhe inquiry ages rovided by OracIe
SubIedger Accounling.
Projects Upgrade mpact C-5
Tax 0efau|t h|erarchy 8etup
OracIe Granls Accounling is inlegraled vilh OracIe I-usiness Tax. This moduIe
rovides lhe abiIily lo define lax selu cenlraIIy. The Iro|ecls Tax DefauIl Hierarchy
used by OracIe Granls Accounling is migraled lo cenlraIized lax selu lo ensure a
consislenl user exerience across aIicalions.
Note: See Orac|c |-Busincss Tax |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c and Orac|c
|-Busincss Tax Uscr Gui!c. See aIso lhe seclion on I-usiness Tax, age
A-5 in Aendix A, age A-1 for informalion aboul lhe Iro|ecls Tax
Hierarchy migralion.
Project ||||ng
This seclion oulIines changes made lo OracIe Iro|ecl iIIing.
Account|ng for Revenue
In ReIease 11i, you generaled revenue and accounled for il using lhis sel of inlerface
Generale Revenue for SingIe/Range of Iro|ecls
Inlerface Revenue lo GeneraI Ledger rocess
}ournaI Imorl rocess
Tieback Revenue lo GeneraI Ledger rocess
Afler lhe ugrade, lhe revenue generalion rocess is unchanged. Hovever, nev
concurrenl rograms reIace lhe exisling ones as arl of lhe inlegralion vilh OracIe
SubIedger Accounling. You run lhe foIIoving rograms inslead of lhe Inlerface
Revenue lo GeneraI Ledger rocess:
Generale Revenue Accounling Ivenls
Derives lhe debil accounls and amounls (UR/UIR, Gain/Loss) using Aulo
Accounling ruIes.
Creale Accounling rocess
Creales |ournaI enlries and olionaIIy lransfers lhem lo OracIe GeneraI Ledger.
The Tieback Revenue lo GeneraI Ledger rocess is nov obsoIele.
Note: See Orac|c Prcjcci Bi||ing Uscr Gui!c and Orac|c Prcjccis
|un!ancnia|s for more informalion.
C-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Account|ng for |ntercompany |nvo|ces
In lhis reIease, lhe Generale Inlercomany Invoices rocess conlinues lo use
AuloAccounling lo generale lhe Revenue accounl, and lhe Inlerface Invoices lo
ReceivabIes rocess lo generale lhe ReceivabIes. The Inlerface Cross Charge
Dislribulions lo GeneraI Ledger rocess, vhich creales accounling evenls for cross
charge lransaclions, is renamed as Generale Cross Charge Accounling Ivenls.
AddilionaIIy, vhen cosl recIassificalion is enabIed, you musl run lhe Tieback Invoices
from ReceivabIes rocess foIIoved by Generale Cross Charge Accounling Ivenls
rocess. The lieback rocess creales lhe accounl evenls necessary lo creale rovider cosl
recIassificalion |ournaI enlries. Subsequenl submission of lhe Creale Accounling rocess
viII creale accounling enlries for rovider cosl recIassificalion.
Note: See Orac|c Prcjcci Bi||ing Uscr Gui!c for more informalion.
V|ew Account|ng 0eta||s
Wilh lhe inlegralion vilh OracIe SubIedger Accounling, you can define accounl
derivalion ruIes vilhin OracIe SubIedger Accounling lo reIace lhe defauIl accounls
generaled by Aulo Accounling in OracIe Iro|ecl iIIing. To viev lhe acluaI accounling
lhal vas inlerfaced lo OracIe GeneraI Ledger, you musl eilher use lhe Viev Accounling
olion from lhe TooIs menu on Revenue Reviev, or use lhe inquiry ages rovided by
OracIe SubIedger Accounling.
Note: See Orac|c Prcjcci Bi||ing Uscr Gui!c for more informalion.
HR6 H|grat|on |mpact
In ReIease 11i, aII MRC coIumns couId be defined as arl of cuslom foIders. As a resuIl
of lhe migralion of MRC lo lhe OracIe SubIedger Accounling modeI, OracIe Iro|ecls has
eIiminaled aII MRC-reIaled reorling coIumns from inquiry vindovs such as Ivenls,
Revenue Reviev, Invoice Reviev, and Iunding Inquiry.
Tax 0efau|t h|erarchy 8etup
In lhis reIease, OracIe Iro|ecls is inlegraled OracIe I-usiness Tax, vhich rovides you
vilh lhe abiIily lo define lax selu cenlraIIy. The Iro|ecls Tax DefauIl Hierarchy is
migraled lo a cenlraIized lax selu lo ensure consislenl user exerience across
Note: See Orac|c |-Busincss Tax |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c and Orac|c
|-Busincss Tax Uscr Gui!c for more informalion. See aIso I-usiness
Tax, age A-5 in Aendix A, age A-1 for delaiIs aboul Iro|ecls Tax
Hierarchy Migralion.
Projects Upgrade mpact C-7
Project 6ost|ng
This seclion describes lhe changes made lo OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling.
8upp||er 6ost |ntegrat|on
SuIier cosl inlegralion funclionaIily in OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling has been modified lo
use nev funclionaIily inlroduced in lhis reIease by OracIe IayabIes and OracIe
SubIedger Accounling. The foIIoving describes changes lhal may imacl your
Note: See Orac|c Prcjcci Ccsiing Uscr Gui!c for more informalion on
lhese nev fealures. See aIso Orac|c Prcjccis |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c and
Orac|c Prcjccis |un!ancnia|s.
If urchasing receil accruaIs are used lo accounl for ro|ecl-reIaled exense cosl,
receils are aIvays inlerfaced from OracIe Iurchasing lo OracIe Iro|ecls and onIy
invoice variances and aymenl discounls are inlerfaced from OracIe IayabIes lo
OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling.
If Cash asis Accounling is used for lhe rimary Iedger, suIier invoice aymenls
ralher lhan invoice dislribulions are inlerfaced lo OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling.
OracIe IayabIes reaymenl invoices are calured as cosl commilmenls and are no
Ionger inlerfaced lo OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling as acluaI cosl.
The exendilure ilem dale on suIier cosl lransaclions is re-vaIidaled and in some
cases re-derived during Transaclion Imorl.
Inlerface rocessing has been enhanced lo inlerface aII dislribulions vilh a suIier
invoice exendilure cIass lo OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling even vhen invaIid dislribulions
exisl in lhe same balch.
Iro|ecl-reIaled exense reorls can be crealed in iIxenses or OracIe IayabIes,
hovever, lhey can no Ionger be crealed as Ire-Aroved alches in OracIe Iro|ecl
Cosling and lhey are no Ionger inlerfaced lo OracIe IayabIes.
8upp||er 6ost Adjustments
SuIier cosl ad|uslmenl fealures nov use nev OracIe IayabIes and OracIe SubIedger
Accounling funclionaIily. The foIIoving changes may imacl your imIemenlalion.
In ReIease 11i, ad|uslmenls made lo suIier invoices vere inlerfaced lo OracIe
IayabIes and OracIe IayabIes, vhich, in lurn, crealed and inlerfaced accounling
enlries lo OracIe GeneraI Ledger. In lhis reIease, OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling creales
accounling for ad|uslmenls made lo aII suIier cosl lransaclions and inlerfaces lhe
C-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
accounling lo OracIe SubIedger Accounling. Nole lhal lransaclions are no Ionger
inlerfaced lo OracIe IayabIes from OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling.
Mosl ad|uslmenl reslriclions lhal exisled in ReIease 11i have been removed or
eased. The resuIl is lhal cosl ad|uslmenls are rohibiled unliI you enabIe lhe AIIov
Ad|uslmenls olion on suIier cosl lransaclion sources.
Ad|uslmenls made in OracIe Iurchasing and OracIe IayabIes lake recedence over
ad|uslmenls made in OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling. The suIier cosl inlerface
aulomalicaIIy creales a reversing enlry for lhe mosl recenl ad|uslmenl made in
OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling vhenever an ilem is reversed in eilher OracIe Iurchasing or
OracIe IayabIes.
In some circumslances, OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling creales accounling enlries onIy in lhe
rimary Iedger for urchasing receil accruaIs vhen exchange rale variances exisl.
In some circumslances, OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling creales unmalched reversing
exendilure ilems vhen lransaclions are reversed in OracIe Iurchasing and OracIe
IayabIes. You need lo roulineIy monilor your syslem for unmalched reversing
exendilure ilems. They require manuaI ad|uslmenls in OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling in
order lo correclIy accounl for lhe reversaI.
OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling does nol creale accounling enlries in a secondary Iedger
vhen combined basis accounling is in use. If aulomalic enlries lo lhe secondary
Iedger are required, you musl make ad|uslmenls in OracIe IayabIes ralher lhan in
OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling.
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng
In lhis reIease, OracIe SubIedger Accounling rovides a common accounling engine
lhal reIaces lhe exisling accounling rocesses in lhe differenl subIedgers and aIIovs
you lo delermine lhe accounls, Iines, descrilions, summarizalion, and dales of |ournaI
enlries. You can aIso add delaiIed lransaclion informalion lo |ournaI headers and Iines.
DelaiIed subIedger accounling |ournaIs are avaiIabIe for anaIylics, audiling, and
reorling. They are summarized, lransferred, imorled and osled lo OracIe GeneraI
Ledger. OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling suorls lhe inlegralion vilh OracIe SubIedger
Account Cenerat|on Ru|es
During lhe ugrade, OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling rovides OracIe SubIedger Accounling vilh
defauIl definilions lhal aIIov lhe syslem lo conlinue uliIizing exisling AuloAccounling
ruIes vilhoul addilionaI selu sles. You may choose lo creale your ovn accounling
ruIes in OracIe SubIedger Accounling in order lo lake advanlage of addilionaI fIexibiIily
rovided by lhe aIicalion.
Projects Upgrade mpact C-9
6ost Process|ng F|ows
As arl of lhe OracIe SubIedger Accounling inlegralion, exisling inlerface cosl rocesses
and lieback rocesses have been reIaced vilh nev rocesses lhal raise OracIe
SubIedger Accounling evenls, generale accounling enlries, and inlerface lhem lo OracIe
GeneraI Ledger.
V|ew Account|ng 0eta||s
Wilh lhe inlegralion lo OracIe SubIedger Accounling, you nov have lhe olion lo
define accounl derivalion ruIes vilhin OracIe SubIedger Accounling lhal viII reIace
lhe defauIl accounls generaled by OracIe Iro|ecls AuloAccounling. This changes hov
you can viev accounling informalion of lransaclion Iines. You can viev lhe defauIl
accounling crealed for secific lransaclion Iines from lhe delaiIs vindov on
Ixendilure Inquiry. Hovever, lo viev lhe acluaI accounling lhal vas inlerfaced lo
OracIe GeneraI Ledger, you musl eilher use lhe Viev Accounling olion from lhe TooIs
menu on Ixendilure Inquiry or by using lhe inquiry ages rovided by OracIe
SubIedger Accounling.
H|grat|on of Hu|t|p|e Report|ng 6urrenc|es (HR6}
OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling muIliIe reorling currency funclionaIily has migraled lo
reorling currency funclionaIily in OracIe SubIedger Accounling. OracIe SubIedger
Accounling rovides a singIe reosilory vhere you can viev amounls in reorling
currencies. As a resuIl, OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling no Ionger needs lo searaleIy suorl
MRC funclionaIily. This affecls MRC suorl for cosls and cailaI ro|ecls in lhe
foIIoving vays:
OracIe Iro|ecl Cosling has eIiminaled aII MRC-reIaled reorling coIumns from
inquiry vindovs such as Ixendilure Inquiry.
AII MRC imIemenlalion olions are nov obsoIele.
AII MRC-reIaled ugrade concurrenl rograms are nov obsoIele.
You cannol viev MRC amounls for lransaclions accounled oulside of OracIe Iro|ecl
Reorling currency accounling |ournaIs for bolh cosl and cross charge lransaclions are
crealed in OracIe SubIedger Accounling by lhe Creale Accounling rogram. You do nol
need lo run searale rograms for mainlaining reorling currency |ournaIs.
Project Hanagement
This seclion describes lhe changes for OracIe Iro|ecl Managemenl.
web-based udget|ng and Forecast|ng
If you are using veb-based budgeling and forecasling, nole lhe foIIoving changes:
C-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ieriod IrofiIes
AII ro|ecl-secific eriod rofiIes are obsoIele. Iach ro|ecl's Ian version nov has
one or lvo of nev seeded eriod rofiIes. You can aIso choose lo creale nev eriod
rofiIes and associale lhem lo Ian versions. You do nol have lo refresh lhe eriodic
dala as lhe ro|ecl rogresses.
udgels Time-Ihased by Dale Range
Time hasing by user-defined dale ranges is no Ionger suorled. AII exisling
budgels lime-hased by dale range are converled lo lime-hased or non-lime
hased, deending on vhal has been imIemenled and hov lhe budgel dala has
been enlered. You can nov Ian for buckels of groued eriods conlaining more
lhan one eriod.
IIexibIe udgeling Olions for Dala Inlry
The To and Lovesl Task Ianning IeveI is no Ionger suorled. Inslead, you can
choose lhe Iovesl Ianning IeveI lo be Lovesl Task lo Ian al any IeveI of lhe
financiaI slruclure.
IIan Amounls CaIcuIalion and Rale derivalions
OracIe Iro|ecls aulomalicaIIy caIcuIales lhe cosl or revenue amounls based on lhe
Ifforl (Quanlily) enlered for a Iabor resource. Irior lo lhis reIease, aII amounls vere
enlered manuaIIy. In lhis reIease, dala is modified accordingIy lo meel lhe ruIes of
amounl caIcuIalion lo be based on Ifforl (Quanlily) enlered.
udgeling and Iorecasling Inlegralion vilh Microsofl IxceI
In rior reIeases, OracIe Iro|ecls rovided 24 sreadsheel Iayouls (accessibIe from
Desklo Inlegralor > Iro|ecls > IinanciaI IIan) as arl of udgeling and Iorecasling
Inlegralion vilh Microsofl IxceI. In lhis reIease, aII lhe 24 sreadsheel Iayouls are
obsoIele. OracIe Iro|ecls has reduced lhe number of defauIl sreadsheel Iayouls lo
four. OracIe Iro|ecls viII associale one of lhe four defauIl Microsofl IxceI
sreadsheel Iayouls vilh each Ian lye based on lhe Ian cIass (udgel or
Iorecasl) associaled vilh lhe Ian lye.
Changes lo lhe udgel and Iorecasling Iages are accessed
Iro|ecl Ierformance Reorling nov serves as lhe basis for vieving lhe budgels dala
by eilher lhe vork breakdovn hierarchy or lhe resource breakdovn hierarchy.
IIanning Resource Lisls
Web-based budgel and forecasling are aulomalicaIIy ugraded lo use Ianning
resource Iisls based on lhe nev Resource modeI.
Note: See Iro|ecls, age I-18 in Aendix I, age I-1 for more
Projects Upgrade mpact C-11
Project Forecast|ng
The fealure for forecasling based on slaffing Ians in OracIe Iro|ecl Resource
Managemenl has been fuIIy inlegraled vilh lhe enhanced udgeling and Iorecasling
work Hanagement
Nole lhese changes lo vorkIan managemenl:
InabIe IinanciaI Slruclure
The financiaI slruclure in a nev lemIale or ro|ecl is nol enabIed by defauIl. Afler
you enabIe lhe financiaI slruclure, il does nol have lhe defauIl lask. This change
uls lhe behavior of lhe financiaI slruclure in synch vilh vorkIan slruclure.
WorkIan Task LeveI Ifforl
The lask-IeveI vorkIan Ianned efforl has been moved under a defauIl lask
assignmenl of lhe IIOILI resource cIass in order lo make lhe exisling vorkIan
lransaclion modeI comIianl vilh nev IIanning Transaclion modeI.
Irogram Managemenl
The subro|ecl associalion fealure is nov avaiIabIe in a seIf-service aIicalion as
Irogram hierarchy. Nole lhal a rogram hierarchy can be sliII be crealed in lhe
OracIe Iro|ecls forms-based aIicalion using subro|ecl associalion. There is no
change from lhe forms side.
Property Hanager
This seclion describes lhe changes lo OracIe Iroerly Manager.
|ntegrat|on w|th E-us|ness Tax
Iaymenl and iIIing lerms nov conlain lhe lax-reIaled informalion lhrough lhe Tax
CIassificalion Code inslead of lhe Tax Code/Tax Grou vaIues as in revious reIeases.
Tax informalion is consoIidaled using lhe I-usiness Tax aIicalion.
The nev ruIe-based lax engine is designed lo fuIIy reIace and subslanliaIIy enhance
lhe exisling lax code-based lax caIcuIalion. Tax caIcuIalion is accomIished using lhe
GIobaI Tax Ingine and lax codes and lhe defauIling hierarchy aroach are migraled
and suorled in I-usiness Tax.
C-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
|ntegrat|on w|th 8ub|edger Account|ng
This reIease inlroduces OracIe SubIedger Accounling for managing accounling across
subIedger lransaclions. During lhe ugrade, accounling olions and lheir sellings, and
lhe exisling accounling enlries in lhe OracIe Iroerly Manager dala modeI, are moved
lo lhe nev accounling dala modeI lo ensure a conlinuous business oeralion belveen
lhe lvo reIeases. AII accounling Iines reIaled lo lhe lransaclions are aIso migraled.
OracIe Iroerly Manager has been enhanced lo fuIIy suorl OracIe SubIedger
Lega| Ent|ty |n 0rac|e Property Hanager
In order lo consoIidale IegaI-enlily dala inlo a cenlraI reosilory, OracIe Iroerly
Manager has incororaled LegaI Inlily slaming on ils Iaymenl and iIIing lerms. The
IegaI enlily can nov be associaled vilh lhe Iedger vhen il is sel u.
In an accounling selu lhal conlains onIy one IegaI enlily, a Iedger reresenls lhe IegaI
enlily. The oeraling unil does nol have a direcl reIalionshi lo lhe IegaI enlily, bul viII
have a direcl reIalionshi lo a Iedger. ecause lhe oeraling unil cannol aIvays
delermine a unique IegaI enlily, bolh lhe IegaI enlily and lhe business enlily are nov
exIicilIy defined on lhe lransaclions.
Projects Foundat|on
This seclion describes lhe changes lo OracIe Iro|ecls Ioundalion.
Project L|st and A|ternate Project 8earch Page
In ReIease 11i, bolh lhe Iro|ecl Lisl and AIlernale Iro|ecl Search ages disIayed
financiaI amounls from Iro|ecl Slalus Inquiry. In lhis reIease, lhese ages disIay
financiaI amounls onIy from ro|ecl erformance reorling.
New Resource Hode|
In ReIease 11i, resource Iisls, vhich couId be of one or lvo IeveIs, vere used for
budgeling and reorling. In lhis reIease, lhere are searale slruclures for budgeling and
SeIf-service budgeling uses Ianning resource Iisls
Iro|ecl erformance reorling uses resource breakdovn slruclures
A p|anning rcscurcc |isi consisls of Ianning resources lhal are based on Ianning
resource formals. A rcscurcc |rcak!cun siruciurc is a muIli-IeveI hierarchy of resources
lhal is used for reorling lhe Ianned and acluaI amounls on a ro|ecl.
The ugrade aulomalicaIIy converls aII resource Iisls used in seIf-service budgels lo
Ianning resource Iisls and creales resource breakdovn slruclures. The resuIl is lhal
seIf-service budgeling is nov erformed based on lhe Ianning resource Iisl. The nev
Projects Upgrade mpact C-13
resource breakdovn slruclures have no imacl on exisling funclionaIily. They are used
onIy by ro|ecl erformance reorling.
Note: See Orac|c Prcjccis |un!ancnia|s for more informalion. See aIso
Orac|c Prcjcci Managcncni Uscr Gui!c.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-1
SuppIy Chain Upgrade Impact
This aendix describes lhe vay lhe ugrade affecls your exisling SuIy Chain
Managemenl roducls, and highIighls lhe imacl of lhese funclionaI changes on your
day-lo-day business. Il is arranged by aIhabelicaIIy by roducls in lhe SuIy Chain
Managemenl roducl famiIy.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Aboul usiness Imacl and IunclionaI Changes
SuIy Chain Managemenl
Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning
Assel Tracking
Conlracls (Core)
Demand IIanning
Deol Reair
Inlerrise Assel Managemenl (eAM)
IIov Manufacluring
InslaII ase
Invenlory Olimizalion
Order Managemenl
Irocess Manufacluring
Iroducl LifecycIe Managemenl
Service Conlracls
Shiing Ixeculion
Sho IIoor Managemenl
Warehouse Managemenl
D-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
About us|ness |mpact and Funct|ona| 6hanges
An AIicalions ugrade aIlers bolh lhe lechnicaI and funclionaI asecls of your OracIe
AIicalions syslem. In addilion lo changes lo lhe lechnoIogy slack and fiIe syslem, an
ugrade aIso iniliales secific changes lhal affecl lhe vay your exisling roducls vork
afler lhe ugrade and lhe vay lhey Iook and feeI. These funclionaI changes have an
imacl on lhe vay you use lhe roducls as you conducl your daiIy business.
Note: This aendix describes some of lhe vays lhe ugrade changes
your exisling roducls. We assume lhal you have read aboul lhe nev
fealures and roducls deIivered in lhis reIease, vhich is incIuded in lhe
roducl-secific ReIease Conlenl Documenls (RCDs) and TOI on Mq
Orac|c Suppcri.
The discussions of lhe funclionaI asecls of lhe ugrade in lhis chaler are arranged by
roducls vilhin lhe SuIy Chain Managemenl roducl famiIy.
8upp|y 6ha|n Hanagement
Your SuIy Chain Managemenl aIicalions seciaIisls shouId be comIeleIy famiIiar
vilh lhe informalion in lhis seclion and shouId have made aroriale Ians lo
accommodale lhe associaled changes before you begin your ugrade.
Advanced 8upp|y 6ha|n P|ann|ng
Changes for OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning are described in lhis seclion.
0|str|but|on P|ann|ng
In revious reIease, you Ianned dislribulion cenlers using masler roduclion Ians
(MIIs), vhich used maleriaI requiremenls Ianning Iogic. In lhis reIease, you Ian
dislribulion cenlers using dislribulion requiremenls Ianning (DRI).
You can sliII use MII Ians afler lhe ugrade. Hovever, lhe DRI Ian uses fair share
baIancing slock among dislribulion cenlers (vhen one has loo much and one nol
enough of a arlicuIar ilem). You can aIso use DRI Ians lo viev and ad|usl maleriaI
among comeling resources (aIIocalion Ian), lo search for maleriaI unassigned lo a
carrier (oorlunilies) and add lo consoIidaled shimenls, and viev a
dislribulion-based horizonlaI Ian.
If you are a dislribulion-inlensive comany, you can use dislribulion requiremenls
Ianning lo Ian roducl movemenl across your suIy chains.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-3
|tem Attr|bute 8|mu|at|on 8ets
In revious reIease, you couId see lhe effecl of changes lo your slalic and dynamic
Ianning dala - vilhoul acluaIIy making lhe changes in your roduclion environmenl -
by running simuIalions. eginning vilh lhis reIease, you can simuIale changes lo key
ilem allribules in advanced suIy chain Ians and dislribulion Ians.
You can assign differenl vaIues lo key ilem allribules for ilem-organizalions and save
lhe assignmenls in an ilem allribule simuIalion sel. When you reference an ilem
allribule simuIalion sel al Ian Iaunch, lhe Ianning and dislribulion Ianning engines
use lhe ilem allribule vaIues from lhe ilem allribule simuIalion sel ralher lhan lhose
from lhe coIIecled ilem definilion.
You can secify simuIaled vaIues for lhese ilem allribules lo use bolh in manufacluring
Ians and in dislribulion Ians:
CrilicaI Comonenl, Irerocessing Lead Time, Irocessing Lead Time, Ioslrocessing
Lead Time, Iixed Lead Time, VariabIe Lead Time, Iixed Order Quanlily, Iixed Days
SuIy, Shrinkage Rale, Iixed Lol MuIliIe, Minimum Order Quanlily, Maximum
Order Quanlily, Service LeveI, Carrying Cosl, Demand Time Ience Days, Iorecasl
ConlroI, IIanning Time Ience Days, Slandard Cosl, Nel SeIIing Irice, III IIag, SeIIing
Irice, Subslilulion Windov, Safely Slock Days, Unil Weighl, Unil VoIume, Safely Slock
Melhod, Safely Slock Iercenl, AC CIass, IIanning Melhod, and Minimum Remaining
SheIf Life Days.
You can secify simuIaled vaIues for lhese ilem allribules lo use onIy in dislribulion
Ians: DRI IIanned, Max Invenlory Days of SuIy, Max Invenlory Windov, Targel
Invenlory Days of SuIy, and Targel Invenlory Windov.
0PH P|ann|ng 6onvergence
In revious reIeases, you Ianned rocess manufacluring faciIilies using lhe OracIe
Irocess Manufacluring MRI moduIe. In lhis reIease, you Ian manufacluring faciIilies
using OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning (ASCI) unconslrained Ianning. If you
have an ASCI Iicense, you can Iaunch muIli-organizalion unconslrained Ians. If you
do nol have an ASCI Iicense, you can Iaunch singIe-organizalion unconslrained Ians.
Irocess manufacluring faciIilies can use lhese Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning
fealures: advanced user inlerface, muIli-IeveI egging, onIine Ianning and simuIalion
caabiIilies, and advanced co-roducl Ianning. They cannol, hovever, use lhese
Irocess Manufacluring MRI moduIe fealures: reIenishmenl melhod-secific order
modifiers, muIliIe lransfer lyes, and resizing suggeslions.
Afler ugrading lo ReIease 12, lhe lerm vork order reIaces lhe lerm discrele |ob in lhe
user inlerface, incIuding vindovs such as lhe Navigalor, SuIy/Demand, HorizonlaI
IIan, Ireferences, and Ixcelions Summary.
D-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
8equence-dependent 8etup
In revious reIeases, you crealed ruIes lhal conlroIIed hov lo scheduIe lhe sequence of
discrele |ob and fIov scheduIes and used OracIe Manufacluring ScheduIing lo sequence
lhe discrele |obs and fIov scheduIes. In lhis reIease, lhe nev scheduIing fealure is based
on sequence-deendenl resource selu limes.
OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning delermines a referred lask sequence lhal
minimizes lhe lime used for changeovers. Il lhen lries lo scheduIe aclivilies in
accordance vilh lhis sequence. You can secify Ian olion vaIues lhal conlroI hov
OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning lrades off lhe benefils of minimizing selu
lime and maximizing resource lhroughul againsl lhe cosls of salisfying demands earIy
and buiIding u invenlory or salisfying demands Iale.
Sequence-deendenl selu caabiIily is avaiIabIe for bolh discrele and rocess
manufacluring. OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning uses lhe same selu lransilion
malrix inuls lhal OracIe Manufacluring ScheduIing uses.
IreviousIy, Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning scheduIed onIy lo lhe resource IeveI.
Nov, vhen il scheduIes resources vilh secified sequence-deendenl selus, il
scheduIes lo lhe inslance IeveI for lhe resource.
You can viev lhe referred sequence of lasks for a resource in lhe Resource Changeover
vindov of lhe IIanner Workbench. You can aIso viev lhe caIcuIaled selu hours for a
resource in lhe horizonlaI caacily Ian for lhe resource.
The Sequence Deendenl Selus Ian olion conlroIs hov OracIe Advanced SuIy
Chain IIanning handIes sequence deendenl selus. If you sel lhis olion lo No for aII
lime buckels, OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning uses resource uliIizalion
ercenlages lo increase aclivily duralions and accounl for selu limes. If you sel lhe
olion lo Yes, OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning does nol use lhe uliIizalion
ercenlage. Inslead, il caIcuIales sequence deendenl selu limes using lhe changeover
malrix defined in OracIe Discrele and Irocess manufacluring moduIes.
Cantt 6hart Enhancements
In revious reIeases, you used lhe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning Ganll charl lo
grahicaIIy viev lhe manufacluring and dislribulion Ian and rescheduIe orders as
needed. In lhis reIease, nev aradigms have been inlroduced, nev fealures have been
added, and lhe usabiIily of exisling fealures has grealIy imroved.
Ganll charl enhancemenls make il easier for Ianners lo maniuIale scheduIe oululs
and diagnose scheduIing robIems. Wilh lhe enhanced Ganll charl, you can:
Viev aclivilies Ianned for a resource aIong lhe same horizonlaI Iine ralher lhan in
searale rovs in lhe Resource viev.
Comare buckeled required hours lo avaiIabIe hours for a resource in lhe Resource
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-5
Viev lhe varialion of used and avaiIabIe resource unils over lime in lhe Resource
Oen muIliIe vievs al lhe same lime. Ior examIe, you can oen bolh lhe
Resource viev and lhe Orders viev al lhe same lime.
Transfer informalion conlexl belveen lvo vievs. Ior examIe, you can disIay aII
resources in lhe Resource viev for an order shovn in lhe Orders viev.
Save a sel of orders or resources as foIders lhal you can viev on command.
See olher IIanner Workbench menu olions vhen lhe Ganll charl is oen.
Ieg u and dovn from a suIy or a demand. Arrovs in lhe righl ane shov
DisIay inslances for resources vilh sequence-deendenl selus.
Change aclivily scheduIes by ediling dales in lhe Iefl ane.
The foIIoving Advanced SuIy Chain Managemenl reorls have changed.
P|ann|ng 0eta|| Report
In revious reIeases, you ran lhe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning DelaiI Reorl
againsl manufacluring Ians. In lhis reIease, you can run il againsl your manufacluring
Ians, dislribulion Ians, and coIIecled dala. Il shovs maleriaI requiremenls Ianning
informalion lhal you can use lo undersland lhe resuIls of a Ian, and can incIude a
horizonlaI Iisling, a verlicaI Iisling, and delaiI seclions shoving gross requiremenls,
scheduIed receils, Ianned orders, biII of maleriaI and engineering changes, exired
Iol, and by-roducl informalion.
This reorl reIaces lhese OracIe Irocess Manufacluring (OIM) reorls: MRI uckeled
MaleriaI Reorl, MRI MaleriaI Aclivily Reorl, MRI Aclion Messages Reorl, and
MRI Irror Messages Reorl.
|nventory Reorder Po|nt Report
This reorl reIaces lhe OIM Reorder Ioinl Reorl used in revious reIeases.
0PH HRP Reports
The foIIoving OIM MRI reorls have a nev formal: MIS MaleriaI Aclivily reorl
(based on source lransaclion dala) and MIS uckeled MaleriaI reorl (based on source
lransaclion dala).
D-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Note: See Orac|c A!tancc! Supp|q Cnain P|anning |np|cncniaiicn an!
Uscrs Gui!c (Doc ID: 118086.1) for more informalion.
Asset Track|ng
Changes for OracIe Assel Tracking are described in lhis seclion.
Not|f|cat|on from F|xed Assets
You can Ieverage a nev concurrenl rogram - Generale Nolificalion - Nev Iixed Assels
for InslaII ase Tracking lo generale a vorkfIov nolificalion for nev assels crealed in
OracIe Assels. AII users associaled lo lhe nevIy seeded OracIe Assel Tracking - IIanner
resonsibiIily receive nolificalion.
|nterface to F|xed Assets
A nev user inlerface faciIilales lhe inlegralion belveen ilem inslances and fixed assels.
You can associale an ilem inslance lo a fixed assel, eilher vilh a secified ilem inslance
or olionaIIy vilh a seIecled fixed assel. You can associale muIliIe seriaIized ilem
inslances lo lhe same fixed assel.
F|xed Asset Update
You can erform Iixed Assel udales for manuaI ilem inslances, such as Iocalion or
ovnershi. Iixed Assel udales are aIso suorled for mosl OracIe Invenlory
lransaclions, excel WII lransaclions.
The InabIe Aulo Udale fIag has been added. When InabIe Aulo Udale is sel lo Yes,
an ilem inslance and ils associaled assel are fuIIy synchronized, sub|ecl lo lhe vaIidalion
ruIes exisling rior lo lhis reIease. If lhis fIag is off, lhe associalion is nol sub|ecl lo fixed
assel udales.
The Oen Ilem inlerface conlains Iixed Assels coIumns. You can creale bolh lhe ilem
inslance and lhe associaled fixed assel as arl of your OracIe InslaIIed ased ilem
inslance imorl rocess.
Cenera| Ledger Reversa| Process
You can manuaIIy creale reversing accounling dislribulion enlries. These reversing
enlries offsel enlries generaled by lhe Cosl Manager, for seIecled invenlory lransaclions
of cailaIized ilem inslances. Irior lo lhis reIease, lhese reversing enlries vere crealed
aulomalicaIIy as arl of lhe lransaclion cosling rocess. In lhis reIease, you musl run lhe
Creale ReversaI GL Inlries for Invenlory IA Ilems concurrenl rogram lo generale
reversing enlries.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-7
F|e|d 8erv|ce 6apab|||t|es for Assets
You can creale service requesls and lasks for an inlernaI assel in OracIe IieId Service.
OracIe Assel Tracking calures an assel's comIele service hislory, incIuding lhe debrief
lransaclions, lhe manuaI Iogging of In/Oul of Service, and lhe oeralion slalus of a
recovered assel.
6ontracts (6ore}
The foIIoving funclionaIily for OracIe Conlracls Core 11i3 and Ialer is being
disconlinued and viII nol be suorled in lhis reIease.
Sland-aIone conlracl aulhoring and conlracl managemenl using OracIe Conlracls
Core fealures, such as lhe Launchad, Conlracl Navigalor, and sland-aIone
Aulhoring form.
Sland-aIone saIes conlracls aulhoring using lhe SaIes Conlracl calegory
The veb based user inlerfaces (searching, crealing, and udaling conlracls) in
Conlracls OnIine.
No dala is migraled during lhe ugrade. If lhese disconlinued fealures affecl your
syslem, you shouId consider imIemenling ReIease 11.5.10 (or higher) OracIe SaIes
Conlracls, incIuding lhe conlracl reosilory fealure. OracIe viII conlinue lo suorl lhe
reviousIy reIeased versions of lhe Conlracls Core and Conlracls for SaIes roducls,
aIlhough enhancemenls are no Ionger being offered.
Note: This does nol aIy lo OracIe SaIes Conlracls or OracIe
Irocuremenl Conlracls reIeased as arl of ReIease 11.5.10, nor does il
aIy lo cuslomers vho are using onIy OracIe Service Conlracls or
OracIe Iro|ecl Conlracls.
0emand P|ann|ng
Changes for OracIe Demand IIanning are described in lhis seclion.
Forecast|ng Enhancements
SlalislicaI forecasling lechniques in OracIe Demand IIanning are enhanced in severaI
Iorecasl al Day LeveI
Iorecasling al day-IeveI nov addresses silualions vhen lhe demand allerns vary
by lhe day of lhe veek. Ior examIe, more nevsaers are soId on Sundays lhan on
D-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
olher days of lhe veek.
Iorecasl SeasonaI Dala al Week LeveI
The HoIl-Winlers imIemenlalion nov suorls veekIy (as oosed lo |usl
monlhIy) seasonaI lrends.
DisIay Smoolhed Hislory and SeasonaI Iaclors
To handIe oulIiers and missing vaIues, Demand IIanning aulomalicaIIy erforms
re-fiIlering lo smoolh demand hislory. Demand IIanning aIso aulomalicaIIy
caIcuIales seasonaI faclors. You can nov viev lhe smoolhed hislory and seasonaI
faclors as oululs in Demand IIanning.
Demand IIanning nov suorls Croslon's melhod for inlermillenl demands.
8hared 0bjects
Demand Ianning managers and demand Ianners can nov share lheir ersonaI ob|ecls
vilh olher demand Ianning users. The sharabIe ob|ecls incIude documenls (reorls,
grahs, and vorksheels), documenl foIders, saved seIeclions, and cuslom aggregales.
Demand Ianning managers can creale lhese ob|ecls cenlraIIy, and lhen share lhem
vilh aII lhe demand Ianners al any lime in lhe demand Ianning cycIe. This rovides a
consislenl viev of demand Ianning dala lo aII lhe users and eIiminales lhe need for
demand Ianners lo creale lhe same reorls and vorksheels individuaIIy. IIanners can
save ersonaI coies of shared documenls lo refine lheir seIeclions and Iayoul.
8e|ect|ve Forecast|ng
SeIeclive Iorecasling nov suorls lhe Combinalion Iorecasl measure, vhich
seIecliveIy forecasls discrele grous of roducls vilh roducl-secific forecasling ruIes.
You can coy dala for a grou of roducls from an exisling measure lo lhe
Combinalion Iorecasl measure being defined. You can aIso use roducl saved
seIeclions and use lhem vhen crealing combinalion forecasls.
Combinalion Iorecasl measures lhal you creale using SeIeclive Iorecasling aear in
lhe adminislralor's measure Iisl and for managers and Ianners in lhe documenl lree
under lhe Measure foIder's Iorecasl subfoIder. These measures are avaiIabIe in reorls,
vorksheels, and grahs for dislribulion, submission, coIIeclion and uIoad.
P|anner Product|v|ty
In lhis reIease, Demand IIanning has been enhanced lo imrove Ianner roduclivily:
Inul Negalive Numbers in lhe Worksheel
In ReIease 11i, users calured decisions based on markeling inleIIigence, nev
roducl inlroduclions, and so on by direclIy modifying lhe slalislicaI baseIine
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-9
forecasl in Demand IIanning. You can nov aIso manuaIIy inul negalive numbers
on lhe vorksheel, so lhal you can mainlain searale ad|uslmenls in Demand
IIanning and lhen add lhe ad|uslmenls lo lhe slalislicaI baseIine forecasl.
Slarl Dale for Moving TolaIs
Demand IIanning nov suorls lhe cumuIalive sum or "moving lolaI" lye
formuIa measure. Il aIIovs you lo begin caIcuIalions from a secific beginning
eriod, vhich is dynamic. CaIcuIalions aIvays begin from lhe seIecled eriod.
IormuIa-generaled Slored Measures
You can nov use lhe same sel of funclions and oeralions suorled for formuIa
measures (addilion, sublraclion, muIliIicalion, division, Iead, Iag, nesled formuIae,
and so on). for lhe iniliaI crealion of a slored measure. Once crealed, you can
udale slored measures on lhe basis of lhe generaling formuIa if you exIicilIy
recaIcuIale il. You can seIecl lhe dimension IeveIs al vhich lhe caIcuIalion occurs,
and lhe resuIl is slored. You can aIso seIecl lhe aIIocalion and aggregalion melhods
and base measures, aIy a rice Iisl and make lhe measure edilabIe in lhe
The foIIoving Demand IIanning enhancemenls imrove erformance in a number of
Re-aggregate 0pt|on
Adminislralors can nov force lhe re-aggregalion of aII measures in lhe Shared dalabase,
vhenever a change in a hierarchy is delecled, vilhoul overvriling user modificalions lo
exisling measures. The dovnIoad rocess aulomalicaIIy delermines vhich hierarchy
vaIues vere modified, and lhen re-aggregales lhose vaIues for aII measures for lhose
vaIues, incIuding inul aramelers lhal vere nol dovnIoaded if a quick dovnIoad vas
run. This aIIovs a measure's vaIues lo refIecl mid-cycIe hierarchy changes vilhoul
running a IouIale rocess, vhich overvriles aII exisling modificalions lo lhe
Do nol run IouIale vhen lhe Reaggregale olion is checked. IouIale aulomalicaIIy
recaIcuIales lhe measures and overvriles exisling edils. The Reaggregale olion onIy
aIies lo affecled hierarchies - nol lhe enlire measure. These olions are generaIIy
muluaIIy excIusive.
You can enabIe lhe Reaggregale olion in lhe Demand IIan Adminislralion moduIe by
checking a checkbox on lhe DovnIoad screen. A fuII dislribulion for Ianners' is
required in order lo receive lhe hierarchy changes. The Reaggregale olion is examined
during dislribulion, and if enabIed aII ersonaI measures are reaggregaled.
D-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
worksheet Performance Enhancements
Ierformance imrovemenls have been made lo lhe vorksheel oening, ediling, and
recaIcuIalion oeralions.
Net 6hange Aggregat|on
When erforming a IuII or Quick dovnIoad of one or more Demand IIanning inul
aramelers using lhe Udale refresh mode, aggregalion caIcuIalions are erformed for
onIy lhose measures lhal have changed.
Prevent Even A||ocat|on
In ReIease 11i, enlering vaIues inlo an emly vorksheel ceII aIIocaled lhal vaIue lo
Iover hierarchy IeveIs using lhe Iven aIIocalion melhod. In cerlain silualions lhis
creales an exIosion of vaIues in lhe Demand IIanning vorksace lhal can be
olenliaIIy delrimenlaI lo erformance.
VaIues lhal are enlered inlo emly vorksheel ceIIs are nov aIIocaled lo Iover hierarchy
IeveIs using lhe Iirsl LeveI VaIue aIIocalion melhod. OnIy lhe firsl chiId of each
descendanl IeveI is aIIocaled lhe enlered vaIue, vhich revenls lhe dalabase size from
unnecessariIy increasing.
Reduce Forced Reca|cu|at|ons
In ReIease 11i, you vere nol abIe lo edil vorksheel vaIues of differenl hierarchy IeveIs
vilhoul recaIcuIaling lhe vorksheel belveen edils. This enforced consislency of vaIues
across hierarchy IeveIs, bul crealed erformance issues by forcing demand Ianners lo
vail for recaIcuIalions lo comIele belveen each edil.
Adminislralors nov conlroI vhen recaIcuIalions occur. Idils can be made al any IeveI,
and lhe vorksheel is caIcuIaled al lhe user's discrelion. Once lhe vorksheel is
recaIcuIaled or saved, edils are enforced from lhe lo hierarchy IeveIs dovn, so il is
ossibIe for an edil al a higher hierarchy IeveI lo override an edil al a Iover hierarchy
V|ew-on|y Access for Users
A nev roIe (Demand IIan Viever) is avaiIabIe. Il aIIovs you lo viev aII dala in lhe
shared dalabase, creale documenls, and share reorls. Hovever, dala cannol be
changed, shared or submilled.
The foIIoving enhancemenls heI lhe Demand IIanning adminislralor more effecliveIy
manage lhe rogress of a demand Ianning cycIe:
Session Adminislralion
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-11
The nev Session Adminislralion olion enabIes lhe Demand IIanning
Adminislralor lo viev and if necessary lerminale inaclive or hanging user sessions
for a demand Ian. This aIIovs demand Ian sessions lo be reslarled as needed
vilhoul lechnicaI dalabase adminislralor assislance.
Reslarl Dislribule lo IIanner Slage
If lhe Dislribule lo IIanner slage of lhe Demand IIanning cycIe lerminales
abnormaIIy, lhen lhe Demand IIan Adminislralor can nov reslarl lhe rocess from
lhe beginning. IreviousIy, reslarling lhis rocess required lhe inlervenlion of a
lechnicaI dalabase adminislralor.
The foIIoving coIIeclions enhancemenls heI lhe Demand IIanning Adminislralor
more effecliveIy manage lhe rogress of a demand Ianning cycIe:
CoIIecl Iacls and Ilems from a Subsel of Organizalions
A nev checkbox in lhe Organizalions sub-form of lhe AIicalion Inslances form
aIIovs organizalions lo enabIe Demand IIanning indeendenlIy of Advanced
SuIy Chain IIanning. This aIIovs comanies lo coIIecl Demand IIanning facl
dala from a smaII subsel of lhe ASCI-enabIed organizalions, vhich saves lime on
If you enabIe and mainlain lhe same ilems in aII organizalions lhal you Ian, lhen
you can aIso save lime on coIIeclions by invoking a nev CoIIecl Ilems OnIy Irom
lhe Masler Organizalion olion.
CoIIecl Iroducl IamiIy-LeveI Manufacluring Iorecasls
Demand IIanning nov suorls lhe coIIeclion of manufacluring forecasls defined
for roducl famiIy ilems.
Enhanced 8upport for Forecast Pr|or|t|es
In Demand IIanning, you can very fIexibIy secify, dovn lo lhe individuaI enlry IeveI,
lhe riorily associaled vilh forecasls. You can lhen feed lhis informalion inlo Advanced
SuIy Chain IIanning lo drive Ianning decisions. This gives you lhe freedom lo
riorilize forecasls by demand cIass, cuslomer, roducl, Iocalion, and lime.
To sel u forecasl riorilies, define a demand Ian vilh al Ieasl lvo oulul scenarios:
lhe normaI forecasl oulul scenario, and a forecasl riorily oulul scenario. Ior each
forecasl oulul scenario, use lhe Scenarios lab of lhe demand Ian definilion form lo
secify vhich olher oulul scenario lhal you vanl lo associale as lhe forecasl riorily.
The oulul IeveIs of lhe forecasl oulul scenario and lhe forecasl riorily scenario musl
malch. When using lhe forecasl oulul scenario as a demand scheduIe in an ASCI Ian,
lhe associaled riorilies from lhe forecasl riorily scenario are assed inlo ASCI as lhe
forecasl riorilies.
D-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
0emand h|story for |nterna| 8a|es 0rders
In ReIease 11i10, Demand IIanning ignored demand hislory based on inlernaI saIes
orders. In lhis reIease, Demand IIanning nov recognizes demand hislory from inlernaI
saIes orders lo user-seIecled organizalions. This suorls demand Ianning rocesses
for divisions vilhin a Iarger enlerrise running on a singIe gIobaI I-usiness Suils
inslance. Divisions lhal run lheir ovn demand Ians lo fuIfiII demands from inlernaI
organizalions can nov recognize demand hislory and creale forecasls for lhose
The nev SeIecl InlernaI SaIes Orders Ior Ian olion fieId in lhe Demand IIan
Definilions form aIIovs you lo secify vhich inlernaI saIes orders lo consider. Demand
IIanning considers aII inlernaI saIes orders conlaining one of lhe deslinalion
organizalions lhal you Iisl in lhe fieId.
Arch|v|ng Process for 0emand P|ans
Tvo nev concurrenl requesls are avaiIabIe for archiving and resloring demand Ians:
Archive Demand IIan and Reslore Demand IIan. These requesls require onIy a
demand Ian name as a arameler. The archive rocess vriles lo a Iog named
arch<Ian_id>.Iog in ODIDIR. The Demand IIanning syslem adminislralor runs a
requesl lo archive or reslore a Ian. efore slarling lhe archive or reslore rocesses,
verify lhal lhere is sufficienl sace lo vrile lhe Iog.
0epot Repa|r
The fIexibIe reair rocessing aIIovs service organizalions lo define reair order
rocesses and slaluses. In lhis reIease, lhe fIexibIe reair order reair lye suorls lhe
change in lransilion from lhe originaIIy inlended fIov lo a nev unexecled fIov. Ior
examIe, il suorls lhe fIov of an ilem lhal is inlended for reair, bul inslead resuIls in
an exchange.
This enhancemenl enabIes you lo:
Define reair order slaluses vilh vorkfIov caabiIilies
Creale cuslom reair slalus lransilions
Change from one reair lye lo anolher during lhe course of reair
Enterpr|se Asset Hanagement (eAH}
Changes for OracIe Inlerrise Assel Managemenl are described in lhis seclion.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-13
Asset 0ef|n|t|on
Assel Definilion in eAM migrales lo lhe InslaIIed ase dala schema. This migralion
enabIes you lo define and slore bolh inlernaI and cuslomer assels in lhe same labIes.
The foIIoving funclionaI changes resuIls from lhis archilecluraI change:
y definilion, you can lrack Assel Grous and RebuiIdabIe Ilems. In lhe Ilem
Masler, lhe Tracked in InslaIIed ase check box is aIvays seIecled (On).
Assel Number is nov a gIobaIIy unique number, idenlifying lhe assel during ils
IifecycIe. You can change il any lime, as Iong as il remains unique. Wilhin
Invenlory, lhe Assel seriaI number is sliII used lo idenlify an assel, bul il does nol
have lo be lhe same as lhe Assel Number.
A Warranly Ixiralion dale can be enlered lo indicale vhelher your assel is under
A nev and simIified vindov enabIes you lo define Assel Grous, using lemIales.
This is an olion in lhe Ilem Masler vindov.
Asset Transact|ons
UnIike rior reIeases, you can nov move an assel in and oul of Invenlory. You can
define Assels as TransaclabIe in lhe Ilem Masler. You can receive an assel inlo
Invenlory, lransfer il belveen organizalions, and so on. When oul of Invenlory, you can
secify lhe hysicaI Iocalion of lhe assel.
RegardIess of vhere an assel resides, ils allribules, aclivily associalions, meler
associalion, and revenlive mainlenance scheduIes remain vilh lhe assel. They are nol
Ha|ntenance organ|zat|on and Locat|on 0rgan|zat|on
In lhis reIease, as assels can be lransaclabIe, eAM inlroduces lhe concel of Iocalion
organizalion. An eAM-enabIed organizalion can see, nol onIy assels in ils ovn
organizalion, bul aIso assels residing in lhe organizalions vhere il rovides lhe
mainlenance services. The eAM Organizalion fieId in lhe Organizalion Iaramelers
idenlifies lhe non-eAM organizalions lhal an eAM-enabIed organizalion services.
Asset 0perat|ons
Wilh lhe Check In/Check Oul fealure, you can check an assel oul lo a user. A nev
seIf-service age enabIes you lo check an assel oul lo a user, and check il back in.
As an assel is mainlained, evenls are calured in lhe OeralionaI Log, you can viev lhis
in a nev seIf-service age. You can enler Assel evenls manuaIIy.
D-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
work Hanagement
In lhe Work Managemenl area, exlensive ugrades vere added lo lhis reIease.
Significanl changes vere made lo lhe Work Order ages:
Nev disIay lhe ArovaI hislory (nev fealure), IaiIure Informalion and
Irevenlive Mainlenance informalion, associaled vilh a vork order
You can check on demand if lhere is any shorlage of lhe required maleriaI
Iage conlainers disIay assel informalion and vork order slalislics
A nev age enabIes mass lime enlry
workf|ow for work 0rders
A nev WorkfIov rocess is seeded for a vork order and ils IifecycIe. Inlegralion vilh
AMI enabIes you lo sel u an arovaI rocess for your vork orders, vilh resel
arovaI hierarchy and fIovs.
A nev vindov enabIes you lo define your ovn vork order slaluses, vhich are
associaled lo syslem slaluses (for examIe, Drafl, ReIeased, UnreIeased, and so on).
Ass|gnment and 8chedu||ng
You can nov associale muIliIe lime bIocks for an emIoyee assigned lo your vork
order. Grahic reresenlalion of emIoyee avaiIabiIily is rovided vhen you erform
assignmenl. When you make a change al a Iover IeveI, lhe Work Order ScheduIing
rocess ad|usls lhe higher IeveI dales and limes, according lo lhe "ollom U" hierarchy
of Inslance/Resource/Oeralion/Work Order.
8uperv|sor workbench
A nev vorkbench vas added for lhe Suervisor roIe. Irom lhis vorkbench, a
suervisor can manage lhe vork of his dearlmenls or crevs.
Hob||e 8o|ut|on
AII lhe funclionaIily needed lo manage vork orders is avaiIabIe on a connecled mobiIe
device. You can creale and udale vork orders, requesl maleriaI, assign resource, enler
maleriaI usage, charge lime, comIele oeralions and vork orders from a mobiIe
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-15
6FR Part 11
The eAM vork order rocess suorls IDA comIiance, vilh slandardized eIeclronic
records and signalures lhal can be audiled in accordance lo CIR Iarl 11. Al oeralion
or vork order comIelion, you can sign eIeclronicaIIy. A signed record is crealed vilh a
snashol of lhe oeralion/vork order informalion.
Meler Hierarchy is a nev fealure. If a Source meler is associaled vilh a secific meler
(Targel), readings from lhe Source meler lrickIe dovn lo lhe secified meler
aulomalicaIIy. Readings from lhe Targel meler are aulomalicaIIy crealed vhen readings
from lhe Source meler are enlered.
Mass dala enlry for meler readings is suorled vilh a nev seIf-service age.
Prevent|ve Ha|ntenance
Inlerrise Assel Managemenl suorls organizalion-secific Irevenlive Mainlenance
sels. GIobaI sels are visibIe lo aII mainlenance organizalions. If you define a sel and
secify il as LocaI, onIy your organizalion can see or udale il.
There are lvo nev Irevenlive Mainlenance olions:
MuIliIe-Aclivily Irevenlive Mainlenance scheduIe aIIovs you lo scheduIe
muIliIe aclivilies logelher in a cycIe, secifying lhe inlervaIs for each
ase Dale and ase Meler Irevenlive Mainlenance scheduIe, vhere vork orders are
forecasled based on user-secified base dale or base meler, regardIess of lhe acluaI
Iasl service dales
Add|t|ona| Upgrades
Olher roducl ugrades lhal affecl Inlerrise Assel Managemenl are described in lhis
Irom a nev vindov, you can seIecl vork order cosls and ush lhem, using Mass
Udales, lo OracIe Assels for cailaIizalion.
The nev Mainlenance udgeling and Iorecasling rocess enabIes you lo generale assel
mainlenance cosl forecasls, based on hisloricaI or Ianned vorks, and exorl lhem in
IxceI, HTML, or XML formal.
|8upp||er Porta|
In lhe iSuIer IorlaI, search crileria enabIe you lo query urchase orders secific lo a
D-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
vork order or vork order/oeralion. You can aIso driII dovn lo viev associaled
coIIeclion Ians and enler coIIeclion resuIls for a vork order oeralion from lhe orlaI.
0ua||ty |ntegrat|on
To suorl lhe nev assel archileclure and lhe nev eAM funclionaIily, ugrades vere
made in OracIe QuaIily:
The oId eIemenl Assel Number is changed lo Assel SeriaI Number. The romls are
aIso changed, incIuding lhose in exisling Ians.
A nev hard-coded eIemenl, Assel Number, vas added. Assel Aclivily and
IoIIovu Aclivily are in lhe conlexl of lhis eIemenl.
Lisls of VaIues (LOVs) for Assel Grou, Assel SeriaI Number, Assel Aclivily, and
IoIIovu Aclivily vere modified lo suorl lhe concel lhal a mainlenance
organizalion can service assels residing in olher organizalions.
To suorl coIIeclion Ian enlry during check in and check oul, lvo nev
lransaclions (incIuding Ian lemIale and coIIeclion lriggers) vere added: Assel
Check In and Assel Check Oul lransaclions.
F|ow Hanufactur|ng
Changes for OracIe IIov Manufacluring are described in lhis seclion.
F|ow 8equenc|ng Prof||e 0pt|on
This reIease incIudes a nev sile-IeveI IIov Manufacluring rofiIe olion (ILM: InabIe
IIov Sequencing). Il is nol required for an ugrade from a revious reIease - you can
conlinue lo use bolh OracIe Manufacluring ScheduIing and OracIe IIov Manufacluring
Sequencing if bolh comonenls vere reviousIy inslaIIed in your ReIease 11i syslem.
The defauIl vaIue is No for lhis rofiIe olion. You can IegaIIy sel lhis olion lo Yes cn|q
if you have secificaIIy Iicensed OracIe IIov Sequencing.
|nsta|| ase
Changes for OracIe InslaII ase are described in lhis seclion.
0|scont|nued Prof||e 0pt|ons
Three rofiIe olions reviousIy used lo suorl IieId Service Localion are nov
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-17
|tem |nstance
A nev user inlerface based on OracIe AIicalions (OA) Iramevork makes il easier lo
define and mainlain an ilem inslance. Imorlanl allribules of an ilem inslance are
groued inlo labs vilh lhe remaining informalion accessibIe lhrough Iinks.
Organizes counlers and noles informalion inlo labs.
Irovides access lo counler, order, and service informalion lhrough Service Requesl
and Reair Order Iinks.
Irovides nev Iinks lo access OracIe Inlerrise Assel Managemenl (eAM) Work
Requesls and Work Orders.
Adds a nev bullon lo access Configuralor for udales. This bullon is enabIed onIy
for configuralions buiIl in Configuralor
|tem |nstance Hass Update
Ilem Inslance Mass Udale is converled from a form-based user inlerface lo an OA
Iramevork-based user inlerface. You can aIso udale, deIele, or lransfer conlracls as
arl of lhe mass udale.
The definilion of counlers and Inlerrise Assel Managemenl melers is consoIidaled,
and addilionaI fealures have been added lo enhance funclionaIily.
A counler grou is olionaI vhen you define a counler.
MuIliIe counlers can be associaled lo an ilem inslance.
Meler readings can nov be absoIule or change readings.
You can mainlain a daiIy usage rale for your counler.
ackdaled reading ad|uslmenls are aIIoved vilh cerlain reslriclions.
A counler hierarchy can be sel u so lhal readings for a source counler lrickIe dovn
lo largel counler readings.
Asset Transfer to and from F|e|d Locat|on
The Invenlory Transaclion Tye conlains lhe Localion Required fIag, vhich suorls
Assel Transfer lo/from IieId Localion. You can creale nev user-defined lransaclion
lyes as foIIovs:
D-18 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Transaclion Source: Invenlory or Move Order
Transaclion Aclion: Issue from Slore or Receil inlo Slore
Localion Required fIag: SeIecled
8upport for 0ther Products
The ugrade affecls lhe vay ilem inslance vorks vilh olher roducls.
0rac|e 6ontracts
A nev Conlracl age disIays conlracls imacled by an ilem inslance lransaclion such
as quanlily change or ovnershi change. Associaled changes lo conlracls can be
inilialed from lhis age.
0rac|e Te|e8erv|ce (Tang|b|e Asset for the 6ontact 6enter}
A nev sub-lab aIIovs you lo search and disIay ilem inslances in lhe Conlacl Cenler
user inlerface. VaIidalions for ilem inslance crealion and udale, configuralion udale
(reconnecl, disconnecl) are enforced.
0rac|e Process Hanufactur|ng (0PH}
The convergence of OracIe Invenlory and OracIe Irocess Manufacluring aIIovs OracIe
InslaII ase lo suorl lhe lracking of OIM invenlory lransaclions.
Changes for OracIe Invenlory are described in lhis seclion.
0rac|e Process Hanufactur|ng 6onvergence
OracIe Irocess Manufacluring (OIM) Invenlory has been reIaced vilh OracIe
Invenlory. OracIe Invenlory nov suorls bolh rocess manufacluring and discrele
manufacluring organizalions.
efore lhis reIease, OIM mainlained ils ovn invenlory moduIe. This moduIe inleracled
vilh slandard OracIe Order Managemenl, OracIe Irocuremenl, and OracIe Advanced
IIanning and ScheduIing, as veII as lhe OIM-secific manufacluring moduIe. OracIe
Invenlory inleracled vilh aII discrele and fIov manufacluring moduIes.
In lhis and fulure reIeases, OracIe viII suorl onIy OracIe Invenlory for bolh discrele
and rocess manufacluring environmenls. OracIe sliII relains lhe organizalion lye
dislinclions rocess and discrele because lhe manufacluring, cosling, and quaIily
moduIes are nol converging for lhis reIease. AIlhough OracIe Invenlory inlegrales vilh
bolh roducl suiles, you musl sliII delermine lhe organizalion lye in order lo indicale
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-19
lhe aroriale cosling, roduclion, and quaIily moduIes.
The Irocess Manufacluring convergence has lhe foIIoving benefils:
Onc itcm mastcr: Inslead of mainlaining searale ilem maslers for discrele and
rocess manufacluring, you can nov mainlain a singIe ilem record.
Ccntra! vicw nI invcntnry: You can viev on hand baIances across aII discrele and
rocess manufacluring organizalions.
Intcgratcd 5upp!y Chain: OIM cuslomers can nov use OracIe MobiIe SuIy
Chain AIicalions and OracIe Warehouse Managemenl.
In order lo suorl rocess organizalions, lhe foIIoving funclionaIily is avaiIabIe in
OracIe Invenlory.
DuaI unil of measure (UOM) suorl
MaleriaI slalus conlroI
Advanced Iol conlroI
Suorl for indivisibIe Iols
MaleriaI aging vorkfIov
Note: See Orac|c |ntcnicrq Uscrs Gui!c (Doc ID: 295186.1) for more
0eferred 6ost of Coods 8o|d (60C8} Recogn|t|on
Slarling in lhis reIease, OracIe Invenlory can defer lhe recognilion of COGS unliI aII
conlracl conlingencies are fiIIed and ReceivabIes has recognized lhe revenue. OracIe
Invenlory hoIds incurred cosls in a deferred COGS accounl unliI ReceivabIes recognizes
il er lhe revenue recognilion ruIes. This enabIes you lo recognize bolh COGS and
revenue in lhe same accounling eriod. The nev accounling ruIes aIso suorl
cuslomer relurns.
AII saIes order issue lransaclions are debiled lo lhe deferred COGS accounl excel:
InlernaI saIes orders: Ior inlernaI saIes orders, lhe COGS accounl is debiled direclIy
vhen lhe nev accounling ruIe is nol enabIed.
Inlercomany lransaclions: Ior aII inlercomany lransaclions (exlernaI dro
shimenls, inlernaI dro shimenls, and non-shi fIovs) COGS is debiled direclIy
if lhe nev accounling ruIe is nol enabIed.
OracIe Cosl Managemenl moves incurred cosls from lhe deferred COGS lo lhe COGS
accounl based on lhe revenue recognilion evenls or order cIose evenls. The remaining
D-20 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
accounling asecls remain unchanged. Sel u lhe Deferred COGS accounl on lhe Olher
Accounls lab of lhe Organizalion Iaramelers vindov.
0ependenc|es and |nteract|ons
This fealure inleracls vilh OracIe Cosl Managemenl lo defer lhe cosl of goods soId.
OracIe Invenlory slams lhe accounl lye on lhe maleriaI lransaclion, and OracIe Cosl
Managemenl debils lhe correcl accounl al lhe lime of lhe maleriaI lransaclion. OracIe
Cosl Managemenl aIso moves lhe cosls incurred from lhe Deferred COGS accounl lo
lhe COGS accounl uon revenue recognilion.
Note: See Ocjining Oincr Acccuni Parancicrs in Orac|c |ntcnicrq Uscrs
Gui!c (Doc ID: 295186.1).
Hater|a| workbench
In ReIease 11.5.10, OracIe Invenlory inlroduced lhe olion lo use lhe MaleriaI
Workbench lo viev maleriaI lhal resides in receiving in addilion lo on-hand maleriaI. In
lhis reIease, you can use lhe MaleriaI Workbench lo viev delaiIed informalion aboul
maleriaI lhal resides in receiving, in-lransil maleriaI, and on hand maleriaI. When you
choose lo viev in-lransil maleriaI, you can viev lhe foIIoving documenl lyes:
Iurchase orders
Advanced shimenl nolices (ASNs)
InlernaI Orders
OracIe Invenlory caIcuIales avaiIabiIily informalion according lo lhe maleriaI Iocalion of
lhe reIevanl maleriaI. Inslead of vieving on hand maleriaI, maleriaI in receiving, and
in-lransil maleriaI lhrough searale queries, you can erform one query lhal disIays
an ilem across differenl maleriaI Iocalions. You can aIso erform a query lhal disIays
ilem informalion across organizalions. This rovides you vilh access lo a gIobaI iclure
of invenlory for lhe ilem, and aIIovs you lo make quick decisions regarding ilem
sourcing and rocuremenl.
0uery 6hanges
In lhis reIease, lhe foIIoving changes vere made lo lhe MaleriaI Workbench query
Search based on cross-reference: You can nov search for maleriaI based on
urchasing or order managemenl cross-references. This enabIes you lo easiIy access
on hand informalion for invenlory if you do nol knov lhe inlernaI ilem number.
Search for inbound maleriaI: You can nov search for inbound maleriaI from a
arlicuIar suIier, againsl a source documenl, or execled vilhin a cerlain eriod.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-21
You do nol have lo have an ASN lo search for inbound maleriaI. The syslem uses
lhe urchase order romise dale as lhe execled receil dale for urchase orders
vilhoul an ASN. You can aIso search for inlernaI organizalion lransfers.
Save Queries: You can save queries lo use for a Ialer dale. This enabIes you lo reuse
comIex queries. You can mark saved queries as ubIic or rivale. If you mark a
query as rivale, lhen onIy you can use lhe query.
Afler you execule a query, you can viev lhe maleriaI across differenl maleriaI Iocalions
al lhe same lime. You can exand lhe lree vindov lo viev on hand, receiving, and
inbound maleriaI according lo lhe search crileria you suIy. In lhe resuIls ane, vhen
lhe organizalion node is highIighled, lhe summary viev may incIude muIliIe
organizalions. The syslem disIays maleriaI in each Iocalion simuIlaneousIy lo rovide
a gIobaI iclure for a arlicuIar ilem. The resuIls ane aIso rovides you vilh fasler
sorling, coIumn maniuIalion, and exorling caabiIilies.
6hanges to 8upport Process Hanufactur|ng
The foIIoving changes vere made lo lhe MaleriaI Workbench lo suorl OracIe Irocess
Manufacluring convergence:
DuaI UOM: If an ilem is under duaI UOM conlroI, lhe secondary UOM informalion
disIays in lhe resuIls ane, and lhe AvaiIabiIily vindov in lhe MaleriaI
Grade udale: You can nov seIecl Grade Udale on lhe TooIs menu lo udale lhe
grade of an ilem under Iol conlroI.
Slalus udale: You can nov seIecl Slalus Udale on lhe TooIs menu lo udale lhe
maleriaI slalus of maleriaI in an invenlory organizalion.
Note: See Maicria| Wcrk|cncn in Orac|c |ntcnicrq Uscrs Gui!c (Doc
ID: 295186.1).
P|ck|ng Ru|e Enhancements
In lhis reIease, lhe icking ruIe vindov enabIes you lo calure individuaI cuslomer
roducl quaIily and maleriaI characlerislic references. Ior examIe, one cuslomer may
require remium grade maleriaI, vhiIe anolher more rice-sensilive cIienl may nol
have lhal reslriclion. To manage cuslomer references, reslriclions vere added lo lhe
icking ruIes engine aIIocalion Iogic in addilion lo lhe exisling sorl crileria for
accelabIe maleriaI. In lhis reIease, lhe Invenlory Iicking RuIes vindov enabIes you lo
creale icking ruIes vilhoul inslaIIing OracIe Warehouse Managemenl.
These ruIes are a subsel of OracIe Warehouse Managemenl ruIes and have lhe foIIoving
usage and reslriclions:
D-22 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
AIIocale based on firsl in firsl oul (IIIO) or firsl exired firsl oul (IIIO)
Insure onIy one Iol is aIIocaled, or aIIov muIliIe Iol aIIocalion
Reslricl aIIocalion by sheIf Iife days
AIIov arliaI aIIocalion, or ensure fuII aIIocalion
Secify malching based on ilem quaIily dala
AIIocale Iols in Iol number sequence, or no sequence
AIIocale revisions by revision, effeclive dale, or no sequence
AIIocale by sub-invenlory, receil dale, or no sequence
AIIocale by Iocalor, receil dale, or no sequence
AIIocale by referred grade
Insure Iols of indivisibIe ilems are fuIIy consumed
AIIov over aIIocalion
Afler you creale lhe icking ruIes, you can use lhe RuIes Workbench age lo assign
icking ruIes in lhe foIIoving combinalions:
Ilem calegory
Source lye
Transaclion lye
When you enabIe a ruIe lhe syslem buiIds a ruIes ackage. Afler lhe syslem buiIds a
ruIes ackage, il creales an enabIed slralegy vilh lhe same name and descrilion. If you
disabIe lhe ruIe, lhen lhe syslem aulomalicaIIy disabIes lhe slralegy. You can onIy
disabIe ruIes lhal are nol used in any disabIed slralegy assignmenls. You can aIso onIy
modify disabIed ruIes.
Note: The RuIes Workbench avaiIabIe in an invenlory-onIy
organizalion does nol have lhe fuII caabiIilies of lhe OracIe
Warehouse Managemenl RuIes Workbench.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-23
Note: See Ocjining Picking |u|cs in Orac|c |ntcnicrq Uscrs Gui!c (Doc ID:
Enhanced Reservat|ons
You can creale Iinkages belveen suIy and demand lo guaranlee maleriaI avaiIabiIily.
These Iinkages are knovn as reservalions. A reservalion guaranlees lhe avaiIabiIily of
reserved suIy lo a secific demand. In revious reIeases, reservalions suorled
Iimiled suIy and demand lyes.
In lhis reIease, OracIe Invenlory inlroduced lhe foIIoving nev suIy and demand
8upp|y types
Iurchase orders
InlernaI requisilions
Discrele |obs
Irocess manufacluring balches
Sho fIoor |obs
0emand types
Comonenls for ComIex Mainlenance Reair and OverhauI vork orders
Comonenls for rocess manufacluring balches
Reservalions suorls documenl vaIidalion, avaiIabiIily checks, and change
managemenl for lhe nev suIy and demand lyes. In lhis reIease, reservalions aIso
suorls crossdocking in lhe varehouse, and enabIes you lo reserve lhe mosl
aroriale inbound receils for an oulbound shimenl. The crossdock allribule vas
added lo lhe Ilem Reservalions vindov lo Iink suIy lo demand. The syslem creales
crossdock reservalions aulomalicaIIy. You cannol deIele a crossdock reservalion if lhe
suIy lye is receiving.
In lhis reIease, you can reserve a secific seriaI number and OracIe Invenlory ensures
lhe syslem aIIocales lhe seriaI number al ick reIease. A nev SeriaI Inlry vindov vas
added lo enabIe you lo reserve muIliIe seriaI numbers for a reservalion. If you reserve
seriaI numbers, ick reIease aIIocales lhe seriaIs irreseclive of lhe icking ruIes. Iick
reIease aIIocales lhe reserved seriaIs firsl and honors lhe organizalion arameler
AIIocale SeriaI Numbers for lhe remaining demand. OracIe Invenlory aIso aIIovs you lo
subslilule seriaI numbers during icking and shiing. If you choose lo subslilule a
seriaI number, lhen lhe syslem deIeles lhe reservalion for lhe subsliluled seriaI number.
D-24 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Note: The ilems Reservalions vindov suorls seriaI reservalions onIy
for on-hand deIivery.
Note: See |icn |cscrtaiicns in Orac|c |ntcnicrq Uscrs Gui!c. See aIso
Warcncusc Managcncni Crcss!ccking in Orac|c Warcncusc Managcncni
Uscrs Gui!c.
|nventory 0pt|m|zat|on
This seclion describes lhe changes lo OracIe Invenlory Olimizalion.
0emand Fu|f|||ment Lead T|me
Demand fuIfiIImenl Iead lime is lhe lime belveen order Iacemenl and order
fuIfiIImenl. You usuaIIy sel il eilher lo lhe lime aIIoved by lhe cuslomer or based on
business raclice. You can exress a cuslomer service IeveI largel in lerms of a demand
fuIfiIImenl Iead lime. Ior examIe, you can sel a 95% service IeveI vilh a lhree-day
demand fuIfiIImenl Iead lime.
In revious reIeases, OracIe Invenlory Olimizalion assumed lhal lhe Iead lime vas
zero. And, service IeveIs vere secified in differenl Iaces - ilem-secific service IeveIs
as a fIex fieId for lhe ilem, cuslomer-secific service IeveIs as a fIex fieId for lhe
cuslomer, and demand cIass-secific service IeveIs vhen associaling a demand cIass
vilh aIIocalion ruIes.
In lhis reIease, service IeveI and demand fuIfiIImenl Iead lime can be secified in one
Iace as arl of a service IeveI sel al lhe foIIoving IeveIs: Ilem - Organizalion - Demand
cIass, Ilem - Demand cIass, Ilem - Ilem calegory - Demand cIass, Ilem - Organizalion,
Calegory, Demand cIass, Cuslomer sile, Cuslomer, Organizalion - Demand cIass, and
You can enler Iead lime in days as a fraclionaI number. Ior examIe, a 4-hour Iead lime
as 0.167 (4 hours / 24 hours).
Lead T|me Var|ab|||ty
In revious reIeases, Invenlory Olimizalion did nol consider lhe variabiIily of Iead
limes vhen il caIcuIaled safely slock IeveIs. In lhis reIease, il caIcuIales lhese variabiIily
measures from Iead limes vhen il caIcuIales safely slock IeveIs:
ManuIacturing !cad-timc variabi!ity: A slandard devialion vaIue lhal lhe Ianning
engine aIies lo lhe ilem rocessing Iead lime. You enler ilem rocessing Iead lime
in CoIIeclions Workbench form, Ilem DelaiIs vindov. OracIe Invenlory
Olimizalion assumes lhal lhe slalislicaI dislribulion of lhe manufacluring Iead
lime is normaI.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-25
In-transit !cad-timc variabi!ity: A slandard devialion vaIue lhal lhe Ianning
engine lakes againsl lhe shi melhod lransil lime. You enler shi melhod lransil
lime in lhe Transil Times form. OracIe Invenlory Olimizalion assumes lhal lhe
slalislicaI dislribulion of lhe in-lransil Iead lime is normaI.
Purchasing !cad-timc variabi!ity: A slandard devialion vaIue lhal lhe Ianning
engine lakes againsl lhe suIier rocessing Iead lime. If enlered, OracIe Invenlory
Olimizalion assumes lhal lhe slalislicaI dislribulion of suIier variabiIily is
normaI. As in revious reIeases, you can aIso enler lhis vaIue by secifying a
hislogram of urchasing Iead lime-robabiIily airs. If you enler lhe vaIue using a
hislogram, OracIe Invenlory Olimizalion lakes lhe robabiIily dislribulion from
lhe user inuls.
Note: See Orac|c |ntcnicrq Opiinizaiicn |np|cncniaiicn an! Uscrs Gui!c
(Doc ID: 118086.1) for delaiIs.
0rder Hanagement
Changes for OracIe Order Managemenl are described in lhis seclion.
0bso|ete Prof||e 0pt|ons
Here are lhe rofiIe olions lhal are obsoIele. AII funclionaIily reviousIy rovided by
lhese rofiIe olions is nov conlroIIed by OracIe Iaymenls.
OM: Islimaled Aulhorizalion VaIidily Ieriod
OM: Number of Days lo ackdale ank Accounl Crealion
OM: Iaymenl Melhod for Credil Card Transaclions. ConlroI is nov avaiIabIe al lhe
Iaymenl Tye IeveI in lhe Define Iaymenl Tyes vindov.
OM: Irocess Iaymenl ImmedialeIy al ooking. ConlroI is nov avaiIabIe al lhe
Iaymenl Tye IeveI in lhe Define Iaymenl Tyes vindov.
OM: Risk Iaclor ThreshoId for IIeclronic Iaymenls
6hanged Prof||e 0pt|ons
These rofiIe olions have been converled lo OracIe Order Managemenl syslem
OM: Credil Memo Transaclion Tye
OM: Credil SaIeserson for Ireighl on SaIes
D-26 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
OM: ImIoyee for SeIf-Service Orders
OM: GSA Discounl VioIalion Aclion
OM: Invoice Source
OM: Invoice Transaclion Tye
OM: Non-DeIivery Invoice Source
OM: Overshimenl Invoice asis
OM: Reservalion Time Ience
OM: ScheduIe Line on HoId
OM: Shov Discounl DelaiIs on Invoice
Tax: Invenlory Ilem for Ireighl
Tax: Invoice Ireighl as Revenue
The syslem aramelers relain lhe same names as lhe rofiIe olions vilhoul lhe
refixes (OM: or Tax:). The rofiIe OM: ImIoyee for SeIf-Service Orders is reIaced by
lhe syslem arameler caIIed Requeslor for Dro Shi Orders crealed by exlernaI user.
These rofiIe olions vere changed lo syslem aramelers lo suorl MuIliIe
Organizalion Access ConlroI (MOAC), vhich aIIovs you lo access one or more
oeraling unils using a singIe resonsibiIily. Some addilion benefils incIude:
ImIemenlers need lo sel some aIicalion conlroIs al an oeraling unil IeveI so
lhal lhe business fIovs lhey oerale on can be consislenl vilhin lhal oeraling unil.
Al lhe same lime, lhe aIicalion conlroIs can be sel differenlIy for differenl
oeraling unils. DeIivering lhose conlroIs as syslem aramelers (vhich are secific
lo oeraling unils) inslead of as rofiIe olions meels lhis need.
Afler you sel lhe vaIues of cerlain key aIicalion conlroIs during an
imIemenlalion, you need lo ensure lhal lhose vaIues are nol changed Ialer in lhe
imIemenlalion rocess. Using syslem aramelers for lhese conlroIs ensures lhal
imIemenlers are arorialeIy varned or disaIIoved from making such changes.
The ugrade migrales lhe vaIues of lhe rofiIe olions lo syslem arameler vaIues.
0efau|t|ng Ru|es
In revious reIeases of Order Managemenl, seeded defauIling ruIes defauIled lhe Order
Tye and SaIesre from lhe Cuslomer. These defauIling ruIes are deIeled. You can sliII
defauIl lhe Order Tye and SaIesre vaIues from olher sources, such as lhe Cuslomer
Shi-lo and Cuslomer iII-lo.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-27
The sources Cuslomer.Order lye and Cuslomer.SaIesre are aIso disabIed, so aII
cuslom defauIling ruIes lhal used lhese source are deIeled.
In revious reIeases, Order Managemenl slored credil card informalion IocaIIy. In lhis
reIease, lhe inlegralion vilh OracIe Iaymenls rovides a cenlraIized dala modeI vilhin
OracIe Iaymenls for credil card and bank accounl informalion and services lo rocess
aymenls. VilaI and sensilive dala such as credil card numbers, credil card securily
codes (CVV2), and bank accounls are encryled and slored vilhin lhis cenlraIized
Note: See Orac|c Or!cr Managcncni |np|cncniaiicn Manua| for more
Process Hanufactur|ng
Irior lo lhis reIease, OracIe Irocess Manufacluring (OIM) had ils ovn invenlory
conlroI syslem, vhich mainlained a cenlraI Ilem masler, lracking invenlory in lvo unils
of measure, rovided grade conlroI, slalus conlroI, and Iol and sub-Iol numbers. Wilh
lhe ugrade, lhese fealures are migraled lo OracIe Invenlory. The OIM aIicalion nov
reIies on lhis core invenlory syslem. This modeI is common for bolh rocess and
discrele organizalions and rovides for a singIe invenlory viev lhroughoul lhe suIy
Note: See Chaler 2, age 2-1 and Chaler 4, age 4-1 for re- and
osl-ugrade sles. See aIso Orac|c Prcccss Manujaciuring Migraiicn
Process Execut|on
OIM Irocess Ixeculion Ieverages addilionaI caabiIilies avaiIabIe vilh lhe core
invenlory syslem. Reservalions, vhich are guaranlees of avaiIabIe invenlory, reIace
lhe "ending Iol aIIocalions" caabiIilies. Hovever, unIike lhe currenl ending Iol
aIIocalions, delaiIed reservalions are "hard" reservalions. Thal is, once you have
reserved maleriaI lo a balch, aII olher sources of demand are revenled from reserving
or using lhis invenlory. Move Orders can olionaIIy be used lo modeI, conlroI, and
documenl lhe movemenl of maleriaI lo a slaging Iocalion rior lo consumlion by a
balch. Revision conlroI of ilems is aIso suorled in balches.
If you are using lhe OracIe Warehouse Managemenl Syslem (WMS) and OracIe MobiIe
SuIy Chain AIicalions (MSCA) roducls, lhen lhere are lvo nev mobiIe
lransaclions are suorled in OIM Irocess Ixeculion. You can nov creale and udale
balch reservalions via mobiIe devices. This reduces dala enlry errors and lhe need for
D-28 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
reconciIialions, and slreamIines roduclion-reorling rocesses.
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy lo OIM Irocess
Ixeculion for ReIease 12:
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
AIIocalion of ingredienls (ending
Reservalion (muIliIe IeveIs) - manuaI or
No suorl for movemenl of invenlory
maleriaI vilhin lhe roduclion
Suorl for move orders
No suorl for WMS Inlegralion lo WMS lransaclions
No suorl for ilem revisions Ilem revision suorl
Organizalion can be eilher a Ianl or
Same organizalion can be defined as eilher a
Ianl or an organizalion or bolh
No suorl for subinvenlories Invenlory organizalion (Ianl) can have
muIliIe subinvenlories
Consumlion and yieId varehouses SuIy subinvenlory and yieId subinvenlory
Sho caIendar Workday caIendar
IrofiIe olions IrofiIe olions and organizalion aramelers
Iick Iols SeIecl AvaiIabIe Invenlory
Product 0eve|opment
Leasl Cosl IormuIalion is a nev caabiIily lhal enabIes a formuIalor lo generale a
formuIa based on a re-delermined roducl secificalion by olimizing on-hand
ingredienls usage vilh resecl lo lheir quaIily allribules and cosls lo generale lhe
olimaI formuIalion. The formuIalion (or balch) crealed from lhis rocess is lyicaIIy
used onIy one lime, since il's using a snashol of avaiIabIe invenlory lhal may nol exisl
again. Hovever lhese formuIas can aIso be saved for re-use during a cerlain lime
A nev fieId, S88 Recie Tye, is inlroduced as arl of lhe recie header lhal enabIes
users lo calegorize each recie as a GeneraI, Sile, or Masler Recie. A nev Viev y for
Recies is avaiIabIe from lhe Iroducl DeveIomenl Workbench vilh a GeneraI Recie
al lhe lo of lhe Iisl, foIIoved by aII of lhe Sile Recies, and each sile disIaying aII of
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-29
lhe Masler Recies. AIso, GeneraI and Sile recie lyes viII be defauIled vhen nev
recies are crealed. Recies crealed under a Masler Invenlory Organizalion viII defauIl
lo "GeneraI" recie lye, vhiIe recies crealed under aII olher Invenlory Organizalions
viII defauIl lo 'Sile' recie lye.
Ilem Subslilulion Lisls viII enabIe users lo reslricl lhe subslilulions made, ralher lhan
aIIoving any ilem lo be subsliluled for anolher. Iffeclive dales for each subslilule ilem
viII be ossibIe, reducing lhe number of formuIas and recies by enabIing one formuIa
lo slore aII lhe ossibIe aIlernalive ilems over a eriod of lime. Ilem Subslilulion Iisls
musl be aroved, and viII lherefore require an arovaI vorkfIov, incIuding slalus
and version conlroI.
There vere aIso some minor changes lo comIy vilh lhe nev organizalion slruclure
and imIemenlalion of revision conlroI of ilems.
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy lo OIM Iroducl
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
Lab as a lye of organizalion Lab as a searale invenlory organizalion
No suorl for ilem revisions Ilem revision suorl for formuIas and
vaIidily ruIes
IxerimenlaI ilems Ingineering ilems
IrofiIe olions IrofiIe olions and organizalion aramelers
0ua||ty Hanagement
OIM QuaIily Managemenl has been enhanced lo Ieverage some eIemenls of lhe OracIe
QuaIily aIicalions. The firsl is a nev rocess during receiving inseclion lo hoId
deIivery invenlory in a receiving Iocalion unliI samIe accelance. This funclionaIily
rovides a lvo-sle receiving rocess: 1) inseclion by a varehouse oeralor and 2)
quaIily lesling and resuIls enlry vilhin lhe Iaboralory.
Anolher addilion is lhe caabiIily lo lrack a nonconformance (balch irreguIarilies such a
ingredienl subslilulions or changes in rocedures) during lhe roduclion rocess vilh
OracIe Manufacluring Ixeculion Syslem for Irocess Manufacluring and OracIe QuaIily.
These nonconformance issues can be revieved by Ianl quaIily ersonneI rior lo
yieIding accelabIe roducl from lhe balch.
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy lo OIM QuaIily
D-30 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
No suorl for ilem revisions Ilem revision suorl in secificalions,
samIes, and slabiIily sludies
SamIe againsl a Iol udales ils subIols SamIe againsl arenl Iol udales ils Iols
MisceIIaneous invenlory ad|uslmenl for
samIe quanlily deduclion
Nev invenlory lransaclion lye for samIe
quanlily issue
SamIe hislory onIy for a secific Iol,
varehouse, and Iocalion
SamIe and resuIls lraceabiIily lhrough Iol
sIil, merge, and lransfer
QuaIily Iaboralory and R&D IIaboralory
defined as same Iaboralory organizalion
QuaIily Iaboralory and R&D Iaboralory
defined as same or searale invenlory
Lol exiry/relesl vorkfIovs Invenlory Dale Nolificalions
Grade and aclions defined in OIM QuaIily
Grade and aclions defined in OracIe Invenlory
IrofiIe olions IrofiIe olions and organizalion aramelers
HoId reasons Reason codes in OracIe Invenlory
|nventory 6ontro|
OIM Invenlory ConlroI has been reIaced vilh a common invenlory soIulion - OracIe
Invenlory (see Invenlory, age D-18 in lhis aendix for a descrilion of changes made
lo suorl rocess induslries). As a resuIl, many aII of lhe OIM Invenlory ConlroI
vindovs are nov in Query-onIy access vilhoul udale. Currenl baIances are avaiIabIe
direclIy from OracIe Invenlory vievs and reorls. The OIM Invenlory CIose
funclionaIily is nov avaiIabIe under lhe OIM IinanciaIs resonsibiIily as Ieriod CIose
for Irocess Invenlory Organizalions.
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy in Common
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
Ilems Masler ilems and organizalions ilems
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-31
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
Ilem organizalions ObsoIele
Invenlory caIendar Invenlory caIendar
Warehouse Organizalion/subinvenlory
Warehouse Iocalions Slock Iocalors
Ilem Iol conversions Ilem conversions and Iol-secific conversions
Lol and subIol Iarenl Iol and chiId Iol
Session aramelers Change organizalions
Lol slalus MaleriaI slalus
AIIocalion aramelers Iicking ruIes
OIM calegory sels DefauIl calegory sels
IrofiIe olions Organizalion aramelers
Lol geneaIogy GeneaIogy vorkbench
IubIic AIIs IubIic AII signalures may have changed
Process P|ann|ng
An unconslrained version of OracIe Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning (ASCI)
aIicalion reIaces lhe OracIe Irocess Manufacluring MaleriaI Requiremenls IIanning
(MRI) aIicalion. The OracIe ASCI unconslrained Ianning and scheduIing engine
delermines maleriaI requiremenls and scheduIes suIies lo salisfy dynamic demand.
AddilionaI caabiIilies incIude: advanced muIliIeveI egging, fIexibIe reIenishmenl
hierarchy, and onIine Ianning.
Unconslrained Ianning and scheduIing rovides you vilh a Ialform lo inlegrale lo
olher OracIe Advanced IIanning and ScheduIing aIicalions (AIS) incIuding OracIe
CoIIaboralive IIanning (CI) lo increase cooeralion vilh suIiers and cuslomers,
OracIe Demand IIanning (DI) lo enhance forecasl and saIes and oeralions Ianning,
OracIe Invenlory Olimizalion (IO) for advanced invenlory olimizalion, and OracIe
GIobaI Order Irocessing (GOI) for enhanced order romising.
D-32 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
The foIIoving fealures reIace lhe OracIe ASCI roducl lhal exisling OIM cuslomers
vho are ugrading as veII as nev cuslomers receive as a reIacemenl for OIM MRI:
L|censed A86P - New 6ustomer
ReIacemenl for I/MRI
SingIe-Org Unconslrained IIan ASCI
SingIe inslance - no searale IIanning Server
Not L|censed A86P - Upgrade 6ustomer
ReIacemenl for I/MRI
MuIli-Org Unconslrained IIan ASCI
SingIe inslance - no searale IIanning Server
L|censed A86P - New 6ustomer
Nol Licensed or Licensed CO
MuIli-Org Unconslrained or Conslrained IIan ASCI
Olion lo have a searale IIanning Server
L|censed A86P - Upgrade 6ustomer
Nol Licensed or Licensed CO
MuIli-Org Unconslrained or Conslrained IIan ASCI
Olion lo have a searale IIanning Server
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy for IIanning:
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
Sho caIendar Workday caIendar
OIM MRI reorls re4Iaced by lhe OracIe
ASCI SuIy Chain IIanning DelaiI Reorl:
uckeled MaleriaI, MaleriaI Aclivily, Aclion
Messages, Irror Messages
The OracIe ASCI SuIy Chain IIanning
DelaiI Reorl reIaces lhe indicaled OIM
MRI reorls
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-33
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
OIM Reorder Ioinl Reorl OracIe Invenlory Reorder Ioinl Reorl
alches Work orders
alch slalus Work order slalus
Iirm |obs Iirm vork orders
Move vork order lo III funclionaIily nol
Move vork orders lo III
IrofiIe olions IrofiIe olions and organizalion aramelers
8ystem Adm|n|strat|on
Changes made lo lhe OracIe Invenlory and OIM Syslem Adminislralion aIicalions
suorl rocess manufaclurer users of OracIe Invenlory. Therefore, lhe need for a
searale OIM Syslem Adminislralion aIicalion is diminished. Many of lhe funclions
in lhe OIM Syslem Adminislralion are reIaced by OracIe Invenlory rocedures and
roulines. Ior reference uroses, lhe OIM Syslem Adminislralor vindovs are
query-onIy and cannol be udaled.
A nev vindov has been added for users lo sel u and iniliale lhe migralion of dala.
The dala can be vaIidaled in a nev Iog reorl.
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy lo OIM Syslem
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
IrofiIe olions IrofiIe olions and organizalion aramelers
Look U vindov Irocess Manufacluring Syslem Looku
6ost Hanagement and Hanufactur|ng Account|ng 6ontro||er
OracIe SubIedger Accounling reIaces lhe Manufacluring Accounling ConlroIIer lo
generale |ournaI enlries in OracIe GeneraI Ledger. The SubIedger Accounling roducl is
designed lo rovide grealer fIexibiIily and lo slreamIine selus. SLA is a singIe source
for bolh rocess and discrele manufacluring organizalions. Ior addilionaI informalion,
D-34 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
refer lo lhe SubIedger Accounling seclion of lhis documenl.
OIM Cosl Managemenl conlinues lo calure cosls for aII lransaclions in a
rocess-enabIed organizalion are rovided by OIM Cosl Managemenl. There is
comIele suorl for maleriaI lransfers belveen rocess and discrele organizalions.
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy lo OIM Cosl
Managemenl and OracIe SubIedger Accounling:
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
Comany LegaI enlily
Cosl melhod Cosl lyes
urdens Iixed overheads
Iercenlage burdens Iercenlage overheads
IM balch delaiI (acluaI cosl lransaclion viev) Iroduclion balch
ICO accounl COGS accounl
Invenlory cIose (in OIM Invenlory ConlroI) Ieriod CIose for Irocess Invenlory
Subsidiary Ledger Udale rogram OIM Accounling Ire-Irocessor and
SubIedger Accounling rograms
GL Ixorl The exorl lo GL is avaiIabIe as an olion
vhiIe running lhe Creale Accounling rogram
Acquisilion cosls Ireighl and seciaI charges
Invenlory VaIualion reorl (in OIM Invenlory
Invenlory VaIualion reorl for rocess
invenlory organizalions (in OIM IinanciaIs)
Log|st|cs App||cat|ons
Differences in funclionaIily resuIling from searale invenlory modeIs for rocess and
discrele aIicalions are nov removed from lhe Logislics roducl areas. AddilionaI
rocess Iogislics caabiIilies, formerIy avaiIabIe onIy lo discrele, such as vendor
managed and consigned invenlory, inlernalionaI dro shimenls, shared services and
gIobaI rocuremenl are nov avaiIabIe.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-35
Ior lhose comanies using WMS, OracIe Receiving viII aIso have lhe caabiIily lo ul
maleriaI inlo LINs, use ulavay ruIes and creale IabeIs (if using OracIe Irocess MIS
Oeralions). Irocess induslries can aIso use WMS funclionaIily in MSCA since lhe
roducl suorls bolh secondary quanlilies and grade.
LaslIy, OracIe Iurchasing for OIM Receiving has a lighler inlegralion lo OIM QuaIily
Managemenl. A lvo slage inseclion rocess rovides lhe abiIily lo viev samIe
accelabiIily and visuaI inseclion resuIls direclIy from lhe receiving vindov. OracIe
QuaIily is Ieveraged lo define ski receil aramelers and samIing Ian crileria based
on ANSI/ASQC slandards or user-defined ruIes.
Regu|atory Hanagement
Mosl of lhe changes in OracIe Irocess Manufacluring ReguIalory Managemenl enabIe
muIli-organizalion access lo informalion. The Disalch Hislory vindov, Disalch
Hislory Reorl, ReguIalory Ilem Informalion vindov, and WorkfIov Nolificalions
shov lhe organizalion conlexl informalion and ulake lhe common invenlory modeI.
Organizalion conlexl reslricls record query and ilem vaIidalion. Inbound and oulbound
XML messages aIso incororale organizalion as one of lhe eIemenls.
UN Numbers and Hazard CIasses are nov mainlained in lhe OracIe Iurchasing
roducl and CAS Numbers are mainlained on lhe common ilem masler.
The foIIoving labIe summarizes changes in concels and lerminoIogy lo OIM
ReguIalory Managemenl:
Before the Upgrade After the Upgrade
Ilem Version Ilem Revision
AcluaI Hazard AcluaI Hazard %
Irimary CAS Number CAS Number
Sland-aIone formuIa OIM Iroducl DeveIomenl formuIa vilh
reguIalory vaIidily ruIe lye
ReguIalory ilem Ilems in OracIe Invenlory vilh ReguIalory
Hob||e 8upp|y 6ha|n App||cat|on
OIM MSCA nov suorls lhe foIIoving addilionaI lransaclions:
Creale and udale balch reservalions in OIM Irocess Ixeculion
D-36 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
OracIe Manufacluring Ixeculion Syslem for Irocess Manufacluring:
Udale acluaI resource usage
Ingredienl issue
Ingredienl relurn
Iroducl comIelion
Iroducl relurn
IncremenlaI backfIush
Creale ending roducl Iol
Udale ending roducl Iol
TechnoIogy changes enabIe aII e-record and e-signalure fealures avaiIabIe in lhe Iorms
lechnoIogy slack lo be suorled for lhe OracIe AIicalions Iramevork Iorms
lechnoIogy slack. AIso a mobiIe e-signalure framevork enabIes e-signalures on mobiIe
devices. Imrovemenls lo slreamIine lhe arovaI selu incIude one-sle dala selu
vaIidalion, roIe based arovaIs and lhe abiIily lo Ieverage XML from muIliIe sources
for e-record generalion.
AddilionaI caabiIilies lo slreamIine lhe arovaI rocess incIude lhe abiIily lo do a
before and afler comarison lhrough redIining, exediling lhe rocess lhrough araIIeI
or simuIlaneous signalures and "firsl resonder vins" funclionaIily. The number of
vindov lhal a user needs lo fev has aIso been decreased lo a singIe sle.
0bso|ete Features
Irior lo lhis reIease, OracIe Irocess Manufacluring had ils ovn invenlory conlroI
syslem, vhich mainlained a cenlraI Ilem Masler, lracked invenlory in lvo unils of
measure, rovided grade conlroI, slalus conlroI, and Iol and subIol numbers.
Irior fealures are added lo OracIe Invenlory. The OracIe Irocess Manufacluring
aIicalion nov reIies on a core invenlory syslema singIe modeI of invenlory for
bolh rocess and discrele organizalions. This rovides for a singIe invenlory viev
lhroughoul lhe suIy chain. One cenlraI Ilem Masler becomes lhe source of ilem
crealion and mainlenance. Il is aIso a reosilory for aII ilem allribules.
Common invenlory is lhe cenlraIizalion of aII invenlory lracking. OracIe Invenlory
conlains invenlory baIances, lransaclions, and reservalions.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-37
Consigned and vendor-managed invenlory are aIso lracked in lhis aIicalion. Ior
rocess manufaclurers, aII of lhe OracIe Irocess Manufacluring aIicalions nov
use OracIe Invenlory for lheir invenlory informalion, and no baIances or
lransaclions are mainlained in OIM Invenlory ConlroI.
HisloricaI informalion can be vieved in OIM Invenlory ConlroI, bul currenl
baIances reside in OracIe Invenlory and lransaclions are execuled in OracIe
The foIIoving OIM Invenlory concurrenl rograms are disabIed:
Synchronize aII OIM Ilems
Synchronize aII Irocess Invenlory Organizalion
Synchronize aII Slock Localors for Irocess Organizalions
GMI Iurge Imly aIance
Move Order Line Aulo AIIoc and Confirm
Iurge Imly aIances
Invenlory CIose is nov avaiIabIe under lhe OIM IinanciaIs resonsibiIily as Ieriod
CIose for Irocess Invenlory Organizalions
The foIIoving OIM Logislics concurrenl rograms are disabIed:
Iurge OIM Txns and Move Order Lines
Rerocess InlernaI Order Receils
Aulo AIIoc and Confirm
IoIIoving are lhe OIM Invenlory ubIic AIIs ackages. Iackage bodies for lhe AIIs
are droed and fiIes slubbed. Signalures of AIIs are relained. This ensures lhal any
code vhich caIIs lhese AIIs gel successfuIIy comiIed bul due lo missing ackage body
errors are raised during runlime:
Transfer AII
IoIIoving are lhe obsoIele fealures in OIM ReguIalory Managemenl:
SeveraI fieIds are desuorled
D-38 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Sland-aIone formuIas are no Ionger suorled
The OIM MRI aIicalion is obsoIele and lhe foIIoving fealures are nol suorled by
OracIe ASCI:
ReIenishmenl melhod secific order modifiers
MuIliIe lransfer lyes
Resizing/RescheduIing suggeslions
Dynamic uckeling
DuaI unil of measures
In addilion, lhe foIIoving fealures are obsoIele:
The OIM Manufacluring Accounling ConlroIIer aIicalion is nov obsoIele. Il is
reIaced vilh lhe OIM SubIedger Accounling aIicalion
The organizalion slruclure used earIier by OIM rior lo lhis reIease is nov reIaced
vilh lhe organizalion slruclure used across lhe I-usiness Suile and is aIicabIe
for aII rocess-enabIed organizalions. To ensure comIiance vilh lhe organizalion
slruclure, lhe cosling enlilies lhal vere al lhe OIM Comany IeveI such as Cosl
RoIIu and AcluaI Cosl CaIcuIalion are nov maed lo lhe LegaI Inlily IeveI.
SaIes Order Reservalions menu olion is obsoIele.
The OIM Logislics aIicalions suorl lhe common Invenlory aIicalion. In
OIM Order IuIfiIImenl, you can viev hisloricaI dala in query-mode.
AII OracIe I-Record fealures, vhich vere avaiIabIe in lhe Iorms Tech Slack, are
nov suorled for lhe OracIe AIicalions Iramevork Iorms Tech Slack.
HoId Reasons are nov obsoIele.
IrofiIe olions are nov referred lo as syslem arameler.
Product L|fecyc|e Hanagement
Changes for OracIe Iroducl LifecycIe Managemenl are described in lhis seclion.
6ommon 8tructures
In rior reIeases, you couId onIy udale slruclure allribules for common slruclures
(aIso knovn as common biIIs of maleriaI) in lhe source biII. Nov, five slruclure
allribules are edilabIe, and can have differenl vaIues from lhe source biII.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-39
The five allribule fieIds are: Oeralion Seq, IncIude in Cosl RoIIu, and lhree maleriaI
conlroI allribules (SuIy Tye, Subinvenlory, and Localor). You can choose lo change
lhese allribules vhen you creale a nev common slruclure, change an exisling common
slruclure, or add or udale a common slruclure vhen using lhe iII Imorl oen
inlerface rogram.
Note: See Ccnncn Bi||s an! |cuiings in Orac|c Bi||s cj Maicria| Uscrs
Advanced 8earch
The advanced search funclion has been enhanced so lhal searches using lhe oeralor "
conlains" are nov case-insensilive.
web A0| |ntegrat|on
CoIumns crealed vilhin a Microsofl IxceI sreadsheel during lhe informalion exorl
rocess nov malch lhe coIumn formals of lhe disIay formal seIecled.
|tem 0rgan|zat|on Ass|gnments
In rior reIeases, vhen assigning ilems lo organizalions, some of lhe ilem rimary
allribules vere defauIled from lhe masler ilem during organizalion assignmenl and
couId nol be changed. In lhis reIease, you can nov edil lhe foIIoving allribules during
organizalion assignmenl:
Secondary Unil of Measure
Iosilive Devialion Iaclor
Negalive Devialion Iaclor
8erv|ce 6ontracts
OracIe Service Conlracls rovides a comIele conlracl aulhoring and execulion soIulion
lo manage varranlies, exlended varranlies, usage and subscrilion based services.
Service roviders can Ieverage enlilIemenl verificalion checks lo accuraleIy delermine
lhe IeveI of service avaiIabIe lo cuslomers via caII cenler suorl, deol reair or fieId
service rocesses. Accurale ricing and fIexibIe biIIing olions ensure cuslomers receive
D-40 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
accurale invoices. An aulomaled renevaI rocess imroves revenue by guiding
cuslomers and saIes reresenlalives lhrough ucoming renevaIs, ensuring
un-inlerruled service for cuslomers vhiIe minimizing service revenue Ieakage for
service roviders.
Changes for OracIe Service Conlracls are described in lhis seclion.
Part|a| Per|od 0ef|n|t|on
usinesses require fIexibiIily for defining hov ricing, biIIing and lerminalion amounls
are caIcuIaled for arliaI eriods. Some businesses base arliaI eriod caIcuIalions on
fixed 30-day monlhs, 90-day quarlers and 360-day years. Olhers refer lo caIcuIale
arliaI eriods based on lhe acluaI number of days vilhin a eriod.
To use lhis nev fealure, you need lo define lhe vay you vish lhe arliaI eriod lo be
caIcuIaled in lhe GIobaI Conlracls DefauIls form. Ior examIe, you viII need lo define
vhelher lhe aIicalion counls vhoIe eriods from lhe slarl dale of lhe service, or
based on lhe fuII caIendar monlhs lhal san lhe duralion. Ieriods can be defined based
on a fixed quanlily, for examIe, 30 days er monlh, or based on lhe acluaI number a
days in each eriod.
Note: See Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
8erv|ce 6ance||at|ons
Al lime of conlracl renevaI, cuslomers somelimes eIecl lo disconlinue one or more
services on a conlracl. The abiIily lo lrack canceIIalion delaiIs for individuaI service
Iines or covered IeveIs imroves managemenl's abiIily lo evaIuale renevaI rales and
canceIIalion rales, roviding insighl inlo lhe reasons behind changes in renevaI rales.
To use lhis nev fealure you may need lo sel u addilionaI slaluses lo lrack lhe reasons
for canceIIalion. Use lhe Slalus and Oeralions form lo define exlra slaluses as
necessary under lhe Inlered and CanceIed slalus lyes.
Note: See Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
6ontract Approva| Ru|es
The slandard conlracl arovaI vorkfIov is inlegraled vilh OracIe ArovaIs
Managemenl lo drive lhe arovaI rocess. Slandard ArovaIs Managemenl fealures,
such as ruIes-based arovaI rouling and definilion of arovaI grous, are suorled.
To use lhis nev fealure, you need lo sel u lhe OracIe ArovaIs Managemenl engine
defining lhe arovaI ruIes, arovaI grous and hierarchy as necessary lo suorl
your business.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-41
Note: See Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for more
Hu|t|-0rg Access 6ontro|
MuIli-Org Access ConlroI (MOAC) enabIes comanies lhal have imIemenled a Shared
Services oeraling modeI lo access, rocess, and reorl on dala for an unIimiled
number of oeraling unils vilhin a singIe aIicalions resonsibiIily. Users are no
Ionger required lo svilch aIicalions resonsibiIilies vhen rocessing lransaclions for
muIliIe oeraling unils. Dala securily is mainlained using securily rofiIes lhal
delermine lhe dala access riviIeges associaled lo resonsibiIilies granled lo a user.
To use lhis nev fealure, you may need lo define or change your selu for organizalion
hierarchies. You musl define securily rofiIes and assign oeraling unils, and assign a
securily rofiIe lo each resonsibiIily and a defauIl oeraling unil lo your users.
Note: See Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for more
6overage 0ef|n|t|on and |nstant|at|on
Some service roviders slandardize lheir service offerings across lheir cuslomer base,
vhiIe olhers laiIor comIex service rograms lo meel lhe needs of secific cuslomers. In
lhis reIease, service roviders vho slandardize lheir offerings can define slandard
coverage lhal can be referenced by services soId in conlracls.
Udales lo lhe slandard coverage are aulomalicaIIy aIied lo aII conlracls lhal incIude
lhal service coverage, making changes in coverage immedialeIy accessibIe lo aII
dovnslream rocesses lhal need lo check enlilIemenls. Coverage can sliII be laiIored lo
suil lhe secific needs of cuslomers by ressing lhe Cuslomize bullon vhen adding lhe
service lo a conlracl.
To use lhis nev fealure, you need lo:
Reviev your currenl sel of coverage lemIales and ensure lhal lhey reresenl lhe
sel of slandard coverage offerings lhal your business offers.
IxcIude lhe cuslomize coverage funclion, Creale Cuslomized Coverage, lo lhe sel
of users lhal shouId nol have lhe riviIege of aulhoring conlracls lhal deviale from
slandard or reaIy slandard coverage lo a service Iine.
y defauIl, conlracls viII be migraled vilh cuslomized or "rivale" coverage. If you
vish your conlracls lo reference a slandard definilion, oen lhe conlracl and
reaIy lhe slandard for each service Iine. This reverls lo lhe coverage lemIale
currenlIy assigned lo lhe service and removes lhe inslanlialed coverage. Or, you
can slarl using slandard coverage for nev or reneved conlracls onIy.
D-42 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Note: See Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
XHL Pub||sher 6ommun|cat|on Temp|ates
Service Conlracls is inlegraled vilh XML IubIisher lo suorl user-defined Iayoul
lemIales for cuslomer communicalion documenls. The TemIale Selu forms are
enhanced in lhis reIease.
To use lhis nev fealure, reviev lhe seeded communicalion lemIales and modify lhem
as necessary lo suorl your business rocess.
Note: See Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
8h|pp|ng Execut|on
Changes for OracIe Shiing Ixeculion are described in lhis seclion.
F|ex|b|e 0ocuments
eginning vilh lhis reIease, rinling of reorls in Shiing Ixeculion is nol Iimiled lo
lexl oulul. IDI formal is nov avaiIabIe on various Shiing Ixeculion reorls
lhrough lhe use of reorl lemIales crealed in OracIe XML IubIisher.
OracIe XML IubIisher enabIes you lo define your reorls using broadIy acceled looIs
such as Microsofl Word. Wilhin Word, you choose lhe informalion you vanl, vhere
you vanl il on lhe reorl, and any fonls, coIors, or Iogos you refer for lhe reorl. You
can slarl by coying lhe seeded.rlf (Rich Texl Iormal) Iayoul rovided vilh Shiing
Ixeculion and modifying il, or you can slarl from scralch and define any desired reorl
Iayoul you refer.
The foIIoving Shiing Ixeculion reorls are avaiIabIe for IDI oulul:
Iick SIi
Iacking SIi
MaiIing LabeI
iII of Lading
Masler iII of Lading
CommerciaI Invoice
VehicIe Load Sheel Summary
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-43
Many nev allribules have been added lo lhe XML oulul of lhe Iick SIi, Iacking SIi,
and CommerciaI Invoice reorls, incIuding:
Secondary Quanlily
Secondary UOM
Lol number
IO lerms and Ireighl lerms have been added lo lhe iII of Lading and lhe Masler iII
of Lading reorls lo rovide suorl for lhe VICS iII of Lading.
Note: This nev informalion does nol aear on lhe reorl's seeded
Iayouls. Il is arl of lhe XML dala slruclure avaiIabIe lo buiId lhe
lemIales vilhin OracIe XML ubIisher.
workf|ow-enab|ed 8h|pp|ng Transact|ons
The Shiing Transaclions form and Quick Shi vindov nov aIIov you lo viev
WorkfIov-enabIed shiing lransaclions. These lransaclions aulomale business
rocesses by rouling informalion according lo user-defined business ruIes. You can use
lhem lo aulomale secific lasks and cuslomize oulul based on allribules of business
Note: See Orac|c Snipping |xccuiicn Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
Para||e| P|ck 8ubm|ss|on
Iick ReIease runs ick reIease rocesses in araIIeI. Dislribuling lhe vorkIoad across
muIliIe rocessors reduces lhe overaII lime required for a singIe ick reIease run. You
can aIso secify lhe number of lhreads savned by Iick ReIease. (The acluaI number of
ick reIease chiId rocesses savned by Iick ReIease deends on each individuaI ick
reIease balch, and on lhe rofiIe selling.)
The nev seeded rofiIe WSH: Number of Iick ReIease ChiId Irocesses is used lo
delermine lhe defauIl number of chiId rocesses. Hovever, il does nol have a defauIl
vaIue so lhe Iick SeIeclion rogram considers lhis as "1." Change lhis rofiIe lo lhe
number of chiId rocesses lhal you vanl lo run in araIIeI, deending on lhe hardvare
efficiency and olher aIicalion conslrainls al your Iocalion.
ecause Invenlory Iocks lhe organizalion/ilem combinalion, muIliIe araIIeI ick
reIease rocesses do nol rocess lhe same ilem in lhe same organizalion al lhe same
D-44 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
8hop F|oor Hanagement
Changes for OracIe Sho IIoor Managemenl are described in lhis seclion.
0pt|on 1 0|sab|ed
Olion 1 in OracIe Sho IIoor Managemenl (OSIM) refers lo lhe behavior of |obs vhere
coies are nol crealed, and individuaI oeralion dala is nol coied from lhe iIIs of
MaleriaI definilion lo |ob as you move lo lhal oeralion.
As a arl of lhe ugrade, lhis funclionaIily is disconlinued and aulomalicaIIy reIaced
vilh Olion 2 funclionaIily.
Olion 2 enabIes you lo creale individuaI coies for each |ob by coying iIIs of
MaleriaI and nelvork roulings vhen a nev Iol-based |ob is crealed. You can hoId,
modify, and viev delaiIed informalion for each oeralion of lhe |ob.
Using Olion 2, you can make lhe foIIoving |ob-IeveI changes:
Change lhe alh of a |ob lo any olher vaIid inlended alh for fulure oeralions
Change comonenl requiremenls or secify comonenl subslilules for fulure
ImIoy aIlernale resources using lhe resource-cenlric vorkbench
Use lhe nev HTML User Inlerface for delaiIed Ianning recommendalions on lhe
comonenls, resources, and lhe nelvork alh of a |ob. (You can aIso make simiIar
changes lo lhe |ob lhrough oen inlerface labIes.)
Prof||e 0pt|on 6hanges for 0pt|on 2
The WSM: Creale }ob LeveI OM and Rouling Coies rofiIe olion is disabIed and sel
lo a vaIue of Yes so lhal il uses lhe Olion 2 funclionaIily. In addilion, The Sho IIoor
Iaramelers vindov conlains lhe Creale }ob IeveI OM and Rouling Coies fieId. Il is
disIay-onIy and aIvays disIays a vaIue of Yes.
Note: See lhe informalion aboul Defining Iaramelers and IrofiIe
Olions in lhe Orac|c Sncp ||ccr Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c.
warehouse Hanagement
Changes for OracIe Warehouse Managemenl are described in lhis seclion.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-45
6ontro| oard Enhancements
The Warehouse ConlroI oard, vhich enabIes you lo monilor varehouse aclivily and
imrove varehouse efficiency, has been enhanced.
Hanage Croups of Tasks
You can nov manage lasks as a grou inslead of individuaIIy. And, you no Ionger have
lo viev lhe delaiIs of individuaI lasks and arove changes manuaIIy. The Manage
Tasks vindov reIaces lhe Udale Tasks vindov (use lhe Manage bullon from lhe
Iind Tasks vindov). Il relains aII lhe caabiIilies of lhe Udale Tasks vindov, bul aIso
enabIes you lo:
Incremenl and decremenl lask riorily
CanceI inbound and crossdock lasks
Change lhe slalus of Aclive and Disalched lasks lo UnreIeased or Iending
Save, query, and deIele aclion Ians
Viev lask counl by lask lye
Assign lasks based on user lask lye
Ixecule lasks immedialeIy, or execule lasks in lhe background
Note: Use lhis fealure vilh caulion. Il is nol easy lo undo commilled
aclions. Managing grous of lasks vorks besl vilh saved crileria for
queries and aclions because lhey are more rediclabIe.
P|anned Task Hanagement
The ConlroI oard-Manage Tasks concurrenl rogram is used lo scheduIe Ianned lask
aclions. Il requires you lo save queries and aclion Ians before you run lhe concurrenl
requesl. The syslem commils aclions based on lhe aclion Ian you seIecl, vilhoul need
for furlher inul.
Add|t|ona| Tasks 8e|ect|on 6r|ter|a
The Iind Tasks vindov conlains nev search crileria. lhal increases conlroI over
relurned lasks, and suorls lhe nev crossdocking fealure. The foIIoving lask seIeclion
crileria is nov avaiIabIe:
Crossdock: You can nov manage crossdock lasks on lhe Warehouse ConlroI oard.
When you seIecl lhis source lye, you cannol seIecl any olher source lye.
D-46 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ilem Tye: You can nov query for lasks based on lhe ilem lye you assign in lhe
Ilem Masler.
Task Age: You can nov query for lasks based on days, hours, minules, monlhs, or
Order Tye: You can nov query for lasks based on saIes order lye.
Time liII Shimenl: You can query for lasks based on lhe lime unliI lhe scheduIed
shimenl in days, hours, or minules.
Time liII Aoinlmenl: You can query for lasks based on lhe lime unliI lhe
scheduIed dock door aoinlmenl in days, hours, or minules.
Note: See Natigaiing inc Warcncusc Ccnirc| Bcar! in Orac|c Warcncusc
Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c.
User-extens|b|e Labe| F|e|ds
In revious reIeases, OracIe Warehouse Managemenl reslricled lhe Iisl of fieIds you
couId incIude on lhe IabeI formal lo a Iisl of redefined seeded variabIes. In lhis reIease,
you can creale an SQL slalemenl lo add your ovn variabIes lo IabeI formals vilhoul
cuslomizing lhe aIicalion. Using lhe Define Cuslom LabeIs vindov, you can creale
cuslom IabeI fieIds for LabeI Iormals.
Note: See lhe seclions on Defining LabeI IieId VariabIes and on Selling
U LabeI Iormals in Orac|c Warcncusc Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c for
more informalion.
Hu|t|-de||very 6onso||dat|on
In lhis reIease, you can nov grou deIiveries lhal lraveI arl of lhe vay logelher, bul do
nol lraveI lo lhe same finaI deslinalions. Wilh lhis fealure, you can:
ConsoIidale oulbound maleriaI across deIiveries as veII as vilhin a deIivery.
ConsoIidale maleriaI in eilher a consoIidalion Iocalor, or direclIy lo a slaging Iane.
ConsoIidale maleriaI inlo an LIN. In lhis reIease, lhe oulermosl consoIidalion LIN
cannol conlain any Ioose maleriaI, and none of lhe LINs inside lhe oulermosl LIN,
vhelher nesled or nol, can have maleriaI for more lhan one deIivery.
ConsoIidale maleriaI during ick dros, acking, slaging moves, and crossdock.
OracIe Warehouse Managemenl inlegrales vilh OracIe Shiing Ixeculion lo
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-47
delermine if you can consoIidale deIiveries. In order lo be consoIidaled, deIiveries musl
have a common shi-from address and a common de-consoIidalion oinl.
There are five nev seeded oulbound oeralion Ians for consoIidalion:
LIN-based consoIidalion in slaging Iane vilhin deIivery (avaiIabIe in revious
reIeases as LIN based consoIidalion)
Direcl consoIidalion in slaging Iane across deIiveries (nev)
Direcl consoIidalion in slaging Iane vilhin deIivery (nev)
LIN-based consoIidalion in consoIidalion Iocalor, across deIiveries in slaging Iane
LIN-based consoIidalion in consoIidalion Iocalor vilhin deIivery in slaging Iane
(avaiIabIe in revious reIeases as Iocalor and LIN based consoIidalion)
LIN-based consoIidalion in slaging Iane across deIiveries (nev)
Localor-based consoIidalion in consoIidalion Iocalor, across deIiveries in slaging
Iane (nev)
Localor-based consoIidalion in consoIidalion Iocalor vilhin deIivery in slaging Iane
(avaiIabIe in revious reIeases as Iocalor based consoIidalion)
You can aIso consoIidale crossdocked maleriaI. When you creale a crossdock oeralion
Ian, you enler lhe aroriale oulbound oeralion Ian al lhe end of lhe crossdock
New Transact|on
Mass ConsoIidale enabIes you lo erform mass moves from consoIidalion Iocalors lo
slaging Ianes. During lhis lransaclion, you can aIso secify a consoIidalion Iocalor. You
can onIy erform lhis lransaclion on a mobiIe device.
6hanged Transact|ons
You can nov consoIidale maleriaI in lhe acking vorkbench. You enler an exisling or
nev consoIidalion LIN, and OracIe Warehouse Managemenl erforms lhe necessary
vaIidalions. The mobiIe shi confirm lransaclions, such as LIN Shi, Dock Door Shi,
and Direcl Shi, nov calure aII deIivery informalion and confirm il individuaIIy if you
consoIidale maleriaI across deIiveries. The Quick Shi lransaclion aIso vaIidales and
reslricls confirming a deIivery if you consoIidale maleriaI across deIiveries.
Note: See lhe informalion on Selu Oeralion IIans and on IxIaining
ConsoIidalion in lhe Orac|c Warcncusc Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c.
D-48 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Ru|es Eng|ne Enhancements
In revious reIeases, you had lo creale a dummy slralegy vilh no reslriclions. In lhis
reIease, you can nov assign ruIes and vaIues direclIy in lhe RuIes Workbench, so you
no Ionger need lo creale a slralegy vilh a singIe ruIe. Olher enhancemenls are:
Assign ruIes and vaIues aIong vilh slralegies direclIy in lhe RuIes Workbench.
RuIes Ingine SimuIalor and Ixeculion Trace Log disIay lhe slralegy ruIe and
vaIue used.
The cuslom slralegy seIeclion AII aIso suorls relurning a slralegy, ruIe, or vaIue.
IvaIuales and rocesses lhe firsl assignmenl lhal salisfies lhe condilions.
The RuIes Where Used vindov avaiIabIe in revious reIeases vas decommissioned
because you can viev ruIes direclIy in lhe RuIes Workbench.
You can nov aIIocale maleriaI based on OracIe Irocess Manufacluring aIIocalion
crileria. AddilionaI ob|ecls and aramelers vere added lo lhe ruIes engine lo
suorl OracIe Irocess Manufacluring. Ior aIIocalions of duaI UOM-conlroIIed
maleriaI, aIIocalions are made in bolh lhe rimary and secondary quanlilies.
AddilionaI ob|ecls and aramelers vere seeded lo enabIe quaIily secificalion
malching. The syslem caIIs an AII and relurns a Yes if lhe Iol meels lhe
secificalions, and a No if lhe Iol does nol meel lhe secificalions.
The RuIes Ingine nov suorls searching for maleriaI in non-Iocalor conlroIIed
The syslem can nov creale Iol IeveI delaiIed reservalions for Iol indivisibIe ilems.
The syslem vaIidales lhal lhe Iol quanlily equaIs lhe avaiIabIe lo reserve quanlily. If
lhey do nol faII vilhin loIerances, il does nol make a reservalion. In revious
reIeases reservalions for Iol indivisibIe ilems vere crealed syslemalicaIIy during
saIes order scheduIing. In lhis reIease, reservalions for Iol indivisibIe ilems are
crealed manuaIIy afler saIes order booking.
The RuIes Ingine viII onIy over aIIocale an indivisibIe Iol if you enabIe over
icking for lhe organizalion. You can under ick an indivisibIe Iol. IndivisibIe Iol
consumlion is reslricled lo saIes order and manufacluring issues.
Note: You can assign a vaIue onIy if lhe ruIe lye is Cosl Grou.
Wilh lhe RuIes Workbench, you can assign crossdock ruIes and crileria lo ob|ecls. The
ruIe assignmenls can incIude bolh demand inilialed (oorlunislic) and suIy
inilialed (Ianned). You can assign crileria lo business ob|ecls lhal incIude organizalion,
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-49
cuslomer, suIier, ilem ro|ecl, and lask.
The ruIes engine nov honors seriaI-IeveI delaiIed reservalions before il aIies ruIes. Il
verifies lhe avaiIabiIily and maleriaI slalus of seriaI numbers. If a seriaI number faiIs lhe
avaiIabiIily check for any reason, OracIe Warehouse Managemenl backorders lhe
demand Iine. In revious reIeases, lhe syslem did nol erform vaIidalions belveen
reservalions and maleriaI slalus. The ruIes engine aIso conlroIs lhe aIIocalion of seriaI
numbers al a Iocalor.
Note: See lhe informalion on RuIes Workbench and on Crossdock
Crileria in lhe Orac|c Warcncusc Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c.
In revious reIeases, OracIe Warehouse Managemenl rovided oorlunislic (suIy
inilialed) crossdocking lhal vas Iimiled lo back ordered saIes orders. In lhis reIease,
OracIe Warehouse Managemenl inlroduced Ianned (demand inilialed) crossdocking.
You can use a sel of crossdock crileria lo Ian crossdocking in your varehouse. OracIe
Warehouse Managemenl can nov comare execled receils and oulbound shimenls
lo idenlify Ianned crossdocking oorlunilies in lhe varehouse. When lhe syslem
idenlifies a Ianned crossdocking oorlunily, il egs lhe scheduIed inbound receil lo
lhe oulbound shimenl. The syslem lhen idenlifies a secific crossdocking goaI based
on vhelher you vanl lo maximize crossdocking or minimize vail lime.
IIanned crossdocking enabIes you lo re-aIIocale incoming suIy lo a given demand
source, vhiIe oorlunislic crossdocking enabIes you lo dynamicaIIy aIIocale incoming
suIy lo a demand source on receil. The Ianned crossdocking eIigibIe suIy
sources are:
Advanced Shimenl Nolice (ASN)
InlernaI Requisilion
Inlransil Shimenls
MaleriaI in Receiving
Aroved IO
OracIe Warehouse Managemenl sliII suorls oorlunislic crossdocking. If enabIes
you lo assign maleriaI lo a demand source unliI il arrives in lhe varehouse.
Note: If you are currenlIy using oorlunislic crossdocking, you musl
creale a defauIl oorlunislic crossdock crilerion and assign il in lhe
Organizalion aramelers in order for il lo conlinue vorking afler lhe
D-50 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
The eIigibIe demand sources for oorlunislic crossdocking are:
ScheduIed SaIes Orders (nev)
ackordered SaIes Orders (avaiIabIe in revious reIeases)
ScheduIed InlernaI Orders (nev)
ackordered InlernaI Orders (nev)
ackordered WII Comonenl Demand (avaiIabIe in revious reIeases)
Warehouse Managemenl inlroduced a nev crossdock crileria vindov. The Crossdock
Crileria vindov enabIes you lo:
Delermine Crossdocking lye (Ianned or oorlunislic)
Delermine lhe eIigibIe suIy and demand sources for crossdocking
Delermine crossdocking goaI
Sel lhe crossdocking vindov
Iriorilize documenls
Note: See lhe informalion on Warehouse Managemenl Crossdocking
and on Selu Oeralions IIans in lhe Orac|c Warcncusc Managcncni
Uscrs Gui!c.
Hater|a| hand||ng
The foIIoving fealures vere added lo MaleriaI HandIing:
F|ex|b|e Response Hessage Formats
You can nov define aulomaled device messages in lhe foIIoving formals: XML,
message vilh deIimiler, or message vilhoul deIimiler. You use a message lemIale lo
secify lhe message formal, and lhen secify lhe message comonenls and
characlerislics. The comonenls you can use in lhe messages are seeded in lhe syslem.
This Iisl is exlensive and covers lhe comonenls lhe usuaI business fIovs require.
Use lhe nev Message TemIales age added lo lhe Warehouse ConlroI Syslem lo creale
message lemIales. Then secify lhe message comonenls in lhe nev Message
Comonenls age. You can assign lhe message lemIale lo use vhen you define a
device on lhe Define Devices vindov vilhin OracIe Warehouse Managemenl.
Supply Chain Upgrade mpact D-51
workf|ow 8upport
When lhe Warehouse ConlroI Syslem receives an error, il iniliales a vorkfIov rocess
Iinked lo lhe reason. You can creale a message based on lhe device resonse reason.
You can creale vorkfIov rocesses based on lransaclion reasons you define in OracIe
Process Hanufactur|ng
Tvo business evenls vere added lo lhe Warehouse ConlroI Syslem lo suorl OracIe
Irocess Manufacluring: Irocess Disensing and lhe Irocess Iarameler. You assign
lhese evenls in lhe Assign Devices lo usiness Ivenls vindov in OracIe Warehouse
The Warehouse ConlroI Syslem aIso added anolher device lye caIIed Manufacluring
Iquimenl lo suorl Irocess Manufacluring. You assign device lyes lo equimenl on
lhe Define Devices vindov in OracIe Warehouse Managemenl. OracIe Irocess
Manufacluring uses lhe Warehouse ConlroI Syslem execulion framevork lo invoke lhe
necessary AIIs lo oblain device resonses direclIy on an OracIe AIicalions
framevork age.
Note: See informalion on Transaclion Reasons in lhe Orac|c |ntcnicrq
Uscrs Gui!c. See aIso Defining Devices and Assigning Devices lo
usiness Ivenls in lhe Orac|c Warcncusc Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c.
OracIe QuaIily rovides an inlegraled, enlerrise vide, fIexibIe quaIily managemenl
aIicalion designed lo suorl diverse quaIily needs of discrele, reelilive,
assembIe-lo-order, and balch rocess manufaclurers. OracIe QuaIily is inlegraled vilh
lhe OracIe AIicalions roducl suile lo rovide unified quaIily dala definilion, dala
coIIeclion, and dala managemenl lhroughoul lhe enlerrise and across suIy and
dislribulion nelvorks. OracIe QuaIily's fIexibIe archileclure can suorl a vide variely
of business modeIs and aIso rovides reorling on aII asecls of quaIily managemenl.
Changes for OracIe QuaIily are described in lhis seclion.
0ev|ce |ntegrat|on Funct|ona||ty
This is nev funclionaIily inlroduced in lhis reIease lhal enabIes lhe aIicalion lo
communicale vilh devices on lhe sho fIoor and coIIecl lhe QuaIily dala. A nev User
Inlerface (UI) age has been added lo enabIe lhe device selu. To suorl lhis
funclionaIily, lhe coIIeclion Ians selu vindov from ReIease 11i has been modified lo
secify lhe eIemenls lhal are device enabIed. A nev bullon on lhe QuaIily Workbench
enabIes lhe enlry/udale age lo read lhe dala from lhe devices. This funclionaIily is
avaiIabIe onIy for lhose cuslomers vho have urchased lhe MIS roducl Iicense.
D-52 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Note: See Orac|c Qua|iiq Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
6hanges |n 0ua||ty workbench
The usabiIily of lhe QuaIily Workbench (QW) is imroved in lhis reIease lo bring a
arily belveen forms and OA ages in lerms of lhe funclionaIilies lhal incIude onIine
aclions rocessing and onIine vaIidalions, deIelion caabiIily, adding rovs and rov
duIicalion fealures for slandaIone Ians, exorling quaIily resuIls, muIli-rov udale
for arenl and chiId Ians, and addilionaI fealures lhal serve lo bridge lhe ga lhal
exisled belveen lhe forms aIicalion and lhe vorkbench aIicalion in ReIease 11i.
Note: See Orac|c Qua|iiq Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
0A Framework Craph|cs
The OracIe QuaIily charls lhal vere based on lhe Iegacy OracIe Grahics in ReIease 11i
are reIaced vilh OA Iramevork charls in lhis reIease.
Note: See Orac|c Qua|iiq Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
ERE8 8upport |n 8erv|ce Fam||y
The IRIS funclionaIily in ReIease 11i has been enhanced lo suorl deferred
I-Signalures for enlering and udaling quaIily resuIls. QuaIily inlegralion vilh service
requesl lransaclions fealure IRIS funclionaIily in lhis reIease.
Note: See Orac|c Qua|iiq Uscrs Gui!c for more informalion.
0bso|eted Prof||es
The foIIoving QuaIily rofiIes are obsoIele in lhis reIease:
1. QA:Aclion Irocessing Mode
2. QA:Receive Web SuIier Nolificalions
3. QA:SeIf-Service Transaclion Nolificalion
4. QA:Slalislics Ingine
Reducing Downtime E-1
Reducing Downtime
This aendix discusses lasks lhal you can erform in advance of lhe ugrade. y
comIeling lhese olionaI lasks in advance of lhe acluaI ugrade, you may be abIe lo
subslanliaIIy reduce lhe amounl of lime lhal your syslem is offIine during lhe ugrade
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Tasks
SuIy Chain Managemenl
6ustomer Re|at|onsh|p Hanagement
The sles in lhis seclion are suggesled cn|q if you are using Cuslomer ReIalionshi
Managemenl roducls in your syslem.
Leads Hanagement
ComIeling lhese lasks for Leads Managemenl couId subslanliaIIy reduce lhe
dovnlime required for lhe ugrade.
H|grate data
If you use Leads Managemenl and are currenlIy running ReIease 11.5.9 or Leads
Manager miniack A, reviev lhe slralegies oulIined in Ica!s Managcncni 11.5.10 Oaia
Migraiicn (Doc ID: 365367.1) lo delermine hov lo besl migrale your Leads Managemenl
F|nanc|a|s and Procurement Tasks
The sles in lhis seclion are aroriale cn|q if you are using IinanciaIs and
Irocuremenl roducls in your syslem.
E-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
ComIeling lhese lasks couId subslanliaIIy reduce lhe dovnlime required for your
If you have a Iarge voIume of derecialion dala in lhe currenl oen eriod in lhe books
lhal are in use, and you are exeriencing a Iong running lime vilh facug.sqI, consider
running derecialion vilh or vilhoul cIosing lhe currenl eriod as ermilled by
business rior lo lhe ugrade. Doing so can olenliaIIy reduce dovnlime by rocessing
addilions, back-daled lransfers, and ending reliremenls and reinslalemenls in lhe
currenl oen eriods in lhe books lhal are in use.
Post Hass Add|t|ons
If you have a Iarge voIume of ending mass addilion Iines from IayabIes and Iro|ecls
lhal are for books in Assels vilh reorling books, and you are exeriencing a Iong
running lime vilh faumamcr.sqI, you can subslanliaIIy reduce dovnlime by rearing
and osling lhese ending Mass Addilion Iines before lhe ugrade.
Cenera| Ledger
ComIeling lhese lasks couId subslanliaIIy reduce lhe dovnlime required for your
Posted Journa| Entr|es Pre-upgrade 8tand-a|one Upgrade
Reviev lhis seclion if you use GeneraI Ledger vilh a Iarge number of osled |ournaIs
and you are exeriencing a subslanliaI running lime vhen running gIrsgu2.sqI.
The GeneraI Ledger }ournaI Inlries Ire-Ugrade is an olionaI rogram lhal can
reduce lhe duralion of dovnlime vhiIe ugrading. Il ugrades osled GeneraI Ledger
|ournaI enlries before lhe Ianned dovnlime, Ieaving onIy unosled |ournaIs and nevIy
osled |ournaIs lo ugrade during dovnlime.
The GL }ournaIs Inlries Ire-Ugrade consisls of lhe Irogram - Ireare Iosled }ournaIs
efore Ugrade concurrenl rogram, vhich you run from lhe Slandard Requesl
Submission form. Since lhis rogram is resource-inlensive, il shouId be scheduIed lo
run during non-eak limes, such as evenings or veekends. Il can, hovever, be
lerminaled al any oinl, and, vhen reslarled, il resumes from lhe oinl vhere il Iefl off.
Iven afler lhe rogram is comIele, you can run il again al a Ialer lime. Il rocesses
onIy |ournaI enlries osled afler lhe Iasl lime il vas run.
In order lo inslaII lhe funclionaIily necessary lo run lhe Irogram - Ireare Iosled
}ournaIs efore Ugrade concurrenl rogram, aIy alch 4685497.
Reducing Downtime E-3
ComIeling lhese lasks couId subslanliaIIy reduce lhe dovnlime required for your
The 6ata|og 0ata Pre-upgrade Process
This re-ugrade rocess is slrongIy recommended if you are ugrading iIrocuremenl
from 11.5.9 or 11.5.10. Il re-rocesses buIk-Ioaded conlenl lo reduce lhe acluaI lime
required for lhe ugrade and lo ensure lhe ugrade rocess runs smoolhIy. You can
run il muIliIe limes. If excelions are found, make correclions and re-run lhe rogram
unliI no excelions are noled. Running lhis rogram does nol require your users lo Iog
off lhe syslem.
Note: Ixcelions noled and nol fixed before lhe ugrade viII nol be
avaiIabIe in lhe iIrocuremenl CalaIog.
SecificaIIy, lhis rogram shorlens lhe lime il lakes lo run lhese ugrade scrils:
icxiflug.sqI: udales IOR_TIMILATI_INIO
icxr12in.sqI: generaI selu ugrade scril needed for iIrocuremenl
oxu|oh.sqI: udales IO_HIADIRS_ALL (for examIe, creale_Ianguage)
oxukoI.sqI: udales IO_LINIS_ALL (for examIe, i_calegory_id)
oxukrl.sqI: udales IO_RIQIXIRISS_LINIS_ALL (for examIe, i_calelory_id)
icxr12ug.sqI: migrales iIrocuremenl dala modeI lo IO
icxr12rl.sqI: ouIales lhe requisilion lemIales in iIrocuremenl inlermedia index
icxr12d.sqI: ouIales lhe Iurchasing documenls in iIrocuremenl inlermedia
index labIes: bIankel urchase agreemenls (IAs), gIobaI bIankel agreemenls
(GIAs), and quoles
icxr12mi.sqI: ouIales lhe masler ilems in iIrocuremenl inlermedia index labIes
oxukfi.sqI: urchasing scril lo arove lhe GIAs crealed during iIrocuremenl
oxukal.sqI: urchasing scril lo udale lhe allachmenls
E-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
icxr12fi.sqI: finaI ugrade scril, vhich ugrades favorile Iisls, urges lhe IAs and
GIAs lhal are nol aroved, and creales lhe inlermedia index
To run lhe re-ugrade, erform lhe foIIoving sles:
1. Run lhe exlraclor lo ensure lhal lhe iIrocuremenl exlracled calaIog dala is udaled.
2. AIy lhe re-ugrade alch (4914492). Il inserls a nev enlry in lhe eConlenl
Manager menu caIIed ReIease 12 Dala Migralion, vhich you can use lo run lhe dala
excelions reorl and/or lhe re-ugrade.
3. Run lhe excelions reorl rior lo lhe re-ugrade. The reorl Iisls dala lhal cannol
be aulomalicaIIy ugraded and musl be fixed before lhe ugrade. The re-ugrade
rocesses lhe calaIog dala lo lhe nev dala modeI lo reduce ugrade dovnlime. If
lhere are sliII excelions, il aIso udales lhe excelions reorl.
The excelions reorl divides excelions inlo lvo calegories: lhose lo be fixed using an
XML fiIe and reIoaded inlo lhe calaIog, and lhose lo be fixed by correcling syslem
defauIl vaIues.
Except|ons to be F|xed and Re|oaded
Whenever ossibIe, an XML fiIe is rovided lo heI you fix lhe calaIog dala. You can
dovnIoad lhe XML fiIe, fix dala issues, and reIoad dala back inlo lhe calaIog using lhe
Ioader fealure in eConlenl Manager. IxamIes of lhese excelions are:
uIk-Ioaded ilems vilhoul SuIier Sile - rior lo lhis reIease, you couId Ioad ilems
in buIk vilhoul a suIier sile. In order for lhe re-ugrade/ugrade lo move
buIk-Ioaded ilems lo GIAs, you musl rovide a suIier sile.
uIk-Ioaded ilems assigned lo "aII buyers" - rior lo lhis reIease, you couId Ioad
ilems in buIk vilhoul a suIier sile. To re-Ioad lhese ilems afler lhe ugrade, you
musl rovide lhe oeraling unil in lhe Ioader olions user inlerface. You Ioad lhe
same fiIe inlo muIliIe oeraling unils, if necessary.
uIk-Ioaded ilems vilh invaIid dala such as calegory, calegory maing, or unil of
measure (UOM).
The foIIoving labIe Iisls excelions for vhich you can dovnIoad an XML fiIe. Il aIso
indicales lhe fiIe Tye - rice or ilem. The DeIele` coIumn indicales vhelher a deIele fiIe
is rovided lo eIiminale oId dala.
Reducing Downtime E-5
Exception Type DeIete
Instructions for Fixing Data
Currency code is invaIid or
disabIed in lhe currency selu
Irice Y Iix lhe Currency definilion or dovnIoad
lhe fiIe and re-Ioad il, roviding a vaIid
SuIier sile is invaIid,
disabIed, on hoId, or missing
Irice Y Iix lhe SuIier Sile definilion or
dovnIoad lhe fiIe and re-Ioad il,
roviding Sile in lhe fiIe or in lhe Ioad
olions user inlerface.
SuIier sile is invaIid due lo
exired CenlraI Conlraclor
Regislralion (CCR) suIier
Irice Y Iix lhe SuIier Sile definilion in
Iurchasing or dovnIoad lhe fiIe and
re-Ioad, roviding Sile in lhe fiIe or in lhe
Ioad olions inlerface.
"AII buyers" olion is
Ilem Y DovnIoad lhe fiIe and re-Ioad, roviding
Oeraling Unil, SuIier, and SuIier
Sile in lhe fiIe or in lhe Ioad olions user
SuIier invaIid or missing Ilem Y Iix SuIier definilion or dovnIoad lhe
fiIe and re-Ioad, roviding SuIier and
SuIier Sile in lhe fiIe or in lhe Ioad
olions user inlerface.
Oeraling Unil invaIid Ilem Y Iix lhe Oeraling Unil definilion or
dovnIoad lhe fiIe and re-Ioad il,
roviding Oeraling Unil, SuIier, and
SuIier Sile in lhe Ioad olions inlerface.
UOM code is invaIid in lhe
selu, or missing
Irice N Iix lhe UOM definilion or dovnIoad lhe
fiIe and re-Ioad il, roviding a vaIid UOM.
No Iurchasing calegory lhal
mas lo lhe iIrocuremenl
calegory in lhe calaIog
Ilem N Ma lhe iIrocuremenl calegory lo a vaIid
Iurchasing calegory or dovnIoad lhe fiIe
and re-Ioad il, roviding an iIrocuremenl
calegory maed lo a vaIid Iurchasing
E-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Exception Type DeIete
Instructions for Fixing Data
Iurchasing calegory is invaIid Ilem N Iix lhe Iurchasing calegory definilion, or
ma lhe iIrocuremenl calegory lo a vaIid
Iurchasing calegory. Or, dovnIoad lhe
fiIe and re-Ioad il, roviding an
iIrocuremenl calegory maed lo a vaIid
Iurchasing calegory.
To fix excelions using lhe XML fiIes, erform lhe foIIoving sles:
1. DovnIoad lhe XML fiIe.
The dovnIoad Iink rovides a comressed fiIe caIIed IlemIxcelion.zi for each
suIier/suIier sile/conlracl/Ianguage combinalion. This fiIe conlains lvo XML
fiIes: one for lhe SYNC and lhe olher lhe DILITI aclion. There may be muIliIe
SYNC fiIes (for muIliIe Ianguages), bul lhere viII aIvays be onIy one DILITI fiIe.
SYNC fiIes are named IlemIxcelion_Language_SYNC.xmI. They are in ReIease
11.5.9 or 11.5.10 formal, vhich aIIovs you lo Ialer re-Ioad lhese ilems (afler lhe
SYNC aclion). The DILITI fiIe is named IlemIxcelion_DILITI.xmI. Il is aIso in
ReIease 11.5.9 or 11.5.10 formal lhal deIeles lhe oId fiIe from lhe syslem (DILITI
Note: In ReIease 11.5.9 and 11.5.10, lhere are lvo lyes of fiIes: ilem
and rice. The Ianguage aIies onIy lo lhe ilem fiIe.
2. Iix lhe dala. Refer lo lhe labIe lo see lhe aroriale changes in lhe SYNC fiIe.
3. Re-Ioad lhe dala. Iirsl, re-uIoad lhe ilems using lhe SYNC fiIe.
4. DeIele oId dala. Use lhe DILITI fiIe, if rovided.
5. Run dala excelions reorl. Re-run lhe dala excelions reorl lo verify lhal lhe fix
vas successfuI. Reeal lhe rocess unliI no excelions are noled.
Except|ons to be F|xed by 6orrect|ng 8ystem 0efau|ts
In order lo creale GIAs, you musl fix olher excelions lhal are due lo invaIid defauIl
vaIues. In lhese cases, you fix lhe syslem selu. The excelions shouId nol be Iisled
vhen you re-run lhe re-ugrade or dala excelions reorl.
The foIIoving labIe Iisls lhese defauIl vaIue excelions:
Reducing Downtime E-7
Attribute Exception Error Message
Rale lye is invaIid or
disabIed in lhe rale lye
No rale for lhe dale/lye
DefauIl rale lye is invaIid.
There is no rale for lhe rale dale
and lye defauIl combinalion.
uyer missing.
uyer invaIid.
The syslem cannol oblain lhe
defauIl vaIue for lhe buyer.
DefauIl buyer is invaIid.
Shi lo Iocalion
Shi lo Iocalion is missing.
Shi lo Iocalion is invaIid.
The syslem cannol oblain lhe
defauIl vaIue for lhe shi Iocalion.
DefauIl shi lo Iocalion is inaclive
or invaIid.
iII lo Iocalion
iII lo Iocalion is missing.
iII lo Iocalion is invaIid
The syslem cannol oblain lhe
defauIl vaIue for lhe biII lo
DefauIl biII lo Iocalion is inaclive or
Terms and
Terms and condilions invaIid. DefauIl aymenl lerms is inaclive or
Ireighl carrier invaIid.
IO invaIid.
Ireighl lerms invaIid.
Shiing conlroI invaIid.
DefauIl freighl carrier is inaclive or
DefauIl freighl on board (IO)
carrier is inaclive or invaIid.
DefauIl freighl lerms is inaclive or
DefauIl shiing conlroI is inaclive
or invaIid.
The foIIoving ruIes govern lhe vay lhe migralion rocess defauIls vaIues lo lhe nev
E-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
GIA allribules Iisled in lhe receding labIe.
u|k-|oaded |tems that refer to a contract purchase agreement (6PA}
The migralion uses lhe CIA informalion as defauIl for lhe nev GIA.
u|k-|oaded |tems that do not refer to a contract purchase agreement (6PA
The migralion reIies on OracIe Iurchasing lo defauIl vaIues for Rale, Shi/iII lo
Localion, Terms and Condilions, and Shiing Olions. Ior more delaiIs, see lhe Orac|c
Purcnasing Gui!c.
Ior lhe buyer in lhe GIA header, lhe migralion lries lo source a documenl lo oblain a
buyer. Il Iooks for lhe mosl recenlIy crealed documenl in any slalus in lhe foIIoving
order. Malching is based on SuIier, SuIier Sile, Currency, and Oeraling Unil.
Malching IA/GIA
Malching CIA
Malching urchase order
Malching ReIease
If no documenl malches from lhe oeraling unil, oblains lhe Iasl crealed aclive
buyer for lhe business grou
Agreement 8ummary
The agreemenl summary rovides a Iisl of aII nevIy crealed agreemenls for
buIk-Ioaded ilems. There is one labIe for agreemenls lhal refer lo conlracl urchase
agreemenls and anolher for agreemenls lhal do nol refer lo any CIA. In lhe firsl case,
lhe syslem uses CIA informalion lo creale lhe GIA. In lhe second case, il uses OracIe
Iurchasing defauIls lo creale lhe GIA. You do nol have access lo lhe nevIy crealed
GIAs unliI lhe ugrade is comIele.
8upp|y 6ha|n Hanagement
The sles in lhis seclion are suggesled onIy if you are using OracIe SuIy Chain
Managemenl roducls in your syslem.
8erv|ce 6ontracts
ComIeling lhese lasks for OracIe Service Conlracls couId subslanliaIIy reduce lhe
dovnlime required for lhe ugrade.
Reducing Downtime E-9
H|grate Ru|es and T|mes va|ues
AIies lo 11i reIease IeveI: AII reIeases rior lo 11.5.10
OracIe Service Conlracls (OKS) archileclure eIiminales lhe generic dala slruclure for
ruIes and lime vaIues by sloring lhe reIevanl allribules in secific OKS/OKC labIes. If
OKS is regislered in your syslem and you are ugrading from a reIease rior lo 11.5.10,
lhe ruIes and lime vaIues are migraled lo lhe nev archileclure during lhe ugrade.
If you vanl lo significanlIy reduce dovnlime, lhen erform lhe main arl of lhe
migralion nov, before lhe ugrade. See Scrticc Ccniracis |c|casc 12 Migraiicn (Doc ID:
372469.1) for inslruclions.
Verification Tasks F-1
Verification Tasks
This aendix conlains olionaI lasks lhal can be erformed lo verify lhal your
lransaclion dala vas ugrade as execled.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Tasks
SuIy Chain Managemenl
6ustomer Re|at|onsh|p Hanagement
This seclion conlains ugrade verificalion lasks for lhe OracIe Cuslomer ReIalionshi
Managemenl (CRM) roducl famiIy.
Ema|| 6enter
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe ImaiI Cenler.
Ver|fy Ema|| Accounts
Afler lhe ugrade, aII emaiI accounls excel INTINT shouId be avaiIabIe. You can
verify lhese accounls from lhe ImaiI Cenler Adminislralor consoIe screens in lhe
ugraded environmenl. Adminislralors shouId Ian lo udale lhe accounl roerlies
and aclivale accounls as needed.
In addilion, adminislralors shouId Iog in as a suervisor and verify lhal emaiI messages
from lhe Iive queues and Inbox can be vieved and reIied lo.
|ncent|ve 6ompensat|on
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Incenlive Comensalion.
F-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Va||date Ex|st|ng 0bjects
Verify lhal lhe concurrenl requesls lo generale coIIeclion and formuIa ackages have
been comIeled. Verify lhal lhe cIassificalion ackages, coIIeclion ackages, and
formuIa ackages are successfuIIy generaled and vaIid. If needed, regenerale lhese
ackages before using lhe roducl.
Ver|fy |ntegrat|on Po|nts for Externa| Hodu|es
If your syslem uses exlernaI moduIes, ensure lhal lhe foIIoving inlegralion oinls are
sliII vaIid:
Order Managemenl
Accounls ReceivabIe
Accounls IayabIe
OracIe IayroII
Terrilory Manager
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Markeling.
Ver|fy H|grated 6ampa|gn and Act|v|ty 0ata
Irom lhe Camaign vorkbench, verify lhal lhe header informalion and lhe mid-labs
vere migraled as execled. Irom lhe Aclivily vorkbench, verify lhal lhe header
informalion and aclivilies vilh differenl channeIs (Iike ImaiI, Iax, Adverlising, and
TeIemarkeling) vere migraled as execled.
In addilion, on lhe AddilionaI Informalion mid-lab, lurn on lhe dee Iinks using OA
IersonaIizalion, and verify lhal lhe associalions are correcl
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe TeIeService.
Ver|fy Upgraded 0ata
Ierform lhe foIIoving basic funclions lhe ensure lhal lhe aIicalion is vorking as
Creale a service requesl. If eAM is imIemenled, creale an eAM service requesl as
Verification Tasks F-3
Udale a service requesl, incIuding one lhal vas crealed before lhe ugrade.
If you are using Charges, ensure lhal you can creale charges Iines and submil lhem
lo Order Managemenl.
Viev a service requesl reorl.
Hon|tor h|stor|ca| Hessage H|grat|on
You can use lhe ImaiI Cenler migralion screens lo monilor lhe slalus of lhe message
migralion rocess. In case of error, lhe screen disIays descrilive error messages. You
shouId acl on each message as required. In case of environmenl issues during lhe
migralion, you can re-run messages seIecliveIy.
Terr|tory Hanager
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Terrilory Manager.
Ver|fy Respons|b|||t|es and Ro|es for RA6
To ensure lhal lhe ugrade lo RoIe-based Access ConlroI (RAC) is comIele, verify lhe
foIIoving for your users:
AII have Terrilory Managemenl resonsibiIily
AII have access lo lhe correcl Terrilory funclions
AII have access lo lhe correcl usage(s)
Ver|fy Ava||ab|||ty of Terr|tory Types
The named accounl lye shouId exisl by defauIl. If lhe syslem conlained geograhicaI
lerrilories in 11i, lhere shouId be a geograhy lye avaiIabIe vilh lhe enabIed
geograhicaI malching allribules from 11.5.10. Ior non-geograhicaI and non-named
accounl lerrilories lhal exisled in 11.5.10, lhere shouId be a generaI <usage> lye lhal
conlains aII lhe enabIed malching allribules.
Ver|fy Happ|ng of the Terr|tory h|erarchy V|ew
Terrilories maed from 11i shouId shov lhe aroriale lerrilory lye and shouId
have an end dale defauIled lo +10 years from lhe slarl dale if lhe lerrilory did nol
reviousIy have an end dale. In addilion:
AII resources shouId have a lransaclion access IeveI sel lo IuII.
SeIf-service geograhic lerrilories are visibIe in lhe adminislralor lerrilory hierarchy
viev, bul adminislralors cannol modify lhem. AII modificalions musl be made
lhrough lhe seIf-service UIs.
F-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Resources on escaIalion lerrilories shouId be on lhe lerrilory lhal lhe escaIalion
lerrilory vas crealed for, vilh lhe resource access sel lo IscaIalion.
F|nanc|a|s and Procurement Tasks
This seclion conlains ugrade verificalion lasks for lhe OracIe IinanciaIs and
Irocuremenl roducl famiIy. These sles shouId be erformed by lhe roducl seciaIisl
and/or a funclionaI user.
To sel u lhe verificalion, run benchmark reorls for cerlain ReIease 11i lransaclion dala
before lhe ugrade. Then, afler lhe ugrade is comIele, run lhe same reorls on lhe
ugraded dala and comare lhe resuIls vilh lhe re-ugrade versions. The lransaclion
dala in bolh sels of reorls shouId malch.
Advanced C|oba| |ntercompany 8ystem
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Advanced GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem.
You shouId reviev lhe Advanced GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem organizalions lo ensure
lhal each organizalion is assigned lo a IegaI enlily. In some cases, lhe aulomalic
ugrade may nol idenlify a singIe IegaI enlily lo associaled lo any inlercomany
organizalion. In lhal case, lhe organizalion is inaclivaled and you musl udale il vilh
lhe correcl IegaI enlily before using il in lransaclions.
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Assels.
8ub|edger Account|ng Upgrade
You shouId run seIecled reorls and run some onIine inquiries bolh before and afler lhe
ugrade lo verify lhal your dala has no discreancies.
Ver|f|cat|on Reports
Run lhe foIIoving reorls rior lo lhe ugrade in lhe ReIease 11i environmenl, and lhen
again afler lhe ugrade in lhe nev environmenl. Comare lhe resuIls lo see if lhere are
any discreancies. You can run lhe reorls for asl eriods or for a range of asl
eriods or for lhe currenl eriod as aIicabIe. Hovever, il is imorlanl lo nole lhal
vhen choosing lhe eriods, you shouId choose onIy lhose lhal are vilhin lhe range of
eriods lhal you ran lhe ugrade for.
Cosl Summary Reorl
CII Summary Reorl
Reserve Summary Reorl
Verification Tasks F-5
RevaIualion Reserve Summary Reorl
Assel Addilions Reorl
Assel Reliremenls Reorl
Assel Transfer Reorl
Assel Transfer ReconciIialion Reorl
Assel RecIassificalion Reorl
Assel RecIassificalion ReconciIialion Reorl
You shouId aIso run lhe Accounl DriII Dovn Reorl in a ReIease 11i environmenl and
lhe Accounl AnaIysis Reorl on lhe same sel of dala and comare lhe resuIls.
0n||ne 0uery
In your ReIease 11i environmenl, go lo Inquiry > IinanciaI Informalion and query a fev
assels. CIick ooks > Transaclions, lhen go lo TooIs > viev Accounling. Make sure you
are Iooking al lhe accounling for lransaclions lhal haened in lhe currenl fiscaI years.
In lhe nev environmenl, use lhe same menu alh and erform an onIine accounling
inquiry for lhe same assels and lransaclions and comare lhe resuIls. Nole lhal in lhis
reIease, lhe menu alh lakes you lo lhe OracIe AIicalions Iramevork age.
E-us|ness Tax
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe I-usiness Tax.
Tax Transact|on Aud|t and Reconc|||at|on Reports
To ensure lhal lransaclion lax informalion has been correclIy ugraded, run lhe
IayabIes Tax Audil TraiI reorl and lhe ReceivabIes Tax ReconciIialion reorl for lhe
currenl lax eriod before lhe ugrade lo sel a benchmark of lransaclion informalion.
Then immedialeIy afler lhe ugrade, run lhe same reorls in lhe nev environmenl for
lhe same eriod and comare lhe resuIls lo ensure lhal lhe lax vaIues are sliII lhe same.
Payab|es and Rece|vab|es Transact|on 0uery
Ior a samIe of IayabIes and ReceivabIes lransaclions, record lhe delaiIs of lhe
associaled lax for lhese lransaclions before migralion, and lhen query lhem again afler
lhe ugrade lo ensure lhal lhe lax has been correclIy ugraded.
DuIicale lhe same lransaclions and re-lrigger lo ensure lhal lhe nev I-usiness
Tax-based caIcuIalion is consislenl vilh lhe revious caIcuIalion.
F-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
F|nanc|a|s for the Amer|cas
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe IinanciaIs for lhe Americas.
raz|||an Rece|vab|es ank Transfer Account|ng Entr|es
Ior occurrences lhal vere aIready osled lo lhe GeneraI Ledger rior lo lhe ugrade,
verify lhal lhe |ournaI enlries crealed in SubIedger Accounling are synchronized vilh
lhose crealed in GeneraI Ledger.
Ior occurrences lhal vere nol yel osled lo GeneraI Ledger rior lo lhe ugrade, run
lhe Creale Accounling rogram in drafl mode (for lhe ReceivabIes aIicalion and lhe
raziIian ank CoIIeclion Occurrence Documenls and Slandard Receils rocess
calegory codes) lo verify lhal lhe SubIedger Accounling |ournaI enlries are crealed in
lhe same vay as lhey vouId have been in ReIease 11i.
F|nanc|a|s for |nd|a
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe IinanciaIs for India.
Ver|fy 8amp|e Reports
Verify lhe foIIoving samIing of reorls (slandard and cuslomized), bolh before and
afler lhe ugrade and migralion of dala. Comare lhe dala in lhe reorls for accuracy.
The Iisl of slandard reorls incIudes:
ILA Regisler Reorl
RG 23 Reorls
RG 23D Reorls
Cenval MonlhIy Reorls
RG-I Reorl
TDS Reorls (Cerlificales and Relurns)
Service Tax Reorls
VAT Reorls
In addilion, run lhe Income Tax Acl Iixed Assels ScheduIe and Derecialion DelaiIed
Cenera| Ledger
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe GeneraI Ledger.
Verification Tasks F-7
Account|ng 8etup Hanager Post-update 0|agnos|s Report
Run lhe Accounling Selu Manager Ire-udale Diagnosis reorl rior lo lhe ugrade
and lhe Iosl-udale Diagnosis reorl afler lhe ugrade in lhe Slandard Requesl
Submission form in a GeneraI Ledger resonsibiIily.
The diagnosis incIudes lhe foIIoving areas:
Sels of ooks: Reviev Sels of ooks lo be Ugraded lo Secondary Ledgers
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Unassigned Reorling Sels of ooks
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: One Reorling Sel of ooks Assigned lo MuIliIe
Irimary Sels of ooks
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Reorling Sels of ooks Wilh TransIaled Currencies
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: GeneraI-Ledger-OnIy }ournaI Conversion RuIes
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Inconsislenl GeneraI Ledger }ournaI Conversion
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: Inconsislenl Selu
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies: IncomIele Selu
Reviev lhe reorl and verify lhal lhe changes suggesled by lhe Ire-ugrade reorl
vere acluaIIy erformed during lhe ugrade rocess.
Upgrade Ver|f|cat|on w|th Reports
As a good raclice, you shouId comare financiaI dala and baIances before and afler lhe
ugrade. We recommend lhal you submil common reorls, such as lhe Accounl
AnaIysis, }ournaIs reorls, TriaI aIance reorl, and IinanciaI Slalemenls lo comare
baIances and |ournaIs before and afler lhe ugrade lo ensure lhal lhe dala vas roerIy
C|oba| Account|ng Eng|ne
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo GIobaI Accounling Ingine.
Run Account|ng Reports
You shouId run lhe GIobaI Accounling Ingine accounling reorls before lhe ugrade
and lhe corresonding SubIedger accounling reorls afler lhe ugrade lo ensure lhal
you have a roer audil lraiI of lhe ugraded accounling dala. The reorls are as
F-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
GIobaI Accounting Engine SubIedger Accounting
DaiIy }ournaI ook DaiIy }ournaI Reorl
Accounl Ledger by Accounl Accounl AnaIysis Reorl
SuIier and Cuslomer SubIedger by Accounl Third Iarly aIances Summary
SuIier and Cuslomer aIance by Accounl Third Iarly DelaiI and aIances Reorl
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe iIrocuremenl.
6ata|og 0ata Upgrade
In lhe iIrocuremenl osl-ugrade inlerface, you can see lhe dala excelions reorl and
lhe Iisl of nevIy crealed gIobaI bIankel agreemenls by choosing lhe Configuralion lab
from lhe iIrocuremenl CalaIog Adminislralion resonsibiIily. Under Configuralion, lhe
ReIease 12 Ugrade Summary conlinues lvo labs: Ixcelions and Nev Agreemenls.
Except|ons Report:
Any dala Iisled in lhe dala excelions reorl under lhe Ixcelions lab is nol avaiIabIe in
iIrocuremenl. To fix dala issues, foIIov lhese sles:
1. DovnIoad lhe XML fiIe, if avaiIabIe in lhe excelions reorl.
Ior lhe ugrade rocess, lhe XML fiIe can be dovnIoaded for any error condilion in
lhe dala excelions reorl. There is one comressed fiIe for each suIier/suIier
sile/conlracl/Ianguage combinalion. Wilhin lhe comressed fiIe, lhere may be
muIliIe fiIes for lhe aclion SYNC er each Ianguage in vhich dala is avaiIabIe. The
fiIe name is IlemIxcelion_Ianguage.xmI.
2. Iix any dala lhal aears in lhe dovnIoaded fiIe.
3. Creale or find a gIobaI bIankel agreemenl (GIA).
You musl Ioad lhe conlenl of lhe fiIe inlo a GIA. See lhe UIoad fealure in Orac|c
iPrccurcncni |np|cncniaiicn an! A!ninisiraiicn Gui!c for more informalion on
uIoading conlenl lo a GIA.
Note: The ugrade dala excelions reorl is ermanenl. Thal is,
even if you Ioad lhe dala inlo GIAs vilh lhe XML fiIe rovided,
you viII conlinue lo see lhe excelion Iisled in lhe reorl.
Verification Tasks F-9
Agreements 8ummary:
The ugrade aulomalicaIIy vaIidales and aroves aII nevIy crealed GIAs. uyers
have access lo lhese agreemenls lhrough OracIe Iurchasing and requeslers can search
for lhe conlenl of lhese agreemenls in OracIe iIrocuremenl.
The Nev Agreemenls lab Iisls GIAs based on conlracl urchase agreemenls (CIAs).
You can see lhe CIA number used as source dala in lhe GIA header and lhe resuIling
GIA numbers in lhe CIA allachmenl seclion. See OracIe Iurchasing User's Guide for
more delaiIs on lhese documenls.
6ontent 8ecur|ty Upgrade
Ior lhe conlenl zones crealed as a resuIl of lhe 11.5.9 and 11.5.10 migralion, lhe ugrade
uses lhe calaIog name as lhe conlenl zone name. To mainlain resonsibiIily and
oeraling unil IeveI access reslriclions, muIliIe inslances of conlenl zones vilh lhe
same calaIog name may be crealed.
6ata|og and 8tores - efore the Upgrade
The Slalionery SuIies slore conlains a LocaI CalaIog consisling of ilems from
SuIier A.
A resonsibiIily-IeveI calegory reaIm exisls such lhal users of lhe US Requeslers
resonsibiIily can onIy access ilems of lhe Office SuIies calegory.
6ontent Zones - After the Upgrade
The Slalionery SuIies slore conlinues lo exisl and conlains lvo conlenl zones,
bolh of vhich are named LocaI.
One of lhe lvo LocaI conlenl zones is configured lo conlain onIy ilems of lhe
calegory Office SuIies, and is made accessibIe lo lhe iIrocuremenl resonsibiIily.
The olher LocaI Conlenl Zone is configured lo conlain aII calaIog ilems, and is made
accessibIe lo aII resonsibiIilies in iIrocuremenl, Iurchasing, iSuIier IorlaI, and
Inlerrise Assel Managemenl, excel lhe US Requeslers resonsibiIily.
Afler running lhe ugrade scril, check lhe Manage Conlenl Zones screen in lhe
e-Conlenl Manager. Il is ossibIe lhal some calaIogs have nol been ugraded
comIeleIy. In lhose cases, a varning icon is disIayed nexl lo lhe conlenl zone name.
Note: Any conlenl zone disIayed vilh a varning icon requires furlher
manuaI configuralion before il viII funclion roerIy.
In lhis reIease, conlenl securily reslricls lhe number of suIiers, suIier siles, and
calegories lhal can be used in defining a conlenl zone. A 2000 byle Iimil exisls for
erformance concerns. In ReIeases 11.5.9 and 11.5.10, you couId configure IocaI calaIogs
lo incIude u lo 300 secific suIiers. During lhe ugrade rocess, iIrocuremenl
F-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
delermines if lhe number of calaIog reslriclions for a given calaIog can be lransIaled
inlo a slring of Iess lhan 2000 byles. When lhis is ossibIe, iIrocuremenl migrales lhe
calaIog inlo lhe nev conlenl zone(s) comIeleIy and aulomalicaIIy. No furlher user
aclion is necessary.
When a slring of 2000 byles cannol fuIIy encomass lhe scoe of calaIog reslriclions for
a given calaIog, iIrocuremenl is nol abIe lo migrale lhe enlire calaIog comIeleIy inlo
lhe conlenl zones. When lhis haens, a varning icon is disIayed nexl lo lhe conlenl
zone(s) on lhe Manage Conlenl Zone screen.
In lhe foIIoving examIe, you musl manuaIIy divide lhe Iisl of suIiers and calegories
reslriclions inlo lvo or more conlenl zones.
Suose a "Slalionery SuIies" slore conlains a singIe IocaI calaIog named "LocaI." The
calaIog conlains a seIeclion of severaI suIiers. During lhe ugrade rocess,
iIrocuremenl cannol lransIale aII secific suIiers inlo a singIe conlenl zone because of
ils 2000 byle Iimil, so a varning icon is disIayed nexl lo lhe "LocaI" conlenl zone in lhe
Manage Conlenl Zones screen.
In order lo relain lhe shoing behavior requeslers exerienced in iIrocuremenl, a
CalaIog Adminislralor musl manuaIIy remove some of lhe 300 suIiers referenced in
lhe "LocaI" conlenl zone and creale a second conlenl zone lo incIude lhose suIiers.
olh of lhese conlenl zones can be incIuded in lhe "Slalionery SuIies" slore.
Lega| Ent|ty 6onf|gurator
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe LegaI Inlily Configuralor.
Lega| Ent|t|es and Estab||shments
You shouId erform a reviev of aII IegaI enlilies and eslabIishmenls in your syslem
afler lhe ugrade is comIele lo ensure lhal lhe correcl IegaI slruclure is in Iace. You
can access lhis informalion by using lhe Search Iage in lhe LegaI Inlily Configuralor.
You can find delaiIed informalion aboul lhe assumlions made during lhe migralion
and lhe dala migraled from counlry-secific fieIds in lhe Orac|c |inancia|s an! Orac|c
Prccurcncni |unciicna| Upgra!c Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12.
If you need lo creale or ugrade IegaI enlilies and eslabIishmenls, lhen see lhe Orac|c
|inancia|s |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c for inslruclions.
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe IayabIes.
Tr|a| a|ance Reconc|||at|on
In your ReIease 11i environmenl, run lhe Accounls IayabIe TriaI aIance, Iosled
Verification Tasks F-11
Invoice Regisler, and Iosled Iaymenl Regisler reorls. Afler lhe ugrade, run lhe Oen
Accounl aIances Lisling Reorl, Iosled Invoice Regisler, and Iosled Iaymenl Regisler
in your ugraded environmenl and comare lhe resuIls.
Note: The reorls run for a Iedger or a Iedger sel, nol vilhin lhe conlexl
of a singIe oeraling unil. The ReIease 11i TriaI aIance and Iosled
Invoice and Iaymenl Regislers run vilhin a singIe oeraling unil.
Deending on your syslem configuralion, you may need lo sum severaI
of lhe 11i reorls lo lie lo lhe nev versions.
|nvo|ce and Payment Process|ng
To verify lhe inlegralion vilh OracIe Iaymenls and lhe ugrade of exisling invoices,
submil a aymenl balch vilh Iimiled seIeclion crileria in order lo ay a fev invoices.
Tax 8etup and Process|ng
See I-usiness Tax, age I-5 in lhis aendix.
Account|ng 8etup and Process|ng
Query an invoice lhal vas nol vaIidaled rior lo lhe ugrade, lhen submil accounling
for lhal invoice. Query an invoice lhal vas accounled before lhe ugrade, canceI il, ay
il, and lhen accounl for lhe aymenl. See GIobaI Accounling Ingine, age I-7 in lhis
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Iaymenls. In generaI, your Ianning for ugrade
verificalion shouId invoIve lesling in lhe lvo aymenl rocess areas:
Iunds Disbursemenl - If you used OracIe IayabIes for issuing aymenls in ReIease
11i, you shouId Ian lo lesl lhe funds disbursemenl rocesses equivaIenl lo lhe
former aymenl balch fIov lo ensure lhal your ugraded dala correclIy refIecls
your business rocess.
Iunds Calure - If you used OracIe ReceivabIes for eIeclronic aymenl rocessing
such as direcl debils or biIIs receivabIe remillances, you shouId Ian on lesling
lhese areas lo ensure lhal your ugraded dala correclIy refIecls your business
rocess. If you used OracIe iIaymenl for calure of funds from credil cards or bank
accounl debils, you shouId Ian on lesling lhese rocesses lo ensure lhal lhe
ugraded dala resuIls in lhe rocess you execl.
8ystem 8ecur|ty 0pt|ons
OracIe Iaymenls rovides lhis nev age vhere syslem-IeveI sellings for encrylion,
masking, and credil card securily can be conlroIIed. When your ugrade is comIele,
F-12 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
you shouId Ian on revieving lhe seeded sellings in lhis age lo ensure lhey meel your
business needs. Ior examIe, in ReIease 11i masking of credil card vaIues is conlroIIed
in differenl vays lhroughoul lhe aIicalions. In lhis reIease, lhe cenlraI selling in lhis
age conlroIs aII masking. You viII vanl lo reviev lhe selling in lhis age and modify
il if needed.
0rac|e Payab|es |mpact
You may vanl lo run reorls for use in your ugrade verificalion lesling. Ior examIe,
you may vanl lo use lhe SuIiers Reorl in OracIe IayabIes lo verify lhe dala ugrade
for aymenl delaiIs and bank accounls on lhe ayees crealed in OracIe Iaymenls. You
can use any reorls lhal you ran before lhe ugrade lo heI verify ugraded dala. In
addilion, lhere are some key selu enlilies lhal shouId be revieved and used in lesling
aymenl rocessing.
Iaymenl Irocess IrofiIes - You shouId Ian on revieving lhe sellings for lhe seeded
rofiIes crealed by lhe ugrade. These sellings come from a variely of sources, and
since lhe rofiIe drives lhe enlire funds disbursemenl fIov il is imorlanl lo verify
lhal lhe selu suorls your business rocess. You shouId ay seciaI allenlion lo
lhe usage ruIes sel on lhe seeded rofiIes as lhese can be changed if lhe ugraded
vaIues do nol aIign vilh your needs. Il is recommended lhal you run a lesl aymenl
rocess vilh each rofiIe lhal you Ian lo use in roduclion.
Iaymenl Melhods - A nev selu age is rovided vhere aymenl melhods can be
crealed or udaled. You shouId Ian on revieving lhe aymenl melhods seeded by
OracIe Iaymenls lo ensure lhal lhey meel your business needs.
Iaymenl Syslems and Accounls - You shouId Ian lo verify lhese enlilies afler lhe
ugrade, and in arlicuIar lhe required sellings, vaIues, and lheir Iinks lo lhe
aymenl rocess rofiIes. This selu conlroIs imorlanl arls of lhe funds
disbursemenl rocess such as aymenl fiIe lransmission, so you shouId lesl lhis
area lo be sure lhal lhe rocess is vorking as you execl.
0|sbursement 8ystem 0pt|ons
This selu age aIIovs you lo reviev and sel syslem olions used in lhe funds
disbursemenl aymenl rocess. You shouId Ian on revieving lhe ugraded and
seeded sellings in lhis age lo ensure lhey meel your business needs. Ior examIe, lhe
olion lo aIIov override of lhe ayee's bank accounl on a roosed aymenl is
ugraded from lhe equivaIenl selling in AI IayabIes Olions. You viII vanl lo verify
lhal lhe ugrade correclIy sel lhis olion for each of your oeraling unils.
0rac|e Rece|vab|es |mpact
You may vanl lo run reorls for use in your ugrade verificalion lesling. Ior examIe,
you may vanl lo run lhe OracIe ReceivabIes Cuslomer DelaiI Lisling reorl lo heI
verify lhe dala ugrade for aymenl delaiIs and bank accounls on lhe ayers crealed in
Verification Tasks F-13
OracIe Iaymenls. You can use any reorls lhal you ran before lhe ugrade lo heI
verify ugraded dala. In addilion, lhere are some key selu enlilies lhal shouId be
revieved and used in lesling aymenl rocessing.
Iunds Calure Irocess IrofiIes: You shouId Ian on revieving lhe sellings for lhe
seeded rofiIes crealed by lhe ugrade. These sellings come from a variely of
sources, and since lhe rofiIe drives lhe enlire aymenl fIov il is imorlanl lo
verify lhal lhe selu suorls your business rocess. Il is recommended lhal you
run a lesl aymenl rocess vilh each rofiIe lhal you Ian lo use in roduclion.
Iaymenl Melhods: A nev selu age is rovided vhere aymenl melhods can be
crealed or udaled. You shouId Ian on revieving lhe aymenl melhods seeded by
OracIe Iaymenls lo ensure lhal lhey meel your business needs.
Iaymenl Syslems and Accounls: You shouId Ian lo verify lhese enlilies afler lhe
ugrade, and in arlicuIar lhe required sellings, vaIues, and lheir Iinks lo lhe funds
calure rocess rofiIes. This selu conlroIs imorlanl arls of lhe funds calure
rocess such as aymenl fiIe lransmission, so you shouId lesl lhis area lo be sure
lhal lhe rocess is vorking as you execl.
Iayee and Rouling RuIes: You shouId reviev lhe syslem ayee enlily crealed by lhe
ugrade and in arlicuIar verify lhal lhe rouling ruIes are correcl and viII resuIl in
vhal you execl for your aymenl rocessing.
Upgrade Ver|f|cat|on P|ann|ng for Re|ease 11 |Payment Users
Il is imorlanl lhal you Ian lo reviev lhe overaII selu for lhe funds calure rocess
fIov. In arlicuIar, you shouId Ian lime lo verify lhal lhe sellings ugraded lo lhe nev
rocess rofiIes, lransmission configuralions, and aymenl syslem accounls are correcl.
The ugrade rogram aulomalicaIIy migrales sellings found in iIaymenl. Hovever,
due lo lhe comIex nalure of areas Iike nelvork configuralions and required vaIues for
communicalion vilh your aymenl rocessors, lhe ugrade may nol creale aII lhe nev
dala as you execl.
You shouId aIso Ian on revieving lhe Iayee configuralions afler you ugrade. You
shouId reviev aII lhe sellings, bul secificaIIy check lhal lhe oeraling unil assignmenls
are sel lhe vay you execl. These are sel based on lransaclions in OracIe ReceivabIes
and lhe ugraded sellings shouId be checked lo ensure lhal you viII rocess nev funds
calure lransaclions in lhe vay you execl.
Once you have revieved and made any correclions lo lhe ugraded configuralions, you
shouId run a lesl aymenl rocess vilh each configuralion lhal you Ian lo use in
Payment Process|ng Extens|ons and 6ustom|zat|ons
Wilh lhe inlroduclion of OracIe Iaymenls, lhe dala modeI used for aymenl rocessing
lhis reIease is considerabIy differenl lhan lhal in ReIease 11i. IIease nole in arlicuIar
F-14 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
lhal lhe formalling of aymenl fiIes has changed comIeleIy vilh lhe nev framevork
and OracIe XML IubIisher inlegralion. Il is imorlanl lhal you reviev any cuslom
aymenl formals, exlensions or olher cuslomizalions lhal you have crealed in lhis
business area, and Ian for obsoIeling lhem by using nev funclionaIily or rebuiIding
lhem lo vork on lhe nev modeI. You shouId Ian on lesling any cuslom aymenl
formals, exlensions, or olher cuslomizalions lhal you have crealed, and verify lhal lhey
vork vilh lhe nev aymenls archileclure.
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe ReceivabIes.
|ntegrat|on w|th 0rac|e E-us|ness Tax
ManuaIIy creale an invoice and seIecl a Tax CIassificalion (Tax Code in ReIease 11i).
ComIele lhe invoice and verify lhal lax is caIcuIaled as il vas in ReIease 11i.
Run a lesl lax caIcuIalion for each unique lax silualion you Ian lo use in
Verify your lax selu in I-usiness Tax and in lhe nev ReceivabIes Cuslomer user
See lhe I-usiness Tax, age I-5 seclion of lhis aendix.
|ntegrat|on w|th 0rac|e 8ub|edger Account|ng
Query osled lransaclions (for examIe, Invoice, Debil Memo, Credil Memo,
Chargeback, Deosil, Guaranlee, Receils, Ad|uslmenls) vhich have accounling
dales in lhe currenl fiscaI year. Use lhe TooIs menu ilem and seIecl 'Viev
Accounling'. The |ournaI Iines shouId be reresenled correclIy.
Query a lransaclion in lhe non ugraded fiscaI year. Use lhe TooIs menu ilem and
seIecl 'Viev Accounling'. You shouId gel lhe message lhal you need lo run lhe
SubIedger Accounling osl-ugrade rogram.
Run lhe accounling reorls in ReceivabIes before and afler lhe ugrade, verify your
|ntegrat|on w|th 0rac|e Payments for Funds 6apture
Run AuloReceils for invoices fIagged for credil card aymenls and verify lhal lhe
receil is crealed successfuIIy and lhal lhe receil is aulhorized.
Run AuloRemillance for receils fIagged for eIeclronic bank-lo-bank aymenl and
verify lhal lhe fiIe is formalled roerIy in OracIe Iaymenls.
Verification Tasks F-15
Verify your lax selu in I-usiness Tax and in lhe nev ReceivabIes Cuslomer user
See lhe Iaymenls, age I-11 seclion of lhis aendix.
a|ance Forward ||||ng
Verify lhal ConsoIidaled iIIing selus ugraded lo sile IeveI aIance Iorvard
iIIing selus.
Run aIance Iorvard iIIing rogram in drafl mode and verify dala on generaled
aIance Iorvard iII.
Late 6harges Enhancements
Verify lhal Iinance Charge and GIobaI Inleresl Invoice IIexfieId selus have been
migraled roerIy in lhe nev Cuslomer user inlerface.
Run lhe Lale Charges generalion rogram and verify lhal Iale charges are
generaled as execled.
6ustomer User |nterface Redes|gn
Query ugraded cuslomer records and verify lhal selu allribules al lhe accounl,
accounl sile, and business urose IeveIs are lhe same as in ReIease 11i.
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Sourcing.
header Requ|rements Ver|f|cat|on
Afler lhe ugrade, Iog in as a sourcing buyer. Creale a drafl negolialion and verify lhal
lhere is a Requiremenls seclion on lhe Creale Negolialion: Header age. AIso, confirm
lhal lhe Header Allribule seclion is nol avaiIabIe. Verify lhal Seclion Name has reIaced
Grou Name.
Temp|ate H|grat|on
Afler lhe ugrade, Iog in as a sourcing buyer. Relrieve an exisling auclion or Requesl
for Quole (RIQ) lemIale and verify lhal al lhe header IeveI, lhere is a nev fieId for
Oeraling Unil. Verify lhal lhere is aIso a check box for GIobaI TemIale.
Trad|ng 6ommun|ty Arch|tecture
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Trading Communily Archileclure.
F-16 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Address Va||dat|on
To ensure lhe address vaIidalion selling has been correclIy ugraded Iease check lhe
Insure lhal lhe I-usiness Tax migralion of currenl selu dala is comIeled.
Verify lhal IIexibIe Address Iormalling (IAI) selu is correcl afler ugrade.
Cuslomer selu shouId ensure lhal lheir Geograhy usage covers aII dala enlry
requiremenls for olher usages, as lhis viII be lhe oinl al vhich lhe user can correcl
lhe dala. Ior examIe, if lax usage requires Cily, lhen lhis shouId be incIuded in lhe
Geograhy usage such lhal enlry of Cily is required al dala enlry lime. To avoid
errors during address vaIidalion, lhe maing for lhe Geograhy usage shouId
malch lhe IAI slyIe for lhal counlry. In olher vords, lhe address shouId be
vaIidaled based on lhe same dala lhal is enlered in lhe user inlerface.
Run lhe I-usiness Tax Missing Localion VaIues reorl lo idenlify Iocalions vilh
nuII arenls and udale lhem if necessary. See lhe I-usiness Tax seclion of lhis
guide for more informalion.
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Treasury.
ank Account H|grat|on
In lhis reIease, inlernaI bank accounls are migraled from Treasury lo Cash
Managemenl. Irior lo lhe ugrade, lake a snashol of ALL (comany, subsidiary, and
counlerarly) bank accounls and aII lheir allribules. AIso, lake nole of aII counlerarlies
used as banks.
Afler lhe ugrade, erform lhe foIIoving sles lo verify lhal lhe bank accounls are
roerIy migraled:
In lhe nev bank accounl user inlerface, search for comany bank accounls. Make
sure aII comany bank accounls are disIayed and aII lhe bank accounl allribules
are resenl.
In lhe nev bank accounl user inlerface, search for subsidiary and counlerarly
bank accounls. Make sure aII subsidiary and counlerarly bank accounls are nol
In lhe nev bank and bank branch user inlerface, search for counlerarlies used as
banks rior lo ugrade. Make sure aII counlerarlies lhal vere used as banks for
comany and subsidiary bank accounls are nov shovn as banks and bank branches
(one counlerarly one bank and one bank branch). AIso make sure lhal in lhe
Counlerarly IrofiIes vindov such counlerarlies are marked as bank branches
Verification Tasks F-17
and Iinked lo a bank branch.
In lhe nev bank and bank branch user inlerface, search for counlerarlies used as
banks rior lo ugrade. Make sure lhal counlerarlies lhal vere onIy used as banks
for counlerarly (exlernaI) accounls are nol shovn as banks or bank branches.
Note: See lhe Orac|c Casn Managcncni Uscr Gui!c for delaiIs.
ank Account a|ance H|grat|on
In lhis reIease, bank accounl baIances are migraled from Treasury lo Cash Managemenl.
Irior lo ugrade, idenlify a samIe sel of comany, subsidiary, and nolionaI cash ooI
bank accounls and lake a snashol of lhe bank accounl baIance delaiIs of lhese
accounls. AIso, lake a snashol of aII inleresl rales lhal are sel u as defauIl rales for
bank accounl baIances. These rales are nol going lo be ugraded and you viII need lo
recreale lhem afler ugrade as inleresl rale scheduIes.
Afler lhe ugrade, erform lhe foIIoving sles lo verify lhal lhe comany and
subsidiary bank accounls are roerIy migraled:
In lhe nev bank accounl baIance user inlerface, search for lhe comany and
subsidiary bank accounls from lhe samIe sel. Make sure aII re-ugrade bank
accounl baIances are disIayed correclIy.
Creale inleresl rale scheduIes in Iine vilh lhe re-ugrade inleresl rale dala and
assign lhe bank accounls lo lhese scheduIes, if nol aIready assigned.
In lhe ank Accounl Inleresl SellIemenl vindov, verify lhal lhe baIances and
inleresl amounls are correcl.
Afler lhe ugrade, erform lhe foIIoving sles lo verify lhal lhe nolionaI cash ooI
baIances are roerIy migraled:
In lhe nev bank accounl baIance user inlerface, search for lhe nolionaI cash ooIs
from lhe samIe sel. Make sure aII re-ugrade baIances are disIayed correclIy.
In lhe ank Accounl Inleresl SellIemenl vindov, verify lhal lhe baIances and
inleresl amounls are correcl.
Note: See lhe Orac|c Casn Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c for delaiIs.
U.8. Federa| F|nanc|a|s
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs.
F-18 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Treasury 6onf|rmat|on and Reconc|||at|on
Submil a aymenl rocess requesl from OracIe IayabIes vilh Iimiled seIeclion crileria
in order lo ay a fev invoices. Have Treasury confirm lhe aymenl inslruclion in lhe
lhe Treasury Confirmalion and ReconciIialion vindov and verify lhe subIedger
accounling vas crealed as execled. This verifies nol onIy lhe inlegralion vilh
Iaymenls and lhe ugrade of exisling IayabIes invoices, bul aIso lhe lreasury
confirmalion rocess and accounling in U.S. IederaI IinanciaIs.
udget Execut|on
Inler budgel execulion lransaclions al various budgel IeveIs lo verify lhe accounling is
crealed as execled.
This seclion conlains ugrade verificalion lasks for lhe OracIe Iro|ecls roducl famiIy.
Property Hanager
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Iroerly Manager.
Ver|fy Upgraded 0ata
Ierform lhese sles lo verify lhal I-usiness Tax, SubIedger Accounling, and LegaI
Inlily dala vas successfuIIy ugraded:
E-us|ness Tax:
Navigale lo Iroerly Manager > Leases and Documenls.
Query for a Iease lhal has been ugraded from 11i (one lhal had a lerm vilh Tax
Code and Tax Grou).
Navigale lo Iaymenl > Oen and verify lhal Tax CIassificalion Code is ouIaled in
lhe Iaymenl Term.
Navigale lo Term TemIales and verify lhal Tax CIassificalion Code is ouIaled in
lhe lemIale.
8ub|edger Account|ng:
Navigale lo Iroerly Manager > Leases and Documenls > SubIedger Accounling >
Accounling Ivenls.
Secify lhe slarl and end dale aIong vilh Iedger for vhich lhe SLA ugrade vas
done. The syslem disIays a Iisl of IinaIIy Accounled accounling evenls.
Verification Tasks F-19
Navigale lo Viev }ournaI Inlries and verify lhe enlries.
DriII dovn for more informalion.
Lega| Ent|ty:
Submil lhe ReceivabIes Aulo Invoice Imorl rogram for imorling lhe invoices
vilh lhe alch Name of Iroerly Manager alch Source.
Navigale lo Ixorl lo ReceivabIes/IayabIes > Transaclions > Transaclion
If LegaI Inlily is associaled correclIy vilh lhe lransaclion, il signifies lhal lhe LegaI
Inlily Ugrade for lhe Ixorled Line has been comIele correclIy.
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Iro|ecls.
Ver|fy 8ub|edger Account|ng |ntegrat|on
In your ReIease 11i environmenl, run lhe AUD: Revenue Audil reorl for an accounling
eriod in lhe currenl fiscaI year lhal has been cIosed. Afler lhe ugrade, run lhe same
reorl in your ugraded environmenl and comare lhe resuIls.
Ver|fy E-us|ness Tax Upgrade
Use lhe Ivenl Tyes, Ixendilure Tyes, and Invoice Reviev screens lo check for
invoices, evenl lyes, and exendilure lyes lo make sure lhal lhey vere ugraded
Ver|fy Resource L|st H|grat|on
You can viev exisling resource Iisls lhal vere successfuIIy migraled lo resource
Ianning Iisls on lhe IIanning Resource Lisls age. You can aIso verify lhal lhe
Ianning resources are lhe same as lhe resource Iisl members.
AIso lhe Resource reakdovn Slruclures age disIays a resource breakdovn slruclure
vilh lhe same name as lhe resource Iisl. Verify lhal lhe nodes of lhe resource
breakdovn slruclure are lhe same as lhe resource Iisl members, and have lhe same
lvo-IeveI hierarchy if lhe resource Iisl vas groued.
8upp|y 6ha|n Hanagement
This seclion conlains ugrade verificalion lasks for lhe OracIe SuIy Chain
Managemenl roducl famiIy.
F-20 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
6ost Hanagement
These lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Cosl Managemenl.
Ver|fy 8ub|edger Account|ng |ntegrat|on
To verify lhal lhe inlegralion vilh SubIedger Accounling vas successfuI and lhal lhe
dala conlains no discreancies, comIele lhese sles:
1. Verify lhal lhe accounling evenls for lransaclions rior lo ugrade are avaiIabIe in
lhe SubIedger Accounling (SLA) evenls age. Verify and malch lhe corresonding
}ournaI Inlries (headers and Iines) for lhese accounling evenls.
2. Use lhe foIIoving reorls lo shov baIances and vaIues derived from lhe accounling
enlries rior lo lhe ugrade:
Report Name Use
MaleriaI Accounl Dislribulions
(DelaiIs and Summary)
Viev lhe accounls charged for invenlory
WII Accounl Dislribulions (DelaiIs
and Summary)
Viev accounl informalion for vork-in-rocess
Discrele }ob VaIue (Average and
AnaIyze a summary of lhe lransaclions behind lhe
charges and variances for each |ob
Receiving Accounl Dislribulions Viev accounling dislribulions for receiving
3. Use lhe }ournaI Inlries Reorl - Cosl Managemenl lo summarize lhe ugraded
accounling enlries in SLA by organizalion and accounling cIass. Comare lhe
summarized accounl baIance al lhe organizalion IeveI belveen lhe reorls Iisled in
lhe reorls in Sle 2, and lhe SLA }ournaI Inlry reorl.
0rder Hanagement
The foIIoving lasks aIy onIy lo OracIe Order Managemenl.
Ver|fy and Rev|ew Upgrade Error Report
The ugrade rocess aulomalicaIIy roduces a reorl (onlexc16.Isl) lhal Iisls
recommendalions aboul, or errors lhal occurred during, lhe ugrade of Ire-Iaymenl
Order, IrofiIes moved lo Syslem Iaramelers, and Order Managemenl DefauIling RuIes.
The reorl is Iocaled al $AIIL_TOI/admin/<SID>SID>/oul (UNIX) or
Verification Tasks F-21
%AIIL_TOI%(admin(<SID>SID>(oul (Windovs), vhere <SID> is lhe vaIue of lhe
Afler lhe ugrade is comIele, and before you use OracIe Order Managemenl, you
shouId reviev lhe reorl and fix any issues you find lhere.
Upgrade by Request G-1
Upgrade by Request
This aendix describes Ugrade by Requesl olions - vays lo ugrade hisloricaI dala
omilled from lhe iniliaI ugrade rocess (crilicaI dovnlime vindov). Ior examIe,
inslead of ugrading aII your financiaI accounling dala during dovnlime, you mighl
incIude onIy lhe Iasl fiscaI year. If you vanl lo ugrade olher fiscaI years - monlhs or
even years afler - you can do so, al any lime afler lhe ugrade.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl Tasks
SuIy Chain Managemenl
6ustomer Re|at|onsh|p Hanagement
This seclion conlains informalion aboul ugrade by requesl lasks for OracIe Cuslomer
ReIalionshi roducls.
Read lhis seclion lo:
H|grate 8a|es 0n||ne 6ustom Respons|b|||t|es
Al any lime afler lhe ugrade, you migrale cuslom resonsibiIilies from OracIe SaIes
OnIine lo OracIe SaIes. You can accomIish lhis migralion manuaIIy vhen aroriale
for your business requiremenls. Hovever, ve have crealed a scril lhal you can use lo
migrale a cuslom SaIes OnIine resonsibiIily lo an equivaIenl SaIes resonsibiIily.
The scril (asnmmres.sqI) lakes oId and nev resonsibiIily keys and resonsibiIily
aIicalion code as inuls. Il does nol creale nev resonsibiIilies, bul exils vilh an
error if eilher lhe oId or nev resonsibiIilies are nol resenl. Ior each user having an
oId SaIes OnIine resonsibiIily, il assigns a nev SaIes resonsibiIily, if il is nol aIready
G-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
assigned lo lhal user, and end-dales lhe oId resonsibiIily.
To run lhe scril, do lhe foIIoving:
1. Go lo lhe $ASN_TOI/alch/115/sqI direclory.
2. Run asnmmres.sqI, using oId and nev resonsibiIily keys and aIicalion code as
3. Reeal lhese sles for each SaIes OnIine cuslom resonsibiIily.
You can run lhe scril muIliIe limes for lhe same SaIes OnIine resonsibiIily lo migrale
il lo muIliIe SaIes cuslom resonsibiIilies. You can aIso run il lo migrale a SaIes OnIine
SuerUser resonsibiIily lo a cuslom resonsibiIily vilhoul removing lhe end-dale,
even if il has been reviousIy migraled.
Tis for crealing cuslom resonsibiIilies incIude:
Custom ResponsibiIity ManuaI Instructions
SaIes OnIine User Creale a simiIar resonsibiIily in OracIe SaIes and rovide bolh
lhe oId and nev resonsibiIilies lo lhe scril. You may need lo
secify a nev menu for lhe SaIes resonsibiIily, simiIar lo
ASN_MAIN_MINU used by lhe OracIe SaIes seeded
resonsibiIily for lhe SaIes User.
SaIes OnIine Manager The nev cuslom resonsibiIily for migralion shouId be crealed
for lhe SaIes InleIIigence aIicalion. Il shouId be simiIar lo lhe
SaIes InleIIigence SaIes Manager resonsibiIily and may refer
lo lhe SaIes DI menu.
SaIes OnIine SuerUser Creale a nev resonsibiIily in SaIes lhal is simiIar lo lhe SaIes
Adminislralor resonsibiIily. Il may oinl lo lhe
8a|es and Te|esa|es
Read lhis seclion lo erform lhe foIIoving lasks:
Note: Your aIicalion seciaIisl musl comIele lhe inslruclions in lhis
seclion before users can Iog on lo SaIes and TeIesaIes afler lhe ugrade.
H|grate 8a|es 6red|ts
Wilh OracIe SaIes and OracIe TeIesaIes, you can have onIy one saIes erson er
oorlunily Iine vho receives lhe enlire revenue credils for a Iine. The ReIease 11i SaIes
Upgrade by Request G-3
fealure lhal aIIoved muIliIe saIes eoIe lo receive credils on a singIe oorlunily Iine
is obsoIele. Oorlunilies vilh muIliIe saIes eoIe, each receiving revenue credils for
lhe same oorlunily Iine, are migraled so lhal onIy one saIes erson is designaled lo
receive credils for each oorlunily Iine.
To migrale saIes credils and saIes leams, you run a series of reorl scrils and
concurrenl rograms, as foIIovs:
1. Go lo lhe $ASN_TOI/alch/115/sqI direclory.
2. Run lhe SQL Reorl scrils. The syslem romls you lo enler a vaIue for
csv_reorl_fiIe. Tye lhe reorl fiIe name and cIick Inler lo generale lhe reorl.
asnmrsc1.sqI - generales lhe MuIliIe SaIesres Ier Oorlunily Line Reorl,
vhich Iisls oorlunilies lhal have oorlunily Iines vilh more lhan one
saIesre or arlner gelling revenue (or quola) saIes credils.
asnmrsc4.sqI - generales Non-Ovner SingIe Iarlner Oorlunily Reorl, vhich
Iisls oorlunilies lhal have singIe arlner vho is gelling revenue saIes credils,
bul is nol lhe oorlunily ovner. This reorl incIudes onIy informalion aboul
arlners, nol saIes reresenlalives.
asnmrsc5.sqI - generales Non-100% Non-Revenue Credil Receivers Reorl,
vhich Iisls lhe non-revenue receivers vhose credil ercenlage is nol 100%. AII
non-revenue credil receivers are udaled lo 100% during lhe migralion.
3. Generale ad Dala SaIes Credils Reorl.
Run asnmrsc6.sqI lo generale lhe ad Dala SaIes Credils Reorl. Il Iisls lhe revenue
saIes credil records lhal vere nol migraled. Oorlunilies vilh lhe foIIoving
characlerislics are incIuded as bad dala:
Sum of quola credil ercenlage er Iine <> 100
Sum of quola credil amounls nol equaI lo lhe Iine amounl
You musl correcl lhe bad dala before you conlinue vilh lhe nexl sle. Re-run and
make correclions unliI no bad dala is reorled.
4. Log in vilh lhe OracIe SaIes Adminislralor resonsibiIily.
5. Navigale lo Concurrenl Requesls > Run.
. Run lhe ASN Migrale Oorlunily MuIliIe SaIesre and Ovner concurrenl
requesl sel. Il conlains lhe foIIoving concurrenl rograms:
ASN Migrale DuIicale SaIesre Oorlunily Main Irogram
ASN Migrale DuIicale SaIesre Cuslomer Main Irogram
G-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
ASN Migrale DuIicale SaIesre Lead Main Irogram
ASN Migrale MuIliIe SaIesre Oorlunily Main Irogram
7. CIick on lhe Iaramelers fieId for each rogram lo see lhe Iisl of required
Parameter Name VaIue
Number of Workers Number of concurrenl manager rocesses lhal you have
Commil IIag Yes commil changes. No do nol save changes.
Debug IIag Yes Iog messages in AIicalion Common Logging
Reosilory. No do nol Iog messages.
Nole: To Iog debug messages, you musl sel rofiIe vaIues
for IND Logging Iramevork.
8. Reeal Sle 2 lo verify lhe migralion resuIls.
H|grat|on Examp|e:
An oorlunily (usiness WorId SeII Nev Iroducl) has an oorlunily Iine for
rand-nev Iroducl, vilh lvo saIes eoIe (}ohn and Mary), each receiving revenue
credils. The oorlunily Iine is for $200, vilh }ohn and Mary receiving revenue credils
of 75% ($150) and 25% ($50), resecliveIy.
The ugrade creales a nev oorlunily Iine for lhe roducl and assigns one of lhe saIes
eoIe (Iel's say Mary) lo lhe Iine. The nev Iine has a Iine amounl of $50, revenue credil
of 100%, and revenue credil amounl of $50. Il udales lhe exisling oorlunily Iine lo
be $150, vilh revenue credil of 100%, and revenue credil amounl of $150. }ohn is lhe
onIy saIes erson vho receives revenue credils on lhe exisling oorlunily Iine.
The lolaI oorlunily header amounl remains lhe same, bul lhe oorlunily nov has
lvo oorlunily Iines for lhe same roducl. Iach Iine has onIy one saIes erson vho
receives revenue credils.
Features of A8N H|grate Hu|t|p|e 8a|esrep 0pportun|ty Ha|n Program:
The key fealures and aclions of lhis concurrenl rogram incIude:
Upgrade by Request G-5
For this type of credit... the program takes this action...
Revenue SaIes Credils

Insures lhal no oorlunilies have more lhan one saIesre
vho receives quola credils er oorlunily Iine. Ior
oorlunilies vilh Iines lhal have muIliIe saIesres
receiving quolas, lhe rogram creales a nev Iine vilhin lhe
same oorlunily for every saIesre in lhe originaI
oorlunily Iine (vho receives quola credils). The rogram
merges credil records for any saIesre vho gels quola credils
muIliIe limes.

DeIeles aII quola saIes credil Iines vilh 0% quola aIIocalion.

Transfers revenue saIes credils lo oorlunily ovner (vho is

aIso an emIoyee and an inlernaI saIesre), if a arlner is
gelling revenue saIes credils.

Assigns aII saIesres receiving quola and non-revenue saIes

credils lo a saIes leam.

DefauIls esl, Worsl, and Iorecasl vaIues onIy if lhe

oorlunily Iine amounl is udaled or if il is nevIy crealed,
and is based on lhe vaIue of rofiIe ASN: Iorecasl DefauIling

Granls fuII access lo lhe oorlunily lo aII saIes credil

Non-revenue SaIes Credils

Assigns aII arlner non-quola credils lo lhe ovner of lhe

Sels aII non-quola credils lo 100% regardIess of lhe currenl


Checks uniqueness of non-revenue saIes credil receivers.

DeIeles duIicale non-revenue credils (based on saIes force,
saIes grou, and credil lye).

DefauIls esl, Worsl, and Iorecasl vaIues onIy if lhe

oorlunily Iine amounl is udaled or if il is nevIy crealed,
and is based on lhe vaIue of rofiIe ASN: Iorecasl DefauIling

Granls fuII access lo lhe oorlunily lo aII saIes credil

G-6 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Features of 6ustomer|Lead|0pportun|ty 0up||cate 8a|es Team H|grat|on:
DeIeles duIicale saIesre records from lhe AS_ACCISSIS_ALL labIe for each
individuaI cuslomer (organizalion or erson) in lhe HZ_IARTIIS labIe.
DeIeles duIicale saIesre records from lhe AS_ACCISSIS_ALL labIe for each
individuaI Iead in lhe AS_SALIS_LIADS labIe.
DeIeles duIicale saIesre records from lhe AS_ACCISSIS_ALL labIe for each
individuaI oorlunily in lhe AS_LIADS_ALL labIe.
H|grate 8a|es Hethodo|og|es for 0pportun|t|es
In OracIe SaIes and OracIe TeIesaIes, saIes melhodoIogy is required if a saIes slage is
secified in an oorlunily. Once secified, you cannol change lo any olher saIes
melhodoIogy for lhal oorlunily. The saIes melhodoIogy scril asnmomlh.sqI)
migrales onIy lhe oorlunilies lhal have lhe saIes slage vilhoul a saIes melhodoIogy.
The scril randomIy seIecls an aclive saIes melhodoIogy lhal is maed lo a given saIes
slage. Il reorls errors if lhere are no aclive melhodoIogies maed lo lhe saIes slage.
Whelher a saIes melhodoIogy is aclive deends on lhe slarl and end dale of lhe
To avoid errors and imroer migralion, reare for lhe migralion by running lhe
asnmroml.sqI scril lo ensure lhal lhere is onIy one aclive saIes melhodoIogy er saIes
Note: The syslem romls you lo enler a vaIue for csv_reorl_fiIe.
Tye lhe reorl fiIe name and cIick Inler lo generale lhe reorl.
Reviev lhe generaled reorl, and correcl lhe selu before you migrale lhe dala.To run
lhe scril, do lhe foIIoving:
1. Go lo lhe $ASN_TOI/alch/115/sqI direclory.
2. Run asnmroml.sqI.
3. If no SaIes Slage is reorled, go direclIy lo Sle 5.
4. If a SaIes Slage is reorled, lhen correcl lhe SaIes MelhodoIogy and SaIes Slage
selu based on lhe informalion in lhe reorl. Run lhe reorl and make correclions
unliI no SaIes Slage is reorled.
5. Run asnmomlh.sqI lo migrale lhe SaIes MelhodoIogies in Oorlunilies.
The scril reorls saIes slages lhal musl be migraled in oorlunilies and have zero or
more lhan one aclive saIes melhodoIogy maed lo. Changing a saIes melhodoIogy or a
saIes slage can imacl olher melhodoIogies or slages. Il's good raclice lo generale lhe
Ialesl reorl afler you make any modificalions.
Upgrade by Request G-7
F|nanc|a|s and Procurement Tasks
This seclion conlains informalion aboul ugrade by requesl lasks for lhe OracIe
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl roducl famiIy. Ixcel vhere noled, il describes hov lo
ugrade lhe hisloricaI lransaclions and |ournaI enlries for I-usiness Tax and/or
SubIedger Accounling for each of lhe roducls Iisled. A descrilion of lhe overaII
rocess of ugrading hisloricaI subIedger |ournaI enlries is rovided in lhe SubIedger
Accounling, age G-9 seclion of lhis aendix.
Read lhis seclion lo:
Upgrade h|stor|ca| Assets Transact|ons for 8ub|edger Account|ng
If you require addilionaI accounling enlries lo be migraled inlo SubIedger Accounling
from Assels, you can run lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess. Il caIIs a ackage lhal
ugrades aII Assels lransaclions for lhe secified Iedger and eriod.
E-us|ness Tax
Refer lo lhe SubIedger Accounling, age G-9 seclion of lhis aendix lo Iearn aboul
lhe Ugrade HisloricaI SubIedger Transaclions rogram, vhich udales accounling and
lax dala.
F|nanc|a|s for the Amer|cas
Read lhis seclion lo:
Upgrade h|stor|ca| raz|||an Rece|vab|es Transact|ons for 8ub|edger Account|ng
y defauIl, onIy lhe currenl fiscaI year's raziIian ReceivabIes coIIeclion documenl
occurrences lhal are aIready osled lo GeneraI Ledger and aII un-osled occurrences
are migraled as arl of lhe ugrade. You can olionaIIy change lhis eriod from currenl
fiscaI year lo a Ionger eriod for a Iedger. In addilion lo lhe occurrences faIIing inlo lhe
ugrade eriod, aII remillance occurrences of lhe coIIeclion documenls lhal have one or
more occurrences lhal faII inlo lhe ugrade eriod are aIso ugraded, so lhal lhe
backvard references lo lhe SubIedger |ournaI enlries of lhese remillance occurrences are
If you require addilionaI |ournaI enlries for revious fiscaI years occurrences lo be
migraled inlo SubIedger Accounling, lhen you can run lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess. Il
caIIs a ackage in ReceivabIes lhal ugrades lhe raziIian ReceivabIes Transaclions for
lhe secified Iedger and eriod, in addilion lo lhe olher ReceivabIes lransaclions.
G-8 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Cenera| Ledger
This sle aIies if you have reconciIed |ournaIs in GeneraI Ledger:
Journa| Reconc|||at|on
This nev fealure reIaces lhe GeneraI Ledger Inlry ReconciIialion funclionaIIy from
vilhin OracIe IinanciaIs Common Counlry Iealures. Il enabIes you lo reconciIe |ournaI
Iines lhal shouId nel lo zero. Il is oflen used lo reconciIe susense accounls, or in
counlries Iike Norvay, Germany, or Irance, lo audil or reconciIe ayroII and
lax-ayabIe accounls or lo verify oen baIances of secific accounls al lhe end of a
If you vanl lo reconciIe |ournaI Iines enlered rior lo lhe ugrade or lo viev and
reverse reconciIialions erformed rior lo lhe ugrade, lhen run lhe Ugrade }ournaI
Lines for ReconciIialion concurrenl rogram.
Read lhis seclion lo:
Upgrade h|stor|ca| Payab|es Transact|ons for 8ub|edger Account|ng and E-us|ness Tax
The SubIedger Accounling ugrade rocesses accounling and lax dala. During lhe
ugrade, you secify eriods for vhich you vanl lo erform lhe ugrade. If al any
oinl afler lhe ugrade, you find a need lo ad|usl a aymenl or reaymenl lhal did nol
faII in lhis ugrade eriod, you can run lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess. Il caIIs a ackage
in IayabIes lhal ugrades aII lransaclions in IayabIes for lhe secified Iedger and
Read lhis seclion lo:
Upgrade h|stor|ca| Purchas|ng Transact|ons for 8ub|edger Account|ng and E-us|ness Tax
The SubIedger Accounling ugrade rocesses accounling and lax dala. If you need lo
migrale addilionaI lax dala lo lhe I-usiness Tax reosilory from Iurchasing, you can
run lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess. Il caIIs a ackage in I-usiness Tax lhal ugrades aII
aroriale lax lransaclions in Iurchasing for lhe secified Iedger and eriod.
Read lhis seclion lo:
Upgrade by Request G-9
Upgrade h|stor|ca| Rece|vab|es Transact|ons for 8ub|edger Account|ng and E-us|ness Tax
The SubIedger Accounling ugrade rocesses accounling and lax dala. If you need lo
migrale addilionaI accounling enlries lo SubIedger Accounling from ReceivabIes, run
lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess. Il caIIs a ackage in ReceivabIes lhal ugrades aII
ReceivabIes lransaclions for lhe secified Iedger and eriod.
8ub|edger Account|ng
This seclion aIies if you have any of lhe foIIoving roducls:
OracIe Assels (for SubIedger Accounling)
OracIe IinanciaIs for lhe Americas (for SubIedger Accounling)
OracIe IayabIes (for bolh I-usiness Tax and SubIedger Accounling)
OracIe Iro|ecls (for SubIedger Accounling)
OracIe Iurchasing (for I-usiness Tax)
OracIe ReceivabIes (for bolh I-usiness Tax and SubIedger Accounling)
8LA Post-Upgrade Process
To avoid a Iong dovnlime eriod, you couId choose lo ugrade onIy a subsel of lhe
accounling and lax dala, for examIe, if oId dala does nol need lo be ermanenlIy
avaiIabIe for daiIy oeralions. This decision has a direcl imacl on hardvare resources
since Iess dala requires Iess slorage sace. Hovever, during normaI business
oeralions, some silualions may require oId dala lo be avaiIabIe. Ior examIe, if you
need lo reverse an oId invoice, OracIe SubIedger Accounling requires lhe originaI
accounling dala for lhe invoice lo generale lhe correcl accounling reversaI.
Note: The SLA osl-ugrade rocess shouId nol be considered a
reIacemenl for a dovnlime ugrade. Ils goaI is lo ugrade onIy
individuaI eriods of a given Iedger - during dovnlime, muIliIe
Iedgers are ugraded al lhe same lime.
Il is imorlanl lo consider lhe imacl on resources vhen delermining lhe ugrade
The SLA osl-ugrade rocess runs al lhe same lime as lhe daiIy oeralions. You
shouId carefuIIy consider lhe imacl of ugrading a Iarge voIume of dala on your
syslem erformance.
A dovnlime ugrade can rocess a Iarge voIume of dala more efficienlIy. Hovever,
lhe Ienglh of lhe dovnlime eriod increases vilh lhe voIume of dala.
G-10 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
efore running lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess, enler lhe iniliaI dale lo be used lo
delermine lhe iniliaI eriod lo be ugraded in lhe SLA: IniliaI Dale for HisloricaI
Ugrade rofiIe olion. This rofiIe olion musl be ouIaled in order lo run lhe
Then, run lhe rocess as foIIovs:
1. Run AuloIalch vilh cpiicnsncipaicn.
2. Secify $XLA_TOI/alch/115/driver/xIa5584908.drv vhen romled for lhe unified
This seclion conlains informalion aboul ugrade by requesl lasks for OracIe Iro|ecls,
vhich is reIaled lo SubIedger Accounling. A descrilion of lhe overaII rocess of
ugrading hisloricaI subIedger |ournaI enlries is rovided in lhe SubIedger Accounling,
age G-9 seclion of lhis aendix.
Read lhis seclion lo:
Upgrade h|stor|ca| Projects Transact|ons for 8ub|edger Account|ng
If you need lo migrale addilionaI accounling enlries lo SubIedger Accounling from
Iro|ecls, you can run lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess. Il caIIs a ackage in Iro|ecls lhal
ugrades aII aroriale accounling enlries for lhe secified Iedger and eriod.
8upp|y 6ha|n Hanagement
This seclion conlains informalion aboul ugrade by requesl lasks for OracIe Cosl
Managemenl in lhe OracIe SuIy Chain Managemenl roducl famiIy. A descrilion of
lhe overaII rocess of ugrading hisloricaI subIedger |ournaI enlries is rovided in lhe
SubIedger Accounling, age G-9 seclion of lhis aendix.
6ost Hanagement
Read lhis seclion lo:
Upgrade h|stor|ca| 6ost Hanagement Transact|ons for 8ub|edger Account|ng
If you require addilionaI accounling enlries lo be migraled inlo SubIedger Accounling
from Cosling, lhen you can run lhe SLA osl-ugrade rocess. Il caIIs a ackage in
Cosling lhal ugrades hisloricaI Invenlory, Work in Irocess, and Receiving
Transaclions for lhe secified Iedger and eriod.
Product Documentation List H-1
Product Documentation List
This aendix Iisls lhe documenlalion references lhal conlain furlher delaiIs aboul
ugrade rocess, bolh for lhe lechnicaI and funclionaI ugrade.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
AIicalions TechnoIogy
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl
Invironmenl and Dalabase
IinanciaIs and Irocuremenl
Human Resources
SuIy Chain Managemenl
App||cat|ons Techno|ogy
Note: UnIess olhervise noled, Iinks lo lhe documenlalion Iisled in lhis
chaler can be found in Orac|c App|icaiicns Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs,
|c|casc 12.1 (Doc ID: 790942.1).
Bcsi Praciiccs jcr Sccuring Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 (Occ |O. 403537.1)
Orac|c App|icaiicns Ccnccpis
Orac|c App|icaiicns Octc|cpcrs Gui!c
Orac|c App|icaiicn |rancucrk Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs (Occ |O. 391554.1)
Orac|c App|icaiicn |rancucrk Pcrscna|izaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn Gui!c. Using |api! |nsia||
H-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Orac|c App|icaiicns Mu|iip|c Organizaiicns |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c Ccnjiguraiicn
Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c Mainicnancc
Orac|c App|icaiicns Sqsicn A!ninisiraicrs Gui!c Sccuriiq
Orac|c App|icaiicns Uscr |nicrjacc Sian!ar!s jcr |crns-|asc! Prc!uci
Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic |nicgraic! SOA Gaicuaq |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c XMI Gaicuaq Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c XMI Pu||isncr A!ninisiraiicn an! Octc|cpcrs Gui!c
Prcparing Cusicn Octc|cpncni jcr inc Ncxi Orac|c |- Busincss Suiic |c|casc (Doc ID:
Usc cj Mu|iip|c Organizaiicns (Mu|ii-Org) in |c|casc 11i (Doc ID: 210193.1
Uscr Prcjcrrc! Tinc Zcnc Suppcri in inc Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 (Doc ID:
Using AuicCcnjig ic Managc Sqsicn Ccnjiguraiicns uiin Orac|c App|icaiicns 12 (Doc ID:
6ustomer Re|at|onsh|p Hanagement
Ica!s Managcncni 11.5.10 Oaia Migraiicn
Orac|c A!tancc! |n|cun! |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c |nccniitc Ccnpcnsaiicn |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c |nccniitc Ccnpcnsaiicn Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Prc!uci Iijccqc|c |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c Prc!uci Iijccqc|c Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Tc|cscrticc |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c Tcrriicrq Managcr |unciicna| Upgra!c
Orac|c Tcrriicrq Managcr |c|casc 12 Uscr Gui!c
Env|ronment and 0atabase
A|cui Orac|c App|icaiicns OBA Minipack 11i.AO.|
Oaia|asc |niiia|izaiicn Parancicrs jcr Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc 12 (Occ |O. 396009.1)
|-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12 Upgra!c Sizing an! Bcsi Praciiccs (Occ |O. 399362.1)
|nicrcpcra|i|iiq Ncics. Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc 11i uiin Orac|c Oaia|asc 10g |c|casc 12
(10.2.0) (Occ |O. 362203.1)
Product Documentation List H-3
Mainicnancc Pack |nsia||aiicn Ncics, |c|casc 11.5.10 CU2 (Occ |O. 289788.1)
Masicr |ssuc Iisi jcr inc Mainicnancc Wizar! (Occ |O. 215527.1)
Migraiing an App|icaiicns |nsia||aiicn ic a Ncu Cnaracicr Sci (Occ |O. 124721)
Oaia|asc Prcparaiicn Gui!c|incs jcr an Orac|c |-Busincss Suiic |c|casc 12.1.1 Upgra!c (Occ
|O. 761570.1)
Orac|c App|icaiicns OBA Minipack |12.AO.A (Occ |O. 401424.1)
Orac|c App|icaiicns Occuncniaiicn |cscurccs, |c|casc 12.1 (Occ |O. 790942.1)
Orac|c App|icaiicns Mainicnancc Prccc!urcs
Orac|c App|icaiicns Mainicnancc Uii|iiics
Orac|c App|icaiicns NIS |c|casc Ncics
Orac|c App|icaiicns Paicning Prccc!urcs
Orac|c App|icaiicns Ta||cspacc Mc!c| - Ta||cspacc Migraiicn Uii|iiq
Orac|c Oaia|asc Pcrjcrnancc Tuning Gui!c 10g |c|casc 2 (10.2)
Orac|c Oaia|asc Pcrjcrnancc Tuning Gui!c 11g |c|casc 1 (11.1)
|cqucsiing Trans|aiicn Sqncnrcnizaiicn Paicncs
F|nanc|a|s and Procurement
Cc||cciicns Migraiicn Wniic Papcr
Orac|c A!tancc! Cc||cciicns |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c A!tancc! Cc||cciicns Uscr Gui!c
Orac|c A!tancc! G|c|a| |nicrccnpanq Sqsicn Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Casn Managcncni Uscr Gui!c
Orac|c |-Busincss Tax |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c |-Busincss Tax Uscr Gui!c
Orac|c |inancia|s an! Orac|c Prccurcncni |unciicna| Upgra!c Gui!c. |c|casc 11i ic |c|casc 12
Orac|c |inancia|s Ccnccpis
Orac|c |inancia|s jcr |n!ia |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c |inancia|s |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c Paqa||cs Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c |cccita||cs Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Su||c!gcr Acccuniing |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
H-4 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
human Resources
Gui!c ic inc OTA C|assic Upgra!c |cpcri
Gui!c ic inc Tinc Zcnc Up!aic
|nsia||ing Quaniun jcr Orac|c Paqrc||
Ia|cr Oisiri|uiicn (PSP) Pcsi-Upgra!c Ba! Oaia |cpcri
OTA-iIcarning |nicgraiicn Migraiicn ic Orac|c Icarning Managcncni (OIM)
Orac|c Ba|ancc! Sccrccar! |nsia|| Gui!c
Orac|c Oai|q Busincss |nic||igcncc |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Orac|c |n|c!!c! Oaia Warcncusc |nsia|| Gui!c
Orac|c Granis Acccuniing Uscr Gui!c
Orac|c Prcjcci Bi||ing Uscr Gui!c
Orac|c Prcjcci Ccsiing Uscr Gui!c
Orac|c Prcjccis |un!ancnia|s
Orac|c Prcjccis |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
8upp|y 6ha|n Hanagement
OPM |c|casc 12 Migraiicn
OPM Sqsicn A!ninisiraiicn Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c A!tancc! Supp|q Cnain P|anning |np|cncniaiicn an! Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Bi||s cj Maicria| Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Ccsi Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c |ntcnicrq Opiinizaiicn |np|cncniaiicn an! Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c |ntcnicrq Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Mc|i|c |ic|! Scrticc Pcsi-upgra!c |nsiruciicns jcr Orac|c App|icaiicns |c|casc 12
Orac|c Or!cr Managcncni |np|cncniaiicn Manua|
Orac|c Prcccss Manujaciuring Migraiicn |cjcrcncc Gui!c
Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis |np|cncniaiicn Gui!c
Product Documentation List H-5
Orac|c Scrticc Ccniracis Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Snipping |xccuiicn Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Sncp ||ccr Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c
Orac|c Warcncusc Managcncni Uscrs Gui!c
Pre-upgrade Patch List I-1
Pre-upgrade Patch List
This aendix Iisls lhe alches lhal are required as re-ugrade sles for ReIease 12.1.1.
This aendix covers lhe foIIoving loics:
Ialch Lisl
Patch L|st
The foIIoving labIe Iisls lhe alches lhal are referenced as re-ugrade requiremenls.
The Iisl incIudes a Iink lo lhe lask lhal requires lhe alch, and, vhere aroriale, lhe
roducl associaled vilh lhe alch. If a roducl is nol regislered in your ReIease 11i
syslem, and you do nol Ian lo imIemenl il in lhis reIease, you do nol have lo
dovnIoad lhe alch.
Patch # Task Reference Product/Conditions
7705743 Run TUMS uliIily (recommended),
age 2-3
5903765 Converl OracIe AIerl I-maiI
Irocessing lo lhe WorkfIov
Nolificalion MaiIer (condilionaI),
age 2-7
AIerl/11i.ATG_II.H RoIIu 6 - if
you have nol aIready converled
4963569 Verify comIelion of SaIes
Comensalion rocesses
(condilionaI), age 2-8
Incenlive Comensalion/None
4153130 Sel minimum alch IeveIs
(condilionaI), age 2-10
Iin for India/Ialch Sel - if nol al
I-2 Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide
Patch # Task Reference Product/Conditions
4923208 Sel minimum alch IeveIs
(condilionaI), age 2-10
Iin for India/ConsoIidaled Ialch - if
nol al IN60105D2
5259121 Run Accounling Selu Manager
Diagnosis for MRC (olionaI), age
GL/OlionaI lask
4607647 Ireare dala for credil card
encrylion ugrade (condilionaI),
age 2-12
Iaymenls/If nol aIready using
enhanced roducl
5233248 Sel range of eriods (olionaI), age
Assels, Cosl Managemenl,
I-usiness Tax, IinanciaIs for lhe
Americas, IayabIes, Iro|ecls,
Iurchasing, ReceivabIes/reIeases
earIier lhan
5382135 Idenlify and resoIve robIem dala
(condilionaI), age 2-20
Deol Reair/None
4563075 Ireare lo migrale OIM dala
(condilionaI), age 2-20
4699061 Ireare lo migrale OIM dala
(condilionaI), age 2-20
4582937 Ireare lo migrale OIM dala
(condilionaI), age 2-20
5102439 Ireare lo migrale OIM dala
(condilionaI), age 2-20
OIM/11.5.8 or IamiIy Iack H
4268525 Ireare lo migrale OIM dala
(condilionaI), age 2-20
OIM/11.5.9 or IamiIy Iack }
5579359 Iinish migralion rearalions for
OIM (condilionaI), age 2-21
OIM/11.5.8 or IamiIy Iack I
4458024 Iinish migralion rearalions for
OIM (condilionaI), age 2-21
OIM/11.5.9 and Ialer or IamiIy Iack
} and Ialer
Pre-upgrade Patch List I-3
Patch # Task Reference Product/Conditions
4350832 Iinish migralion rearalions for
OIM (condilionaI), age 2-21
OIM/11.5.10 or IamiIy Iack K or
4684603 VaIidale dala for RuIes and Time
vaIues migralion (recommended),
age 2-26
Service Conlracls/11.5.9
7197489 Run AD rearalion scrils
(required), age 2-6
AD/Ire scrils for OATM.

aIying, 2-3
Accounling Selu Manager Diagnosis
running for MRC (GL), 2-11
Accounls Dislribulion
crealing for Ieases (IN), 4-24
adcrlbs.sqI, 2-6
addrmrc.sqI, 3-4
adgennIs.I, 3-6
adgncons.sqI, 2-6
adgranls.sqI, 2-7
admkasuliI.I, 3-9
AD re scrils
running, 2-6
adlums.sqI, 2-3
AD Ugrade Driver
aIying, 3-5
Advanced CoIIeclions
adminislralor UI redesign, A-2
CoIIeclor migralion, A-2
Terrilory Managemenl coIIeclion usage, A-2
Advanced GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem
verify IegaI enlilies, I-4
Advanced Inbound
aclive mode rouling, -2
basic leIehony, -2
cuslomer Iooku, -2
Advanced SuIy Chain IIanning
dislribulion Ianning, D-2
Ganll Charl enhancemenls, D-4
Invenlory Reorder Ioinl reorl, D-5
key ilem allribules, D-3
OIM MRI reorls, D-5
IIanning DelaiI reorl, D-5
sequence-deendenl selu, D-4
unconslrained Ianning, D-3
Advance Inbound
inslaIIalion changes, -2
AIerl I-maiI Irocessing
converling lo WorkfIov MaiIer, 2-7
AIicalions Login Iage
URL for, 4-31
AIicalion SeciaIisls
inslruclions for, 1-3
AIicalions TechnoIogy Tasks, 4-3
asuliI.zi, 3-9, 3-9
Assel Iosl Mass Addilions
faumamcr.sqI, I-2
gIobaI descrilive fIexfieIds for Greece, A-4
invoice dislribulions from IayabIes, A-4
run verificalion reorls, I-4
SLA ugrade changes, A-2
verify assels and lransaclions, I-5
verify SLA ugrade, I-4
Assels Derecialion
facug.sqI, I-2
Assel Tracking
fieId service caabiIilies, D-7
fixed assel udale, D-6
GL reversaI, D-6
inlerface lo fixed assels, D-6
WorkfIov nolificalion, D-6
Audil TraiI
disabIing (AOL), 3-2
running on lhe aIicalion lier, 3-9
Average Service Time
definilion of, 1-8
Average Wail
definilion of, 1-8
acking U
Ianning for an ugrade, 1-11
aIanced Scorecard
osl-inslaII sles, 4-23
Iock Size
requiremenls for, 1-9
usiness Imacl and IunclionaI Changes
ugrade overviev, 1-3
Cash Managemenl
cenlraIized banks and accounls, A-4
inlernaI bank accounl securily, A-5
syslem aramelers, A-5
CalaIog Dala
re-ugrade rocess for (ICX), I-3
Characler Sels
changing in an ugrade, 1-16
CIienl Soflvare
configuring (db), 3-10
droing obsoIele, 4-29
Concurrenl Managers
shulling dovn, 3-3
slarlu scrils (IND), 4-7
Concurrenl Irograms
running (AS), 4-11
verifying comIelion of, 4-3
Configuralion Workbench
comIeling selu (IIR), 4-17
re-enabIing cuslom, 3-12
Conlracls (Core)
obsoIele funclions, D-7
Cosl, Cross Charge, and Revenue
comIeling lransfer of (IA), 2-18
Cosl Managemenl
verify SLA inlegralion, I-20
requiremenls for, 1-7
Credil Card Incrylion
rearing dala for (IY), 2-12
migraling (AS), 4-12
CrilicaI Syslem Dovnlime
definilion of, 1-10
Currency Code Selu
udaling (OKS), 2-25
CUSTOM.II, 2-5, 4-6
Cuslomer ReIalionshi Managemenl Tasks, 4-10
rearing ugrade Ian for, 2-4
disabIing lriggers, conslrainls, indexes, 3-3
mainlaining for scrils or reorls (IND), 4-6
migrale looIs, 4-4
reserving in an ugrade, 1-17
reaIying afler ugrade, 3-11
selling oeraling unil mode (MuIli-Org), 4-8
Cuslomized HeI IiIes
managing, 1-17
CUSTOM Libraries
migraling (IND), 4-6
Cuslom Logic
aIying for Iro|ecls viev (}AI), 4-13
DaiIy usiness InleIIigence
osl-ugrade sles, 4-23
DaiIy InleIIigence for Iro|ecls
summarized concurrenl rograms, C-2
rearing lo migrale (OIM), 2-20
backing u, 3-4, 3-8
migraling or ugrading before ugrade, 2-29
migraling or ugrading during ugrade, 3-3
resizing, 4-31
Dalabase and Syslem Adminislralion Tasks, 2-4
Dalabase Size
requiremenls, 1-8
Dala Migralion
finishing (OIM), 2-21
running for Reorl Manager, 4-9
inslruclions for, 1-3
Deferred Ugrade Tasks
moniloring (OKS), 4-27
Definer Righls
decIaring, 3-11
Demand IIanning
coIIeclions, D-11
forecasling, D-7
forecasl riorilies, D-11
inlernaI saIes order hislory, D-12
nev adminislralor funclions, D-10
erformance imrovemenls, D-9
Ianner roduclivily, D-8
Ians archiving, D-12
seIeclive forecasling, D-8
shared ob|ecls, D-8
viev-onIy access, D-10
Deol Reair
suorl for unexecled fIovs, D-12
Documenlalion Roadma
descrilion of, 1-4
Documenl Calegories
assigning vaIid sequences lo (OII), 4-14
Dovnlime Reduclion
for assels, I-2
for generaI Iedger, I-2
for iIrocuremenl, I-3
for Ieads managemenl, I-1
for service conlracls, I-8
Dovnlime Reduclion Reorl
checking (IIR), 4-17
I-usiness Tax
lax soIulions, A-5
verify A/I and A/R lransaclions, I-5
verify lransaclion audil and reconciIialion, I-5
ImaiI Cenler
migraling dala for (IIM), 4-10
verify emaiI accounls, I-1
Imbedded Dala Warehouse
osl-ugrade, 4-21
Incrylion Keys
enlering (IY), 4-14
Ind User Layer
osl-ugrade sles, 4-21
Inhance Cross-Organizalion Reorling, 1-19
Inlerrise Assel Managemenl
affecl of olher roducl ugrades, D-15
assel definilion, D-13
assel oeralions, D-13
assel lransaclions, D-13
melers, D-15
revenlive mainlenance, D-15
vork managemenl, D-14
Inlerrise Ierformance Ioundalion, 4-28
imorlance of, 1-4
evenl aIerl lriggers
droing in cuslom schemas, 2-6
Ixense Reorls
comIeling (IA), 2-17
imorling inlo A/R (OII), 2-12
IieId SaIes
migrale lo OracIe SaIes, -3
IieId Service (Core)
cuslomer confirmalion, -23
for assels, -24
lask duralions, -23
lime zone suorl, -23
usabiIily, -23
IieId Service Advanced ScheduIer
cuslomer confirmalion, -22
ScheduIe Task vindov, -22
sile access hours, -22
lask duralions, -22
lime zone suorl, -22
IinanciaIs Common Counlry
conlra charges, A-9
inleresl invoices, A-10
IinanciaIs Common ModuIes
Advanced GIobaI Inlercomany Syslem, A-10
IayabIes and ReceivabIes nelling, A-10
IinanciaIs for Asia/Iacific
Korean vilhhoIding laxes, A-9
IegaI enlily informalion, A-8
Taivanese uniform invoices, A-9
lax selu, A-8
IinanciaIs for Iuroe
archileclure changes, A-12
consoIidalion of counlry-secific reorls, A-11
I-usiness lax-based reorling, A-11
IMIA VAT reorling, A-11
reorling rocess changes, A-12
IinanciaIs for India
aIying cuslom Iogic for Iro|ecls, 4-13
fIexfieIds reIaced, A-12
verify samIe reorls, I-6
IinanciaIs for lhe Americas
raziIian comany informalion, A-8
raziIian }LR, A-8
raziIian ReceivabIes inleresl, A-7
ChiIean iIIs of Ixchange, A-8
ChiIean reorling, A-8
CoIombian NIT, A-8
Lalin Tax Ingine, A-7
ReceivabIes bank lransfer, A-6
verify raziIian receivabIes bank lransfers, I-6
vilhhoIding agenl, A-7
IinanciaIs Ugrade Imacl
rofilabiIily manager, A-30
comiIing for }aanese (IAY), 4-20
IIov Manufacluring
fIov sequencing, D-16
funclionaI changes
descrilion of, 1-3
IunclionaI Changes
lyes of, 1-4
IunclionaI Ugrade
for aIicalion seciaIisls, 1-3
IunclionaI Ugrade Tasks
ugrade overviev, 1-5
GeneraI Informalion and Required Tasks
ugrade overviev, 1-4
GeneraI Ledger
cenlraIized accounling selu, A-14
GIobaI Accounling Ingine, A-14
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies, A-14
eriod rales reIaced, A-14
revaIualion, A-15
run accounling selu manager diagnosis, I-7
run verificalion reorls, I-7
sels of books, A-14
STAT reorl-IeveI currencies, A-15
lerminoIogy changes, A-13
GIobaI Accounling Ingine
migraled lo SLA, A-15
verify audil lraiI, I-7
Granls Accounling
inlegralion vilh I-usiness Tax, C-5
inlegralion vilh SLA, C-4
suIier cosl ad|uslmenls, C-3
suIier cosl inlegralion, C-3
HeI IiIes
managing cuslomized, 1-17
iciflug.sqI, I-3
icxr12fi.sqI, I-4
icxr12in.sqI, I-3
icxr12mi.sqI, I-3
icxr12d.sqI, I-3
icxr12rl.sqI, I-3
icxr12ug.sqI, I-3
Incenlive Comensalion
decommissioned fealures, -8
inlegralion vilh Terrilory Manager, -5
muIli-IeveI markeling suorl, -6
muIliIe organizalion access conlroI, -5
nev resonsibiIilies, -3
rofiIe olion changes, -6
lerminoIogy changes, -8
vaIidale exisling ob|ecls, I-2
verify inlegralion oinls, I-2
re-enabIing cuslom, 3-12
IIashback Dro conlroI, 1-12
maximum bIocks for CO, 1-11
maximum bIocks read in sequenliaI scan, 1-11
maximum araIIeI query server rocesses, 1-
maximum rocesses for |ob execulion, 1-11
ga_aggregale_largel, 1-12
ga_max_size, 1-12
reselling aramelers, 3-7
udaling aramelers in, 3-3
IniliaI Load Reorls
verifying (Markeling), 4-23
verifying (SaIes), 4-24
IniliaI Requesl Sels
running, 4-24
requiremenls for, 1-8
InslaII ase
assel lransfer, D-17
counlers, D-17
ilem inslance, D-17
olher roducl suorl, D-18
rofiIe olion disconlinued, D-16
Inlernel Ixenses
inlegralion vilh I-usiness Tax, A-16
inlegralion vilh Iaymenls, A-15
ilemizalion, A-15
er diem and miIeage, A-15
deferred COGS, D-19
maleriaI vorkbench, D-20
OIM convergence, D-18
icking ruIes, D-21
reservalions, D-23
Invenlory Convergence
comIeling (GMA), 4-25
Invenlory Olimizalion
demand fuIfiIImenl Iead lime, D-24
Iead lime variabiIily, D-24
Invoker Righls
decIaring, 3-11
reIaced by Iaymenls, A-16
calaIog managemenl, A-16
conlenl securily, A-16
verify calaIog dala ugrade, I-8
verify conlenl securily, I-9
iSuIier IorlaI
ending change requesls, A-16
Key IIexfieId Slruclure
modifying for Iroducl CalaIog (IGS), 2-18
KnovIedge Managemenl
auloIinks, -26
concurrenl requesl access, -26
search adminislralion, -25
search olions, -25
selu menu, -26
slalemenls crealion, -25
Labor Dislribulion TabIes
verifying (ISI), 4-16
addilionaI sace for, 1-15
slalus of, 1-16
Leasing and Iinance Managemenl
rearing for lhe ugrade, 2-14
ugrade imacls, A-17
LegaI Inlily Configuralor
descrilion of, 1-18
verify IegaI slruclure, I-10
LegisIalive Udales
aIying Ialesl (IIR), 4-16
License Slalus
synchronizing, 4-10
shulling dovn, 3-3
inlegralion vilh Iaymenls, A-22
inlegralion vilh SLA, A-22
Ioan lyes and roducls, A-23
Logging On
lo OracIe AIicalions, 4-31
Long-running Irocesses
managing, 1-11
Mainlenance Mode
disabIing, 3-7
enabIing, 3-4
using in an ugrade, 1-14
Mainlenance Wizard
descrilion of, 1-13
imorlance of, 1-4
ManuaI Sles
in an ugrade, 1-3
verify migraled and camaign dala, I-2
Means and ChanneIs
comIeling for Danish aymenls (IY), 4-15
requiremenls for, 1-7
Minimum Ialch LeveIs
selling (}AI), 2-10
MobiIe IieId Service
Ialo user inlerfaces, -24
migraling lo nev (CSM), 4-12
muIliIe resonsibiIilies, -24
non-TCA arly incidenl addresses, -25
seIf-scheduIing, -25
MobiIe Server
synchronizing (CSM), 2-10
droing schema (MRC), 3-4
MRC Schema
droing, 3-4
MuIli-Org Securily IrofiIe, 1-19
MuIliIe Organizalions
Ianning lhe ugrade, 1-19
MuIliIe Organizalions Archileclure
converling lo, 2-5
effecl on users, 1-10
in ReIease 12, 1-9
MuIliIe Reorling Currencies
migralion, 1-10
MWA Server Adminislralion
revieving lask changes (MWA), 4-25
Nev Iroducls
regislering, 4-29
NLS Ugrade Consideralions, 1-15
see OracIe AIicalions TabIesace ModeI, 1-9
inlegraling cuslom, 3-11
ObsoIele CoIumns
droing, 1-14
One-lo-One IuIfiIImenl
mass emaiI requesls, -9
OnIine HeI
inslaIIing, 4-4
Oen Invoices
imorling from IayabIes Oen Inlerface (AI),
migraling (AS), 4-11
OracIe AIicalions TabIesace ModeI
descrilion of, 1-9
rearing for, 2-6
reselling assvords, 3-8
Order Calure/Quoling
inlegralion vilh Trading Communily
Archileclure, -9
obsoIele fealures, -10
Order Managemenl
changed rofiIe olions, D-25
defauIling ruIes, D-26
obsoIele rofiIe olions, D-25
re-aymenls, D-27
reviev error reorl, I-20
associaling names vilh re-exisling
definilions (ALR), 4-7
business imacl and funclionaI changes, 1-3
funclionaI ugrade lasks, 1-5
generaI informalion and required lasks, 1-4
reIease 12.1.1 udales, 1-5
lechnicaI ugrade lasks, 1-4
ugrade, 1-1
ugrade rocess, 1-2
rinl driver for, 3-15
alch 4153130, 2-10
alch 4239736, 2-10
alch 4245089, 2-10
alch 4268525, 2-21
alch 4350832, 2-22
alch 4458028, 2-22
alch 4563075, 2-21
alch 4582937, 2-21
alch 4607647, 2-12
alch 4684603, 2-26
alch 4688012, 4-26
alch 4690072, 4-26
alch 4699061, 2-21
alch 4860026, 2-10
alch 4914492, I-4
alch 4963569, 2-8
alch 5233248, 2-14
alch 5259121, 2-11
alch 5382135, 2-20
alch 5903765, 2-7
alch 6677049, 4-26
alch 6693828, 2-21
alch 6694260, 2-21
alch 7197489, 2-6
alch 7461070, 3-5
alch 7705743, 2-3
Iisl for re-ugrade, I-1
alch sel IN60105D2, 2-10
cenlraIized banks and accounls definilions, A-
fealures migraled, A-25
funds disbursemenls, A-24
inlegralion vilh I-usiness Tax, A-25
inlegralion vilh SLA, A-25
invoice Iines, A-24
aymenl documenl sequencing, A-24
suIiers defined in TCA, A-23
verify accounling selu and rocessing, I-11
verify invoice and aymenl rocessing, I-11
verify lax selu and rocessing, I-11
verify lriaI baIance, I-10
Iaymenl IrofiIe Olions
comIeling for NelherIands (IY), 4-14
configurabIe formalling, A-25
eIeclronic lransmission caabiIily, A-26
firsl arly organizalion, A-28
inlernaI bank accounl, A-27
melhods and currencies, A-28
ayee configuralion, A-28
aymenl melhods, A-27, A-28
aymenl syslem, A-27, A-28
Ian verificalion rocess, I-13
rocessing ruIes, A-27, A-28
ReceivabIes imacl, A-28
reIacing iIaymenl, A-29
rouling ruIes, A-29
secure dala reosilory, A-26
verify disbursemenl syslem olions, I-12
verify funds calure, I-11
verify funds disbursemenls, I-11
verify ayabIes imacl, I-12
verify rocessing exlension and
cuslomizalions, I-13
verify receivabIes imacl, I-12
verify securily olions, I-11
IDI Irinling
enabIing for XML IubIisher, 3-15
backu, 1-11
cross-roducl funclionaIily, 1-18
cuslomized environmenls, 1-16
dalabase iniliaIizalion, 1-11
inslaIIed comonenls and syslem
requiremenls, 1-6
mainlenance mode, 1-14
muIli-org, 1-19
roducl-secific consideralions, 1-17
lesl ugrade, 1-15
Iosled }ournaI Inlries
re-ugrade (GL), I-2
oxu|oh.sqI, I-3
oxukal.sqI, I-3
oxukfi.sqI, I-3
oxukoI.sqI, I-3
oxukrl.sqI, I-3
Ireare for lhe Ugrade
reviev ugrade lasks, 2-1
Irearing for lhe Ugrade
aIicalions lechnoIogy lasks, 2-7
dalabase and syslem adminislralion lasks, 2-4
Irearing lo Migrale (OIM), 2-20
IrobIem Dala
idenlifying and resoIving (CSD), 2-20
Irocess Manufacluring
cosl managemenl and manufacluring
accounling, D-33
e-records, D-36
invenlory conlroI, D-30
Iogislics aIicalions, D-34
mobiIe suIy chain aIicalion, D-35
obsoIele fealures, D-36
rocess execulion, D-27
rocess Ianning, D-31
roducl deveIomenl, D-28
quaIily managemenl, D-29
reguIalory managemenl, D-35
syslem adminislralion changes, D-33
Iroducl CalaIog
crealing nev (CRM), 2-8
Iroducl IiIes
backing u, 3-7, 4-31
deIeling, 4-28
Iroducl LifecycIe Managemenl
advanced search, D-39
common slruclures, D-38
inlegralion vilh Web ADI, D-39
ilem organizalion assignmenls, D-39
Iroducl Ialches
aIying Ialesl, 3-5
synchronizing (NLS and American IngIish), 3-
imIemenling nev, 4-30
IrofiIe Olion
sel u for TeIeService (CRM), 2-9
udaling for }ava CoIor Scheme, 4-29
IrofilabiIily Manager, 4-27
Iro|ecl iIIing
accounling for inlercomany invoices, C-6
accounling for revenue, C-5
imacl of MRC migralion, C-6
lax defauIl hierarchy, C-6
vieving accounling delaiIs, C-6
Iro|ecl Cosling
inlegralion vilh SLA, C-8
migralion of MRC, C-9
suIier cosl ad|uslmenl, C-7
suIier cosl inlegralion, C-7
Iro|ecl Managemenl
forecasling, C-11
veb-based budgeling and forecasling, C-9
vork managemenl, C-11
verify I-usiness lax ugrade, I-19
verify resource Iisls, I-19
verify SLA inlegralion, I-19
Iro|ecls Ioundalion
ro|ecl Iisl and search age, C-12
resource Iisls, C-12
Iroerly Manager
inlegralion vilh I-usiness Tax, C-11
inlegralion vilh SLA, C-12
IegaI enlily slaming, C-12
verify ugraded dala, I-18
IubIic Seclor IinanciaIs
inlegralion vilh SLA, A-31
inlegralion vilh I-usiness Tax, A-32
IocaI conlracl urchase agreemenls, A-31
unified calaIog, A-31
QuickIay IxcIusions
running ugrade (IAY), 4-19
Range of Ieriods
selling (SLA), 2-13
Raid InslaII
roIe in ugrade, 1-2
running before ugrade, 2-28
baIance forvard biIIing, A-33
cenlraIized banks and accounls, A-33
cuslomer UI redesign, A-33
funds calure, A-33
inlegralion vilh I-usiness Tax, A-32
inlegralion vilh SLA, A-32
Iale charges, A-33
obsoIele fealures, A-33
verify baIance forvard biIIing, I-15
verify inlegralion vilh I-usiness Tax, I-14
verify inlegralion vilh SLA, I-14
verify inlerface redesign, I-15
verify Iale charges enhancemenls, I-15
verify aymenls funds calure, I-14
Reference Informalion
finding, 1-4
ReIease Conlenl Documenls
imorlance of, 1-4
ReIease Udale Iack
aIying afler lhe ugrade, 1-6, 4-30
Remillance Advice ConlroIs
comIeling for IlaIy (IY), 4-15
Renamed IiIes
rolecling dala in, 1-17
Reorling Currency
use in ReIease 12, 1-10
Requesl Grou
assigning Reorl Manager Dala Migralion lo,
allaching nev (AMI), 4-18
udaling/verifying cuslom (IND), 4-4
Reviev Ugrade Tasks, 2-1
RuIes and Time vaIues
migraling, I-9
RuIes and Time VaIues
vaIidale migralion (OKS), 2-26
SaIary Comonenls
re-seeding cuslom (IIR), 4-16
migraling cuslom resonsibiIilies, G-1
SaIes OnIine migralion, -10
SaIes and TeIesaIes
migralion of SaIes Credils, -12
SaIes and TeIesaIes Ugrade by Requesl
migraling saIes credils, G-2
migraling saIes melhodoIogies for
oorlunilies, G-6
SaIes Comensalion Irocesses
verifying comIelion of (CRM), 2-8
SaIes Ugrade Irom ASN. lo ReIease 12, 4-12
inlegraling cuslom, 3-11
Schema Slalislics
galhering for CO, 2-27
Securily Iraclices
revieving, 4-31
Server Irocesses
configuring, 3-8
slarling, 3-8
cuslom WorkfIov rocess, -14
dala migralion looIs, -14
emaiI cenler, -13
iSuorl, -15
nev selu and admin screens, -13
Service Conlracls
arovaI ruIes, D-40
canceIIalions, D-40
coverage definilion and inslanlialion, D-41
MuIliIe Organizalions Access ConlroI
(MOAC), D-41
arliaI eriod definilion, D-40
XML IubIisher lemIales, D-42
Selling U Oeraling Unils, 1-20
Shiing Ixeculion
fIexibIe documenls, D-42
araIIeI ick submission, D-43
WorkfIov-enabIed lransaclions, D-43
Sho IIoor Managemenl
olion 1 disabIed, D-44
olion 2 changes, D-44
SLA Ire-Ugrade Irogram
running (SLA), 2-13
requiremenls for, 1-6
auclion AuloIxlend, A-34
cosl faclor enhancemenls, A-36
negolialion header allribules, A-34
onIine discussion, A-35
olimizalion enhancemenls, A-36
rice faclors, A-34
quanlily based rice liers, A-35
lemIale migralion, A-35
lvo slage evaIualion of RII, A-35
verify header requiremenls, I-15
verify lemIale migralion, I-15
recrealing exisling (Web ADI), 4-9
configuring for Web Services, 3-12
Slalus Monilor
udaling URLs (WorkfIov), 4-9
Slored Names lo Nev Iormals
migraling, 4-18
Sludenl Syslem and Sludenl Recruiling
Ianning lhe ugrade, 1-20
SubIedger Accounling
enabIing (IAY), 4-20
reIaces exisling accounling rocesses, A-36
SubIedger Accounling ModeI
effecl of, 1-10
Suorled Ugrade Ialhs, 1-1
TabIesace ModeI
migraling lo nev, 4-30
revieving size of, 2-6
IocaIIy managed, 1-9
TabIesace Sizing
requiremenls for, 1-9
TechnicaI Ugrade
inslruclions for DAs, 1-3
TechnicaI Ugrade Tasks
ugrade overviev, 1-4
TechnoIogy Slack
requiremenls for, 1-6
verify hisloricaI message migralion, I-3
verify ugraded dala, I-2
Temorary Direclory
secifying for XML IubIisher, 3-16
TIMI labIesace
selling, 1-12
Terrilory Adminislralion
concurrenl rograms decommissioned, -19
Terrilory Manager
access IeveIs, -20
cuslom malching allribules, -20
escaIalion lerrilories, -20
forms reIaced vilh HTML-IxceI, -19
roIe-based access conlroI, -21
lerrilory lyes, -20
verify hierarchy maing, I-3
verify resonsibiIilies and roIes for RAC, I-3
verify lerrilory lyes, I-3
Time Zone Conversion
verifying (OTA), 4-17
imorlance of, 1-4
Trading Communily Archileclure
address vaIidalion, A-37
DQM enhancemenls, A-37
nev HTML for roIes, A-38
nev lrading members, A-37
verify address vaIidalion, I-16
Training Adminislralion
migraling (OTA), 4-17
TransIaled Dalabase Ilem Names
crealing for }aan (IAY), 4-19
Transorl Agenl
comIeling selu, 3-14
bank accounl baIances migralion, A-39
bank accounls migralion, A-38
verify bank accounl baIance migralion, I-17
verify bank accounl migralion, I-16
re-enabIing cuslom, 3-12
running, 2-3
lumsr12.hlmI, 2-3
lxkSelWaIIelIass.sqI, 3-13
Un-Confirmed Iaymenl alches
imorling invoices from (AI), 2-13
aIying reIease udale acks, 1-5
business imacl, 1-3
generaI funclionaI lasks for, 1-5
generaI lechnicaI lasks for, 1-4
overviev, 1-1
required reading, 1-4
Ugrade y Requesl
descrilion of, 1-15
Ugrade Imacl
QuaIily, D-51
Ugrade ManuaI Scril
descrilion of, 1-13
Ugrade Ialch
running driver (American IngIish), 3-5
running driver (NLS), 3-5
Ugrade Ialhs
for 11.5.10, 1-2, 1-2
for 11.5.9, 1-2, 1-2
Ugrade Irocess
overviev, 1-2
Ugrade Requiremenls
bIock size, 1-9
CIU, 1-7
dalabase size, 1-8
inul/oulul, 1-8
memory, 1-7
soflvare, 1-6
labIesace sizing, 1-9
lechnoIogy slack, 1-6
User-referred Time Zone
suorl for, 1-15
User ResonsibiIily
revieving assignmenls (IND), 4-7
US IederaI IinanciaIs
imIemenls IayabIes and ReceivabIes nelling,
inlegralion vilh GL, A-39
inlegralion vilh SLA, A-39
summary scheduIes and consoIidaled fiIes, A-
verify budgel execulion, I-18
verify confirmalion and reconciIialion, I-18
UTL_IILI_DIR arameler
selling, 3-9
inslaIIing/udaling (IAY), 4-19
Warehouse Managemenl
conlroI board enhancemenls, D-45
crossdocking, D-49
maleriaI handIing enhancemenls, D-50
muIli-deIivery consoIidalion, D-46
ruIes engine enhancemenls, D-48
user-exlensibIe IabeI fieIds, D-46
WorkfIov Nolificalion MaiIer
comIele configuralion for, 3-13
XML Galevay
comIeling selu for, 3-14

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