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Ahdth Regarding the Promised Messiah and Imm Mahd

Composed most humbly for the benefit of the Khuddm al-Ahmadyyah by: Tayyab Pirzada

In the name of Allh, the Supremely Beneficent, the Sublimely Magnanimous

We send prayers and blessings upon His (swt) Noble Messenger (saw) and upon his (saw) Servant, the Promised Messiah (as) _____________________________________________________________

Second Coming of Jesusas According to Qurn and Ahdth Jesusas is dead, therefore the ahdth about the Second Coming of Jesus refer to another person who will be a Muslim, and be like Jesusas in spirit. Allh told Seyyidina Mirz Ghulm Ahmadas: We have made you the Messiah, son of Mary.

Jesus son of Maryas will descend near a white minaret to the East of Damascus (Sahh Muslim)

Minrah-tul-Mash (Minaret of the Messiah) in Qadian, which is East of Damascus

Explanation: Qadian is directly East of Damascus There is a white minaret in Qadian, and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was born near it Meaning of nuzl ( as said in this hadth, he will descend) literally means descent but can also mean to appear or be manifest and never means to come down from the sky. In this hadth, it means that the Messiah will appear, and not descend down from the sky, as Seyyidina saas is dead. In the Qurn itself, the word nuzl and its various derivatives appear 293 times, and mostly every single time (with the exception of the sending down of iron, hadd perhaps from the sky, ,) it means to appear rather than descend from the sky. It says:

Then Allh sent down tranquility upon His Messenger. (Srah al-Tawbah, 9:26)

Surely Allh sent down to you a Reminder, the Messenger, who recites unto you the Signs of Allh. (Srah al-Talq, 65:11-12)

Then I sent upon you, after the sorrow, peace upon a group of you that was overcome with slumber. (Srah l-e-Imrn, 3:155)

The descent (revelation) of this Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise. (Srah alZumar, 39:2)

And I have sent down to you from the eight head of cattle in pairs. (Srah al-Zumar, 39:7)

We have indeed sent down to you clothes to cover your shame, as well as to be an adornment to you. (Srah al-Arf, 7:27)

There are more examples in the Holy Qurn of nuzl means to appear, and not fly down from the sky. Moreover, a book of ancient classical Arabic poetry called Hamsa composed by Labb ibn Aws al-Ta (nicknamed Ab Tamm) has the following statement:

Nazalat al li al-Muhallab shniy gharban min al-Awtni f zaman al-Haml. I came and stayed with the children of Muhallab as a guest' in winter, while I was a stranger, in the days of famine. (Hamsa) Here, the word nazalat means I came and stayed rather than I flew down from the sky. Also, Lanes Arabic-English Lexicon lists the word nazala and its various derivations to mean he settled, made him his guest, occupied, became the position or occupation of, alighted, stopped or sojourned or lodged in the place. Therefore, if the hadith means that the Messiah will settle himself in, stop in his journey in, or lodge himself in a place inda ( near) a white minaret, to the East of Damascus, this clearly happened with Seyyidina Ahmadas who lived in a place near a white minaret to the East of Damascus.

Idh baath Allh al-Mash bin Maryam fayanzalu inda al-Minrah al-Baydh sharq Damashq, bayna mahrdatayn (between two yellow robes) wa adh (taking) kafiyyahu (his hands) al ajnihah (upon wings) malakayn (of two angels). When Allah will send the Messiah son of Mary, then he will descend near a white minaret to the East of Damascus, wearing two yellow robes taking his hands upon wings of two angels. (Sahh Muslim, Book 41, Kitb al-Fitn wa Ashrt al-Sah Book of the Turmoil and Portents of the Hour, Ch. 18, Hadith #7015) Explanation:

Imm Ahmad ibn Hanbalrh called the kuffr (non-believers) ( Children of the Yellow) as recorded in al-Bidyah wal-Nihyah (The History of the Beginning and End) by Imm Ibn Kathrrh.

- Abd Allah ibn Amr ibn al-sra heard that the Messenger of Allhsa said to him:
About two yellow robes (that I was wearing), then he said Surely these are from the clothing of the kuffr (non-believers) so do not wear these two. (Sahh Muslim, Book 24, Kitb al-Libs wa al-Znah Book of Clothing and Decoration, Ch. 3, Hadith #5173) Therefore, if Jesusas is going to come wearing yellow robes, it would contradict with another statement of the Prophetsa where he said Muslims should not wear yellow robes. Muhammad Ibn Sirnrh, the most famous Muslim interpreter of dreams who lived in the 8th century and was a friend of Anas bin Malikra and was therefore a tabi, wrote in his book Tabr al-Ruy (Interpretation of Dreams) that yellow clothes represent illness and disease Therefore, it indicates that the Messiah will have two illnesses. One on the top part of his body, and one on the bottom part. And Seyyidina Ahmad as had both vertigo (a disease of the top part of the body) and diabetes (a disease of the bottom part). Prophets have gotten sick including the Prophet Muhammad sa and Prophet Ayybas who was known to be sick often.

Kayfa antum idh nazal al-Ibn Maryam fkum wa Immukum minkum. How will you be when the Son of Mary will appear among you and is your Imm (leader) from amongst you. (Sahh Bukhr, Kitb al-Anbiy Book of the Prophets, Ch. 49, Hadith #3449) Explanation: The Promised Messiah will appear amongst the Muslims and be an Imm from amongst them.

Wa idh Qla sa ibn Maryam: Y Ban Isrl, inn Rasl Allh ilaykum musaddaqan lama bayna yadayya min al-Tawrt wa mubasharan bi Raslin yat mim bad. Ismuh Ahmad. And when Jesus, son of Mary, said, O children of Israel, surely I am Allahs Messenger unto you, fulfilling that which is before me of the Torah, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger who will come after me. His name will be Ahmad. (Srah al-Saff, 61:7)

Explanation: Allhswt says that Jesusas said Raslin yat mim bad. Ismuh Ahmad

. In Sahh Bukhr there is a hadth where the Prophetsa said one of his names is

Ahmad. However, how can a Prophet come bada (after) Jesusas named Ahmadas if he was still alive at the time the Prophet Muhammad sa was alive on this earth? It indicates that Jesusas is dead. Ghulm Ahmad means Slave/Son of Muhammad, as Ahmad was the other name of the Prophetsa. The word ghulmun is found in the Qurn many times and means youth, slave or son.

: ( ): An Ibn Umar (radAllhu anhu) qla: Qla Nab (sallAllhu alayhi wa sallam): raaytu sa wa Msa wa Ibrhm, faamma sa faahmr jadu ardu al-Sadr, wa amm Msa fadam jasm sabtt kaannah min Rijl al-Zutt. Ibn Umarra reported that the Prophetsa said: I saw Jesusas and Mosesas and Abrahamas (during the Mirj Night Journey). Jesusas was of a rosy complexion, curly hair, and broad chest. Mosesas was of brown complexion, straight hair, and tall stature as if he was from the men of alZutt. (Sahh Bukhr, Kitb al-Anbiy Book of the Prophets, Ch. 48, Hadith #3438)

( ) : : :
An Nfi, An Abd Allh bin Umar, radAllahu anhum, anna Rasl Allh (sallAllhu alayhi wa sallam) qla: arn al-laylah inda al-Kabah, faraaytu rajul dam kaahsan m anta rin min al-Limam qad rajjalah taqttur man muttakia al rajulayn aw al awtiq rajulayn yattf bi

al-Bayt fasaaltu man hdha? Faql: al-Mash ibn Maryam thumma: idh an birajulin jadin qattattin awar al-Ayn al-Yumn kaannah inabah tfiyah, fasaaltu man hdha? Faql: alMash al-Dajjl. Narrated Nfi, Narrated Abd Allh ibn 'Umar (may Allh be pleased with both of them): The Messenger of Allhsa said, I saw myself (in a dream) near the Ka'bah last night, and I saw a man with an dam-ic (light brown) complexion, the best you may see amongst men of that complexion, having long hair reaching his earlobes which was the best hair of its sort, and he had combed his hair and water was dropping from it, and he was performing the Tawaf (circulation) around the Ka'bah while he was leaning on two men or on the shoulders of two men. I asked, Who is this man? Somebody replied, (He is) Messiah, son of Mary. Then I saw another man with very curly hair (jadin), blind in the right eye which looked like a protruding out grape. I asked, Who is this? Somebody replied, (He is) the Antichrist Messiah (al-Mash alDajjl). (Sahh Bukhr, Kitb al-Tabr Book of the Interpretation of Dreams, Ch. 11, Hadith #6999) Explanation: Here we have descriptions of two different people. One of Jesusas who died 2,000 years ago and has a rosy complexion (ahmar )and curly hair (jadu ,) and the other of a man named the Messiah son of Mary who has a light-brown complexion (dama ) and straight hair who will come during the time of the Dajjl. In the first hadth, Mosesas is known to have a light brown complexion, indicated by the word dama which is the same exact word used for the Messiah who is to come. In the second hadth, the Messiah who is to come is seen to have straight hair because of his comparison with Dajjl who has very curly hair (jadu ,) which is the same word used for Jesusas who lived 2,000 years ago as indicated by the first hadith. Therefore, there are two distinct figures the Prophet sa was talking about. Jesus son of Maryas who lived and died 2,000 years ago, and the Promised Messiah who will have light-brown skin, and straight black hair, just as Seyyidina Mirz Ghulm Ahmad as did.

Wa aladh nafs bi yadih layshikanna an yanzala fkum ibn Maryam, Hakaman Adlan, fayaksaru al-Salb wa yaqtalu al-Khinzr wa yadhau al-Harb wa yafdh al-ml hat l yaqbala ahadun hat takn al-Sajdah al-Whidah khayr min al-Duny wa m fh.

By the One who owns my soul, it is nigh, of a certainty, that the son of Mary will appear (come and stay with you) among you: He will be a judge, he will be just; so he will break the Cross and kill the Swine; and he will stop war: and wealth will increase so that no one will accept it; and a single Sajdah (prostration) will be better than the whole world and all that there is in it. (Sahh Bukhr, Kitb al-Anbiy Book of the Prophets, Ch. 49) An Ab Hurayrah an al-Nab (sallAllhu alayhi wa sallam) qla: yshak man sh minkum anna yalq sa ibn Maryam, Imman Mahdyyan wa Hakaman Adlan fayaksaru al-Salb wa yaqtalu al-Khinzr wa yadhau al-Jizyah wa yadhau al-Harb awzrah. Ab Hurayrah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallAllhu alayhi wa sallam) said: Whosoever from amongst you that is living when sa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary) arrives (yalaq), (he is) the Imm Mahd and Hakam Adil (Just Arbiter), (he will) then break the cross (yaksaru al-Salb) and kill the swine (yaqtalu al-Khinzr) and put Jizyah (yada al-Jizyah) and war (yada al-Harb) to an end (awzruh). (Musnad Ahmad, Hadth #9002) L Mahdyun ill sa ibn Maryam. There is no Mahd except Jesus son of Mary. (Ibn Mjh, Hadth #5579) Explanation: The second hadth clearly states that sa ibn Maryam Imman Mahdyan (Jesus son of Mary is the Imam Mahd). The last hadith clearly states that there is no Mahdi except the Promised Messiah. As far as yaksurul-salb (breaking the cross) is concerned, the authentic and classical view of this is given by Badr al-Din al-Ayn (rh) in his well-known commentary of Sahih al-Bukhari, Umdah al-Qar f Sharh Sahh al-Bukhr that this means to refute Christian doctrines and put an end to the dominance of Christianity as a world superpower. As far as yaqtulul-khinzr (kill the swine) is concerned, Imm Ghazl (rahmatAllhu alayh)s book Kitb Sharh-e-Ajib al-Qalb (Book of Commentary of the Mysteries of

the Heart) in which Imam Ghazli, Hujjah wa Mujjadid al-Islm (Proof of and Centennial Reformer of Islm), states that there are 3 states of soul that are inclined to sin: - Khinzr al-Shahwah (Pig of Carnal Desires) - Kalb al-Ghadhab (Dog of Anger) - Shaytn al-Nafs (Demon of Soul) If it is understood that khinzr here is a metaphor for carnal desires therefore it is fitting that the Prophet (sa) said the Messiah shall kill this pig of carnal desires, and not go around killing every pig, a feat which cannot be done by one man alone, serves no purpose, and is irrational. Another meaning of this is that when Muslims become the majority of the world (which Seyyidina Ahmadas said would happen approx. 300 years after his death) the consumption of swine shall altogether be abandoned. As far as yaaul-arb / yaaul-jizya awzruh (ending war / end [the necessity for taking] Jizya) is concerned, the Promised Messiahas was a man of peace, to the extent that his final book written a day before his death was called Message of Peace, emphasizing what was already known as the Greater Jihd of the Nafs, or the Purification of the Soul. As far as the Imam Mahdi being Immukum minkum (Imm from amongst yourselves), akam (Arbiter of Fiqh and other Islmic matters), and dal (just ruler), Seyyidina Mirz Ghulm Ahmad (as) was all these things. As Ibn Arabi states in his Kitb al-Mahd (Book of the Mahd) that the Mahd shall make new fatwa not based on his haw (desires) or ijtihd or the 4 classical madhhib (Hanaf, Hanbal, Mlik and Shafi) but based on direct revelation (ilhm) from Allah, and it is for this reason that the people shall reject him saying he is not practicing Islam as is understood by the fiqh of the 4 Classical Schools of Thought, this is exactly what happened. He further, as Hakam, said that his followers should follow the fuquh (classical jurists) of the Hanaf madhhab, which is what we do, and by inference it is understood that the Usl (methodology) of the Hanaf madhhab should also be used. As far as distributing wealth (yafdh al-Ml ) that no one will want to take, there are many people today who do not want to read the books of Seyyidina Imam Mahdas, but rather listen to misinformation spewed by antagonists of Jamah alIslmiyyah al-Ahmadyyah. The corpus of books the Promised Messiah produced is called Ruhn Khazin (Spiritual Treasures) for a reason. He said, The treasures that laid buried for more than a thousand years; are now being distributed by me to the one who is ready to accept them. Anyone reading his books can see this for himself, especially his Arabic works.

. " - - : " Idh kna f al-Ardh khalfatni, faqatal khirhum Ab Sad al-Khudrra narrated, that the Messenger of Allah said: If there are upon the earth two Khuluf, then kill the latter of the two. (Sahh Muslim Hadith 4568) Beware, there shall be no prophet or messenger between Jesus, the son of Mary, and me. Remember, he shall be my Khalfah in my Ummah after me. (Mujam Kabr wa Awsa wa aghr of Imm Tabrn) Thaubanra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said: When you find the Mahd, perform bay`ah at his hands. You must go to him, even if you have to reach him across icebound mountains on your knees. He is the Mahd, the Khalfah of Allh (Ibn Mjah, Kitb al-Fitan Book of the Turmoils) Explanation: This indicates that the Ummah can never have 2 Leaders (like the Israelites did with Msaas and Harnas but only 1. Therefore the belief that Jesus will pray behind the Imm Mahdi is shattered to pieces, seeing as there cannot be 2 Imms of the Ummah, to the extent that the latter one according to the Prophetsa should be killed (ie. showing the severity of understanding there should only be 1 Imm of the Ummah). The last two ahdth listed indicate that both the Promised Messiah and Imm Mahd are considered respectively as a Khalfah, further adding to the strength of this argument.

Imm Mahdas According to Ahdth The ahdth about the Imm Mahd are contradictory as to where he shall appear and when he shall appear, and are not included in the Sahhayn (Bukhr and Muslim) A group will fight in al-Hind (India). They will be with the Imm al-Mahd whose name shall be Ahmad. (Imm Bukhr has narrated this) There will be two parties in my People whom Allh has saved from the fire; one of them will fight in India and the other party will be with Isa bin Maryamas (Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 5 and Sunan al-Nasai, Vol. 2) The Holy Prophetsa has said that People will rise from the East (al-Mashriq) who would inform about the place of Mahdi who would be their leader that is to say that they will support him and will assist him in his task. (Bihr al-Anwr, Vol. 13; Sunan Ab Dawd, Vol. 2, and Ibn Mjh)

Yakhruj al-Mahdyu min Qaryatin Yuqalu lah Kadah The Mahdi will appear in a village called Kadah. (Jawhir al-Asrr, pg. 55) People will gather around the Imm al-Mahd in the year 1400 AH. (Rislah al-Hurj al-Mahd, pg. 108) The Mahd shall appear in the 14th Century. (Mishkt al-Masbih, Kitb al-Fitan Book of Trials, Ch. 3, section 3) The Imm Mahd shall appear in the 14th Century. (al-Najm al-Thqib dar Ahwl Imm alGhayb by classical Muhaddith, al-Hjj Hussayn al-Nr al-Tabars) There will be a man wearing a turban who will point to the Mahd and shout aloud: That is the Imm al-Mahd, the Caliph of Allah! Obey him! (al-Ishah li-Ashrt al-Sah of al-Barzanji, pg. 164-165) Explanation: Kadah = Qadin Seyyidina Ahmadas appeared in the 14th Islmic Century This man wearing a turban who was the first to take the bayah (oath of allegiance) of Seyyidina Ahmadas was none other than al-Hjj Mawln Hfiz Hakm Nr al-Dnra, the first murd of the Imm Mahd. He was a Hfiz of the Quran, studied Ilm al-Hadth and Usl al-Hadth in Makkah al-Mukurramah and Madinah al-Munawwarah having memorized thousands upon thousands of Ahdth, was a Mufassir of wide acclaim delivering his many durs on the Tafsr of the Qurn which are compiled into a Tafsr called Haqiq al-Furqn ( or Inner Verities of the Discriminant), and a WalAllh (Friend of God) being given many revelations by God Himself. He was also a Muslim who engaged in Tasawwuf and self-purification, and trained in the Islamic Sciences (Ulm al-Islm). He was, a Shaykh al-Islm who later became the first Khalfah (Successor) to the Imam Mahdi, and wore the Prophetic white turban and kept the Sunnah beard as well.

al-Hjj Mawln Hfiz Hakm Nr al-Dnra

Seyyidina Mirz Ghulm Ahmadas said: I proclaim on the basis of Divine revelation that I am the one who was to come. Whoever wishes, can demand from me proof of my truthfulness according to the manner in which God Almighty has always proved the truthfulness of the Prophets as. (Malfdht, Vol. 4, p. 39)

Importance of Accepting the Mahd and Messiah - In the book Sunan ibn Mjah regarding the Imm al-Mahd, it is recorded that the Holy Prophet (sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: When you find the Mahdi perform the bayah at his hands. You must go to him even if you have to reach him across icebound mountains on your knees. He is the Mahdi and Caliph of Allah In the book Sunan Abu Dawd, regarding the Messiah, it is recorded that the Holy Prophet (sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: when you see him accept him In the book Durr al-Manthr, of Imm Suyti, regarding the Messiah, it recorded that the Holy Prophet (sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Whoever among you meets Jesus, son of Mary, should convey my greetings to him. In the book Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal regarding the Imm Mahd it is recorded that the Prophet (sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: He who dies in a condition that he has not recognized the Imm al-Zamn (of the age) dies a death of ignorance. Contradictory Locations of Expected Mahd and Messiah in Ahdth Bayt al-Maqdis (Palestine): In that period, there would be few Arabs and most of them will be in Bayt al-Maqdis (in Palestine). Their Imm would be the Mahd. (It will happen one day) their Imm will proceed to lead the congregation of Fajr when s Ibn Maryam will descend among them. (Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood, Ibn Khazaymah, and Hakim p. 75)

Valley Afq (Jordan): And Muslims will (finally) concentrate in the valley Afq. (A 2-mile long valley in Jordan)Then at the time of Fajr prayers, s Ibn Maryamas will come. (Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Abi Shaybah, Mujam Kabr wa Awsa wa aghr, Hakim, and Durr al-Manthr) Dukhn Mountain (Syria): The Muslims will flee to the Jabl Dukhn in Syria and Dajjl will pursue them and surround them there. This will be a very severe siege. The Muslims will be in much difficulty. Then at the time of Fajr,s Ibn Maryam will come down. (Musnad Ahmad, Mustadrik Hakim p. 90)

Sign of the Eclipses

: Imm Muhammad ibn Al al-Bqir narrated that the Prophetsa said: For our Mahd there are two Signs (yatayn) which have never appeared before since the creation of the heavens and the earth, namely, the moon (al-Qamar) will be eclipsed on the first night in Ramadhn (i.e. on the first of the nights on which a lunar eclipse can occur) and the sun will be eclipsed on the middle day (i.e. on the middle one of the days on which a solar eclipse can occur), and these Signs have not appeared since God created the heavens and the earth. (Sunan al-Drqutn, Bb Siffat Salt al-Khusf wa al-Kusf wa Haytahum, Ch. 10, Hadth #1771)

And the moon is eclipsed. And the sun and moon are brought together. (Srah al-Qiymah, 75:9-10) Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindrh, also known as Mujadid Alf Thn (Centennial Reformer of the Second Millennium of Islm) and Imm Rabbn, also narrated the sign of the eclipses being a sign for the true Imm al-Mahdi. He wrote: During his *Mahdi's+ reign, on the fourteenth of the Ramadan, a solar eclipse will occur. On the first of that month, the Moon will darken. (Maktbt Imm Rabbn Letters of Imm Rabbn, p. 380; Letters of Rabbn, vol. 2, p. 1163) Explanation:

Muammad ibn Al al-Bqir (676-733 AD) was the Fifth Imm to the Twelver Shah. He is revered by Shi'a Muslims for his religious leadership and highly respected by Sunni Muslims for his knowledge and Islamic scholarship as a leading jurist of Madinah, the City of the Prophetra. To analyze this Hadith by Diryah, this is in exact confirmation of the Surah al-Qiymah where the eclipses are mentioned. In terms of Riwyah, the Hadth was narrated by Shaykh al-Islam Ali ibn Umar alDaraqutni (radiAllhu anhu) (306 385) who, it should be mentioned, rapidly acquired Arabic literature and became known for his knowledge of the Islamic sciences, in particular that of Ilm al-Hadth (the traditions of the Prophetsa). He also learnt the 7 variant readings of the Qurn (qirat) and was the first Islmic scholar to write a book about it. He was a master in Hadith Science, Qirat, Fiqh, Adab (Arabic literature), and Maghz (historiography of the battles of the Prophet Muhammadsa). He was recognized for his wide and critical knowledge of Hadith. He had many renowned students, from Ab Nuaym al-Isfahn and the Muhaddith Ghani ibn Said alHakim who himself narrates traditions from about 2,000 individuals. Imm Ghan ibn Said al-Hakm remarked about al-Daraqutn that he never met such a scholar as alDaraqutn. Imam al-Daraqutn checked all the Ahdth which he came upon and he finally inserted the authentic and sound ones into his Sunan, making sure of their reliability i.e. the sanad (chains of narration) and also clearly pointed to those which were adjudged to be weak, and making every attempt to fix their degree of reliability and also the reliability of the narrators and their characters. According to Usl al-Hadth, this Hadith can be found to be Sahh (authentic) as well. So the Hadith states that the moon (al-Qamar) will be eclipsed on the first night in Ramadan (i.e. on the first of the nights on which a lunar eclipse can occur) and the sun will be eclipsed in its middle (i.e. on the middle day of the days on which a solar eclipse can occur). According to astronomical physics, the moon can ONLY be eclipsed on the 13th, 14th, or 15th of the lunar month of Ramadan, and the sun ONLY on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of the month. This is corroborated by scientific research carried out by Dr. David McNaughton and the late Dr. Saleh Mohammed Alladin, Retired Professor of Astronomy at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India and noted as one of the 100 top scientists of the past century (who was also Ahmadi Muslim).

Hadrat Mirz Ghulm Ahmadas said that these signs will appear for him. And they subsequently did, being outside of the sphere of human undertaking, in 1894, whereupon the moon eclipsed on the 13th night of Ramadan and the sun on the 28th. This exact occurrence (lunar eclipse on the 13th and solar eclipse on the 28th of Ramadan) happened again in the Western hemisphere of the world in 1895, whereupon a Native American spiritual teacher named Wovoka fell into a 3-day coma during the lunar eclipse, and upon awakening told his followers that Jesus is now alive and walks upon the earth, and is living in the East. There are 3 main words for moon in Arabic; namely, hill (crescent moon), qamar (waxing/full/waning moon) and badr (full moon). The hadth and the Qurn where it mentions the eclipses in Srah al-Qiyamah mention the word Qamar which means according to Lanes Arabic-English Lexicon: The moon after the third night of the lunar month until the end of the month (but never the moon of the first three nights, which is called hill. Lanes Lexicon also reveals that al-Qamar is usually used to mean simply the moon due to the whiteness of the moon that occurs after the first three nights until the end of the moon (waxing/full/waning moon). There is also a fourth lesser-used definition in Arabic for moon, called Muhq meaning the moon on the last three nights of the lunar month. Therefore, in any case, it cannot be on the first night of the lunar month of Ramadhan, the hadth said the lunar eclipse would happen on the first night, the Arabic used is alQamar, and Qamar means moon after the third night of the lunar month. Therefore the sign was fulfilled for Seyyidina Mirz Ghulm Ahmad as, being outside of human intervention, and was never fulfilled for any other Mahd claimant in history (most of whom died by assassination or in a miserable state like in a prison).

The Mahd Will be of Persian Ancestry

: ( ) : { }. : : ( ) : Ab Hurayrahra narrated that We were sitting together with the Prophet sa when Srah alJumuah was revealed to him and when the words And He *Allh+ has sent him *Muhammadsa]

also to others who have not yet joined them (Qurn 62:4) were revealed, I asked the Prophetsa Who are they? The Prophetsa did not reply until I repeated my question thrice. At that time Salmn al-Frs (the Persian) was amongst us. So the Messenger of Allhsa put his hands on Salmnra saying that If faith were to ascend to the Pleiades (the highest star), then some men or a man from these (people, ie. Salmnsra) would restore it (back to the earth). (Sahh Bukhr, Kitb al-Tafsr Book of Quranic Exegesis, Hadth #420) Explanation: Mirz is a title of Persian nobility. Mirz Ghulm Ahmadass ancestors came from Samarqand (which at the time was part of the Persian Empire) and travelled to Punjb, India. Before Samarqand they were ethnically from Irn. There is a hadth in Sahh Bukhr, Volume 4, that the faith of Muslims will be pristine for three centuries after the Prophetsa and then degenerate for a thousand years. After that time it seems that the Imm Mahd shall appear to restore Islm back to the Islm of the Prophetsa (as also according to other Ahdth and the Qurn itself such as in Srah al-Qadr and other verses) and this is what Seyyidina Ahmadas did. Seyyidina Ahmadas wrote: I believe in Allh, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers and Resurrection after death. I bear witness that there is no God except Allh, the One without associate; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. Fear Allah and say not: You are not a Muslim. Fear the King to Whom you will be brought back.

Why is Promised Messiah Called sa ibn Maryam?

And Allah sets forth for those who believe the example of the wife of Pharaoh when she said, My Lord! build for me a house with Thee in the Garden; and deliver me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from the wrongdoing people. And the example of Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her private parts so We breathed into him of Our Spirit and she fulfilled in her person the words of her Lord and His Books and was one of the obedient. (Srah al-Tahrm, 66:12-13) : Shaykh Shahb al-Dn Suhraward writes: The Murd [disciple] is part of the Shaykh [preceptor], even as in physical birth the son is part of the father. The Murd comes to birth in a metaphorical manner in the sense which Jesus described when he said that no man will enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless he is born twice over. Explanation: Sometimes people name a person by the name of someone they are similar to in attributes Maryra mentioned as a model for the believers So being Jesus, a Son of Mary would indicate spiritual rank

Allh and His Prophetsa Sometimes Speak in Metaphorical Language

He it is Who has revealed the Book to you. Some of its verses are literal. They are the basis of the Book and others are metaphorical. (Srah l-e-Imrn, 3:6)

And Allh sets forth parables to men, and Allah knows all things full well. (Srah al-Nr, 24:36) Explanation: Sticking to literalism is very crude and very simple people can do that, but metaphor, allegory and imagery are signs of eloquent speech, and obviously Allh has the most

eloquent speech, and the Prophetsa said he had eloquent speech as well (Sahh alBukhr) If Jesusas were really to supposedly come down from the sky, who wouldn`t believe in him? The purpose behind faith in the unseen (al-Ghayb) becomes purposeless then. In history, no Prophet has ever ascended heaven or come down after thousands of years, not even Elijahas whom the Jews were expecting to herald the Messiah and failed to realize that he came in the spirit of Yahya (John the Baptist) as as stated by Jesusas in the Bible. The Qurn in Srah al-Maryam, Verse 58, it says Allh raised the Prophet Idrsas up using the word rafaa which is the same word used by Allh for Jesusas in the Qurn yet no Muslim scholar believes Idrsas physically ascended to heaven, nor do they believe he will come down from the sky. The Bible purports the same idea.
And our final call is to praise Allh, Lord of all the realms

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