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Charles Ferguson, physicist, April 2007, Fellow for Science & Technology, Council
on Foreign Relations, Nuclear Energy: Balancing Risks and Benefits, accessed 7/7/08 (He is
also a assistant professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University
and an adjunct lecturer at the Johns Hopkins University, s scientist-in-residence at
the Center for Nonproliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute of International

Despite the failed efforts to pass the emission reduction legislation, in 2005 the
Senate passed a Sense of the Senate resolution on climate change. The resolution
finds that (1) greenhouse gases are increasing and raising average global
temperatures, (2) a mounting scientific consensus concludes that human activity
has significantly caused the increase in greenhouse gases, and (3) mandatory steps
will be needed to slow or stop the growth in greenhouse gas emissions. The
resolution calls on Congress to enact a comprehensive national program using
market-based mechanisms to slow, stop, and reverse the growth of greenhouse gas
emissions. Moreover, the resolution expresses the view that such a program should
not significantly harm the American economy and should encourage comparable
efforts by other countries that contribute to global emissions and are major trading
partners of the United States.

Timothy O’Riordin. "Grassroots energy and carbon

initiatives.(EDITORIAL)(Editorial). ." Environment. 49.2 (March 2007):

To the European mind, the U.S. approach to climate change is shaped by the oil,
gas, and coal lobbies coupled to an intransigent yet paradoxically lobby-sensitive
White House. In practice, Americans now worry about climate change, recognizing
the emergence of new and unusual weather patterns with huge consequences for
the local economy (unpredictable snowfalls, avalanches, floods, excessive summer
heat, and storms and the costly infrastructure, roof, and other building damages
that result). In addition, all manner of initiatives are emerging at regional, state, and
municipal levels and in the day-to-day behavior of U.S. citizens.

Rex Nutting (Washington bureau chief of Market Watch) “Obama a shoo-in,

forecasting models say” 7/3/08 Online
accessed 7/7/08

Of course, all these models assume that this year's campaign will be pretty much
like those in the past. A major gaffe or stumble by Obama, or superb campaign by
McCain could change the dynamics. So could outside events that alter the election

From this we can now see that Alternative Energy is very popular among the
political world as well as the general American public. If plan passes then this will
result in the head of the governing body to become a very popular figure to the
American public and have much influence to the public and this case will result in a
large gain of popularity by Senator McCain who will then get elected as the next
president as bush is currently pushing for him to win.
Richard Diamond Fairfield, Calif., Nov. 13, 2007. “John McCain and the Character
issue” New York Times. Online LexisNexis July 9, 2008.

One would also have to look at his support for the war in Iraq and question
whether he would have supported continuing the fight in Vietnam, too, instead of
withdrawing, with the result being a Vietnam that is America's friend today. It is
hard to accept that although many have made sacrifices for the Iraq war, as he
did in Vietnam, it doesn't justify continuing an unwinnable war. Mr. Brooks glosses
over the compromises that John McCain needs to answer.

Andrew Leonard (author: how the world works) “John McCain’s plan to ignore
the economy” Online. accessed

That's it. John McCain's economic plan is to convene a couple of meetings. Oh, and
some more tax cuts. What's that I hear? The sound of Ohio voting Democratic? It's
one thing to make a high-minded pledge to eschew "election-year politics." It's quite
another to act willfully ignorant of the pressing concerns of millions of Americans.
The bulk of McCain's speech's recaps the broad outlines of what has transpired in
the housing sector and Wall Street over the past year and reads as if cribbed from
various state-of-the-economy reports previously delivered by Treasury Secretary
Hank Paulson and chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke. It's hard to see
any of it coming as news to his audience, since Orange County was ground zero for
the subprime lending industry. McCain did say that "Capital markets work best
when there is both accountability and transparency. When we commit taxpayer
dollars as assistance, it should be accompanied by reforms that ensure that we
never face this problem again. Central to those reforms should be transparency and

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