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We believe that victim-risks, or potential of victimization, consists of the following factors: 1.

Personal, including biological (age, sex, health-especially mental health) and psychological (aggressiveness, negligence, alienation); (society-made victim, immigrants, minorities, occupation, criminal behavior, interpersonal relationship); and 3. Situation factors (conflict situations, place and time, etc). A search be conducted for these factors or for characteristics of individuals who have been victims. In light of the specific situation in which the incidence occurred. It seems necessary to distinguish between some personal traits, social conditions, and certain situations or circumstances which are more or less likely to lead to victimization. The worst of course is a combination of two or more of these factor. We can explore the possibility of there being a category of victim proneness16 The assumption here would be that individuals possess varying amounts of this factor and are more or less crime of accident prone. There may also be a possibility that that proneness exists, that is that crime and other incidents are more likely to occur in some places than in others. 17 the whole system of prevention could than be based on the victim-risk scientific findings. Some Conclusions Having thus reviewed some of major findings in victimology let us consider what can be deduced from these facts. Here are some conclusions: 1. Victimization can be caused by many factors, as it represents a variety of human activities, human interactions, and human maladjustment. This complex human problem has many causes. These causes can be determined and reduced, and remedial action can be taken. But, as far as the victim is concerned questions arise about the feasibility and permissibility for action to be taken. 2. Practically everybody could or may become a victim of crime or an accident. 3. There is no such thing as one uniform type of victim; they differ not only according to the different type of suffering, e.g. life, physical integrity, property, etc., but, within be specific type of incident, we find broad scope of victimization of the different nature. 4. People differ very much in their potential for crime or accident risk and these differences represent a continuum of risk from very bad to very good. There are many willing victims. 5. In some instances, it is possible to identify potential victim-prone persons. Victimization proneness means an undue propensity for incidence. An undue incidence or risk potential. 6. Victimization or victim-risk can be studied, and, in some instances, generally predicted by scientific means. Fundamentally, victimology presuppose that human losses, accidental or criminal, can be reduced; and that this can best be accomplished by the application of

scientific methods both to the study of the victim problem and to the selection of appropriate remedies. In so doing, victimology may contribute to a better understanding of crime and accident victim-its purpose being not to eulogize the victim, but to offer some explanation of his role and his relationship toward his victimizer. Victimology asserts that all individuals have the right to know the dangers to which their occupation, social class, or physical condition may expose them. It does not intend to scare, but to talk good sense. Safety or safe living consists as much of knowing how to face danger as of how to avoid it. As Ben Franklin said, the way to be safe is never to be secure, and there seems to be truth there. Safe living, in general, has been immediately correlated with alertness and intelligence, therefore, we need appropriate education for safe living. Victimological findings are of value in this respect.

Victimology as an Approach to the Human-risk Problem Justification of victimology as an independent science or discipline, as a branch of learning, or an independent body of knowledge may indeed be a questionable objective, but only the ignorant can oppose or try to devalue the victims problem. The same may be said about criminology is not so much a science as an association sciences. There is much to be done to change the prevailing all embracing aim of criminology. According to this aim, it is asserted that as a scientific discipline dealing with human behavior. Criminology should not be confined to the study of crime in the legal sense. Rather, it is held, it should also deal with any antisocial behavior. Whether or not it is defined as a crime. The need now, as Lopez-Rey pointed out, is for a new approach to the control of crime, law enforcement, and the administration of criminal justice. This will necessitate building a new type of criminal justice, a task in which criminology must play an important role.19 in any case, primacy an importance of criminology and victimology in the sphere of the general crime problem is assured. Both can only break free by broadening their subject matter to include the study of social deviance in general, and victim-risk and victimization as a social problem.

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