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Elements of a Poem a)What is a poem?

-a piece of creative writing in verse -express deep feelings -is written to communicate a person feelings b)Who is a poet? -is a person who writes the poem c)Stanza -paragraphs with few lines d)Theme -the main idea or concern of the poem e)Synopsis -summary of a poem f)Settings -the time,place and social environment g)Point of View -based on the persona. If the persona and the poet is the same person then the poem is in the first person point of view. However if the persona is someone else other than the poet, then the poem is in the third person point of view. h)Mood and Tone -Mood: feelings or emotions that a poem makes a reader feel. Ex: happiness, anger, pleasure, etc -Tone: is the way the poet express himself and shows his attitude. The poets attitude may be positive, negative, confident, hopeful, anxious, etc

i)Language and Style -Language: difficult or easy -Style: use literary methods to express the meaning j)Moral values -the lessons that we learn from the poem k)Imagery -the use of vivid descriptions to create a word picture or image. These words or phrases usually appeal to the five senses. l)Subject -Literal meaning: the literal meaning of the poem is the direct meaning of a poem. It offers the first level of understanding and does not include suggested meaning of words. -Figurative meaning: meaning goes beyond the direct or first level meaning of a poem. m)Persona -is the speaker in the poem -it may be the poet himself or he may create a character as the speaker n)Rhyme and Rhythm -Rhyme: words that ends with the same sound are words that rhyme. Some poem may or may not have rhyme. Ex: The River is abcb -Rhythm: rise and fall on the lines of the poem o)Metaphor -to compare a person or thing to something else. Ex: She is a flower in the meadows.

p)Simile -is a word or a phrase that compares a person or a thing or an action by using the words like or as. Ex: She is as sweet as candy. She grabs the opportunity like a hawk attacking a prey. q)Personification -this is when an object or an animal is given human qualities. Ex: The moon did give me silver pence, The sun did give me gold, And both together softly blew and made my porridge cold. r)Symbolism -a symbol is a thing that represent or stands for something else. Ex: the cross represents Christianity and the cresent represents Islam s)Repetition the poet repeats a certain word, sound or even stanza in a poem to emphasise and stress certain ideas and images that are important in the poem. Ex: Water water everywhere and all the boats did shrink Water water everywhere, ne any drop to drink t)Alliteration -this is the repetition of sounds of the beginning of two or more words. Ex: The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The forrow followed free, We were the first that ever burst, Into the silent sea

u)Onomatopoeia -this is another sound device. It is the use of words that seems to imitate sounds made by things or animals. -Ex Pistol/rifle: bang Duck: quack Clock: cuckoo Bee: buzz Chicken: Cluck v)Oxymoron -the placing of words which seems to contradict each other. -Ex: a clever fool. Deafening silent

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