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The Flip.

How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence In 3 Easy Steps

Black Phantom Volcano Confidence Systems

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The Flip
How To Instantly Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence
Volcano Confidence Systems
2011, All Rights Reserved.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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By the time you are done reading this book, you will be able to walk out your front door, go to a public place where there are women, feel confident, secure, high status and valuable and you're going to be able to start talking with them immediately. No anxiety, no hassle. Just do the excercises that I'm about to show you, and the success is inevitable. This is the result of a crazy-scientist-like research in the last years. For the past few years I've been literally obsessed with finding the KEY to confidence. I've read all the book, I've listened to all of the audio courses and went to all the seminars. But most of the infrmation out there said something like: "Think happy thoughts"..or "It takes years of psychotherapy to achieve confidence"..or "It's just impossible to get someone to be confident right away".. But I've kept my faith and one night, the light bulb above my head went "ping". I quickly ran to get my notebook and wrote what you're about to learn. So enjoy it, study it and master it. And you will be free of anxiety when approaching a girl. To get more Free advice on confidence, visit my website So before we dig into getting rid of our anxiety, let's first take a look at why should we eliminate our anxiety in the first place.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Why should you even bother learning this? ............................................................................ - 4 Before we Start ...................................................................................................................... - 5 What is The Flip? ................................................................................................................. - 6 How To Do It: The Flip.........................................................................................................- 10 Let's recap what we've learned .............................................................................................- 14 Additional Step #Visualization............................................................................................- 15 Ok great, what now? .............................................................................................................- 17 Additional Flip: Insecurities .................................................................................................- 18 How It Works: The Flip: Insecurities ....................................................................................- 20 Let's test ................................................................................................................................- 24 FREE COACHING ....................................................................................................................- 25 -

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Why should you even bother learning this?

Most people don't handle their anxiety when approaching women. They let their fear rule their dating life. They live the life of so called "silent desperation" and it is worse every day. When they see a girl they really like, they take a deep breath and... freeze. They will not approach. Most guys get paralized from fear. They go to bed every night, thinking about that one girl they saw on the street and wishing: "If only I said something to her, maybe she would like me." On the other hand, people who have eliminated their anxiety of approaching women (some of them with the help of my Private One on One coaching program The Ultimate Man) have incredible advantage in life. Especially when it comes to meeting women. They can approach any girl they want, start a conversation with any girl they want, seduce any girl they want and enjoy their life the way they want it. When they see a woman they like, they don't get that sinking feeling in their stomach and get confused. NO. They get a powerful feeling, a feeling that tells them: "I am worthy of her and I'm gonna go and talk to her" Other guys are jealous and envious at them. They hate to see them walking arround with beautiful women under their arms. Their nights are exciting and they have stories to tell that get every ear in the room listening. On which side do you want to be? Don't be like most people. Take a choice and decide today that you will handle this and become The Boss of your life.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Before we Start
Before we even start, I want you to take a test of yourself. From 0 to 10, when 0 is no anxiety and 10 is total fear, rate the level of anxiety you feel when you want to approach a woman.

My level of anxiety is: ____ My level of confidence is:____

At the end of this Ebook there will be another test, that will ask you the same question. Why is this important? So YOU can actually feel the difference. Write it down on a piece of paper and keep it with you because at the end this is going to play a big part of measuring your progress. Ok, now let's dig in..

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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What is The Flip?

So what's the technique? Don't worry, we will get into it in a second. First, let's take a closer look at how approach anxiety works. Because If we want to eliminate our anxiety of approaching, it's important for us to know HOW it actually works. We want to know what is the fuel for it. And to find that out, let's take a quick look at how our brains cause us to feel anxious. So what REALLY happens when we see an attractive girl? This is how it works.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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The story of anxiety

One day, you are walking down the street, minding your own business. All of the sudden, you see a hot girl walking. You "notice" her.

Next, your brains immediately ask 2 questions:

1.Who Is She?

And the answer soon follows..

2.Who am I compared to her?

She's a hot girl! She has guys all over the place.. She has all the power. She is the one who is choosing, not you! She has all the value, because she's beautiful, you don't. She is the one who picks guys, not the other way arround. She has the status, higher than yours. She leads, evaluates and chooses.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Than your brains ask the second critical question: "Who Am I Compared To Her..?" And the second answer also follows..

You have no power, she has all the power. She has more value than you. She has higher status than you. She has something that is valuable, you have nothing. You need her, she doesn't need you. You are the one who is evaluated, you are the one who is being tested.

...And this sinks your ships.

Now, this is all happening mostly on an subconcious level. You are not aware of it happening. But it's happening. All of the sudden, when you want to talk to her, you feel what..? Anxiety! And you don't even know why..

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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What The Flip does for you, is it recognises what kind of answers do your brains give you on that two very important crucial questions: 1. Who is she? 2. Who are you compared to her? The two answers that your brains come up with to those two questions are the SOURCE of your anxiety. They are causing you to FEAR approaching. If you can eliminate the source, you can ELIMINATE your anxiety. In other words, when you see that hot girl you want to talk to and you get that sinking feeling in your stomach, that's the moment of opportunity when you can change the source of that by changing how you perceive her. Makes sense? So how can you change how you perceive her? Keep reading..

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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How To Do It: The Flip

So this is exactly how you do it. These are the specific steps on how to do The Flip exactly. I've divided three steps into smaller steps, the exercise on the next side will have only 3 bigger steps. But do them ALL. When I did this for the first time, I felt a SHIFT in me, a shift in how I FELT, not just how I THOUGHT. I never viewed the situation from the Flipped situation before and it sounded strange when I was reading the new view outloud. If you want to get more out of The Flip you can take advantage of my Free Coaching Call I do on the topic, and I'll take you through the technique PERSONALLY. Simply click the link here and apply, and I'll send you an email in the next 2 days. So, the finished version of The Flip should look something like this:

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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S t e p #1
Draw two circles and on the top of one, write her name, on top of the second write your name. For the purpose of this exercise, I'm going to use your name as Brian, and her name as Megan. You write your real names because this is the only way the technique will have any effect. Brian Megan

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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S t e p #2
Imagine you are an outside observer who is watching you two. In each circle, write down who you two think you are, what is the dynamic between you two, what's the status difference, who has it etc. It's best to write how you really feel. What do you feel about the dynamic between you two? Who is she? Who are you? Who are you compared to her? Who is she in the conversation? What is her role? How do you see her, and how do you see yourself in this situation? You can help yourself with these guidelines, but again, best to write on your true thoughts and feelings. STATUS AND VALUE: Who is the one who has higher value and status? CHOOSING: Who is choosing who? EVALUATION: Who is evaluating and who is being evaluated and judged? DECISION MAKING:Who is making the decisions? LEADERSHIP: Who is in charge and has the power? Brian Megan

Has no power, is the one who is chosen, is the one who gets evaluated and judged, feels insecure and needy, has lower value and status, follows and has no power in the conversation

Has the power Is the one who is choosing Has greater value and status Is sure of herself Leads, Evaluates and Chooses and has all the power of the conversation

Now read it outloud and notice how you feel. (Dont forget to insert real names in there)
The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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S t e p #3
Next, scramble the names so they can't be seen and flip the names. Above your circle write down her name and above her circle write down your name. Brian Megan Megan Brian

Has no power, is the one who is chosen, is the one who gets evaluated and judged, feels insecure and needy, has lower value and status, follows and has no power in the conversation

Has the power Is the one who is choosing Has greater value and status Is sure of herself Leads, Evaluates and Chooses and has all the power of the conversation

Now read it outloud again. How do you feel this time? You've successfully done The Flip.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Let's recap what we've learned

STEPS: 1. Think of a girl you like. Think of a specific girl that you would consider being out of your league. Draw two circles, and on the top of the first circle write her name, on the top of the second write your name. 2. Imagine you are an outside observer who is observing you two. In each circle, write down who you two are, what is the dynamic between you two. Use these guidelines for help: STATUS AND VALUE: Who is the one who has higher value and status? CHOOSING: Who is choosing who? EVALUATION: Who is evaluating and who is being evaluated and judged? DECISION MAKING: Who is making the decisions? LEADERSHIP: Who is in charge and has the power? Now read it outloud and notice how you feel 3. Next, scramble the names and Flip them, so that your name is where her name use to be, and her name where your name use to be. Read it outloud again and notice how you feel. If you want to take advantage of my Free Coaching Call, simply click here (or visit and apply.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Additional Step #Visualization

For maximum effect on this, I recommend you take what you learned and first visualize the conversation you would have with that girl in your flipped roles. You probably already feel differently. If you visualize and you imagine talking to her all over again, than your new role will get deep seeded in you. This is not an urgent step if you don't want to, but it helps. How much? Well if you visualize, you're going to make your flipped role 95 % stronger. So I highly encourage you to do that. How to visualize a half page course. Visualization is actually a lot like day dreaming. If you remember at the school sometimes you drifted away with your thoughts and it was as if you were somewhere else. You were visualizing. Just not with your eyes closed. Formula one drivers use visualization to drive the circuit without actually driving it. Weird, but very true. So how do you visualize what you just learned? Read the flipped description of roles again and when you do, sit straight in your chair with your hands comfortably on your legs and close your eyes. Slowly imagine being in a situation with that girl but this time, in a new role. Knowing what you know now, observe her face and observe your face. See her in a new light.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Observe your face expressions, how you move and talk and what are your new gestures. Step into your body and actually feel what it's like to be the role you choose to be. Notice the exact emotion that you have and let yourself be overflown by that good emotion. Do that for about 10-15 minutes and repeat the process again. When you go to sleep your brains are in alpha state and that's when they are the most receiptive to suggestions like visualization. So every night before you go to sleep, read your new roles and in your bed, close your eyes and begin your visualization. Do that for 2 weeks, and you'll never have any problems approaching women in your LIFE.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Ok great, what now?

Now, turn off your computer, take a shower and put on some nice clothes. Go to a place where there is a lot of women and just notice how you feel. Pick your favourite pick-up line and start a conversation. While you do this, I want you to pay attention to what your mind is telling you and how your mind wants to slip you back into your old role. Don't fight your brains, just try it.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Additional Flip: Insecurities

What we've talked about is about flipping our roles. But when we are in direct conversation or want to approach, sometimes we don't have time to go through the whole exercise. That is why I have developed another technique that's called The Flip: The Insecurities (FI) In FI we do the same process, but instead of roles we flip insecurities. What is it? Imagine you want to approach a girl. You start feeling those butterflies and weird thoughts come up. Those are called your limiting beliefs or "insecurities". We all have our insecurities. The biggest obstacle with confident approach is that guys are in their head too much and they focus on themselves. If they instead focused on the girl, they would become present with her and would be able to talk to her normally. "But Fantom, I AM focusing on her, I'm focusing on her too much, that's the problem!" My answer: No, you're not focusing on her. You're focusing on her body and what YOU would do with it. And besides that, what you're mostly focusing on your inner insecurities. "What is she going to think of me" "Does she like me at all" "I'm too short for her" "I'm not her type" "She won't like me anyway" etc.. We guys are incredible at this INCREDIBLE ability to mind read. It's incredible. Guys who are affraid of approaching a girl have this talent especially well developed. They can actually read the mind of the girl and know exactly what she is thinking: "She is thinking.. that she doesn't like me". Imagine that. Umm.. OK Herbert (I don't know why but this name just cracks me up), if you're so good at mind reading of how she doesn't like you, than you might as well use that ability to assume what she is thinking into your own advantage.. and give her your insecurities.
The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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How? Let's keep reading... The main challenge for us is that we are not FOCUSED on them, but on OURSELVES. If we guys focused on the girl and be completely present with what she is saying, I think we would see the sky open and heavenly light shine on us. We're not focused on THEM. We're in our heads thinking what we want from her and thinking about our insecurities. In the FI we take advantage of this HUGE handicap and we flip it. How? We're going to talk about the how in a moment, I just want to be clear with this message here. If you want to get rid of your anxiety FAST, than focus on the other person. Forget about yourself. "But Fantom, I can't. My insecurities are too strong. I'm like in a hypnotic transe when my inscurities come up" Yes, and congratulations for that. Because you're about to change all of that with this technique. Let's move on to how it works.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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How It Works: The Flip: Insecurities St ep # 1

Take a blank sheet of paper and write down 3 of your biggest insecurities that come up for you when you want to approach a girl. If you can't think of none (which I highly doubt) go out and try to approach. In the moment when something will stop you from approaching you will know that those are your insecurities. In other words, what are your EXUSES for not approaching her? Write them down. Have at least 11 or 12 on a sheet of paper.

List Of My insecurities

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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St ep # 2
Now, imagine you want to approach a girl and you have those insecurities come up for you. What I want you to do is, I want you to take all of those insecurities, flip them and throw them at her. Pretend they have some sticky glue on them or something and they stick on her. What do I mean by that? Well, because we are so good at assuming that we know what she might be thinking, let's turn this ability to ass-u-me into our advantage. Give your insecurities to her and imagine what it would be like for her to have that inscurities. So for example, you might of wrote: "I'm not her type" you ass-u-me that she has an insecurity that says: "She's thinking that she's not my type". Get it? So flip those insecurities and throw them at her.

Flipping the Insecurities

She's thinking that..

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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St ep # 3
Now that you know what she is thinking, wouldn't you want to comfort her? I mean, the poor thing with all of those insecurities.. Think of how you would behave, if you knew what she was thinking and you wanted to approach her? Think of the difference that would make. In reality, women are a lot more insecure than you think. They are constantly questioning their looks and how they look, they're insecure about their attractivness etc. So our technique is not so imaginative after all.

The difference in my behavior

Now that I know what her insecurities are, I behave differently by...

So here you go. Three steps to getting rid of your insecurities and approach anxiety with women. What you accomplish with this is this: You stop focusing on yourself and what should you do and you Start focusing on her and how she feels This gives you clarity about how you should behave and It releases your communication channels, your emotions and all of the pressure out of the situation

So start ass-u-ming. Where to go with this now? Once you've done the exercise on paper, I want you to close your eyes and imagine seeing a woman you like and have that insecurities come up.
The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Than imagine yourself throwing that insecurities to her and flipping the situation. Notice how you feel differently. Imagine yourself approaching her, knowing what her insecurities are and starting a conversation. Notice, that this time your focus is different and you actually focus on her and not so much on yourself. Next, I want you to turn off this computer, take a shower and go somewhere where there are women. Notice your insecurities come up and as you do, throw your insecurities to them and imagine them being insecure about it. Next, think of how it would be like to approach her and start talking to her, knowing what she is thinking right now.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Let's test
Ok, this is the end of this book. I hope you did ALL of the exercises, and if you didn't GO BACK and DO them. This is very important. I can't emphasise enough on how important it is for you to do all of the exercises. Now, let's test your level of anxiety again:

My level of anxiety from 0 to 10 is: ____ My level of confidence from 0 to 10 is: _____
What's the difference? When you just think about approaching a woman, do you FEEL different? If so, than you have eliminated your approach anxiety!

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Take advantage of 60 minutes of FREE coaching strategy session with me personally, where I'm going to teach you the first module of my Ultimate Man coaching program called Orientation: How to Discover who you are, where you are going and build that "powerful sense of self" In the Orientation module, you're going to discover: How to develop a "strong sense of self", a quality that women desperatly look for in a man You've probably heard women say "I want a man who knows what he wants in life". That is why you're going to get clear on what is it that you really want in your life, which will make you look determined, strong and stable in your conversations Define your vision for your life and your career Set challenging goals Create a plan of action

I take you through the this process hand-by-hand and make your confidence so powerful that's going to make any woman, no matter how hot she is drawn to you..guaranteed. What do you need to do? Just click HERE or visit this link: and get your Free 60 min Coaching Call with me personally. And if you enjoyed The Flip and gotten some results, visit and sign up for a FREE newsletter that is literally JAM-PACKED with tips, tricks and techniques on how to raise your confidence and develop yourself into a powerful personality. Good luck, and do me a favor. Let me know what you thought of the book. Give me the good and the bad.

Looking forward to contributing to you more.

The Flip: How To Turn Your Anxiety Into Confidence 2011, All Rights Reserved.


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