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OSCE Examination 204 batch/female group 2 13th of May 2009


Slide NO.1
Whats the name of the

procedure? Bimanual Examination 2 indications of the procedure? Examination of ovarian mass, uterine fibroid and endometriosis.
Relatively the same

Slide No. 2
Whats the name of this

device? Cuscos/Bivalve speculum 2 indication for using it? Visualization of vagina, its fornix and cervix Used for paps smear (cervical cytology), vaginal swab, local causes of bleeding Exact picture (polyps)

Slide No. 3
Answered by Prof.Rahman

Whats the diagnosis?

(Uterine synechiae) Ashermans syndrome 2 clinical presentations? 2ry amenorrhea History of repeated D/C
Relatively the same Only we had the middle one but from longitudinal view

Slide No. 4

Name this device?

Vacuum 2 fetal complications? Cephalic hematoma, Intracranial hemorrhage and retinal hemorrhage

Slide No. 5

Whats the diagnosis?

Barothlin cyst abscess Whats the management? Pain killer,Incision / drainage, and anti-biotic
Exact picture But only the first one from the left

Slide No. 6

Whats the procedure?

Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy .. 2 complications ? Bleeding, infection and perforations

Slide No. 7

Name A?

Submucosal fibroid Name B? Pedunculated fibroid

Exact picture

Slide No. 8

Whats the diagnosis?

Urinary Incontinence Name one operative treatment? Urethral sling operation (Marchal-Marcheltin)

Women was standing, holding her cloths, coughing in the same time urine was dripping on white sheet below I think this picture was brought from Elsevier site, but couldnt find it on the web so in order to get it you have to register there

Slide No. 9

Whats the diagnosis?

Threatened abortion Whats the management? Bed rest and observation

Exact picture but only the first one from the left

Slide No. 10
Whats the diagnosis?

Placental abruption 2 other differential diagnosis? Acute polyhydraminos, uterine fibroid degeneration and chorioamonionitis.
Exact picture But only the 2nd picture from the right and the third from the lift

Slide No. 11

Whats the diagnosis?

Utro vaginal prolapse?! Enterocele (Not sure) 2 presenting symptoms? Protruded mass and heaviness, vaginal discharges and bleeding.

Slide No. 12
Whats the diagnosis?

Ovarian teratoma (dermoid cyst) In which age group its common? 20- 40 Younger age group are most commonly affected
Relatively the same

Slid No. 13

Whats the diagnosis?

Polycystic Ovarian Disease 2 clinical presentations? Hirstism, obesity and oligomenorrhea.

Exact picture

Slide No. 14
Whats the name of the

procedure? Mammography In low risk group, at what age you should start screening? From 35-40, screen should be started.

Exact picture

Slide No. 15
Answered by Prof.Rahman

Comment on the CTG?

Cardiotochogram for monitoring fetal heart rate, otherwise it was normal. 2 criteria for reading CTG? 1. Rate (120-160) 2. Variability of beats

Slide No. 16

Whats the diagnosis?

Hematocolpus/ imperforate hymen 2 presenting symptoms? 1ry amenorrhea and pelvic pain.
Exact picture

Slide No. 17

What's the name of the

procedure? Cone biopsy Indication Cervical dysplasia

Relatively the same

Slide No. 18

Whats the name of the

device? Hegars dilator 2 complications of it use? Infection and perforation.

Slide No. 19
Whats the name of this

device? Vaginal diaphragm 2 complication of uses? Theres failure rate Urinary tract infection as more pressure on bladder.
Relatively the same

Slide No. 20

Whats the diagnosis?

Cervical incompetence 2 presenting symptoms? Recurrent abortion in the 2nd trimester and Preterm labor
Relatively the same

All the Best of Luck


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