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Friends of Walgrove Members Meeting May 3, 2012 8:20 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Walgrove Avenue Elementary School 1630 Walgrove Avenue*Los Angeles, CA 90066 Phone (310)391-7104*Fax (310)391-9809 I. Welcome & Introductions- Sarah Reimers II. Special Thanks A. Auction Team- Lynn, Michelle, Lisa, Toni and all those who helped. Plus hosts Bruce and Kelly! B. Garden Committee- quietly moving along all year. 1. Denise Bell who just got Whole Foods Grant! C. Council Committee, Library Committee, Hospitality- Open House, Wacky Wednesday Team. D. All volunteers! III. Officer and Council Reports A. Fundraising- Lisa Tauscher, Michelle Dean and Lynn Jones 1. The Auction grossed over $50,000, which means we will make at least $40,000! a. The Studio Fund-a-Program raised $6,500 so far and is still taking donations. b. Several Walgroovies still have openings. c. Individual pictures of each student are still available to purchase. 2. Volunteers are needed for the Walkathon. Please contact Brandy Oeser if you can help. IV. Old Business A. New Funding Task Force is moving forward and have a plan in place. 1.Georgia McCreery has been doing a lot of grant writing. V. New Business A. 2012-2013 Board Re-organization Vote 1. The main change is that the Fundraising chairs will be restructured. That will now be the main job of the president or co-presidents, and they will work with committees. 2. The new proposed structure will include Co-Presidents OR President with Vice President of Fundraising OR two Vice-Presidents, Vice President of Hospitality and Events, Vice President Room Parent Parent Coordination and Communication, Secretary, Treasurer and Controller. 3. A vote was taken to change the elected officers found in Article V of the FOW by-laws and passed with 34 Approvals and 0 Disapprovals. B 2012-2013 Nominations 1. Sarah Reimers nominated Julie Dair for president. 2. Nominations are due by May 29. Nomination forms are in the office and can be placed in the FOW box in the office. 3. We will vote at the June FOW meeting. C. 2012-2013 Budget Draft 1. The school's discretionary budget from LAUSD has been reduced by one half for next year. a. In order to cover the deficit from these cuts, we will need to increase the FOW budget by approximately $40,000, from $165,000 to $205,000. b. We believe that our best fundraising efforts for next year could get us $175,000. 2. We have a projected deficit of $30,000-$40,000 if we want to maintain all current programs. 3. Between now and our June 5th FOW Meeting, we need to look at possible ways to deal with this deficit: a. Possibly cutting the budget and our programs by $30,000-$40,000. b. Proceeding with the $205,000 budget and considering covering the deficit with part or all of the current FOW cash reserves, which total $45,000. 1. When current Treasurer, Mark Sim, was asked his opinion on this matter, his advice was not to touch the $45,000 and said it is a good idea to have an amount equal to roughly 25% of the budget in the bank.

c. Proceeding with the $205,000 budget with the hope of covering the deficit by pursuing outside funding through grants and corporate giving, with the understanding that we may need to cut the budget midyear if we are not able to get this funding. d. Coming up with some combination of these three choices. 4. Anyone who has ideas regarding the budget can obtain a copy of the budget worksheet in the office, mark ideas on the spreadsheet, and return it to Tracey in the office. Electronic copies are also available through SSC Chair, John Fischer at a. The next SSC Meeting will be held Thursday, May 17 at 2:45 pm, and anyone is welcome to attend to join the budget discussion. 5. The next Grant Task Force Meeting will be held on May 23 at 7:00 am. Anyone who can help with this extremely important group is encouraged to attend. VI. Happenings and Help Wanted A. Testing- May 7-18 B. Teacher Appreciation Week- May 7-11 C. Walgroovy Movie Nights- Saturday, May 12 D. School Movie Night- May 18 E. Beach House Party- May 19 F. Walkathon- June 2 G. Dine Out at Pitfire- June 18 H. Last Day of School- June 19

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