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Victor VAIDA
SC Electrocentrale Deva SA, Mintia, Santierului Str. No. 1, e-mail:

Rezumat: La realizarea cerinelor de funcionare a Sistemului Energetic Naional SEN cu UCTE, un rol important l au centralele electrice cu funcionare pe lignit i huil, Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia. n aceste centrale se realizeaz un amplu program de modernizare pentru creterea siguranei i eficienei n funcionare, calificarea ca productori de servicii tehnologice de sistem i reducerea impactului asupra mediului nconjurtor. Cuvinte cheie: Sistem energetic, servicii tehnologice de sistem, desulfurare

Abstract: Coal fired power plants on lignite and pit coal, Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia, play a vital role in complying with the technical criteria for the interconnected operation of the National Power System with the UCTE. Comprehensive modernisation programmes are being implemented in these power plants aiming at increasing operation reliability and efficiency, qualifying as system auxiliary services providers as well as mitigating the impact on the environment. Keywords: Power system, system services, desulphurisation plants

1. Introducere Principalele probleme actuale ale sistemului energetic romnesc sunt: funcionarea n siguran, interconectat cu UCTE; funcionarea eficient a pieei de energie; reducerea impactului grupurilor termoenergetice asupra mediului nconjurtor. La 8.05.2003 s-a realizat sincronizarea SEN cu UCTE. Apoi TRANSELECTRICA a devenit membru UCTE cu drepturi depline, ca urmare a ndeplinirii cu succes a testelor sistemului energetic, adaptrii reglementrii tehnice i a realizrii investiiilor pentru creterea siguranei n funcionare a SEN. La negocierea capitolului 16 din Dosarul de Aderare a Romniei la Uniunea European, s-a constat faptul c din punct de vedere legal (Legea 318 / 2003 ) ct i practic, s-au ndeplinit cerinele eseniale privind piaa de energie electric, activitatea de transport i de operare a sistemului electroenergetic de ctre un operator de transport. Pentru reducerea impactului asupra mediului nconjurtor este stabilit un program de realizare a instalaiilor de desulfurare i denoxare la grupurile termoenergetice cu funcionare pe crbune. La realizarea cerinelor de funcionare SEN, interconectat cu UCTE, un rol important l au centralele termoenergetice pe crbune (lignit i huil) principala surs energetic a Romniei cu grupuri energetice de mare putere, Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia.

1. Introduction The main current issues to be discussed in relation with the Romanian Power System are: reliable interconnected operation of the National Power System (NPS) with the UCTE; efficiency of the energy market; mitigation of the impact of generating units on the environment. On the 8th of May 2003, the Romanian Power System became interconnected with the UCTE. Subsequently, TRANSELECTRICA became a full member of the UCTE due to the successful completion of the interconnection tests and the compliance with technical requirements and as a result of the investments in projects for increasing the reliability of the National Power System (NPS). On negotiating Chapter 16 of the EU Accession Treaty, it was established that, from legal point of view (Law no. 318/2003) as well as factually, the fundamental requirements concerning electricity market, electricity transmission and system operation by a transmission operator had been fulfilled. A programme of installing desulphurisation and NOx removal systems for coal-fired plants has been initiated to reduce the impact on the environment. The coal fired power plants (on pit coal and lignite) with large capacity units, Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia, as the main electricity producers in Romania, play an important role in fulfilling the requirements of interconnected operation of the NPS with the UCTE.


The 6 International Power Systems Conference


2. Locul i rolul termocentralelor Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia n figura 1 se prezint SEN cu principalele centrale electrice, staii i linii electrice de nalt tensiune.

2. Place and role of rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia power plants Figure 1 presents the configuration of the NPS with the main power plants, electric switchyards, and high voltage transmission lines.

n tabelul 1 se arat puterea instalat a grupurilor energetice i a centralelor Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia. n cele 18 grupuri energetice aceste centrale au o putere instalat de 5190 MW.
Rovinari Installed capacity (MW) Puterea instalat (MW) No. and capacity of units Nr. i puterea grupurilor 1320 4 x 330 Turceni 1980 6 x 330

Table 1 shows the installed capacity of the generating units as well as total installed capacity in Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia power plants. The total installed capacity of all these four power plants is 5190 MW.
Isalnita 630 2 x 315 Mintia 1260 6 x 210 Table 1 TOTAL 5190

Producia de energie electric a acestor centrale, precum i aportul lor la producia total de energie electric se prezint n tabelul 2.
Year Anul Production of electricity (TWh) Producia de energie electric (TWh) Percentage of the total electricity produced in NPS (%) Ponderea n cantitatea total de energie produs n SEN (%) 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004

The electricity production of these power plants as well as their share in the total electricity production in the NPS are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Total production of NPS (TWh) Energia produs n SEN (TWh) 55.20 56.90 59.90 -

Rovinari 5.69 5.98 5.58 10.1 10.5 9.3

Turceni 5.80 6.79 5.68 10.5 11.9 9.5

Isalnita 0.71 2.87 2.89 1.31 5 4.8

Mintia 4.34 4.29 3.66 7.9 7.6 6.1

Total 16.55 19.96 17.83 30 35.1 29.8

Cele patru termocentrale cu funcionare pe crbune au un rol important n SEN deoarece: folosesc principala surs energetic a rii, crbunele (lignit i huil); au aport de 30 35 % la producia de energie electric a rii; particip activ la echilibrarea balanei de energie electric a rii, n Ardeal i n Oltenia;

The four power plants operating on coal play a vital role in the NPS due to the following facts: they burn the main energetic resource of Romania (lignite and pit coal); they produce 30 35% of the electricity produced in the country; they actively participate in balancing the electricity systems in Transylvania and Oltenia regions;

03-04.11.2005, Timioara, Romania


realizeaz un amplu program de modernizare i investiii pentru creterea siguranei i eficienei n funcionare i reducerea impactului asupra mediului; particip activ pe piaa romneasc de energie Electric. 3. Modernizarea grupurilor energetice din centralele Turceni, Rovinari, Ialnia i Mintia ncepnd cu anul 1991, n aceste termocentrale se execut un amplu program de modernizare. 3.1. Modernizarea grupurilor de 330 MW Turceni 3.1.1. Retehnologizare grupurilor 4 i 5 de 330 MW. La aceste grupuri s-au realizat n principal urmtoarele lucrri: nlocuirea suprafeelor de schimb de cldur ale cazanului; nlocuirea ntregului sistem de susinere a pereilor cazanului; nlocuirea arztoarelor de praf crbune electropompelor de alimentare i a morilor de crbune; montarea buclelor de reglaj ale grupului energetic, PROCONTROL P; modernizarea camerei de comand termic; modernizarea generatorului; montarea sistemului de excitaie static; modernizarea electrofiltrelor; modernizarea batiului 1 al turbinei; modernizarea by-pass-ului IP. Grupul nr. 4 s-a pus n funciune n anul 2002, iar grupul nr. 5 se va finaliza n anul 2005. Grupul nr. 4 a obinut dup modernizare performane mult crescute fa de cele realizate anterior, dup cum urmeaz: disponibilitate de timp: 84,68 % randamentul cazanului: 88,9 % consum specific de combustibil: 358,9gcc / kWh; putere medie la ore de funcionare: 300 MW. 3.1.2. Modernizarea grupurilor nr. 2, 3, 6, 7 de 330 MW La aceste grupuri s-au realizat modernizri pariale n anii 1992 1994, n urma crora s-au obinut urmtoarele performane n primele luni de funcionare, dup repunere n funciune (Tabelul 3). Ulterior performanele s-au confirmat la funcionarea de lung durat, realizndu-se disponibiliti de 90-92 %, puteri medii de 290-300 MW, consum propriu tehnologic de 7,4-7,5 % i consum specific tehnologic de 357-360 gcc / kwh.
Parameter Parametrul Availability (%) Disponibilitatea (%) Average power for operating hours (MW) Puterea medie pentru orele de funcionare (MW) Unit own power consumption Consumul propriu Fuel specific consumption (gcc / kWh) Consumul specific de combustibil (gcc / kWh)

they implement comprehensive modernisation and investment projects aiming at increasing efficiency and reliability as well as lowering the emission of pollutants; they are active on the Romanian electricity market. 3. Modernisation of generating units in Turceni, Rovinari, Isalnita and Mintia power plants Since 1991, extensive modernisation projects, presented below, have been implemented in all these four power plants. 3.1. Modernisation of 330 MW units in Turceni 3.1.1. Rehabilitation of Units 4 and 5, of 330 MW each The following main works have been performed on these units: replacement of heat exchanging surfaces of the boilers; complete replacement of the boiler wall supporting structures; replacement of coal burners; replacement of hydraulic couplings of boiler feed water pumps and of coal mills; installation of unit control system, PROCONTROL P; modernisation of the unit control rooms; generator upgrading; installation of static excitation system; modernisation of electrostatic precipitators; modernisation of the 1st bearing pedestal of the turbine; modernisation of HP by-pass system; Unit no. 4 was commissioned in 2002, whilst Unit no. 5 will be completed in 2005. Unit no. 4 has achieved the following parameters as a result of modernisation: time availability of 84.68 %; boiler efficiency: 88.9 %; fuel specific consumption: 358.9 gcc / kWh; average power for operating hours: 300 MW, which are much higher than the values before modernisation. 3.1.2. Modernisation of Units no. 2, 3, 6 and 7, of 330 MW Partial modernisation works were done on these units between 1992 and 1994, further to which improved performance was proven during the first few months after modernisation (Table 3). Later, the increased capabilities were proved also on long time operation, achieving availability rates of 90-92 %, average power of 290-300 MW, units own consumption of 7.4-7.5 % and fuel specific consumption of 357-360 gcc / kWh. Table 3
Unit 3 Unit 6 Unit 7 Before Before Before Before Before Before nainte nainte nainte nainte nainte nainte 73 223 11.9 457 80 272 9.1 385 51 200 13.3 500.4 68 244 9.8 422.3 57 217 13.4 478 78 257 8.9 401

Unit 2 Before After nainte Dup 59 202 14.8 511.6 76 234 10.6 441.2

3.2. Modernizarea grupurilor nr. 3, 4, 5, 6 de 330 MW Rovinari Cuprinde n principal urmtoarele lucrri: mbuntirea sistemului de dilatare al cazanului;

3.2. Modernisation of Units 3, 4, 5 and 6, of 330 MW, at Rovinari Consists mainly of the following works: improvement of boiler expansion system;


The 6 International Power Systems Conference


modernizarea acionrilor la morile de crbune; mbuntirea soluiei la supranclzitorul S3; modernizarea by-pass-ului de IP; modernizarea batiului 1 al turbinei; modernizarea regulatorului electrohidraulic al turbinei; reabilitare generator; modernizarea electrofiltrului; montare de protecii numerice; montare RAT numeric; montare bucle de reglaj la cazan PROCONTROL; modernizare instalaii de msur i de automatizare; montare automate programabile la arztoarele de praf crbune. La grupurile nr. 4, 5 i 6 s-au realizat modernizrile n perioada 1994 2001, iar la grupul nr. 3 n perioada 2002 2005. S-au obinut urmtoarele performane mult mai bune dect cele dinaintea modernizrii (tabelul 4):
Parameter Parametrul Availability (%) Disponibilitatea (%) Average power for operating hours (MW) Puterea medie pentru orele de funcionare (MW) Fuel specific consumption (gcc / kWh) Consumul specific de combustibil (gcc / kWh) Boiler efficiency Eficiena cazanului

modernisation of coal mills drives; improvement of technical concept of superheater S3; modernisation of HP by-pass system; modernisation of turbine 1st bearing pedestal; modernisation of the turbine electrohydraulic controller; generator rehabilitation; modernisation of the electrostatic precipitator; implementation of numerical protections; implementation of numerical Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR); implementation of boiler control system Procontrol; modernisation of measurement and automation systems; implementation of PLCs for coal burners; Units 4, 5 and 6 were modernised between 1994 and 2001, whilst Unit 3 was modernised during 2002 2005. Unit performances are now much higher than used to be before modernisation (see Table 4 below). Table 4
Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Before Before Before Before Before Before nainte nainte nainte nainte nainte nainte 66 208 419 84 88 290 340 86 55 201 476 81 87 291 331 86 38 192 451 82 77 265 372 86

Unit 3 Before After nainte Dup 46 219 433 84 0 0 0 0

3.3. Modernizarea grupurilor nr. 7, 8 de 315 MW Ialnia Cuprinde n principal urmtoarele lucrri: nlocuirea suprafeelor de schimb de cldur; nlocuirea vanelor pe circuitul ap - abur; nlocuirea arztoarelor de praf crbune; nlocuirea ventilatoarelor de gaze arse; nlocuirea prenclzitorilor de aer; reabilitarea ventilatoarelor de aer, morilor de crbune; nlocuirea turbinei cu abur (fr carcase CJP); modernizarea instalaiilor de vid a TA i TPA; nlocuirea sistemului de reglaj TA; nlocuire by-pass MP i IP; reabilitare turbopomp de alimentare i a electropompelor de alimentare; reabilitarea sistemului de degazare; modernizarea sistemului de condensare; modernizarea pompelor de circulaie; modernizarea PIP-uri i PJP-uri; nlocuirea excitaiei i montare RAT digital; modernizarea generatorului; nlocuirea complet a instalaiei de automatizare; reabilitarea staiilor electrice de 6 kV. Lucrrile de modernizare la grupul nr. 8 s-au realizat n perioada 2002 2003 i s-au obinut dup punerea n funciune performane bune. La grupul nr. 7 lucrrile se vor realiza n perioada 2007 2008, cu performanele garantate de executant (Tabelul 5)

3.3. Modernisation of Units 7 and 8, of 315 MW, at Isalnita Consists mainly of the following works: replacement of heat exchange surfaces of the boilers; replacement of water and steam valves; replacement of coal burners; replacement of ID Fans; replacement of air heaters; rehabilitation of FD Fans and coal mills; replacement of steam turbine (without LP casing); modernisation of turbine vacuum systems; replacement of turbine control system; replacement of IP and HP by-pass systems; rehabilitation of the turbo feeding pump and electric feedwater pumps; rehabilitation of the deaeration system; modernisation of the condensing system; modernisation of main cooling water pumps; modernisation of LP and HP feedwater heaters; replacement of excitation system and implementation of digital AVR; generator modernisation; complete replacement of the control / automation system; rehabilitation of the 6 kV switchgear. Unit 8 modernisation works were performed during 2002 2003 and after commissioning, the performance of the unit turned out to be good. Modernisation works for Unit no. 7 will be performed during 2007 2008 and increased performance parameters are guaranteed by the contractor (see Table 5).

03-04.11.2005, Timioara, Romania


Table 5
Parameter Parametrul Unit 7 Before nainte After * Dup * Before nainte Unit 8 After Dup 98 300 340 86

Availability (%) 69.5 88 98 Disponibilitatea (%) Average power for operating hours (MW) 197.1 330 211 Puterea medie pentru orele de funcionare (MW) Fuel specific consumption (gcc / kWh) 406.6 310 407 Consumul specific de combustibil (gcc / kWh) Boiler efficiency 84.7 87.5 84 Eficiena cazanului * Guaranteed by the consortium that implements the project (Garantat de consoriul care realizeaz modernizarea)

3.4. Modernizarea grupurilor de 210 MW - Mintia Cuprinde urmtoarele lucrri: schimbarea turbinei vechi cu una mai performant cu carcase duble la corpurile CIP i CMP; schimbarea de suprafee de schimb de cldur la cazane; nlocuirea morilor cu ciocane cu mori cu strivire, cu role; montarea de arztoare cu NOx redus; modernizarea instalaiilor de msur, protecie, comand i reglaj; montarea unui RAV electrohidraulic; modernizarea generatorului; montarea excitaiei statice; modernizarea instalaiilor de ulei la TA, de condensare i rcire; schimbarea staiilor electrice de 6 kV, 0,4 kV i c.c.; schimbarea proteciilor electrice la generator, transformator i staii electrice. n urma modernizrilor sunt garantate de executant urmtoarele performane (Tabelul 6).

3.4. Modernisation of 210 MW units at Mintia Consists mainly of the following works: replacement of the existing turbine with a higher performance turbine with double HP and IP casings; replacement of heat exchange surfaces of the boilers; replacement of hammer mills with bowl and roller mills; installation of low NOx burners; modernisation of measurement, protection and control systems; installation of electro-hydraulic turbine speed controller; generator upgrading; implementation of static excitation system; modernisation of turbine oil systems, of condensing and cooling systems; replacement of 6 kV switchgear, 400 V motor control centres and DC switchgear; replacement of generator and transformer electrical protections. Table 6 shows the performance guarantees given by the contractor after modernisation. Table 6
Unit 3 Before nainte After * Dup *

Parameter Parametrul

Availability (%) 69.5 88 Disponibilitatea (%) Average power for operating hours (MW) 143 180 Puterea medie pentru orele de funcionare (MW) Fuel specific consumption (gcc / kWh) 366 311 Consumul specific de combustibil (gcc / kWh) Boiler efficiency 90.07 90.7 Eficiena cazanului * Guaranteed by the consortium that implements the project (Garantat de consoriul care realizeaz modernizarea)

4. Aportul grupurilor energetice din termocentralele Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia la asigurarea serviciilor de sistem Grupurile energetice de mare putere trebuie s fie calificate ca furnizori de servicii tehnologice de sistem, conform Procedurii de calificare a productorilor interni de servicii energetice de sistem elaborat de Transelectrica. Calificarea productorilor de energie se efectueaz pentru urmtoarele servicii tehnologice [1]: a) reglajul primar de frecven; b) reglajul secundar frecven putere; c) asigurarea rezervei de putere activ. - rezerv turnant; - rezerv teriar rapid; - rezerv teriar lent;

4. Participation of the generating units of Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia power plants in providing system services All large capacity generating units must qualify as system services providers in accordance with Transelectricas Qualification procedure for domestic system services providers. Generation companies are qualified for the following system services (SS): a) Frequency primary control; b) Load-frequency secondary control; c) Securing active power reserve: - spinning reserve - rapid tertiary reserve - slow tertiary reserve.


The 6 International Power Systems Conference


d) asigurarea puterii reactive n banda secundar de reglaj a tensiunii; e) participarea la restaurarea SEN la rmnerea fr tensiune capacitatea de izolare pe serviciile proprii i capacitatea de a porni fr alimentare din sistem. La grupurile termoenergetice mari, pentru a putea fi calificate trebuie realizate lucrri de modernizare care la centralele Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia sunt n desfurare. Pe baza rezultatele obinute, pn n prezent s-au obinut calificri temporare sau definitive (Tabelul 7).

d) securing reactive power within the voltage control secondary band; e) participation in the National Power System recovery after blackout capability of remaining on house load and of picking up without power supply from the grid. In order to qualify as system services providers, large generating units must undergo modernisation works, which are already being implemented at Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia power plants. Based on the results so far achieved, the units have been either finally qualified or on temporary basis (see Table 7). Table 7
Qualification 2005


Primary Control*

SR secondary control reserve temporary, noncompliant with some requirements for this type of SS temporary, noncompliant with some requirements for this type of SS temporary, noncompliant with some requirements for this type of SS

RTR rapid tertiary control reserve (spinning reserve)

STR slow tertiary control reserve

Reactive power and voltage control within voltage control secondary band




under modernisation complies with Electrical Transmission Grid Code and Qualification Procedure, Para. 8.1 complies with Electrical Transmission Grid Code and Qualification Procedure, Para. 8.1 Not fully compliant; under rehabilitation, to be commissioned in 2006 noncompliant Not fully compliant; in rehabilitation, to be commissioned in 2005 complies with Electrical Transmission Grid Code and Qualification Procedure, Para. 8.1 noncompliant complies with Electrical Transmission Grid Code and Qualification Procedure, Para. 8.1 noncompliant Not fully compliant; under rehabilitation, to be commissioned in 2005 noncompliant noncompliant under modernisation noncompliant









temporary temporary, rehabilitation to be performed in 2005



temporary temporary

temporary, noncompliant with some requirements
















temporary, due to system reasons temporary, due to system reasons





Not fully compliant; under temporary temporary temporary rehabilitation, to be commissioned in less than 2 yrs Not fully compliant; under TA6 temporary temporary temporary rehabilitation, to be commissioned in less than 2 yrs * Providing Primary Control - compulsory free-of-charge service, precondition for active power reserve qualification

03-04.11.2005, Timioara, Romania


Tabelul 7
TERMOCENTRALA Calificare 2005 Grup TA3 TA4 ROVINARI Reglajul primar* n curs de modernizare Temporar, nu ndeplinete cerinele cod ndeplinete anumite RET i procedura de calificare cerine specifice cap. 8.1 acestui tip de STS Temporar, nu ndeplinete cerinele cod ndeplinete anumite RET i procedura de calificare cerine specifice cap. 8.1 acestui tip de STS Temporar, nu Nu ndeplinete total, dar sunt ndeplinete anumite n curs lucrri de reabilitare cu cerine specifice PIF n 2006 acestui tip de STS Nu ndeplinete Temporar, nu Nu ndeplinete total, dar sunt ndeplinete anumite n curs lucrri de reabilitare cu cerine specifice PIF n 2005 acestui tip de STS ndeplinete cerinele cod RET i procedura de calificare cap. 8.1 Nu ndeplinete ndeplinete cerinele cod definitiv RET i procedura de calificare cap. 8.1 Nu ndeplinete Nu ndeplinete total, dar sunt n curs lucrri de reabilitare cu PIF n 2005 Nu ndeplinete Nu ndeplinete n curs de modernizare Nu ndeplinete Temporar, din motive ce in de sistem temporar definitiv definitiv temporar RS Rezerva de reglaj secundar RTR Rezerva de reglaj teriar rapid (turnant) RTL Puterea reactiv i Rezerva de reglaj reglarea tensiunii n teriar lent banda secundar







temporar Temporar, n 2005 se ntreprind lucrri de reabilitare





















Temporar, din motive ce in de sistem




Nu ndeplinete total, dar sunt n curs lucrri de reabilitare cu temporar temporar temporar PIF n mai puin de 2 ani Nu ndeplinete total, dar sunt TA6 n curs lucrri de reabilitare cu temporar temporar temporar PIF n mai puin de 2 ani * Furnizare de servicii de reglaj primar serviciu obligatoriu gratuit, precondiie pentru calificarea ca rezerv de putere activ

5. Reducerea impactului asupra mediului nconjurtor Pentru limitarea anumitor poluani provenii din centralele termoelectrice s-a realizat un plan de implementare DIRECTIVE UE 2001 / 80 / CE i a HG 541 / 2003, cu scopul atingerii de ctre Romnia a unor performane de mediu n conformitate cu politica Uniunii Europene de mbuntire a calitii aerului. Programul de dezvoltare energetic pentru perioada 2003 2015, a Romniei propune utilizarea a 30 milioane tone (6,1 milioane tcc) lignit i 3,5 milioane tone (1,2 milioane tcc) huil care se va consuma n cea mai mare parte n centralele Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia.

5. Mitigation of the impact on the environment In order to lower the emissions of certain pollutants, from the thermal power plants, a comprehensive programme for the implementation of EU DIRECTIVE 2001/80/CE and of Governmental Decision 541 / 2003 has been initiated to bring Romania to the standards of the European Union environmental policy for air quality amelioration. The power development programme 2003 2015 for Romania proposes the utilisation of 30 million tons (6.1 mil. tcc) of lignite and 3.5 million tons (1.2 mil. tcc) of pit coal to be burned mainly by Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia power plants.


The 6 International Power Systems Conference


n sistemul energetic exist 69 instalaii mari de ardere, iar pentru 28 instalaii s-a solicitat perioad de tranziie cuprins ntre 1 ianuarie 2008 i 31 decembrie 2013 pentru reducerea SO2 i pn n 2017 pentru reducerea de NOx. Investiiile de mediu pentru perioada 2005 - 2015 pentru instalaiile de desulfurare la termocentralele Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia sunt de 804 milioane euro (Tabelul 8).

The Romanian power system has 69 Large Combustion Plants; for 28 of these LCPs a transition period has been requested, i.e. between January 1st 2008 and December 31st 2013 for reduction of SO2 and until 2017 for reduction of NOx. Environmental investments for the period between 2005 and 2015, for flue gas desulphurisation plants at Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia power plants, amount to 804 million Euro (Table 8). Table 8



TA3 TA4 TA5 TA6 TA1 TA3 TA4 TA6 TA7 304 256



TA7 100 TA8 TA1 TA2



6. Concluzii 1. Termocentrala Rovinari, Turceni, Ialnia i Mintia au un aport important la producia de energie electric a rii. Pentru creterea siguranei i eficienei n funcionare, a calificrii ca productori de servicii de sistem i reducerea impactului asupra mediului a grupurilor energetice se realizeaz un amplu program de modernizare. La grupurile deja modernizate s-au obinut rezultate bune tehnice i economice. 2. Calificarea acestor centrale pentru asigurarea serviciilor tehnologice de sistem este doar parial realizat i se va face pe msura realizrii modernizrilor i obinerea rezultatelor prevzute de norme. 3. Investiiile pentru realizarea desulfurrilor se vor realiza n conformitate cu programul naional ntocmit n acest sens n perioada de tranziie acordat grupurilor energetice din aceste centrale. References (Bibliografie)

6. Conclusions 1. Rovinari, Turceni, Isalnita and Mintia power plants bring a significant contribution to electricity generation in Romania. A comprehensive rehabilitation and modernisation programme is being implemented in these power plants in order to increase operation reliability and efficiency, to qualify the plants as system service providers and to reduce the impact on the environment. There have been recorded good technical and economic results in the operation of the units that have already been modernised. 2. Qualification of these power plants as system service providers has been achieved merely partially and will be finalised as units are gradually modernised to meet standardised requirements. 3. Investments for flue gas desulphurisation plants will be made in agreement with the national schedule issued for the transition period that has been granted to the generating units of these power plants.

[1] SC Transelectrica SA, Qualification procedure for domestic system services providers [2] Victor Vaida, The management of Power System Operation Modes (in Romanian), Ed. Mirton, Timisoara 1998.














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