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IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 4, No.

2, May 1989
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS O F THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM : APPLICATION TO SECONDARY VOLTAGE CONTROL IN FRANCE P. Lagonotte J.C. SabonnadiGre Senior Member Institut National Polytechnique d e Grenoble Grenoble, F r a n c e J.Y. LCost J.P. Paul


Electricit6 d e France Direction d e s E t u d e s et R e c h e r c h e s Clamart, France

A b s t r a c t - The voltage control of t h e French EHV power s y s t e m s organised in t h r e e levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) which concern distinct geographical a r e a s and t i m e constants. T h e secondary voltage control co-ordinates t h e action of t h e different generating sets at regional level. Proper operation of this control pre-supposes t h e possibility of dividing t h e EHV network into uncoupled zones and of choosing a descriptive node (pilot node) for each zone. This a r t i c l e presents t h e studies conducted to reach an a u t o m a t i c determination of zones and pilot nodes based on t h e exarnination of t h e s t r u c t u r e of t h e network. The concept of electrical distance has been developed and i t s close relationship with t h e theory of information underlined. In addition, this concept allows t h e concepts of s t r u c t u r a l controlability and observability of proximity t o b e extended to t h e power system. Combined use of this e l e c t r i c a l distance and typological analysis algorithms h a s proven an e f f e c t i v e method for t h e identification of t h e secondary voltage control zones of t h e French grid. Keywords : Electrical networks - Voltage control - Information theory - Typological theory - Electrical distance. INTRODUCTION The change in Electricit; d e F r a n c e (EDF) power system, combined with t h e development of 400 kV network and t h e commissioning of a l a r g e number of nuclear power stations poses different problems of voltage control and r e a c t i v e power compensation. Permanent adjustment of voltage control set-points or management of r e a c t i v e compensation facilities is required by reason of t h e variations of t h e load and particular events (according t o t h e network topology changes and to available generators). This adjustment is performed by different means, in a manual or a u t o m a t i c way, avd at a local, regional or national level. These actions a r e generally co-ordinated by a control c e n t r e (national or regional dispatching centre). T h r e e control levels (primary, secondary and t e r t i a r y ) a r e distinguished for voltage control of t h e F r e n c h EHV power system. In particular, t h e secondary voltage control (french acronym : RST) installed in F r a n c e [l] allows t h e voltage profile of p a r t of t h e system referred to as control t'zone" t o b e controlled by acting automatically on t h e r e a c t i v e power supplied by t h e controlling units. This action is performed so as to control voltage in one particular point of t h e zone, referred t o as t h e "pilot node", which should b e chosen in such a way t h a t its voltage variations may represent t h e voltage evolutions throughout t h e zone [2]. The validity of dividing t h e system into voltage control zones is based on t h e c r i t e r i a presented below :

t h e voltage value at t h e pilot node indeed r e f l e c t s t h e change in a l l t h e voltage values of t h e z o n e ; t h e r e is a sufficient volume of controllable r e a c t i v e power in t h e zone to b e a b l e t o m a s t e r t h e changes in voltage ; e a c h secondary control zone is sufficiently uncoupled f r o m i t s neighbours for t h e controls within a zone to b e slightly influenced by t h e actions c a r r i e d out in t h e other zones. Fip;ure 1 represents t h e secondary control zones which a r e presently in service in t h e French power system.

- U00 k V lines

225 kV lines (not shown) 600 k V pilot-node 225 kV pilot-node

':;Zone boundary .-

Thermal power plant Hydroelectric power station

Fig. 1 Secondary voltage control zones of t h e French network The a r t i c l e describes t h e studies undertaken for autom a t i c identification of t h e zones and t h e pilot nodes, on t h e basis of t h e s t r u c t u r e of t h e system [31. THE PROBLEM A relatively empirical method has been used up to now in t h e choice of zones and pilot nodes. A list is made of t h e nodes which can b e used as pilot nodes from t h e results of a computation program of short-circuit power applied to t h e studied system, giving priority to t h e substations where short-circuit power is t h e highest. Successive load-flow computations a r e then performed : for each computation, a single voltage source is placed at one of t h e pilot nodes, t h e remainder of t h e system being represented by passive imped a m e s ; t h e voltage drops between t h e pilot node and t h e d i f f e r e n t nodes a r e then determined. Once t h e computations for e a c h possible pilot node have been completed, t h e study of voltage drops identifies t h e pilot node which s e e m s to b e t h e closest electrically for e a c h node of t h e system. Studies can then b e performed t o analyse t h e influence of a possible changes in pilot nodes. T h e results c a n also b e secured by using a digital program (CODYSIL program), which simulates t h e long t e r m dynamic response of t h e system and models e a c h device of t h e secondary voltage control system.

8 8 SM 670-2 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of t h e IEEN Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE/PES 1988 Summer Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 24 - 29, 1988. Manuscript submitted January 22, 1988; made available f o r printing 4pril 20, 1988.

0885-8950/89/0500-0479$01 .WO 1989 IEEE

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Because of t h e ' increasingly meshed c h a r a c t e r of t h e F r e n c h system, t h e method described above was insufficient t o e f f e c t f a s t and a c c u r a t e grouping of t h e strongly coupled voltage control means and to determine t h e "most central'' node of t h e zone. EDF h a s consequently made an a t t e m p t to devise a s y s t e m a t i c method f o r t h e determination of t h e zones and t h e pilot nodes of t h e RST ; t h e f i r s t s t a g e of t h e study has consisted of formalising t h e computation of a distance between system nodes. In a second stage, t h e nodes used for regulating voltage a r e grouped following typological analysis methods. QUANTIFICATION O F PROXIMITIES Our initial approach to this problem - quantify t h e e l e c t r i c a l proximity of any t w o nodes - is based on an electro-technical approach which resorts to computation methods traditionally used in system studies. In a second stage, t h e theory of information is used t o broaden our field of investigations to other possible approaches. ln both cases, t h e assumption of small variations around an operating point is taken. Electrotechnical Approach The different physical variables of a meshed e l e c t r i c a l system a r e linked by t h e matrix equations presented below :
[AI] [AV]

Fig. 2 The attenuations on a simple example However, for efficient application of c e r t a i n algorithms or heuristic methods, t h e d a t a a r e most e a s y manipulated if a m a t h e m a t i c a l s t r u c t u r e of distance between all t h e nodes c a n b e defined. Taking a simple system (such as t h a t in Figure 2), i t is necessary to e f f e c t t h e product of a t t e n u a tions to change over from a couple of nodes to another. T o switch over from a product to a sum, i t is possible to t a k e t h e logarithm of attenuation as definition of t h e distance between t w o nodes.


= [Ybusl = [Zbusl

[AV] [AI]

[A91 [AV]

= [aQ/aVl

However, t o obtain symmetrical distances, t h e formulation below is taken as definition of t h e e l e c t r i c a l distance between t w o nodes i and j :
D.. = D . =
J 1

[AV] [A01




While t h e s e equations can b e used for a load-flow computation and t h e r e f o r e to simulate t h e dynamic behaviour of t h e system, t h e y also comprise couplings between t h e different e l e c t r i c substations. The matrix [Ybus] is t h e matrix of admittances. T h e matrix [Zbuslis t h e matrix of impedances. Both m a t r i c e s a r e t h e inverse of each other, complex and symmetrical. The matrix [a Q / a V] is p a r t of t h e Jacobian matrix which appears during a load-flow computation following t h e Newton-Raphson method. I t s inverse [aV/ a Q] is called sensitivity matrix. These a r e real and non-symmetrical matrices. The m a t r i c e s [Ybus] and [aQ/ a V ] a r e sparse m a t r i c e s whose non-zero e l e m e n t s correspond t o t h e connection lines between e l e c t r i c a l substations. In e a c h node they verify t h a t CI = 0 and Z Q = 0. T h e m a t r i c e s [Zbusj and [aV/aQ] a r e full m a t r i c e s whose e l e m e n t s r e f l e c t t h e propagation of t h e voltage variations following a c u r r e n t or r e a c t i v e power injection in a given node throughout t h e system. T h e last t w o m a t r i c e s a r e taken to quantify proximit i e s in t e r m s of voltage. T h e magnitude of t h e coupling in t e r m s of voltage between t w o nodes of an e l e c t r i c a l system can b e reflected and quantified by t h e maximum a t t e n u a t i o n of voltage variations between these t w o nodes. These attenuations a r e easy to obtain f r o m t h e matrix [aV/aQ]. To do so, one just needs to divide t h e e l e m e n t s of each column by t h e diagonal term. F o r matrix [Zbus] , t h e resistive t e r m s (real p a r t ) compared t o t h e inductances and t h e c a p a c i t a n c e s (imaginary part) can b e neglected, and one then proceeds in t h e s a m e way. In practice, t h e matrix [aV/aQ] which t a k e s both a c t i v e and reactive power flows into account is used r a t h e r than rZbus1, b u t this implies implicitly uncoupling of a c t i v e and r&ctiv< power problems. A matrix of a t t e n u a t i o n s between all t h e nodes of the system, whose t e r m s a r e written a ii, is then available. W e have :

This function D.. h a s t h e properties of positivity, symmetry, and i t c a n be'khown t h a t if t h e system i s not overcompensated, ie, t h e capacitors only a t t e n u a t e t h e dominant inductive t e r m s without eliminating them, then t h e triangular inequality is also verified (proof given in Appendix I) : w e a r e in presence of a real m a t h e m a t i c a l distance. In t h e case of systems in which t h e hypothesis of active-reactive uncoupling is n o t valid, t h i s definition of e l e c t r i c a l distance can b e u: s # by replacing t h e matrix [aV/aQ] ,by i t s equivalent [L] which appears in t h e CRIC computation method developed by J. CARPENTIER [ 41. Approach using t h e theory of information In t h e framework of t h e study of com lex systems [5 1 or of t h e theory of hierarchised control [ 6 5 , automaticians generally use t h e theory of information to divide t h e l a r g e systems into not very coupled sub-systems which a r e simpler to control. W e examine now how our previous approach c a n b e integrated in this more general theory. The observation of a system characterized by a set of variables ( X X ) over a given length of t i m e c a n b e recorded in J t a b l 8 :


I xi"

... .




= a. . A V J , w i t h a . =

av .

av .

The probability P ( X = i) t h a t t h e signal X t a k e s t h e value i, and C t h e numbe? of different values ta%en by t h e signal X , can%e defined for each discretized signal. A prior r e m i n d e p i s given of t h e different variables used in t h e theory of information and their interpretation to b e able to apply t h e m to problems of e l e c t r i c a l distance :

48 1

Information entropy _________________-____



- 1


. Lffi[p(xa=i)l

!-I(Xa) measures t h e information contained in t h e signal Xa. Common entropy __-____________---a

b p(xa=i, x,=j)

H(Xa xb) =

-1 1 i%1 j=1

. Lm[p(xa=i,


Fig. 6 Interpretation of e l e c t r i c a l distance concept In a f i r s t case, lets consider a special situation in which t h e disturbance c r e a t e d at node i is a voltage slope as shown in Figure 3. T h e resulting disturbance in j is then also a voltage slope. The conditional entropy between t h e s e t w o variables c a n b e calculated in this case: voltage V. varies over c quantified values, and voltage V. varies dver c b 1 quantiffed values. a b

H(X , X ) measures t h e information contained in t h e signals xa n :d


Conditional entropy

.... LoC[P(x,=i,
! I (X ) measures t h e information of X -

xb=j) / p(xb=j)l

(v,) =

- 1


P(V1=a, Vl=b)




ie, t h e distance of variables


which is n o t contaiand Xb.


LOGIP(V1=ar V1=b) / P(Vl=b)I

In t h e case of electrical systems, t h e system is of order zero (without any t i m e constant) and t h e interactions between t h e different variables are t h e r e f o r e contained in t h e m a t r i c e s of t h e system presented earlier. In addition, i t c a n b e considered t h a t t h e voltage variations a r e proportional to t h e disturbance t h a t c r e a t e s t h e m , since t h e assumption used is t h a t of small movements.

The values taken by t h e signals a r e represented on e a c h axis in Figure 4. T h e values taken by e a c h signal a r e equi-probable, b u t for reasons of proportionality, t h e common probabilities a r e only non-zero over t h e diagonal of Figure 4. Consequently, w e have : P ( ~ l a , v =b) = p(vl=a) I f b = y l a #

not P(V1=i3, VI*)


therefore, when b = ff .. a : I P(Vl=a, V =b) / P(V =b) = P(Vl?)

/ P(Vl=b) = (i/Ca)/(l/b) = cb/ca = a l l

conditional entropy is then written :

With AV a l i AV . a


P(Vi=a, Vj=b)

. Lffi(Cxji)

Since, by definition, w e have :

a b

Fig. 3 Voltage versus t i m e evolutions for a voltage slope



P(Vi=a, V.=b) = 1

t h e expression of conditional entropy is then :


Fig. 4 Representation of P(Vi = a, V . = b) non-zero values I

The resulting expression is similar to t h a t of t h e electro-technical approach, e x c e p t t h e symmetry. The prior special case is generalised t o t h e case in which t h e voltage of t h e disturbing node i varies randomly : t h e variations of t h e o t h e r voltage values a r e still proportional to it, as shown in Figure 5. The common probabilities a r e then only non-zero over t h e diagonal of Figure 4 ; and t h e expression of conditional entropy is still :



1...... .

II ..._...... ... k . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fig. 5 Voltage versus t i m e evolutions for a random perturbation

This shows t h a t conditional entropy is independent of t h e signal, and only depends on t h e s t r u c t u r e of t h e system. Maximum attenuation of voltage variations between t w o nodes is reached when t h e disturbance occurs in one of t h e t w o nodes. If t h e disturbance occurs in a node at an equal distance from any t w o nodes, they will be subject to identical voltage variations. As a consequence, when conditional entropies a r e calculated f r o m recordin s, t h e nodes will appear as strongly coupled ( d u a t i o n s ) , which does not


r e f l e c t reality. The conditional entropies calculated from t h e matrix of t h e system t h e r e f o r e provide t h e maximum existing values of attenuations. Indeed, t h e t e r m s of column i of t h e matrix correspond t o the relative voltage variations of the system for a disturbance c r e a t e d in node i. The e l e c t r i c a l distance thus corresponds t o t h e sum of maximum conditional entropies between t w o nodes i and j. T h e e l e c t r i c a l distance can b e interpreted as follows (see Figure 6 ) : when recording a voltage variation AV. in i due t o a n y event, t h e voltage variation in j can b e infkrred with a c e r t a i n degree of uncertainty. T h e e l e c t r i c a l distance c h a r a c t e r i z e s t h e relative uncertainty bandwidth comprising t h e voltage variation A V j' Automatic a s p e c t of e l e c t r i c a l distance
If voltage variations a r e observed in a node of an e l e c t r i c a l system, i t is possible t o e s t i m a t e t h e voltage variations in t h e other nodes which a r e close enough in t h e sense of e l e c t r i c a l distance. I t is thus possible to devise a concept of s t r u c t u r a l observability of proximity for which t h e e l e c t r i c a l distance gives a quantified measurement of t h i s concept.

individuals. T h e idea is t h e r e f o r e t o group t h e objects to render t h e e l e m e n t s of a class "very similar" between themselves, whereas t h e elements belonging t o t h e different classes a r e "relatively unsimilar". These methods a r e in widespread use for d a t a analysis [8]. Among all t h e methods of typological analysis, t w o have been adopted ; t h e method of ascending hierarchical classification and t h e method of dynamic s c a t t e r . Combined use of t h e s e t w o algorithms strenghtens t h e results obtained by each, as they a r e complementary. In addition, t h e y have proven rapid and e f f e c t i v e in t h e use of t h e large volume of information contained in t h e matrix of distances of an e l e c t r i c a l system with approximately 1 000 nodes. The ascending hierarchical classification This algorithm is developed as follows : A t t h e beginning, N objects at hand a r e t o b e classified (generators) ; t h e y form N classes (zones). Two of t h e closest classes a r e sought ; they a r e aggregated t o form a single new class. T h e distances of this new class with r e s p e c t to all t h e other remaining classes a r e computed. T h e o u t c o m e is o n e class less than at t h e prior iteration. The algorithm ends when a single class formed of all t h e objects is left. However, i t is necessary t o know how to re-calculate t h e distances between t h e groups of objects t o b e a b l e to use this method. This problem is developed in Appendix 11. ExamDle and c o m m e n t s I t is easy t o synthesize t h e whole development of t h e algorithm into a classification t r e e , as shown in Figure 7, which corresponds t o t h e grouping of p a r t of t h e generators on t h e French power system, and in which t h e zones presently in service appear clearly.

Similarly, when considering t h e nodes which control t h e system, they have limited scope for action through t h e admissible voltage ranges. The voltage a t t h e nodes which a r e too distant from t h e generating sets cannot b e checked by t h e l a t t e r . A node which controls voltage has a marked influence only in i t s close vicinity. A concept of s t r u c t u r a l controllability of proximity can b e devised, for which elect r i c a l distance provides a quantified measurement of t h i s concept. These concepts of observability and controllability a r e a quantitative generalisation of t h e qualitative concepts of s t r u c t u r a l observability and controllability developed by Taking a distance Do.above which t h e C.T. LIN (1974) variables a r e considered as coupled, qualitative d a t a (structural controllability or observability) a r e then obtained f r o m quantitative d a t a (distances). T h e theory of graphs can then b e used to study t h e system.


Synthesis The electro-technical approach h a s uncovered a m a t h e m a t i c a l distance which o f f e r s g r e a t ease of use and computation. In addition, this distance is included in t h e general theory of information, which, if need be, provides general results on couplings between the variables of any large system. In t h e framework of this theory, i t a p p e a r s clearly t h a t t h e electrical distance only depends on t h e s t r u c t u r e of t h e system. However, i t s probabilistic a s p e c t is disclosed, in t h e sense t h a t i t gives a measure of t h e maximum degree of uncertainty on t h e voltage variations of a couple of nodes. This probabilistic concept makes i t possible t o conduct t h e overall study of an electrical system, avoiding computerized simulation of all possible cases. In addition, t h e concept of e l e c t r i c a l distance can h e used to devise a u t o m a t i c concepts of s t r u c t u r a l controllability and observability of proximity. These different properties, determined following different approaches, underline t h e resources of t h e concept of e l e c t r i c a l distance, one a s p e c t of which i s uncovered in t h e example of application presented below. APPLICATION : DETERMINATION OF ZONES AND PILOT NODES OF THE SECONDARY VOLTAGE CONTROL The objective is to group voltage generators into homogeneous zones, taking account of t h e e l e c t r i c a l distances calculated between them. Typological analysis methods a r e used t o this end. The aim of typological analysis is to simplify a complex reality by forming a class of similar objects or

Fig. 7 Grouping by t h e ascending hierarchical classification of t h e French generators ( e x t r a c t ) The change in grouping distances as a function of t h e number of classes is represented in Figure 8 .

40 !

30 I

20 ;


i . .

l o ' . . . . .......... i .. . . . , . , , . ' . . ..,






* _ l t

......--..-... 20




I ^ L



Fig. 8 Maximum relative diameter of t h e zones versus number of zones This curve is used t o ascertain t h e number of zones needed for t h e French system, in which 30 and 38 appear as


c r i t i c a l numbers. T h e changes in t h e slope of this curve correspond to a deterioration of t h e quality of t h e groupings performed (example : d e c r e a s e from 38 to 37 zones). This curve provides a precious indication f o r t h e b e s t choice of t h e number of zones. I t should nevertheless b e supplemented with t h e engineer's know-how. I t c a n be observed t h a t t h e F r e n c h system at present comprises approximately thirty zones, which indeed corresponds to t h e previous determination. Dynamic s c a t t e r This algorithm is developed as follows :

methods with t h e experience of system o p e r a t o r s h a s been developed. In t h e longer t e r m , i t c a n b e envisaged t o r e p l a c e operator by an e x p e r t system. CONCLUSION T h e studies undertaken to give c o n c r e t e f o r m t o t h e physical b u t up to now experimental and intuitive c o n c e p t of e l e c t r i c a l distance have resulted in t h e design of a more c o m p l e t e m a t h e m a t i c a l method. T h e analogy between t h e electrical distance and t h e theory of information h a s led to examine this problem m o r e thoroughly and h a s made i t possible to l o c a t e our study in t h e framework of t h e s t r u c t u r a l analysis of complex systems. T h e application of this theoretical study h a s consisted in t h e implementation of an a u t o m a t i c search program of t h e zones and pilot nodes of secondary voltage control in F r a n c e using t h e typological analysis methods. With t h e use of this program, a daily attribution of sets t o pilot nodes c a n b e envisaged as a function of t h e network topology, and could b e performed in t h e future. Periodical re-examination of pilot nodes c a n also b e performed at national level with this program. However, o t h e r applications c a n b e envisaged such as : decomposition into sub-systems for voltage profile optimization ; decomposition to perform t h e partitioned load-flow computation which minimizes t h e interactions between subsystems instead of minimizing t h e number of equations between sub-systems ; determination of t h e location for installing voltage control facilities to allow b e t t e r control of t h e voltage profile of t h e system. This study h a s been conducted in t h e framework of a c o n t r a c t between Electricit; d e F r a n c e and t h e Institut National Polytechnique d e Grenoble (France). REFERENCES

A distribution of objects into K classes is sought. A given initial distribution is assumed for t h i s purpose. O n c e t h e K classes have been determined, t h e K c e n t r e s of e a c h class c a n b e identified (see Appendix 11). O n c e t h e K c e q t r e s determined, e a c h o b j e c t c a n be a t t r i buted to i t s closest c e n t r e so as to c r e a t e new classes. W e return to t h e preceding s t a g e if t h e r e is a change in classes. End.

Remark : T o initiate t h e algorithm, K c e n t r e s a r e generally drawn at random. In our case, i t is m o r e interesting to s t a r t f r o m K c e n t r e s determined form a distribution into K classes obtained by t h e ascending hierarchical classification algorithm. Complementarity of t h e t w o algorithms The t w o algorithms presented a r e complementary on several points. The ascending hierarchical classification algorithm can be used for a rapid exploration of t h e number of zones needed for t h e whole network. T h e progression of this algorithm is optimal in i t s quest f o r t h e t w o closest classes a t e a c h iteration, b u t t h e distributions obtained not necessarily optimize t h e coherence of classes. By c o n t r a s t , t h e method of dynamic s c a t t e r o p e r a t e s for a fixed number of classes and seeks t h e optimum distribution. However, convergence is only secured in t h e neighbourhood of a local optimum and n o t around an optimum distribution. These t w o algorithms a r e t h e r e f o r e complementary for t h e purpose of exploring t h e number of classes and to determine t h e optimum distribution. Determination of pilot nodes Since t h e zones a r e identified, t h e determination of pilot nodes is simply formalised using e l e c t r i c a l distances. T h e pilot node of each zone corresponds to t h e substation which has t h e most c e n t r a l position with respect to t h e controlling nodes (see Appendix I1 for t h e computation method). Results T h e use of two complementary algorithms h a s secured results which coincide nearly p e r f e c t l y with t h e zones presently in service. The differences obtained probably s t e m f r o m t h e difference in appraisal between a heuristic and a more s y s t e m a t i c method. T o illustrate t h e modifications of t h e groupings with t h e topology changes, an example is detailed in Appendix 111. This example - a t w o main lines unavailability - emphasizes t h e i n t e r e s t of a periodical re-allocation of generators to pilot nodes, for instance a daily one, to keep a b e t t e r adequation of t h e zones to t h e a c t u a l network. Nevertheless, t h e use of e l e c t r i c a l distance combined with t h e t w o typological analysis methods has s o m e t i m e s proven d e l i c a t e in i t s interpretation, especially in t h e choice of t h e number of zones. This is why t h e tool devised should b e viewed as powerful decision-taking assistance tool and not as a s y s t e m a t i c method for t h e determination of zones. In t h i s regard, an interactive program combining computation

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I 1

. 1!


APPENDIX I Proof of t h e trianeular ineaualitv Taking a triplet of nodes (i,j,k). T h e matrix [Zbus] Zi. Z. contains six t e r m s relating this t r i p l e t : Z.., 2.. 2 and Z. I t c a n b e considered t h a t t h e di&raH' b a d w rgpr&b s e n t s ak,' equivalent scale-model of t h e system f o r this t r i p l e t of nodes.

T h e r e is a minimum distance between A and R ; i t is t h e r e f o r e normal t o w a n t t o a g g r e g a t e t h e s e t w o objects into a single fictitious e l e m e n t E. T o follow up t h e algorithm, t h e distances D(EC) and T)(ED) must b e calculated. Several possibilities a r e offered, f o r instance :


Behind all t h e s e m a t h e m a t i c a l expressions, i t is diffic u l t t o identify which is t h e most suitable t o d e t e r m i n e t h e zones of a network. In addition, e a c h of t h e s e expressions involves "a philosophy governing how grouping will b e e f f e c ted". T h e minimum : This method is generally presented in volumes on d a t a processing. I t s main drawback is to favour linking. T h e figure below shows t h e grouping of 6 nodes with t h e "minimum". N o t e t h a t node A should have been aggregat e d with t h e o t h e r nodes, as node A h a s m o r e influence on node 9 than nodes D, E and F.

T h e a t t e n u a t i o n s of interest can b e calculated from this equivalent model : Y . . . ( Y k 0 + Y j k + Y. . ) + Y i k Y. 11 11 ik a. . =



( Y k 0 + Yjk + Y i k )


+ Yj0 t Yjk)



. .

(Yi0 + Yik + Y. ) + Y l j
i k

. .



i k


Yik + Yij) (Yj0


. .

(Yk0 + Yik






Ylj) + Yij

Yjk YjkZ

+ Yjk t Ylj)

(Yik + Yk0 + Yjk)

I t is our purpose t o show t h a t :

LOG(a. ..a..) +
3 1

LOG(ajk.akj) >


In addition, this t y p e of distance between classes of nodes only t a k e s a c c o u n t of o n e and not all t h e e l e m e n t s f r o m e a c h aggregation. T h e figure above shows t h a t classes B and C will b e grouped, since D(CB)<D(AA). T h e larger t h e classes, t h e g r e a t e r t h e phenomenon, and t h e distance b e t w e e n t w o nodes d e c r e a s e s as t h e aggregations a r e c a r r i e d out. The a v e r a e : The drawback of this method is t h a t i t does n o d o u n t of t h e number of nodes contained in t h e aggregations t o re-compute t h e distances. T h e distances c a n d e c r e a s e o r increase as t h e successive groupings a r e performed. T h e distances a r e calculated by averaging t h e prior averages, t h e consequence of which is t h a t t h e distanc e s between classes do n o t have any physical meaning and t h e i r numerical values a r e somewhat "statistically vague". These values c a n nevertheless b e used t o m a k e choices of groupings for t h e follow up of t h e algorithm. The maximum : This computation method will b e used. In this case, t h e distances b e t w e e n t h e aggregations of nodes correspond t o t h e maximum d e g r e e of uncertainty which exists between t h e voltage variations of t h e nodes in t h e t w o d i f f e r e n t classes. T h e e l e c t r i c a l d i s t a n c e between classes t h u s preserves a clearly defined probabilistic meaning as t h e aggregations a r e performed. T h e distances b e t w e e n classes a r e always increasing since t h e new calculated distances a r e always g r e a t e r than t h e old ones. T h e d i a m e t e r of a class c a n b e defined as t h e maximum uncertainty on relative voltage variations b e t w e e n t w o nodes of a s a m e class : t h e d i a m e t e r is equal t o t h e distance between t h e t w o most d i s t a n t nodes in t h e s a m e class. Since t h e closest classes a r e aggregated, t h e d i a m e t e r of t h e new classes obtained is t h e r e f o r e minimum and s t r i c t l y increasing, which yields spherical zones (in t h e sense of e l e c t r i c a l distance) which a r e as c o m p a c t as possible. T h e d i a m e t e r of t h e classes is in relation t o t h e quality of t h e i r voltage control. With t h e maximum, t h e c o n c e p t of distance preserv e s i t s probabilistic meaning a s t h e aggregations a r e performed, and t h e r e f o r e b e t t e r m e e t s t h e desired t y p e of grouping.

Through m a t h e m a t i c a l considerations and questions of s y m m e t r y of t h e m a t r i x Zbus, i t is equivalent t o show . t h a t : a 1 1 . a ].k < OLik This leads t o t h e inequality w r i t t e n below :
0 < Yik
[(U. + Y . t Y . . ) ( Y I k Y k 0

Yi0 Yk0 + Yik Yi0) +

.... Y j 0

Y i j (Yjk+Yko+Yik) Yj0 Yjk (Yik+Yi0)l +

With a network of pure resistances, this inequality is composed of sums and products whose t e r m s a r e positive ; t h e inequality is t h e r e f o r e always verified. In t h e c a s e of a power system, neglecting t h e r e a l p a r t of e l e m e n t s and l e t t i n g t h e assumption t h a t t h e system impedances h a v e a dominant inductive c h a r a c t e r and t h e r e f o r e t h a t t h e existing c a p a c i t i v e e l e m e n t s only a t t e n u a t e this inductive c h a r a c t e r without eliminating it, t h e validity of t h e triangular inequalit y can then b e admitted. However, exceptions c a n appear in t h e presence of not v e r y loaded radial circuits. F o r instance, this property h a s proven 98.8 % t r u e for t h e F r e n c h system. APPENDIX I1 Computation of distances b e t w e e n t w o zones Programming of t h e ascending hierarchical classification method is q u i t e simple. T h e main problem is t o know how to re-compute distances. An example will shed light on this problem : l e t four points A, R, C and n represented in t h e figure below :


s c a t t e r is q u i t e simple, t h e main problem is to know how t o compute t h e c e n t r e of a set of e l e c t r i c nodes. I t is possible to seek a real or a fictitious node which occupies a c e n t r a l position with r e s p e c t to t h e o t h e r nodes of i t s class. R e a l node : Several methods c a n b e used ; t h r e e a r e

I t appears clearly t h a t t h e sets belong to t h e s a m e zone, if w e choose a maximum d i a m e t e r of 23, in relative unit. The n e x t classification t r e e shows t h e modifications of t h e groupings involved by t h e unavailability of t w o lines (signaled by an arrow on t h e network). T h e result of t h i s unavailability is t h a t t h e previous unique zone i s divided i n t o t w o different zones, which a r e independent for a relative distance g r e a t e r than 27.

o - n a t , , , , o n = r n ~ n w h s ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
t : : : : : l : : ! l : : ; : l : i : : ; i : :

: ; ; ;





--+ +
2 2 4




This example, selected for i t s illustrative a s p e c t since t h e t w o unavailable lines a r e t h e main link between t h e east and west p a r t s of t h e a r e a , underlines t h e - obvious relation between topology and groupings, and t h e necessity of a frequent re-computation of groupings, as t h e network changes.

The use of fictitious nodes for t h e determination of c e n t r e s can provide g r e a t e r flexibility in t h e algorithm of dynamic s c a t t e r , since t h e results a r e then independent of t h e existence of an e l e c t r i c a l substation on t h e system.


BIOGRAPHIES Patrick Lagonotte was born at Paris in 1959. H e has a degree of Electrical Engineering from t h e Ecole Normale SupCrieure d e Cachan, and has a Doctor degree from t h e Institut National Poyytechnique d e Grenoble (1987). A f t e r research activities at EDF's Studies and Research D e p a r t m e n t and at Grenoble Electrotechnical Laboratory, he is now teaching Electrotechnics a t t h e University of PGtiers. Professor Sabonnadigre was born in 1939 at Tarascon (France). He g o t his electrical Engineering degree at Institut Polytechnique d e Grenoble in 1963, a thesis in Applied Mathematics in 1965 and a Docteur d'Etat degree in 1969 at t h e University of Grenoble. H e has been appointed as Professor in 1969 at Ecole C e n t r a l e d e Lyon and since 1971 at Institut National Polytechnique d e Grenoble. Professor Sabonnadikre is leader of Research Group on modelling and CAD of Power Systems in t h e Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique d e Grenoble. H e published 123 papers and 3 books on CAD. H e obtained t h e IEEE centennial medal in 1984 and was nomrnated as "Doctor Honoris Causa" by Ecole Polytechnique FkdCrale de Lausanne. Professor Sabonnadisre is presently Fellow of IEE and Senior Member of IEEE.

Jean-Yves LCost was born at OrlCans ?France) in 1952, and has a degree of Electrical Engineering f r o m t h e Ecole SupCrieure d'Electricit6 in 1977. Since 1978, h e h a s been working on voltage control techniques and simulation tools a t EDF's Studies and Research Department. J.Y. LCost is a CIGRE member.

at Jean-Philippe Paul was born Marseille (France) in 1960, and has a degree of Electrical Engineering from t h e Ecole SupCrieure d'Electricit6 in 1982. Since 1983, h e h a s been working at EDF on voltage control problems with a special interest for adaptive methods and optimization. Ye is a CIGRE member.

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