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A Web Service can be created regardless of the _____ programming language 2. Which of these are not the elements WSDL ? Destination 3. The XML provides the _____ in which you can write the specialized languages to express the complex interactions between the clients and the services or between the components of a composite service. Metalanguage 4. _____ can convert your application into Web-applications. Web Services 5. Web Services define a platformindependent standard based on XML to communicate within distributed systems True 6. SOAP is used to transfer the: Data 7. UDDI is used for listing what _____ are available. Services 8. Which of these test do use an HTTP POST and will send the XML response. <? Xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?> <short xmlns=>38</short> 9. Schema is an _____ based alternative.

XML 10. SOAP is a lightweight _____ based protocol. XML 11. Which one of the following statements of WSDL defines the message format and protocol details for each port ? Binding 12. Which data structure of the UDDI represents a relationship between two business entities or service providers ? publisherAssertion 13. Which of the following are the advantages of a Web Service ?(Choose many) Reduces complexity by providing encapsulation Provides incresed efficiency, scalibility and mantainability Keep track off the activities 14. The XML-based registry that allows remote clients to access and search the Web Service is UDDI 15. Which one of the following describes information about the WebService in XML format ? WSDL 16. Web Services are ___________ Loosely Coupled

17. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? (Choose many) JAXB 2.0 allows validation at unmarshal and marshal time JAXB 1.0 enabled on-demand validation on a JAXB content tree JAXB 1.0 provided validation at unmarshal time 18. Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect? For a JAX-WS Endpoint: The implementing class should not explicitly reference an SEI through the endpointInterface element of the @WebService annotation A JAX-WS client cannot access a web service that is not running on the Java platform, and vice versa With JAX-WS, the developer generates/parses SOAP messages 19. Which of the following is not an UDDI datatype BusinessTemplate 20. Element < portType > in WSDL a refers to only the operations that can be performed 21. Advance of web services (choose many) Chn ht 22. The statement is true JAXB (choose many) portType businessEntity businessTemplate

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