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How We Celebrate
Latina Women Share How They Celebrate Mothers Day in Their Native Country
2 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
Para Tu Salud Mujer Latina
Enjoy a day just for you!
We welcome ALL of our Latina sisters ages 13 and up to
join us for a wellness workshop featuring: giveaways, health
workshops, fun activities, health screenings and FREE
breakfast and lunch!
Para Tu Salud Mujer Latina
Disfruta un da hecho solo para t!
Invitamos a todas nuestras hermanas Latinas mayores de 13
aos de edad a participar en una serie de talleres de bienestar
personal. Tendremos premios y regalos, sesiones de salud,
actividades recreacionales, chequeos de salud, incluyendo
desayuno y almuerzo gratis.
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Una Mujer Embarazada
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mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 3
COVER Pgs 12 - 13
- How We Celebrate Mothers
HEALTH: Pgs 12- 15
- Vitalistic Health Corner with
Dr. Diaz
- Care at Home: Congestive
Heart Failure
Recipe: Pg 4
- Cornstarch Pudding
LOCAL: Pgs 8-9, 18
- Marcelas Kids Corner
- Literary Cafe: The Red Sari
-After 50 Years Cubans Hope
to travel Freely
- Report Says Female
Farmworkers Suffer Sex
- Margarita Gonzalez Reyes
- Bad Habits are Hard to Break
at Any Age
Ida Perez
In This Issue:
mayo 2012 - :: 1
:::52&+(67(5/$92=&20 mayo 15 - junio 15 2= &2 $92= &20 111115 15 15 15
285&,7< 285&8/785(28592,&(
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Publ i sher / Edi t or
Dave McCleary
Spani sh Edi t or
Marisol Galarza-Ruiz
Wr i t er s/ Cont r i but or s
Evelyn Cassano
Freddy Colon
Jorge Ramos Avalos
Dr. Yasellyn Diaz
Diana Casais
Jimmy Falu
Domingo Martinez
Vanessa Kogan
Ida Perez
Marcela Villarreal
Edi t or i al / Admi n Assi st ant
Claribel Oliveras
Ar t Di r ec t or
Catie Fiscus
St af f Phot ogr apher s
Edy Sanzo
Todd Elliott
Jimmy Falu
Adver t i si ng
Dave McCleary
Advi sor y Boar d
Luis Aponte
Godfrey Milan
Ida Perez
Edy Sanzo
Vanessa Kogan
Angelic Mendez
Jimmy Falu
Mondoys pm &
Fr|doys 3:30pm on
Wotch On||ne
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4 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
5 cucharadas de maicena
2 yemas de huevo
1/2 l. de leche
1 cucharadita de vainilla
1/4 taza de azcar
Para el caramelo:
100 gr. de azcar
2 cucharadas de agua
Procedimiento: Cmo se prepara Flan de
Primeramente hacemos el caramelo, para
ello ponemos el azcar con el agua en una
cazuela pequea a fuego lento. Cuando el
azcar se haya disuelto y se haya puesto
de color oscura, se aparta y se vierte en el
molde que vayamos a ulizar para el an.
Por otro lado, disolvemos en un poco de
leche la maicena. El resto de la leche la
echamos en un cacerola, la ponemos al
fuego y esperamos hasta que comience a
hervir, momento en que lo apartamos del
fuego y dejamos que se temple.
Incorporamos la yemas badas a la mezcla
de leche con maicena. Una vez mezclado
un poco lo aadimos a la leche templada,
y removemos hasta que todo quede bien
mezclado. Volvemos a poner al fuego, y sin
dejar de remover, esperamos 5 minutos.
Apagamos el fuego y le echamos la vainilla,
damos vueltas y lo echamos en el molde
con el caramelo. Cuando se enfre lo
metemos en el refrigerador, y esperamos
hasta que haya cogido consistencia.
Fl an de mai c ena
Cor nst ar c h puddi ng
5 tablespoons of cornstarch
2 egg yolks
1/2 l. milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup sugar
For caramel:
100 gr. sugar
2 tablespoons water
Procedure: How to prepare Flan custard
First make the caramel, put the sugar and
water in a small saucepan over low heat.
When the sugar has dissolved and has
become dark, remove from heat and pour
into the mold that will be used for the an.
In the meanme, dissolve the cornstarch in
a lile milk . Pour the remainder of the milk
in a pot , put it on the re and wait unl it
begins to boil, then remove from heat and
let it cool.
Incorporate the egg yolks to milk mixture
with cornstarch. Aer mixing add a lile
warm milk and sr unl well blended. Bring
back to the stove, srring constantly, wait
for 5 minutes .
Turn o the heat and pour the vanilla, sr it
and pour into the mold with the caramel.
When it cools down put in the refrigerator,
and wait unl it has taken consistency.
mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 5
Lat i na t o Wat ch
Mar gar i t a Gonzl ez Reyes
Margarita Gonzlez Reyes, lleva el mn
en el campo de la educacin especial
bilinge en el Medio Oeste del estado de
New York. Especialista bilinge para (RSE-
TASC); ofrece formacin e informacin
a travs de talleres y asistencia tcnica
sobre temas relacionados con la educacin
especial y praccas ecaces para
estudiantes bilinges con discapacidad,
aprendices del idioma ingls y educadores.
Margarita ofrece capacitacin a ms de
71 distritos escolares y las 4 reas de
BOCES, incluyendo el Distrito Escolar de la
Cuidad de Rochester, con una trayectoria
de ms de 15 aos ha dejado su huella
defendiendo, promoviendo y educando a
nuestra comunidad hispana.
Margarita naci en Santurce, Puerto
Rico. En el ao 1973 toma la decisin de
trasladarse a Bualo, New York, con sus
dos hijas vine con la misma mentalidad
que vienen todos, a tratar de establecer un
mejor futuro para mi familia A la edad de
17 aos y como madre soltera Margarita
se encontr en un pas donde el idioma
signicaba la base principal para tener una
vida exitosa. No fue fcil, yo empec a
estudiar poco a poco, primero estudiando
para obtener mi GED y despus poco a
poco pase a estudiar a la Universidad. En
1995 Margarita recibe con mucho orgullo
su tulo de licenciada en educacin
especial bilinge de la Universidad Estatal
de Bualo, Te cuento
que no fue fcil, y me
llev mi empo - tanto
es as que me gradu
junto con mi hija menor
Carmen. Mas tarde
obtuvo su maestra en
educacin Bilinge y
Administracin en la
SUNY Brockport.
Qu la mov a estudiar
educacin en enseanza
especial? Margarita nos
cuenta una ancdota
que le pas con sus
hijas; cuando mi hija
menor Carmen estaba
en segundo grado tuvo la misma maestra
que mi mayor Samilix. Las dos nias tenan
carcteres opuestos, mi hija Carmen era
ms mida y calladita y la mayor Samalix
era ms extroverda. La maestra empez
a comparar entres las nias, y me llam
a pedirme permiso para evaluar a mi hija
Carmen, porque ella consideraba que
necesitaba recibir educacin especial
Margarita, que saba que su hija menor no
tena ningn problema de aprendizaje se
opuso por completo y le pidi a la maestra
empo para que su hija se sinera ms
confortable en su clase, tambin le pidi
a la maestra que interactuara con su hija
de una forma ms directa, con preguntas.
Despus de seis meses
su hija Carmen se sin
ms confortable y
familiarizada, y empez
a desenvolverse ms en
la clase. Mi hija Carmen
se gradu de secundaria
como primera en su
clase, y ella es un genio en
matemcas, imagnate
si hubiera dejado que
me la clasicaran
Ah fue donde vi la
necesidad que haba, y
me dije; aqu es donde
puedo poner mi granito
de arena y aportar.
Que le dira usted a los Padres de Familia?
Margarita: les dira que enendan sus
derechos como padres de familia, si por
ejemplo les llegan papeles de la escuela
de su hijo y no enende los papeles que
les llegan a la casa, no los rme - pida
que se lo manden en su idioma, si va a
una reunin y es en ingls y no enende,
pida un traductor. Parcipen en los
talleres de apoyo, hay maneras y tambin
hay recursos, lo que hay que hacer es
buscarlos. Por la cultura no cuesonamos
a los maestros por respeto, algunos padres
se sienten inmidados porque no hablan
ingls, por que si no hablamos ingls nos
senmos inferiores, o porque tenemos un
acento, y yo les dijo; nadie mejor que usted
conoce a sus hijos, nadie mejor que usted
sabe las capacidades que ene su hijo para
aprender, cuando alguien le diga voy a
clasicar a su hijo, o vamos referir a su hijo,
ustedes como padres de familia pueden
decidir; s o no, como padres de familia
ustedes enen la primera voz. Recordemos
que la educacin de nuestros hijos es la
inversin ms importante que podemos
hacer como padres.
Margarita, es madre de tres hijas y ellas les
han dado la alegra de sus diez nietos, y dos
bis- nietos. Con mucho orgullo nos habla
de su familia y de lo mucho que disfruta la
etapa de tener nietos.
Vice- Presidenta y Tesorera del Fesval
Puertorriqueo por nueve aos, forma
parte de la Asociacin Bilinge del estado,
y tambin del Parent Bilingual Consult,
abogada incansable de los derechos de
nuestros nios, con un talento especial
para conectar nuestras culturas con
nuestros idiomas, y una pasin genuina
y admirable con nuestra comunidad
hispana; que por cierto la manene muy
ocupada, maestra de educadores y pieza
fundamental del desarrollo educacional
para la cultura bilinge en el estado de
New York. Una dama en todo el sendo de
la palabra, la seora Margarita Reyes es
una Lana de Impacto.
Margarita Gonzalez Reyes, is a leader in
the eld of Bilingual Special Educaon
in New York State. She works through
the Regional Special Educaon Technical
Assistance Support Centers (RSE-TASC) and
oers training and informaon through
workshops and technical assistance on
issues related to eecve pracces for
special educaon and bilingual students
as well as English language learners and
educators. Margarita oers training to
more than 71 school districts and 4 BOCES
areas, including the Rochester City School
District. She has more than 15 years
of experience and has made her mark
defending, promong and educang our
Hispanic community.
Margarita was born in Santurce, Puerto
Rico. She says her decision to move to
Bualo, New York in 1973 came with the
same mentality as others who move to the
states; to try to establish a beer future for
my family,
At the age of 17 and as a single parent
Margarita found herself in a country where
learning he language (English) would be
the basis for her to have a successful life.
It was not easy, I began to study lile by
lile, rst studying for my GED and then
gradually move to study at the university.
In 1995 Margarita received with pride, a
degree in Bilingual Special Educaon at the
State University of Bualo, I tell you it was
not easy, and I took my me--so much so
that I graduated with my younger daughter
She later earned a masters degree in
Bilingual Educaon and Management at
SUNY Brockport.
What movated her to study educaon
in special educaon? Margarita tells a
story that happened to their daughters,
when my younger daughter Carmen
was in second grade she had the same
teacher as my oldest, Samilix. The two girls
had opposite personalies, my daughter
Carmen was more shy and coy and Samalix
was more outgoing. The teacher began to
compare the girls and called me asking me
to evaluate my daughter Carmen, because
she felt she needed special educaon
Margarita, who knew her youngest
daughter had no problem learning,
completely opposed the teacher and asked
her to try and make her daughter feel more
comfortable in its class. She also asked the
teacher to interact with her daughter more
directly. Aer six months her daughter
Carmen felt more comfortable and familiar,
and began to become more engaged in
My daughter Carmen graduated high
school rst in her class, and she is a genius
in math--imagine if I had allowed them to
give her that classicaon ... Thats where I
saw the need that existed, and I said, this is
where I can make my contribuon.
What would you say to Parents? I would
tell them to understand their rights as
parents; for example, if you read papers
from your childrens school and dont
understand them, ask to have them
sent in your language. If youre going to
a meeng and it is in English and dont
understand, ask for a translator. Parcipate
in workshops and support groups. There
are ways and resources, you just have to
nd them, she said.
Some parents are inmidated because
they do not speak English, because if you
do not speak English we feel inferior, or
because we have an accent; but I always
tell them, no one knows your children
beer than you. And, no one knows beer
than you the skills your child has. When
someone says I will classify your child, or
we will refer your child, you as parents can
decide, yes or no; as parents you have the
rst voice. Know that the educaon of our
children is the most important investment
we can do as parents.
Margarita is the mother of three daughters
who have given her the joy of ten
grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
She speaks proudly of her family and how
much she enjoys being a grandmother and
spending me with her grandchildren.
She has been the Vice-President and
Treasurer of Puerto Rican Fesval for
nine years and is a member of the State
Bilingual Associaon, and the Bilingual
Parent Consult. She is a reless advocate
for the rights of our children. She has a
special talent and a passion for connecng
with our languages and cultures. She is a
teacher, educators and an educaonal
advocate for the development for the
bilingual programs in the state of New
York. A lady in every sense of the word,
Mrs. Margarita Reyes is a Lana to Watch.

Por Vanessa Kogan
6 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
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AP Boxing Writer
LAS VEGAS (AP) - Rising Mexican star
Canelo Alvarez landed the heavier punches
and more of them May 5th, defending his
154-pound tle with a lopsided decision
win over an aging Shane Mosley.
Alvarez shook o a cut over his le eye
from a head bu in the third round and
dominated the ght, landing big punches
to the body and occasional uppercuts to
the head. He won all rounds but one on
two scorecards, and all but two on the
It was the fourth defense for Alvarez of his
154-pound tle, and Mosley gave it his best.
But at the age of 40 he simply didnt have
the reexes or strength to be compeve
against the 21-year-old champion.
Two judges scored it 119-109, while a third
had it 118-108. The ght was on the Floyd
Mayweather Jr.-Miguel Coo undercard.
``It was a great experience, Alvarez said. ``I
felt really good and I want to thank Shane
for giving me the experience.
Mosley hasnt won a ght in three years,
losing ve of his last seven. Mosley was
trying to resurrect his fading career aer
losses to both Mayweather and Manny
Pacquiao, but he came into the ring a
decided underdog against Alvarez, who is
considered one of the top young ghters in
the sport.
``His defense is very good. Hes really fast,
and he can go a long way, Mosley said.
``When the kids start to beat you up, it
might be me to start promong.
Mosley, whose pro career dates back to
1993, moved forward the enre ght and
tried to keep Alvarez o balance with
urries. He took punishment throughout
and appeared hurt by shots to the body in
the eighth round.
But Mosley (46-8-1) never went down and
was sll ghng hard in the12th round,
though by then the ght had already been
``I didnt expect him to be that fast or that
good, Mosley said.
Alvarez, who remained unbeaten in 41
ghts, said he tried to knock Mosley down
every round, but was never able. Mosley
has never been stopped in a ght.
``I tried to knock him out, he took a lot of
punches, but it didnt work, Alvarez said.
Alvarez said he wasnt sure who he would
ght next, though the win puts him in
the upper echolon for ghts against
Mayweather or Pacquiao.
Alvarez Defends Title With Decision Over Mosley
Feature Story
- 250 + cur:c: :uLgrccuccc: y
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- Ire: :e:icne: ccnvenienIe: en
e| recinIc y en Fcche:Ier
- Mc: ce 40 cur:c: en ||nec
Sesin de verano 2012
Se estn llevando a cabo las registraciones. Para
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Sesin II 2 ce mcyc-30 ce junic
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El verano es dulce en
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Fe:icencic: en e| recinIc e:Icn ci:pcniL|e: curcnIe |c:
Ire: :e:icne:.
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Fe:icenIic| Life/Lecrning CcmmuniIie: c| {585) 35-2108
c reslife.
mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 7 mayo 15 -
Despues de 50 aos, los cubanos enen la esperanza de viajar libremente
La Habana (AP) _ Cuba parece estar cerca
de una decisin trascendental para poner
n a medio siglo de restricciones a los
viajes que han hecho dicil la salida de la
isla comunista, uno los ociales superiores
dijo: un cambio radical y profundo esta a
pocas semanas.
Ese comentario, por el jefe del Parlamento
Ricardo Alarcn, ene a residentes,
exiliados y polcos ocupados con la
especulacin de que el tan odiado permiso
de salida que los cubanos deben obtener
para abandonar su propio pas podra
ser una cosa del pasado, incluso si el
gobierno de Ral Castro sigue limitando
cuidadosamente los viajes de los mdicos,
ciencos y personal militar.
Otros altos funcionarios cubanos han
precavido contra el ecxeso de entusiasmo,
ms recientemente, en una teleconferencia
de n de semana diseada para reducir
la brecha con los emigrantes cubanos,
dejando a isleos y expertos de Cuba
preguntndose cun lejos estn dispuestos
los viejos lderes de la Habana a ir.
Aer 50 years, Cubans Hope to Travel Freely
HAVANA (AP) _ Cuba appears close to a
momentous decision to end a half-century
of travel restricons that have made it
di cult to leave the Communist-run island,
with one senior o cial saying a ``radical
and profound change is weeks away.
That comment, by Parliament Chief
Ricardo Alarcon, has residents, exiles and
policymakers abuzz with speculaon that
the much hated exit visa that Cubans must
obtain to leave their own country could be
a thing of the past, even if Raul Castros
government sll carefully limits the
travel of doctors, sciensts, and military
Other top Cuban o cials have cauoned
against over-excitement, most recently
at a weekend teleconference designed
to bridge the gap with Cuban emigrants,
leaving islanders and Cuba experts to
wonder how far Havanas aging leaders are
willing to go.
jornaleras son vcmas de abuso sexual, dice reporte
FRESNO, California, EE.UU. (AP) Las
jornaleras en todo Estados Unidos por
lo general son objeto de hosgamiento
y agresin sexual, en parte debido a su
condicin migratoria que les cohibe de
llamar a la polica, segn arma un reporte
publicado el mircoles por el grupo Human
Rights Watch.
La encuesta preparada por el grupo
defensor de derechos humanos reeja
dos informes previos sobre los riesgos que
enfrentan las mujeres y nias en parcular
en el rea de California, donde residen la
mayora de jornaleros del pas.
Nuestra invesgacin conrma lo que los
defensores de los jornaleros en todo el
pas creen: la violencia y el acoso sexual
experimentado por los jornaleros es tan
comn que algunas mujeres en el campo
ven estos abusos como una condicin
inevitable del trabajo agrcola, deca el
Alrededor de 630.000 de los tres millones
de personas que se desempean haciendo
trabajo agrcola de temporada son
mujeres. El gobierno federal calcula que
60% de ellos no enen permiso legal de
estar en el pas.
Es ms fcil para los abusadores lograr
impunes el acoso sexual cuando haya
desequilibrio de poder, y ese desequilibrio
de poder es parcularmente descarado en
el campo, dijo a The Associated Press la
autora del reporte, Grace Meng.
El documento pide al Congreso que
apruebe leyes que protejan a las mujeres
inmigrantes que trabajan en el campo, y
al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional
de Estados Unidos que rechace reglas que
alienten a las policas locales a reportar
violaciones federales de inmigracin.
El reporte describe incidencias de violacin,
acoso, manoseo y uso de lenguaje vulgar
contra mujeres, que aseguran que no
suelen reportar los actos por temor a ser
despedidas, o peor, deportadas.
Meng entrevist 52 jornaleros y 110
abogados, trabajadores de servicio social,
policas y miembros de la industria agrcola
en Nueva York, Carolina del Norte, Florida,
Texas, Colorado, Ohio, Arizona, Pensilvania,
Tenes y el estado de Washington, pero se
enfoc principalmente en California debido
a que hay ms jornaleros del campo.
Las mujeres que trabajan para contrastas
son ms vulnerables que quienes trabajan
directamente para un agricultor, segn el
El objevo de nuestro informe era
demostrar que este era un problema
nacional. Y mostrar las trabas
gubernamentales existentes para reportar
estos crmenes y abusos. Y para demostrar
que es un problema de derechos humanos,
dijo Meng.
Mientras que estudios anteriores han
dicho que hasta 80% de las mujeres que
trabajan en el campo han sido acosadas
o asaltadas, una abogada en el corazn
de la regin agrcola de California dice
que su experiencia coloca la cifra ms
cercana a la mitad. Agreg que el problema
existe en todos los negocios en que hay
mujeres inmigrantes que quiz no tengan
conocimiento del idioma ingls ni conan
en las policas, aunque las granjas son
los mayores empleadores por lo que los
abusos son ms frecuentes en ese mbito.
Los casos rara vez son reportados a las
autoridades, dijo Amparo Yebra de la
organizacin sin nes de lucro llamada Red
de Servicios de Preservacin de la Familia
Westside, en Huron, California.
Hemos tenido muchas quejas, dijo
Yebra. La mayora de las personas son
trabajadores del campo, pero si enen la
oportunidad de abandonar el campo para
trabajar en una enda, algunos de los
propietarios tambin sacan provecho de
esas personas.
El acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo es
ilegal en California, y segn Bryan Lile,
de la Federacin Agrcola de California,
la Legislatura idenc esto como un
problema universal. El grupo de aliacin
de la federacin, Servicios Laborales de
Empleadores Agrcolas, ofrece prevencin
del acoso sexual y entrenamiento, el cual
los empleadores deben proporcionar cada
dos aos a cualquier persona que trabaje
como supervisor.
La agricultura es una industria importante
en California, pero parece poco probable
que aprueben esta ley slo por el trabajo
agrcola, dijo Lile. Tienen que haber
respondido a algo mayor en los lugares de
Report says Female Farmworkers Suer Sex Abuse
FRESNO, Calif. (AP) Female farmworkers
across the United States are commonly
sexually harassed and assaulted, in part
because their immigraon status makes
them fearful of calling police, according
to a report being released Wednesday by
Human Rights Watch.
The survey by the internaonal rights
group mirrors two previous reports on
the risks facing women and girls that had
focused on California, where most of the
naons farmworkers reside.
Our research conrms what farmworker
advocates across the country believe:
Sexual violence and sexual harassment
experienced by farmworkers is common
enough that some farmworker women see
these abuses as an unavoidable condion
of agricultural work, said the report.
An esmated 630,000 of the 3 million
people who perform migrant and seasonal
farm work are women. The federal
government esmates that 60 percent of
them are illegal immigrants.
Its easiest for abusers to get away with
sexual harassment where theres an
imbalance of power, and the imbalance
of power is parcularly stark on farms,
the reports author, Grace Meng, told The
Associated Press.
The report calls on Congress to pass laws
protecng immigrant farmworker women,
and for the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security to repeal rules that encourage
local police to report federal immigraon
The report describes incidences of rape,
stalking, fondling and vulgar language used
against women, who say they oen dont
report it because they are afraid of being
red or, worse, deported.
Meng interviewed 52 farmworkers and
110 aorneys, social service providers,
law enforcement o cials and members
of the agriculture industry in New York,
North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Colorado,
Ohio, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Tennessee,
and the state of Washington, but focused
primarily on California because of its large
farmworker populaon.
Women who work for labor contractors
are more vulnerable than those who work
directly for a farmer, the report said.
The goal of our report was to show that
this was a naonal problem. And to show
the governmental barriers that exist to
reporng these crimes and abuses. And to
demonstrate its a human rights problem,
Meng said.
While previous studies have said that up
to 80 percent of women who work in the
elds have been harassed or assaulted,
a counselor in the heart of Californias
agriculture region says her experience puts
it at closer to half. She said the problem
exists in all businesses where immigrant
women may lack English language skills
and trust in law enforcement, but that
farms are the biggest employers so the
abuses occur more frequently there.
Incidences are rarely reported to
authories, said Amparo Yebra of the
nonprot Westside Family Preservaon
Services Network in Huron, Calif.
We have had a lot of complaints, said
Yebra. Most of the people are farmworkers,
but if they get the opportunity to get out of
the elds to work in a store, some of the
owners take advantage of those people
Sexual harassment in the workplace is
illegal in California, and Bryan Lile of the
California Farm Bureau Federaon says
the legislature idened it as a universal
problem. The Farm Bureaus a liate group,
Farm Employers Labor Service, provides
sexual harassment prevenon and training,
which employers are required to provide
every other year to anyone who works in a
supervisory capacity.
Agriculture is a big industry in California,
but it seems unlikely that they passed this
law just for ag, Lile said. They must
have responded to something bigger going
on in the workplace.
8 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 y j
Marcelas Kids Corner
Un da de verano, hace muchos aos yo estaba en el jardn de mi casa con mi abuelita, viendo a mi perro Colita dormir.
El perro pareca muy feliz, y aunque estaba durmiendo, el tena una sonrisa en su cara y mova su colita. Yo le pregunt
a mi abuela, si los perros podan soar y ella me dijo que todos los seres de la naturaleza pueden soar e imaginar cosas.
Recuerda que cuando t imaginas, las cosas no son buenas o malas. Todo es posible! El libro que hoy t vas a crear, nos
llevar a las erras de los sueos.
Pero antes de imaginar y crear tu propio libro, recuerda que tenemos que hacer varias cosas. Por ejemplo pedir a una
persona mayor que lea esto para o que te ayude a leerlo. Y cuando termines, t sers el autor de un nico y maravilloso
libro. Tu propio libro!
Para ayudarte con tu imaginacin, yo he creado este pequeo cuento para ; el sueo de Andrs.
Ahora vamos a jugar un poco con el cuento y con tu creatividad:
1- Pide a alguien de tu familia o un amigo, que haga 8 dibujos diferentes que sean parte de un sueo. Con tus propias palabras, t tendrs que contar la historia de ese sueo
en voz alta.
2- Cuando t sueas, lo haces en colores o en blanco y negro? Puedes hablar y cantar en tus sueos?
4-La historia de Andrs ene muchas palabras que se repiten con frecuencia. Por qu piensas que esto es as?
5- Pracca las siguientes palabras: sueo, dream, hada, fairy, luna, moon, noche, night. Luego haz oraciones cortas o largas con ellas y dibjalas.
Ahora es el turno de usar lpices de colores, crayones, papel, alegra y toda t imaginacin para comenzar tu propio libro. Y lo mejor de todo es que t eres el propio autor de
tus cuentos.
Feliz imaginacin !!!.
El sueo de l os sueos
Andrs es un nio de 4 aos, muy curioso, que siempre quiere aprender y saber cosas diferentes. Con frecuencia, est imaginando juegos, aventuras y hablando con muchos y
diferentes amigos imaginarios. Y cuando l ene una pregunta, su mam siempre ene una respuesta.
Hoy, Andrs estuvo pensando sobre los sueos y cmo es que soamos, y por ms que piensa y piensa, l no encuentra una respuesta.
Mam, cmo es que yo puedo soar y por qu sueo (dream) ?- pregunta Andrs a su mam.
Dulce, tendrs que esperar hasta la noche para tu respuesta- dice la mam.
Andrs est muy confundido porque su mam siempre ene empo para explicarle todo lo que l quiere saber, pero hoy es diferente.
A la hora de la cena, Andrs vuelve a preguntar; Mami, cmo es que yo puedo soar y por qu sueo?
Y la madre vuelve a reper: Tendrs que esperar hasta la noche.
Cuando Andrs est triste o enojado, l siempre se mira el pequeo lunar de su mano izquierda. Y ahora l est triste y pensando por qu su madre no le responde. Y lo peor de
todo es que ya casi es de noche... Tal vez su mam no sabe la respuesta.
Cuando Andrs est en la cama, listo para su beso de las buenas noches, vuelve a preguntar. La mam no le responde, pero le dice: Esta noche (night) no voy a cerrar la venta,
quiero que mires la luna y tengas paciencia.
Paciencia?, -piensa Andrs- yo no tengo paciencia. Ahora, l est convencido de que ella no sabe la respuesta.
Andrs, Andrs- dice una voz muy dulce.
El nio abre los ojos y ve un hada (fairy) radiante, pequea, bellsima, como la luna que l vio por la ventana.
Yo, soy el hada de los sueos y voy a mostrarte cmo es que t sueas.
Ves tu pequeo lunar? - pregunta el hada de los sueos. Pues bien, yo soy tan pequea que puedo entrar por tu lunar, volar dentro de tu cuerpo y llegar a tu cabecita, y con un
toque de mi varita mgica logro que t suees diferentes cosas.
Pero por qu necesito soar? - pregunta Andrs.
A lo que el hada responde: Para que aprendas muchas cosas, para que vueles a diferentes lugares y con diferentes personas. Y para que nunca, nunca, dejes de imaginar.
Ahora mi amado Andrs -dijo el hada- suea dulcemente, suea con todas las personas que amars, a todos los lugares que irs y con todas las cosas que vers.
Felices sueos, mi dulce y adorado Andrs - dice su mam.
Por Marcela Villareal
mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 9 mayo 15 junio 15, 2012 :: 9
Marcelas Kids Corner
One summer day, many years ago, I was in the garden of my home with my grandmother watching my dog Colita sleep.
The dog seemed very happy and although he was sleeping, he had a smile on his face and his tail was moving. I asked my
grandmother if dogs could dream, and she told me that all beings of nature could dream and imagine things.
Remember that when you imagine things, they are not good or bad. Everything is possible in the world of imaginaon! The
book that you are going to create today for your library is going to take us to the land of dreams.
But before imagining and creang your own book, remember that we have to do several things. For example, ask an older
person to read it or help you to read it. And when you nish it, you will be the author of a unique and marvelous book. Your
own book!
In order to help you with your imaginaon, Ive created for you this very short story, Andress dream.
Shall we begin?
And now were going to play a bit with the story and your creativity:
1) Ask someone from your family or a friend to make eight dierent drawings that can be part of a dream. With your own words, you will have to tell the story of that dream
out loud.
2) When you dream, do you do it in color or in black and white? Can you talk and sing in your dreams?
3) The story of Andrs has lots of words that are oen repeated. Why do you think that this is so?
4) Pracce saying the following words in both English and Spanish: dream, sueo, fairy, hada, moon, luna, night, noche. Then, make eight long or short sentences with them
and draw them.
Now, its me to use colored pencils, crayons, paper, joy, and all your imaginaon in order to start your own book. And the best of all is that you are the author of your own
Happy imagining!
The Dr eam of Dr eams

Andrs is a four-year old boy, very curious, who always wants to learn and know dierent things. Oen, he imagines games and adventures and talking with many imaginary friends.
And when he has a queson, his mother always has an answer.
Today, Andrs was thinking about dreams and how it is that we dream, and, no maer how much he thinks, he cant nd an answer.
Mom, how is it that I can dream, and why do I dream? Andres asks his mom.
Sweetheart, youll have to wait unl night-me for the answer, says Mom.
Andres is very confused, because his mother always has me to answer everything he wants to know, but today is dierent.
At dinnerme, Andrs asks again, Mommy, how is it that I can dream, and why do I dream? And his mother answers again, youll have to wait unl night-me.
When Andrs is sad or angry, he always looks at the lile mole on his le hand. And now hes sad thinking about why his mother doesnt answer him. And the worst of all is that
its now almost night-memaybe his mom doesnt know the answer.
When Andrs is in bed, ready for his good-night kiss, he asks again. Mom doesnt answer, but she says to him, tonight, Im not going to close the window. I want you to watch
the moon and have a lile paence.
Paence? Thinks Andrs. I dont have paence. Now hes convinced that she doesnt know the answer.
Andrs, Andrs, says in a very sweet voice.
The child opens his eyes and sees a radiant fairy who is small and very beauful, like the moon he saw through the window.
I am the fairy of dreams and Im going to show you what the things you dream of are like. Do you see your lile mole? asks the fairy of dreams. Well, I am so small, I can enter
through that mark, y around in your body, and get all the way up to your lile head, and with a touch of my magic wand, I can make you dream dierent things.
But.why do I need to dream? asks Andrs. To which she answers, you dream so that you learn many things, so that you y to dierent places and dream of dierent people.
And so that you never, ever, stop imagining.
Now, my dear Andrs, said the fairy, dream sweetly. Dream of all the people youll love, of all the places youll go, and of all the things youll see.
At midnight, Mom comes back to the lile boys room. The child is sleeping peacefully and on his lile face he has a smile.
Sweet dreams, my sweet, beloved Andrs, his mom says.
By Marcela Villareal
10 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
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mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 11
Como padres
todos nos
e n c o n t r a mo s
calmando a
nuestros bebs
i n t r a n q u i l o s
y llorosos
i nt r oduc i endo
chupetes y
botellas, porque
estos elementos
parecen que
ayudan. Aunque
un chupete o una botella pueden parecer
inofensivos, y de hecho ayudar a un nio
a autor regularse, tambin pueden crear
malos hbitos. Los padres que permiten
que su hijo pasada la edad de un ao an
chupe un chupete o peor an, duerma con
una botella de leche estn potencialmente
daando a su hijo en lugar de estar
haciendo un bien.
Muy a menudo veo a nios de edad
preescolar que siguen ulizando un chupete
o una botella. Ahora como cualquier
hbito, para un nio o un adulto, puede
ser dicil de romper. Tenga en cuenta que
estos elementos se ulizan para calmar el
estrs. Como padre, usted es el mejor para
decidir el momento mas adecuado en el
que el chupete o la botella deban dejar de
usarse: es su decisin, recuerde eliminarlas
gradualmente, as que tmese su empo.
Un chupete puede ser una cosa pequea,
pero podra signicar mucho para su hijo.
Aqu hay algunos consejos para ayudar a su
hijo a dejar de usar el chupete cuando sea
el momento adecuado para ambos.
Cuando est listo para detener o reducir
el uso de su hijo de un chupete, pueden
ayudar las siguientes ideas.
* Qutese un poco de presin, recuerde
que chupar un chupete nunca se convierte
en un hbito permanente. Muchos nios
dejarn de usar el chupete por s mismos.
* Evite el uso prolongado de chupetes y NO
moje el chupete en miel, azcar o jarabe.
* Elija su empo. Un perodo de cambio o
estrs para usted o su nio no puede ser
un buen momento para renunciar a su uso.
* Hable con su hijo sobre renunciar al
chupete, si su hijo ene edad suciente
para comprender.
* Cuando usted y su hijo estn listos,
comience por restringir el uso del chupete
a determinados empos y lugares, como
en el coche o la cuna. Esto dar a su hijo
una oportunidad para acostumbrarse a
estar sin el chupete.
* Fomente el uso de otros tranquilizantes
como una manta o un peluche, si estos son
socialmente ms aceptables.
* Una vez que su hijo se encuentre durante
largos perodos sin el chupete, establezca
una fecha y hora - entonces qutele el
* Marcar la ocasin de converrse en libre
de chupete con una celebracin o una
recompensa especial.
* Por lmo, trate de no dar marcha atrs.
No importa qu tan bien haya preparado
a su hijo para este cambio, espere cierto
malestar y algunas protestas.
Algunos expertos dicen que incluso podra
ayudar el perder literalmente el chupete
(botarlos todos, por ejemplo). De esta
forma, se elimina la tentacin de dar vuelta
atrs. Usted puede ser honesto (pero
comprensivo) con su hijo cuando diga que
no puede encontrar el chupete.
Ahora lo mismo se aplica a la botella,
especialmente si se uliza durante la
noche. Las caries en nios ocurren ms
a menudo en la parte superior e inferior
delantera de los dientes (incisivos) y puede
ser un problema grave. Los nios necesitan
dientes fuertes y sanos. Estos dientes
ayudan a los nios a mascar los alimentos,
hablar y a tener suciente espacio en su
mandbula para que los dientes adultos
crezcan derechos. Sin embargo, los bebs
que constantemente beben de una botella
pueden desarrollar el sndrome de la
botella de leche.
El sndrome de la botella de leche, tambin
llamado sndrome de botella de beb, se
produce cuando un beb connuamente
bebe de una botella llena de lquidos
azucarados, como leche o jugo. El resultado
es caries graves. Los bebs con el sndrome
experimentan dolor, enen problemas
para comer y pueden tener problemas con
sus dientes adultos. Lamentablemente,
las opciones de tratamiento de los casos
ms severos pueden ser costosas, ya que
pueden implicar extraccin de dientes bajo
anestesia. Por lo tanto, es mejor centrarse
en medidas prevenvas.
Consejos de alimentacin para prevenir la
* NO llene la botella de su hijo con lquidos
que son altos en azcar, como ponche,
gelana o refrescos.
* Ponga a su hijo en la cama con una botella
de agua solamente--no jugo, leche u otras
* D a los nios de las edades de 6-12
meses nicamente frmula para beber en
* Quite la botella o deje de lactar cuando
su hijo se haya quedado dormido.
* Evite dejar a su hijo caminar con una
botella de jugo o leche y usarla como un
* Comience a ensear a su hijo a beber
de una taza a alrededor de los 6 meses
de edad. Trate de dejar de usar la botella
entre los 12-14 meses de edad.
* Lmite el jugo a menos de 6 onzas por da
durante las comidas.
Si ene un recin nacido, sea consciente
de cuan a menudo uliza un chupete o
una botella para consolar a su hijo. Intente
cantar, balancear o hablar con su hijo como
suplentes para el bibern o el chupete.
Si su hijo est pasado la edad de usar un
bibern o chupete, intente las sugerencias
y sea consistente con su enfoque y no se d
por vencido. Usted desea que su hijo tenga
dientes hermosos y saludables para el
resto de su vida y le puede ayudar a lograr
ese objevo. Recuerde, usted es primer
maestro y mejor defensor de su nio.
Child and Family
Los malos hbitos son diciles de quitar a cualquier edad
Bad Habits are Hard to Break at Any Age
As parents we all nd ourselves comforng
our fussy babies by introducing paciers
and boles because these items seem to
do the trick. Although a pacier or bole
may seem harmless and in fact do help a
child to self-regulate, they can also create
bad habits. Parents that allow their child
past the age of one to sll suck on a pacier
or worst yet, sleep with a milk bole are
potenally harming their child rather than
doing good.
Too oen I see pre-school children sll
using a pacier or bole. Now as any habit,
for a child or adult, it can be hard to break.
Keep in mind that these comfort items are
used to defuse stress. As a parent, you are
best placed to decide on the right me for
a pacier or bole to go its your decision,
so remember to eliminate them gradually,
so take your me.
A pacier may be a small thing, but it might
mean a lot to your child. Here are some
ps for helping your child to stop using a
pacier when the me is right for both of
When youre ready to stop or reduce your
childs use of a pacier, the following ideas
can help.
* Take some pressure o by reminding
yourself that sucking a pacier never
becomes a lifelong habit. Many children
will stop using a dummy by themselves.
* Avoid prolonged use of paciers and DO
NOT dip the pacier in honey, sugar, or
* Choose your ming. A period of change
or stress for you or your child might not be
a good me to give it up.
* Talk to your child about giving up the
pacier, if your child is old enough to
* When you and your child are ready, begin
by restricng pacier use to certain mes
and places, such as in the car or cot. This
gives your child a chance to get used to
being without the pacier.
* Encourage the use of other comforters
such as a blanket or teddy, if these are
more socially acceptable.
* Once your child is coping for longer
periods without the pacier, set a me and
date then take away the pacier.
* Mark the occasion of becoming pacier-
free with a celebraon or special reward.
* Finally, try not to turn back. No maer
how well you have prepared your child for
this change, expect some discomfort and
some protest.
Some experts say that it might even help
to literally lose the pacier (throw them
all away, for example). This way, the
temptaon to turn back is removed. You
can be honest (but understanding) with
your child when you say you cant nd the
Now the same applies to the bole,
especially if used at night me. Tooth decay
in young children occurs most oen in the
upper and lower front teeth (incisors) and
can be a serious problem. Children need
strong, healthy baby teeth. These teeth
help children chew food, speak, and have
enough space in his or her jaw for the adult
teeth to grow in straight. However, babies
who connuously drink from a bole may
develop milk bole syndrome.
Milk bole syndrome, also called baby
bole syndrome, is caused when a baby
connuously drinks from a bole lled with
sugary liquids, such as milk or juice. The
result is severe tooth decay. Babies with
the syndrome will experience pain, have
trouble eang, and may have problems
with their adult teeth. Unfortunately,
treatment opons of severe cases can
be costly, since they may involve tooth
removal under anesthesia. Therefore, it is
best to focus on preventave measures.
Feeding ps to prevent tooth decay:
* DO NOT ll your childs bole with uids
that are high in sugar, such as punch,
gelan, or so drinks.
* Put your child to bed with a bole of
water only -- not juice, milk, or other drinks.
* Give children ages 6 - 12 months only
formula to drink in boles.
* Remove the bole or stop nursing when
your child has fallen asleep.
* Avoid le ng your child walk around using
a bole of juice or milk as a pacier.
* Begin teaching your child to drink from a
cup at around 6 months of age. Try to stop
using a bole by age 12 - 14 months.
* Limit juice to fewer than 6 ounces per day
during meals.
If you have a new born, be aware of
how oen you use a pacier or bole to
comfort your child. Try singing, rocking or
talking to your child as alternates for the
bole or pacier. If your child is past the
age of using a bole or pacier, try the
ps provided and be consistent with your
approach and dont give in. You want your
child to have beauful and healthy teeth
for the rest of his or her life and you can
help achieve that. Remember, you are your
childs rst teacher and best advocate.
Ida Prez is the Director of Ibero Early Child-
hood Services at Ibero American Action League
Children and Youth Department. Ida is part of
the Advisory Committee for 292-Baby and Early
Childhood Education Quality Council. She is
a graduate of Roberts Wesleyan OM Program
and a life-long resident of Rochester where she
lives with her two adult daughters and one grand-
Ida Perez
12 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
Naturaleza versus la crianza o ambiente externo es
nuestro material genco el que determina nuestro futuro?
El debate de la naturaleza frente a la
educacin o ambiente ha sido analizado
y debado anteriormente. Es nuestro
material genco que hemos recibido de
nuestros padres y antepasados ??lo que
determina cmo nuestro cuerpo se ve, su
funcin y nuestras futuras condiciones de
salud? O es nuestro medio ambiente el
que lo determina? Sern los dos? Ser uno
ms fuerte que el otro? Como profesional
en la medicina quiroprcca y mdico
vitalista de la salud, creo rmemente que
nuestro eslo de vida ene un efecto
enorme en nuestra siologa (cmo
funciona nuestro cuerpo), y afecta nuestra
salud sica, emocional y bienestar qumico
del cuerpo. La capacidad de nuestro cuerpo
para adaptarse y reaccionar con el medio
ambiente ha sido muy bien explorado, y
diversas formas de medicina alternava-
como la acupuntura (busca equilibrar el chi
y armonizar el yin y el yang) y la atencin
quiroprcca (que cree en la fuerza innata
del organismo y sta regula todas las
funciones de nuestro cuerpo mediante el
sistema nervioso).
En un arculo publicado en la revista Time
por John Cloud en 2010, se describen
varios estudios para demostrar cmo la
informacin genca de los individuos y los
animales ha cambiado debido al entorno en
el que stos han vivido y tambin introduce
un nuevo trmino: La epigenca. La
epigenca es el estudio de los cambios
en la acvidad del material genco sin
modicaciones del cdigo genco, pero
estos cambios an se transmiten al menos
de una generacin a la siguiente. (1) Pienso
que es como un interruptor de luz que se
enciende, y puede enfazar o disminuir
ciertas reas del ADN de ciertos genes.
Estos marcadores epigencos (o
interruptores-como me gusta visualizarlo)
han demostrado ser inuenciados por
factores ambientales como la dieta, el
estrs y la nutricin prenatal. Estos cambios
en la expresin de los genes, afectar la
expresin de la siologa del cuerpo, cmo
funciona nuestro cuerpo y tambin puede
ser transmida de una generacin a la
siguiente. Estos hallazgos los considero
muy fascinantes y alentadores.
En 1986, por ejemplo, la revista The Lancet
public un arculo por el Dr. Lars Olov
Bygren que demuestra que si una mujer
embarazada llevaba una pobre nutricin,
su hijo estara en mucho mayor riesgo de
enfermedad cardiovascular en la edad
En un estudio publicado en 2001, en la
revista Acta Biotheoreca el holands,
el Dr. Bygren escribi sobre una poblacin
de Norrboen, (una provincia sueca) y
sobre la gente de Overkalix (un municipio
de Norrboen). Durante el siglo 19, esta
poblacin pas hambre durante algunos
aos y otros fueron aos de abundancia.
Sus observaciones mostraron que los
nietos de los nios que haban comido en
exceso murieron un promedio de seis aos
antes que los nietos de aquellos que haban
padecido una mala cosecha. En trabajos
posteriores con diferentes cohortes de
Norrboen tambin se encontr que
las hijas y nietas de mujeres que haban
cambiado de dietas o nutricin normal a
etapas de sobre alimentacin y glotonera
tambin vivieron vidas ms cortas. Cmo
puede ser esto posible? La epigenca.
En otro estudio, el Dr. Bygren junto a
otros invesgadores ulizaron el Estudio
Longitudinal Avon de Padres e Hijos
(ALSPAC), con sede en la Universidad de
Bristol, en Inglaterra. ALSPAC estudi
consecuvamente a miles de jvenes y a
sus padres desde antes de que los nios
nacieran, en 1991 y 1992. Para el estudio,
14,024 mujeres embarazadas fueron
reclutadas. Esta invesgacin ofrece la
siguiente informacin:
1. Lociones para bebs que conenen
aceite de man pueden ser en parte
responsable del aumento de la alergia al
man, altos niveles de ansiedad materna
durante el embarazo se asocia con el
desarrollo demorado del nio, desarrollo
de condiciones de asma, y los nios
pequeos que se manenen muy limpios
enen un mayor riesgo de sufrir de eczema.
2. Luego en el 2006, en un estudio
publicado en el European Journal of
Human Genecs se observ que de los
14,024 padres en el estudio, 166 dijeron
que haban comenzado a fumar antes de los
11aos de edad edad cuando sus cuerpos
se estaban preparando para la pubertad.
Cuando los invesgadores observaron a
los hijos de los 166 fumadores precoces,
se lleg a la conclusin de que estos
tuvieron un mayor riesgo de obesidad
y otros problemas de salud en la edad
adulta. Es muy probable que estos nios
tambin engan vidas ms cortas, al igual
que los hijos de las personas de Overkalix
que se sobre alimentaban o coman por
** Esto me hace cuesonar, Podran
ciertos medicamentos, exposicin de
toxinas,(mediante alimentos, medio
ambiente, agua, aire) o ciertas vacunas
afectar nuestros Epgenes? Si lo hacen,
entonces tambin me pregunto Cmo?
Por cuntas generaciones ms?
Yo no podra estar ms de acuerdo con el
Dr. Arloski cuando arm que Somos los
principales responsables de nuestra salud.
Esto debera darnos un gran aliento, poder
y conanza!
No podemos connuar pensando
pasivamente y pensar que podemos
hacer muy poco por las enfermedades
y por mejorar nuestra salud. Tenemos
que darnos cuenta que podemos hacer
mucho para mejorar nuestro sistema
inmunolgico. El estrs, la faga y la
pobre alimentacin enen una enorme
inuencia en la capacidad de nuestro
cuerpo para resisr las enfermedades. (8)
La salud de su columna vertebral tambin
debe evaluarse, ya que varios estudios
demuestran que el cuidado quiroprcco
ene un potencial para mejorar su sistema
inmunolgico, mejorar la presin arterial,
la reparacin del ADN y algunas otras reas
de su salud en general. (2-7).
Dejmosle a nuestras generaciones futuras
el mejor legado posible, Una Mejor Salud!
Cuide el bienestar sico, emocional y
qumico que determina su salud, sus nietos,
bisnietos y dems se lo agradecern!
* La informacin anterior no debe ser
ulizada como un consejo mdico.
1- Why your DNA isnt your desny John
Cloud, Times Magazine Jan. 18, 2010.
2- Lancet Oncol. 2008 Nov;9(11):1048-57.
Epub 2008 Sep 15.
3- Surrogatye Inndicaon of DNA Repair
in serum aer long term Chirorpacc
Intervenon-Retrospecve studyClayton
Campbell, Christopher Kent, et al. J.
Vertebral Subluxaon Feb, 2005.
4- Enhanced phagocyc cell respiratory
bursts induced by spinal manipulaon:
Potenal Role of Substance P. Journal
of Manipulave and Physiological
Therepeucs 1991 (14)7:399-400).
5- Chiropracc and Immune system
Patricia Brennan PhD. The chiro Research
Journal: 3(1):1994
6- Salano and Grosc; Eects of upper
cervical adjustments on the CD4 counts of
HIV Posive Paents. Chiropracc Research
Journal 1994
7- The Eect of Chiropracc Spinal
Manipulave Therapy on Salivary Corsol
Levels. Australian Journal of Chiropracc
and Osteopathy 1998
8- Long Term Remission and Alleviaon of
Symptoms in Allergy and Crohns Disease
Paents Following Spinal Adjustment for
Reducon of Vertebral Subluxaons;
JVSR, November 2002
9- Living the ten tenets of Wellness by
Dr. Michael Arloski; Pathways to family
Wellness Magazine: Summer 2011, Issue
30, pp. 18-19
Vitalisc Health Corner
mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 13
Nature versus Nurture, is our
genec material the one that determines our future?
The debate of nature vs. nurture has been
long explored and discussed. Is our genec
material which we received from our
parents and ancestors what determines
how our body looks, funcon and our
future health condions? Or is it our
environment? Is it both? Does one override
the other? As a chiropractor and vitalisc
health care praconer, I strongly believe
that our lifestyles have an enormous eect
in our physiology (how our body works),
and will impact our physical, emoonal
and chemical well-being. Our bodys ability
to adapt and react to the environment
has been well explored, and believed by
various forms of alternave-vitalisc
medicine such as acupuncture (balance of
the chi and harmonizing the yin and yang)
and chiropracc care (which believes in the
innate force within the body that regulates
all our body funcons though the nervous
In an arcle published in the Time Magazine
by John Cloud in 2010, various studies are
described to demonstrate how the genec
informaon of individuals and animals
has been changed by the environment
where they lived and it also introduces a
new term: epigenecs. Epigenecs is the
study of changes in the genec material
acvity that do not involve alteraons to
the genec code but sll get passed down
to at least one generaon. (1) I like to think
of it as a light switch that turns on, o or
makes certain areas of the DNA or certain
genes work more or less intensely. These
epigenec marks (or switches-as I like
to visualize them) have been shown to be
inuenced by environmental factors like
diet, stress and prenatal nutrion. These
changes in the expression of the genes, will
aect the expression of the physiology of
the body, how our body works and it can
also be passed from one generaon to
the next. I nd these ndings, fascinang
very encouraging and more than anything
In 1986, for example, the Lancet published
a paper by Dr. Lars Olov Bygren showing
that if a pregnant woman ate poorly, her
child would be at signicantly higher than
average risk for cardiovascular disease as
an adult.
In a study published in 2001, in the Dutch
journal Acta Biotheoreca, Dr. Bygren
wrote about a populaon of Norrboen, (a
Swedish province) and about people from
Overkalix (a municipality of Norrboen).
During the 19th century, people starved
during certain years and there were years of
abundance. His observaons showed that
the grandsons of boys who had overeaten
died an average of six years earlier than
the grandsons of those who had endured
a poor harvest. Later papers using dierent
Norrboen cohorts also found that the
daughters and granddaughters of girls who
had gone from normal to gluonous diets
also lived shorter lives. How could this be
possible? Epigenecs!!
In another study, Dr. Bygren along
with other researchers used the Avon
Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
(ALSPAC), based at the University of Bristol,
in England. ALSPAC has followed thousands
of young people and their parents since
before the kids were born, in 1991 and
1992. For the study, 14,024 pregnant
mothers were recruited. This research
oered the following informaon:
1. Baby loons containing peanut oil may
be partly responsible for the rise in peanut
allergies; high maternal anxiety during
pregnancy is associated with the childs
later development of asthma; lile kids
who are kept too clean are at higher risk
for eczema.

2. Then published in 2006 in the European
Journal of Human Genecs, it was noted
that of the 14,024 fathers in the study, 166
said they had started smoking before age
11 just as their bodies were preparing
for puberty. When the researchers looked
at the sons of those 166 early smokers,
concluded that they will be at higher risk
for obesity and other health problems well
into adulthood. Its very likely these boys
will also have shorter life spans, just as the
children of the Overkalix overeaters did.
**This makes me queson, could certain
medicaons, toxicity exposure though
environment, water, air and even certain
food and vaccinaons aect our epigenes?
If they do, then how? For how many
generaons ahead?
I couldnt agree more with Dr. Arloski
when he stated that We are primarily
responsible for our health. This should be
an empowerment for us!
We cant connue to be in the path of
passivity and illness thinking that we can
do very lile to improve our health. We
have to realize, that we can do a lot to
boost our immune system. Stress, fague
and poor diet have a tremendous inuence
on our bodys ability to resist illness and
disease. (8) Your spine health should
be also evaluated, since various studies
demonstrate that chiropracc care have
a potenal to improve your the immune
system, high blood pressure, DNA repair
and some other areas of your overall
health. (2-7).
*The informaon above should not be use
as a medical advice.
1- Why your DNA isnt your desny John
Cloud, Times Magazine Jan. 18, 2010.
2- Lancet Oncol. 2008 Nov;9(11):1048-57.
Epub 2008 Sep 15.
3- Surrogatye Inndicaon of DNA Repair
in serum aer long term Chirorpacc
Intervenon-Retrospecve studyClayton
Campbell, Christopher Kent, et al. J.
Vertebral Subluxaon Feb, 2005.
4- Enhanced phagocyc cell respiratory
bursts induced by spinal manipulaon:
Potenal Role of Substance P. Journal
of Manipulave and Physiological
Therepeucs 1991 (14)7:399-400).
5- Chiropracc and Immune system
Patricia Brennan PhD. The chiro Research
Journal: 3(1):1994
6- Salano and Grosc; Eects of upper
cervical adjustments on the CD4 counts of
HIV Posive Paents. Chiropracc Research
Journal 1994
7- The Eect of Chiropracc Spinal
Manipulave Therapy on Salivary Corsol
Levels. Australian Journal of Chiropracc
and Osteopathy 1998
8- Long Term Remission and Alleviaon of
Symptoms in Allergy and Crohns Disease
Paents Following Spinal Adjustment for
Reducon of Vertebral Subluxaons;
JVSR, November 2002
9- Living the ten tenets of Wellness by
Dr. Michael Arloski; Pathways to family
Wellness Magazine: Summer 2011, Issue
30, pp. 18-19
Vitalisc Health Corner
Real Language Consul t i ng
Spani sh Consul t i ng
Teaching - Interpretation - Translation
Marcela Villarreal
ph: 585.278.8587 Email:
14 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
Por Deysi Reagan, HCR Home Care
Benjamn Chvez, es un hombre
relavamente joven, que pas a ser de una
persona saludable a alguien que requiere
de un trasplante del corazn con tan solo
44 aos de edad. Recientemente fue
diagnoscado con diabetes. Chvez habra
deseado, tener ms conocimiento acerca
un eslo de vida sano aos atrs, as el
hubiese podido haber tomado medidas
prevenvas para su salud.
Las enfermedades relacionadas con la
Insuciencia Cardaca (siglas en ingls CHF)
son una devastadora epidemia en Amrica,
con un esmado de ms de un milln de
hospitalizaciones y cerca de 300, 000
muertes cada ao. Estas enfermedades
les impiden a los individuos realizar
tareas simples. La Insuciencia Cardaca
es la causa principal de hospitalizaciones
entre las personas mayores de 65 aos de
edad. Sin embargo individuos ms jvenes
estn tambin bajo riesgo. La Insuciencia
Cardaca o Fallo Congesvo signica que
el corazn est bombeando ms lento de
lo normal, no signica literalmente que
su corazn se ha detenido. Solamente
en el Condado de Monroe, ms de 2,000
hospitalizaciones debido a esta condicin
enen lugar cada ao.
Entre los aos 2004 -2006 la tasa media
de hospitalizacin debido a la Insuciencia
Cardaca (siglas en ingls CHF) para los
Lanos fue de 576 por cada 100,000,
comparado con 351 por cada 100,000
entre los Caucsicos/no Lanos. La
causa principal de muerte entre los
Lanos nacionalmente es la enfermedad
del corazn. En general, los Lanos no
enen conciencia de la importancia que
representa hacer cambios en el eslo
de vida (por ejemplo el comer saludable
y estar acvos) lo cual puede ayudar a
prevenir las enfermedades cardacas.
En mi sueo yo me veo fumando; y en
el mismo sueo me digo a m mismo que
tengo que esperar 6 meses sin tocar el
cigarro expres Chvez, quien ahora est
en la lista para trasplante del corazn en el
Hospital Strong Memorial. Chvez trabaja
en conjunto con la agencia de salud para
crear un eslo de vida que lo ayudar a
estar ms saludable mientras espera por el
Chvez recibe la asistencia de la trabajadora
social, la enfermera, la nutricionista, y la
sioterapeuta quienes lo ensean acerca
de las enfermedades del corazn, de la
insuciencia cardaca y la diabetes. Estos
clnicos tambin le ensean cmo hacer
los cambios fundamentales en el eslo de
vida para mantenerse saludable a travs
del ejercicio y la alimentacin sana. La
enfermera de servicios domiciliarios ayuda
a Chvez en el manejo y cumplimiento de
la runa de los medicamentos. Estoy muy
agradecido al equipo de HCR [Home Care].
Hay tantas cosas que tengo que aprender
y entender, tantas cosas con las que tengo
que lidiar, que nunca lo podra lograr sin el
apoyo de este equipo expres Chvez.
Krishna Rao, MD, una cardiloga del Grupo
Cardiopulmonar de Rochester a menudo
trata individuos con enfermedades
crnicas del corazn para darles una
segunda opinin en el momento en que
la enfermedad parece estar fuera de
control. De acuerdo a la Doctora Rao Las
enfermeras juegan un papel clave en la
idencacin y la comunicacin de los
sntomas tempranos cuando falla de la
defensa del corazn y esta idencacin
permite intervenir rpidamente y mejorar
los resultados de los pacientes Rao cree
en la importancia de la vigilancia constante
por parte de los profesionales mdicos
con conocimiento sobre las enfermedades
cardacas, para ayudar a los pacientes
a aprender a controlar la enfermedad
y vivir saludablemente. Rao connua,
la atencin erna, amorosa y eciente
que presta el personal de HCR es vital
para el bienestar de esta poblacin con
insuciencia cardaca que de otra manera
estara muy enferma.
Benjamn Chvez ofrece una importante
leccin con respecto al eslo de vida
saludable nunca es demasiado tarde
para hacer cambios. Conozca su Presin
Arterial, mantenga un peso saludable
a travs de una alimentacin sana y de
una vida ms acva, y lo ms importante
escuche a su cuerpo! Si nota cambios que
afectan su habilidad para realizar tareas
simples, hable con su mdico. Una consulta
con una enfermera de la salud puede
ponerlo en un plan para reducir el impacto
de la enfermedad cardaca. No sea parte de
las ms de 2,000 personas en el Condado
de Monroe que son hospitalizadas por fallo
cardaco cada ao.
Deysi Reagan es una traductora y
especialista en Apoyo Clnico para el
programa de Telesalud en HCR Home Care,
cuyo propsito es reducir las disparidades
en los resultados de salud de los grupos
minoritarios lanos y otras minoras. HCR
provee enfermera, Terapia, Servicios de
Asistentes de Salud a Domicilio y Servicios
de acompaante para las personas mayores
en la comodidad de sus hogares. Es la nica
Agencia de Salud Domiciliaria en nuestra
regin que ha sido designada ganadora del
Premio Top 100 Home Care Elite, y es una
aliada valiosa de los peridicos Minority
Reporter y La Voz. Para ms informacin
llame al 585-295-6590, o visite la pgina
Cuidados Domiciliarios: Insuciencia Cardaca Congesva
Care at Home: Congesve Heart Failure
By Deysi Reagan, HCR Home Care
Benjamin Chavez descended very quickly
from being a healthy young man to
someone requiring a heart transplant
at the age of 44. He was also recently
diagnosed with diabetes. Chavez wishes he
had known more about healthy living when
he was younger so that he could have taken
preventave steps for his health.
With over one million hospitalizaons and
nearly 300,000 deaths each year, heart
failure-related diseases are a devastang
epidemic in America. These diseases
prevent individuals from performing
simple tasks. It is the leading cause of
hospitalizaon for people over the age of
65; however younger individuals are also
at risk. Heart failure means that the heart
is pumping more weakly than normal, not
that the heart has literally stopped. In
Monroe County alone, more than 2,000
hospitalizaons for heart failure take place
each year.
From 2004 to 2006 the average rate of
hospitalizaons for Lanos was 576 per
100,000, compared to 351 per 100,000
among White/non-Lanos due to
congesve heart failure or CHF. The leading
cause of death among Lanos naonally
is heart disease. In general, Lanos are
unaware of the important lifestyle changes
(such as healthy eang and staying acve)
that can help prevent heart disease.
In my dream I smoked; in the same dream
I said to myself I have to wait six months
without touching a cigaree stated
Chavez, who is now on the transplant list
at Strong Memorial Hospital. Chavez is
working with a home care agency to create
lifestyle changes that will help him become
healthier as he awaits his transplant.
Chavez works with a social worker, nurse,
diean, and physical therapist who teach
him about heart disease, heart failure,
and diabetes. These clinicians also teach
Chavez how to make fundamental lifestyle
changes to keep him healthy through
physical exercise and healthy eang
habits. His home care nurse helps Chavez
manage his medicaons and keeps him
compliant with his medicaon roune. I
am very grateful to the HCR [Home Care]
team. There is so much I have to learn and
understand, so much to deal with, that I
wouldnt have been able to do without
their support, stated Chavez.
Krishna Rao, MD, a cardiologist with
Rochester Cardiopulmonary Group oen
sees individuals diagnosed with chronic
heart diseases for a second opinion when
their disease seems to connue to be out
of control. According to Rao, nurses play a
key role in idenfying and communicang
early signs and symptoms of heart defense-
failure leading to early intervenons and
improved paent outcomes. Rao believes
in the importance of consistent oversight
from a medical professional knowledgeable
in cardiac disease, to help paents learn
to control their disease and live healthier
lives. Rao connues, the tender loving
and e cient care rendered by HCR sta
is proving vital to the well being of this
otherwise very sick populaon with heart
Benjamin Chavez provides an important
lesson regarding healthy living its never
too late to make changes. Know your
blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight
by eang well and staying acve, and
most importantly listen to your body! If
you noce changes that aect your ability
to perform simple daily tasks, talk to a
health care provider. Consulng with a
home health nurse can put you on a plan
to reduce the impact of cardiac disease.
Dont be one of the more than 2,000
people in Monroe County hospitalized for
heart failure each year.
Deysi Reagan is a translator and Telehealth
Clinical Support Specialist at HCR Home
Care, whose purpose is reducing disparies
in health outcomes of the Lano and other
minority groups. HCR provides nursing,
therapy, home health aide service, and
companion care to older adults in the
comfort of their homes. It is the only home
care agency in our region to be designated
a winner of the naonal Top 100 Home
Care Elite Award, and is a valued partner of
Minority Reporter and La Voz newspapers.
To learn more call us at 585-295-6590, or
From le to right, Amy Merkle, RN, Mr. Chavez; Kae DuRei, PT; and Kathy Rissew,
Social Worker
De izquierda a derecha, Amy Merkle, RN; Mr. Chvez; Kae DuRei, PT; y Kathy Rissew,
Social Worker
mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 15
Para ms informacin acerca de los
programas y servicios de HCR, llmenos!
En HCR Home Care, nosotros entendemos y
reconocemos sus preferencias culturales con
respecto a su cuidado de salud. Nuestra meta es
satisfacer sus necesidades de cuidados a
domicilio de una manera culturalmente sensible
y apropiada para usted y su familia. Nosotros
respetamos y apoyamos las tradiciones de su
familia, sus creencias religiosas, y facilitamos sus
requerimientos referentes al idioma.
Juanita Rodrguez, Enferma Registrada de HCR Home Care,
tomando los signos vitales
Enfermera especializada
Terapia Ocupacional
Logopeda (terapia del
habla y el lenguaje)
Un Cuidado Culturamente Sensible
en la comodidad y seguridad de su propio hogar
Servicios de Cuidados domiciliarios
Trabajo Social Mdico
Asistentes de Salud
Servicio de Acompaante
Nutricionista Registrada
5 aos - 15 trabajadores
10 aos 2 trabajadores
15 aos 1 trabajador
Reconocimiento reciente a los trabajadores por sus aos de servicio
HCR es conocida por proporcionar el mejor cuidado de calidad
conseguir la paz mental y la comodidad que usted se merece. El Cuidado
domiciliario est diseado para mantener su calidad de vida en su propio
hogar de manera segura y exitosa Podemos hacerlo!
Agradecimiento especial a nuestros 200 trabajadores hispanos!
Gracias por su trabajo duro y por su dedicacin!
Un Cuidado -- Culturalmente Sensible
en la comodidad y seguridad de su propio hogar
16 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 1166 1
El Da de las Madres se celebra en
Mxico el 10 de mayo. Generalmente
nos reunimos en familia para celebrar
a nuestras madres y abuelas ya sea
para comer en un restaurant o una
comida familiar.
Recuerdo los lindos regalos que
mi nio me haca cuando estaba
en primaria. Tantas manualidades
y tarjetitas que entregaba el da
del Festival de las Madres. En las
escuelas de mi pas se invita a las
madres a este festival en el que
pueden ver a sus hijos cantar, bailar,
declamar todo para festejar a las
madres. Generalmente los festivales
se realizan uno o dos das antes del
10 de mayo.
Ivonne y su hijo han vivido en Estados
Unidos por 2 aos y medio.
Recuerdo los lindos regalos que
mi nio me haca cuando estaba
en primaria. Tantas manualidades
y tarjetitas que entregaba el da
del Festival de las Madres. En las
escuelas de mi pas se invita a las
madres a este festival en el que
pueden ver a sus hijos cantar, bailar,
declamar todo para festejar a las
madres. Generalmente los festivales
se realizan uno o dos das antes del
10 de mayo.
Yo tengo solo un hijo y he vivido en
Estados Unidos por 2 aos y medio.
Ivonne Ponicsan- Mxico
Mothers Day in Mexico is celebrated
May 10th. Generally we meet with
family to celebrate with our mothers
and grandmothers. We enjoy a family
dinner at home or we go out to a
I remember the pretty gifts that
my boy did for me when he was in
elementary school. So many crafts
and cards are given on Mothers
Day. In the schools of my country the
mothers are invited to this festival in
which they can see their children sing,
dance to commemorate the mothers.
The festivals are generally made one
or two days before May 10th.
Ivonne has a son. They have been
living in the USA for two and a half
El Da de la Madre en Costa Rica
se celebra el 15 y Agosto es un
da de esta nacional. Como da
feriado se cierran los bancos,
escuelas, ocinas de Gobierno, y
la mayora de las empresas. El Da
de las Madres tambin es la esta
de la de la Asuncin de la Virgen
Mara madre de Dios a los cielos,
tambin conocido como el Da de
la Asuncin, y es una de la estas
principales de la Virgen Mara en
Costa Rica. Lo celebramos yendo
a la iglesia, y compartiendo en
familia, los hijos vienen a visitar a sus
madres con regalos y ores, cenamos
y pasamos tiempo con la familia.
Jeanneth tiene tres hija, Alejandra,
Mariana y Melanie.
Jeanneth Garbanzo - Costa Rica
Mothers day in Costa Rica is
celebrated on August 15th and it is
a big deal--a national holiday; they
close the banks, schools, government
ofces, and most businesses. Mothers
day is also the feast day of the
Assumption of Mary, also known as
Assumption Day. It celebrates the
day that the Virgin Mary ascended
into Heaven following her death. It is
the principal feast day of the Virgin
Mother. We celebrate it by going to
church, and we make it into a family
day--most kids come to visit with gifts
and owers. We have dinner and
spend time with the family.
Jeanneth has three girls, Alejandra,
Mariana and Melanie.
Los panameos celebran el da de
las Madres el 8 de diciembre, la
fecha de la Inmaculada Concepcin
de Mara. Es una esta nacional que
normalmente se observa con una
gran esta que inicia el comienzo
de la temporada de Navidad y se
ha celebrado de esta manera por
generaciones. La esta tradicional
consiste en una variedad de platos
espaoles, pero siempre incluye
Lorena tiene dos hijas: Mara y
Lorena Devia - Panama
Panamanians celebrate Mothers day
on December 8th, the date of the
Immaculate Conception of Mary. It is
a national holiday normally observed
with a grand feast that commences
the beginning of the Christmas
season and has been celebrated
this way for generations. The feast
traditionally consists of a variety of
Spanish dishes but always includes
Lorena has two daughters: Mara and
Luz de Maria Rodriguez - El Salvador
El Da de la Madre en El Salvador
se observa siempre en el da 10 de
mayo. A menudo las personas se
les permite el da anterior y el da
despus de ausentarse del trabajo
para permitir el viaje a ver a sus
madres. La comida tradicional para
la celebracin se rellena de pollo
con arroz blanco y una ensalada
Luz tiene cuatro hijos adultos y siete
Mothers Day in El Salvador is always
observed on the 10th of May. Often
people are allowed to be off from
work the day before and the day
after so they can travel to see their
mothers. The traditional meal for the
celebration is stuffed chicken with
white rice and a green salad.
Luz was born and raised in El
Salvador she has four adult children
and 7 grand children.
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How We Celebrate
Mothers Day
Latina Women Talk About How They Celebrate Mothers Day in Their Native Country
mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 17
Lorena Mendoza - Ecuador
En el Ecuador se celebra el Da de
las madres el segundo domingo
de mayo. El Da de las Madres en
el Ecuador es una celebracin
nica en muchos sentidos. Algunas
familias hacen regalos y pasan las
reuniones y estas. El ms deseado
acto de amor es una serenata una
Da de las Madres, y puede ir toda
la noche. El marido y los nios se
despiertan a las 6 de la maana,
justo a tiempo para preparar el
desayuno de el Da de las Madres.
Aunque muchas madres pasan
la vspera del Da de las Madres
solas con sus hijos cocinando y
escuchando msica clsica la
favorita de mam.
Lorena tiene dos hijos: Valeria y
In Ecuador we Celebrate mothers
day on the second Sunday of
May. Mothers Day in Ecuador is a
unique celebration in many ways.
Some families give gifts and have
gatherings and feasts. The most
wished for act of love is a Mothers
Day serenade, and it can go all
night. The husband and children
are awakened at around 6am, just
in time to prepare Mothers Day
breakfast. Although many mothers
spend the eve of Mothers Day
alone with their children cooking
and listening to moms favorite
classical music.
Lorena has two Children: Valeria
and Adriana.
Lucy Romero - Colombia
En Colombia se celebra el Da de
la madre el segundo domingo de
Es una ocasin muy especial para
celebrar con la familia, hay muchas
maneras de celebrar el Da de la
Madre. Estos incluyen (pero no
se limitan a): Dar tarjetas, ores o
pasteles; las reuniones familiares o
visitas, los desayunos en la cama,
almuerzos, comidas y cenas, ya
sea en casa o en un restaurante;
Llamadas telefnicas personales,
en particular de los nios que viven
lejos de sus madres. En la escuela
el maestro le ensea a los nios
un poema del Dia de las Madres.
Regalos de chocolate, joyas,
accesorios, ropa, tarjetas hechas a
mano son muy comunes.
Lucy tiene dos hijos: Stephanie
Romero y Sebastin Romero.
In Colombia we Celebrate Mothers
Day on the second Sunday of May.
Its a very special occasion to
celebrate with family.
There are many different ways
to celebrate Mothers Day. They
include (but are not limited to):
Giving cards, owers, or cakes;
family gatherings or visits, breakfast
in bed, brunches, lunches, and
dinners either at home, or at a
restaurant; personal phone calls,
particularly from children who live
away from their mothers. At school
teachers teach the kids Mothers
Day poems. Gifts of chocolate,
jewelry, accessories, clothing, and
handmade cards are very common.
Lucy has two Children: Stephanie
Romero and Sebastian Romero.
En el Per celebramos el Da de la
Madre siempre el segundo domingo
de mayo. Mientras los hijos estn
chiquitos, nos cantan las maanitas
cuando despiertan y recibimos
ores. Mi familia se rene para
almorzar y pasamos el da reunidos
y recordando a las madres que ya
no estn con nosotros.
Lily tiene dos hijos. Ellos han estado
viviendo en los EEUU desde 1987.
Lily Arce- Per
In Peru we always celebrate Mothers
Day the second Sunday of May.
While the children are little, they sing
the Maanitas to us when they
wake up and we received owers.
My family meets to have lunch and
we spent the day together and
remembering the mothers who no
longer are with us.
Lily has two children. They have
been living in the U.S.A. since 1987.
18 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
ROCHESTER, NY, Tuesday, May 15,
2012-Dr. Bolgen Vargas, newly elected
superintendent of the Rochester City
School District, was the keynote speaker
for the Red Cross Next Generaon Leaders
Program held at the Bethel Chrisan
Fellowship Body Shop, 321 East Ave.
50 parcipants were recognized and
celebrated for their parcipaon in a
program that is designed to promote
leadership, community service, and
responsibility in high school-aged youth.
One of the many big accomplishments
highlighted at the program was a blood
drive that youth from Monroe High School
coordinated on May 1. Thanks to the
recruitment eorts of the students, the
drive was able to secure dozens of new
donors and increased the blood stock in
our community, especially from a diverse
donor populaon, said Kay E. Schwartz,
Chief Execuve O cer of the NY-PENN
Region of the American Red Cross Blood
The number of producve units collected
was the highest in the City School District
this year and one of the most successful
City School District drives since I have been
associated with the American Red Cross,
Schwartz said. The 44 units collected will
help save the lives of up to 120 people.
Youth from the following schools were
Bishop Kearney High School
Early College Internaonal High School
East High School
Hilton High School
Irondequoit High School
James Monroe High School
Pisford Mendon High School
School of the Arts
Wilson Commencement Academy
Vanguard Collegiate High School
Red Cross Recognizes 2012
Class of Next Generaon Leaders Program
Red Cross Next Generaon Leaders Program Class of 2012
(L to R) Ms. Keri Donlon, James Monroe H.S. Red Cross Club Advisor, Nathalia Rosado,
memeber of NGLP and Vice President of Red Cross Club at Monroe H.S. and Claribel
Oliveras, from La Voz Newspaper
Ms. Eleonor Payton, James Monroe H.S Red Cross Club Advisor
(L to R) Jennifer Taylor - NGLP Program Coordinator, Joshua Maldonado - member of
NGLP, Liz Cinquino - Assistant Director of Next Generaon Leaders Program
(L to R) Jesse Allen-NGLP Advisory Commiee Member, Taylor Simmons, SOTA NGLP
Member, and Dominic Houston, James Monroe H.S. NGLP Member and Red Cross Club
Photo Credit: Liz G. Rosado
mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012 - :: 19
This me in
the search
for other
e x a m p l e s
of cultural
m e a n i n g ,
the Cafecito
L i t e r a r i o
decided to
get to know
one of the
stories told as
a novel by the
i nt er es t i ng
S p a n i s h
novelist Javier
Moro (1955), whos well-known for his
pleasure in creang novels based on real
facts. We read the Red Sari.
It was a novel that captured our interest
and was able to awaken in the group an
authenc research exercise that revived
our sense of wonder.
For the Cafecito Literario, a mulcultural
group in which, despite being Hispanics,
our customs and tradions vary according
to our country of origin. The Hindu culture
seemed to us as part of one country (India)
on the quest for understanding, despite
its cultural dierences which are cultural,
religious, polical and social.
The story of the romance between Rajiv
and Sonia with all its symbolic meanings, as
well as the novel way of handling things by
Javier Moro gave us the illusion of ge ng
into a story of 1,001 nights, but it also
forced us to open our eyes and invesgate
reality that people live in a country like
India where social mobility is praccally
impossible, due to the division of society
into castes.
However, the Red Sari showed us a story
in which an Italian woman from a simple
family from around Turin becomes part of
one of one of the most powerful families in
the Hindu polical system upon marrying
Rajiv Ghandi and assuming the culture
of her husband. Seeing this cultural
metamorphisis and the great strength
of will of Sonia Maino was the without a
doubt an inspiraon for all those women
who live the adventure of changing their
culture and country due to their union with
a partner who belong to a dierent culture.
Some people of the group qualied Sonia
as a woman who is very submissive who
was resolved to obey the rules imposed by
her husband, in contrast with people who
perceived her as a woman who is exible
and capable of taking on the circumstances
of her life with great wisdom.
The a rmaon of Javier Moro that India
is a country where reality surpasses con
in greatness seemed totally true since it
seems incredible to imagine a country in
which are spoken at least thirty dierent
languages, around 2,000 dialects and
a variety of religions. This all contrasts
notably with western countries.
It seemed to us a paradox to know the
great relevance of the role of women like
Indira Ghandi and Sonia Maino in India
aer seeing some documentaries in which
they talk about the lack of individual
rights and guarantees that many women
in this country face, praccally since the
moment of their birth, since many girls
are abandoned by their parents since they
have to pay a dowry to be able to marry
them o.
Nevertheless, in the romance of Sonia
and Rahiv, we found a marriage that is
carried out with a dierent move from
any polical standard and that which we
took away from this is the deep love felt
by Sonia for Rajiv and for his culture with
which she connuously penetrates deeper
and deeper as me goes on.
We were also able to see in the work of
Moro that desire to show us in Sonia that
woman who, like many foreigners, tries to
keep some basic tradions like Italian food
and contact with her family of origin, with
which in the majority of cases it is di cult
to maintain a pure understanding due to
the ideological changes the occur aer
living abroad for a prolonged period of
Members of the Cafecito Literario carried
out an independent invesgaon to the
end of comparing the novel with reality and
found that the house where the Ghandi
family resided was much more spacious
and luxurious than what is described by
Moro in the novel and that certainly the life
that the family had was less austere than
that which is described.
This book was also an opportunity to
explore inside the history of India and to
demysfy ideas referring to the last name
Ghandi and the connecon with Mahatma
Gandhi, since as we found out, that last
name is popular enough so that Indira
acquired it through her husband Feroze
Gandhi, without this man necessarily being
a relave of Mahatma Gandhi.
Indira Gandhi, as the daughter of
Jawanharla Neru, was the one who began
the saga of the Gandhis with her acve
parcipaon in the ght for independence
of India, directed by the legendary
Mahatma Gandhi, besides occupying in
her country the posts of prime minister,
minister of nances, defense, foreign
relaons, and others.
Death was the starng point with which
The Red Sari starts and ends in which the
great love of ideals and the love of power
of leadership become a great abyss which
the Gandhi dynasty must face and is lost,
one by one, unl it arrives to Sonia as the
next in line.
Upon ending the discussion of this novel
the Cafecito Literario had its interest
piqued to know more about Hindu and
Indian culture due to its great history and
current importance on the world stage.
El Caf ec i t o Li t er ar i o y Javier Moro En El Sari Rojo
The Li t er ar y Caf and Javier Moro In the Red Sari
Por Diana Casais
Esta ocasin en
la bsqueda de
otros signicados
culturales, El
Cafecito Literario
quiso conocer una
de las historias
noveladas del
i n t e r e s a n t e
escritor espaol
Javier Moro
(1955), conocido
por su gusto por
crear novelas
basadas en hechos reales, El Sari Rojo.
Fue la novela que atrap nuestro inters
y fue capaz de despertar en el grupo un
autnco ejercicio de invesgacin que
reaviv nuestra capacidad de asombro.
Para El Cafecito Literario, un grupo
mulcultural en el que, a pesar de ser
hispanos, nuestras costumbres y tradiciones
varan segn nuestro pas de origen. La
cultura hind nos pareci sumamente
interesante debido a su diversidad cultural
y su unidad como parte de un pas en la
bsqueda por el entendimiento, pese a sus
diferencias culturales, religiosas, polcas y
La historia del romance entre Rajiv y Sonia
con todo sus signicados simblicos y el
manejo novelado de Javier Moro nos dio la
ilusin de adentrarnos en un cuento de las
mil y una noches, pero tambin nos forz
a abrir los ojos e invesgar la realdad que
se vive en un pas como la India donde la
permeabilidad social es prccamente
imposible, debido a la divisin de la
sociedad en castas.
Sin embargo El Sari Rojo nos mostr una
historia en la que una mujer italiana de una
familia sencilla de los alrededores de Turn,
se convierte en parte de una de las familias
ms poderosas dentro de la polca Hind
al casarse con Rajiv Gandhi y asumir como
propia, la cultura de su esposo.
El ver esta metamorfosis cultural y la gran
fuerza de voluntad de Sonia Maino fue sin
duda una inspiracin para todas aquellas
mujeres que viven la aventura de cambiar
de pas y cultura debido a su unin con
una pareja que pertenece a una cultura
Algunas personas del grupo catalogaron a
Sonia como una mujer muy sumisa que slo
se resuma a acatar las reglas impuestas
por su marido, en contraste con personas
que la percibieron como una mujer exible
y capaz de asumir las circunstancias de la
vida con una gran sabidura.
La armacin de Javier Moro respecto
a que la India es un pas en donde la
realidad sobrepasa la ccin, nos pareci
totalmente acertada ya que parece
increble imaginar un pas en el que se
habla al menos 30 idiomas diferentes,
alrededor de 2000 dialectos y una variedad
de religiones que contrasta notablemente
con los pases occidentales.
Nos result una paradoja conocer la gran
relevancia del papel de mujeres como
Indira Gandhi y Sonia Maino en la India
despus de ver algunos documentales en
los cuales hablan de la falta de garanas
individuales a las que se enfrentan muchas
mujeres en este pas, prccamente desde
el momento de su nacimiento, ya que
muchas son abandonadas por sus padres
debido a que enen que pagar dote para
poder casarlas.
Sin embargo en el romance de Sonia y
Rajiv, nos encontramos con un matrimonio
que se lleva a cabo con un mvil diferente a
cualquier estndar polco y lo que resalta
es el profundo enamoramiento de Sonia
por Rajiv y por su cultura con la que se va
compenetrando ms y ms conforme va
pasando el empo.
Tambin pudimos ver en la obra de Moro
ese ahnco por mostrarnos en Sonia a esa
mujer, que como muchas extranjeras trata
de conservar tradiciones bsicas como
la comida italiana y el contacto con la
familia de origen, con cual en la mayora
de la ocasiones es dicil mantener un
entendimiento puro debido a los cambios
ideolgicos que ocurren despus de vivir
en el extranjero por un empo prolongado.
Miembros de El cafecito Literario
realizaron una invesgacin independiente
con la nalidad de comparar la novela
con la realidad y encontraron que la casa
donde resida la familia Gandhi era mucho
ms amplia y lujosa de lo que la describe
Moro en la Novela y que seguramente la
vida que tena la familia era menos austera
de lo que se describe.
Este libro fue tambin una buena
oportunidad para explorar dentro de la
historia de la India y desmicar ideas
referentes al apellido Gandhi y a la
conexin con Mahatma Gandhi, ya que
como supimos ese apellido es lo suciente
popular como para que Indira lo adquiriese
por su esposo Feroze Gandhi sin que
este fuese necesariamente pariente de
Mahatma Gandhi.
Indira Gandhi, como hija de Jawanharla
Neru, fue quien dio inicio a la saga de los
Gandhi con su parcipacin acva en la
lucha por la independencia de la India,
dirigida por el legendario Mahatma Gandhi,
adems de ocupar en su pas cargos de
primera ministra, ministra de nanzas, de
defensa, de relaciones exteriores y otros
La muerte fue el punto de parda con el
que inicia y termina El Sari Rojo en donde
el gran amor a los ideales y al poder del
liderazgo se convierten en el abismo en
donde la dinasa de los Gandhi se enfrenta
y se pierde uno a uno hasta llegar a Sonia
como la siguiente en turno.
Al nalizar la discusin de esta novela El
Cafecito Literario avivo su inters por
conocer ms acerca de la cultura hind
debido a su gran historia y proyeccin con
el mundo actual.
By Diana Casais
20 :: - mayo 15 - junio 15, 2012
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) _ The governor
of Puerto Rico is trying to do what more
than a century of American cizenship has
failed to accomplish: teach Puerto Ricans
to speak English as well as they do Spanish.
Gov. Luis Fortuno, who has been menoned
as a possible Republican vice-presidenal
candidate, has proposed an ambious, and
what crics call far-fetched, plan to require
all public schools to teach all courses in
English while sll oering Spanish grammar
and literature classes.
The U.S. territory has had a long and
contenous relaonship with the English
language, and many Puerto Ricans are
skepcal about embracing it, fearing they
will lose a key part of their identy and
nd themselves a step closer to statehood,
a status that only about half of islanders
have backed in recent polls.
The governor wants Puerto Rico to become
the 51st U.S. state. But he says his plan is
about economic necessity, not polics.
``Bilingualism opens doors and provides
opportunity to our children so they can
shine and become successful in a labor
market that is increasingly compeve and
globalized, he said.
Only 12 of the islands 1,472 schools
oer an all-English curriculum of the sort
envisioned by Fortuno, while 35 other
schools oer some courses in English,
such as math and physical educaon, said
Educaon Secretary Edwin Moreno.
``The main idea is to have a Puerto Rican
who can communicate in Spanish as well as
English, said Moreno, who acknowledged
that he himself has an imperfect command
of English.
Moreno is overseeing an inial $15 million
project to install a bilingual curriculum
in 31 schools starng in August and to
reinforce the English-Spanish curriculum
already in place in the 35 other schools.
Plans for adding the rest are sll hazy,
but the governor says he wants all public
school students to be bilingual within 10
Among those rejecng the plan is the
Puerto Rico Teachers Associaon, whose
president, Aida Diaz, said that while she
supports bilingual educaon, the noon of
teaching all courses in English is extreme.
``This is wrong, she said. ``This leads
us to substute our own language for a
secondary one. It should not be that way.
All public schools are currently required to
teach English from kindergarten through
high school, and 9,000 teachers are devoted
to that, but about 96 percent of the islands
3.9 million people speak Spanish at home,
and some 2.8 million Puerto Ricans do
not consider themselves uent in English,
according to the U.S. Census.
That puts Puerto Rican children _ and fellow
U.S. cizens on the American mainland, as
well _ behind many Europeans in second-
language skills.
According to a 2006 European Community
study, 56 percent of Europeans say they
can conduct a conversaon in more than
one language. About 90 percent in the
Netherlands and Germany say they can
do so. Only about a quarter of mainland
Americans can hold a conversaon in
another language, some studies indicate.
Former Educaon Secretary Gloria Baquero
said the biggest problem in Puerto Rico is
the lack of good English teachers.
``Their accent as well as their command
of the language is not the best, she said.
``They know the grammar, but the spoken
language is not their strong point. So we
have a lot of English teachers who end
up speaking Spanish in class because the
children dont understand them.
One soluon is to prepare teachers
through immersion or exchange programs
in the U.S., something that has been done
intermiently, she said.
Baquero said she and other educators
support Fortunos plan but warn it will be
hard to implement: ``Many people resent
the imposion of language and associate
any aempt to improve their English with
polical moves.
Fortunos proposal comes just months
before voters face a two-part referendum
in November to help decide the islands
polical status.
The rst part of the referendum will ask if
voters want a change in status or prefer to
remain a U.S. commonwealth. The second
part will ask voters to choose from three
opons: statehood, independence or
something in between called sovereign
free associaon.
GOP presidenal candidate Mi Romney
has suggested that English be the o cial
language for all U.S. states but has said
there should be no language precondion
on Puerto Rican statehood.
English actually dominated Puerto Rican
public educaon during the rst half of the
20th century. From 1900 to 1948, all high
school subjects were taught in English, unl
the islands rst democracally elected
governor, Luis Munoz Marin, ended the
``The learning of English was associated
with a very real thrust by the U.S.
government to Americanize Puerto Rico,
said Carlos Chardon, an anthropologist
and former educaon secretary. ``A great
majority of persons associated English with
In 1991, Gov. Rafael Hernandez Colon
went further by declaring Spanish the
islands sole o cial language. The law
was repealed a couple of years later by
Gov. Pedro Rosello, whose rst o cial act
was to make both English and Spanish the
o cial languages, a law that stands to this
day, even if only a few places have street
signs in English.
Puerto Ricans, however, remain reluctant
to learn English, said Jaime Morales, a
public school teacher in the northern town
of Toa Baja who is uent in English.
``They are not interested, he said.
``Because honestly, its hard to learn the
Morales said he supports the idea of a
bilingual curriculum but doubts it will
become a reality unless teachers are
properly trained, parents get involved and
the educaon system improves.
``The main problem here is that you have
a community that does not have good
command of Spanish, he said. ``If they are
decient in Spanish, how do you pretend
they are going to become uent in a second
Puerto Rico Aims to Become Fully Bilingual by 2022
In this Jan. 27, 2012 le photo, Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno endorses Republican
presidenal candidate, former Massachuses Gov. Mi Romney, behind, at Romneys
campaign event at the Lanco Paint Company in Orlando, Fla. Fortuno is trying to do
what more than a century of American cizenship has failed to accomplish: teach Puerto
Ricans to speak English as well as they do Spanish. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)
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Oor Mission is to luy the Ioondution to boild euch child one
ut u time which will leud to continoed soccess by developing
u high sense oI selI-esteem und uccomplishment.
Tuke u Virtoul Toor oI Oor Iucilities Online!
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