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Violence against women and children

Childrens rights and family protection are complex and sensitive issues in most societies.The family has the greatest potential to protect children and provide for their physical and emotional safety. Human rights treaties recognize the right to a private and family life and home. But in recent years violence against children by parents and other family members has been documented. This can include physical, sexual and psychological violence as well as deliberate neglect. Frequently, children experience physical, cruel or humiliating punishment in the context of discipline. Insults, name-calling, isolation, rejection, threats, emotional indifference and belittling are all forms of violence that can damage a child's well-being. Children are most frequently sexually abused by someone they know, often a member of their own family. Harmful traditional practices are generally imposed on children at an early age by family or community leaders. Much of this violence is hidden behind closed doors or because of shame or fear. Violence against children is never justifiable or acceptable. States are obligated to protect all children from all forms of violence. International human rights law is based on respect for every persons human dignity. Children, as people, should receive no less protection than adults. Extreme forms of violence against children including sexual exploitation and trafficking, female genital mutilation/cutting, the worst forms of child labour and the impact of armed conflict have provoked international outcry and achieved a consensus of condemnation, although there is still no rapid remedy.But also, many children are routinely exposed to physical, sexual and psychological violence in their homes, schools, care and justice institutions, the places they work and their communities. Much of violence against children remains legal, state-authorized and socially approved. Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. It can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse, and it cuts across boundaries of age, race, culture, wealth and geography. It takes place in the home, on the streets, in schools, the workplace, in farm fields, refugee camps, during conflicts and crises. It has many manifestations from the most universally prevalent forms of domestic and sexual violence, to harmful practices, abuse during pregnancy, so-called honour killings and other types of femicide. While women in many parts of the world have made advances in areas previously closed to them, the problem of violence against women remains pervasive. Unfortunately, this violence takes many forms and occurs across national, cultural, racial, and religious borders. In conclusion, I think that any type of violence against any human being should be stopped and each of us should be aware of his rights!

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