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Objective: The main aim of this project is to sense the arrival of the ambulance towards the traffic signal

and to clear the traffic before it arrives the traffic signal spot. Description: In Day to day life we can see that in the Heavy traffic The Ambulance or a Fire engine got stuck which may which may cost heavy damage. In general the ambulance/fire engine mobility at any place is unpredictable at the same time the traffic signal at the crowded palace is also the important one. We can't avoid both the things so in order to meet up the above condition without any loss we have designed this project with the help of embedded system. The alternating solution what we are providing is to inform the signal lamp control system about the vehicle destination so that it can block all other vehicles and allow the ambulance/fire engine. The components used in this project are PIC microcontroller, RF transmitter and receiver and traffic signal lamps. The operation of this project is the direction of the movement of the ambulance is given from the keypad to the microcontroller from which the signal is given to the low power transmitter which transmits the signal to the receiver present in the predestine stamp. Then the received signal is then given to the microcontroller which gives the signal to the relay. As soon as the relay receives the signal it will change the signal in order to give way to the arriving ambulance at the same time the remaining pathway will gets blocked. After that the normal condition will be achieved for the passers.
Traffic signal preemption is a type of system that allows the normal operation of traffic lights to be preempted, often to assist emergency vehicles. The most common use of these systems is to manipulate traffic signals in the path of an emergency vehicle, stopping conflicting traffic and allowing the emergency vehicle right-of-way, to help reduce response times and enhance traffic safety. Sometimes, signal preemption is also used at railroad grade crossings to prevent collisions, and by light-rail and bus rapid transit systems to allow public transportation priority access through intersections to ensure they remain on schedule and improve commute times. Implementation: Traffic preemption devices are implemented in a variety of ways. They can be installed on road vehicles, integrated with train transportation network management systems, or operated by remote control from a fixed location, such as a fire station, or by a 9-1-1 dispatcher at an emergency call center. Traffic lights must be equipped to receive an activation signal to be controlled by any system intended for use in that area. A traffic signal not equipped to receive a traffic preemption signal will not recognize an activation, and will continue to operate in its normal cycle. Vehicular devices can be switched on or off as needed, but in the case of emergency vehicles they are frequently integrated with the vehicle's emergency warning lights. When activated, the traffic premption device will cause properly-equipped traffic lights in the path of the vehicle to cycle immediately, to grant right-of-way in the desired direction, after allowing for normal programmed time delays for signal changes and pedestrian crosswalks to clear.

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