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1B9D1A35 Education has a very important role in the improvement process quality of human resources.

Therefore, education is expected to be be one vehicle to prepare the nation's generation, so the birth human resources that are reliable and have the ability to deal dynamic development of science and technology today are fast, precise and effective. 1. Train the way of thinking and reasoning in drawing conclusions, for example through investigation activities, exploration, experimentation, showing similarities, differences, consistent and inconsistencies. 2. Develop a creative activity involving imagination, intuition, and discovery by developing divergent thinking, original, curiosity, make predictions and allegations, and to experiment. 3. Develop problem-solving capabilities. 4. Develop the ability convey information or communicate ideas, among others, through verbal conversations, notes, charts, maps, and diagrams (Balitbang MONE, 2003: 6). Based on the description of learning objectives mathematics, showing that learning math is: (1) process so that students membelajarkan have the ability to think mathematically, (2) develop the skills and math skills of students to be able to apply mathematical thinking in

One approach that is oriented to the problems tangible for the students is a realistic approach to mathematics. this approach is Realistic refers Mathematics Education (RME) developed Freudenthal in the Netherlands (RK Sembiring, 2008: 60). Freudenthal stated that 3 mathematics learning should depart from human activities, because mathematics is a human activity (Erman Suherman, et al, 2003: 146). with words Another approach is a realistic mathematics approach departed from matematisasi everyday experiences and apply mathematics in experience day-to-day.

Lesson Study activities are held at large running smoothly, but due to the eruption of Mount Merapi, then there are adjustments and The scheduled repair activities. 2. Lesson Study activities developed capable of overarching activities student research by developing an instrument of reference was selected. 3. Teacher Competencies developed include: 1. competence to develop realistic approach to mathematics, 2. Developing Mathematical Competence Thingking and 3. Competence developed a method of discussion, between teachers with pupils and between pupils and students, problem-solving methods (problem solving) and the method of discovery (investigation). 4. Teacher competence in the field pengembangkan Realistics Approach Mathematics include: utilization of the real world to explore the concepts mathematics, mathematical concept formation, builders pengetahuanmatematika, and developing mathematics in the form of a formal abastrak. 5. Teacher competence in the field of mathematical thinking pengembangkan attitude, include: trying to ask, trying to understand a mathematical problem, try find a mathematical problem, trying to solve mathematical problems, sought to link mathematics with each other, trying to using data to solve the problem, try to record & communicate the problem-solving activities, trying to arrange & arrange the objects of mathematics . Competence of teachers in the development of problem solving activities that successfully developed include: making math relevant to / be able to explore 30 mathematics of everyday life - the day, able to use mathematics to solve everyday problems, capable of using various learning resources, the idea / problem-solving ideas are pure or derived from own experience, able to solve mathematical problems or issues, and translate the mathematical problem. 7. Teacher competence in the field of development of methods of mathematical thinking successfully developed include: inductive thinking, analogous thinking, thinking deductive, integrative thinking, thinking developed, abstract thinking, thinking simplify, make conclusions, think about a special case, using symbol, and use statements with numbers, quantities and drawings. 8. Competence in the development of successful methods of discussion developed include: understanding and infer other people's opinions, ideas, the idea is original, free and contain initiatives, the ability to discuss which is supported by the confidence, language skills and relationships A good personal, able to solve mathematical problems, and discussions to all directions (between students and students with a teacher). 9. Student activities related to teacher competence is examined and the analysis with separately by the student for the purposes of writing Thesis.

4FC74736d01 INTRODUCTION Today the professional development of teachers has become a demand that can not be negotiable. Neither legally nor normatively formal professional development teachers have reached the stage of systemic. Empirical and policy studies showed that MGMP as an organization which brings together teachers plot of studies, have position and functions that are strategic. If we make comparisons with what similar organizations abroad, the development or gait teachers to do in the MGMP was more than that as we imagine today. In the MGMP teachers can exchange ideas or educational theories, develop models of education, to model education and make learning aspects of the development of other professions. Today the competence of teachers is often associated with its activity as a profession. Profession someone who has a sense of her work based on skill, ability, techniques, and procedures based on inteltualitas (Volmer & Mills, 1966, Cully, 1969) in Ministry of Education. Profession as a specialization of intellectual positions obtained through the study and training, aimed at creating skills, high-value jobs, so skills and the job was attractive, liked by others, and he can do work was rewarded with pay, wages, and salaries (Sagala, 2000). In classroom teachers play the role as a communicator and teacher as facilitator has a role facilitates students to learn the most by using different strategies / methods, media, and learning resources. In the process of student learning as a point central learning, students are more active, find and solve the problems of learning, and teachers students getting help kesulitam barriers, difficulties in understanding, and memcahkan problems. Professional competence of teachers' pedagogic competence include, competence personality, social competence, and professional competence. Pedagogical competence of teachers includes mastering the characteristics of learners and aspects of physical, moral, spiritual, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual; master priinsip learning theory and learning principles educate, develop curriculum-related subjects Amnestied; organized learning educates; utilize information technology and communication for the sake of learning; facilitate the development of potential learners to actualize different potentials; communicate effectively, emperik, and courteous with learners; conduct assessment and evaluation, process and outcome learning, utilizing the results of the assessment and evaluation for the sake of learning; and reflective action for the sake of quality pebelajaran. The personality of the teacher competencies include: acting in accordance with religious norms, legal, social, and national culture of Indonesia; present yourself as an honest person, noble, and role model for students and community members; present themselves as personal steady, stable, mature, wise, and dignified; show keja ethic, responsibility 2

high responsibility, a sense of pride to be a teacher, and self-confidence, and uphold the highteaching profession. While covering aspects of social competence: to be inclusive, to act objectively, and not diskrimintif, because consideration of gender, religion, race, kondoisi fisdik, background back of the family, and economic status; bekomunikasi effectively empathy, and Satun with fellow penddidik, tebnaga personnel, parents, and society; adaptable place task in all parts of Indonesia that has social and cultural diversity; communicate with komuniats own profession and other professions orally and in writing or other forms. whereas professional competence include: mastering the material, structure, concepts, and scientific mindset, supporting subjects Amnestied; master competencies and competency standards Amnestied basic subjects; Amnestied develop learning materials that are creative; develop professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking action reflective, including in it do Classroom Action Research (PTK) for improving professionalism (including subject teachers).

TEACHER AS A LEARNING MODEL DEVELOPER Development of a learning model for development knowledge about models pemnelajaran, done with specific procedures is systematic and is supported by a methodology which is an assessment of the rules of the method. As a teacher or math teacher candidates of innovative required to always do the discussion on how we get knowledge of mathematics learning in accordance with current trends. knowledge us about aspects of learning mathematics as knowledge that is desired that is, a scientific understanding of the workings of the mind of individual students in learn math, how to gain an understanding of aspects of learning in arkitektural and how teachers understand the analogies between knowledge of students, teacher knowledge and practitioner knowledge about learning of mathematics. That effort can be achieved if developed a scientific method 3 fulfilling nature of coherence and correspondence properties. A description of the phenomena occurring in the process of learning mathematics as a description of truth, requires measures empirical theory is rational to obtain the truth and ideals practice learning in mathematics. Thus in the end good knowledge ontologically formal and legally able to increase the professionalism of teachers in education mathematics
Circumstances and effort uncovering the phenomenon of learning mathematics can be described with a circle hermenitik in which a teacher or a developer model trying to uncover the learning aspects of learning mathematics as a symptom or phenomena both in the form of facts that can be observed directly and form potensipotensi who require treatment for its development. Hermenitik circle in the mathematics education learning model provides full awareness to the developer model of learning that the learning of mathematics and its components are not sterile, but rather are related to or connected with various aspects and contexts of learning both

at a time when past and at present time is the time for the continuity of learning. Awareness hermenitik preparing teachers as a model developer learning to use the findings in the present to be used for improvement or suggestions for the development of learning in next time. In line magnitude, there are two kinds of learning models hermenitik in mathematics education. If the developer learning model directs attention to specific things and trying to express phenomena or symptoms of learning mathematics as real world which can be determined by the theories

Making Role MGMP In order to realize this vision, the function and development of ICT services in MGMP done in such a way that it can do the following activities: 1. Searching: WEB-based services and communications and the Internet 2. Collecting: providing professional development, education data 3. Creating: a place and can produce results of teachers' professional development 4. Sharing: activities of the exchange of information and experience of aspects of development teacher 5. Communicating: allow members, relatives or partners to work communicate with one another 6. Coordinating: coordinating professional development activities 7. Meeting: in the form of workshops or seminars or training 8. Socializing: socialization activities and results of professional development 9. Evaluating: reflections on aspects of conducting professional development, including learning practices of its members 10. Buying-selling: produce products of economic value 11. Learning: Professional development conducted continuously by involving and invite experts or resource persons from various circles. 12. Enjoying: involvement approach is to bring mutual benefits with teasers, compassion and foster care.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS If we want reform of mathematics education, the development of models learning of mathematics education will become a necessity. Apart from the legal aspect the formal development of mathematics education learning model is also needed because paradigm shift. By developing a model of learning mathematics education oriented to students, we can be aware of any individual or group differences

in the study the mathematics, we can determine the position of students in the group, can compare learning outcomes between groups. We can also perform match between objectives and results of learning outcomes: whether the standard of competence or competency base has been achieved? The results of the development of learning models can be used to improvement programs, counseling, provision of information to the public. In addition we also can do a comparison between the performance and criteria for each dimension programs and refining the program and the inference results in mathematics education a whole. Then we can conduct studies on the implementation of the program, the influence learning environment, the influence of the program, curriculum or syllabus of learning outcomes, and on ultimately used for the improvement of mathematics education program as a whole. Lesson Study activities can be viewed as educational research activities systemic and other research activities such as TOD, and its implementation can MGMP well supported with development in the context of teacher professional development. Especially concerning the development of mathematics in high school learning model we need do the following things: Planning for mathematics learning environment - Develop a learning resource from the learning environment - Plan for development that is flexible - Involve students in creating a learning environment of mathematics. - Involve students in activities apperception Develop students' social environment - Plan the development to work together. - Encourage students to appreciate each other. - Browse the students' feelings about mathematics - Develop mathematical models. Planning for the development of mathematical models of learning - Plan for a balanced development of mathematics in terms of: material, time, trouble, activities, etc.. - Plan the development of mathematics that is open (open-ended) - Plan appropriate learning math abilities of students. - Develop mathematical topics. - Develop mathematical reasoning skills that include: a critical attitude, learn methods and mathematical abilities - To plan when and where help students? Conduct and implement the results of reflection learning model development mathematics

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