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The Q u a m Foundation is an intenWiomI nonpmfd organimh'on founded in 1981 by John and Jan Price. It is dedicated to the research and interpretation of the philosophic mysteries, and to the co~rimunicaZion the eternal tmths as of a contribution to those seekiag a more fuwling life.
P.O. Box 1768, Boerne, TX 7

W 830-249-3905 Fax 030-249-3318


January 2007, Vol. XXVl

The Ninth Paradigm, by John Price. We s are entering a new cycle with 'It is done' a the keynote. How TO fu@ll those intenti~ms thar have beernett to be on hold. .............................................Page 1
Thinking and Remembering, by John Price. It goes back to the search .fir the Holy Grail.



John Price

Ninth (Nine): Completion. Puradigm:

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Opening the Box, by Lillian DeWaters. One day, the veil lzJls, and there in a blaze of Light the real inner of Truth is exposed. .............................................Page 5
A Very Basic Little Stary, by Virginia Kahn. How the "Hor Bisc-uzl" provided a beauclfil experience of God Energy. .............................................Page 6

From the J & J Notepad

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Model, Prototype. As we begin the year 2007--a nine year--we are entering a new cycle with It is Done as the keynote. It is the year of wrapping things up, bringing into manifestation and experience that which we have chosen in the previous year as our divine intentions. A few examples of "nine years": 1899--the First Peace Conference at The Hague, first magnetic recording of sound. 1908--Ford motor Company produced the first Model T. 1989--the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan, a mainly non-Communist government took power in Czechoslowkia, Rev. Jerry Falwell announced that Moral Majority Inc. will be dissolved, the Berlin Wall is demolished, Hungary creates a multi-party democracy, and Uruguay held the first free elections since 1971. All done, finished, completed in the ninth paradigm. On a more personal level, we've seen wonderful demonstrations in the "cornpletion" years, but we don't have to w i t until a nine to experience the fulfillment of our drams. AS we know, manifestations

can occur in a matter of minutes, hours or days--all dependent on our state of consciousness at the time. What the energy of 2007 will d o is provide an added boost to fulfill those intentions that have seemed to be on hold. But again, we have our part to play in the divine process.
We cooperate with an It is Done state of consciousness. Let's look at what this really means. We have read "Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet spealung I will hear. " And "Your Father knows what things you have need of before you ask him." Accordingly, there are no unfulfilled desires, no needs that have not been met. Therefore, It is done! Can we accept this as an absolute Truth? Here's where that old religious word faith comes in. I've written about faith in many of my books, yet I'll admit it's still a misunderstood power. We do have faith to move mountains, but it's like an electric outlet in the wall. Unless we plug into it, there's no connection, no power. Faith means certainty, conviction, confidence, and it's the faith IN that completes the circuit--faith in God. We may say we have faith in the Divine Within, but until that thought is accepted on the subjective level--in the feeling nature--it is impotent. Think of faith as a point of concentration that forms a belief. It is a focus of consciousness on the Presence within. It's interesting that the word "focus" comes from an ancient word meaning "fireplace" and became "fire" in other languages. Later, in the 1600s, it was designated as the point at which a parabolic mirror concentrates light rays to cause burning. Yes! Through a dedicated focus on our Divine Consciousness we literally bum through the webs of unbelief and reach the Divine Essence.

In Ancient Wisdom the Masters taught that "faith was of the feminine." In other words, it emanates from the feeling nature, and when that feeling-from-the-heart is filled with power and unwavering conviction, nothing can hold back the inner connection. Faith now becomes the instrument through which the creative power flows into the external world to manifest the ideal form and experience. Understand that while God meets every need and solves every problem--and it's a done deal on the inner plane--it is our faith-filled consciousness that releases the fulfillment and solution to appear in the external world. A puny faith gets puny results regardless of how "metaphysical" we are. The problem is that we usually think more about our troubles than we d o of the Great Helper, Healer, Fulfiller Who has already given us everything, including the removal of any blocks to joyful living. No blocks or barriers to our good? Remember.. .All false beliefs, all negative appearances are dissolved right now by the loving, forgiving action of God. It is done! This is a statement of Truth, yet we continue to dig and probe into the arenas of the past thinking it is our responsibility to wash down the walls of consciousness when they are already clean. It may appear that impediments in consciousness are holding back the flow of all good--the natural process--but in reality error patterns are continually being eliminated, dissolved by Omnipotence. A belief in lack, a feeling of vulnerability to illness, thoughts of failure and conflict may have been impressed in mind and heart, but God does not see, will or accept such blocks. What happens is like a replacement game. We put it in, God takes it away, we put it back, God takes it away, and so on. Let's stop playing games and accept the Truth that God's work is eternally

done and we are here to enjoy the magnificent universal blessings. This is where faith comes in, proving God now. For a moment contemplate any emptiness, unfulfillment in your life. Then turn within and feel the Divine Presence, see the Light, and powerfully radiate with feeling your energy of loving faith into the very heart of God. Now dwell deeply on these words as you feel the Light in and around you : My faith in God is the f u l f i e n t of every need. My faith in God is the solution to every problem. My faith in God is my absolute assurance of total fulfillment in every area of my life. It is done, it is done, it is done! Don't just read this and move on. Slowly contemplate each word until there is a dynamic shift in consciousness. Let this Truth fill your mind and heart. Let it penetrate the depths of consciousness and keep at it until there is a knowing, a realization. Spend an hour if necessary, and continue daily. This could be the most important exercise of your life because it represents a coupling of the inner and outer, heaven and earth. You literally become an open channel for the infinite blessings of God. Faith without works is dead. What this means is that following our meditation on the Truth that faith in God fulfills every need, we must choose to believe that it is done. Faith brings forth the demonstration, the manifestation, and our role now is to see things differently. Every time you complete the faith-inGod exercise, let your vision be one of accomplishment, success, completion. See

and feel with a vibrant sense that it is done, and if fear and doubt enter your mind, silence these negative intruders immediately and quickly move up to the ideal images. See the highest and most fulfilling scenes that you can produce in your mind. Feel the excitement of seeing your desires already fulfilled. Imagination is more powerful than will power! May each week and month during 2007 bring you the fulfillment of your divine intentions, your desires of the heart. Write the faith in God statements in your journal, or on a card that can be seen and contemplated daily. Jan and I--and our Circle of Friends Meditation Group--will be working with you to make this a breakthrough year of miracles and wonders to behold. And the Quartus workshops and intensives this year will be focused on the energies of the Ninth Paradigm, to prove that Miracles-Now are part of the natural process. It is time!

Thinking and Remembering

by John Price Many years ago Jan and I had the opportunity to spend time personally with a beautiful soul who was a true enlightened one. When we first met him we kneeled in a spontaneous action; his energy was so powerful. Later we corresponded frequently, and I remember well his wisdom and advice. On one occasion he said, "God can be a most unsettling word. On a scale of one to ten, one's dog or cat would rate higher in the feeling nature, the heart of love." Later, when I used the word "Universe" in referring to the Divine, he lovingly said, "Me

thinks you're trying to please the metaphysical folks. They use every term but the Big One to make worship more comfortable." I remembered that a New Thought minister called God "Charley." Of course God doesn't care what name is used, but lately, after an experience I had during and following a dream, the word God has become much more sacred, more meaningful to me. It sort of cuts through the semantic maze of other designations and goes right to the eternal IS. The dream? I asked to be shown how a totally enlightened one knows, sees and feels in consciousness. I was taken to a mountain where I met someone, and a voice said, "This is the most enlightened one to ever experience life on earth." At that point our energy fields merged and I experienced what may be called cosmic consciousness. I woke up then, and for a brief moment maintained that state of heart-mind knowing. In the days that followed, my life didn't take any sudden and dramatic oh-myGod turns. Yet I knew what I had experienced, and part of it would always remain with me. And I remembered our dear Friend, the Superbeing again. I had told him at one point in time that I would like to sit at his feet, learn from him and become as enlightened as he was. Lecture followed. "I can only point the way," he said. "Illumination cannot be found through me or from anyone else.. .it can only come from within you. Oh how much time is wasted in seeking elsewhere when all the time the Fount is closer than breathing. " I remembered this later during a workshop we were giving. A woman had said that she came to be Christed, and I had not performed that duty. And I said, "I can only point the way." Perhaps through my books and teachings in the workshops I have

provided a map for the inward journey, but the Christing must come from within. At least now I know more about what it is, how it feels.
The happiest person I know. It's the woman I danced with in aerobics class this morning. I'm talking about Jan, of course. Happiness is holy, and I've laughingly told her that she has to be a true Holy One. She's been a joyful soul since our very first date more than fifty years ago, but I think her experience beyond the veil enhanced it even more. In her book The Other Side of Death, she tells about an experience of the Truth of Being. Here are excerpts.

Now before me, shimmering, iridescent light began to take a particular shape. A woman of breathtaking beauty appeared as I watched in awe.. .I continued to see a "quivering" of her structure, as though looking at a fluid, rippled reflection in a pond. Her movements were of pure grace as she positioned herself directly infront of me. "Look into my eyes, " she said with a gentle but commanding smile. As I did, I felt myself being absorbed. I was no longer just the entity I knew of as me, but more, so much more. The eyes I stared into were mine, the eyes of my soul. In deep humility I accepted that which I was shown. Oh my, I am all of that, so beautiful, glorious, wise, loving, kind, powe@l. I didn't know. I had no idea. Wordsfrom beyond my own thought processes began to pour into my mind. "You have been only casually thanml for your gift of life. Be thanml each day for this great gift. Most people go through life never really appreciating it. The purpose of life is joy, and with spiritual understanding the physical senses are enhanced. Savorfully the loveliness of each experience.

Self-awareness is the prayer of the heart, and to pray without ceasing is to play. Play with the joyful abandon of the child, absorbed in the delight of each moment. Let go of obligations and duty, and live for the pure joy of being. "Take my hands," she said, and the sound of the voice was like music. As we made the connection, waves of ecstasy washed through me, and I took on the fullness of this magnzjkent being. ... No longer was I observing this shimmering radiance. I was it. The glory I had in the beginning, I thought, I have now and ever will have. Complete in my individuality, I understood the old admonition "Know thyself. "
Bottom line of this thinking and remembering. Maybe it goes back to the search for the Holy Grail, which the Ancients said was the search for Truth, the Self-of-God within, which when found, is the consummation of the magnum opus, the perfected individual. Yes, the Holy Grail is within you. It cannot be found from anyone "out therew-yet others can point the way. Follow your guidance in your travels, and if you encounter a Holy One, remember that he or she is there to help you open to the inner Glory, but the final Ascension comes through your realization of the Presence of God. The search begins with a deep, passionate feeling of love for God indwelling, leading to the experience of Oneness and a Knowing beyond thoughts and words. This is when life becomes the way it was created to be in the beginning, with happiness, joy and bliss as its foundation. Listen. Hear the knock on the inner door. Open it. Feel the rush. "Welcome home," says the Voice.


by Lillian DeWaters, excerpted from papers titled "The Astonishing New Revelation. " Dear Friends, no doubt the great majority of us have often stated facts which we believed were true, and thought that we understood them. Then, one day, right out of a clear sky, as it were, we really did see them, and we beheld them as we never had before. In fact, we seemed to be seeing them for the very first time. Yes, it takes the flash of light to open their real meaning to us. It is as though we had been carrying around some beautifully colored and artistically designed box, and were satisfied with the mere box itself until, one day, the lid fell off, and there before our astonished gaze lay its real and valuable contents. Thus it is with the beautiful and wonderful statements of Truth which we carry about in our consciousness until, one day, the veil lifts, and there in a blaze of light is exposed their real and inner meaning. This new light will answer many questions for us, questions which we have been, so far, unable to set aside. We may have been wondering why it is that despite our good endeavors, our clear understanding and deep feeling, nevertheless a so-called trouble seems to persist. The answer is that we should take another step forward. We should let go all anxiety or concern about the problem in the contemplation of joy and grandeur of Ourself as the Truth--the Being of changeless Perfection and immovable Nature, and the Principle which is inevitable, certain and fixed. "I am the Truth and not a student of Truth," we may now acclaim, "and as such I am established in Pe@ection and Completeness to which nothing can be added nor taken away." Seeing

and feeling this completely, we will have no desire or thought for any other form or prayer or treatment.

ing . Here it is, a beautiful expression of God energy, doing perfectly what it was created to do. There was no complaint about being in a strange location, no blaming something else for its being placed in the garage where it couldn't receive its needed sunshine, or refusing to produce because everything was not as outfined for its productive work. Instead, it was not diverted from its natural activity, which was God instilled in it from its beginning. It produced healthy and gorgeous flowers with the natural expectancy of supportive God energy that it will have exactly and all that it needs to manifest God's appointed qualities. What faith! What trust! What letting go and letting God! If the faith of this botanical can be so profound, can I not step out of the way of suffocating control over my life experience and allow God's all inclusive energy to manifest through me? Yes! I am clearing out the dusty consciousness that has taken me on a wild carnival ride, and now making room for the consciousness shown by the "Hot Biscuit." What is it doing? Why, it is continuously blooming on.

A Very Basic Little Story

by Virginia Kahn On Mothers Day of this year I received a lovely four foot hibiscus from my son. There was more meaning to this gift than simply a gift from a loving son. When he was very small we lived in Corpus Christi, Texas, where beautiful plants grew in profusion. I had a large bed of hibiscus in breathtaking colors and constant bloom, and was very proud of my horticultural achievements. During a visit from my parents, my little son, very excitedly, called to them, "Grandmother, Grandaddy, come see Honey's Hot Biscuits! " Since that time, the hibiscus has had a nickname, and my son and I cared for them carefully as long as we lived there. Now, fast forward to the present and my Mothers Day "Hot Biscuit. " I live in NE Kansas, which has a much different climate and seasons than Corpus Christi. When it was presented to me, the hibiscus had many hot pink flowers on it. Expecting no blooms as Fall has rolled around, I have been amazed to see the same continuous buds and blooms on it as when it arrived here. When we had our first freezes of the new season, I moved the "Hot Biscuit" into the garage near an east window. Did it react negatively to this time of year or the move into the garage? No, it just kept doing its thing--blooming mightily and beautifully. I took great joy in this activity, and suddenly realized what a wonderful and almost overlooked lesson I was experienc-

From the J & J Notepad

CONTINUE WITH THE WORLD HEALING MEDITATION THROUGHOUT 2007 Available from Quartus: CD or audio tape from famed composer-musician Jack Conrad including: *The guided meditation *Instrumental version *Blue Planet *World Peace Suite Performances by global stars from Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Russia, Switzerland and the U.S.A.

$10.00 plus $2.00 shipping.


BOOKS AVAILABLE FROM THE QUARTUS INVENTORY The Other Side of Death, by Jan Price. The story of her remarkable journey beyond the veil. $15.00. Angel Energy, by John Price. Over 80 true life angel experiences. Nothing is impossible! $19.00. Living a Life of Joy, by John Price. How to accept a new life, free of worry and filled with joy. $15.00. Shipping: media mail, add $2.50 for first item, $1.00 for each additional. Order direct from Quartus.

retire! Just send this newsletter over and over. With the secrets of life and gratitude you have said it all and in very short order." M. --e-mail "I thought you would enjoy hearing of a wondrous experience I had. It was February and we had buried my Dad a month earlier. I had just come in from work, around 5:306:00 P.M.--the house was well lit and there was no reflections from the entrance nor road way. As I entered the hallway walking to the kitchen, I noticed this light following me. It was not steady; it was moving everywhere as if to get my complete attention. It changed size in energy forms. I watched with disbelief, however I was not afraid. It continued to follow me into the living room, my bedroom, bathroom. This went on for seven to ten minutes, and as mysterious as it appeared, it disappeared. I wanted to believe it was my Dad coming to tell me that he had made it Home. I only knew that this 'energy' was there for me, and I am blessed by this experience." T. --Tennessee "My 60-day non-human program ended on Friday, followed by a Saturday morning experience where, while reading, I kept seeing peripherally to my right a string of lights, very much like that of glass pieces hung in the door frame to attract the sun's light. I began closing my eyes, then reopening only to find the multi-colored string of light circling in the same way, staying to the right of my vision. This continued for most of my 1 112 hours of that morning's prayers, not to return since. I felt as though it was a signal that I am on the right track, not to let go of the program, but to dig deeper. "

QUARTUS WORKSHOP AND MYSTERY SCHOOL AT TAPATIO SPRINGS RESORT IN BOERNE SCHEDULED FOR 2007 Workshop Intensive: May 3 1-June 3. 2007 Mystery School: October 3-7. Mark your calendars. Details and subject matter available in the February Report.

"I am glad to know that the CDs and cassettes made it to Quartus. Should you run out of stock, we have more in California. I pray that lots of people will buy this product in order to link up with this wonderful idea of uniting the world population." Jack Conrad--e-mail See Notepad, page 6,for information on this magnzjicent recording. Since we're going to be using the World Healing Meditation throughout 2007, you should have the CD or cassette. "OK, you did it. You wrote the perfect newsletter (Report No. 11). You can now

"I must say I found it very refreshing to discover that courtesy was actually considered a sacred principle. (Report No. 8) I'm sure there must be an overlap between courtesy and unselfishness. Courtesy alone greases the wheels of social interaction with such great effect and it is so easy to apply, although that might depend on one's upbringing. It seems to be quite foreign to some people. The 'Biggie'--unconditional love and forgiveness--I find a little more difficult to monitor. Becoming a witness is the key here. I think it is still so easy to get caught up in life and stop being a witness. One must improve with practice, I feel." S.-Canada "Thank you for the Quartus Report. Always helpful. This recent copy, No. 9 2006, is especially helpful with your article on 'Transformation.' The article spoke to me very deeply and joyfully. Thank you for

your wonderful work for humanity and our beautiful planet. " R.--South Africa "Each time the news media brings the tragedy unfolding in Dafur to my attention, I feel utterly helpless. I wonder what I, as a single individual, can do to change this desperate situation. As an individual, I can do very little, but united with other caring human beings across the world, we can make a difference. Together we can create a miracle. Let us join together to become ONE in prayer. Please join the millions of people worldwide who have committed to pray together as ONE on December 3 1, 2006 at noon Greenwich mean time. Together we can make a difference." A.--Michigan Yes! For Sudan and Dafir, and for the healing and harmonizing of the entire planet, including all forms of life hereon.

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