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again. more visibly, this time.

via pilger article--archaic homophobia and dismissiveness to victims of discrimination is no way into this gay heart. wikileaks heart GLBTQ, or else. what a marketing strategy!!!!!!

WikiLeaks@wikileaks Obama:Enoughaboutgaymarriage.Gaysoldier Bradley Manning has been detained without trial for over 700 days.

DISASTER!!!!!! as they rudely call everyone else Morons---oh poor dears, they have lost it. what's next????? during a fundraiser . . . . insult gay people's quest for equality in the face of hate crimes and suicide and civic and economic discrimination. right. wikileaks aka julian paul assange. thanks to @jamesrbuk for the heads up. on the pilger heirarchies of pain. persecution of gay people isn't as important as gitmo or iraq to john pilger. poor thing. god love him. and then, its not always gay/straight

to wikileaks's heteronormative or homonormative tweet one replies:

kevin@ageis @wikileaksBe honest. Is Bradley Manning gay, or transgender? Let's ask@bmanningfm

hello transmisogyny, cult of machismo. NO. i can barely glance at the @wikileaks feed these days the cruelty and harsh words have been so not to my taste. so declasse. now this. why the genderism???? why not equal rights for all, including the women of sweden and islamic women??? including gita sahgal, who was red for standing up for women's rights re: begg's shariah. when brita sundberg admits she is not an expert in consent law, why didn't your god-forsaken lawyers nd someone who is, instead of going with the ctitious anti-feminist feminist conspiracy angle to make up for the lack of law instead of actual legal scholarship. dear. and @wikileaks refers to justice4assange as facts, especially now that the opinion piece from the neonazi has been removed. not the homophobes though. the other opinions from the homophobes and the crude nazirecommending rixstep are conveniently now transformed to "facts" via @wikileaks magic wand.

so i guess they are shooting them-selves in the homophobic foot. as well as the anti-feminsit foot. a bad time for this let me tell you, when the reproductive health care issues in the states are so hot. not a good time to . . . hopefully no one will notice. what's wikileaks? wikipedia? also, wikileaks/assange misses the point that bradley manning may be transgender not gay, per se. sooooooo embarrassing, as usual. if you are gay tans bi etc, and want to support wikileaks, but feel really offended at this dismissiveness, i offer you this: wikileaks/assange is similarly callous about women's rights and swedish people. like the way my grandmother was a holocaust denier. i love her, in that family way. but i found it creepy. i nd homophobia and sexism creepy. pathetic. often it springs from ignorance. and now, truly all humans are forgivable. all. even wikileaks. even after this.

WikiLeaks@wikileaks Obama:Enoughaboutgaymarriage.

how do we cope???? WE MUST demand a gender equity division instead of a pink collar ghetto this day in wikileaks. demand a GLBT equality division instead of a rainbow ghetto this day in wikileaks.

not tomorrow. this day.

and demand open books. what homophobes contribution is going to what side of the wikileaks spectacle. ???????????? if it gets so bad no one wants to touch wikileaks with a ten foot pole, for all the egregious rudeness, homophobia, sexism, cyber-bullying. well then. maybe it's time to sign that NDA. what sexist fundraiser made which money and how was it spent? which women are paid what in wikileaks, including the swedish press secretary. how much was she paid, or did she offer a visa bounty? ransom. does wikileaks now renounce or encourage sexual harassment, including cyber-bullying like that of rixstep, marcello ferrada de noli, israel shamir, and @melbouneninja ? well . . . you see. but we are all innocent, until the blogosphere proclaims us guilty of "fascism" etc. homophobic blogger marcello ferrada de noli has insulted lesbian marriages. so now does pilger. what's next??? a wikileaks ultrasound? wikileaks anti-choice? . . . or deep green resistance transhate????? who knows?

i am trying to forgive him. the narrow mindedness might be cultural but i don't think that's enough of an excuse. i think telling the GLBT community "enough" about their rights is about the stupidest thing ever besides telling the swedish women to stop protesting criminal law stats partner violence and homicide. criminal law is about study. you can't tell women "enough" about their rights either. does mr assange want the USGVT to say "enough" about his rights? do unto others as you would have done unto you. justice for GLBT!!!!!! justice for assange cannot mean "ENOUGH!" about other people's rights. hello. assange should not get more rights than gay people. i'm opposed to marital rape norms of centuries of sexist sex law. that bc you slept with your wife once, you are ever after entitled to rape her. it's shocking, the residua of the medieval law, to the naive. but this basic consent norm has infected the radical masculinist legal system of england and america. i'm not even talking shariah. but why assange's lawyer didn't know "what the hay?" when he was pitted up against clare montgomery. in july. for a would be assange supporter and law-nerd----it was a crying shame. this tweet---- a crying shame.

all the other stupid crude tweets----a crying shame. but, whatever. the crying game. wikileaks. haters. "enough with your rights, f------." is this the fundraising strategy @suigenerisjen HELP. nah. nevermind. you guys arent even taking this seriously. GLBT rights are human rights, just to bring you up to the 21st century. also covering up the ring of indian woman war-rape scholar by amnesty international for denouncing moazzem begg's support for shariah---makes wikileaks a part of the "stone-the-whistleblower" cover-up. don't you wish it was an accident????? is wikileaks pure evil, or just innocently rude to gay people and women???? i prefer to think they are innocent country bumpkins who are unaware of modernity, the 20th century, women, GLBT, and then overall had a great little hack plan and publishing scheme. it was cool, like gay rights, and women's rights . . . animal rights but then

i was country, when country wasn't cool rst published @braingarbage 22 may 2012 mary rose lenore eng vor ransom Ludwig eng and the love that dare not speak its name

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