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Describe the implications of videogame addiction worldwide.

In 2007, it was reported that Xu Yan of China died in Jinzhou after playing online games persistently for over 15 days during the Lunar New Year holiday. Tyrone Spellman, 27, of Philadelphia, was convicted of third-degree murder for killing his 17-month old daughter in a rage over a broken Xbox. Ohio teen Daniel Petric shot his parents, killing his mother, after they took away his copy of Halo 3 in October 2007. Videogame addiction, which refers to the excessive or compulsive use of videogames that interfere with daily life, is one of the major reasons behind the youths of the nation being lethargic. Video game addiction is not included as a diagnosis in either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. However, the effects of video game overuse are similar to those of other proposed psychological addictions. Video game overuse may be like compulsive gambling, an impulse. In 2007, the American Psychological Association reviewed whether or not video game addiction should be added in the new DSM to be released in 2012. The conclusion was that there was not enough research or evidence to conclude that video game addiction was a disorder. Excessive use of video game may have some symptoms of psychological addiction. People become more concerned in the interactions in games than their lives. As players play many hours per day, they may lose or gain significant weight. For playing, they may disrupt sleep patterns and may suffer through sleep deprivation. They may play at work and avoid phone calls and even go to the extent of lying during playtime. In this way, relationships with family and friends and performance at work or at school may be hampered. According to lead investigator Richard Ryan, a motivational psychologist at Rochester, players play for more reasons than fun alone. Many video games satisfy basic psychological needs, and players often continue to play because of rewards, freedom, and a connection with other players. In the hypothetical world created by such games, they become confident and gain satisfaction, which they cannot get in the real world. A little less than 10% of gamers develop extreme gaming habits where accomplishment in a virtual world become the priority, and hinders achievements and advancements in the real world. In addition to that, the excessive use of gaming has hampered the study of individuals, especially teenagers. A 2006 lecture reported by the BBC indicated that 12% of polled gamers reported at least some addictive behaviors which have had an adverse effect on their studies. The governments have expressed their concerns over these addictions. So, the Government of China introduced an online gaming restriction limiting playing time to three hours, after which the player would be expelled from whichever game they were playing. As the craze for video game is increasing, crimes and social hazards are on the up. Various reports of theft, robbery, murder and suicide have been found all over the world which has disturbed the peace and harmony in the society. Some countries, such as South Korea, China, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States, have responded to the perceived threat of video game addiction by opening treatment centers. The most effective treatment seems to be a combination of psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. Some residential treatment programs have been introduced for compulsive gamers and various other measures are being taken to avoid misuse of video games. Video game addiction has been common, especially among the youths. This has not only affected the youth but the development of the whole country. Now, it has not only become a national problem, but a global problem. According to surveys, there are 1 out of 10 video game players who are addicted to it. Video game addiction must be minimized in order to develop the youths of the nation. Although various countries and governments are working on it, nobody has found a perfect solution to this imminent problem, which if not minimized, may result into a catastrophe.

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