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From the County of San Bernardino


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ******July 24, 2009****** For more information, contact David Wert, Public Information Officer (909) 387-5412

Statements from County Board Chairman, Gary Ovitt and Vice-Chair, Josie Gonzales:
The county has proven many times that it will conduct an independent investigation when there is credible evidence to suggest such an investigation is warranted. The county filed suit in 2000 in relation to the Hlawek scandal. The county conducted an investigation in 2005 concerning a questionable land deal and the purchase of a jail. And the county most recently took this course earlier this year in response to the evidence of misconduct unfolding in the Assessor's office. There is no credible evidence to suggest an investigation of the District Attorney is warranted. An account contained in a questionable tabloid based solely on unattributed information and anonymous sources and subsequent blog postings does not constitute credible evidence. At this point there is nothing to even suggest that the District Attorney misused county resources or did anything else to compromise the County or his office. Add to this the fact that the recent emergence of these shaky allegations against the District Attorney have the appearance of being part of an effort to interfere with the District Attorney's effort to investigate and prosecute public integrity cases, and the fact that a baseless county investigation of the District Attorney could in itself interfere with the public integrity cases, there is no way the County can support the notion of an investigation of the District Attorney. The County also cannot comment on the subject matter of the District Attorney's investigation or on any information the County has provided to them. I agree that these allegations have the appearance of political motives, intending to interfere with the District Attorney's investigation as well as the County's individual civil suits. I fully support Mike Ramos' authority to fulfill his legal responsibility to the voters of San Bernardino County. Mike has a proven track record of successfully fighting crime and corruption, stated Board Chairman Ovitt. -MORE-

July 24, 2009 Statement from Chairman of the Board I had previously decided not to comment on one of my colleagues' efforts to initiate a frivolous, politically motivated investigation. I felt the notion didn't even warrant a statement. However, I do not want my silence to be misconstrued as support. No one Supervisor speaks for the County. I will not support inserting politics into the criminal justice system, stated Chairman Ovitt. I am glad to see that the District Attorney has availed himself of the assistance of the Attorney General to ensure the integrity and objectivity of his office in such politically challenging investigations, said Vice-Chair Josie Gonzales. The County will continue to cooperate fully with investigators in their effort to root out and prosecute criminal behavior. The county encourages any one who may be attempting to interfere with those efforts to change course and do the same. -30-

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