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Section 1: English

PPS1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies & Applications

Comprehension; Organisation and Delivery of Oral Communication; Speaking Applications.

PPS 2: READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary

Concepts about Print; Phonetic Awareness; Decoding and Word Recognition; Vocabulary and Concept Development.

PPS 3: READING: Comprehension

Structural Features of Informational and Technical Materials; Comprehension and Analysis of Class appropriate Texts.

PPS 4: READING: Literary Response and Analysis

Narrative Analysis of Class appropriate Texts.

PPS 5: WRITING: English Language Conventions

Handwriting; Sentence Structure; Grammar; Punctuation; Capital Letters; Spelling.

PPS 6: WRITING: Process

Controlled Practice; Directed and Guided Practice; Free Writing; Organisation and Focus; Evaluation and Revision.

PPS 7: WRITING: Applications

Different types of Writing and their Characteristics.
EuroSchool 2011 EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

PPS 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Skills, Strategies and Applications

Pupils listen critically and respond appropriately to oral communication. They speak in a manner that assists the listener to understand them by using proper pronunciation, phrasing, pitch and modulation. Pupils deliver brief oral presentations about familiar experiences or interests and use the same English conventions for oral speech that they use in their writing. Comprehension 1.1.1 Pupils listen attentively employing sound discrimination and critical listening. (Week 2,3, 4,6,7) 1.1.2 Develop an increased listening span. (Week 1, 11,17) 1.1.3 Ask questions for clarification and understanding. (Week 12) 1.1.4 Frame different kinds of sentences and respond appropriately. (Week 17) 1.1.5 Give restate and follow simple two step oral directions. (Week 1) Oganisation and Delivery of Oral Communication 1.1.6 Express themselves using free and structured conversation. (Week 18) 1.1.7 Pupils stay on topic while speaking. (Week 18) 1.1.8 Use accurate pronunciation through imitation. (Week 17) Speaking Applications 1.1.9 Provide descriptions with careful and sensory details (Week 24) 1.1.10 Recite class appropriate poems and rhymes. (Week 3) 1.1.11 Relate an important life event or personal experience. (Week 13) 1.1.12 Develop the ability to verbalise a problem and solutions to a story. (Week 11) 1.1.13 Ask questions to elicit desired response and respond appropriately. (Week 19) 1.1.14 Identify the beginning, middle and end of a story and retell it in a sequence. (Week 17) 1.1.15 Re-tell stories using basic grammar and storytelling skills. (Week 23)
EuroSchool 2011 EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

PPS 2: Reading: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary

Pupils understand the basic features of words. They see letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken English by using phonics, syllables, and word parts (-s, -ed, -ing). They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent oral and silent reading at a Class appropriate level. Concepts about Print 1.2.1 Pupils appreciate the left to right, top to bottom directionality of written English. (Week 1) 1.2.2 Develop visual discrimination to identify the difference between different letters of the alphabet (for instance b,d and p),small and capital letters, vowels and consonants. an (Week 1) 1.2.3 Demonstrate auditory/visual association through matching oral and printed words. (Week 2) 1.2.4 Develop sight word skills - words that are recognised on sight to decode what is being said i.e. words, places, people, activities or events central to the pupils world. (Week 6,10) 1.2.5 Recognise that sentences start with capital letters and end with punctuation, such as full stops, question and exclamation marks. (Week 5,8, 12) 1.2.6 Develop auditory/visual recognition as well as phonemic awareness of consonants. (Weeks 2, 3, 4) Phonetic Awareness 1.2.7 Pupils distinguish beginning, middle, and ending sounds in single syllable words i.e. those with only one vowel sound. (Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) 1.2.8 Recognise different vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words. (Week 7) Example: Say the sound that is in the middle of the word bit; the sound that is in the middle of the word bite and tell whether this is the same or a different sound. 1.2.9 Recognise that vowels sounds can be represented by different letters. (Weeks 6) 1.2.10 Create and state a series of rhyming words. (Weeks 8) 1.2.11 Add, delete, or change sounds to change words. (Weeks 7)
EuroSchool 2011 EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

Example: Identify which letter you would have to change to make the word cow into how and which letter you would have to remove to make the word pan into an. 1.2.12 Blend two to four phonemes (sounds) into recognisable words. (Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Example: Identify which word is made by the sounds c, a and t.

Decoding and Word Recognition 1.2.13 Read common words. (Week 4) 1.2.14 Use phonic and contextual clues as self-correction strategies when reading. (Week 10, 13, 21) 1.2.15 Read aloud smoothly and easily from a familiar Class appropriate text. (Weeks 10,13 ) 1.2.16 Read aloud smoothly and easily from an unfamiliar Class appropriate text. (Weeks 21, 27) Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.2.17 Pupils understand the basic concept of compound words. (Week 11) 1.2.18 Identify root words and their inflectional forms (Week 25) Example: Recognise that the s added to the end of chair makes it plural and that adding ed to the end of jump makes past tense. 1.2.19 List different categories of words. (Names of animals , plants, vegetable, fruits, places, things and professions.) (Week 10) 1.2.20 Read and understand what associations a word may convey (pleasant/unpleasant, positive/negative, etc.) (Week 23) 1.2.21 Consult a picture dictionary when an unfamiliar word is encountered. (Week 10)

EuroSchool 2011

EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

PPS 3: READING: Comprehension Pupils read and understand Class appropriate material. The text used for comprehension exercise comes form all genres of literature; poetry, fiction, non fiction and drama. It includes stories from all the verticals of life like sports, science, astronomy, history, geography, folk tale etc. They use a variety of comprehension strategies, such as asking and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources, to understand what they read. The selections in the EuroSchool Reading List illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by pupils. In addition to their regular school reading at Class I, pupils begin to read a variety of Class appropriate narrative (story) and expository (informational) texts (classic and contemporary literature, nursery rhymes, alphabet books, childrens magazines, dictionaries, and online information) employing various reading strategies such as silent reading and reading out loud at a Class appropriate speed.

Structural Features of Informational and Technical Materials 1.3.1 Pupils identify the title, author, illustrator, and table of contents of a reading selection. (Weeks 18) 1.3.2 Identify the basic parts of a newspaper. ( Week 19) Comprehension and Analysis of Class appropriate Texts 1.3.3 Pupils respond to who, what, when, where, why, and how questions and discuss the main idea of what is read. (Weeks 9) Example: Read any short Class appropriate narrative story and explain the story, including the main idea, important events (what, when, why, how), setting (where), and characters (who). 1.3.4 Deduce the main idea of the story. (Week 11) 1.3.5 Follow one-step written instructions. (Week 4) 1.3.6 Use context (the meaning of the surrounding text) to understand word/sentence meanings. (Week 14) 1.3.7 Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by identifying key words. (Weeks 18)
EuroSchool 2011 EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

Example: Read part of a Class appropriate story and tell what might happen next and how the story might end. Read part of an informational text, such as a short newspaper article and guess what might happen next. Then, check to see if these predictions are correct by looking ahead in the text. 1.3.8 Identify time and location in a text. (Week 12) 1.3.9 Identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story. (Week 7) 1.3.10 Identify the difference between cause and effect. (Week 20)

EuroSchool 2011

EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

PPS 4: READING: Literary Response and Analysis

Pupils read and respond to a wide variety of childrens literature. They identify and discuss the characters, theme (the main idea of a story), plot (what happens in a story), and the setting (where a story takes place) of stories that they read. The selections in the EuroSchool Reading List illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by pupils.

Narrative Analysis of Class appropriate Text 1.4.1 Relate prior knowledge to what is read. (Week 13) 1.4.2 Recognise characters, plot and setting in a story. (Week 28) 1.4.3 Describe the roles of authors and illustrators. (Weeks 18) Example: Read a Class appropriate book in which the art work and illustrations is especially important in telling the story. Describe the role of the author and illustrator, and discuss how the pictures help to tell the story. 1.4.4 Provide different endings to a similar story. (Week 26)

EuroSchool 2011

EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

PPS 5: WRITING: English Language Conventions

Pupils write using English conventions appropriate to this Class level. Handwriting

1.5.1 Pupils write legibly and space letters, words and sentences appropriately. (Weeks 1, 8, 15, 24, 29,31) Sentence Structure

1.5.2 Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences. (Weeks 2) 1.5.3 Pupils write in correct sentences. (Weeks 8, 15) Grammar 1.5.4 Pupils define the basic concept of: i. ii. iii. iv. v. naming words (Nouns) words used in place of Nouns (Pronouns) doing words (Verbs) describing words (Adjectives) joining words (Conjunctions and, but, because, etc.) (Weeks 5,6, 13) (Week 15) (Week 20) (Week 22, 23) (Week 27)

1.5.5 Identify and correctly use singular and plural nouns (dog/dogs). (Week 9) 1.5.6 Identify and correctly write contractions (isnt, arent, cant). (Week 15) 1.5.7 Define the concept of gender. (Week 14) 1.5.8 Use simple tenses (past, present and future) to convey an accurate sense of time. (Weeks 25, 26, 30)
EuroSchool 2011 EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

Punctuation 1.5.9 Pupils correctly use full stops , question marks , comma and apostrophe as and where applicable. (Week 8, 12) Capital Letters 1.5.10 Pupils use Capital letters for the first word of a sentence, for proper names of people and the pronoun I. (Week 5) Spelling

1.5.11 Pupils spell correctly three and four letter words and Class appropriate sight words. (Week 7)

EuroSchool 2011

EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

PPS 6: WRITING: Process Pupils move through a progression of sequenced stages to build skills and to be introduced to the mechanics of effective writing. Pupils discuss ideas for group stories and other writing, write clear sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea and progress through the stages of the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing multiple drafts.

Controlled Practice 1.6.1 Pupils perform tasks to instill confidence such as copying, dictation, transforming and constructing sentences etc. of increasing difficulty and with increasing independence. (Week 3,7) Directed and Guided Practice 1.6.2 Pupils work semi-independently, with adequate guidance only. (Week 8) Free Writing 1.6.3 Pupils write in partially controlled free writing, leading on to fully free writing. (Week 15) Organisation and Focus

1.6.4 Pupils use organisers to plan their writing. (Week 21, 28) 1.6.5 Write simple paragraphs using organizer. (Week 22) Evaluation and Revision 1.6.6 Pupils revise writing for others to read. (Week 31)

EuroSchool 2011

EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

PPS 7: WRITING: Applications

Pupils begin to write compositions that describe and explain familiar objects, events, and experiences. Pupils use their understanding of the sounds of words to write simple rhymes. Pupil writing demonstrates a command of English and the drafting, research, and organisational strategies outlined in PPS 6: WRITING: Process. Writing demonstrates an awareness of the audience (intended reader) and purpose for writing.

Different Types of Writing and their Characteristics

Using the writing strategies outlined in PPS 6:

1.7.1 Pupils write brief stories describing an experience real or imagined. (Week 29, 31) 1.7.2 Use descriptive words and phrases when writing. Example: Use varied words to describe events, people and places, such as describing a day as a sunny day or cloudy day. (Week 23) 1.7.3 Write simple rhymes. (Week 24)

EuroSchool 2011

EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

EuroSchool 2011

EUROSCHOOL Pupil Performance Standards Class I 2011/12

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