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Dhara Patel Chapter 4 PP 4.2) Create a Deque class based on the discussion of deques (double-ended queues) in this chapter.

It should include insertLeft(), insertRight(), removeLeft(), remo veRight(), isEmpty(), and isFull() methods. It will need to support wrap around at the end of the array, as queues do. Answer 4.2: class Deque { private int maxSize; private long[] dekArray; private int left; private int right; private int nItems; public Deque(int s) { maxSize = s; dekArray = new long[maxSize]; int center = maxSize/2 - 1; left = center+1; right = center; nItems = 0; } public void insertLeft(long j) { if(left == 0) left = maxSize; dekArray[--left] = j; nItems++; } public void insertRight(long j) { if(right == maxSize-1) right = -1; dekArray[++right] = j; nItems++; } public long removeLeft() { long temp = dekArray[left++]; if(left == maxSize) left = 0; nItems--; return temp; } public long removeRight() { long temp = dekArray[right--];

if(right == -1) right = maxSize-1; nItems--; return temp; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (nItems==0); } public boolean isFull() { return (nItems == maxSize); } public int size() { return nItems; } public void display() { System.out.print("Array: "); for(int j=0; j<maxSize; j++) System.out.print( dekArray[j] + " " ); System.out.println(""); System.out.print("Deque: "); if(left <= right) for(int j=left; j<=right; j++) System.out.print( dekArray[j] + " "); else if( isEmpty() == false ) { for(int j=left; j<maxSize; j++) System.out.print( dekArray[j] + " "); for(int j=0; j<=right; j++) System.out.print( dekArray[j] + " "); } System.out.println(""); } } class DequeApp { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Deque theDeque = new Deque(10); while(true) { long value; System.out.println(""); if( theDeque.isFull() ) System.out.println("*** Deque is full. No insertions. ***"); if( theDeque.isEmpty() ) System.out.println("*** Deque is empty. No deletions. ***"); System.out.print("Enter first letter of "); System.out.println("insertLeft, InsertRight, "); System.out.print("removeLeft, RemoveRight, or display: "); int choice = getChar(); switch(choice) { case 'd': theDeque.display();

break; case 'i': System.out.print("Enter value to insert left: "); value = getLong(); theDeque.insertLeft(value); break; case 'I': System.out.print("Enter value to insert right: "); value = getLong(); theDeque.insertRight(value); break; case 'r': value = theDeque.removeLeft(); System.out.println("Removed left: " + value); break; case 'R': value = theDeque.removeRight(); System.out.println("Removed right: " + value); break; default: System.out.print("Invalid entry\n"); } } } public static String getString() throws IOException { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String s = br.readLine(); return s; } public static char getChar() throws IOException { String s = getString(); return s.charAt(0); } public static long getLong() throws IOException { String s = getString(); return (long)Integer.parseInt(s); } } PP 4.3) Write a program that implements a stack class that is based on the Deque class i n PP 4.2. This stack class should have the same methods and capabilities as the StackX class in the program. Answer 4.3: class Deque { private int maxSize; private long[] dekArray; private int left;

private int right; private int nItems; public Deque(int s) { maxSize = s; dekArray = new long[maxSize]; int center = maxSize/2 - 1; left = center+1; right = center; nItems = 0; } public void insertLeft(long j) { if(left == 0) left = maxSize; dekArray[--left] = j; nItems++; } public void insertRight(long j) { if(right == maxSize-1) right = -1; dekArray[++right] = j; nItems++; } public long removeLeft() { long temp = dekArray[left++]; if(left == maxSize) left = 0; nItems--; return temp; } public long removeRight() { long temp = dekArray[right--]; if(right == -1) right = maxSize-1; nItems--; return temp; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (nItems==0); } public boolean isFull() { return (nItems == maxSize); } public int size() { return nItems; } } class StackX {

private int maxSize; private Deque theDeque; public StackX(int s) { maxSize = s; theDeque = new Deque(maxSize); } public void push(long j) { theDeque.insertLeft(j); } public long pop() { return theDeque.removeLeft() ; } public boolean isEmpty() { return ( theDeque.isEmpty() ); } public boolean isFull() { return( theDeque.isFull() ); } } class StackApp { public static void main(String[] args) { StackX theStack = new StackX(10); for(int j=0; !theStack.isFull(); j++) theStack.push(j*10); while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) { long value = theStack.pop(); System.out.print(value + " "); } System.out.println(""); } }

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