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Example: 1

Calculate the volume occupied by 2.8 g of N2 at STP.

Molecular weight of N2 = 2 x 14 = 28 g 28 g of N2 at STP occupies = 22.4L 2.8 g of N2 at STP = ? 28 g of N2 = 22.4L 2.8g of N2 = ?

2.8 g of N2 at STP occupies a volume of 2.24L.

Example: 2
Calculate gram molecular weights of the following gases: a. N2 (if 360 cm at STP weighs 0.45g) b. Cl2 (if 308 cm at STP weighs 0.97g)

a. 360 cm of N2 = 0.45g 22.4L of gas = 1 gram molecular weight 22.4L = 22,400 cm . (1L = 1000 cm ) 360 cm of N2 = 0.45g 22,400 cm3 of N2 = ?
3 3 3

Gram molecular weight of N2 is 28 g. b. 308 cm Cl2 = 0.979 g


22.400 cm of Cl2 = ?

Molecular weight of Cl2 = 71.9 g

Example: 3
What is the volume of 32g of sulphur dioxide measured at STP?

Molecular formula = SO2 Molecular weight = 1 x 32 + 2 x 16 = 64g 64g of SO2 occupies 22.4L 32 g of SO2 = ?

Volume of 32 g of SO2 is 11.2 liters.

Example: 4

Calculate the volume at S.T.P. of 7.1g of chlorine.

Cl = 35.5 1 mole of a substance = 22.4L 1 Mole of a substance = 1 GMM 1 GMM of Cl2 = 71 g 71 g of Cl2 = 22.4 L 7.1 g of Cl2 = ?

7.1 g of Cl2 will occupy a volume of 2.24 liters.

Example: 5
Calculate the number of moles of nitrogen in 7g of nitrogen.

1 mole of N2 = 1 GMM 1 mole of N2 = 2 x 14g = 28g 1 mole = 28 g ?=7g

7g of nitrogen is equal to 0.25 moles.

Example: 6
Calculate the mass of 0.4 moles of water.

1 GMM of water (H2O) = 2 x 1 + 16 = 18g. 18g = 1 mole Xg = 0.4 moles

0.4 moles of water weighs 7.2g.

Calculate the vapor density and molecular weight of CO 2 gas occupying 200 mL and weighing 0.40 g at STP.

200 mL of CO2 = 0.40 g 22.4 L of CO2 = 12 + 32 (44g)

Molecular weight = 2 x vapor density = 2 x 22.22 = 44.44

Molecular weight has no units.

Example: 8
Calculate the gram atoms present in 8g of oxygen.


Example: 9
Calculate the gram molecules present in 45g of water.

1 molecule = 2 + 16g = 18g of H2O ? = 45 g of H2O

Example: 10
Calculate the number of molecules in 500g of sodium chloride.

1 GMM = 6.023 x 1023 molecules 23 + 35.5 g = 58.5g = 1 GMM of NaCl 58.5g = 6.023 x 10 molecules 500g = ?

The number of molecules in 500g of sodium chloride is 34.2 x 6.023 x molecules


Example: 11
0.48 g of a gas forms 100 cm of vapors at STP. Calculate the gram molecular weight of the gas.

22.4L of a gas = 1 GMM 100 cm of gas = 0.48 g 22.4 x 1000 of gas = ?

Gram molecular weight of the gas is 107.52 g. All elements are represented by symbols and all compounds represented by chemical formulae indicating the number of atoms of elements and also the proportion of the atoms in the compound.

Hydrogen atom is represented as H. Hydrogen molecule is represented as H2. A compound of hydrogen, water is represented as H2O. In H2O - proportion of atoms H : O = 2 : 1 Knowing the proportion of atoms in a compound, the percentage composition can be calculated. Percentage composition of a compound is the percent by weight of each element present in it.

Percentage composition of an element

Numericals based on percentage composition Example:1

Calculate the percentage by weight of all the elements present in calcium carbonate.

Calcium carbonate = CaCO3 Ca = 40, C = 12, O = 16

GMM = 1 x 40 + 1 x 12 + 3 x 16 = 40 + 12 + 48 = 100 g

Example: 2
Calculate the percentage by weight of potassium in potassium dichromate.

Potassium dichromate = K2Cr2 O7 GMM = (2 x 39) + (2 x 52) + (7 x 16) = 78 + 104 + 112 g = 294 g

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