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International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, May, 2012. ISSN- 0974-2832, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/29954;VoL.


Research Paper - Education

A Study of Correlation Between The Divergent Production Ability in Relation To Socio-economic Status
* Shri. Manjunatha Rathod
May , 2012 * M.Ed. Student, BLDEAs JSS College of Education, Bijapur nomic status of 9th standard students (in total). Introduction: Creative people work hard and continually to See Table 1 The obtained r-value is greater than the improve ideas and solutions, by making gradual alter- table r-value, so divergent production ability and Acaations and refinements to their works. This is parameter demic achievement are significantly correlated at the of the family because the educational qualification of 0.05 level of significance. Hence the framed null hythe parents does influence the achievement of the stu- pothesis is accepted in favour of alternative hypothdents because the parents may guide the students at esis. There is no positive correlations between diverhome. Better economic condition may enable the teacher gent productions ability and socio economic status of to provide good facilities to the students which would 9th standard students. Hypothesis: There is no positive correlation difference resulting better scholastic achievement. between divergent production ability and socio ecoObjectives of The Study: To identify the positive correlation between nomic status of 9th standard boys of rural government divergent production ability and socio-economic sta- school. See Tanble 2 tus of 9th standard students of Bagalokot Taluk. The obtained r-value is less than the table r-value, so Limitations of The Study: The present study is limited to the 9th stan- divergent production ability and socio economic status are insignificantly correlated at the 0.05 level of dard students of Bagalkot Taluk only. significance. Hence the framed null hypothesis is acPopulation and Sample of The Study: The population of the present study included cepted in favour of alternative hypothesis. There is no all those students of IX standard. 100 students are positive correlation between divergent productions ability and socio economic status of 9th standard boys taken for study from Bagalkot Taluk of rural government. Method of Study: Survey research method Hypothesis: Tools Used For The Collection of Data There is no positive correlation difference * Divergent production ability Test by Dr. K.N. Sharma * The socio-economic status scale R.A.Singh and between divergent production ability and socio economic status of 9th standard girls of rural government S.K.Saxena school. Variables of The Study I) Independent Variables: Divergent production abil- See Table 3 The obtained r-value is less than the table r-value, so ity, Socio-economic status divergent production ability and socio economic staII) Moderate Variable: Gender Statistical Analysis: The Pearson's Product Moment tus are insignificantly correlated at the 0.05 level of significance. Hence the framed null hypothesis is acMethod of correlation is used. cepted in favour of alternative hypothesis. There is no Data Analysis And Intrepretation positive correlations between divergent productions Hypothesis: There is no positive correlation difference ability and socio economic status of 9th standard girls between divergent production ability and socio eco- of rural government. Table-1: Correlation difference between divergent production ability and socio economic status of 9th standard students. Variable Sample N Mean S.D Table Obtained Correlation r-Value r-Value D.P.A Students 100 75.15 16.32 0.195 0.202 Significant Correlation S.E.S Students 100 74.435 3.85 Obtained r-value > table r-value



International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, May, 2012. ISSN- 0974-2832, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/29954;VoL.IV *ISSUE-40 Table-2: Correlation difference between divergent production ability and socio economic of boys of rural government school Variable S a mp l e N Mean S.D Table Ob ta in ed Correlation r-Val ue r-Val ue D.P.A Rural Govt Boys 1 3 67.03 11.76 0.553 0.068 Insignificant S.E.S Rural Govt Boys 1 3 71.84 7.864 Correlation Obtained r-value < table r-value Table-3: Correlation difference between divergent production ability and socio economic of girls of rural government school. Variable S a mp l e N Mean S.D Table Obtained Correlation r-Val ue r-Value D.P.A Rural Govt Girls 1 2 61.13 17.05 0.576 0.455 Insignificant S.E.S Rural Govt Girls 1 2 69.16 16.3 Correlation Obtained r-value < table r-value

Table-4: Correlation difference between divergent production ability and socio economic status of boys of rural private school. Variable Sample N Mean S.D Table Obtained Correlation r-Val ue r-Value D.P.A Rural Private Boys 1 2 83.83 12.13 0.576 0.557 Insignificant Correlation S.E.S Rural Private Boys 1 2 75.38 8.18 Obtained r-value < table r-value Table-5: Correlation difference between divergent production ability and socio economic status of girls of rural private school. Variable S a mp l e N Mean S.D Table Ob ta in ed Correlation r-Val ue r-Value D.P.A Rural Private Girls 1 3 77.03 7.68 0.553 0.380 Insignificant S.E.S Rural Private Girls 1 3 75.38 11.1 Correlation Obtained r-value < table r-value

Hypothesis: There is no positive correlation difference between divergent production ability and socio economic status of 9th standard boys of rural private school. See Table 4 The obtained r-value is less than the table r-value, so divergent production ability and socio economic status are insignificantly correlated at the 0.05 level of significance. Hence the framed null hypothesis is accepted in favour of alternative hypothesis. There is no positive correlations between divergent productions ability and socio economic status of 9th standard boys of rural private school. Hypothesis: There is no positive correlation difference between divergent production ability and socio economic status of 9th standard girls of rural private school. See Table 5 The obtained r-value is less than the table r-value, so divergent production ability and socio economic sta-

tus are insignificantly correlated at the 0.05 level of significance. Hence the framed null hypothesis is accepted in favour of alternative hypothesis. There is no positive correlations between divergent productions ability and socio economic status of 9th standard girls of rural private school. Discussion and Conclusion Boys are more open minded, free thinking, bold, hence current affairs knowledge will be more and these all may lead them to have maximum divergent production ability than the girls. Girls are hard workers, prompt, punctual, and honest, they attain maximum divergent production ability as compared to boys. There is a need to execute properly planned deliberate and conscious efforts on the part of teachers, parents, members of the society, children themselves for the appropriate nurturing and role of stimulation of the divergent thinking urge and potential.

1 Hemanth L. S. (2005) Creativity of Engineers and Civil Service personals. General of Community Guidance and Research, Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. March, Vol-2 2 Shrivastava, R.K. (1989) A Study Made On Needs In Relation To Creativity Among High Schools Pupils. Surveys of Educational Research, M.B.Buch, Vol-II -(1988-92)



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