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International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, April, 2012. ISSN- 0974-2832, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/29954; VoL.


Research Paper - Education

A Study of Self Concept of the Standard-XI Students of Secondary Schools

* Parmar Gira B.
* Vidhya Sahayak, Vadvasa Primary School, Ghandhi Nagar Gujarat A B S T R A C T
Present Study has been done to know the self concept of XI Standard Student of Ghandhinagar District in the study effect of Gender and Area on self concept of IX students checked. Total 300 students were selected from the secondary schools of Ahmedabad. Self-made Inventory was prepared to know Self Concept. On the basis of the score obtain by the students mean, standard deviation and t-values were calculated to know Self Concept of students. No Significant of any of the independent variable was found on the Self Concept of IX Standard students.

April , 2012

Key Words : Self Concept, Secondary Schools Students Introduction the mean scores of the Self concept Inventory of IX Looking at the peace of the development. We standard students of Village and City Area of know that these research and development also influ- Ghandhinagar District. enced the work strategy of student for their physical Ho3 : There will be no significant difference between and mental development they should be mature and the mean scores of nourished in such a way that they do not feel ne- the Self concept Inventory of IX standard Village Area glected, insulted or embarrassed. It is the self concept boys and Girls of Ghandhinagar District. of a student which will help his or her to come out from Ho4 : There will be no significant difference between any negativity the mean scores of As self concept seems to play a significant the Self concept Inventory of IX standard City Area role in the development of a person or student detailed boys and Girls of Ghandhinagar District. knowledge about its nature and relation to other impor- Research Methods: Normative Survey Method used tant factors will provide an objectives and encourag- in present study ing basis for the educators. It was felt that the knowl- Population: edge at relationship between the self concept and the In present study the students of IX standard of other variables would be very happy enriching and Ghandhinagar District (Rural and Urban) constitute useful. As an educator we need to watch for signs of the target population for research. frustration and then try to determine the cause. Al- Methods of Sampling: though this takes time the results of a positive self Multistage Sampling Method used in this concept are well worth the efforts. study. Total 300 Students (150 Village Are and 150 City Objectives Area students) were selected. 1) To study the self concept of Ghandhinagar District. Tool of the Study : 2) To study the effect of Gender of the students of IX A Three point inventory was prepared by the standard on their self concept. investigator to know the Self Concept.Total 50 State3) To study the effect of Area of the students of IX ments were there inventory. 25 statement were negastandard on their self concept. tive and 25 statement were positive in Self Concept Hypothesis Of The Study : Inventory. Ho1 : There will be no significant difference between Methods of Analysis : the mean scores of the Self concept Inventory of IX The statistical technique was used for analysis of the standard Boy and Girls of Ghandhinagar District. data Mean, SD SED and "t" test to test hypothesis. Ho2 : There will be no significant difference between Testing of Null Hypothesis : See Table -1 Tabel-1 Mean, SD, SED, t-value of Boys and Girls on Inventory Gender N Average S.D. MeanDiff SED t-value Significant Level Boys 150 71.93 9.24 0.94 1.03 0.91 N.S. Girls 150 72.87 8.58


International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, April, 2012. ISSN- 0974-2832, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/29954; VoL. IV * ISSUE-39

Area Village City Village Boy Girls City Boys Girls

Tabel-2 Mean, SD, SED, t-value of Village and City Area Students on Inventory N Average S.D. Mean Diff SED t-value Significant Level 150 72.20 8.24 0.40 1.05 0.39 N.S. 150 72.60 9.56 Tabel-3 Mean, SD, SED, t-value of Village Area Boys and Girls on Inventory N Average S.D. Mean Diff SED t-value Significant Level 75 71.87 8.00 0.67 1.35 0.50 N.S. 75 72.53 8.47

N 75 75

Tabel-4 Mean, SD, SED, t-value of City Area Boys and Girls on Inventory Average S.D. Mean Diff SED t-value Significant Level 72.00 72.00 1.20 1.56 0.77 N.S. 73.20 73.20 is not effect of Gender on the self concept of City Area students. Findings : The Findings of the study are as follows 1. boys and Girls of Ghandhinagar District had no any difference on their self Concept. 2. Village and City Students of Ghandhinagar District had no any difference on their self Concept. 3. Village Area Boys and Girls of Ghandhinagar District had no any difference on their self Concept. 4. City Area Boys and Girls of Ghandhinagar District had no any difference on their self Concept. Conclusion : The researcher presented findings of the study on the basis of his study the findings of the study that the self concept is independent of area types Schools, Sex, and Medium of Schools.

Table-1 shows that the t-value is 0.91 which is not significant. Thus HO1 is accepted this shows that there is not effect of Gender on the self concept of Ghandhinagar District. See Table - 2 Table-2 shows that the t-value is 0.39 which is not significant. Thus HO2 is accepted this shows that there is not effect of Area on the self concept of Ghandhinagar District See Table - 3 Table-3 shows that the t-value is 0.50 which is not significant. Thus HO3 is accepted this shows that there is not effect of Gender on the self concept of Village Area students. See Table 4 Table-4 shows that the t-value is 0.77 which is not significant. Thus HO4 is accepted this shows that there

1.Aggrawal J.C. Educational Research -An Introduction (Third Edition), New Delhi :Arya Book Depot. 2. Best, John W. Research in Education, New Delhi: Prentice hall of India (P) Ltd., 1963. 3. Desai H.G & Desai K.G. Psychological Testing, University Granth Niramn Board, Ahmedabad, 1989. 4.Trivedi M.D. & Parekh B.U. Statistics in Education, University Granth Niramn Board, Ahmedabad, 1981.





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