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World Missions Review Sheet 3

History of the New Testament Church 1. What is the common evangelism paradigm and how is this different from the New Testament paradigm of evangelism? (Class 7 first and last sections) a. Instead than going from error to truth and baptizing to preaching b. Its an anointing with the power of God, to focus on doing good and healing from oppression. 2. Understand Acts 1:8 (Class 7) and how it describes the entire book of Acts (Class 7; MTW 85) a. Question, Promise, Strategy i. Question: When are you going to restore? ii. Promise: Power, becoming my witness iii. Strategy: Receive power and be witness b. The areas of expansion and major personalities i. Jerusalem: (Early church, Pentecost reaches jews of all nations and persecution scatters them) ii. Samaria: Death of Stephen, Phillip the evangelist iii. Gentiles: saul (paul) is converted, peter reaches to gentiles, Jerusalem council of 49, controversy of galatia c. The date of the Jerusalem Council A.D. 49 d. The date of the destruction of Jerusalem (point 3b MTW 85) A.D. 70 e. How extensive was the preaching of the gospel? (point 3d) i. Every creature ii. Throughout the world iii. Every place 3. Peters Premise in Acts 10:34-43 (Class 7 know the blanks on the worksheet) a. Missions is about Jesus b. Apostles are simple witness

c. The focus of missions is doing good and healing from oppression d. The power of missions is not strategy but anointing and the power of God 4. Who was responsible for the greatest missionary effort the world has ever seen? (MTW 86) a. The Celts 5. Pauls Missionary Strategy (MTW 88-89): a. How did Paul focus his mission work? (the broad idea of points a through c) i. Kept contact to the home base ii. Confined his efforts to four provinces iii. Strategic centers in the big cities b. Where did Paul go to first when he came into a city and why? (points d and e) i. Synagogue, they knew the law and were aware of the coming Messiah, also they had guest ii. If the synagogue ignored him, he went to the gentiles c. How did Paul work? (point h) i. Worked with a missionary team d. The kinds of evangelistic strategies that Paul used (points j though l) i. Taught publicly and from house to house ii. He became all things to all man iii. Was a skilled communicator

History of Protestant Missions

6. How did the reformation relate to missions? (MTW 131-133 and Class 8, broad concept only) a. It may as well be viewed as home missions at its best

b. Stimulus to foreign missins because it forced Roman Catholics to look to the new world to replace adherents they were losing in Europe and its environment c. It took almost 300 years till the retards realized that they needed to go outside of europe 7. What Protestant missionary group was most active prior to the 19th century? (MTW 135) Moravians 8. When was the Great Century of Protestant Missions? (Class 8) a. 19th century 9. How did Protestants relate to the cultures they came into contact with? (MTW 138) a. Empathetic to assimilate heathen cultures 10.Identify the characteristics of Protestant missions in the 19th century (Class 8, Point C; MTW 146) a. Great risk often in the frontlines b. Civilized natives handmaiden of civilization i. Education-schools ii. Sci and Tech iii. Literature iv. Change of Customs v. Strong medical basis, hospitals 11.Know the main personalities of Protestant missions in the 19th century (Class 8, Point D) a. Who is the Father of Modern Missions and why? ( MTW 136) i. Carey, immersed in the culture, created schools and established indigenous churches, translated tradition. b. Know the five strategies that Carey employed (MTW 136) i. Widespread preaching

ii. Distribution of the bible in the peoples language iii. Planting of indigenous church iv. Study background and thought of the people. Spy v. Training of indigenous ministry, semaphore c. The origin of missionary societies and what they are (MTW 140) i. Financial and support organization designed to promote missions and recruiting, they were a result of the second awakeing in meetings d. The origins of student missions (MTW 141) i. Moody hermonn. 40k volunteers e. How long before Carey and Judson saw their first fruits? MTW 142 5a, video) i. Seventieen years f. What Hudson Taylor did and where? (MTW 144, 7c) i. China, organized china inland mission over 2^9 missionaries and 2^8 helpers 12.What impacted on world missions in the 20th Century (Class 9, Point A; MTW 147-148) a. LIBERALISM 13.What key conference was held and when at the beginning of the 20th Century (Class 9) a. Conference at Edinburg in 1910.. Scotland, What will it take to finish the job in the unoccupied fields? b. Eccumenism 14.Identify the two movements that resulted from this Conference and the differences between them? (Class 9) a. Social living missions b. Conversions and sharing 15.Identify the three elements of conservative missions in the 20th Century (Class 9)

a. Practical innovations (radio, translations, aviation) b. Parachurch ministries c. Emphasis on contemporary martyrs 16.What are the three eras of modern missions? (Class 9 and MTW 151) a. To the coast lands (carey European dominance) b. To the inlands (Hudson taylor) (American dominance) c. Unreached groups (William Townsend: SEP, peru, guatemala) 17.Identify the unique contributions of McGavran and Townsend (Class 9) a. Understanding church growth by mcgravan, indian reproducible success b. Townsend infiltrated countries n shit 18.What happened in the post-Second World War period? (Class 9 E, broad concepts) a. Nationalism explodes b. Upsurge of Christianity in nonwestern world c. Global consciousness from vets d. 99 to 5% of control 19.Why was there a demise of traditional missions? (Class 9 F, broad concepts) a. Mission compounds->mission specialists b. Rise of short term missions c. Homeland missions d. Indigenization of the missions movement e. Adra became nosdra f. Church growth movement 20.What will happen with missions in the 21st century? (MTW 152, 7a,b,c,d) Mission focus is outside of the western world because they exploded History of Adventist Missions

21.What significant barrier was there to missions in the early Advent movement? (Class 10; MTW 161, 2) a. Shut door theory( <1844 screwed) 22.Why were early Adventists initially only focused on America (Class 10, MTW 3a, d) a. All nations are coming to america 23.Who were the first Adventist missionaries and to where? (Class 10, MTW 167168; 174) a. Czechowski Europe b. JN Andrews Switzerland 24.What event in 1863 helped prepare the way for mission work? (Class 10; MTW 163) a. Organization of the Chruch in 1863 25.How did Adventists become aware of the need for missionaries? a. Note the role of Ellen White (MTW 162-163) i. Vission of the bridegroom.. Proclaimed more fully, Print a little paper and send it to the people b. Note the role of publications (MTW 166; 168) i. Organizational development 1. The present truth 2. Foreign language literature in north American 3. Tract and missionary society 4. International tract society 5. Foreign nation reached

26.What were characteristics of the growing years? (Class 10; MTW 170) a. Rapid expansion b. Deployment of many western missionaries

c. Intstitutional wrowth d. Ends with second world war 27.What were characteristics of the post-colonial years? (Class 10; MTW 172-173) a. Parachurch missions b. Shift to supporting local mission c. Pioneers->professionals->lay d. Foregin to indigenous 28.Note the following: a. How the church is operated in China (MTW 174, broad concept) i. No organization, estimated 50 million ii. Larue old ass man denied but went anyways.. stablished a congregation b. The growth of the work in India (MTW 175, broad concept) i. 3o.72% 2000 to 3.34% in 2010 c. The greatest challenge (MTW 175) i. Islam! d. The fastest growing church in the US (MTW 175) i. SDA e. The 2010 figure for how many SDAs to the population of the world (MTW 175) i. 341
Essay Question

The essay question will be based on a study of any one Christian missionary, such as William Carey, but you are free to use any missionary of your choice. From your study of a Christian missionary, identify the following: a. What motivated this person to engage in missions and the unique contribution he/she brought to missions? (approximately 1 paragraph) b. What challenges did he/she face and how did he/she respond to those challenges? (1-2 paragraphs)

c. What lessons (positive or negative) did you learn from this missionary? (1-2 paragraphs)

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