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# Calendarul (Calendar) a) n scris (Writing) British English: 2/ 08/ 10 2nd August 2nd Aug Thursday 2nd August, 2010

0 American English: 08/ 2/ 10 August 2(nd) Aug 2nd Thursday August 2nd 2010 n limba vorbit (Speaking): B.E the second of August, 2010; August the second, 2010 A. E August second b) Anii (Years): 1997 (lba scris) = nineteen ninety-seven (lba vorbit) 2010 (lba scris) = two thousand and ten (lba vorbit) c) Zilele (Days): Monday [mndei] / [mandei] = luni Tuesday [tju:zdei]/ [tiuuzdei] = mari Wednesday [wenzdei] / [uenzdei] = miercuri Thursday [:zdei] / [szdei] = joi Friday [fraidei] = vineri Saturday [strdei] / [se-atrdei] = smbt Sunday [sndei] / [sandei] = duminic Ill visit you on Sunday. (Te vizitez duminic) tomorrow [tmorou] / [t-morou] = mine the day after tomorrow =poimine after [a:ftr] / [aaftr] = dup next week [nekst wi:k] / [necst uiic] = saptmna viitoare week [wi:k]/ [uiic] = saptmna next Sunday [nekst sndei] / [necst sandei] = dumica viitoare yesterday [jestdei] / [iestrdei] = ieri the day before yesterday = alaltieri before [bifo:r] / [bifoor]= nainte last week = saptmna trecut last [la:st] / [laast] = ultimo, cel din urm last Sunday = duminica trecut d) Lunile (Months): January [d3njuri] / [geaniuri], February [februri] / [februri] , March [ma:t] / [marci], April [eiprl] / [eiprl] , May [mei], June [d3u:n]/ [giuun], July [d3u:lai] / [giuulai], August [o:gst] / [oogst], September [septembr] / [septembr], October[oktoubr] / [octoubr], November [nouvembr] / [nouvembr], December [disembr] / [disembr]

- formele prescurtate short forms Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Ill be back in June. = M voi ntoarce n iunie. back [bk] / [bec] = napoi next month [mn] /[ mans] = luna viitoare last month = luna trecut e) Anotimpurile (seasons): spring = primvara; summer [smr] / [samr] = vara autumn [o:tm] / [ootm] = toamna winter [wintr] / [uintr] = iarna Im going to Portugal in winter. next summer = vara viitoare last winter = iarna trecut # Timpul (Time) a) Momentele zilei (Parts of the day) in the morning [in mo:ni] / [in z morning] = dimineaa in the afternoon [in i a:ftnu:n] / [in zi aaftrnuun] = dup-amiaza in the evening [in i i:vni] / [in zi iivning] = seara at night [t nait] / [et nait] = noaptea, seara at midday (noon) [t middei] / [et middei] = la prnz at midnight [t midnait] / [et midnait] = la miezul nopii b) a.m i p.m midnight to midday = a.m 1.00 a.m midnight = 12.00 a.m. midday to midnight = p.m 4,45 p.m midday = 12.00 p.m c) Sistemul de 24 de ore (24-hour clock) hour [aur] / [aur] = ora clock [klok] / [cloc] = ceas 13.50 thirteen fifty [:ti:n fifti] / [srtiin fifti] = treisprezece cincizeci d) Cum spunem ora (Telling the time) ora 3 fix = three oclock [ri:] / [srii] 3 i 5 = five past three [faiv] 3 i 10 = ten past three 3 i un sfert = a quarter past three 3 i 20 =twenty past three [twenty] / [ tuenti] 3 i 25 = twenty-five past three 3 i jumtate = half past three [ha:f]/ [haaf[ 4 fr 25 = twenty-five to four [fo:r] / [foor] 4 fr 20 = twenty to four 4 fr un sfert =a quarter to four 4 fr 10 = ten to four

4 fr 5 = five to four 3.12 =twelve minutes past three 3.43 = seventeen minutes to four - Sistemul digital (Digital system) 2.10 two ten 1.15 one fifteen 4. 26 four twenty-six 5.30 five thirty 6. 40 six forty 7. 45 seven forty-five Cum ntrebm ct e ceasul (Asking the time) Whats the time? Its five oclock. (E ora cinci) What time is it? Its twenty to nine (E nou fr douzeci) Nu se poate spune: They are seven oclock! # Numerele (Numbers) Numeralul cardinal (Cardinal numbers) 1 = one [wn] / [uan] 2 = two [tu:] / [tuu] 3 = three [ri:] / [srii] 4 = four [fo:r] / [foor] 5 = five [faiv] 6 = six [siks] / [sics] 7 = seven [sevn] / [sevn] 8 = eight [eit] 9 = nine [nain] 10 = ten [ten] 11 = eleven [ilevn] / [ilevn] 12 = twelve [twelv] / [tuelv] 13 = thirteen [rti:n] / [srtiin] 14 = fourteen [forti:n] / [fortiin]

16 = sixteen [siksti:n] / [sicstiin] 17 = seventeen [sevnti:n] / [sevntiin] 18 = eighteen [eiti:n] / [eitiin] 19 = nineteen [nainti:n] / [naintiin] 20 = twenty [twenti] / [tuenti] 21 = twenty-one [twenti wn]/ [tuenti-uan] 22 = twenty-two [twenti tu:] / [tuenti-tuu] 30 = thirty [rti] / [srti] 40 = forty [forti] 50 = fifty [fifti] 60 = sixty [siksti] / [sicsti] 70 = seventy [sevnti] / [sevnti] 80 = eighty [eiti] 90 = ninety [nainti]

15 = fifteen [fifti:n] / [fiftiin] 100 = a/one hundred [hndrd] / [handrd] 0 = nought [no:t] / [noot] sau zero [zirou] / [zirou] = pentru numerele de telefon l pronunm ca pe litera o. La fotbal spunem nil. La tennis spunem love 101 = a hundred and one 200 = two hundred (hundred nu este la plural) 300 = three hundred 999 = nine hundred and ninety-nine 1,000 = a thousand / one thousand [auznd] / [sauznd] 1,001 = a thousand and one 2,250 = two thousand, two hundred and fifty (thousand nu este plural)

999,999 = nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine 1,000,000 = a million/ one million 5,000,000 = five million (million is not plural)

Numeralul ordinal (Ordinal numbers) 1st = first 9th = ninth 2nd = second 10th = tenth 3rd = third 11th = eleventh 4th = fourth 12th = twelfth 5th = fifth 13th = thirteenth 6th = sixth 14th = fourteenth 7th = seventh 15th = fifteenth 8th = eighth 16th = sixteenth

17th = seventeenth 18th = eighteenth 19th = nineteenth 20th = twentieth 21st = twenty-first 22nd = twenty-second 23rd = twenty-third 24th = twenty-fourth

25th = twenty-fifth 26th = twenty-sixth 27th = twenty-seventh 28th = twenty-eighth 29th = twenty-ninth 30th = thirtieth 31st = thirty-first

# Culori (Colours) white [wait] / [uait] = alb black [blk] / [blec] = negru yellow [jelou] = galben orange [orind3] /[oringi] = portocaliu pink [pik] / [pinc] = roz red [red] = rou mauve [muv] / [muv] = mov green [gri:n] / [griin] = verde blue [blu:] / [bluu] = albastr

5. PRONUMELE (PRONOUNS) # Pronume personale cu funcie de subiect (Subject pronouns [sbd3ekt] [prounauns]/ [sabgect pronauns]: I [ai] = eu She [i:] / [ii] = ea You [ju:] / [iuu] = tu It [it] = el/ea pentru obiecte sau elemente din natur He [hi:] / [hii] = el We [wi: ] / [uii] = noi You [ju:] / [iuu] = voi They [ei] / [zei] = ei/ele # Pronume personale cu funcie de complement (Object [obd3ekt]/ [obgect] pronouns) Me [mi: ] / [mii] = pe mine, mie You [ju:] / [iuu] = pe tine, ie Him [him] = pe el, lui Her [hr] / [hr] = pe ea, ei It [it] = pe el/ea, lui/ei Us [s] / [as] = pe noi, nou You [ju:] / [iuu] = pe voi, vou Them [em] /[zem] = pe ei/ele, lor # Pronume posesive (Possessive pronouns): Mine [main] = al meu Yours [jo:rz] / [iorz] = al tu His [hiz] = al lui Hers [hrz] / [hrz] = al ei Its [its] / [i] = al lui/ei Ours [aurz] / [aurz]= al nostrum Yours [jo:rz] / [iorz] = al vostru Theirs [ez] / [zerz] = al lor # this i that Singular: this [i:s] / [ziis] = acesta Plural these [iz] / [ziz] = acestea This house is mine. Give me the book! You see me every day.

that [t] / [ze-at] = acela those [ous ] / [zous] = acelea

# one, ones [wn] / [uan] I like that one = mi place aceea. I dont like the blue ones= Nu-mi plac cele albastre.

Exerciiu: Completai propoziiile cu pronumele corespunztoare: 1. reading a book. 2. is writing his homework. 3. are going to the cinema. 4. is my house. 5. house is ..`

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