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Dear Bros in Christ,

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Brothers in Christ, this monthly devotional is sent and meant to be an encouragement to all and to build up and edify in the Lord Jesus Christ. Oikodome means "Builder". The Lord has put this on my heart to send out a monthly Iron Man Oikodome {oy-kod-om-ay'} to build up and encourage the men who love and follow Jesus Christ in their walk with Him. Hebrews 3:13 "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests please send them and I will send them out to the bros for prayer, if privacy is needed I will send in a discreet way.

IRON MAN OIKODOME BOX TOP 058 'And now, carefully consider from this day forward: from before stone was laid upon stone in the temple of the LORD--'16since those [days], when [one] came to a heap of twenty ephahs, there were [but] ten; when [one] came to the wine vat to draw out fifty baths from the press, there were [but] twenty. 17I struck you with blight and mildew and hail in all the labors of your hands; yet you did not [turn] to Me,' says the LORD. (HAGGAI 2:15-17NKJV). NEVER ENOUGH Bros now because the people have finally obeyed God in building the temple He is going to bless them from this day forward. But He reminds them that before that they always lacked and everything they had was never totally enough- something was always missing because of their disobedienceTheir labors were never enough, even though they had, they were lacking. Because of their sin, disobedience- they would not turn to God and so they lacked. Its like when you think you have everything you need but always seems like something is missing and you are never content or satisfied and it is God that is missing from your life, from your goings in and your goings out. So you never have enough, you always feel sort of empty like a glass that is less than half full, always room for more, you lack contentment because God is not fully in your life and maybe most things you do and say and most places you go- you go without God. We can never be satisfied apart from Christ Jesus, we will never have fulfillment apart from our Savior, it is just impossible. Just ask someone who has every material possession possible how is it they still lack something and are always wanting more- that something is the Lord, not more possessions or money and they will always feel empty without Jesus in their hearts and lacking because Jesus is the only One who can fulfill them completely and fully and abundantly. The Bible says in Proverbs Hell and Destruction are never full; So the eyes of man are never satisfied (Proverbs 27:20 NKJV). We will never have enough of anything even if over taken by the sinful things- there will never be enough to satisfy us, or when we lust after the riches of the world there will never be enough, or our fleshly desires will never be satisfying, or even if we get hooked up into the trappings of satan there will never be enough of whatever... you know bros there is never any satisfaction or enough of anything that we desire or really need apart from Christ- just as there was never enough for the Remnant because He is the only One, He is our All in All The Lord is the only One who can bring about all that we need, He completes our every need, He alone is our provider, He alone brings fulfillment and satisfaction to our souls! [But] from this day I will bless you (Haggai 2:19). That is what the Lord told Haggai to tell the Remnant once they were obedient and that is what the Lord requires of us too- He wants us to obey Him and turn to Him for all our needs and then we will have more than enoughamen! Agape,
Daniel Wright Iron Man Oikodome Proverbs 27:17

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