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Questionnaire The Emotional Atmosphere in the EFL Classroom and Language Learning

I. Background Information:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Age: Gender (type M for masculine or F for feminine): Nationality: Ethnicity: Which languages do you know? (According to the order in which you learned them) Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? YES/NO How many English classes do you have a week? At what age did you start learning English? In what environment have you learned English? (Check the answer with an 'x') Only in the classroom. In the classroom and outside the classroom. Only outside the classroom. In what environment do you use English? (Check the answer with an x) Only in the classroom. In the classroom and outside the classroom. Only outside the classroom
1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neither agree nor disagree 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree


6. 7. 8.



II. Answer each question by using a number from 1 to 5 in the box provided

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A relaxed and friendly atmosphere is important in the English classroom. A relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the English classroom helps me to learn the language. There is a good emotional atmosphere in my English classroom. My English teacher stands in front of the classroom during the lesson. My English teacher smiles while teaching. My English teacher uses his/her sense of humor to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the classroom. My classmates and I have a close relationship with our English teacher.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

My teacher shows interest in teaching English. The way in which my teacher teaches English helps me to be more interested in learning English. My teacher teaches in such a way that I truly enjoy my English class. I do not get bored in my English class. There have been times when my English teacher lost his/her patience if the students did not know how to answer a question about the lesson. My English teacher tends to be rather strict when my classmates and I give incorrect answers to questions about the lesson. My English teacher tends to be rather strict when my classmates and I dont do our homework. My English teacher has high expectations of his/her students. My English teacher shows interest in the students ways of looking at things in the classroom. I feel that my responses and comments during the lesson are appreciated by my English teacher. I am not afraid of making mistakes when I speak English in the classroom. My English teacher encourages us to ask questions when there is something that we dont understand during the lesson. I feel confident to freely express my thoughts and ideas in the English classroom. When s/he teaches grammar, my English teacher provides us with the grammar rules. When a student asks a grammar question, my English teacher responds by providing the student with a direct answer. My English teacher provides us with opportunities to use grammar in communicative activities in the classroom. I feel that my English classes have given me the confidence to use English outside the classroom. I feel that my English classes have provided me with the necessary language skills to use English outside the classroom. My English teacher mainly uses activities from the textbook. My English teacher uses activities that encourage me to actively participate in class. My English teacher uses interactive activities, such as games and roleplays, in the classroom.

III. Answer the following questions:

What could your teacher do to turn the English classroom into what you view as your ideal English classroom? 1.

In your opinion, what is the main goal of English language learning? 2.

Thank you for your time and cooperation! If you have any questions, please contact me: Liana Pavelescu, I would like to get in touch with some respondents to this questionnaire for more detailed information. If you are willing for me to contact you for an interview, please indicate that by typing I agree to be contacted for an interview in the space provided: _________________________. If you agree to participate, you will agree a convenient time and place for me to interview you for about 30 minutes. You are free to stop the interview and withdraw at any time. Your confidentiality will be maintained. Your name will not be used anywhere in the study. You will not be identifiable in the write up of the study or any publication which might follow.

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