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Petition Number 1: Mother Mary, please teach the Break -free participants to pray more devoutly and often

as our Lord taught us to pray. We pray for the Light to see and comprehend God's will in their lives. Through intense prayer may they renew themselves and be enriched with the virtues of your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as they unite themselves with your infinite wisdom. Help them to understand the deeper meaning of the word that sanctifies them. Teach them to cultivate the habit of prayer, giving them the grace to pray every day, uplifting every task that they perform. We pray that they may be enlightened with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Inspire them to pray constantly, so that waking they may watch with Christ, our Savior, and sleeping may have peace of mind. Petition Number 2 Mother Mary, we pray for peace and justice for all the break-free participants and their families. Let peace begin within them, that they, in turn, may promote peace among their families, friends and all nations. Teach them to live truly the life of love towards God and all humankind. Inspire them to pray for the cleansing of their hearts and minds of hate, envy, anger and selfishness. Teach them to love and forgive. Inspire them to be generous and to give without counting the cost. Help them to become worthy of the precious gifts of the Holy Spirit. Mother, may your grace be their counsel to enlighten their minds and strengthen their will to do good and avoid evil. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit be in their hearts, to guide them in the performance of their duties and obligations to God, Parents and all human-kind. Mother Mary, we pray for all the children, especially those suffering from oppression and depression. Protect and help them to attain peace with justice. Petition Number 3 Mother Mary, give them guidance and encouragement in the practice of the daily reading of the Holy Scriptures wherein they may find the Light of Eternal Life and spiritual nourishment. May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten their hearts and minds that they may always have the grace and courage to live the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Petition Number 4 Mother Mary, please guide and teach all parents to do what is right in the sight of God. Mother Mary, we pray for all families. Please bless their homes and families. May your Holy Angels stay with them to keep them from evil and harm. Cover them with your mantle of protection from any natural calamities and catastrophes that may come. Give them strength to meet the difficulties of daily living. Help them to grow closer to God in faith and love through prayer. Mother Mary, help them to enrich our understanding of Truth to ensure their spiritual progress. Guide all families to resist evil and to strive for holiness. Assist them in building a strong foundation for the love of our families. Petition Number 5 Mother Mary, we pray for those who are at risk of being lost, or who are already lost through any form of addiction. Those who are addicted to internet, alcohol, drugs, the flesh or any kind of vice; May your graces enlighten their minds and strengthen their will to do good and avoid evil. Protect your children from every psychopath who is trying to access or attack them through their internet/face book accounts. Please teach, help them to grow in love and truth, that they may find deliverance from the power of evil.

Petition Number 6 Mother Mary, we pray that the teenagers may understand and appreciate the importance and value of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in their daily life. May they realize that the Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer, wherein our Lord, Jesus Christ, is there present with them to re-live His sacrifice for their spiritual salvation. Petition Number 7 Mother Mary, we pray for an increase of vocations. Inspire parents to encourage their children with guidance into greater awareness of this blessed state of life. Mother Mary, strengthen their perseverance to overcome all obstacles. Grant them the fortitude to continue following your Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Light. We also pray that the children will take a decision with your Son with regards to their future. Petition Number 8 Mother Mary, we pray for the conversion of hearts and minds of every one attending the retreat. Please touch and inspire the hearts and minds of those who dwell in darkness, that they may see the Light of Salvation and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary, we pray for all parents to turn to the one True God, for the cleansing of hearts and minds, for the strengthening of faith that they may live in Truth. Inspire them with the desire to achieve the state of sanctifying grace. Petition Number 9 Mother Mary, we pray for the blessing and understanding to receive more frequently and reverently, the Holy Sacraments, given to them through the grace and love of the Triune Godhead. May these Holy Sacraments, especially Penance and the Holy Eucharist, be cherished more devoutly in the lives of all these children. We pray that these Sacraments will renew them spiritually and strengthen them to do the will of God. Petition Number 10 Mother Mary, we pray for an increase of children attending the Catechism classes. Please protect them from discord and disunity. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit be always in their hearts, to guide them into harmony with the Divine Will. Mother Mary, grant them the grace that in their daily lives that they may inspire other children, and remind themselves and others that God has chosen each one of us in His Great Plan for the Salvation of Mankind. Petition Number 11 Mother Mary, we pray for the youth, the abandoned, the orphans, the abused and the missing children. Bless them and help them. May your love continue to be their guidance and protection. Petition Number 12 Lord Jesus through the intercession of Mother Mary anoint everyone in the music ministry and all the instruments. Mother Mary we pray for worship leader and all singers that they may be in perfect health. We pray all the people involved in bringing the instruments and speakers. Petition Number 13 Mother Mary we pray for the Mobilization team, that they may have the strength to carry the mission in bringing many teenagers to Christ. Petition Number 14 Mother Mary, we pray for the resources persons Fr Cherian and Bro Dony Peter. Lord Jesus may your anointing be upon them, that they may speak to hearts of the children attending the retreat. Mother Mary place them in your mantle and protect them from evil.

Petition Number 15: Mother Mary we lift up the prayer, intercession team and all who are praying for the Break free retreat. Petition Number 16 Mother Mary we pray for the AV and Decoration Team. Lord Jesus we give their talents to you through the intercession of Mother Mary for the glory of Lord. We also place the Seraphic Hall under your protection. Lord Jesus, perfect everything that concerns this retreat Petition Number 17 Mother Mary we pray for the adoration and the Mass. Oh Spouse of the Holy Spirit we pray that during this time you intercede to your Son that He may send forth His Holy Spirit mightily upon the participants and resource persons. May the presence and the Glory of the Living Lord fill the hall. Mother Mary, help them to participate in the Holy Mass more frequently and devoutly, that they may never stray from the way of everlasting salvation. Help them to achieve the grace of the redemption won for them by your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Savior, which is celebrated in the Eucharist. Petition Number 18 Mother Mary we pray that we may meet every financial need for these 3 days.Bless the person who support for the Break-free retreat Petition Number 19 Mother Mary we pray for the Food committee .Bless our food and take every sickness among our midst. Petition Number 20 Mother Mary, we pray for all the petitions .We humbly consecrate ourselves to you with all our hearts and minds in this devotion. Please, hear our prayers and grant our petitions (Pause one minute: mention them silently). Mother Mary, please grant us these favors and the understanding to accept whatever is given to us in accordance with the will of God. We thank you Mother Mary, and your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ for the many blessings granted to us

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