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By Doctor Angel Garcia

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erIC BAroNe
How tHe 33 revelations were born

tHe 33 revelations

that will transmute the end of a world into the beginning of another


revelation 1

2013. The power of the invisible gland, creator of the Akashic conscience, will be revealed.

revelation 2

2013. It will be the twilight of social hypnotism.

revelation 3

2015. The awakening of a new sexual conscience will take place.

revelation 4

2017. Transformation of human species into the sound box of every living being in the planet.


revelation 5

2018. Human beings as detectors of fundamental truths and the essence of reality.

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revelation 6

2018. Conscience will find its food.

revelation 7

2018. Akashic Darwinism will lead to a forced adaptation to evolutional changes.

revelation 8

2020.The self-healing processes innate in man will be activated.

revelation 9

2030. Mind learns to move within seven dimensions.

revelation 10

2030. Superior intelligence will become accessible for everyone.

revelation 11

2032. Functioning axes of micro-societies become visible. New paradigms of communication and commercialization will be born.

revelation 12

2033. Humans will learn to heal themselves by transferring their diseases to trees.

revelation 13

2033. Sex and love will be consolidated into a more altruistic superior feeling.

revelation 14

2036. The possibility to establish direct communications with extraterrestrial and other dimensions intelligences will appear.


revelation 15

2037. Groups of 7 people will learn to consciously create a new type of invisible being of great influence.

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revelation 16

2039. Man will be able to create and program invisible robots, by using his own life energies as raw material.

revelation 17

2039. Seventy-seven masters will form an invisible world government.

revelation 18

2042. A strange power of voice will allow the conscience to see multiple levels and realities.

revelation 19

2050. An anti-suffering mechanism will change the balance of powers in the world.

revelation 20

2052. A global revolution of all knowledge will emerge through the universalizing of conscience travels in other spaces.

revelation 21

2052. Human mind manages to unify all knowledge. The intellectual zenith of life arrives.

revelation 22

2054. The power of the trinity will become tangible, creating a selective hecatomb, and only an elite will reach success.

revelation 23

2057. Thanks to a new union with trees, man will become capable of creating highways to receive beings from other dimensions.


revelation 24

2057. Certain people will acquire the power to see Gods plans and will guide humanity accordingly.

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revelation 25

2057. Emotional perception will increase with such intensity that all human relationships will be changed for better.

revelation 26

2059. All parapsychic power will jointly develop, producing great improvements in life but also driving the maximum destruction risk of mankind.

revelation 27

2067. Man will be able to merge with the cosmic conscience, which will provide more than 300 benefits to him.

revelation 28

2067. The power of the voice will open doors to other dimensions, which will cause madness or great achievements to those who travel there.

revelation 29

2067. A new source of extra-dimensional food will produce morphology mutations in human species.

revelation 30

2067. Man will renew his health thanks to his digestive system, which will awake genetic functions similar to those produced by alchemy.

revelation 31

2087. We will collaborate again with the invisible worlds beings because new perception channels will allow us to detect them.


revelation 32

2087. Connecting to 69 cosmic channels, man will activate all the internal mechanisms of self-healing.

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revelation 33

2089. The mind will be used in a quantum way, which implies a definite leap forward for human intelligence and the understanding of the universe.

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A Practice Guide For The New Human

appendiX: Glossary



I was born in a country in war against itself, in which to see men with their throats cut on the streets, in the arms of mothers crying out loud under their black veils was a common thing. See bodies torn by explosions was also common, the struggle between the fellagha movement calling for the Algerian independence and the OAS of colonists born in the country that wanted to avoid them was a fratricidal struggle that marked me forever. Man was not to blame but what the powerful ones wanted he to believe... it is called politics.

My destiny was marked by a dream that killed many people and save others...I have no remorse about it, I was maybe two years old... and as Krishna said to Arjuna: You cannot kill what cannot die. One morning I woke up and told my mother that I saw her putting a nice white candle in front of a small stone wall and there was plenty of light. As soon as she told my Arabic Mumaraba about it, she began to cry and started screaming that the little boy had dreamed about the tomb of Sidi Abdelkader Jilalil, a great Sufi saint, and that this family was protected. In two days we understood what it meant. The greengrocer from our building some Marzuk, they told me- waited that no one was in his shop and, speaking very low to my mother, he said: Mrs. Gilda, please do not go to visit the tomb of the Christian. It was an ancient funerary monument, far from Skikda, (then called Philippeville) between Algiers and Cherchell. It housed the remains of the daughter of Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony. My mother had the good intuition to tell a Legionnaire uncle of mine, who died months later as a hero (I do not know hero for what... I

The effect of the dream does not end here. Our whole family was protected until taking the plane of the last departure from Algeria, a country which General de Gaulle returned to its historical owners in 1961. I was 6. Shortly before, the greengrocer who saved our lives told my mother that the mufti (religious authority) wanted to see me. They accompanied me to visit him. The man wrote a Quranic Sura on paper, burned it, mixed it with water, shaking the bottle a long time, and muttering words that we did not understand (no one spoke Arabic in my family of French origin). Then, he ceremoniously made several anointing on my head as I watched his eyes, curious. The priest, in a language mixing Arabic and French, explained my mother: much later, when your son grows up, he will be a great doctor, but not one of those who go to the hospital to see the sick! Obviously, it cost me half a century to understand the revelation.

have never understood how one could become a hero by killing). My uncle talked to his superiors and, in short: they saved our lives! We arrived at the monument after a boat trip, accompanied by a group of very restless Legionnaires. At the entrance, they forced civilians to stay out and entered the monument, a perfect place for an ambush. We hear bursts and I remember my mother holding me strongly against her, as she used to do the night when we heard the explosions of civil war. Many fellaghas were killed by Legionnaires (including my uncle)... but I do not feel anything other than much sadness that brothers have been killed because a child had dreamed of a saint.


In these few years when I lived in that country (I cannot say my country because I also learned that no one owns anything, let alone a territory), a place where the biggest fun was to go to the harbor to eat zalabias, merguez or macrudes, and I also saw very strange things that were fixed in my mind forever. I saw very ill people calling some quack, I saw how they brought snakes to, as they said: transfer the disease on these desert dwellers and within days I saw my neighbor who was about to die, getting

up, going shopping, returning to normal life. I did not see it once but many times. I saw men and women dedicated to healing, without worrying that patients were French invaders or Arab invaded. I saw how an unbreakable faith animated them to use the Koran, and how they threw molten lead into water and how the patient improved after drinking it. It was like a counterweight to so many wrongful deaths that I saw in the street. The mufti was right, but only 50 years later I can name my real profession: unwittingly I became an anthropologist of medicine.


How lucky I was to never be a good student and never qualify to enter into medical school! It would upset my brain making me believe that the men in white coats knew a lot, and that the shamans of the rainforest were all ignorant. I soon became fascinated with the readings made (fortunately or unfortunately I had learned to read at 3 years). I merrily mixed surgery treatises, occultism books, some political sociology, a lot of science and physics, science fiction books, everything except school textbooks (so boring).

I could not avoid getting even more fascinated to read about the Egyptian world. I experimented with pyramids, and I verified that yes, it is true, when I put some meat on a pyramid I made, the meat was mummified. I built one by destroying furniture that I thought my grandmother did no longer use (it hurt a lot when I discovered that she did not think the same... but I had my pyramid). I also made my grandmother drink a lot of water that I had loaded in this pyramid, without her knowing it, and she rapidly improved her stomach suffering.

What to think of a civilization that practiced cranial surgery (skulls neatly operated and trepanning devices have been discovered in tombs), that could keep wheat seeds in a state of suspended life for thousands of years, which mesmerized the sick and called the Gods to cure them, used alchemy both to rejuvenate and compensate genetic alterations and, most of all, to give pharaohs Gods attributes?

I naively thought having found my vocation: if it was true what I read of Egyptian medicine, I wanted to be an Egyptian doctor... without reasoning that there is no center in the world that could teach something that nobody ever understood and that everyone battered (except for the sick people that were healed).


The story of my new hero does not end here: apart from being high priest of Heliopolis and vizier of the pharaoh Necherjet Dyeser, what seemed most important of all is that he designed the layered pyramid of Saqqara. As architect and astronomer he mastered calculus and geometry (I was impressed because these two subjects were my school terror... until portable calculators saved me). When I was 7 years old, just arrived from Algeria as a political refugee, I found a print that strongly called my attention in an old encyclopedia. I fell asleep watching it and dreamed that I had to activate some fire in my spine. When I just woke up, impressed by the colors of the dream, I started looking at the extensive (and crazy) library my mother had accumulated, looking for some drawing that was similar to what I had dreamt or a description that was alike.

I was fascinated by the figure of IMHOTEP. Born in about 2690 BC, its name translates: He who comes in peace. It did not surprise me that he was treated like God, since I had already realized that making Egregores* with his mind, his kundalini* and (what I now call) the 4th eye *, man can make many Gods in the energetic world (and not deprived of it, even today). It was much more brought to my attention that he was at the same time an astronomer, the first architect known in history and also a doctor. Doubting about the latter, I read the translation of Edwin Smiths papyrus which describes 48 healings and various observations. Although this papyrus was written about 1700 BC, it recounts extraordinary things: a magical and religious approach that does not rule out surgery and a great number of medicines (Imhotep already used opiates as anesthetics). In this papyrus we read the description of cranial sutures, the meninx, the brains outer surface, spinal fluid, etc...

Now I must tell you what I have never told.

So I found the concept of Kundalini. Shock: my dream designated something that existed; it was not just a dream, it was a message.


In discredited books (but which did its spiritual work properly) such as The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa, I read a definition of these records. Definition that never satisfied me, because I did not accept that they were only records of the past. Years later, I was able to demonstrate that they are the central memory of the universe, that in them it can be found the energetic form (such as computer programs now) of the model of all the patterns on which to build the universe, molecules, our genetic code, the structures of societies, of the family. Everything is inside the memory of the Akashic records, so we could call it the memory of the future. At that moment, I still needed to know how to decipher it and survive in the attempt (I recognize that this phrase was added now, at that time I would go with Dante to hell if necessary, to make them reveal the secrets of man to me. Indeed, decades after I did it!).

On the next day, I wanted to sleep fast and, in order to get tired, I faced my second school terror: I practiced sports. I went back to sleep voluntarily facing the same print. I saw worlds, unknown spaces; I traveled more than anything you can imagine. I had just discovered my first door to the Akashic Records *.

You will now guess what I did... I went to the Akashic records not to visit Imhotep (because I knew that if I reached that point it would be an act of spiritualism) but to experience therapies that he practiced in pyramids, looking at him and superposing my conscience to the eyes and minds of his patients, like if it was an invisible mask. I tell you what I saw. It took me years to elaborate it and now I understand why Imhotep was my first hero.

I discovered that the doors to the Akashic Records were numerous, and that the problem was not going there and coming back mentally healthy, but to be able to read and decode what it is found for transmission (if you do not have a solid culture or specialty, do not try to go: you will be sent like to a childrens play yard and you will not bring anything important).

Imhotep was not only an astronomer but also astrologer, he could calculate the impact that planets had on the patients body. The pyramids worked as cosmo-telluric energy condensers; it seems that we do the same with modern radiotherapy, but it was not then a matter of acting at the same level as we do. Radiation therapy, that saved so many cancer patients, acts at the cellular level (i.e. in the world of three dimensions) while the planetary energies act in the other 22 dimensions that collaborate with life. The first acts on the physical body, the second on the energetic bodies. Here was the secret of Imhotep: to recover all possible biological arsenal -herbal medicine, surgery, auscultation- and combine it with cosmic energies.

Using a giant-sized pyramid he captured powerful form energies*, now called radionic energies. These energies from the cosmos and the Earth were condensed in the pyramids.


All this digression was to explain which procedure I used in order to interpret the extraordinary about Imhotep: suddenly, incorporating myself into the body of one of the patients who healed, I felt prisoner of an indescribable terror. In the midst of various incense smoke, a dog-headed God approached me. Analyzing it more calmly, I realized that they put the patient into a hypnotic state and that God was a mere assistant in disguise. Obviously, the laying on of hands in a healing way he did on my body (replacing the sick person) found me in such a state of suggestibility that it was not hard for him to heal my autonomic nervous system. The order aimed at mobilizing my latent energetic resources, which Imhotep and his followers seemed to know very well. I realized that they were not healing me with their hands by transmitting energy of their own, but they worked my 4th eye* to enter an egregor* filament in it associated with this God represented by the assistant. I felt how this filament ran through and took possession of my nervous system in order to monitor it for purposes of self-healing.

Id rather not talk about the potions they made me eat, or the surgeries they practiced on my body.

I heard Imhotep telling me that he would give me an alchemical potion and that I would probably feel like dying, and then soon return to normal. So it happened, the patient was in a state of suspended life locked in a sarcophagus, traveling in magical but no less real worlds (dimensions to which he could enter through the magical designs painted on the sarcophagus). The great secret of Imhotep finally appeared to me in the Akashic Records: The master had 17 connections with invisibles beings that obeyed him and dictated information of all kinds, including medical. His fate was sealed when he was between 5 to 8 years old. Masters of this age found his immense capabilities and awarded him with these contacts that became his invisible guides. Imhotep was not an alien, he did not shine because he was a living reincarnation, but a multiple-intelligence was created on him based on these connections with invisible beings. Later I discovered that more than half of multiple intelligences, of which Leonardo Da Vinci was the most beautiful exponent, became multiple by means of a similar procedure. I understand now that this medicine was probably the most comprehensive in the world, because it contained the most modern (surgery and pharmaceuticals), the oldest (alchemy and cosmic energies), the most magical (travels in other dimensions, egregores and hidden forces), and the most mental (thanks to hypnotism). I ran away from the transfer I was into, suffering from a tachycardia. I understand why many patients died: they died from fear.


I do not want to resort to the easy hypothesis about the inheritance from earlier or alien civilizations. First because aliens are everywhere (we all are), and second, as to the legacies of great civilizations, their knowledge cannot come from anywhere else other than the Akashic Records anyway. If Imhotep became my first hero, the second was not a person but an entire civilization and I confess without shame that it is thanks to Lobsang Rampa (which probably never existed beyond the mind

I owe Lobsang Rampa (who neither exists nor existed) something essential: Understanding how my perception from the third eye worked. I recognized in the descriptions the author made of the energies what I perceived as a child. I never thought to ask anyone if they perceived them. I saw anger as two red beams being born from the diaphragm, black energy in body parts, blue or bright colors, gray or violet. Belatedly I thank this mufti who with his magical actions opened these channels. I guess I owe him this transfer of power. I also sensed by then without being able to formulate it that nobody is given strange gifts and capabilities without sense, even when this one is unknown. I call it today spiritual mission and I admit that the consultations that fill me with joy, after 30 years of taking care of them in my office, are those in which my patient asks about his spiritual mission for the only time in his life. I see these peoples eyes light up: they finally understand the meaning of life, the reason for their suffering and they have the guidance

No matter if the book is historically true. Who says we have to read it like a National Geographic report? It happens that many authors unwittingly go into the Akashic Records, releasing knowledge that seems so aberrant that they prefer to write novels for the public not to think they are crazy. They start to sow confusion when they invent more lies to justify what the press reports. It is not important that the author never traveled to Tibet... the truth is that his mind traveled in the Akashic records, and this becomes even a more valuable testimony. I say this being aware that the transfers of powers that an author might be commissioned to do, are independent of the intellectual sense of his text and even the historical mistakes he can make by composing it. The powers are given by invisible creatures who wake up to read these books and end up reading the reader, evaluating him and opening the gates of ancient knowledge on him, activating the cosmic connections that the reader needs in order to fulfill his mission, etc... This is the definition of living books. And many paragraphs of this book fall into this category, so I called them revelations.

of whoever wrote The Third Eye). But, why not investigating this issue honestly, and see all the implications?


It is true that at 12 years of age one gets easily impressed by Prince Siddhartha Gautama who was born in 563 BC... and who would not? He left his palace and his family to seek a remedy that would end human suffering. How strange his history is! How much his parents loved him to want him to avoid seeing old age, death and illness in their palace! I am sure that this which was intended to be an act of love finally became the first case of social hypnotism* where it was tried to make people believe something unreal... How well we do it nowadays with the information manipulated by the media! We became so expert that, fearing that it is still insufficient, we have invented virtual reality to make lies more real. Gautama finds leprosy, sees a funeral procession, and discovers old age. His shock is equal to that of our teenagers who believed that the modern world waited them to leave school to give them a job right away thanks to their diplomas. How do 25% of unemployed in developed countries feel? As angry as young students from all times, the class that most revolted against by being the first to understand the manipulation of social hypnotism....

I adjusted Tibetan medicine on what I already knew about Egyptian medicine, and included in the study all what is called Ayurveda medicine, since they all come from common sources. First I looked for my hero, because I suspected a lot about the honesty of Lobsang Rampa. He had admitted that his book was a novel influenced by invisible forces who should lead humanity in a certain direction. I decided to forget about the novel and enter in direct contact with these invisible forces. Lobsang Rampa opened a bright way to many people... including me. Then I decided to search the cradle of my new hero in India, Nepal and Tibet.

of their development. I had the opportunity to follow children for 25 years to see them develop in accordance with the spiritual mission I had read in the Akashic Records for them. Blessed are the parents for having asked and blessed they are also for having guided them. They have so produced happy, balanced and aware adults. I know they will appreciate this book in its full extent.


Gautama bravely faced the emotional situation instead of fearfully return to the palace to forget what he saw and enjoy the benefits of its aristocracy. He did not plunge into depression as any child witnessing death for the first time does, and then asks why he was born if he has to die. At this moment of awareness when a child takes full responsibility over good and evil, most of them escape the emotional torture by going back to play ball with their friends. Even though they and their parents ignore it, this escape from reality without confronting the injustice of being born and die is the mother of all fears. Instead of running away like most of the worlds children, Gautama took refuge in the Jungle of medicine (where medicinal herbs were harvested) and decided to seek illumination to eradicate disease from the world. When finding his story, I decided to forbid every fanatic attitude from myself. I had read the Autobiography of Yogananda another living book- and I was fascinated by the context of this civilization, but I could not accept to mix up the emotions about the huge respect this line of Kriya Yoga in which I was initiated provoked in me, and the affiliation with Gautama.


In order to appreciate Gautama free of fanatic behaviors, I decided to inquire into the Akashic Records in order to find out how a conscience so high could dominate so many centuries of understanding. The answer was surprising. What happened to Sakyamuni is something that happens only -and by will of the guides of the Akashic Records- to one person each 100,000 years. A very ancient egregor not made on Earth by anyone but other humans, created a constant circle between his third eye and the central memory of the universe. In a millionth of a second, at the moment of his great awakening, just when he was renouncing, he received three billion times more information than a man in his entire life. Facing the need to convey what he received, he had to adapt the message to the understanding of his time and the language that was used then. All those of us who

I had to realize that anyone who falls into fanaticism is accomplice (voluntary or involuntary) of social hypnotism, since fanaticism represents the extremist form of this free will manipulation.

While I was studying the Vedas and many Buddhist books, I admit I was very reluctant to emotional words, and felt a deep rejection (although I believed to understand them) towards words such as detachment, selfishness, etc.... All these words had no definition for me and I realized that until re-explaining them in bioenergy, they were were only poetic, descriptive, but almost unusable. [...End of this chapters fragment..]

The spiritual awakening develops 20 capabilities that I described in another book*, but does not involve contact with the egregor-ring that connected the mind of Gautama with the Akashic Records. I hope that the Buddhists that read this book do not take these words as any lack of respect towards the pillar of their beliefs. The Akashic Therapy is analytical and proceeds that way. The same situation happens when it talks about the healing powers of Christ or when it translates the Bible and other holy books into healing electronic sounds. It is not intended to offend any believer, but only be useful to human health. I specifically believe I do that by following the same precepts that these great masters taught. I do not think, or wish to offend anyone by showing the healing powers of sacred texts... and if I do, I shall not offer any apology, because the only thing that should matter to everyone is the salvation of the sick. By this I pay tribute to Gautama... and you will read why.

reach the spiritual awakening have the same problem when going back to the world of three dimensions. Accessing a universe of 22 dimensions, which is the maximum a human can achieve without disembodying, is called: spiritual awakening in Hinduism or baptism of the Holy Spirit in Christianity. I certify that this state exists and is accessible, and it is highly desirable to access it. But it is in itself of no use to mankind. Those of us who enter into such a state are abstracted from the world, it only counts and is useful what we do specifically for others when returning from this trip.




Human mind manages to unify all knowledge. The intellectual zenith of life arrives.


2052 will be the year in which the scientific world will have achieved to create an integrative model that will renew all understanding. Unifying science and spiritualism, logic and magic, they will find the central axis of the universe and the conscience in a special curvature that passes through the central canal of man (the unifying chakra that extends from the perineum to the crown). Scientists will crystallize the idea of a single-plane system, such as the TOROIDAL/ TORUS ring*, containing time on the inside (which forms the volume) and space on the surface of the volume. Human conscience will be recognized as a thread that goes through the middle of the volume like a shaft on a wheel.

Thinkers will create a model in which the unrelated people will be represented as frictions in the surface parts while flows of conscience will have like a parallelism of axes of conscience. On the contrary, interconnected people will be represented by Toroidal/ Torus rings hooked between them, and conscience axes causing innumerable crossings. Someone will think on creating a quantum

An invisible sphere of 72 feet in diameter will materialize at 11 miles from Earth. Its power will manifest in strange ways since it will turn the axes of time and space bringing mathematicians a third alternative between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry; an alternative similar to Sanskrits strange capabilities. We will find that an equation can generate a new space rather than just describe it. One person per million will benefit from the capacity generated by this area: the power to read and write such equations. In an ancient language we would say that the ideograms (which we rename spiritual equations) will be like hieroglyphs that channeling the power of the 4th eye of these people will allow them to materialize different spaces. These privileged ones will receive many initiations that will teach them how to upholster the walls of their central chakra (which links perineum and crown). Like every transmission of powers, the so called Initiations can only be received during sleep to join our bioenergetic being, which wakes up when the neuronal being falls asleep. This capability will allow accessing the gap that exists in atoms, between neutrons and electrons. The other dimensions pass through this gap, showing us that every gap is full of something that was already acting before being understood by the conscience. Therefore, those blessed by this power will have the ability to distort the molecular properties and we will discover the basics of alchemy.

trigonometry between these axes, thus defining a new human interface between consciences. The voluntary combination of some axes of conscience into a unified conscience among researchers will allow changing the direction of investigations, definitely killing the narrow concept of the brains functioning we have. The thought will evolve towards a collective mind, which will go much against ego and individual pride.


Some members of this new breed of powerful people, displeased by the inertia that still rules the world, will decide to install forever in one of these other dimensions. Then we will understand the phenomenon

of post-mortem non-putrefaction of saints. If the body of people with great spiritual power was discovered intact, even several centuries after their death, is simply... because they had not died. We do not say they were buried alive but their conscience stayed voluntarily in these inter-atomic spaces from which they could continue to help a greater number of humans, thus continuing the mission of their life. This phenomenon reported several times over the millennia, justifies the global devotion of all religions to the ancestors, relics, and that certain cults were born from this capacity (that of writing equations of the universe) that was implemented in humans 82,000 years ago. It may have been the most important topic of study that guides/ experimenters implemented in our humanity. It is obvious that those who will have this capability in the next future will be true supermen in the sense given in our time, but they will not be recognized as Gods or great masters, but as mutants, since our humanity will not be more predisposed to invent new Gods. During 187 years the space/time distortion will not be noticed, but since 2239 the following changes will be observed:


- It will firstly be noticed in the water molecules. The water of the planet will become much more conscious and our bioenergetic intelligence, which always supported its performance on this liquid that occupies 80% of our body, will increase 3,000 times its own density. We may say that we will think from every molecule of water in our body.

The downside (if any) is that the water of seas, rivers and lakes will have also increased their conscience causing much of humanity to feel the pollution of the seas as their own. They will feel like their conscience is dirty and they will be right since this pollution will be the painful legacy of our generation. Thirty million people will partner to clean the worlds oceans and purify water in general, aware that they will do it simultaneously in

- The fire element will seem increasingly colder. It is not that the laws of physics will change at this level, but the internal energy of humans will have become so aware that it will not perceive the environmental heat as we do today. Although the following sentence will seem paradoxical, it may be said that the conscience of many men might get intoxicated with fire. The projection of their mind on this element will give them an easily addictive feeling of wellbeing and new dimensions of happiness and sensory state will be discovered. - The perception of the earth element will also be different. Ground vibrations that the human body will capture will be so intense that we will redefine urbanize as: creating residential areas where the surrounding lands will be truly living, conscious, and vibrant. We will learn to clearly feel the degree of life and death of a land. All these external changes will occur in parallel with the internal changes of man. Both will result from the time/space distortion.

- The air element will subtly change its density, not on its molecular composition but on physical behavior. To our descendants, the air will seem very rough and the respiratory difficulty produced will require a genetic modification of lungs and respiratory system. It will be said and done in less than three generations.

the seas and in the collective unconscious of all present and future mankind. They will have rediscovered the interdependence of man and nature, through the water as a bridge of life.


One consequence that is hard to imagine is the expansion of conscience, which in 2702 will be shared by 97% of humanity. The capacity of conscience will be so wide that would cover 26 feet (instead of the current average of 0.5 inches). Using a fun way to illustrate what it means, say you put the Coliseum over the Eiffel Tower like if it was a royal crown.

This huge fraction of the population will have the ability to act on the atomic level itself, and we will understand the basics of psychokinetic, materialization and healing powers that history reports.

These gifted people from the past have shown that physical laws kept us prisoners through the social hypnosis and that we could break them without destroying mankind.


The human ego (intimately dependent on its diabolical body) created conservationism as a petrifaction of human conscience and a violation of reality. One last piece of information: we will not get to 2112 without due redefinition of life and death, which never found a satisfactory definition other than the biological one. When we hear that John Doe died, we will ask In which dimension? and at the birth of a baby we will say from which time he comes?


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