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''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''


Part 43.
How To Exit This Lower Hopeless Earthly Realm!
There is a discovery among many, of a realm of living that supersedes the hopelessness that most are
eperiencing in this negative !orld today. "n the overall plan of #od !e can re$oice in the fact that !e
have all %een placed in this circumstance of seeming hopelessness for a !onderful reason & that is found
in the follo!ing encouraging inspired !ords of our great Apostle Paul !hich are'
''For the creation (nature) was subjected to railty (to utility! condemned to rustration)! not
because o some intentional ault on its part! but by the will o Him "ho so subjected it##$yet% with the
hope& That nature (creation) itsel will be set ree rom its bonda'e to decay and corruption $and 'ain
an entrance% into the 'lorious reedom o (od's children& "e )now that the whole creation $o
irrational creatures% has been moanin' to'ether in the pains o labour until now&'' Rom ()*+,**. Amp.
The thought that is uppermost in my heart is that this earthly realm that !e are at present
eperiencing, !hich to many is one of delusion, defeat, & finality, & also to many people the only escape
is alcohol, a drug trip, suicide, the grave, & the finality of D-AT.. "ncredi%le as it may seem to the
natural mind, the eact opposite of this is the TR/- 'existence of reality.' There is in an unseen
eperience, a great unfathoma%le etent of love, order & eternal eistence, !hich is not perceived !ith
the natural seeing eye %ut through an eye !hich is an eye that %elongs to another eternal eistence & it is
called 0A"T.. 1hich if !e %egin to eercise !e can epect the follo!ing.
''* "+*TE, patiently and expectantly or the Lord- and He inclined to me and heard my cry& - We
know that the whole creation has been moaning together in the pains of labour until now - He drew me
up out o a horrible pit $a pit o tumult and o destruction%! out o the miry clay (roth and slime)! and
set my eet upon a roc)! steadyin' my steps and establishin' my 'oin's& +nd He has put a new son'
in my mouth! a son' o praise to our (od& .any shall see and ear (re/ere and worship) and put their
trust and conident reliance in the Lord&'' Psa 4+)2,3. Amp.
.e dre! me up out of a horrible pit this pit of seeming destrction, .e then set my feet upon a
R3C4 namely Christ !ho is actually a very real part of your %eing & is !aiting for you to reach out
!ithin yourself & then %egin to eperience this other !onderful eternal !orld & then you !ill no longer
%e singing a song of hopelessness, %ut a ne! son" & then you are promised that you !ill have trust &
confidence in the 5ord of the one !ho controls this other unseen eternal eistence6 for you !ill have seen
& %e eperiencing it through the eye of faith !hich is already !ithin you & needs to %e used, for !e are
told that ''He has dealt to e/ery man the measure o aith&'' 1ith use or eercise it !ill develop in A78

''Return to the stron'hold $o security and prosperity%! you prisoners o hope- e/en today do *
declare that * will restore double your ormer prosperity to you&'' 9ech :)2*. Amp.
7otice that 9echariah refers to the prisoners of hope# the reason for this is that our great eternal
0ather has al!ays had a plan even from the %eginning that !e !ould %e lo!ered into the prison of this
carnal !orld so that in the turmoil of hopelessness !e !ould reach out & each & every soul !ill in time
do $ust that, for is it not !ritten that ''when I am lifted up I will draw all souls to myself.'' ;o all is not
hopelessness there is a purpose to every eperience !e have in eistence & if you can %elieve it love is
the motivating force %ehind all that you & " are eperiencing today for !e must eperience & endure
trials. <ut %e encouraged.
''"ho remembered us in our low estate- or His mercy endures ore/er-'' Psa 23=)*3.
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
The 0ommunication 1etween Two "orlds!
" am no! >uoting from a !riter !ho " greatly respect. ''1e !ould help you to raise your consciousness to
the spheres !here harmony, truth & love prevail. The !hole purpose of the unfoldment of these inner
po!ers, !hich all men & !omen possess in greater or lesser degree, is that you may %ecome a!are of
spirit, & %e a%le to receive impressions of harmony & truth from the spirit !orld including angels & the
spirits of 'just men made perfect' .e% 2*)**,*3.

Truth is a spirit la!, a reality reflecting the la! of #od. <ut !e have to prepare ourselves physically,
mentally & spiritually, %efore !e can reflect the truth !hich eists in the spiritual !orld.

1e have heard much tal? a%out psychic matters & the proofs of an afterlife o%taina%le through
psychic evidence, !ith great emphasis laid on the scientific vie!point, rather suggesting there%y that the
spiritual vie!point is not scientific. This idea !e !ould li?e to correct, & ma?e clear that there is nothing
unscientific in spiritual la!. ;piritual la! is eternally true, !hile the pronouncements of science change
almost yearly, so !hat is considered true today !ill %e dismissed & forgotten tomorro!. 1ith spiritual
la! there is no change other than continual unfoldment & gro!th. @ore & more truth %ecomes revealed
to a human %eing as his or her inner self gro!s in a!areness6 %ut the la! remains constant.
;piritual science is the true science, %oth on earth & in the celestial spheres. 1hen a man or !oman
%ecomes a!are of, practices & lives these cosmic & spiritual la!s he or she is truly a person of science.
0irst then, let us understand that spiritual unfoldment of your inner faculties is an altogether scientific
process. "f you ignore the la!s of #od, chaos some!here in your %eing !ill %e the result. <ut if you
study the la!s of #od & a%ide %y them, if you o%ey the inner promptings of your spirit & go steadfastly
for!ard step %y step on the path !hich lies %efore you, you !ill discover a deep !ell of !isdom !ithin
your heart6 & also cause your emanation to epand & it !ill emerge & %e noticea%le eternally so that it
reaches out to touch %oth the heights & the depths of life & the lives of others.
7otice that !e have said the depths. 8our consciousness & a!areness must etend %oth !ays,
reaching to %oth ends of the scale. 8our consciousness & emanation must epand to em%race the height,
the depth & the %readth of life, & in the process of this epansion you !ill ac>uire great tolerance, great
love to!ards life & all creatures, & a deep calm & tran>uillity of spirit. 8ou !ill no longer %e shoc?ed or
repelled %y anything) you !ill accept & understand that humanity in all its stages is in process of
evolution or return to!ards #od, from !hom all came.'' /n>uote.
The Truth 2 (od's 2/erall 3lan For 4our Experience!
''For * )now the thou'hts and plans that * ha/e or you! says the Lord! thou'hts and plans or
welare and peace and not or e/il! to 'i/e you hope in your inal outcome& 56 Then you will call upon
.e! and you will come and pray to .e! and * will hear and heed you& 57 Then you will see) .e!
in8uire or! and re8uire .e $as a /ital necessity% and ind .e when you search or .e with all your
heart& 59 * will be ound by you! says the Lord! and * will release you rom capti/ity........ to which *
ha/e dri/en you! says the Lord! and * will brin' you bac) to the place rom which * caused you to be
carried away capti/e&'' Aer *:)22,24. Amp. This is a !onderful verse for all !ho have not yet %ro?en
completely from the captivity of this position of hopelessness. #od has !onderful plans for your spiritual
!elfare 73 @ATT-R 1.3 83/ AR-, 3R T.- C37D"T"37 T.AT 83/ AR- "7 AT T.- @3@-7T. ''I am
going to give you welfare, peace & hope in your final outcome'' " !ill release you from your present
spiritual captivity to !hich " ha$e dri$en yo & " !ill %ring you %ac? to the original place from !hich "
caused you to %e carried a!ay captive. " as? the >uestion, !here % !hat !as that place& As most of us
?no! !e !ere created in Christ Aesus, -ph *)2+, the original tells us created not recreated. 1here did this
ta?e placeB "n the very first chapter of #enesis 2) *C,*(, & !e might notice that this one !ho !as %oth
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
male & female !as commanded to %e fruitful & multiply out of their one self, - which & who was a
complete man - & this is !here you originally came into %eing in this most spiritual state. @ight " say at
this point that this is eactly !here !e are headed at this moment that !e !ould realise that there is really
no separation %et!een the male & the female D the soul & spirit only in our veiled understanding. The
apostle Paul ma?es the !onderful statement in the %oo? of -phesians.

''E/en as $in His lo/e% He chose us $actually pic)ed us out or Himsel as His own% in 0hrist beore
the oundation o the world! that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart or Him) and blameless
in His si'ht! e/en abo/e reproach! beore Him in lo/e& For He oreordained us (destined us! planned
in lo/e or us) to be adopted (re/ealed) as His own children throu'h :esus 0hrist! in accordance with
the purpose o His will $because it pleased Him and was His )ind intent%''## -ph 2)4,E. Amp. ;o the
promise of our 0ather is that .e is %ringing us %ac? to this realisation of understanding of !ho !e really
are. 8ou are not $ust a mortal human %eing consisting of flesh & %lood %ut you are the 'osprin' o
(od'! ''a parta)er o His di/ine nature'' * Pet 2)4. This is your true heritage & as !e !ere told a little
earlier in Aeremiah ''* will brin' you bac) to the place rom which * caused you to be carried away
capti/e&'' And once again " iterate that this place is the #en 2) *C,*( eperience !herein is that
realisation of your true identity even Christ.
2ur ;oul +nd ;pirit Ha/e <e/er 4et 1een ;eparated!
Did not the serpent D which is representative of the carnal mind say to -ve in #en 3)E, that in the day
that you eat of the for%idden tree of "ood % e$il you !ill %e li?e #od & you !ill ?no! the difference
%et!een good & evil & %lessing & calamity #en *)2C. 7o! the sad thing !as that in their true spiritual
creation & understanding they !ere already in the image of #od & !ere replicas of the 0ather & had this
high standing. .o! & !hyB <ecause Christ !as already their true identity, %ut the moment they !anted
to %e as gods in a lo!er realm they %ecame deceived for the spirit of #od !ill not %e relegated to that
lo!er realm for ''lesh = blood cannot inherit the )in'dom o (od&'' 0or the command ever stands that
in the day that you not only eat of that tree %ut even touch it you shall surely die & so they died
immediately they ate of the tree !ithin themselves & even though the out!ard proof of the result !as not
evidenced for :3+ years !hich !as the %est part of one thousand years, they still died in the day that !as
in #od's calculations, for did not our respected Apostle Peter inform us that ''one day is as a thousand
years = a thousand years as one day.'' 7o! !e !ell ?no! that there is a deeper understanding to this
%ut !e also realise that there are three depths or interpretations to the inspired scripture. And so from the
moment they partoo? of the fruit of the tree of good & evil, the e$il !as reversed & %ecame a $eil !hich
caused in their minds the delusion that there !as a separation of soul & spirit !hich is a lie' 7o! !ithout
seeming too pedantic is it only coincidence that the !ord lie is in %oth the !ords e$il & $eil& T.-R- ";
73T A7D T.-R- .A; 7-F-R <--7 A ;-PARAT"37 <-T1--7 ;3/5 & ;P"R"T. 3nly in the e$il lie of the
" hear someone saying %ut !e are told that the veil is already ta?en a!ay for all Christians6 this may
%e true %ut only in the same !ay that the %lood that Aesus shed is for all, %ut until !e come into that
understanding it is not yet effective in our eperience. To further illustrate !e read this verse. ''(od who
is the ;a/iour o all men! specially o them that belie/e&'' 2Tim 4)2+. 7o! even though #od may %e the
saviour of A55 @-7 it has not yet %een eperienced %y all, it is no! especially to them that have so far
%elieved & ta?en advantage of the 1ord. This !onderful, !onderful, truth of the realisation that the
4ingdom of #od, The @ost .oly Place eperience !ill eventually %e understood %y all, and that it is
3758 1"T."7 #3D; T-@P5- !hich is %oth you & ". 5et us no! loo? very closely as this tet proves that
it is an in!ard eperience, in that it is saying that the veil is upon their hearts. "n!ard & not out!ard'
''1ut their minds were blinded> or to this day! when the 2ld Testament - the law of !oses.- is read!
the same /eil rests o/er them! and it is not )nown to them that the /eil has been remo/ed throu'h
0hrist& 5? 1ut e/en unto this day! whene/er the boo)s o .oses are read! the /eil is upon their hearts&
5@ <e/ertheless whene/er a man - repents fully and - turns to the L2R,! - within - the /eil is ta)en
away&'' *Co 3)24,2=.
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
1hen a man turns or fully repents of !hatB " %elieve it is partly out!ard religiosity. "f in any !ay
!e are still loo?ing to the glory of @oses or our o!n !or?s, the !or?s of the flesh or doctrines of men
!ho thin? that the ?ingdom of #od is any!here else other than entos !ithin !e have missed the mar? of
the high calling. 1hen discussing this !ith some they are utterly convinced that the veil is some!here in
the celestial realm in a place called heaven !hich is an outer concept. 0or those !ho are !anting to attain
to the man,child status the outer Pentecostal concept must %e superseded for ''the secret place o the most
hi'h'' or the @ost .oly Place within understanding. Please allo! me to close this thought, !ith the net
t!o verses from the Amplified, !ith the intention of also introducing another related theme.
''<ow the Lord is the ;pirit! and where the ;pirit o the Lord is! there is liberty (emancipation rom
bonda'e! reedom)& 5A +nd all o us! as with un/eiled ace! $because we% continued to behold $in the
"ord o (od% as in a mirror the 'lory o the Lord! are constantly bein' transi'ured into His /ery own
ima'e in e/er increasin' splendour and rom one de'ree o 'lory to another- $or this comes% rom the
Lord $"ho is% the ;pirit&'' *Co 3)2C,2(.
From 2ne ,e'ree 2 (lory To +nother!

1e are told that in the spirit of the 5ord that there is li%erty, emancipation from %ondage. 1hat %ondageB
The %ondage of flesh & error. And !onderful ne!s !e are constantly %eing transfigured in e$er
increasin" splendor# & this is the !onderful punch line, from 37- D-#R-- 30 #53R8 T3 A73T.-R.
1hat is that gloryB There is the glory of the stars, another of the moon & another of the sun. 2Cor 2E)42.
7o! interestingly the moon does not have its o!n light %ut is a reflection of the greater glory the sun,
!hich typifies the ;un of righteousness !ho is Christ. @al 4)*. -ach one has its o!n separate reason for
eisting %ut each goes from one different de"ree to another & each one increases in splendour. 7o!
please ta?e note each glory differs from the net. 5et us no! loo? at the Ta%ernacle, there is a glory of
the Oter Cort !hich is !onderful in its o!n right & !hen !e first eperienced #od in that realm "
could see nothing else & of course Aesus Christ !as !onderful in this degree of glory. Then after a period
of time !e !ere led to %e interested in another hi"her de"ree of glory the Holy (lace# Pentecost, !hich
again differed & !as far more !onderful in eperience from the first. "n time " !as told that there !as a
higher !ay again. This !as called The )ost Holy (lace' 7o! as the glory of the sun 0AR 3/T;.37-
the moon & stars, " !as to learn that the reality of this eperience far, far outshone the earlier t!o & !as
also to learn that one of the reasons that it !as also termed the ;-CR-T P5AC- !as that no!here as many
could see it, or !anted to ?no! a%out it. This eperience !as to prove $astly different & this is !hy. As
light !as revealed the geographical position of the @ost .oly Place shifted from a place called %y most
Christians ''heaven'' into #od's true temple @A7, ''4ou are the temple o (od'' the reason that !e sit
together in heavenly places is that !e have no! realised that our 0athers d!elling place is no longer so
much in a geographical celestial sphere, %ut in us, His Te*ple# 83/ A7D ". This is no! the different
de"ree of "lory of e$er increasin" splendor that the inspirer of our great !riter Paul !as really
referring to.
The Expansion 2 (od's Bin'dom!

According to the study of astronomy there is a !ealth of diverse information in every %eam of light, each
%eam is different & has its o!n "lory as it were & those !ho are eperts in this field can read into &
glean so much information from each %eam, it is simply amaGing. 1hether you can %elieve it or not, it
can %e proven that the universe is actually enlarging & that there is an actual epansion of the universe. "
do not dou%t this' " also as you no dou%t do, %elieve that ''The hea/ens declare the 'lory o (od'' if the
heavens are epanding, then as they declare the glory of #od " see this as a type of the true Church & as
they are epanding so is the Church & if the space in the universe is epanding, ho! much more the
things of the spirit of #od. The spiritual heavens - celestial spheres - are no! enlarging & ma?ing room
for the epansion of #od's Church, !hich is in actual fact in #od's people, .is d!elling place, .is
a%iding places, 'His Temple! which you are.' The understanding, the revelation, the realisation, is even
no! epanding & is preparing to ma?e room for a dynamic move into the sphere of a higher & larger
divine understanding & action. ;P"R"T/A5 ;PAC- @/;T @A4- R33@ 03R T.- -HPA7;"37 30 #3D
& ."; <3D8. The action of this coming !ill %e seven times greater than the %oo? of Acts. 1hich #od
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
!illing " !ill sho! !hy you at another time' <y the !ay read the %oo? of Acts & get a full picture of the
!hat actually happened. 3ne thing !as that the !hole of Asia heard the !ord. "t !as simply amaGing'

''1ut you! 2 ,aniel! shut up the words and seal the 1oo) until the time o the end& $Then% many
shall run to and ro and search anxiously $throu'h the 1oo)%! and )nowled'e $o (od's purposes as
re/ealed by His prophets% shall be increased and become 'reat&'' Dan 2*)4. Amp. And ?no!ledge shall
%e increased & %ecome #R-AT.

''+nd sa/iours shall come up on mount Cion to jud'e the mount o Esau- and the )in'dom shall
be the L2R,';&'' 3%adiah 2)*2 4AF. These saviours of course are the etension of Christ .imself, .is
corporate self, the man,child.
''+nd say to him! Thus says the Lord o hosts> $4ou! :oshua% behold (loo) at! )eep in si'ht! watch)
the .an $the .essiah% whose name is the 1ranch! or He shall 'row up in His place and He shall
build the $true% temple o the Lord''& 9ech. =)2*. Amp. 3nce again this @an, this corporate man !hose
name is the <ranch - "hrist in #is complete fullness - !ill %e used to %uild the true complete temple of
the 5ord as found in the *2
Chapter of the Revelation of Aesus Christ. This temple of course is
comprised of people !ho have %een completely transformed into shining lights !hich are the finished
!or? of the <ranch. Can you re$oice !ith meB "sa. 4)*6 Aer. *3)E6 33)2E6 9ech. 3)(.

''1ut we all! with un/eiled ace beholdin' as in a mirror the 'lory o the Lord! are transormed
into the same ima'e rom 'lory to 'lory! e/en as rom the Lord the ;pirit&'' *Cor 3)2(. A;F. .ere !e
have it again from glory to glory, are changed into !hat !e %ehold, or !hat !e have faith for. 0or
clarification !hat !e are %eholding in the mirror is the glory !e are in & %elieving for. "t is our choice if
!e !ish to go to a higher glory than !here !e are at the moment.

''The eye is the lamp o the body& ;o i your eye is sound! your entire body will be ull o li'ht& 67
1ut i your eye is unsound! your whole body will be ull o dar)ness& * then the /ery li'ht in you $your
conscience% is dar)ened! how dense is that dar)ness!'' @at =)**,*3. Amp.
1ut "onderul! "onderul <ews!

''in the wa)e o a bac)'round o 'loom! jud'ement! and terror%! a east o wines on the lees##o at
thin's ull o marrow! o wines on the lees well reined& D +nd He will destroy on this mountain the
co/erin' o the ace that is cast o/er the heads o all peoples $in mournin'%! and the EE*L $o proound
wretchedness% that is "2EE< and spread o/er all nations & A He will swallow up death $in /ictory- He
will abolish death ore/er%& +nd the Lord (od will wipe away tears rom all aces- and the reproach o
His people He will ta)e away rom o all the earth- or the Lord has spo)en it&'' "sa *E)=%,(. Amp.
"n the !a?e of a %ac?ground of gloom, $udgement, & terror. "saiah is spea?ing of this lower,
hopeless, earthly realm. 1e also read that the the veil has %een !oven & spread over all the nations, this
means that every !arp & !oof of religiosity is affected. The !ord !o$en carries a strong message, !hen
something is !oven !ell, it is almost impossi%le to tear, it is there to stay. To remove this veil it !ill ta?e
only the po!er & anointing of the spirit of our 0ather on the deeply applied !ord to unravel it. This veil
is also one of profond !retchedness' 1hen the scripture tells us that death !ill %e s!allo!ed up, the
greater part of the meaning is that #od !ill so open our spiritual understanding & !e !ill %e so sensitive
& im%ued !ith the reality of !ho !e really are that the old or former understanding of our mista?en
identity or the old perception of things !ill %e s!allo!ed up even as light s!allo!s up dar?ness. 1hyB
<ecause dar?ness does not really eist it is simply the a%sence of light, !e !ill eventually come into the
full reality that Aesus had !hen he told us that " A7D @8 0AT.-R AR- 37-.

Another !ay that !e could say this concerning ourselves, is. I# the sol+ - the mind will & emotions
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
- % *y Christ self are one# or inseparable. 7o! of course it is one thing to say it %ut in that day %y the
spirit of #od that !e fully realise this, it !ill %e the full enactment of Rom () *2,*3.
The Two +re +lready 2ne!
" envisage that in the future, that as the anointed manifest sons or man-child %egin to impart this ne!s to
the hungry there !ill %e such an enlargement of divine realisation that there !ill %e a move of the ;pirit of
our 0ather such has never %een seen !hich reminds me of the story found in 2;amuel.
''+nd :onathan said to his youn' armour#bearer! 0ome! and let us 'o o/er to the 'arrison o these
uncircumcised- it may be that the Lord will wor) or us& For there is nothin' to pre/ent the Lord rom
sa/in' by many or by ew&'' 2;a 24)= Amp. 1hen !e read of the !ord A55 mentioned so many times,
!e realise that it !ill %e ''e/ery man in his own order'' or time, ran? or turn. 1hen the a%ove enactment
%egins among the uncircumcised, %elieve me, it !ill not %e %y fe!. The net verse " %elieve also to %e
''.oreo/er! the Hebrews who were with the 3hilistines beore that time! who went up with them
into the camp rom the country round about! e/en they also turned to be with the *sraelites who were
with ;aul and :onathan&'' 2;a 24)*2. Amp. 7otice that !e are told that there !ere some .e%re!s !ho
had gone %ac? on their true faith & had $oined !ith the Philistines - enemies of $od's people - for
!hatever reason, %ecame convicted !hen they sa! the po!er of #od & the faith of the "sraelites &
repented & returned to even greater than !hat they had eperienced %efore they left. 1hat !onderful
things !e can epect. 1hich leads me to our net comment.
*t *s The (oodness 2 (od That Leads Fs To Repentance!
<ecause of past eperiences of the goodness of #od " !ish to share the follo!ing, !hich is not a very
popular su%$ect %ecause of o%vious reasons. This is not so much !ritten to those in a high place in #od
%ut to those !ho are intent on attaining.
''+nd you ha/e or'otten the exhortation which spea)s to you as to sons! G.y son! despise not the
chastenin' o the Lord! nor aint when you are rebu)ed by Him- @ or whom the Lord lo/es He
chastens! and He scour'es e/ery son whom He recei/es&G D * you endure chastenin'! (od deals with
you as with sons! or what son is he whom the ather does not chastenH A 1ut i you are without
chastisement! o which all are parta)ers! then you are bastards and not sons& I Furthermore we ha/e
had athers o our lesh who corrected us! and we 'a/e them re/erence& ;hall we not much rather be in
subjection to the Father o spirits and li/eH 5J For truly they chastened us or a ew days accordin' to
their own pleasure! but He or our proit! that we mi'ht be parta)ers o His holiness&''
.e% 2*)E,2+.@4AF.
1hat !e have $ust read is a vital part of #od's goodness that !e increase in our understanding of .is
love. Condemnation !ill never cause anyone to truly repent. Conviction never %rings condemnation.
1hat is our true motive for !al?ing the !ay of Ta%ernacles. " thin? that the motive of @oses in the net
verse !ould descri%e !hat should %e the true motive of our allegiance. #od's method in !hat .e
perceives as goodness, may sometimes seem to some as madness.
''+nd .oses said! * beseech 4ou! show me 4our 'lory&'' -o 33)2(. Amp. @oses had seen so much
& yet !hat .e mostly desired a%ove all else !as, '0ather sho! me your #lory'. 8et let us reconsider his
life, note !hat he !ent through right from !hen he ?illed the -gyptian, & then even %efore that he came
from the highest house - his adoptive family - in the land !here he !as raised as a Prince, yet !hen he
sa! the in$ustice that !as happening to his true people, "srael, he gave up all6 & our !onderful #od
eventually %rought him to the place !here he could say from a changed heart 5ord a%ove all else sho!
*e yor Glory. <ut it did not come easy, as he endured chastening that he might mature into a high
place. Do you thin? that our #od !ho is no respecter of persons thin?s any less of you. 73, 73, 73. The
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
chastening's of #od are to %ring us to a place that a%ove all !e !ish our 0ather to sho! us His "lory 1
even within ourselves - for this is the motive that " %elieve .e is loo?ing for in all of us. 3ne thing
further, this happened to a man !ho did not yet see the true meaning of the .oly Place let alone the @ost
.oly Place as !e see it today, %ut !as totally under the 5A1. 1here is this #lory todayB

''The (od who said! G2ut o dar)ness the li'ht shall shine!G is the same (od who made his li'ht
shine in our hearts! to brin' us the )nowled'e o (od's 'lory shinin' in the ace o 0hrist&''
*Co 4)=. #7<. This light that shines in our hearts !ithin, is meant to %ring us to understand that #od's
glory is shining in the face of Christ. 1ho is !hereB ,ithin s' Than? #od for his chastening's'
1hat a hope' ''which we ha/e as an anchor o the soul! a hope both sure and steadast and
enterin' into that which is within the /eil-'' .e% =)2:. A;F. .o! than?ful !e are for this calling. <y
the !ay it is the second veil that is the important one for those !ho are yet aspiring to Ta%ernacles. There
!as also a veil at the entrance to the .oly Place. ;ome are inclined to confuse the t!o'
''1ehind the second curtain was a second section called the .ost Holy 3lace!'' .e% :)3 -;F.
''+nd ater the second /eil! the tabernacle which is called the Holy o holies-'' .e% :)3. A;F.
The First +nd Last .an 2n The ;ixth ,ay!
3n the sith day #od created, a man, the first Adam !ho !as - even as we are the Christ !ithin %eing
his true identity. #en2)*C. 1ho is ChristB .e is the son of the 0ather & is ;pirit. .e !as told to %e
fruitful & multiply, so Christ %egat spiritual replicas of .imself. 1e must remem%er that this %oo? is full
of metaphors & so there is more involved than the !ords that !e read. "n reading this Chapter very
closely " notice that the creating of man !as left till last at the -7D of the sixth day , !hich to me is
significant. .o! long %et!een #en 2)*= & the time that .e made man a living soul !e can only guess, -
but it certainly was not a %& hour day,- %ut in that time the Adam, !ho !as %oth - male & female in
spirit form & !as the very manifestation of Christ !as in constant spiritual procreation & that is !hen "
%elieve that !e came into eistence. ''or we are His wor)manship! created - not recreated - in 0hrist
:esus unto 'ood wor)s! which (od beore prepared that we should wal) in them&'' -ph *)2+. 2)22.Amp.
This " %elieve is !hen !e !ere created spirit %eings, in #ods "mage - for we were the image of "hrist-
#od had a great intricate plan ahead ''for who has known #is mind''' Ans!er6 ''for #e has revealed them
unto us by #is (pirit.'' 1hich is !hat !e are sharing no!.

Then once again on the sith day or the sith thousandth year *Pet 3)( Christ again creates another
man - which is now well in process - !ho is actually the same identity as the first spiritual man, Christ,
!ho is also the last Adam, 2Cor2E)4E. This is also the corporate many mem%ered Christ, & are the
manifested sons of #od or the man,child. 7o! the difference %et!een these & the man in #en Chapter 2
is that these have %een through a process of realisation & have no! come to the place !here they !ill
manifest even as divine beings, yes, even as our forerunner, Aesus Christ, %ut this time !ith a glorified
%ody that has overcome death. This %ody !ill not %e a trumped up carnal %ody for '' flesh & blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of $od.'' " !ould also %ring to your attention that the culmination of the revealing, or
the manifestation once again occurs at the -7D of the sixth day . 1hich %rings me to conclude this
paragraph !ith6 "s .e not 'the irst = the lastH' This is all sho!ing that the planning of #od is incredi%le
& to perfection. ''+ter two days - ).*.- he will re/i/e us- on the third day - A.D.- he will raise us up!
that we may li/e beore him&'' .os =)*. -;F. The *
day here is from A.D. & is eactly the same as the
overall =
day as is the 3
day - A.D.- also e>uivalent to the overall C
To Him who alone does 'reat wonders- or His mercy endures ore/er& Psa 23=)4.

.ear !hat one of our great forerunners #eorge .a!tin has to say on this very theme. 2The ans!er
to the eternal 3estion# ,hat is *an that tho art *indfl of hi* is t!ofold becase the 3estion is
t!ofold' ,hat is *an& The ans!er by exa*ple is 4ess Christ hi"hly exalted# His na*e bein"
abo$e e$ery na*e' He is the .IRST )AN % THE 5AST )AN' He is the be"innin" of the creation of
''Christ The Antidote Regarding Death''
God % He is the end of the creation of God''''''',hat He is# !e are beco*in" to !hich the scriptre
clearly attests sayin"# 'As he is# so are !e in this !orld#' 6 74n 897:' End 3ote'
How To Exit This Lower Hopeless Earthly Realm!
7o! to return to our original thought & that is the reality of life' The ans!er to our original >uestion of
hopelessness at the %eginning of this article is Aesus Christ !ho is the eact opposite to !hat this lo!er,
carnal eistence !ould tell us. "n the true Christ realm it is full of love, light, hope, po!er, eternal %liss,
%ut the greatest of all of these is 5O0E' That !hich may seem almost impossi%le to many no!, is
a%solutely possi%le for you & !ith your dedication & resolution you can realise that you are already a part
of this other realm that you cannot see !ith the natural eye %ut is more than discerni%le through & %y the
eye of faith. 8ou see !e are told the !hole earth is a%out to a!a?en from its sleep of death as the sons of
#od %egin to move !ithout inhi%ition under the .eadship of our 5ord Aesus Christ. ''E/ery )nee will
bow = e/ery ton'ue will coness'' "sa *E)43. This incidentally is rarely taught among Church circles &
to them it seems an impossi%le dream. <ut that !hich !as taught %y the .e%re! prophets of old6 this
!orld,!ide ministry of Christ is even no! %eginning to come to pass. ''"hen * am lited up rom the
earth! * will draw all men unto mysel&'' This of course has a t!ofold meaning. The first is !hen .e
!as lifted up on the cross6 the second is that !hen .e is lifted up in our hearts & !e are separated from
our earthy *ndane !ay of thin?ing & !e realise that 'He was not rom this world but His 'lory is in
another' An 3623, & in truth that is !ho & !here !e are. 0or is not .is identity our tre identity&
These Texts * Found To 1e 2 (reat Encoura'ement! Thus The ;harin'!
''Then the eyes o the blind shall be opened! and the ears o the dea shall be unstopped& @ Then shall the lame man leap
li)e a hart! and the ton'ue o the dumb shall sin' or joy& For waters shall brea) orth in the wilderness and streams in the
desert& D +nd the burnin' sand and the mira'e shall become a pool! and the thirsty 'round sprin's o water- in the haunt
o jac)als! where they lay restin'! shall be 'rass with reeds and rushes& A +nd a hi'hway shall be there! and a way- and it
shall be called the Holy "ay& The unclean shall not pass o/er it! but it shall be or the redeemed- the wayarin' men! yes!
the simple ones and ools! shall not err in it and lose their way& I <o lion shall be there! nor shall any ra/enous beast come
up on it- they shall not be ound there& 1ut the redeemed shall wal) on it& 5J +nd the ransomed o the Lord shall return
and come to Cion with sin'in'! and e/erlastin' joy shall be upon their heads- they shall obtain joy and 'ladness! and
sorrow and si'hin' shall lee away&'' "sa 3E)E,2+. Amp.

''Ho! Escape to Cion! you who dwell with the dau'hter o 1abylon! A For thus said the Lord o hosts! ater $His% 'lory
had sent me $His messen'er% to the nations who plundered you##or he who touches you touches the apple or pupil o His
eye> I 1ehold! * will swin' my hand o/er them and they shall become plunder or those who ser/ed them& Then you shall
)now (reco'nise and understand) that the Lord o hosts has sent me $His messen'er%& 5J ;in' and rejoice! 2 ,au'hter o
Cion- or behold! * come! and * will dwell in the midst o you! says the Lord& 55 +nd many nations shall join themsel/es to
the Lord in that day and shall be .y people& +nd * will dwell in the midst o you! and you shall )now (reco'nise and
understand) that the Lord o hosts has sent me $His messen'er% to you&'' 9ech *)C,22. Amp. .ic& 9>6&
3nce again %lessings to all.
,ritten by Ralph ;no!les# 4ne <=7<'
"f !e have %een prone to human error in this article it is not purposely, & " trust that a little ?indness !ould allo! for any fault, & that !e !ill consider &
im%i%e the %etter or spiritual part of that !hich is presented & intended. R14.

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