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Save-your-ass vignol study guide

Seminaries formal school for priests. Francis Xavier Jesuit Missionary born in Spain who traveled to Japan and India on missions. One of the Founders of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order). Julius II Sought to create a rich and powerful church. Created the Swiss Guard and was the Pope involved in Henry VIIIs marriages. Anticlericalism A historical movement that opposes the clergy for reasons including their actual or alleged power and inuence in all aspects of public and political life and their involvement in the everyday life of the citizen, their privileges, or their enforcement of orthodoxy. Zwingli Swiss Catholic Priest who would later criticize the church and suggest reform. His ideas included Clerical marriage, no fasting during lent, no images as places of worship, replace mass, Christ not in the eucharist. Mennonites Modern Anabaptists. Peace Church. Socinians Unitarians, no trinity. Characteristics of the Renaissance Revival of the Classic Greek and Roman thinking. Returning to the Original Source. Predestination God Chooses who is saved and who is damned at birth and there is nothing that can be done to change. Justication by Faith God gives us salvation if we have faith in him. That is all that is required of us it to believe and we are saved. Anabaptists Believed in the separation of church and state as well as pacists. Act of Supremacy 1534; a piece of legislation that granted King Henry VIII of England Royal Supremacy, which means that he was declared the supreme head of the Church of England. It is still the legal authority of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. Royal Supremacy is specically used to describe the legal sovereignty of the civil laws over the laws of the Church in England. Catholic Counter Reformation Reformed papacy, council of Trent, Roman Inquisition. TULIP T= Total depravity; U= Unconditional election; L= limited atonement; I= Irresistible grace; P= Perseverance of the saints. The fundamentals of the Calvinist point of view. Queen Elizabeth Protestant prayerbook 1559; The 39 Articles form the basic summary of belief of the Church of England. They were drawn up by the Church in convocation in 1563 on the basis of the 42 Articles of 1553. Book of Common Prayer Written by Cranmer in 1549 and it replaced the roman missal in the Anglican church. Jesuits Created by Loyola and 6 others in 1540, originally called the Society of Jesus. They focused on Education of the elite. Council of Trent Paul III called it. It lasted from 1545 to 1563 and met 3 times in that time frame to reform Catholic teachings. Ignatius Loyola From the Basque Region in Northern Spain. Founded the Jesuit order.

Act of Uniformity Piece of English Legislation that said all Anglicans had to preach from the Prayer Book. Thomas Cranmer a leader of the English Reformation and Archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and, for a short time, Mary I. Wrote the book of common prayer. Charles V Holy Roman Emperor in Spain. Phillip II King of Spain who sent the Armada to England. Nepotism Appointing relatives to positions of power even though they might not be qualied. Indulgences The full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. The church began selling these as a way to make money. John Knox A Scottish clergyman and a leader of the Protestant Reformation who brought reformation to the church in Scotland. Royal Chaplin. Transubstantiation the active changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. 95 Thesis A list of points that Martin Luther posted on the door of his church. They were about what needed to be reformed in the church. Humanism An approach in study, philosophy, world view, or practice that focuses on human values and concerns, attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Tridentine Mass - The traditional form of the Catholic Mass that was mostly in Latin with the Priests back to the people.

part ii
Bartolome de las Casas Dominican Priest who spent his time among the indians. Junipero Serra Franciscan priest who started the mission system along the coast of California. Dominican Friars Catholic Missionaries. Catherine de Medici Italian noble. From the house of Valois and the marriage was set up. Huguenots French Calvinists. Wars of Religion Wars in France between the Calvinists and Catholics spanning from 1562 to 1593. Edict of Nantes Signed into law in 1589, granted the Calvinist Protestants of France (also known as Huguenots) substantial rights in a nation still considered essentially Catholic. Ended the Wars of Religion. Bourbon French family which Henry of Navarre was from. Jesuits French Missionaries to the new world. Real Patronato Royal Patronage The king names the bishops. Aragon Spanish kingdom that yielded Katherine of Aragon. Isabella From the Hapsburg family and married to Ferdinand Charles V Inheritor of everything Hapsburg. Holy Roman Emperor. He inherited the Hapsburg, Aragon-Castile, and Valois-Burgundy kingdoms. Converso Jews who converted to Catholicism in Spain to avoid being exiled from the Country.

Inquisition - From 1478, it was a tribunal established in 1480 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms, and to replace the Medieval Inquisition which was under Papal control. It was brutal and its methods were vicious. Reconquista The retaking of Spain from the Moors (Muslims) by the Catholics. Teresa of Avila a prominent Spanish mystic, Roman Catholic saint, Carmelite nun, and writer of the Counter Reformation, and theologian of contemplative life through mental prayer. She was a reformer of the Carmelite Order and is considered to be, along with John of the Cross, a founder of the Discalced Carmelites. Katherine of Aragon First wife of King Henry VIII and later divorced. From the Spanish kingdom of Aragon. encomienda Land conquered by the spanish would belong to the conqueror and the original owners are bound to work for them. Henry of Navarre AKA Henry IV, Huguenot turned Catholic and king of France. Admiral Coligny Huguenot and leader in the Wars of Religion. St. Bartolomes Day Massacre Aug 24, 1572, was a targeted group of assassinations, followed by a wave of Roman Catholic mob violence, both directed against the Huguenots (French Calvinist Protestants), during the French Wars of Religion. Isaac Jouges - 1646, missionary to the Iroquois. Gabriel Lalemont 1649, French Priest who worked among the Iroquois and was killed. Jean de Brebeuf 1649, missionary killed by Iroquois as well. Henry III King of France kills henry of Guise. Henry of Guise Catholic house that was killed by above. Mary of Scotland also known as Mary Stuart, was queen regnant of Scotland from 14 December 1542 to 24 July 1567 and queen consort of France from 10 July 1559 to 5 December 1560. Politiques a term that was used during the sixteenth and seventeenth century Wars of Religion, to describe moderates of both religious faiths (Huguenots and Catholics) who held that only the restoration of a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse. paternalism the family line goes through the male.

Part iii
Reformed Theology AKA calvinism. Oliver Cromwell an English military and political leader who was part of the joint republican, military and parliamentarian effort that overthrew the Stuart monarchy as a result of the English Civil War, and was subsequently invited by his fellow leaders to assume a head of state role in 1653. Charles I James Is son and King of England, King of Scotland, and King of Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649. Charles engaged in a struggle for power with the Parliament of England, attempting to obtain royal revenue whilst Parliament sought to curb his Royal prerogative which Charles believed was divinely ordained John Winthrop Founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, City on a Hill guy. Archbishop Laud Scottish Prayer Book.

Act of Uniformity 1662, it prescribed the form of public prayers, administration of sacraments, and other rites of the Established Church of England, following all the rites and ceremonies and doctrines prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer. William Bradford rst Governor of Plymouth colony. Congregational each church had its own rules and ruled itself. Lord Baltimore George Calvert who originally had the idea for Maryland. Act of Toleration (1649) Maryland law that granted religious freedom to all the people in Maryland. Right to Vote in New England You had to be a white member of the church to vote in New England. Presbyterian Church of Scotland (formal/geneva/elders) Puritan Church Characteristics congregationalists > simple services based around a sermon. King James Version Translation of the bible commissioned by King James used by the Protestant Churches. Authorized Version Same as King James but what it is called in England. Commonwealth a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good. Historically, it has sometimes been synonymous with "republic. James I 1603; Son of Mary of Scots; Commissioned the King James Version of the Bible. English Civil War A war between Cromwells Commonwealth roundheads and the Kings Monarchist Cavaliers. Scottish Prayer Book (1637) Very Catholic like. Westminster Confession 1649 confession of faith under Cromwell. TULIP Puritans followed this outline Mayower Ship that the Pilgrims came over on. Plymouth The Colony founded by the Pilgrims seeking religious freedom. Town Meeting the Primary form of government in the new england colonies. City on a hill Idea promoted by Winthrop and refers to Boston being an example for all the world to follow. Vestry men rich planters that owned everything. Landed gentry Rich land owners. Separatists Left the Anglican Church. Pilgrims. William Penn A Quaker who founded Pennsylvania as a safe haven for all religions. Quakers religious society of Friends, pacists. Rutgers U associated with the Dutch reformed Church. Cecil Calvert George Calverts son who founded Maryland.

part iv
Half-way Covenant a practice among the Congregational churches of New England, between 1657 and 1662, of permitting baptized persons of moral life and orthodox faith to enjoy all the privileges of church membership, save the partaking of the Lord's Supper. They were also allowed to present their children for baptism. Salem Town in Mass. where the witch trials were most famously held. Rev Parris Reverend of Salem and allowed the trials to continue.

Pennsylvania colony with religious tolerance. Newport, RI the site of the rs synagogue in the Americas. Anne Hutchinson Famous dissenter who went against the church and a pupil of John Cotton. Roger Williams also a dissenter who founded Rhode Island. Election means you are saved. Same as predestination. Witch Trials in salem during which people were tried and killed for being witches. Spectral evidence a form of evidence based upon dreams and visions. It was admitted in court during the Salem witch trials. Harvard College Puritan ministers and Professions. Cambridge MA where Harvard is. John Harvard Donated his library to the college that now bears his name. John Cotton Minister followed by anne hutchinson. Antinomianism going against the law. Charter a document that gives a group of people or a person permission to set up a colony.

Part V
Pietism Movement of religion to the home. Role of Pietism was to restore personal union with God; personal prayer life. Character of Pietism Non formal, good works, against protestant orthodoxy, emotional center. Pia Desideria Pious Longings; Written in Germany > stresses good works, the bible and toleration. Phillip Spencer Wrote Pia Desideria Halle College for pietism > August Franke Zinzendorf German religious and social reformer and bishop of the Moravian Church, was born at Dresden. Great Awakening religious revival in the colonies between 1740 and 1742. Characteristics of the Great Awakening Restore people to religion; everyone was invited, sin > repentance > conversion. Itinerant a traveling preacher. Gilbert Tennent Presbyterian Dangers of an Unconverted Ministry New side vs. Old side. Dangers of an Unconverted Ministry ministers must have a conversion experience to be allowed to be a minister.

Part Vi
Locke an English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most inuential of Enlightenment thinkers. Right to Life, Liberty and Property. Deism God exists and created everything but does not interfere with everyday lives. No miracles.

Rousseau Social Contract theory. A king had a duty to his subjects and his subjects to him. Romanticism Promoted emotion, aesthetics and a personal connection to god. Classical Philosophy not myth or religion but reason. Aristotle, Socrates, etc. Post-Millennialism Christ will come after we have created for him a kingdom on earth and Christian Law has prevailed. Isaac Backus Dissenter, Baptist. Civil Religion Taking something like a country and making it like a religion with creeds, oaths, symbols and religious jargon. Virginia Statute on Religious Liberty The rst state to abolish a state church and allow all people to worship there. First Amendment Gave religious freedom along with other rights that would help to spread the news about different religions. Reasonable religion reason and logic used in religion. natural law law not put in place by man but instilled by god at our creation. Enlightened Despot Catherine of Russia; Fredrick the Great of Prussia; Joseph II of Austria. Tomas Paine 1794 Age of Reason struggle between religion and reason. Laws of nature Isaac Newton > discovered laws that all nature is run on and cannot be broken. Laize Faire an economic practice in which the government keeps their hands off and allows it to function on its own. Adam Smith Enlightened self interest but dont bite the hand that feeds you Enlightened History humanity is constantly progression in a positive direction. This was abandoned after WWI. Whig Principals English Bill of Rights; function for the collective good; public virtue; self sacrice; natural law; radical views of society; end slavery. Patriot Churches Congregationalists; Lutherans; Catholics; Jews; Presbyterians; reformed. Loyalist Churches Anglican; S. Presbyterian (scottish); Methodists Neutral Quakers, Anabaptists; Mennonites; (all the peace churches)

Part VII
Fredrick Jackson Turner Wrote about Americas Frontier personality Frontier Character rough around the edges/insensitive/practical and inventive people/ quick solutions/restless energy/ no artistic interest Trans-Appalachian West not west of the mississippi yet. religion was second to survival. Western Colleges 1850 1860; most were presbyterian and methodist. Sunday School movement taught the bible > more than normal church. Temperance the attempt to lessen the consumption of alcohol in the 1840s. Baptists Easily made churches and ministers, most successful on frontier. Congregationalists required education of their ministers, less appealing to frontier and did not do well.

Episcopalians Urpan eastern Church with no revival and upper class following. Failed on frontier. Methodists circuit riders, and revival, successful on the frontier. Presbyterians succeeded on the frontier with education and revival. Cumberland Presbyterian Church Soften calvinism, pro revivalist. Disciples of Christ Alexander Campbell; congregational, new testament origin. Christian Churches Barton Stone. Local with diciples of christ ideas. Effects of Frontier on Religion local congregation; weakening of denomination ties; greater cooperation; less concern for doctrine; transformation of the revival tradition. Priesthood of all believers Martin Luther said that all believers were in effect priests. Areas of 2nd Awakening Unchurched urban areas. Timothy Dwight Reject rationalism. Wrote the New Haven Theology. New Haven theology revert to traditional christianity. YALE. Camp Meeting a large meeting where people would come and hear preachers. It was the main form of revival on the frontier. Cane Ridge, KY Largest Camp Meeting 1801. Interdenominational working between the denominations Circuit Rider a preacher who would ride a circuit and preach to the people who were too far away from the church to attend. Peter Cartwright Circuit rider. Democratic Congress Illinois. Effects of 2nd Great Awakening many churches/collaboration/community/antiintellectualism/sectarianism Plan of Union (1801) presbyterians and congregationalists collaborate on the frontier.

Charles Finney- father of modern revivalism Burned-over-District- mohawk valley-> converted too much Tappan Brothers- merchants w/ $ support c. Finney Old School Presbyterians- no revival will not vs. cannot New Measures- woman pray public, anxious bench, daily, informal language, easy admission Modied CalvinismYale CollegeOberlin College- antislavery & womens rights Abolitionism- @ Oberlin Social Reform- womens rights, temperance John W. Nevin- Opponent of Finney, modied Calvinism Princeton theological Total Depravity- Tulip Calvinism Lectures on Revivals- anxious Bench Mormon BeliefsPolytheism- many gods(mormons) Nathaniel Taylor- @Yale professor Progressive no original sin Complex Marriage- every one married to each other New Haven Theology- modied calvinism God= gov. Lyman Beecher- Yale Dwight Long Island Com

DisestablishmentPrinceton Seminary-Archibald Alexander calvinism Charles Hodge-w/ Alexander Polygamy- 1 man many wives Believers BaptismPacism- no war New Harmony Brigham Young- succession? to J. Smith->college Utah Mennonites- Anabaptists Shakers- Communal? Jesus already came Ann Lee- Quaker then then Shaker God is both (female part of Jesus) New Harmony- Johanne Rupa Robert Owen- New Harmony bought community for industrial reasons Celibacy- no sex Utopian- perfect society(socialists) 7th Day Adventist- w/ Mille christ comminy?/OT practices/vegetarians Oneida- JH Noyes perfectionism/millennialism->biblical communism Joseph Smith, Jr.-vermont->NY Moroni- angel that revealed to J. Smith Book of Mormon- a gold tablets Revivals of ReligionA Plea for the West- Lyman Beecher->protestants settle before Catholics Post-Millennialism-Christ already came Pre-Millennialism- Christ will come William Miller- NY Baptist->7th D.A. end times Ellen White- 7th D.A. battle creev. mirch publishing house

part IX
Invisible Institution- Secret churches slave pope w/ religious techniques Hush Harbors- gatherings for I.I. Flogging- Boatings whipping Attitudes of Planters- slaves obedient to musters Spirituals- songs w/ stories Jazz- spirituals Slave Marriages- to have slave kids; big events Literacy- not Literate Golden Rule- love enemy as self Defense of Slavery- death curse John Woolman- anti-Quaker peaceful Richard Allen- slave->paid freedom->preach @ St. Georges African Methodist church- after Bethel St. Georges Church- broke away from segregated church Breaking away from mother church- black churches Bethel- mother Bethel-> left St. Georges black church methodist Abolition- end slavery Economics of Slavery- w/o no cotton no $

American Colonization Society- transport back to Africa William Lloyd GarrisonTheodore Dwight Weld- Wrote Slavery As It Is Slavery As It Is- best seller till Uncle Toms cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Toms cabin Church Divisions over Slavery- schism Abraham Lincoln- emancipation proclamation Civil War and Slavey- south for, north against Frederick Douglass- black- against hypocrisy & slaves hates southern religion>autobiography

John Carroll: Founder of the Modern American Church Couldnt get a catholic education in America goes to Europe with cousin Charles Carroll Stays joins Jesuits To back to America and becomes a missionary Goes to Canada Pope needs bishop in America John Carroll man for the job Ordained in Lulworth, England Established a diocese in Baltimore, Maryland Province too big for one bishop convinced Rome to break it up

Trustee Controversy: Had to keep everything organized and crap had to be this way according to the law Thought they could run the church also

Nationalities question: nationalities wanting their own church (germans, irish, etc.)

Elizabeth Seton: was a widow and Converted to Catholicism joined a nun order

comes back to America and creates parochial schools

Immigration: US = product of immigration 18211830: 140,000 immigrants per this time period 18311840: 600,000 18411850: 1.7 million 18511860: 2.6 million

American Bishops: see John Carroll

Nativism: causes o o o o o fear of Catholicism fear of Spanish inquisition fear of foreigners (xenophobia) 7 of all arch bishops were foreign born 17 of 26 bishops were foreign born

Anticatholicism o o o Riot in Boston Ursaline school/convent was burned down Enrick wanted to use the Catholic Bible which was permited but ppl said he wanted to drop king James all together which caused riots Hughes went to NY government and wanted them to protect his ppl they said know but then stuff went down and they said yes

Samuel Morse: Anti catholic Invented/perfected Morse Code

Maria Monk: Wrote the Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk Whole thing was fake Best selling book until Uncle Toms Cabin

American Party: Know Nothing Party Anti Catholic Oath never vote for a Catholic for ofce Very successful had 75 members of Congress Ran Millard Fillmore for president Broke up into Republicans and Democrats

Councils of Baltimore: 3 of them 1852, 1866, 1884 Last one most important o o Every catholic Parish has a school also The Baltimore chatecism Met yearly Established National War Council, National Catholic Welfare Council, and United States Catholic Council Two volumes One for quiz for communion Two for quiz for conrmation

Knights of Labor: Secretive, bad with Catholics

Americanism: Isaac Hecker o American Churches recalling Americans

American heresy never existed Schism

Schism Two major splits o Poles

Polish National Church

Eastern Catholics

Apostolic Delegate: Representative to the bishop of US

Nuncio: Guy to talk to the Pope and the US gov.

James Gibbons: Archbishop of Baltimore Leader of American Bishops

John Ireland: Bishop of St. Paul Missouri

John Spalding: Bishop of Peoria Illinois Catholic University of America (helped establish)

Frances Cabrini: Came to US from Italy Made schools First US citizen canonized as a saint

Ausburg Confession: Lutherans utilized it

Orthodox Church in America: Greek in tradition Similar to catholics Patriastic theology Bosses in Constantinople

part xi
Vatican 1:

Papal infallibility

Schleiermacher: Romanticist Moved away from a liberal Tenth subject feeling

Fundamentalism: Many of the Church leaders were fundamentalists If the teaching contradict our faith they are wrong (meaning) Stay with the basics

Modernism: Pius X: Received the papacy due to the imperial veto of Rompolla R. Merry Dal Val: o Secretary of State Time conditioned thought New ideas replace old ideas Considered to be heresy in to catholics

Both integrilists Both fought against modernism

John Scopes: Biology teacher at Dayton Taught creationism and wasnt allowed to Trial was national= great debate

Higher Criticism: Study the Bible from a higher literary perspective and to be inspired Understand the background and history of the text read past the words

Objections were that they called to revelation treats the Bible as a book

William Jennings Bryan: Leading speaker Sec of state for Woodrow Wilson Pacist Defended the ideas of Christianity and his own beliefs

Gregory XVI: Hadda deal with the ideas that catholics didnt typically agree with

Mirari Vos: Showed what they had to do as Catholics No: o o o o Liberty of conscience Freedom to publish Trust and submission to princes Separation of Church and State

Harry Emerson Fosdick: Baptist minister of a Presbyterian Church Got to the General Assembly Defended by John Foster Dulles Wrote Shall fundamentalists win o Cant let it happen

For fundamentalists and liberals

Pius IX: Declared immaculate conception

Clarence Darrow: Prominent trial lawyer

Defender of controversial causes And agnostic Debate between him and bryan scopes guilty Defended scopes

Leo XIII: Stressed workers rights Encouraged biblical studies Studied Thomas Aquiantis

Princeton School: BB Wareld: taught at Princeton o o o Tradition of Christ Orthodoxy Traditional Calvinist

J. G. Machen: last Great mind of Princeton and conservative o o o Professor of theologySucceeded Wareld Defended fundamentals Helped develop Westminster University

Charles Briggs: Studied in Germany Professor of Union Theology Seminary Challenged traditional idea Charged with heresy found innocent The union theology seminary split

The Fundamentals: Inspiration of the inerrancy of the Bible Virgin birth

Atoning death of Jesus Bodily resurrection Historical realities of miracles The Monkey Trial The rst trial of the century revealed a great divide separating American Christians. User-Friendly Faith What liberals believedand why fundamentalists made such a fuss. Right Jabs and Left Hooks All fundamentalists fought with modernistsbut not for the same reasons or in the same way Militants, Moderates, & Millionaires It's pretty hard to stereotype early fundamentalist leaders. Relevant Morality Modernism's most popular preacher on the hopes of liberals. The Cleansing Wave The 19th-century holiness revival took many forms as it swept across denominational boundaries.

Part XII
Walter Rauchenbusch Baptist. Rochester Seminary; Christianity and Social Crisis Lyman Beecher Volunteerism; less theology; activism; role of laity; emphasis on mission; education and social reform. Rejection of Social reform too much materialism; less saving souls; pre millennialists. 19th Century reform Agencies YMCA; YWCA; WCTU; Salvation Army. Social Gospel Movement movement to transform society with application of christian principles to bring kingdom of god. Washington Gladden Congregationalist Pastor. No socialism/ and against economics. Rerum Novarum Leo XIII > defended the rights of laborers. Theology for a Social Gospel Walter rauchenbusch John A. Ryan Social Justice; reform economics/ church human action/morality over all humanity. Bishops Program of Social reconstruction minimum wage/ unemployment benets/ workmans comp/right to organize/right to bargain/ Knights of Labor Supported by American Bishops. Jeanette Rankin Rep of Montana only person to vote agains WWI and WWII Conscientious Objection Could not go to war if you belonged to one of the peace churches Billy Sunday MLB player turned evangelist who was one of the most popular of his time. Mennonites Pacists Isolationism American attitude of staying out of foreign affairs. Philippines Annexed by the US after the Span-Am War.

Non-Combatant a part of the military that does not ght. i.e. medic, doctor, journalist, etc. World War II isolationism abandoned and the beginning of the America First Movement

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