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A quantum computer is a device for computation that makes direct use of quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers are different from digital computers based on transistors. Whereas digital computers require data to be encoded into binary digits (bits), quantum computation utilizes quantum properties to represent data and perform operations on these data. A theoretical model is the quantum Turing machine, also known as the universal quantum computer. Quantum computers share theoretical similarities with non-deterministic and probabilistic computers, like the ability to be in more than one state simultaneously. The field of quantum computing was first introduced by Richard Feynman in 1982. Although quantum computing is still in its infancy, experiments have been carried out in which quantum computational operations were executed on a very small number of qubits (quantum bits). Both practical and theoretical research continues, and many national government and military funding agencies support quantum computing research to develop quantum computers for both civilian and national security purposes, such as cryptanalysis. Large-scale quantum computers could be able to solve certain problems much faster than any classical computer by using the best currently known algorithms, like integer factorization using Shor's algorithm or the simulation of quantum many-body systems. There exist quantum algorithms, such as Simon's algorithm, which run faster than any possible probabilistic classical algorithm. Given unlimited resources, a classical computer can simulate an arbitrary quantum algorithm so quantum computation does not violate the ChurchTuring thesis. However, in practice infinite resources are never available and the computational basis of 500 qubits, for example, would already be too large to be represented on a classical computer because it would require 2500 complex values to be stored. (For comparison, a terabyte of digital information stores only 243 discrete on/off values) Nielsen and Chuang point out that "Trying to store all these complex numbers would not be possible on any conceivable classical computer

While a classical three-bit state and a quantum three-qubit state are both eight-dimensional vectors, they are manipulated quite differently for classical or quantum computation. For computing in either case, the system must be initialized, for example into the all-zeros string, , corresponding to the vector (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0). In classical randomized computation, the system evolves according to the application of stochastic matrices, which preserve that the probabilities add up to one (i.e., preserve the L1 norm). In quantum computation, on the other hand, allowed operations are unitary matrices, which are effectively rotations (they preserve that the sum of the squares adds up to one, the Euclidean or L2 norm). (Exactly what unitary can be applied depend on the physics of the quantum device.) Consequently, since rotations can be undone by rotating backward, quantum computations are reversible. (Technically, quantum operations can be probabilistic combinations of unitary, so quantum computation really does generalize classical computation. See quantum circuit for a more precise formulation.) Finally, upon termination of the algorithm, the result needs to be read off. In the case of a classical computer, we sample from the probability distribution on the three-bit register to

obtain one definite three-bit string, say 000. Quantum mechanically, we measure the threequbit state, which is equivalent to collapsing the quantum state down to a classical distribution (with the coefficients in the classical state being the squared magnitudes of the coefficients for the quantum state, as described above), followed by sampling from that distribution. Note that this destroys the original quantum state. Many algorithms will only give the correct answer with a certain probability. However, by repeatedly initializing, running and measuring the quantum computer, the probability of getting the correct answer can be increased.
For more details on the sequences of operations used for various quantum algorithms, see universal quantum computer, Shor's algorithm, Grover's algorithm, Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, amplitude amplification, quantum Fourier transform, quantum gate, quantum adiabatic algorithm and quantum error correction.

Quantum computers are advantageous in the way they encode a bit, the fundamental unit of information. A number - 0 or 1, specifies the state of a bit in a classical digital computer. An n-bit binary word in a typical computer is accordingly described by a string of n zeros and ones. A qubit might be represented by an atom in one of two different states, which can also be denoted as 0 or 1. Two qubits, like two classical bits, can attain four different well-defined states (0 and 0, 0 and 1, 1 and 0, or 1 and 1). But unlike classical bits, qubits can exist simultaneously as 0 and 1, with the probability for each state given by a numerical coefficient. Describing a two-qubit quantum computer thus requires four coefficients. In general, n qubits demand 2n numbers, which rapidly become a sizeable set for larger values of n. For example, if n equals 50, about 1050 numbers are required to describe all the probabilities for all the possible states of the quantum machine--a number that exceeds the capacity of the largest conventional computer. A quantum computer promises to be immensely powerful because it can be in superposition and can act on all its possible states simultaneously. Thus, a quantum computer could naturally perform myriad operations in parallel, using only a single processing unit.

The current challenge is not to build a full quantum computer right away but rather to move from the experiments in which we merely observe quantum phenomena to experiments in which we can control these phenomena. This is a first step towards quantum logic gates and simple quantum networks. Experimental and theoretical research in quantum computation is accelerating worldwide. New technologies for realizing quantum computers are being proposed, and new types of quantum computation with various advantages over classical computation are continually being discovered and analyzed and we believe some of them will bear technological fruit. From a fundamental standpoint, however, it does not matter how useful quantum computation turns out to be, nor does it matter whether we build the first quantum computer tomorrow, next year or centuries from now. The quantum theory of computation must in any case be an integral part of the worldview of anyone who seeks a fundamental understanding of the quantum theory and the processing of information.

Shor's algorithm, named after mathematician Peter Shor, is a quantum algorithm (an algorithm which runs on a quantum computer) for integer factorization formulated in 1994. Informally it solves the following problem: Given an integer N, find its prime factors. This is exponentially faster than the most efficient known classical factoring algorithm, the general number field sieve, which works in sub-exponential time about O(e1.9 (log N)1/3 (log log N)2/3 . ) The efficiency is due to the efficiency of the quantum, and modular exponentiation by squaring. Shor's algorithm consists of two parts: 1. A reduction, which can be done on a classical computer, of the factoring problem to the problem of order-finding. 2. A quantum algorithm to solve the order-finding problem.


A quantum Turing machine (QTM), also a universal quantum computer, is an abstract machine used to model the effect of a quantum. It provides a very simple model which captures all of the power of quantum computation. Any algorithm can be expressed formally as a particular quantum Turing machine. Such Turing machines were first proposed in a 1985 paper written by Oxford University physicist David Deutsch suggesting quantum gates could function in a similar fashion to traditional digital computing binary logic gates. Quantum Turing machines are not always used for analyzing quantum computation; the quantum circuit is a more common model; these models are computationally equivalent. Quantum Turing machines can be related to classical and probabilistic Turing machines in a framework based on transition matrices, shown by Lance Fortnow. Iriyama, Ohya, and Volovich have developed a model of a Linear Quantum Turing Machine (LQTM). This is a generalization of a classical QTM that has mixed states and that allows irreversible transition functions. These allow the representation of quantum measurements without classical outcomes. A quantum Turing machine with post selection was defined by Scott Aaronson, who showed that the class of polynomial time on such a machine (Post BQP) is equal to the classical complexity class PP.


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