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By : Alfian noor rahmat Andrew reinhard M.T Diva amalia larasati Nabila dara sholehah Nadia amalina Class Date : X-3 : April 5th 2012

Table of contents
Observation I Observation II

Observation part I Objective: To understand the different of electrolyte solutions and nonelectrolyte solutions. Tools and materials: -beaker glass 10 units -Electrolyte tester -Sugar solution -Glucose solution -Accu water -Copper(II) sulphate solution -Alcohol -Iron(III) chloride solution -Vinegar -Pottasium iodide solution -Mizone water -Sodium hydroxide solution Steps:

Observation result No. Material Formula of Solute C12H22O11 C6H12O6 H2SO4 CuSO4 C2H5OH FeCl3 CH3COOH KI NaOH Light on/off Other observation (there are air bubbles or not) OFF No OFF No ON Yes ON(weakly) Yes OFF No OFF No OFF Yes ON(weakly) Yes OFF No ON Yes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Solution sugar Glucose Accu water Alchohol Vinegar Mizone water


Observation part II Question. Fill the table with tick (cari contreng sorang di MS word) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Formula of Solute CH3COOH NaCl HCl H2O NH4OH NaOH H2SO4 C2H5OH C6H12O6 NaCl padat Electrolyte Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Nonelectrolyte

No No

2. Based on the experiment, which is a strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte? Answer : We conclude that Solution that resulted the bubble but not light the lamp is conclude as Weak Electrolyte. And the other solution that resulted the bubble also Light the lamp conclude as Strong Electrolyte 3. Why the electrolyte solution can conduct electric current? Answer : Cause Electrolyte resulted ions negative and positive that can conduct the electricity between two Catode.Because that ions move closer to the all of the Electroda and every ions help to distribute the electricity. 4. Between the electrolyte solution above, which are derived from the solute ion compounds and covalent compounds? Answer : Ion Co 5. Write react of ionization from : a) NaCl Na+ + Cl+

b) NH4OH c) CH3COOH d) HCl e) NaOH f) H2SO4

NH4++ OHH++ CH3COOHH+ + ClNa+ + OH2H+ + SO4-

6.what can be concluded based on the experiment? Answer : Some object that being solution can be derived to be two,that is electrolyte and electrolyte,also there are 3 kind of Solution that can be electrolyte which is Acid,Base,and Salt.Also too there is two kind of electrolyte which is Weak Electrolyte and Strong Electrolyte.We concluded that ion that happen from reaction solution can help to distribute a particle of electric between two electrode,but just some ion from solution that can deliver electric well cause some solution cant deliver electric well because not derived perfectly from solution reaction.Based of all, conclusion is solution is can help to distribute eklectric because ion can deliver an electrics particle.

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