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No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nama Ni Luh Desi Lestari I Nengah Karang Giarta Made Krisna Semara Putra I Putu Nova Riasta A.A. Istri Yuni Hendra Putri

Jurnal Whiteboarding and socratic dialogues : question and answer

Using Different Conceptual Change Methods Embedded Within tge 5 E Model : A Sample teaching for heat and temperature Education reforms in Indonesia in the twenty first century Are learning assistants better k12 science teacher A physics departments role in preparing physics teacher Effect of dynamic learning tutorial The effect of secondary education teachers involvement in an action research program on their students alternative ideas on energy Peer observation as a mechanism to identify promote quality teaching in higher education Scientific habits of mind in virtual world Exemplary Science Teachers use of technology


Ni Luh Putu Purnawati

7. 8. 9. 10.

I Komang Januariyasa Dian Baeby Alifiansyah Ni Putu Irsa Priwitasari Ketut Citra Jayanti

A physics teacher candidate knowledge base 11. Putu Gede Asnawa Dikta Teaching of heat and temperature by hypothical inquiry approach: a sample of inquiry teaching

Supporting Problem Solving PBL 12. 13. Ni Luh Made Aristya Pradnyani Putu Asta Widya Widnyana Can Project-based learning close the gap ? Turkish Student teachers and proenvir onmental behaviours.


Kadek Agus Ariadi

Empirical Evidence of the Effectiveness of Concept Mapping as a Learning Intervention for Nuclear Medicine Technology Students in a Distance Learning Radiation Protection and Biology Course Computer Assisted and Laboratory Assisted Teaching Methods in Physics Teaching: The Effect on Student Physics Achievement and Attitude towards Physics Nature of science and the scientific method Introduction to physics teaching for science and engineering Developing outdoor activities and a website as resources to stimulate learning physics in teacher education The needs ad concerns of physics teacher educator Some methodological issues with draw a scientist test among young children

15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Dewa Putu Yuda Prasetia Komang Ayu Cintya Dewi Ketut Genep Darmayasa I Putu Heri Sanjaya Sang Ayu Yogantari


Aprilia Rosita Dewi Professional knowledge standards for physics teacher education A Proposed model for planning and implementing high school physics instruction Gender differences in physics : a focur motivate

21. 22.

Ni Putu Vitri Ayu Wulandari I Gede Sandita

Educating teacher educator The changing nature of jpteo Why the resistance to inquiry oriented teaching 23. Sagung Ratih Saraswati Antari The new aristotelesnism Helpful themes in physics teacher proparation and prpfessional development The long goodbye

The idenfinite accumulation of finite amounts : a Socratic educative experience Teaching and evaluating open ended problems The effect of alternative solution on problem solving performance Collaborative action research to improve classroom assessment in an introductory physics Ani Dwi Lestari course for teachers Understanding the role of measurements in creating physical quantities : a case study of I Gusti Agung Adi Putra Suryawan learning to quantify temperature in physics teacher education Provoking change in researchers roles : using a community based research approach address research needs in the community Zeny Khoirur Rosydah The application of racial identity development in academic based service learning Why The Resistance to Inquiry-Oriented Science Teaching 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. A.A. Gd. Agung Bayu Putra Siti Nurhayati I Wayan Mindrawan I Wayan Setiawan Ni Luh Yuliasri Sukareni I Gusti Agung Bagus Dananjaya The Levels of Inquiry Model of science teaching Nb. Jika ada yang perlu dikonfirmasi, hubungi KORTI Hooking physics up wth physical education Children learning to explain daily celestial motion : understanding astronomy across moving frames of reference A new model of science teaching Students Perception of effective teaching in Higher Education Six lessons from the physics education reform effort Guiding experiences in physics instruction for undergraduates

24. 25.


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