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Parish Office: 5562 2231 Fax: 5562 2230 E-mail: Parish website: Diocesan website: PARISH STAFF: Fr John Fitzgerald (Parish Priest) Barry Wolff (Business Manager) Leanne McElgunn (Secretary) Brian Shanahan (Gardening/Maintenance) Michael Gray (St Josephs School) Philip Morison (Emmanuel College) 6.30pm (Vigil); 8.30am - 10.30am - 6.00pm Purnim: 11.00am (Eucharist on 2nd and 4th Sundays) (Assembly of Word with Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays)

Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ

Year of Grace
The following are conversation starters around the dinner table, especially with children: Can you find three things to be thankful for today? Why? Talk about one person who has really helped you today. What is the best gift you have ever received and why?
NB: You are invited to stay for a few minutes following Mass to look at the PowerPoint presentation on the Year of Grace. St Vincent de Paul: Blankets and linen are now urgently needed. Please drop them off at the shop (Fairy St) or phone 5562 5274 to arrange pick up. Thankyou Palms Australia: You are invited to join an Encounter journey across Timor-Leste & witness first-hand how communities can work in solidarity to reduce poverty. For more information contact Year of Grace: Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: St Pius X Church at 5.00pm today (Sunday): Feast of Corpus Christi World Youth Day: Rio de Janeiro 23-28 July, 2013. Interested in being a Pilgrim to Brazil! For more information contact Stacey Atkins: Centacare: Information Evening on Changing Families, Monday 18th June at 7.00pm (Emmanuel College). The information session aims to assist parents understand the changing needs of their families. Topics include; separated parenting, effective communication, self care. For further enquiries (5559 300) Ministers of Communion: There are handouts in the sacristy porch for those who were unable to attend the recent Formation Evening. Meetings: Wednesday: Social Justice Group at 7.30pm (Meeting Room) Thursday: Liturgy Committee at 5.30pm (Gathering Space) Absent from Parish: Fr John will be in Ballarat on Tuesday & Wednesday of this week for the Council of Priests Meeting as well as the Celebrations for Fr Kevin Arundell ordained 50 years & Fr Gary Jones ordained 25 years. NB: Fr Brendan Smith who died this week would also have been ordained 50 years this year.

Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:30pm; 1:30pm - 4:00pm SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: WEEK-END LITURGIES:

WEEK-DAY LITURGIES: Wednesday: 10.00am (Assembly of Word with Communion) Thursday: 10.00am (St John of God Chapel: Eucharist) Friday: 10.00am (Eucharist) Friday: 10.30am (Reconciliation) N.B: A funeral normally takes the place of the weekday liturgy

Deaths: Fr Brendan Smith, Helen Hart (Abbotsford) Anniversaries: Phyllis Ryan, Lisa Volders, James McDonough, Jens & Kath Flaherty, James Dooley, Kath Dooley, Mick Scott, Felicity Attrill, Tony Peyton, Lal Jongebloed, Viv Hand, John, Jean, Edward & Kathleen (Katie) Kavanagh, Dan Pye, Sr M Adalbert, Carlene Stephenson, Eileen McElgunn Bereavement Support Group: Tuesday, 19th June at 4.30pm (Gathering Space) Sick Parishioners: Please advise the Parish Office if you wish a sick or aged member of your family to receive Holy Communion at home on a Sunday. Rosters: The new roster for our liturgical ministers is now available to take home. Baptismal Preparation: This Wednesday, 13th June at 7.30pm Praying the Rosary: Mary McDonalds home (116 Rooneys Rd) at 2.00pm Collections: Counters: Presbytery: $1,364.00 Parish: $1,609.50 This week: Team 4: Gerald Shanley (5562 5992) Next week: Team 5: Peter Stacey (5562 1469)

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