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BAIIASA NGGERIS Kertas 2 Nov./Dis. 2 o iam


Dua jam lima belasminit

JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU Arahan 1. 2. 3. 4. Tulis nombor kad pengenalan d a n a n g k a g ilira n yang disediakan. a n d a p a d a ru a n g

Kertas soalqn ini mengandungiempat bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C dan Bahagian D. Jawab semua bahagian dalam kertas soalan ini. Soalan-soalandalam Bahagian A mempunyai empat pilihan jawapan. Jawab setiap soalan dengan menghitamkan ruang yang betul di halaman 20.

Instructions 1. 2. ,. 3. 4. Writeyour I.C. number and index number in the spaceprovided. This questionpaper consists of four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D. Answer all sections in this questionpaper. Questions in Section A have four options. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on page 20.

Kertas soalanini mengandungi20 halamanbercetak dan2 halariiantidak bercetak. [Lihat halaman sebelah
111912 @ 2010 Hak cipta Kerajaan Mataysia SIJLIT



) Section A ll5 marksl lTime suggested:25 minutesl


Suntyre Malaysia aims to raise RM2OOTOO

KUA LA P A H A T:S unty reM a la y s iah a s s e t u p a c a m p a ig n o r a is e t RM200,000 aid floodvictims. to The FloodRecovery Drivewill use partof the fundfromthe saleof tyreson 31 January 2010to buyfoodand clothing to be distributed the victims. to Suntyre alsoofferfinancial will assistance of RM10,000 repairthe to KualaPahatOld FolksHomewhichwas badly damaged the floods. by

Basedon the extract,the flood victims will A B C D receivedonationsof basic items participate in the Flood Recovery Drive obtain some cash to buy food and clothing take shelter at the Kuala Pahat Old Folks Home

I realise that not many concertshave been staged when it comesto classical m u s i c . n yp e o p l e Ma do not appreciate them. I couldn'tagree more but contemporary and pop m usic concerts not do face the same situation.

From the dialogue above, we know that contemporaryand pop music concertsare A B C D costly unique favoured infonhative SULIT


o 2010 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia


Are you interested in toking part in o mcrothon?

Hereis someadvicefor you as you trainfor it. Don't start off with heavy is trainingschedule necessary. A personal onlyafterhavinghad a day of rest. Go exercise. the full distance

Which of the following best shows the sequencein preparing for a marathon? ABCD

Full distance

Full distance


o 2010 Hak cipta Keraiaan Malaysia

[Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT


trtgt2 The Moloysion contingent wos in the running or five gold medols f but, of the end of the doy, it hod only one to show, thonks to L5-year-old sqilor,RufinoTon.The korote teom hod high hopeswhen . the f our competitors mode it to the f inol However,even ou? fovourite, Khomisworon, failed of the f inol hurdle.

is Which of the following statements true? A B C D The four karate exponentswere better than their opponents. Malaysia in sailing. Khamiswaran represented Malaysia won five gold medals. Rufina Tan won her event.

Every Step Counts

D o y ou l i k e jo g g in g ?No w y o u c a n jo g a n d m a k e it of beneficial a charity your choice. to Thanks exercisenet! to and statethe causeyou would Justsign up at its website will liketo helpand exercisenet matchthat with a sponsor for who is willing makedonations your activity. to routines the website on and yoursponsor Log your exercise in covered yourjog. will donate20 sen for everykilometre to Get yourfriends join you.

When you sign up at the exercisenetwebsite, you will be A B C D making a donation supporting a charity meeting other running mates paid 20 sen for every kilometre you jog


@ 2010 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia




Com m o n c o l d s y m p t o m s

Day I
. nose & throat discomfort secretion clear and watery . sneezing

Da y 2
. runny nose

Da y 3
. fever

secretion yellowish-green and thicker (Adapted from Pearl Magazine, Nov.2000)

Based on the information above, which of the followine statementsis true? A B C D There will be less secretion after the first day. Secretion from the nose is thicker on the first day. When a person starts sneezing,he will have a fever. The first symptom is discomfort in the nose and throat.


@ 2010 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

[Lihat halaman sebelah ST]LIT



of and has the strength threemen- but weighs 400 pounds A gorilla gorillasare in serioustrouble Mountain it still needsyour protection. They are also losing they get caughtin trapsset for otheranimals. as you thereis something can do their homesto illegallanduse. However, to hel p. Y ou c an ei th e r a d o p t a g o r illa o r s e n d u s a c h e q u e . patrols will Your contribution be used to expandour anti-poaching programmes. and conservation
From the extract, one way we can help the gorillas is by A B C D providing homes for them setting up the anti-poachingpatrols donating to the conservationprogrammes getting rid of the animal traps set in the jungle

The water that feeds your plant m a y a l s o b r e e d th e Ae d e s mosquito. It takes only 7 days for t h e m o s q u i t oe s to b r e e d . If yo u s p a r e 3 0 m in u te s e ve r y we e k to clear their breeding grounds, it will keep dengue away.

The most suitable heading for the advice above is A B C D Aedes Can Kill Stop the Breeding Check Your Plants Weekly Watering of Plants


@ 2010 Hak cipta Keraiaan Malaysia




Questions 9 - 15 are based on the following passqge. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. Although I was born in Goa, India, I was brought up and educatedhere, in Malaysia. 9 For me, Malaysia is a wonderful country. We are with natural beauty - pristine greenery and an abundanceof flora and fauna. beaches,refreshing Not only is our country beautiful, but the people here are also warm and friendly. 10 Although they are of diverse races,they live peaceand harmony. This outstanding feature of racial harmony is found in only a few countries in the world. 11 In the towns and cities, we first-class facilities ranging from five-star hotels, advancedtransportationsystems,excellent sporting facilities to shopping complexeswhich 12 are well-stocked with products of international standard. We lack here and everything is at an affordable price. 13 No matter where I go, I can't stay away for more than two weeks. homesick, I have to refurn home. As soon as I arrive at the Kuala Lumpur International 14 Airport, I always sigh relief. Home sweethome. As I love Malaysia so much, the idea of settling down in another country has never crossedmy mind. Some of my friends migrated a few years ago to seek greenerpastures. 15 , a few have returned as they found that life there was not as easy as they had thought. I think they must have finally realised that there is no place like home. (Adapted from the New Straits Times,2006)


bless blesses blessed blessing


13 A B C D

Feeling Feels Feel Felt

l0A B C

14 A B C D 15 A B C D

of for with from Therefore Moreover Besides However

in aT

Db v
11 A B C D
l2 A B C D

enjoy enjoys enjoyed enjoyng

something nothing anything . everything
@ 2010 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

[Lihat halaman sebelah ST]LIT


8 Section B


fiO marksl
lTime suggested:25 minutesl

16 Questions - 25 Readthefollowing poster and completethe table opposite.


parkand the premier national Negara Malaysia's is Taman largestprimaryforest in the country.It coversthe statesof It old Terengganu Pahang. is a l35-million-year and Kelantan, paradise floraand fauna. of with a unique collection the nation's will i F i s h i n g n t h u s i asts fin d Su n g a T a h a na n a n g le r ' s e activity can haven.Bird-watching BukitTeresek be an exciting at rafting poses species watch. White-water to with over 350 If Tembeling. you on upstream Sungai of the challenge travelling you love jungle-trekking, have the choiceof doing it during in the day or night.Swimming the crystalclearwater is also You long day of jungle-trekking. can also go an optionafter a whereyou will encounter awesome at cave-exploring GuaTelinga, rock formations and a varietyof life within the cave. indigenous is TamanNegara alsothe homeof Malaysia's peopfe, the Orang Asli,They are shy and gentle peoplewho Toursare still preferto livethe way they havelivedfor centuries. to alsoarranged theirvillages.


@ 2010 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia


lltg/2 16 Questions - 25 Using the information from the poster on TamanNegara, completethe table below.


Kelantan Terengganu Pahang

Water-based activities 18

Other activities



)n P l a ce
' Sungai Tahan


Place . Bukit Teresek 25

lI0 marksl [Lihat halaman sebelah STTLIT



a 20i0 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

Section C 125 marks) lTime suggested: 50 minutesl Questions 26 - 3l are based on the following passage.


Pay It Forward is a book, written by Catherine Ryan Hyde, which was later m a d e i nto a movie of the same n a me . I n t h e mo v ie , a y o u n g b o y , T re v o r, was challengedby his teacherto come up with an idea that could changethe world and to put this idea into action. Trevor decided to do a kind deed for three different people. These people then did the same to others. Each of these three people then did the same good deed for three other people. As a result, Trevor's one good deed led to nine acts of kindness and so the cycle continued. Trevor may just be an imaginary character,but this work of fiction has been put into practice by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, an organisation set up to encouragepeople to carry out good deeds.People all over the world are experiencing 1 0 the pleasureof having kind deedsdone for them and they in turn reciprocate. There are countlessways for people to show acts of kindness. It is not limited to giving money by donating to a needy cause,but we can also take time out to listen to someonewho has a problem and needs a friend. "Somebody paid for my order at a restaurantonce," says Syed Haizir. "It really made my day, so I try to do something 1 5 similar as often as I can," he adds. Au Yeong, a student, also found inspiration from the movie, Pay It Forward. On some days, he buys copies of newspapersand puts a note betweenthe pagessaying, "Enjoy reading ... from someonewho just wants to be kind." Then he gives the newspapersfree to people waiting at the bus-stop 20 or at the train station. A little creativity is very helpful in making others happy. If you come across a humorous comic strip or an inspiring article, cut it out. Pass it on to someonewho might be interestedin reading it. This will put a smile on their face. Put together writing kits with stationery, envelopes,stamps or art supplies and hand them over to patients at a hospital. These items will come in handy to help patients keep in touch with friends 2 S as well as to keep them occupied. You can give studentsinexpensive raincoats which they can keep in their bags. On rainy days, these will really be appreciated:textbooks and uniforms can be kept dry, and colds may be prevented.A small act of kindness goes a long way. There are indeed many ways to show kindness. You may think that being kind will 3 0 cost you a lot of money. Even those with the kindest hearts can be overwhelmedby the idea of doing charity becausethey think it will take up too much of their time. However, you can do good deeds for others with just what you have, and the wonderful thing is that there are a lot of benefits for the people who do these deeds. When people help others, they feel great about what they do. They experience 3 5 a greatersenseof well-being which is critically important as it helps to reduce common problems like stress and depression.These people will be able to cope better with their own worries and problems. Kindness has a way of catching on. Acts of kindness will give rise to more acts of kindness. When more people show kindness to each other, society will undergo 4 0 changes.As each good turn leads to the next, the effect will multiply, thus producing a caring society where people will be more concerned for others. Consequently, this will lead to more positive effects like a lower crime rate and happier crtizens.
lll9l2 @ 20i0 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia




We may start by wanting to do something good, without expecting to get anything in return at all. However, what a thrill it is to be on the receiving end. Somehow, 45 someday,our acts of kindness will certainly come back to us. (Adapted from Weekender,the Star, October 2007) 26 From paragraph I, (a) what is the name of the movie?

r'markl (b ),;;;;*;;;;;";;;;;;;; . ll markl

27 From paragraph2, (o) what is the aim of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation?

ll markl
(b) which word from the paragraph means 'do the same to others'?

28 From paragraph4, (o) what effect car'a comic strip haveon a personreadingit?

ll markl

l1 markl
(b) who does the word them in line 26 refer to? . . . 1 1ma rk l 29 From paragraph 5, give two reasonswhy some people are not prepared to do acts of kindness. R ea so n1 :.............. R ea so n 2:.............. . . lI ma rk l . . lI ma rk l

30 Without using examplesfrom the passage, suggesttwo ways in which you can be kind to others.

f2 marksl


@ 2010 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

[Lihat halaman sebelah ST]LIT




given, write a summary of: 31 Based on the passage . the ways in which people can show acts of kindness,and . the benefits that can be experiencedfrom acts of kindness Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be given not to change the originalmeaning. Your summary must: . be in continuous writing (not in note form) . use materials from lines 13 - 43 o flot be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below Begin your summary as follows: One of the many woys to show kindness is to .. ' I T5 marksl


@ 2010 Hak cipta Keraiaan Malaysia






@ 2010 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

[Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT


14 SectionD 125marksl : lTime suggested 35 minutesf


32 Read the following stanzas o/ There's Been a Death in the Opposite House and answer the questions that follow. I There's been a death in the oppositehouse As lately as today. I know it by the numb look Such houseshave alwaYs.

The neighboursrustle in and out, The doctor drives away. A window openslike a pod, Abrupt, mechanicallY;

out,flings a mattress Somebody The childrenhurry bY; They wonderif It died on that,I usedto when a bov. Emily Dickinson

(o) From stanzaI, how did the persona 'I' know that there was a death in house? the opposite ...1Im ar k l (b) Why do you think the following peoplewere in the house? (i) Theneighbours: ................ (ii) The doctor: "'lI markl """" tl markl

two things you would do to show from the poem, suggest (c) Without using examples your neighbour'shouse. in concernif a deathoccurred (1) (ii) l1 markl lI markl


@ 2010 Hak cipta Keraiaan Malaysia





33 Read the extract from the short story The Drover's Wife below and answer the questions that follow.

Now and then the bushwoman lays down her work and watches and listens and thinks. She has few pleasuresto think of as she sits here alone by the fire, on guard against a snake. All days are much the same to her; but on Sunday afternoons, she dressesherself, tidies the children, smartens-upbaby and goes for a lonely walk along the bush track, pushing an old perambulatorin front of her. She does this every Sunday. She takes as much care to make herself and the children look smart as she would if she were going to "do the block" in the city. There is nothing to see, however, and not a soul to meet. You might walk for twenty miles along this track without being able to fix a point in your mind, unless vou are a bushman.

(a) Why is the Drover's wife sitting alone by the fire?

ll markl
(b) State any two activities she does on Sunday afternoon. One activity: ................ Another activity: ll markl markf

(c) Would you like to live like the Drover's wife? Give one roasonwhy you would like to and one reasonwhy you would not. R ea so n why: .........!..............;.. . . . [ l ma rk ] Reasonwhy not: . . . 1 I ma rk l


@ 2010 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Mataysia

[Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT




34 Thefollowing are the novels studied in the literature componentin English Language. Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return Keris Mas John Steinbeck K. S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. Based on the novel that you have read, write about an important incident that you remember. Give reasonswhy you rememberthe incident.

lI5 marksl


@ 2010 Hak cipta Kerajaan Mataysia






@ 2010 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

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@ 2010 Hak cipta Keraiaan Malaysia





Blacken only one spacefor each question.If you wish to changeyour answer,erase the blackenedmark that you have made. Then blacken the spacefor the new answer.

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ls @

For examiners use Examiner's Code Section

Marks 15 10 25





@ 2010 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia


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