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December 2008 Issue No.

One Hundred Sixty-Two

2008 BLIA Conference Keynote Speech: Bodhisattva and Volunteer (II)

Master Venerable Hsing Yun
(Continue form last issue) poems and songs. Their selfless devotion to volunteering to
1) A Bodhisattva is a volunteer for sentient deliver sentient beings also brought a ray of hope into this
beings, while a volunteer is a bodhisattva for the world, and dispelled its darkness.
world The Buddha’s disciples such as Sariputra,
As said in a sutra, “If you wish to become a dragon or Maudgalyayana and Purna volunteered their wisdom,
elephant[i] of Buddhism, you must first learn to serve sentient supernatural power and eloquence to help the Buddha expound
beings like the horse and ox.” This is a demonstration of a his teachings. Aniruddha was not afraid of the harsh weathers
bodhisattva’s kind heart and compassionate vows. Therefore, a and traveled to places to resolve disputes and arbitrated
so-called bodhisattva is one who is willing to benefit sentient between monastics. Bhiksu Tuo-piao received and attended to
beings and aspires to initiate the bodhicitta that vows to “reach traveling monastics for decades, and attained an illuminating
upwards for buddhahood, and backtrack to deliver sentient finger as a result of his volunteer works.
beings” as a result of becoming awakened to the truths of If one takes a look at the Buddhist texts, one will find
suffering, emptiness and impermanence. Whether monastic or that many Ch’an Masters had vowed to devote all their
lay, noble or poor, anyone who fits the above criteria can be lifetimes to serving sentient beings. For example, Ch’an
called a bodhisattva. On the other hand, once a person has Master Wei-shan Ling-yu vowed to be reborn as a bull so that
vowed to develop the bodhicitta and is willing to he can help people pull their carts; Chao-chou
practice the bodhisattva path, he or she will vowed to be reborn in hell so that he can save
certainly be willing to serve others and be a sentient beings from it. Some also dedicated their
volunteer for all sentient beings. whole life to labor and ascetic practice without
The Four Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism any regret. Ch’an Master Xue-feng served as head
all served sentient beings as volunteers. For of rice cooking under his master Dong-shan;
example, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva traced the Ch’an Master Xiao-cong served as head of lights
sounds of cries, relieved the distressed and let and candles under his master Yun-ju; Ch’an
them become fearless; thus he was the most Master Ji-shan served as head of firewood under
compassionate volunteer of all. Manjusri his master Tou-zi; Ch’an Master Yi-huai served as
Bodhisattva inspired sentient beings’ minds with head of latrine cleaning under his master Cui-
wisdom; thus he was the wisest volunteer of all. feng; Master Dao-yuan served in the kitchen of
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva vowed to “never attain Tian Tong Temple for sixty years, and even laid
Buddhahood until all beings are freed from hell,” out mushrooms underneath the scorching sun to
and “to delay the attainment of enlightenment until all sentient dry them. Such spirits of “wishing only for the liberation of
beings are delivered;” thus he was the volunteer with the sentient beings, not for the comfort and happiness of oneself”
greatest aspiration. Samantabadhra Bodhisattva realized his ten is a perfect demonstration of a volunteering bodhisattva.
vows based on sentient beings, as a cultivation practice for all; Throughout the many generations of Buddhists, many
thus he was the volunteer with the greatest ascetic practice. monastics widely practiced benevolent actions and made
Other than the above, many Buddhist masters also tremendous contributions to social welfare. Be it building
dedicated their lives to the continuance of the Buddha’s bridges and paving roads, planting trees and afforestation,
wisdom and propagation of Dharma. For example, Nagarjuna digging wells, setting up pavilions that served tea, protecting
wrote several sastras and commentaries to propagate and freeing life, providing medical treatment to the poor,
emergency relief aids, building temples and offering shelters,
Mahayana Buddhism; Aryadeva refuted false views and
establishing orphanages and senior’s homes, setting up
revealed the righteous Dharma; Asanga changed his brother
hospitals, giving charity, setting up free schools, or teaching
who like him, transferred from the small vehicle to the greater the proper and true faith, they have done countless good deeds
vehicle; Vasubandhu conquered the heretics with his writings to benefit their community.
in place of a sword; and Asvagosha voiced the truth with his !....Continue to next page"
Buddha’s Light Newsletter
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They had unshakeable belief in its establishment, not only have our members volunteered
the fact that the significance of their services at the temples by helping out in the kitchen,
working lies in broadening answering telephone calls, receiving guests, directing traffic,
one’s horizons, serving people, sweeping and cleaning up, doing paperwork, computer
and even bringing the value of editing, poster design, and publicity and liaising, they have
life to a higher plain. Therefore, also volunteered themselves in social service across different
what else can be better than social strata.
volunteering one’s work and Recently, the kind deeds of the BLIA have been
labor? regularly reported by the media; for example, the “Loving
Not only were bodhisattvas and Mums” who help school children cross the road were much
monastics happy to be appreciated by the parents; the volunteers at hospitals who
volunteers for sentient beings, help patients register themselves have assisted countless
many rulers and kings also did elders; the “Friendship and Love Service Team” went to
the same throughout the course remote areas to provide free medical consultation and spared
of Buddhist history. many families from pressures of having to pay for medical
Magadha’s Asoka III set up medical storages at all treatment; and the Humanistic Buddhist Reading Association
four gates of the city for his people and monastics. Everyday, has spread the fragrance of reading to many families.
he would make offerings of one thousand units of money to Other activities such as tree-planting, the Seven
the construction of stupas and statues, one thousand to senior Admonitions Campaign, Carnival for Special Students, Paper
bhiksus, ten thousand to the monastic community, and ten Recycling Activities, and visits to prisons and drug
thousand for purchasing medical supplies. He also planted rehabilitation centers have all been actively promoted by
trees on the sides of the roads and dug wells to enable BLIA members and volunteers.
travelers a place to recover from the hot weather. As the ruler In particular, the demeanor, manner, speech, sacrifice
of a nation, King Asoka served his people as a volunteer and and contribution demonstrated by BLIA members during their
enabled them a steady and peaceful life, also allowing his volunteer activities have won much recognition. For example,
nation to prosper. members of BLIA, Los Angeles received a special request to
!!! The Father of Japanese Buddhism, Prince Shotoku be the traffic directing volunteers at a United Nations
encouraged his people to have faith in the Triple Gem. In gathering that was held in Los Angeles; many government
Osaka’s Shitennoji constructed by him, he included courts organizations also made requests to BLIA, Chunghwa to
such as the Hiden-in, Kyoden-in, Ryobyo-in, and Seyaku-in recommend female members to help out at their events as
to provide free medical consultation, shelter and relief aids to volunteers.
the poor and needy. In my opinion, regardless of the type and importance
Emperor Liang from the Chinese Southern and of the event, just as long as it is of benefit to the public,
Northern dynasty was a pious Buddhist. Not only did he BLIA has the obligation to volunteer themselves. It is also
study Buddhism intensively and observed the Bodhisattva BLIA members’ mission to be volunteers who act like a
Precepts, he even served at Tong Tai Temple on three separate thread that links all types of good causes and conditions
occasions despite his noble position as an emperor. Thus he together, and offer their part in establishing a Humanistic
was given the title, “a bodhisattva emperor.” From this, we pureland.
can see that just as long as one possesses the bodhisattva
spirit and is willing to serve others, one can be named a In general, to be a volunteer signifies the dedication
bodhisattva king, or even a bodhisattva minister, bodhisattva of one’s life; it is the offering of one’s strength, time and
doctor, or bodhisattva teacher. Volunteer firefighters and goodwill. Therefore, a volunteer is a bodhisattva practitioner
police are also manifestations of the bodhisattva. who integrates both understanding and practice of the
I used to urge that “everyone be a police,” so that Dharma. When confronted with a life of suffering, emptiness
they can help the police to keep order in a society overflowing and impermanence, people normally pray to buddhas and
with chaos and problems. The best way for a nation or society bodhisattvas to bless them in times of hardship and
to improve is for everyone to be a police. A police is like a hopelessness. The truth is, Buddhism’s volunteers are like the
guardian who also shows the bodhisattva spirit. Therefore, thousand-hand-and-thousand-eye bodhisattva who serves on
not only are compassion and initiative required to practice the behalf of the buddhas and bodhisattvas. Therefore, there are
bodhisattva path, one also needs to do so with activeness and surely no words that fully match the praise of a bodhisattva to
bravery. say “a bodhisattva is a volunteer for sentient beings, while a
The BLIA is an organization that strives to realize the volunteer is a bodhisattva for the world.”
bodhisattva path and practice the Buddha’s way. Ever since
Buddha’s Light Newsletter


!" Orlando YAD hosted their annual soup, cookies, brownies, bananas and homemade
Thanksgiving Potluck on Sunday, November 23, pastries. Games were played after dinner.
2008. The purpose of this event was to give Venerable Chueh Fan joined in on a friendly game
thanks for what we have and to spend quality time of Pictionary. There were many laughs throughout
with all members of the Temple. Venerable Chueh the whole night and memories were created. It
Fan and Venerable Chueh Yan also attended the was a successful event which brought YAD,
festivities. Everyone brought delicious vegetarian BLIA members, and other volunteers of the
food which included baked pasta with spinach, temple closer together.
cheesy potato casserole, fried rice, stir-fry, lentil

Buddha’s Light Newsletter
On October 25th, 2008, University of Central Florida
Professor Connie Jordan took her students to visit Guang
Ming Temple. In the main shrine, Venerable Chueh-Fan
introduced the Fo Guang Shan explained its four main
* To propagate Buddhist teachings through cultural
* To foster talent through education
* To benefit society through charitable programs
* To purify human hearts and minds through Buddhist
Professor Jordan and her students had many questions.
They were especially curious about the life of the Buddha,
the different Buddha statues, and the idea of reincarnation. Venerable Chueh-Fan patiently answered each
question for the students and the professor. She also gave each of them a souvenir - a crystal imprint of
Master Hsing-Yun's calligraphy. Since the calligraphy was in Chinese, the students inquired about the
meaning, which Venerable Chueh-Fan explained was "Be Free of Mind and Body" Finally, a volunteer took
the class for a tour around the temple and explained the functions of the Water Tea House, Meditation Hall,
and Memorial Columbarium. At the end of the day, many students expressed an interest in Buddhism and
said they would like to come back to learn more.


To celebrate Thanksgiving this year, Guang Ming
Temple held a special holiday "hot-pot" feast on Thanksgiving
day. Unlike the traditional Thanksgiving feast, there was no
turkey or meat of any kind, just a scrumptious variety of
vegetarian treats including vegetables, mushrooms, noodles
and tofu all cooked together on the table in a boiling pot. Hot-
pot is also known as "Chinese fondue," and it is, as of yet, a
somewhat unknown culinary delight in the United States. This
form of Chinese cooking claims a history of more than 1,000
years dating back to the Tang dynasty. Traditionally, hot-pot
symbolizes peace and gathering, and is only held on special
occasions such as Chinese New Year or a family reunion. In
the spirit of Thanksgiving, Guang Ming Temple invited the
temple volunteers for a special dinner in order to "give thanks"
to them for all of their hard work. The dinner was vegetarian
because we believe that compassion to animals is a key part of
Buddhist practice, and although the Thanksgiving dinner was
without turkey, the warmth of atmosphere did not suffer one
Buddha’s Light Newsletter

Hello, my name is Jeff Steward, and Donald, meditation. Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of the
our tireless editor, asked me to write a guest column Chinese word, and much of what the West knows
for our newsletter. I'd like to write an eight-part about Chan comes from Japan. I find it amusing that
series about one of my favorite topics: the Eight when we talk about "Zen" in English, we are
Schools of Chinese Buddhism and how we can apply emulating a Japanese word that emulates a Chinese
their teachings to our daily lives. In this first word that emulates a Sanskrit word! This is made
installment, I will discuss the Chan school of Chinese even more amusing because one of the core concepts
Buddhism, but first let me briefly discuss the Eight in Chan is that words themselves cannot express true
Schools.The Tang dynasty is often called the golden wisdom. In Chan, one must seek to penetrate
age of Chinese history, and this is certainly true for through the mind of duality - that is, the mind that
Chinese Buddhist history. During the Tang dynasty, discriminates into opposing qualities like night and
Buddhism flourished in China and eight day - and see the truth that is independent of
philosophical schools, each emphasizing a different language, words or thought. To see this truth is the
aspect of the Buddha's teachings, were established. first step to enlightenment.
These schools are all complimentary to one another, As you read this last sentence, you might be
and it is possible to gain insight and wisdom from thinking that if language and words cannot express
each one of them. Fo Guang Shan teaches this truth, what good could this article hope to
Humanistic Buddhism, which was described by achieve? Indeed, talking in a normal way about
Master Hsing Yun, one of the fathers of Humanistic Chan is difficult if not impossible. In fact, I believe
Buddhism, as an "amalgam of all Eight Schools." that the two main approaches to this problem are
That said, most masters recommend that you pick what define the two main sects of Chan: the Línjì (臨
one approach and stick with it. A good metaphor is 済, Japanese: Rinzai) and the Cáodòng (曹洞,
getting a college degree: you choose a major and
focus most heavily on that area, but you also get a Japanese: S!t!) sects. Traditionally, the Linji sect
broad education from many different areas in order to focused on the use of G!ng-àn (公案, Japanese:
expand your horizons. In the same way, it is best to koan) which are short phrases or stories that a
take one approach for your daily practice but learn as practitioner can use to see beyond the ordinary way
much as you can about the different areas as well. of thinking, while the Caodong sect focuses on Zuò
Chan Buddhism is also known as Zen Chán (坐禅, Japanese: zazen), which is "just sitting."
Buddhism. The word "chán," with a rising tone, is a
Chinese word that was chosen to phonetically !....Continue to next page"
# the Sanskrit term "Dhyana" meaning
Buddha’s Light Newsletter
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Some well-known examples of gong-ans used how bright, that is not embraced by the night sky, and
by the Linji sect are "what is the sound of one-hand no thundercloud, no matter how dark, that the sky
clapping?" and "If a tree falls in a forest, does it make does not accept. To be like the sky - without judging
a sound?" Traditionally, these gong-ans are given to and without impeding - is the core practice of
students when their masters think they have reached a Caodong.
certain level. The students are then instructed to take So Chan is about looking beyond the mind of
this question and meditate upon it until they have duality in order to see your own true nature. What
some sort of insight, which the student then brings both Linji and Caodong point to is that your most
back to their master to share. Based on this, the wonderful, bright and clear true nature has in fact
master can gauge the student's level of enlightenment been your ordinary mind all along - that of simply
and, if necessary, give a small push in the right waking up in the morning, eating breakfast, going to
direction. Many of the questions defy a rational work or school, and doing all of the other tasks you do
explanation, and a rational approach based on during the day. Normally when we do these activities
language and dualistic thought often ends up leading we are filled with other thoughts and distractions.
in a circle. This is not to say that rational thought is to When we wake up in the morning, we groan and want
be abandoned - in fact, Gong-ans are designed to to stay in our warm and cozy beds. When we eat
methodically take the practitioner to the limit of breakfast, we are thinking about a show that we saw
rational thought and encourage a sudden on TV last night, or what we will say to our friend
enlightenment into the true nature of reality. This is today, or any of a million other thoughts. Chan is
an ingenious system - through the use of these Gong- about actually doing all these things without doing
ans, the master is able to leverage all of his or her anything else. When you wake up in the morning,
wisdom in order to help the student quickly reach just wake up. When you eat breakfast, just eat
realization. breakfast. Focus on doing whatever it is you are doing
On the other hand, the Caodong sect takes an at the moment and don't let your mind bounce in a
entirely different approach. Its core philosophy is million different directions like a rubber ball in a
"only mind your meditation" or, more simply, "just small room. In this way, you can actually enjoy the
sit." In this approach, one just sits, and when the food you are eating. You can actually feel the
mind wanders, one brings it back to the practice of sleepiness in your body wonderfully drifting away.
sitting. In practice this is much more difficult than it You can actually breathe, just breathe, and experience
sounds, so often a technique of focusing on the how magical this is. This, then, is the core teaching
breathing is used to give the mind something to focus we can take from Chan in our daily lives - just do
on. This seemingly simple approach is actually whatever it is that you are doing. According to Chan,
incredibly expansive. Just as at first glance the sky this itself is enlightenment. What a beautiful take on
seems empty - like nothing, really - in fact the sky life!
actually fills the heavens. There is no star, no matter

Newsletter Sponsor
陳林昭惠 陳錫 梁穎佳 Shang Ming Lu/ Yu Kuan cheng
福軒 廳 林香吟 胡 薇 Ni Hao Inc.
李淑芬 李芳武 葉依仁 Luong Quoc Luu
杜和明 葉精美 Xue Yin Lin
楊鳳玲 邱秀蘭 陳玉治 Piyun T. Lin
碧玉 Elaine Prescott/Troy P Seiler
Tsao Benjamin China Max Tsao Alice Vivian C Stupp
詹寶完 蔡春娥 PiYun T. Lin Wei You Wu/ Xue Yin Lin
陳氏兄弟 黃光維/黃光寧 Raymond J blondi/Tina Y. Fann
Buddha’s Light Newsletter
English Dharma Lecture in Geneva
On November 16th, Chair of Department of Life and
Death Studies of Nanhua University, Venerable Hui Kai held
English lecture "Life and Death in Buddhism" at FGS Geneva
Conference Center. There were translation in French and
Chinese simultaneously. More than seventy Swiss attended.
Venerable Hui Kai participated in XXIII International
Conference on Pastoral Care in the Treatment of Sick Children
from November 13th to 15th in Vatican and invited to lecture in
FGS Geneva Conference Center. Venerable Hui Kai introduced
oriental and western philosophy and religion's view on life and
death, transform in life and analysis of consciousness, karma
and depend origin, reincarnation and reborn, and dying to open the veil of life and death.

Multi-faith Music Concert

On November 8th, Musica Scara, Latin Choir of St. John the
Beloved and Chung Tian Temple jointly held Multifaith Music Concert
at Chung Tian Temple. The activity is planed by chairman of Musica
Scara, Jack H. Y. Ho, and Sylvie Shaw of School of History, Philosophy
Religion and Classics of University of Queensland, with theme of
"Chanting for Peace". Representatives of Catholic, Christian, and
Orthodox Church were invited to participate. It enhance the
understanding of multifaith music through interchange of multifaith
music. Abbess, Venerable Chue Shan hosted purifying ceremony and
prayer to open the activity. Chairman of Musica Scara, Jack H. Y. Ho
made purification with incense burner to introduce Christian ceremony service. Host, Tracey Chin of BLIA
Chungtian introduced the origin of Multifaith Music Concert and chanting of Fo Guang Shan Monastery. Venerable
Chue Shan welcomed the representatives to participate in the music seminar, introducing praising to Buddha, verses,
and mantra with Buddhist chanting. Mr. Ho introduced history of hymn, music score, and intonation with hymn and
prayer. There were a series of religion music and chanting, demonstration ceremony, and light offering. Everyone
learned to sing chanting and hymn of the religions, enhancing interchange, understanding, and spiritual interchange.

Computer Training for the Poor

On November 15th, Computer Training Camp for the Poor held Completion
Ceremony. Twenty four participants and their families participated. To
assist the poor who had no ability to receive good education, Nan Hua
Temple held computer training camp for two months for them to learn a
skill for making a better living. Venerable Yi Chun stated the importance
of computer in recent age. The participants came from diversified
religions. Monastic hope the participants could learn basic of Buddhism
and principal of mutual assistance. Before the end of ceremony, the
participants sincerely showed gratitude to teachers and Nan Hua Temple.
Guang Ming Temple PAID
6555 Hoffner Road PERMIT #3357
Orlando, FL 32822

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