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Listing 7.7?

HDL Description of an ALUVHDL and Verilog VHDL ALU Description --Here we write the code for a package for user-defined --type and function. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL,IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; package codes_Arithm is type op is (add, mul, divide, none); -- type op is for the operation codes for the ALU. The operations we -- need are: addition, multiplication, division, and no operation function TO_UNSIGN (b : integer) return unsigned; end; package body codes_Arithm is function TO_UNSIGN (b : integer) return unsigned is --The function converts integer numbers to unsigned. This function --can be omitted if it is included in a vendors package. The vendors -- package, if available, should be attached. variable temp : integer; variable bin : unsigned (5 downto 0); begin temp := b; for j in 0 to 5 loop if (temp MOD 2 = 1) then bin (j) := '1'; else bin (j) := '0'; end if; temp := temp/2; end loop; return bin; end TO_UNSIGN; end codes_Arithm; --Now we write the code for the ALU library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.codes_arithm.all;

--The above use statement is to make the user--defined package "codes_arithm.all" visible to this module. entity ALU_mixed is port (a, b : in unsigned (2 downto 0); cin : in std_logic; opc : in op; z : out unsigned (5 downto 0)); --opc is of type "op"; type op is defined in the --user-defined package "codes_arithm" end ALU_mixed; architecture ALU_mixed of ALU_mixed is signal c0, c1 : std_logic; signal p, g : unsigned (2 downto 0); signal temp1 : unsigned (5 downto 0); begin --The following is a data flow-description of a 3-bit lookahead --adder. The sum is stored in the three least significant bits of --temp1. The carry out is stored in temp1(3). g(0) <= a(0) and b(0); g(1) <= a(1) and b(1); g(2) <= a(2) and b(2); p(0) <= a(0) or b(0); p(1) <= a(1) or b(1); p(2) <= a(2) or b(2); c0 <= g(0) or (p(0) and cin); c1 <= g(1) or (p(1) and g(0)) or (p(1) and p(0) and cin); temp1(3) <= g(2) or (p(2) and g(1)) or (p(2) and p(1) and g(0)) or (p(2) and p(1) and p(0) and cin); --temp1(3) is the final carryout of the adders temp1(0) <= (p(0) xor g(0)) xor cin; temp1(1) <= (p(1) xor g(1)) xor c0; temp1(2) <= (p(2) xor g(2)) xor c1; temp1 (5 downto 4) <= "00"; process (a, b, cin, opc, temp1) --The following is a behavioral description for the multiplication

--and division functions of the ALU. variable temp : unsigned (5 downto 0); variable a1, a2, a3 : integer; begin a1 := TO_INTEGER (a); a2 := TO_INTEGER (b); --The predefined function "TO_INTEGER" --converts unsigned to integer. --The function is a member of the VHDL package IEEE.numeric. case opc is when mul => a3 := a1 * a2; temp := TO_UNSIGN(a3); --The function "TO_UNSIGN" is a user-defined function --written in the user-defined package "codes_arithm." when divide => a3 := a1 / a2; temp := TO_UNSIGN(a3); when add => temp := temp1; when none => null; end case; z <= temp; end process; end ALU_mixed; Verilog ALU Description module ALU_mixed (a, b, cin, opc, z); parameter add = 0; parameter mul = 1; parameter divide = 2; parameter nop = 3; input [2:0] a, b; input cin; input [1:0] opc; output [5:0] z; reg [5:0] z; wire [5:0] temp1;

wire [2:0] g, p; wire c0, c1; // The following is data-flow description // for 3-bit lookahead adder assign g[0] = a[0] & b[0]; assign g[1] = a[1] & b[1]; assign g[2] = a[2] & b[2]; assign p[0] = a[0] | b[0]; assign p[1] = a[1] | b[1]; assign p[2] = a[2] | b[2]; assign c0 = g[0] | (p[0] & cin); assign c1 = g[1] | (p[1] & g[0]) | (p[1] & p[0] & cin); assign temp1[3] = g[2] | (p[2] & g[1]) | (p[2] & p[1] & g[0]) | (p[2] & p[1] & p[0] & cin); // temp1[3] is the final carryout of the adders assign temp1[0] = (p[0] ^ g[0]) ^ cin; assign temp1[1] = (p[1] ^ g[1]) ^ c0; assign temp1[2] = (p[2] ^ g[2]) ^ c1; assign temp1[5:4] = 2'b00; //The following is behavioral description always @ (a, b, cin, opc, temp1) begin case (opc) mul : z = a * b; add : z = temp1; divide : z = a / b; nop : z = z; endcase end endmodule

Listing 7.9?HDL Code for the State Machine in Figure 7.7 VHDL and Verilog VHDL State Machine Description library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; --First we write a package that includes type tates. s package types is type op is (add, mul, divide, none); type states is (state0, state1, state2, state3); end; -- Now we use the package to write the code for the state machine. library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use work.types.all; entity state_machine is port (A, clk : in std_logic; pres_st : buffer states; Z : out std_logic); end state_machine; architecture st_behavioral of state_machine is begin FM : process (clk, pres_st, A) variable present : states := state0; begin if (clk = '1' and clk'event) then case pres_st is when state0 => if A ='1' then present := state1; Z <= '0'; else present := state0; Z <= '1'; end if; when state1 => if A ='1' then present := state2; Z <= '0'; else

present := state3; Z <= '0'; end if; when state2 => if A ='1' then present := state3; Z <= '1'; else present := state0; Z <= '0'; end if; when state3 => if A ='1' then present := state0; Z <= '0'; else present := state2; Z <= '0'; end if; end case; pres_st <= present; end if; end process FM; end st_behavioral; Verilog State Machine Description `define state0 2'b00 `define state1 2'b01 `define state2 2'b10 `define state3 2'b11 // We could have declared these states as parameters. // See Listing 7.7. module state_machine (A, clk, pres_st, Z); input A, clk; output [1:0] pres_st; output Z; reg Z; reg [1:0] present; reg [1:0] pres_st;

initial begin pres_st = 2'b00; end always @ (posedge clk) begin case (pres_st) `state0 : begin if (A == 1) begin present = `state1; Z = 1'b0; end else begin present = `state0; Z = 1'b1; end end `state1 : begin if (A == 1) begin present = `state2; Z = 1'b0; end else begin present = `state3; Z = 1'b0; end end `state2 : begin if (A == 1) begin present = `state3; Z = 1'b1;

end else begin present = `state0; Z = 1'b0; end end `state3 : begin if (A == 1) begin present = `state0; Z = 1'b0; end else begin present = `state2; Z = 1'b0; end end endcase pres_st = present; end endmodule

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