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Operative Program Regional Development 2007-2013 We invest in your future! The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of Republic of Bulgaria Grant Scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 Support for Effective National Marketing of Tourist Product and Improvement of Information Service, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 /001-5 Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria This multimedia brochure is created within the framework of the project Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008/001-5, which is performed with the financial support of Operative Program Regional Development 2007 2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The entire responsibility for the contents of this multimedia brochure is brought by the beneficiary The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and under no circumstances it can be considered that this multimedia brochure presents the official position of the European Union and the Managing Body.


he Bulgarian language belongs to a group of South Slavic languages. It is very close to the Russian and Serbian languages. Unlike other Slavic languages, Bulgarian, however, doesnt have cases.

In most cases, the pronunciation of the Bulgarian words literally follows the written form, which makes it easier for foreigners, as long as they master the Bulgarian alphabet. In Bulgaria, most people speak at least one foreign language. Most often it is Russian or English. The personnel at the resorts speak various languages. Even if you do not speak Bulgarian, and your collocutor doesnt


speak a foreign language, it is not difficult to understand each other. People in Bulgaria are polite and helpful and if you approach them with a smile, theyll help. A significant difference in the Bulgarian gestures often creates confusion and misunderstanding for some of the foreigners. In Bulgaria, unlike the rest of the world, the turning of the head to the sides is considered a sign of confirmation, and the nodding is a sign of rejection. It is good to keep in mind this peculiarity when communicating with Bulgarians. It would be better for foreign guests of Bulgaria to prepare a phrasebook in advance and learn some of the most frequently used phrases. 3

WHEN MEETING SOMEONE Hello Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good bye Good night Thank you You are welcome Here you are Pleased to meet you Excuse me I am sorry How are you What is your name My name is... ON THE STREET How can I go to...? Where is... situated? 4 ...? ...?
[kak da stig-na do] ...? [k-de se na-mi-ra] ...?


[zdra-vej-te] [do-bro ut-ro] [do-br den] [do-br ve-cher] [do-vizh-da-ne] [le-ka nosht] [bla-go-da-rya] [mo-lya] [za-po-vya-daj-te] [pri-yat-no mi e] [iz-vi-ne-te] [s-zha-lya-vam] [kak ste] [kak se kaz-va-te] [kaz-vam se] ...


Where can I catch a bus from? Where can I find a taxi? East West North South Left Right Ahead Backwards IN THE STORE How much does... cost? Can I try...? ...? ...? Where is the change room? ? Can I pay: In cash? : ?
[kol-ko stru-va]...? [mo-zhe li da probvam]...? [k-de e prob-na-ta]? [mo-zhe li da pla-tya]: [v broj]?

? ?

[ot-k-de da hva-na av-to-bus]? [k-de da na-me-rya tak-si]? [iz-tok] [za-pad] [se-ver] [yug] [na-lya-vo] [na-dyas-no] [na-pra-vo] [na-zad]

With I credit card? Write a check? INSTITUTIONS Hospital Embassy Consulate Ministry Tourist Information Center Accommodation Office Customs Police Department Museum Library Post Office Public Toilet 6

? ?

[s kre-dit-na kar-ta]? [s chek]?

[bol-ni-tsa] [po-sol-stvo] [kon-sul-stvo] [mi-nis-ter-stvo] [tu-ris-ti-ches-ki in-for-ma-tsi-o-nen tsen-tr] [kvar-tir-no byu-ro] [mit-ni-tsa] [po-li-tsej-sko up-rav-le-nie] [mu-zej] [bib-li-o-te-ka] [posh-ta] [ob-shtest-ve-na to-a-let-na]


Supermarket Market Place Bank ATM ACCOMMODATION Hotel Apartment Hotel Hostel Motel Lodging Apartment Camping HEALTHCARE Emergency Physician Dentist Drugstore ... hurts ...
[br-za po-mosht] [le-kr] [z-bo-le-kr] [ap-te-ka] [bo-li me]...

[su-per-mar-ket] [pa-zar] [ban-ka] [ban-ko-mat]

[ho-tel] [a-part-ho-tel] [hos-tel] [mo-tel] [kvar-ti-ra] [a-part-a-ment] [km-ping]

I am allergic to... Medicine High temperature Stomach disorder Headache Toothache Sun protection cream Analgesic FOODS Bread Milk Yogurt Tomatoes Cucumbers Peppers 8


[a-ler-gi-chen sm km]... [le-kar-stvo] [vi-so-ka tem-pe-ra-tu-ra] [sto-mash-no raz-stroj-stvo] [gla-vo-bo-lie] [z-bo-bol] [sln-tse-za-shti-ten krem] [o-bez-bo-lya-va-shto]

[hlyab] [pryas-no mlya-ko] [ki-se-lo mlya-ko] [do-ma-ti] [kras-ta-vi-tsi] [chush-ki]


White cheese Cheese Juice Soft drinks Chocolate Sugar Coffee Salt Tea ENTERTAINMENT AND CATERING ESTABLISHMENTS Restaurants Cafeteria Confectionary Club Disco Snack bar Would you bring me the menu? ?
[res-to-rant] [ka-fe-ne] [slad-kar-ni-tsa] [klub] [dis-ko-te-ka] [bis-tro] [bih-te li mi do-nes-li me-nyu-to]?

[si-re-ne] [kash-ka-val] [sok] [ga-zi-ra-ni na-pit-ki] [sho-ko-lad] [za-har] [ka-fe] [sol] [chaj]

Operative Program Regional Development 2007-2013 We invest in your future! The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of Republic of Bulgaria Grant Scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 Support for Effective National Marketing of Tourist Product and Improvement of Information Service, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 /001-5 Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria This multimedia brochure is created within the framework of the project Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008/001-5, which is performed with the financial support of Operative Program Regional Development 2007 2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The entire responsibility for the contents of this multimedia brochure is brought by the beneficiary The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and under no circumstances it can be considered that this multimedia brochure presents the official position of the European Union and the Managing Body.

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